jjyj J THE BEND BULLETIN. ' --- - . voi,. Ill BEND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 190&. NO. 43 , Ea.wwji? ; PROFE88IONAL CARD8 C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Bund, - Oregon. U. C. COE, M. D. ,, OI'lMCIt OVItK HANK I'liysiclnn and Surgeon Titl.KrilONic no. 21 IMtNl) OKIlciON I.Mai. mtAtn iHHKinr A Nil MM.ll, fAkUt AMI cur MurmiTV. J. L. AlcCULLOCI -Ij Abstracter nml llxnml'ner nf Titles, l,H! ami Tiifi I,x)liril AAfT I'ltl fat Nvii-Kfelitrnli. iHiNitvir.r.K, .... ohiiooH IKITAKV J'UKUC INKWKANUi A. H. GRANT A (nil fur Liverpool, London A Globe, mid Lancashire l-lrc InKiirnncc Compnnlcs. ItliNI), ORIK10N II. I IIKIKNAI- l, I), ClUa H HllWOItaM.D. Coii nly riiy.Man, Drs. Belknap & Edwards, PHYSICIANS AND SURGL'ONS. PRINHVIU.U - - 0RIU10N. UMceat kf of WlniifV'i Drug Kleie. Crook County Realty Co Real Ustale Bought and Sold. l.lfo and Accident INSURANCE. nrriCH IK ki'LturiM aciuumi hkhh.oxbom TRIPLET!' BROS. Barber Shop & Baths Best of nccommodntlous nml work promptly done WAI.I. ST. IIIINI), OKHGON PRINEVI LLE Hj-v y r 1 .c. A. MclXiwMi. U 1 C L4 1-iujkI.Ioc Tnl iii nml Rooms always clean nml well supplicd-Rates reasonable J'KINUVIUJC OKHGON Free land in Oregon, 1'H.Wt Ikr "Carry trriiatltm Art ' lml lltrti fim talc WKlTK OK CAM. TO tlAV Mooklela im mail fir II K Cook & lu . IJI AbkMlleel I'uttUinl Or The Deschutes Telephone Company Telegrams IWwnrdcd to itny part of the World. Direct Telephone Communication PORTLAND, PRINEVILLK uml nil Pacific Const cities Public PAY Station HANK IJUILDINd Bend - Oregon TIIU DliSCIIUTIiS TELEPHONE CO. eo YCAno EXPERIENCE Trade Markb DraiDNi rlAanmnura Aft f Anton tandlnf a aioleh and daorlitlori mar uleklr iuculii enr o.lnluii frea wliallier ait n.iilloii I. ptobablr MlaoUhU, Coiiirounlra. toMtinollfWilflOaiillaLliANfiBOOKoiij'alwW it rrea. iMi aiiaiicr fcr aacuilna; palanU. I'.unii Uian irimuth ilium A Oh rtealTf tyttUtnetUi, without, eliaraa. In tin SCKtiiific iiittencam a h.nii.Am.l. Illutlralad waatlr. I. '....( i. ruliilnii uf anr tlnli00 Journal, T Inurmonlbt, L Boltl brail nawailaalara. r lamina Inurnal. T.rinl. II a ijjnijra raari four monlb,L Holtl brail naoadaalara. HUNN&Co8'B'd"'NewYgrk IWucb GkoXm r Bt, Wttblogivu. U.C. Tltnlicr Uml, Act June i. l;. NOTIOB FOR PUBLICATION. 0. H. I.atul Ollicc, The tinllca, Oregon, NiormWrr 17. IV")' Notice It lirteliy given that In compllaiice with the liruvltloua ofllie Art if Coiigrraa of June , it;8, entitle.!, "An art fur the aale of UmlwtliiiiiU In llieatalca of California, Oregon. Nevada, au.t Waalilngton Territory," a eilcnileil to alt Die public land antra by Act of AugiuH, I;', Hellim H, Hialuliour, of Ilrml.co.liity of Crook, altte of Oregon, )ia Villa ilay fllcd In tills oillce tier aworn atalcnitnl Ju. 7JS, fur the imrcliaie of the aejf of ace 19, li . 18a, r lie, w in. Ainl will oiler proof to allow that the land ouulil la nmtc valuable fur lit Umber or atone than fur agricultural uurpoaet, ami to ealatilUh her claim to nalil lam! before J. M. I.awrcnc U. rl. CommUiloiier, at lilt olnce In llcnj, ore. kou.on thejthUyofl'ebruary,ifo, Hhe ninira wltncatcat John UIom. Joaenh N. Jluutrr, John Htelill ami Charlca A. ripaiiiliour. Hllofllcuit, Oregon. Any and all peraont claiming adyeraely the BbovcHlracrlbed laudi nre requeued to Ate their liltlnia In thla office ou br Ixfore the aaldjtli ilayofj'ebmary, ij4. ii-U UlCHAiaT. KOLA.M.Ilnlstcr. GRAIN 8b GRASS -: SEEDS :- Fancy Alfalfa Seed, Dry Land Alfalfa Seed, Winter Oats, Extra Fancy Imported Shadeland Won der Oats, Fancy Clover Seed, Kentucky Blue Grass Seed and Vetch Seed. FARM Implements Largo and Complete Stock of Plows, Har rows, Wagons, Harness and Builders' Hardware. Bend Mercantile Co BEND, TIMBER LAND WANTED I linvc completed nrrnugements wlicrcby I can linmlle n number of good timber claims, in the Des chutes timber belt, nt once. Title must be perfect. I have stecinl inquiry just now for laud in Tps. si, 33, 33 nud 34 S., R. I! K., nnd if parties owning laud there will communicate with me, it may result to the advantage of all concerned. J. N. HUNTER, General Cruiser and Land Locator BEND, ORXGON. xQ. Bccauso we are selling the same and better quality at a closer margin, is a very good reason why you will find our store the best place to buy anything in the line of Groceries, Drygoods, Furnish ings, Shoes, Hardware, Sash and Doors, Paints and Oils The PINE TREE STORE n. A. SATHIJU, PROPRIETOR Dr. B. F. BUTLER DENTIST Will be in Bend January 12, 1906. Best Printing at 1h. BAKER. Barb Wire In Carload Lots "Waukeganita" Gal vanized Wire, best on the Coast, will not rust. OREGON. 