The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 12, 1906, Image 2

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htjnfinFj wij. mJtPJBwisaf''
American Government Fears Out
break of Chinese Fury.
Throe Regiments At Manila Ready to
Sail Boycott Expands Into
i Hatred of Americans.
Washington, Jan. 0. Tho govern,
incut will not niltnlt thnt It la worried
over tho situation In China, lint it Is
known that conditions there nro caus
ing grave concern. It Is reported thnt
three regiments nt Manila havo been
ordered hold In readiness to proceed to
China at once. Kvcry preparation Is
being made to protect American life
nnd property in tho eniplro.
Grave reporta of unrest havo come
from consuls. Private adlcea receive!
nro not so conservative as tho ofllcial
ones. Thoy express the fear that an
uprising worso than tho Roxor revolu
tion will break out beforo many months.
Tho boycott Inflamed Chlneeo animosi
ty against the Americans, wnen trio
Chinese realised their power, It Is said,
tho step from commercial to personal
hatrod was but a short ono.
The situation is represented by high
authority Is much graver than has been
intimated by tho State department.
Houso Takes Up Consideration of
Philippine Tariff" Dill.
Washington, Jan. 4. Tho cause of
tho Filipino was advanced on tho floor
of tho houso by the Itepubllcan leador,
Payne, (or Hourly our hours today.
Ho represented the views of the major'
Ity of tho ways and means commlttse
on tho Philippine tariff reducing tho
duties on sugar and tobacco to "5 tier
cent of tho Dlngley tariff rates and d-
mlttlug other products of tho islands
to the United Htates ireo of duty, Ho
foro and following Mr. Payno's speech
brief discussions Indicated that there is
to bo a protracted debato on tho mean
uro, and that tho Itepubllcan opponents
representing tho cano and beet sugar
Interests of this country will speak
and voto ngainst tho bill.
J L i-JJJLL-l- 'L
imii lumnji
Clark, of Missouri, Occupies House
Floor for Three Hours.
Washington, Jan. 6. "Champ Clark
Democracy" was expounded to tho de
light and entertainment of tho houso
for thrco hours today by Clark, of Mis
souri, and constituted tho feature of
tho debato on tho Phlllpplno tariff bill.
Clark's speech took a wido range and
ho labeled his political beliefs as above,
in answer to a question as to what
kind of a Democrat ho really was. Ho
talked of tho Philippines and favored
tho pending bill; ho discussed the gen
eral tariff question and In particular
tho Gorman tariff situation. Ho re
viewed William J. Hryan'a record on
silver and paid his respects in charac
teristic oratory to Itepubllcan leaders.
He ascribed future greatness to what
ho tormed the "stand pat" disciples
and declared that one of these, Secre
tary 8haw, whoso rocord as secretary of
tho Treasury Included, ho said, classi
fying frogs' legs as poultry and ponies
as "household articles" for tho collec
tion of reTcnuo was a logical Republi
can presidential possibility, unless tho
mantle should fall on "tho gray and
grluled speaker, Undo Joe Cannon."
Fordnoy, of Michigan, opposed tho
measure. Ho expressed tils disgust
that tho bill was made to roprseut a
movement under the nanieofreciproe
ity." He reviewed exhaustively the
sugar beet industry and argued earn
estly for its protection against compe
tition with the Philippines. Fordney
cioncluded at 6 o'clock, when tho houso
adjourned until tomorrow.
In the Senate.
Washington, Jan. 4. After waiting
for almost a year, R. M. La Folletto
appeared in the senate when it recon
vened today, after tho holiday recces, to
claim Ilia seat as senator from Wiscon
sin, and tho oath of olllco was admin
istered to him by Vice President Fair
banks. Tho ceremony was witnessed
by a crowded gallery, which manifest
ed much Interest In tho proceedings.
After La Folletto had signed the
oath which he had taken, ho was again
joined by Spoouer and escorted to tho
seat assigned him among those Repub
licans who have scuts on tho Demo
cratic aide of thejehambcr.
Assignments of La Folletto and
Gcarln to committees was made as fol
lows: La Folletto Potomac river front,
chairman; census, civil service, claims,
Immigration, Indian affairs andjpen
sions. Gearin Claims, pensions, forts nnd
fortifications, Industliial exposition,
national banks and District of Colum
bia. Simmons resigned from tho last-
named committee to make room for the
Oregon senator.
