The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 05, 1906, Image 8

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niirwai'i n...
tl JlgS
Delinquent Tax List
Cwtt nr Cawe.
74otlceltNftby given that mrsnattt to tux
rtecutmn (taunt owl of the comity court of the
State of Otegon tor the Covtnty of Crook, on the
salh itv t (KtoKr, lyos ami to me directed,
commanding me tu collect nil of the' laxea
elnvrcrd agaWl tlie mtrtaWltUnqurtit tux pay
er who arc delinquent on the aaacatmcnl roll
Air tht year 1904, 1 will on Thursday, the ;lh day
ofVelttuary, inr,at the north door ol the rutin
Snnae In the city of Priiicrllle. t aotd County ol
BrwV, oUfcr lor sate at tmhltc auction ami will
rtll all the rcatcatxte of the delinquent tax pis
rtt for the aaM year tH. lo the bidder who will
oiler to pv the amount of the taxra charged, to.
netlter with the penalties, tntcrcsta ami cotta,
and take a certificate theteroral the lowettmtc
ul Inltteat not exceeding ten cr ctut per
' The name of the owner when known, the vie
actlptionofthc lands a tn be. sold, amt the
amomit of tha taxes, penalties and Interest are
as Asttonoi
V t. Alllngham, lot I awt of ne Vf of eU
of ursi.aml.HC ot awtf ec 4 tp II
oath range it ea.t. Tax ...... $ 7 09
Penalty and iourcn........ ......
Totals.. ..... .,.
K Allingham, HX I. , J, 4. net of ef
ec ti aintlot s aec ij tp it south range
n eaat, T'..... .......
Penalty and Interest.... ....
Total '. ...
Albert AMrn,sc!ef arc jotp t( afenth
range 11 ent.' Tax:. ... ........
Penalty and Interest -...
Total........! .! :. ..
Hardy Allen, H ofae and atf,' aec
tip 11 south range fl et. Tav....
Penally smi InlfteM.... ....
C U Ama. Hwji( sec 1 1 tp U south range" t4
eot. Tax ..... ...... .,
f natty ami interest ....... .,
Minnie Anderaon, 4 of aetf see :t and H
of netf acctttp 1 aouth range to eat.
TV.. .
Penalty and Intcreat .
J W Archibald, uUof awX and nwjf si" ae
1 41
" 7.1
70 41
9 V
1 n
H tl
t lo
.. t le
"v Jipu nona, range 1 j eaat. tx
Ivnjtj and intfrrat ........ ..
HI A'hflne. neC aerjltp a aouth range
ueatt. Tax . M r
IVnaKy and latere) . 1 1,
Tetal ii t
Ainwwu Townaaie ce, alt tat unioM In
Athwood auvt additians Jtareh lit, 1904
7- .-;-r
iTiwiiTwiu imrrrft4. 14 74
Total I . ssij
WFReat. awV aeciitpU awith range 1
et. Tax i lav
Penalty and lottrrt K
Tot,4t... . Uv
J L lta. nK.of.neV and ntV of nwtf re
Jlpitooth raujrc ieatt andawiae
K VCtp.jouU,rang ij eU. Tax Mjt
PruaUjrad Vikereii. . 411
Toui -i..... .: .. ,u . j. ti
QW IWunc, MIIP rrineVflle, tot and j.
UocS. aad Org TAwn Aihwood.lot.
and I. Mt 6. th. ....... u&
lrnaUy and (aterrat 4 .
XFttafnea.MII r rtinernie, tot sTbtock
. Tax . . 6
rrnaltr aad tnUrrat . t u
tuiJ - - jti
S t rtaraea. eS,eV. fi J and nS
4,ipitrnr Tax,- -
l-rnaliraod in
Rr Baxter. neV. Vcy. U Ua r Hie. Tax
Tnally and interne. .
ToUl MUcck. 1nwSawj,iKCH.
tp it . r e. Tat .
Penally and lntereln
C F VS- "V'K'W IP- U uth, rang
. Tax- ms
rrnxliT and WE-k. 1
Total - .w. . ,'.... 11 a.