1 Bulletin Office. NEW COUNCIL MEETS Committees Named and Organization Effected. ATTEA1PT TO CLOSE THE LID Ordinances Introduced That Prohibit Gambling and Openlnz of (Just ness Mouses on Sunday. The first business of special in terest transacted by the new city council of Dend was the introduc tion of two ordinances by Council man John Ovcrturf, one aimed at the gambling evil, the other looking to the closing of all business houses on Sunday, except such as drug stores, eating houses, etc. The new council met last Wednesday evening immediately after the dissolution of the oltl council, which had assembled on that evening to close any unfinished business connected with the past year. This consisted in the grant ing of a few bills and some other routine business. O'Kanc intro duced a resolution extending (he thanks cf the couucilmeu to Mayor Goodwillie for his services and assistance during the year. A standing vote was taken and the resolution adopted unanimously. The meeting then adjourned and the outgoing council dissolved by the expiration of its term of office. Under the new regime, Council man Ovrrturf introduced the ordi nances above referred to. These will k voted on nt the next regular meeting of the council in February. The question of reducing the marshal's salary was also intro duccd and discussed freely. Some of the council favored abolishing the office nltogether, others that the salary should Ik reduced, while a few favored the choice of some one who would accept the office at a smaller salary. This matter was referred to a future meeting. No action was taken in the matter of filling the vacancy in the rccordcrship caused by the resig nation of J. M. Lawrence, It is generally understood that P. L. Tompkins, II. C. Ellis and H. J. Ovcrturf are candidates for this of fice and the council desired to learn more fully the desires of the citizen before acting in this matter. J. Frank Stroud was appointed re corder pro tempore. Aside from n few routine mat ters no other business was trans acted The appointment of com mittees by Mayor Goodwillie was as follows: l'ollce, I' ire anil Liquor Stroud (ch), Satheraml ChMncll. Streets. Public Ways and Sewers West (ch), Ovcrturf anil Stroud. Ways and aicaus Uvcrturf (,cli), Stroud ami Caldwell. llcaUli-Satlicr(ch), Wcat and Trip lets Cemetery d Public Properties Cnlilwcll fell), Triplctt and Saltier. Rules, Order of limitless and Elec tions Triplctt (ch), West and Ovcrturf. MARRIED IN BEND. A Yountr Couplo of Sisters Joined In Wedlock Last Tuosdav. Married, nt the I'ilot Butte Inn parlors, on Tuesday afternoon, Mr. ICdwiu Grnhnm nud Miss Clara Fos ter, both of Sisters, the Rev. Dr. Coons of Bend officiating. A party consisting of the Misses Ledn nud Lorn Graham and Ella Foster and Messrs, F. W. Zumwalt und Perry South, accompanied by the prospective bride nud groom, drove up to the Pilot Butte I1111 at noon Tuesday. It soon developed thnt n wedding had been planned nud the services of n minister de sired. Rev. Coons was reached over the 'phone nud informed of the plans, nud nt 3:15 o'clock the knot was securely tied by him. The bride is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Foster; 'who live nenr Sisters. The groom ISithc son of Mr. nnd Mrs.' 'E.i A.Grtiham, who nlso live in tliuvteiitity'of Sis ters. He has th limdhtnenr' l that, place, nnd .it$ul! UlbiUrJUtfc will be girt houaelreeltffKiithtfre :lt outie; Aften-.totfWehlSify 't1W ' forty .started tit 0'Jcs.sn-iU.oIr return trip linmh. WOOhMEN ENTERTAIN. CfoVu," v Ut4!L ReWplicffl Mon&tfliivehlni.' by Mod 1 fcrn iWob(Jinfi.a Pleasant Affair. Oiteftof tlic'iost pleasing social f.i,tttt n Hi,. iu vpnr ivhq Mi r. ception'gfrarlast Monday evening ,v..w v.. ..... ...... .