The senato discussed at some length
a proposition to reprint a magcxlno ar
ticle by Rowlands, entitled "A Demo
crat in tho Philippines," and also a
resolution for tho regulation of senato
patronage. Doth were adopted. A
resolution calling for information con
cerning tho status of affairs in Santo
iromingo was presented by unman,
who made an unsuccessful effort to se
cure immediate consideration of it.
Galliuger had expected to open tho
debato upon tho merchant marine
shipping hill today, but, when tho bill
was laid beforo the senate, ho asked to
bo excused from talking until next
Monday, when the bill will bo formally
taken up as the uuflnished business.
After a brief executive session, tho
senato adjourned until Monday.
Values Raise When Short Lino Pur
chases Ton-Acre Terminals.
Ontario Tho boom In Ontario real
estate, on account of tho announce
ments and predictions in rallornd cir
cles In tho past few months, is hero.
iuo cnmax camo wmi iiiu announce
ment of purchase by tho Oregon Short
Lino ct terminal grounds hero ten acres
in extent.
Thoro is only ono meaning for such
a purchase, In tho opinion of almost
everyone who hears of it, and that Is
thnt Ontario is now irrevocably decided
on as tho junction point of tho proposed
enst and west line across Oregon with
tho Oregon Short Lino and tho Ilarri
man transcontinental system.
Tho result of tho announcement of
tho purchase was electrifying. Heal
estate prices at once went soaring. In
some instances, it is stated, laud has
doubled in value In a few days, and
thero seems to bo no let up in the ail
vancoasyot. High as tho prices nro,
compared with those ol a few months
ago, tliere Is still plenty of demand.
Now men aro arriving on every train.
Kucli seems to have some money, and
each is apparently anxious to get it in
vested as speedily as possible.
Secretary of State Will Ask Legisla
ture to Provide Penalty.
8alem The summary of the tax val
uation of Clackamas county lust receiv
ed at the olllco ot tho secretary of state,
shows a total valuation of $11,(108,045
for the year 11)09, as against 10,304 ,000
lor trie year 11)04.
All the counties except Iatne, Mal
heur, Grant and Curry have tiled their
reports with the secretary ot atato tor
this year. According ,tn the law all
the reports of tho several counties
should have lieeu filed not later than
November 1, but as thero is no penalty
for falling to comply with the law, the
secretary cannot compel tho county
courts or Wo county clerks to send In
their reports until tiiey get ready.
It is the intention to ask tho next
legislature to provide a penalty to bo
assessed against the counties for neglect
in this regard.
Report of Qamo Warden Oaker Gives
Some Interesting Statistics.
Salem Game Warden J. W. linker's
annual report shows that 17,000 of tiie
inhabitants of Oregon aro hunters, not
taking into consideration the farmers
who hunt over their own lauds, and
aro, therefore, not required to pay the
yearly tax of (1.
Fees received amounted to $17,421,
some of which came from nonresident
hunters, who paid $10 for the privilege
of killing wild game In tho state;
$100.40 was collected as flues for hunt
ing without a license.
Tho game wnrdoii expended $7,202,25,
leaving a balance of $10,325.16. This
will bo available at onco for deputies as
soon as necessary. From the general
appropriation fund, tho wardon receiv
ed $1,(102.78 for salary and traveling
expenses and $2,41)11.88 was used fot
salaries and expenses of deputy war
dens, making a total expenditure for
the year of $11,4111.01 for tho protec
tion and propagation of game.
Violations of the law have1 been less
frequent this year than for some time,
but Justices of tho penco are not Inclin
ed to Impose severe penalties.
hlglity-lour persons were convicted
and tlned for violation of the game
laws, the lines averaging $10.
Chinese Students Threaten to Return
En Masse From Japan.
Pekin, Jan. 0. The Chinese stu
dents in Japan, who number 8,000,
have struck against trie attempts of the
government to subject them o otlicial
supervision. They nro threatening to
return to China as a body. If this
threat should be rarried out, it would
prove a disturbing element here, as
the sympathies of the majority of the
students are anti-foreign and autl
dynastic. A notable movement has recently
begun hero In the establishment of
ectiools tor the education of women,
under tho direction ot several princess
es, with Japanese ladles as volunteer
teachers. All tiie schools are crowded
with girjs from leading families. Four
teen Mongolian princesses have arrived
at Pekin for the purposes of seeking
instruction in the European languages.