Hlk-rglad.awVKrtjt7aoatii range tl
r&xl Tik
raatty and InTeTeii
W J Btrtat, atii 1JR ? aouth range "14
. 19 Jo
PiaoHy and iatrfnt"
. .. . . .. .. .............. ii
Irunir Ktk. wVvroVt."niV of . e
X 'ftit aec i& tp H,iyfilti range eart
alao a parrel oflaad in, Prlaeraie com
mmringatapoml.arttrut of the
aw corner ol'Uotfc i. Neasn't add,
reusing thence n 444 h-et. thence e o
ftet. terser a las teet. thence w o fcet
toBtaceoflifgiBag.aUa a parrel of
land in mnertUe coramercing at a
point ip iee e vd; m (ret n pf the aw
corner Mock Ironomt add. na
nlncUrnorea;rl)tenccn l feet
Oecewaoiteet thener a iju feet to
pUer beginning. Tax. if
rrnattT and iatemt. t it
Total. - . 111,
CJ rTrding. )iofV "awJaK nwt- ace
ji tp it aouth rangeiii caat Tax 1041
1-rnjkfty and intend j s
Total -w - '- M v
SJra M U Brock. 1 acre of land In neV netf
pnjrftiijMHanpuna. iu. 1 u
kiuiit km latere- . ..j,
Total , ... ...
J X Brock, acsZVrc Ijtp l aeath range 11
t-At Tax,.-. .. . ... ,...nmm
Penalty and tntrreV '. ... ..
Tatnl . ;
JltfKk. nwjj aecutp rtaoath range 11
e. Tax, ... , . . . . .
lynaMy and inteeot
fvtal . ... ..
FK Hmt. nSnTaek ee"lt"tV aiotn
range II . ttw!4-ornwj tc Hip h
WMlklaagrllca andrwofwy aec
tp u aoath rangr 11 east. Tax" , .... 11 u
rrnaljy and internt , . ,,. , h
Tntak ,1 I,,,, vw. ... j
BarniikFanCBaU.u'ofawVaec 14' and
nofnwV. aey otnnV.Seii nw
Ii arc 96, aa U tp 19 aouth range iT eaat
Tav , ,.,... .- .., 11 fa
t-rnahy and latereat. . . " Is y,
Total JT , ZT. n
CCKrewn. iHof nw.ncV ofawV. nwW
aK aectjtjliartB,raugeKelt.Tax la y
rrnltyaml iaterot ..
Tbtal. , , ... I &
M iready. nJaofnwK.aesTSfnw'tf. neTof
iKctpi4MxitrangTt9rajtTax 10
lYnaltyandlntnraU ... , 1M
Total .. . . fc,
JCCxatriU.ehofrHacc u lp u Kwth
range 1$ taU. Tax . )( a
IVnalty and internt- . jk
Total. . . ,; 2
ltWOiHn.Hrfnwi. luTBd1i'4
ipu aorna range 11 raat and ata f nrU
and H of ae)i KtMlpu aouth range
'" .., j-..-- .Mil
renikj- and intcreat-..
. M.lf Uri. H . .- --
A &
." it',cow"tl lot 1H
arhandaeorncKacciatp ij aouth
rang 9, eaai. Tax . ...,. ... u
Peruke and tatcrcat- ,,.. " 2
Total . .. , .... . .. Ijj
Otc H Ofcriatnjon. ato? nw j;. ntVof... v.
nKfK aeci7tpMwtta range 11
eaX. Tax . .-,...., ..., H so
Peaahy and intrrcat.... -.. , j Va
Total . .... 6s
A Claik. K'i arc it lp tt vwrth range II
t. Tax- .. 11 v
Penalty and intcreat - j m
Total. ... ,. , uu
Mr K M CDne. New lum'a add to rMucriMc
leUti. II bluck 9. Tax . it a
Penalty and !alcrei... a tA
CACMar. akaccjitp 11 aanUTlraage
-xt ana uxa 1. . j, 4. aec 1 tp ii aonth
range i;eaatas4aw el nV, aa),' of
ae aec 4 tp 15 auU range IJ eaaCTax ti U
PeoaMy and intcreat- ... - t j?
Total ji
VMCXMittoUtandj.aHorni;aeca lp
... oula lauge n raat. Tax 14 ar
Penalty and latetrat -. . . . j .