-. ,..w .... .w- in the B, M. hall to the uew mem- bcrs of the Bend camp of the Mod em Woodmen of America. After the new members had been initiated, the Woodmen, the Royal Neighbors and a few invited friends listened td the prdgrnm that had been brcpared for the occasion. First T. W. JSlmraermann sang a stirring bais solo, "When the Winds O'er the Sea Blow a Gale." This was followed with a reading by Mrs. H. C. Ellis, who responded to an encdre. A male quartette composed of Hatty Esping, Floyd Lobdcll, F. Milo tbbdcll and Earl Wright sang a pleasing medley and likewise responded I'd an encore, The feature of the evening's pro gram was a chalk talk by F. Milo Lobdell. For 30 minutes or more Mr. Lobdell amused his audience by the deft use of the crayon pencil and sketched many amusing and unique cartoons. At the close oi the program the ladies took charge and served light refreshments of coffee, sandwiches and cake. The seats were then cleared away and an hour's dancintr closed a very pleasant evening. The new members initiated were: T. W. Zimmcrmann, Ralph Shel don, H. J. Ovcrturf, Dr. U. C. Coe, and Michael J. Morrison. Modern Woodmen Elect Officers. The following officers were in stalled in I'ilot Butte Camp N0.9794 Modern Woodmen of America last Tuesday night: Venerable consul X. V. Smith. Worthy advisor David Ilciting. Kxccllent banker If. I. Ovcrturf. Clerk N. I Welder, liscort T. W. Zimmerman. Watchman Charles Cottor. Sentry Robert Bowser. Chief forester M. J. Morrison. I A. L. Goodwillie. Managers J J. M. Lawrence. Ralph Sheldon. 1M, ...t,-!..,. I Dr. U. C Coe. lh,stcians-Dr . xv. s, Nchol. CATHOLICS WILL BUILD. Active Stops Being Taken for Building a Church In Bend. Plans looking to the erection of a Catholic church in Bend arc pro gressing nicely and it is hoped to have such a building here within a few months. The Rev. Fr. Hick cy arrived in Bend last Friday even ing and remained until Tuesday morning, holding church services and ministering to the wants of bis congregation. To a Bulletin re porter Fr. Hickcy said that prelim inary work for a church building was being done and that within six weeks or two months he hoped to be able to make definite announce ment concerning the erection of a church home for the Catholics of Bend and vicinity. Fr. Hickey has made a close study of the Bend country and has unbounded faith in its ultimate de velopment. The father enjoys very friendly relations with Tohu Hem rich, who is at the head of The Dalles-Dufur road, and has bad many discussions with him regard ing the extension of this Hue. While Fr. Hickey did not feel warranted in making a definite statement, he voiced the belief that Bend would certainly nave a railroad willun a year. Whether the "reason for the, faith that is within htm" rests ou information obtained from Hemrich! is n matter for speculation. The father is very much inter ested in a magazine he is now pub lishing, which devotes much atten tion to the resources and natural advantages of this western country, especially Central Oregon. The publication has n large circulation iu the East, and is tb,e means of bringing many inquiries from East ern people another evidence that the attention of the whole country is focused ou Central Oregon. Fire In Surveyors Camp. A fire in one of the tents at the surveyors' camp destroyed nearly everything in' the tent last Tuesday afternoon. It' is supposed one ol the boys left n candle "burning on a box upon which were matches ahd other combustible stuff; "The can dle burned down to 'this nnd the fire resulted. 