Eastern Roads to Submit.
Washington, Jan. 6. Through a
committee representing the traflfllc
managers ot tho Kastern trunk lines,
which came hero yesterday, assurance
has been given tho Interstate Com
merce commission that the roads have
indicated a desire to comply with tho
law iu respect to the granting of re
bates and other special privileges, ho!
lowing a conference of the tratllc man
agers with the commission, some da) s
ago, this committee has been at work
securing pledges to this end, and the
announcement is Just made.
No Retaliatory Measures.
Washington, Jan, 0, -A motion was
taken by tho house leaders today which
will assure no effort at retaliation by
congress upon the railroads for refus
ing railroad passes to members. Fol
lowing a public Interview by General
Urosveuur, ot Ohio, yesterday, advo
cating retaliation, Speaker Cannon,
Chairman Overstreet, of the -committee
ou postotlkf a and postroads, and other
leaders held a conference hit uight, at
which the agreement was reached.
Would Have Smashed Rojectvensky If
Togo Had Lost.
.St. Petersburg, Jan. 5. The remark-
ablo allegation that the llrltish fleet
was held in readiness to destroy the
Russian fleet, if the battle of the Sea of
Japan had gone in the Russians' favor,
Is made by Admiral Rojcstveuaky in a
letter published in tho Novoe Vremya
today with the permission of tho min
ister ot marine.
Referring to the absolute secrecy of
Admiral Togo in regard to the disposl
tion of his forces, Rojestveusky de
clared that "this was unknown even to
the admiral of the Ilritish fleet allied
with the Japanese, who concentrated
his forces at Wei Hal Wei. in expecta
tion ot receiving an order to annihilate
the Russian fleet, if this, the final ob
ject of Great Britain, was beyond the
power ot the Japanese."
From Admiral Rojestvcnsky'a ac
count ot his tactics in tho battle ol the
Sea of Japan, the reader is almost
convinced that the Russian commander
outmauouvereu .uiuirai logo at everv
point, arid was himself tha real victor.
He delares he knew Admiral Togo's
exact wherealiouta two daj s beforo the
bittle. made his disposition according
ly and entered tho tight with his eyes
Mr. Sprinir-Rice. the Ilritish oharire
d'affairs, without waiting for instruc
tions from his government, demanded
an explanation from Foreign Minister
Lamsdorff this atternoon ot the state
ments contained In the admiral's letter
to the Novoe Vremya.
Prison Cost 512,000,
Salem Secretary Gatcns, of tho
Stato Prison board, has completed his
report, showing the amount expended
during the year for improvements at
the penitentiary as $ll' 185 82. Of
this $0,003 12 came from tho "revolv
ing fund" and $5,622.70 from tho gen
eral maintenance fund. What Is term
od the "revolving fund" is made up of
tho annual rental of tho foundry $2,400.
This amount is used to keep the found
ry and machine shops In repair. The
foundry and machine shops were entire
ly remodeled during the summor.
Paint Factory for Sslem.
Salem At a special meeting of the
Greater balern Commercial club, I). H.
Wyatt, who owns a paint mine near
Walker, presented a proposition to es
tablish a paint factory In Salem. Mr.
Wyatt claims to own a mine from
which first class paint material can bo
botained. After the proposition had
been heard a committee was appointed
as follows, to investigate the matter:
II. 8. Gile, Professor Staley, Gideon
Stolx and J. J. Graham.
Corporations Must Pav Fee.
Salem Attorney General CrawforJ,
in resonee to a query from Secretary
Dunbar, holds that all corporations
must pay the annual llccnro fee from
and after the datu of filing their incor
poration papers with the secretary of
atato. A number of corporations have
not organised for tho transaction of
business after filing their articles, and
they claim exemption from the annual
license fro until such time as they shall
organise for business.
That Woman May Vote.
Salem Governor Chamberlain
Issued a proclamation notifying
legal voters ot this stato that an initia
tive petition has been filed in the olllco
ot the secretary ot state proposing an
equal stiff rairo amendment to the con
stitution. Tho proclamation recites
thnt the petition contains IM'04 sluna-
turcs, properly certified, ami that this
number being sutllclent, tho proponed
amendment will lie submitted to a vote
of tho people at the general election on
Juno 4, 1000.
Irrigation Promises Much.