Total.. . . . i (J
8 W Conptou. atcond add ta tTtaeeitiei '
lot 1 iduck i Tax .. 11
Penalty and latereat -. . . j
Total Ij g
KM Conger. nvH ofawJf.aH of nwV aer 11
tp it aootti rartre tm eaat. Tax .ou
Penalty and intcreat - j M
Total. -. - u to
J PCoogtctou.arSfarc J tp 19 aouth range
ioraat. Tax -.. aa ja
Penalty and latereat. - 1 i
Total u U,
Skerman Conzleton. uK of nw. aeof n w
X- nwof ncU. aec at tp ij aooia
range lo eaat. Tax. .. yi
Penalty and iatemt . j aa
ToUl. . - - It 60
11 PCoogtcton, negate Jllp uaoulh range
mcaat. Tax .
IJ 60
Faulty and intcreat
t J Cottaolly, w.S of ne. cK afnwV aec 5
tp 14 aoutH range ij eaat and aM of nttf
an4 rii of nwjfaec 1 tp 14 wuta range
-Mtaa. Tax
Penalty aad intcreat .
Total . 11 -.
Mr It tl CorneU. a parrel of land in Prior.
ville coramrncinx at n point loo feet
aouth from aw corner of Uock JMHI'
runnisg thence eaat t6J feet, thence
aouth 1 14 feet, thence weat io feet.
t A4
I 06
thence aorta 114 net to puce or Begin.
UlttaT TkJ. . -
rVnahvand intereat
.., 44 i
. asj-jl
rw4 . . a
ICurtittt & King, aeo 4 lp J aouth
range tj eat amt hch at K tp I? aoutn
range t eait. Tax i 04
fenalty and luttreat 4 M
Total , J l
VJ fl,Cowle, lola 4 and s aec lot 1. ntt of
nm arc 9 and lota I, . j. 4 ltd J arc jo
lp v aouth range tj et ami aw J of lie
H.nwKPfMM.'ot' i" ,l ! 9
aouth range Ij ftt, uV of aw J(, wt
ofnwt,t K.y, wJiofawf arcjt, ;H 01
awli.iiwu ofnwv, new of new
ace ji, i of nH . i, wli ofeS
e H ofaeM vrc i. nwt of eKne
. iidnU. nwu ofnwU arc 10. U of r
I . uwij ofK. w4 of uV- eH of nw
4aeci tp 11 aouin range umm ami aw
I4 ofiuru arc J, e,4 of w cc 4 tp It
wuthtauge I4et. nwVof liwtf arc 1
tp liavHUh range 14 ent. Vf t nn?(
nwV of tiwSf rc Jiat. I iie4 oruef e
,i, n)i of ueH tv '1 lo aouth range
l.ieAtt. n IC -H ofaeU uwlfof
Vj,wi oincS-1 ' ol uwtjaeC9lp la
aouth range ijvit wH of wf, mV
ofsnlj.untt of l,.M of litjf, aeM
of itw actf J tp i oulh tnnge l eat,
M ol ixy. iiHof wt, eX of wi(.
nU ofnwUarc W. wtf of awlf cc J
tptavmth range 1.1 rati amlcH of nil
4 lp inaoulh tHge t.t MM, Tax ... i ,t
"enany ami tmerri ... t 11
Total . . n 4
.Mil M 1, train, t w hw4, ma ,1 ami 4
ac 4 tp 15 aouth raugi 17 eM. Tax
feealtv and Uilie
'J 8
Total . .. .
A CrUnrlt. rS o(tr rc U. nK of nwlf
aec.u tptaaonth range 14 vaat. Tax...
tvaatty and tntere-d
M Cvuran.awij efneti mc w tp vtdh
raMgeiTra! Tax ........ ......
Penalty and iHletv! ...
Central vieagvn UrtiMV . AgrteuMwra!
Awvialhm. K of wV. K at wf
arc in li ( raar iitX. Tax
ltaMltyand tntcrtM .... ...
Total ....