'The snloke was no ticed before the teut caught fire. The tent was pulled down nud jerked from over the fire, thus saving it from damage. One cot nnd all the bedding were burned, another cot badly scorched, a table nnd every thing ou it; niiU a'1 large number of photographs belonging to one of the boys were destroyed, ". . W t Irrigated Land I lntve tt'lew choice tracts from 40 to 1C0 acres each that can be bought at a bar- gain, V, ....... L. Tompkins, Bank 43tf Building. EXAMINING A ROUTE Wv P. Nelson of the Great Southern at Madras. pleased With the countrV Sy That Within Five Years .Central Oreto'rl Will Do Crossed b Three Railroad Systems, Madras, Jan 4. W. F. Nelson of Seattle, vice president of the Great Southerh railroad, arrived lit Madras yesterday, says the Pioneer, and is making an examination of this country as to its magnitude and producing abilities. Like all railroad officials, Mr. Nelson Is very retlclent in regard to how far the Great Southern will . tend sbutb, of Duftir He says, however, that cbtistruction work will again commence iu the early spring, but that the extent of exten sion will depctid OU whether th? railrodd officials feel that tliey cau hold the traffic they secure by this extension against competing railr roads which will eventually build into this tcrrltoryj tbougb he inr timatcd strongly thai the Great Southerh will extend info the Agency Plains country. His sur veying party will be In Madras within a week, and from the con versation had with Nelson yester day the location which the party is now making will, in all probability, be the place upon which tics and rails will be laid within a year. Mr. Nelson says that within five years there will probably be three rail road systems traversing this Cen tral Oregon country, and any road coming in now will have to feel its footing well in order to guard against losing its commercial prom inence in the future. Notwithstanding the uncommun icativeness of Mr. Nelson concern ing the probab'e extent of exten sion of the Great Southern, there can be but little doubt that this road will extend to the south so that it will be connected with some transcontinental system. This is the only solution by which such a road can hop to command a lucra tive traffic aud maintain its com mercial vitality. Mr. Nelson was delurhted with this inland country and is of the opinion it will eventually become one of the most populous portions of the state. Another Railroad Across Orcgoni "I intend to extend the Denver, Northwestern & Pacific to Portland, Oregon. I want to get up in that section for the timber as well as for an outlet on the Pacific Ocean." This was the announcement made by David H. Moffat, the veteran railroad builder, on Saturday last. It means that another railroad is heading for tlteBend-cduntry. Moffat Is a very aggressive rail road builder and when he is fullv determined to build a road no ob stacles seem able to defeat him. His roads tare built on as directly straight lints as possible and he tunnels- mountains and bridges' chasms where other builders would stop-in despair. He needs a line to the Pacific coast to prevent being bottled upat Salt Lake. Take" a map and trace a line from Salt 'Lake to Portland. It will be seen that Bend lies directly between the two points. Whether this road strikes Bend-or uot,.jt.is important to this region in that connection with it will give direct communica tion by rail with the extensivtveom nierce that is being built up. during the past few years at Glilf of Mex ico ports. NVhat'tho Surveyors 'Ard Do'fng! Chief Graham of the Eastern Oregon survbying'crew, took a trip south albng thff l(votiituuday to look up a loc&tibnHo which to move camp. HeAveM as-Jar as Rosland and returned Tuesday. The camp will be' moved to VP. Vandevert's rauch at Lava. ' They expect to be in Bend about three, weeks longer. Thursday the first load of freight was moved. The crew is new about six miles south of town and a mile east of the Silver Lake road. They are running tU4ifie almost due south, but will veere to the west somewhat in order to run west of the lava bed. The survey may run across a portion of the bed. This will necessitate the crossinc of the Deschutes river in the vlclu- ity of Benham Falls; and will brlrrg the Hue onto the1' level couutry of The Meadows on in easy grade t 9