Kcho Tho announcement that the
government would complete the Irriga
tion system here ban stimulated busi
ness. Work is being rushed on tho big
Furnish ditch, which is to bo taken
over ty the government when coiupM-
ed. Over 100 men aro now employed
and nearly ns many teams. Ttiert. aro
now 10 now buildings under construc
tion, but progress is retarded by the In
ability of the two lumber companies to
furnish material a fat as needed.
Snow a Doon to Wallowa County.
Wallowa Thrro has been a decided
fall in temperature since early in De
cerning, but snow has fallen tosufllclent
depth to make sleighing very agreeable.
Nearly all the farmers and runny others
are making good use ot the sleighing
privelego. The Jos-ph-F.lgln Stage
company, is now carrying passengers
and mall on bobsleds. Much better
time is made now than by using their
coaches. While the road remains fror
en and no chinook occurs, sleighing
will bo the easiest mrans to bring in
freight from outside points.
Rsbols Say Moscow llavolt Showod
Weakness of Government,
Chicago, Jnn. :i, Tho Dally News'
Hi, Petersburg correspondent rwyst
Revolutionary leaders disclaim tho
Initiative In tho Moscow Insurrection.
One of thorn, M. Ollllaruft, who has
Just icttirnod Irom that city, reports
to tho St. Petershmg committee that
General Doubasoft carried out the mas
sacres upon plans agreed upon by
Count Wltto nnd Minister Duruuvo, of
tho Interior department. Discovering
thnt the additions to their pay of 20
or 30 kopecks monthly had nut satis
fied the troops, and that mutinies
were continuing, tho government de
cided that military on interior duty
should receive twelve-told wages, and
that tho police should bo given special
rewards. Hlmiiltauemisly tho govern
ors and their subordinates were empow
ered to declare martial law at any time
on their uwu responsibility. Thus the
whole empire was put In a state ot
This encouraged the police nnd sol
diers to provoke riots by attacking
peaceful meetings and bombarding the
buildings. Drunken dragoons butch
ered everybody, then tho people joined
tho revolutionaries and built barri
cades, and tho massacre went on,
The chief of tho revolutionaries, M,
Sokoloft, said:
The Moscow demonstration disclosed
the weakness of the government. Dur
ing an entire week cavalry, artillery,
H)llco, reactionary volunteers, generals,
admirals and statesmen failed to over
come a badly armed force uf 21,000
workmen, while the people remained
neutral. Wo shall Im-uIii again In some
place llko Odessa or Kir ft, where there
are fewer troops and more workmen,
and where tho xoplo sympathise with
us. In tho lighting at the Nevsky
works the other day the loiirs ot the
soldiers were greater than ours. The
fact that the garrisons at Krasnoyarsk
lus Joints! tho revolution shows that
the liar's forces aro decreasing, while
ours are growing
St. rotcrsijiirij Roils Decide to
Form New Orpilzatloii,
A National Oongross or Workmtn It
Planned-Red Sunday Will tin
Day of Mourning.
St. Petersburg, Jan, 4. The uo.
era! meeting of the Workmen's round) I
ami ot representatives of thoproletarlii'
organisations, which was held scroti
the Finnish border, lasted for ilOlnmri
adjourning only an hour ago. TV
practical result of the meeting wait
confession that tho government hM
proved too strong In Its fight agaitsi
tho strikers and the proletariat orguv
Ixatlons, mid that It would be new. I
sary to organise ou a new basis tit I
armed revolution, to which the liti
gates to the meeting were eoininlttej '
A new Council ot Workmen, tvt-l
slstlni; of 1M) mrmlM'r, elecui i
Similar councils will be organ IrWi
everywhere, following which a geiiPrtfj
CoiigreM will bo elected, and all eliul
urate plan ol battle against the goi.j
eminent formulated.
Just prior to the adjournment of tU!
meeting n resolution was passed III
turn the anniversary of January jjj
(Red Sunday) into a day of ruouriilni.
For this puriMMie an r.ppral willUi
made to tho Socialist workmen's nrgta-l
Isatlons, IhiIIi In Knropo and the t nit- a
ed Htates, to maliifral their ympts;
with tho Russian revolutionaries tjj
Homing demonstrations ou ilou-lij.
Weston Farmsrs Sell Wheat.
Weston Tho following lots of wheat
were recently sold to buyers represent
ing the Pacific Coast Klevator company
and the KorrGiffurd company: G.