Andtvw tmhl, iw we 1) lp m a4h rangv
Ljeat. Tax. . .
a M
t ja
S i
lVMkltvan latetrM t la
Total ..... u
M L IaU', ei of nw K u, -mfc are tf
anw e wn. wx 01 v ac n ip n
WMlk ranee i4 nt
Penally and InterrM
I 1
A r Heeker. H ofK tc 17, H"'of nelf
ecaatp 11 uwth range ie. Tax . raja
Penalty and Interest . . ...... 1
Total... . . ... it a
Mar' I'ahire. aef of aw If . aec u tp S aouth
range 15 rax. eS "fnV. neK af awjf
art 11 tp IS HHtth range et. Tax... 4 71
lVnalty and tntemt.. aa
Haawil IMore. e.S af aw V. J of nwtf , aw If
of ni; aec aj tp 17 x-xtth range cat.
Tax it oj
IVoalty and lutereat j lit
fotal ,. ........ 11 mi
J O Iioulhit s4itr.'w.S of S', V of nw
V.nwt, of w4 k j tp 9 Mxith range
Vjravt. Tax 17 54
"malty and intemt. . , j ji
Total.. . it a
Owyer, aeK aec it tp Ij wrath range tfcait.
Tax n a
Penalty and Intemt .. im
Total 11 fcj
lit Higaa Ht. wHofawW aec.u. uH of K
S Kvjip 11 aown range 14 eaai. Tax t$ J
irniar ano latere
Total .... ......
R K Kggteaten. nki of nwj. nh
aev a tp 11 wulh range 17 eaat.
4 7
af ney
enaHy anil inieret
Total .
Samuel Mmerr. w)f of nwjf ace latptt
aouth range la eat. Tax .
lenalty and intrreat
Total ,
It KVertMM. V aec ir tp tl aenta range
M raat. Tax .
Penalty and Intemt . .
5 H
1 a
I a
Lena HMcttwa, nwlf aec 14 tp
range Mcaat. Tax.r.
Penalty and Intemt
Total .
W F IflKott. leti 1 and 1 arc 4 tp
range 17 rati. eH of aw V aec
range Jo ent. Tax .
PetuHy and tntct
Tatal .
U aoalh
IS aooth
M tp 14
5 II
JN! aec 7 tp 9 aouth range 11
r. tax MX
fenaltyand intemt 1 w
Total . u &
CIIKrkkaon. awVofawVaec ri. aetf of
i aec 17, eH ol ne!,'. aetf of aeji aec
a. rwW ofawii aec n. nKof nwjf. aeSf
w nwjt aecrxp 11 aooin range 17 rail.
Tax I. ..JL.
Penalty and Intemt 9
- jr 91
JDHrani.M.J. 4.aV of nwjf, m of
iK aec 4 tp 14 aouth range IJ eaat.Tax 19 90
Penalty and intuot. . jyt
Tout- ji m
A AKremt.aHofnw!;. nKafawJa' aecis
tp aouth range 10 rait. Tax la o
PtnaHy and intemt ... 1 Va
Total .. ti tu
J F Xrerrvt. S of wi ne 5 lp rth
range laeaatand aa.nuw arcStp 11
aouth range aaeaat. Tax - to )a
Penalty and intemt - to
Total i
w a rarua, ae qr aec 19 lp it aouth range n
m. tax .. ... an ta
Penalty and hatereat ina
Total Hk
v.naa rami, w m etaw qr. ne qr of aw or.
waiirar wr 14 ip 11 aeotn range
ucaat. Tax. 7 yg
Penally and latereat in
LFardtck. twqrofnwraca,a of ne
qr.neqrofaeqraecaipM aowtaj aaagc
11 a. Tax . 11 m
Panaltyand hatcraat im
Tll UC
C H & K A Plaatar. a aofae qr. ae qr at ne
qr, near of ae qr aec 10 lp u aonth
range weaat. Tax
rcnaaiy and antereat. .