DeGraw, 7,732 bushels: Rent Winn.
4,000 bushels; Robert Jamleson, 1,600
bushels; Iley Winn. 1.730 bushels:
O. M. Richmond, 6.316 huslils: G.
W. Hrggs, 4,805 bushels: L. T. Me.
llrlde. 4.123 bushels. Comtxtitlvo bid.
ding forced up tho price from 00 cents
to 02,V cents a bushel.
Big Three Insurance Companlas
Make Cleveland Referee.
New York, Jan. 3. An agreement
to abolish reballnu on premiums has
lieen entered Into by the New York
Life Insurance company, the Kqultahlo
Life Assurance society and the Mutual
Life Insurance comtwnv. Announce
ment was made today that (Inner
Cleveland tins been In en apt,Kjntid
referee to decide all question in dis
pute that may arWu In such matters
and that his salary will he $12,000 per
annum, to bo paid Jointly by tho three
companies. Mr. Cleveland has ac
cepted with the understanding that
the olllcers of tho thrco companies are
to second his efforts to stop rebating.
A similar appointment was held by the
late i nomas II. Heed.
Any agent who gives rebates will be
dismissed from tho service and will nut
!m ro-ein ployed by any of the rum.
panics. It Is tho desire of tho com
panies to secure the ro o, oration of all
other life Insurance companies to this
agreement. It was said today that, If
rebating can bo entirely abolished, the
first year premiums ran be reduced.
Wedding Day Announced.
Washington, Jau. 0. The president
and Mra. Roosevelt a.itoind toiHht
that the wedding ot Miss Alice Roose
velt to Representative Nicholas Long
worth, of Cinciuuati, February 17, at
13 o'clock uoou, in the Kast room of
tha white house.
Great Printing Trust In East.
Cincinnati, Jau. 6. The United
States Printing company, capital $3,
370,300, one ot the largest concerns of
its kind in the country, will be leased
to the United States Printing company,
of New Jersey, if the stockholders on
February! ratify the action ot th di
rectors announced today. The com
pany has plants in Urooklvn. Mont-
cialr, N. J, . Norwood and Cincinnati.
The total output is estimated to be
nearly $2,600,000 annually. Tho new
holding company will take over all the
plants of the company.
Philippine 1 arid" Up.
Washington, Jan 4. Roth branches
of congress will convene at noon todav
after a holdiay recess ot two wtka.
The leaders ot the house have decided
that the Philippine tariff bill shall I
first considered. It will be renorted
without any rule to limit debate, and
amendments may bo offered ad libitum.
It had been the intention to start with
tho statehood bill, but Mr. Hamilton.
chairman ot the committee, is not
quito ready to report that measure.
Must Keep Roads Open.
Weston Unless people residing on
the line ot a rural postofllce delivery
system keep the roads leading to their
places In passable condition they are
likely to lose their service. The con
dition ot the mountain roads out of
Weston has at times been so had that
it was difficult for Carrier H. F. Bomer
ville to make his trips, and a report of
the matter to the authorities at Wash
ington has brought that ultimatum to
Postmaster Baker at this place.
Giant Spruce Log Cut
Astoria One of the largest and fin
est trees ever cut fn tho Lower Colum
bia river district was placed in the
water a few days ago by the Gray's
Hay Logging company. It was a spruce
measuring luo mciies In diameter at
the butt and 00 inches at the first limb,
108 feet up. Tho tree was cut into
fivo logs, which contained 30,021 leet
of perfectly clear lumber.
Monster Vegetables From Coos.
Coquille The fertility ot Coos conn-
ty soil is proved by a turuin nnd radish
on exhibition in this city. The radish
came from the garden of J. II. James 20c; geese, live.
Strikes Bankrupt Big Iron Works.
Paris, Jan. 5. The correspondent of
the Journal at St. Petersburg sends an
interview with an ofllcial ot the Puti
lot! Iron works, who declares that the
establishment will bo closed from Jan
uary 13, owing to tho Impossibility of
carryiug ou tho worka alter the losses
caused by the strikes.
and weighed 101, pounds. Tho turnip
camo irom j-ai Mt and was grown by
nauea ronuieton. it tipped the
scales at 10 pounds. Neither of the
monsters had any mora than the ordi
nary cultivation.
Diphtheria at Weston.
Weston Diphtheria has made ita
appearance in Weston. James Kilhrore
and a boy in his family are attacked,
and Mr. Killgore's condition is renort.
AjS a a aiAbfMBA A M& f a. u- . ..It 1.
1v ioiwui, a unci quarantine naa
bea established by tho city council.
Wheat Club, 72c; bluestorn, 73J,'cj
red, Otic; valley, 73c per bushel.
Oats No. 1 white feed, $27;
$20.60 per ton.
uariey reed, $2823.50 per ton;
brewing, ?:i:i.o0; rolled, $23.60
24 60.
Rye $1.60 percental.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy,
$13 6014.60 per ton; valley timothy,
$010; clover. $00: cheat. IB.BOra
0.60; grain ha), $8u.
Fruits Apples, 76cQ$ 1.60 per box;
pears, $1.26Q1.60 per box.
Vegetables Ikans,wax,10(!12Uc tier
pound, cabbage, lQ2c per joundj
cauliflower, $1.26 per doxen; celery,
$3 50 per crate; encumbers, 60fi0c
per doxen; peppers, Cc per pound;
pumpkins, Ji3Ic per pound; sprouts,
7c per pound: touash. 1 t.aiu.,. ,.,., ,.i.
turnips, OOcQsl per sack, carrota, 06
tsoc per ssck; ueete, B5cQ$l per sack.
Onions Oregon, No. 1, $1QJ.26 per
sack; No. 2, 76Q00c.
I'otatoes Fancy graded Jlurbanks,
65076c per sack; ordinary, 60Q00c per
sack; Merced aweeta, 2c jer pound,
Uutter Fancy creamery, 27a30c
per pound.
Kggs Oregon ranch, 30c per doren.
Poultry Average old liens, 12(3 13c
per pound; young roosters, 10c; springs.
12I2Wc; broilers. 12Gsl3oS ,JL
chickens, 12Q12J,'c; turkeys, live. 17
QI8c; turkeys, dressed, choice, lflffl
DQlOc; ducks, 10c.
Stevens Willi Advise Canal Commis
sion Bring Labor From Spain.
Washington, Jan. 2. The Isthmian
Canal commission hold a short srsalon
today. Chief Knglneer Stevens, who
camo tn Vtariiiriutou tn nrmeiit Mi
views to the couiiulmlon on thn li
of canal that should ho roniliunliJ
was requested to submit any project
which he may havo for the excavation,
removal and final disposition of the
excavated material to I mi taken out of
Culehra cut In a canal with a summit
ot 85 feet alwvu low tide, and alo to
Inform the commission whether or not
he has worked out or has a nrolwt fr
a snji iuvci waterway.
The commission authorised the
chairman to appoint a committee to
review, appraise, condemn or iIIsimiso
of material left on tho Isthmus by the
old French company, which must ne
cessarily bo removed.
Tho experiment tiroiwMnl Inr ... ..!.,. .
!alor from tho north ot Spain was approved.
May Ue Irrigated, Exclude!
Wagon Rosd Land.
Washington, Jan. 4. Thn Kettaau.
tion service has not abandoned ho
mulcting part or thn Malhstir Irrlgatx
project In Kastern Oregon. I'ptolii
recommendation (lie secretary ; U
Interior has withdrawn from rMrr
alMiut 20,(130 acres ou the rppri Mi.
hour river, as follows Townslnp!!
south, range 3(1 eait, sections 27. Jti
and 34, township 23 south, range 34
east, sections 2, 3, II, 12, 13, 14, JJ.
5.1 ! 'Jrt -7 MR "lit Ii. I
- - ", ' , ", ", ,ww rimy c
.- souin, range 37 rati, .ttloi JJj
and 31; township 23 south, rangr N
rant, sections 1, 2, 11, 12. 13, 3I.J
township 2.1 south, range 37 east, m
lions o, u, 7, H, 1H, U.
This withdrawal dors not Include tUi
lands embraced in thn wsKonrosli
urant. and It Is immhIIiIii iimIm-i
li devised which will rnsble thn gor-'J
ernmrni to trr.gsto consldrrabln vacant
public laud without waiting for waw.'j
road landowners to come to time. Thli
move Is being made at the rcuiirat ti
the Oregon sonalors, who have twits j
conferred with the Reclamation servk
In the Iioiki of having somelbliiu dost !