II 4
LWHraaier.c hf of aw qr. a nfafneqraec
11 ip 11 utn range an eaat. Tax... m ao
Penalty and ialerrat in
TataL . tn
II C Fraaier. a hf of ae qr- ae qr ofae qr are
jandawqrofneqraocii tp u toMai
range to eaat. Tax nja
Fenaky and Iatemt ... . j aa
Total ... . to
LR French, ncqraec itandnwqr aec IJ
lp 11 aootii range aa eaat. Tax it on
renahy and lotrrrrt- . - 4 a
Total. .. ,, M
S t Bard, PaUnain Wk a let 17. Tax
Fenaky aad intemt. at
TUal . , . . va
qr of a wqr tec if tPHaooth range an
oil., ax ....-. -. iau
w.r' """ - an
Total (
LUCnVanlrflirafiwar m mmt m m
ne qr of ne qr, aw qr of ae qr aec j& tp U
aoolhfaage 19 eaat. Tax 4 a
reaaKy and tatrreat . .
Total. ...
J 04
11 w uraier. e nt at ae qr. r hf nf ae qr aec 1
tp iwaowa range 1 eaat. Ta . it U
Penalty and intemt. . . Jt
W It nraler Hatatc. orig Uwii Aahweod. lat
K..;aMk4. Ta. i
ny and intcreat 1 ait
Total . &
Moaa and C A tlrarea, e hfef ae qr, ae qr at
ae qr aec u tp 1 j aooth raoge It eaat.
Tax n
Peaaalty and . 5
Tot! . , . 4 19
K F rramaaer, a hfaec ki tp 19 aouth range
17 eaat. Tax in
Peuky and latereat 1 V,
Total' .. ... 2
W i In m aaoth
raage 17 eaat. Tat t a
T Haatcau e Jrf of ne'qr. aw.qr'?ne tjr. "iac
qrafacqraecjilpi aouth raage va
- !.
uw- ax .. .. -. nva
Fenalty aad iatemt.. .. w
- j 7, w Hf krc jry ip is owtn Ttvaxc
-- aaM-Bm , .. T.MM Q 4
toui ... .:
a iiupi,.. 1 n tj ip t aotun range u
eaat. Tax ., , L ; lo w
Penally and ialerrat j Va
Total uio
Mra I. B llarrry, ae qr of aw qr. ne qr of
aw qr. Iota j and aec 7 tp M Uith
raage 17 rati. Tax ,,
IVnalty aal latereat .. . .. J A
Total . .. ... .1 V.
RJlIaiUry. ne qr aec 14 tp IJ aouth taage
16 eaat. Tax .. ia so
Penalty and intcreat jio
Total .. . aa
Anthony Hardy, a hf of nw qr, n hf of aw qr
aec 4 IP It aouth range 10 caau TxL 1050
Penalty aad intereai .. . ?
. Total . ,,.. u,
O J llardy. w fcfof nwqr. w hfaf aw qraec
Ji lp M tonth raage ij raat. Tax 9 (1
Penaltr and Intcreat.
I 9J
11 U
Mrs A J Harrington, first aulil to
Pnneville, lot u block M.Tax
S 01
1 60
9 6l
IVrultr aatl intcreat
I D Harrinn. K of se'i'. Iota t. a
ami 5 sec is tp it sottth range
9 east. Tax "io 56
Penalty and interest 3 11
ToUl 13 67
"' u '
V V HrtiN of ne', ni of
ic( ev u 17 aotttli range to
cnJt, Titx....... ...... 34 57
VctiaUynntl Interest... . ,, 4 91
Total .v,v , 39 4s
OCHitttny, iicm cc t 13 MUtth
nKc '7 ciist. Tox....,.,,,, 10 jo
rcuttHv ntuHiitcroitt ..... 3 m
Totnl 1 j 6o
Wtit llnyticii, rriticviilc, first mm
Ht4liHCk4, Tux.... ... j 30
rctmuy nun iiucrv.n .... tv
Total .,,,, ... $ 84
Win Hny, i of nw V iw of nw
.'i. mv.U of nc)X cc l. tn 16
M)tlth mitgc U cast, Tnx. . . .
rcunltv itml ittturvat
l'retl llttatc.iiciM.'C 38 tn 17 notttlt
ntiiRc 1 1 ctut, Tav
reimlty ami ititcroot
!ici1cr& Wlilto, vof neJI. :)?
of ne) msc 32 mm v of nw
V !MfC 3 lp 17 MtitU miiKC 35
past. Tax
reimlty anil interest
O I. Hwttlricka, cji of seX, I'Wli'
16 5
J jo
19 8a
4 oj
w ?H. . ot sv)i mc H
13 south rutit-c 14 Mt.