. . . . . . i
on mo .tiaineiir project,
Decision on Irrigation Law,
Washington, Jan, 3. In an opinion
by Justice Hrewer, tho Supremo court
of the United States today alllrmed the
derision of the Supremo court of Ari-
in in mo case ot Howard vs, Perrln,
nvolvlng tho right to use seepage water
for Irrigation. A statute giving the
r ght to appropriate for purees of r.
r gallon water "from any convenient
river, creek or stream ,f running
--.... film l.u llKIH fl tuiK wo
co.iect in it miss water percolating
through the soil and draw It oft In
pipes or aqulas for irrigation purposes.
Reprimand for Young.
Washington. Jan. 3 H,-r..iru n...
aparle lias acted upon tho proceedings
w .. ...imur i.ucicii s omijr, of tho lion-
iv""i who was tried on
Gives Rush Orders for Large Num
ber of Cars.
llerlln, Jan. 4. Thn railway admia-1
dilation placed orders lat w,rk far
20,000 frolght ears, at a cost of W,-
uuu.uui), with manufacturers ol tu
countries, stlHilstlug delivery br tlis
mlddlnof February. Reside utilmsf
trio car works ot Mcrmany, the con
tracts were distributed amntii rnattra
in lielglum, Holland, Swltsorlaiil and
Italy, which would not have been dm
unless Mino rossou fur haste exists
Inquiries made regarding the rr.t"o
for urgnney resulted in obtaining lbs
statement that the ordering of the an
was a precautionary measure, the
orai staii uesiring to lc ready t l or
troops If necessary by tho first of
March, Tills Is only a proju-r rnrsiurs
oi prudence, it was arlilmod, In vies
of the exttmslve military arrangetiifriU
going on in France, which, anion
oilier dispositions, Include the iiH-vr-
ment toward tho German frontier of
six reglmsnts of artillery, or I HO gum.
itopa uregon, 1005, choice, 10Q
lie; prime, 8)(300; medlumJQBc:
olda. 5Q7c.
Wool Eastern Oregon, average best.
16Q21CS valley, 24Q20o; mohair
choice, 30c per pound.
ueei messed bulls. Ira 9,
pound; cows, 3Q4c; country
4Q4,Wc. '
Vsl Dressed, 8Q8c per pouud.
Mutton Dressed, fancy, UQOk'o per
ponnd; ordinary, 4Q6c; lambs, 7Q
Pork Dressed, 0a7c per pound.
c jmr
rria iiiuu
..,,, 1 ... .. . . " iMrw
.....,, w,w, ,,, ,,, cpio,!,,,, 0
Vessel at Hnn lit...,n i..
pi . , -" " uiuiiior.
Tho court found f!, ....i... v....
lltyofa ,llirl oI , j; ((; K
Urging negligence of duty' and
enced him to revive a letter of ropr.
Earthquakes In Auairi.
quako shocks wero felt at about 8:30
thia morning at Agrnm, Ollll, Uihcl,
Marburg and Grata. Rulldlng Skii
Millions May Starve.
Victoria, R. O., Jan. 4. Thn famlns 1
In North Japan Ii eatislnu thousands to
starve, according to advices recrirrJ
today by tho steamer Kmprrssof Japan
A government report says Mirsgl. Fa-
ktishlma and lwstn nrovinces. with
population of 2,821,676, are confront
ing the worst famine ainco the drsdly
ono of 00 years auo. Alreadv t lioui-
aiids In these three provinces are f-
duccd to shrub roots and bark of Ire
to sustain life, and 1 ,000,000 peopl
aro In extreme condition Tho inlicrf
arising U Indescribable.
Snow Blocks Northern Lines.
St. Paul, Jan. 4. A heavy mo"
storm prevailed hero today and toiitu'"
continues with unabated force. Drift
three feet In depth havo blocked ion j
01 trie street car line and on otner
trafilo la maintained with trreat dlnV
culty, Tho temperature, however, I
comparatively mild, Specials from
K)lnlH In Minnesota and Wisconsin HT.
thu storm la the moat aovoro In fm
yesra. At Red Wing, Minn., "w
tali of 18 Inches la reported.
America Guards Asalnst Plagua
Victoria, II. 0 Jan. 4. America
Qliarantlno nlllenra at Yokohama hT I
notified steamship companies U'J'
that no persons who nrrivo In Yoko
hama vlu Osaka, or vicinity will ba,
lowed to proceed to America unlw
they remain in Yokohama a week
their health It certified to.