I'tiwlty ami Interest. . .
Total 31
M O HlHkUs llatato. M 11 1 IMmo
villv. lot 4 block 1& tax tt
lViialty ami itttertrt -. I
Total ........ 7
Klimrr 1Iim1mh, HeM sem 31 tp 13
south rMi?c 10 t-twt. Tax.... 10 jt
l'Mtaity ami ttttcnMt 3 10
Total 13 60
Joint HutHe. mwV sec 13 tp IS
Htutlt rHtigc 10 okjit. Tax
l'cmtlty ami iktereat
lb 30
19 N
J 1' & it llttuaaker, parcel itt 1'rlire.
niK com at n -HMHt txi tt h of
11 w comer B G Nem' tttkl
mHHiHS thcttcc c 34a ft, thence
tt 3d ft,ttrsnco u-140 ft, thence
s 3do ft to jwuCc of bcginniiit-.
Tax 33 S9
l'cmtlty ami iiiterot. . . . 6 $8
Total 39 4.
HilU Hjittt, .X oi )i cc Al tp
18 south rattcc 11 otttt. Tax. . 16 50
lVmtltv ttml interest A 3 u
Tout 10 So
k . 1 lytic, ntvy xc 3 tp 15 wutit
ranpc 19 ewt. Tax 1050
rcmtity ami intercut .... 3 10
ToUl la 6
Ira Islwim. wi cc 3 tp 19 south
ran;e 10 oast. Tax
Penalty ami interest
J I Johnoti, V, of hwV, tteX "
tin-H', mv' of itcX xrc 17 tpig
MMttlt nHe it tvwt. Tax. . . .
Tcnalty ami itttcrctt
A JoitHMMt, cV mjc 33 tp so aottth
ratKc iji wt. Tax
l'emilty ami interest ....
Itatate H JohiiMin, ve( ace J4 tp
15 aouth ranee 10 eaat.' Tax. .
Penalty ami interest
K. I Jottnaott, cVJ of ne ace 18 tp
l.'t aottth ranrc 14 cast ami e)
of scV sec 7 tp 13 aouth ranee
14 east. Tax
Penalty ami intcrwt
A M Jolly, wkj of ncY aec 39 tp 1 1
10 JQ
3 IO
13 60
lt 50
3 IO
13 60
IO 5
3 IO
13 &
5 35
I 5
l6 91
30 39
5 35
6 30
aouin range 10 ca.t. Tax
Penalty ami intcreat
S S Jones, ,' cc 36 tp 19 aouth
ranRe I7eat. Tax
Penalty ami interest
ToUl 8 t6
journal PuMWiIk Co, aeeoml adil
PriHeville lot 1 Mock 1. Tax 36 6n
Penalty ami internal 5 33
Total ti 91
Jo I. Kctnbtc, wX xe 17 tp II
aootk ran;e 10 eavit. Tax....
10 30
3 IO
13 Ut
10 50
3 IO
13 fo
Penalty ami intcrwt
J4 I, Ketttbie. S of vc. neX of
w4, cJt ot nwj' sec iq tp II
MWth raoRe 10 et. Tax
Penalty attt intercut
X Z KeMmnly, nw ot ac' aec 34
IP 9 south ravage 14. ami v)
)( aec iqtpastmth raw)e
17 asnai excefK otve acre itt nw
4 olseH see 34 to 9 sotith
rattle 16 rut Taut
taity ami interest
D Kingjstasrry, k'w 31 tp 17
sottth ratt;e 1 1 cC Tax
Penalty ami interest
M J Kline, lot 3. ef ot nwX. w
9 9-
8 3 j
1 65
9 9"
Ji tM ne, hw ot acX ec 7
tp 18 sottth raMge 11 eaat. Tax
Pemtltyaml intereai,
Ifc jo
19 So
A KoUman, n K of nejf. seX of ne
X, nevf t ae.'t' cc 33. tp 17
sottut range 13 east. Tax. . . .
Penalty ami interest
S S Kroet, w sec 33 tp 13 sottth
rauce 10 east. Tiix
in 50
Penalty ami interest a
Toui 1160
W Ieathart, e sec 11 tp 3
south range 13 eaat. Tax la 30
Penalty ami interest 3 10
ToUl u 0
J W Ionartl. w of ne sec 33
tp 17 south range It tntat. Tax 3 yS
Penclty ami intertmt 79
itiiai 4 73
Jl lna. sc KC 3 lp 1 1 s6tUH
rantje 16 tnvac Tax
Penalty ami interost
Kea Lcwia, nc, of scejtp tjsoutk
range 16 east. Tax
Penalty ami interest
I 40
8 40
33 93
37 30
10 50
3 10
13 60
9 95
it 94
10 50
3 lo
11 60
10 jo
3 .10
11 60
C C Ucwallc, twj rec lo tp 14
soultt range 30 east. Tax ....
Penalty ami intemt
JI K Linton, sw'i' of aw.'t' sec 16,
ne1 of ne'4 sec so tw 15 south
range tt tsut. Tax
Penalty ami interest
ToUl , ,
K J Link, nw' sec 34 tp 13 south
range 10 east. Tax
Penalty ami interest
Tout 1, 60
jatnc txKkw-txxl, nejf sec 7 tp ij
south range 30 ease Tax....
Penalty ami interest
N K Logan, a parcel in Prinevllle
com at a point loo ft of sw
cor of lot 6 block 4 M H Prine
ritle thence 114 ft e 80 ft n 114
ft w So ft td beginning ami n
yb of nfc sec 36 tp 14 south
range 15 eajtv Tar
15 So
Penalty ami interest . . .
3 16
.... is 96
Wm Mallov, lot 3 sec at, loU 1, 2,
Bt 01 se; sec3fi tp 11 south
range 0 east. Tax
Penalty ami interest ....
5 35
T J Mnlloy, Pnliimln, lot a, 7, R
block I 'J mitt Iota 1, II.', block
U. Tax 14 W)
Penalty nml Interest ..... UW1
Total 17 "tl
Mitry Maloncy, )4 of aetf, nw,'
of ,V. 'H "f iiv't'i c II tp
1 1 Muttli rttiiBC 'M iMtstt. Ttx. 10 M
lVmtlt v nml interest 2 10
Total ' 11MS0
Pcrrv Mnttpln, v)4 of fw.ti', so) of
nv,V, wH ofsc,1 ccl tp t
noittli titngc 10 tt. Tax. . . . !W 61
Penalty nml interest 6 71
Tnx.... :il
Hilwiu May, nwli' of ncW. He,''
of nwrf. wo t tp 10 lunith
rnngc 18 titst nml nw qr of ne
qf, cH of cc qr. ec 8 tp tt
south inngc 10 wtl. Tux .... I 'M
, Penalty anil interest 81
Total 6 01
Uobert Mnjt, jr, cH of nw qr, nw
qr of tic qr sec a tp 10 south
ntttge 18 e ami sw qr of aw qr
sec SO tp tt south range ltt tt
Tax 880
Pciwltv anil intcreat 07
Total.! 108
George Meyer, SmI aihtitiOH to
Princviflc lot 7 Itlock . Tax . Ill
Pettaltv anil interest SO
A MickleaatH. pUiiftw nr. tol .1
SO ami 4 sec SI tn 11 south mhvc
l lltnut. Tax lOftO
Vt Petwllv ami iHterest It 10
ToUl ism
C. .Mlckleaott. ne qr tec Jtt tp 1.1
aoatth rttnge lOenat. 1x.... 10 80
Pemtlty ami interwt if 10
lHal tm
V I) Miller, of seqr, nwijrtif sc
qr, aw tjrof nc qr sec l tp 18
sottth miigv 1 1 et. Tax
Penalty amt lnH'tt
1 11
18 f
R Mor, swqrsecfll tp 16 south
ntngc at) ettat. 'Vx
Penalty ami intcreat ....
I. It Morgan: tie qr, cM o( nw qr,
nwnroiscqr, near 01 w qr
see 4 tp 18 south range Hi cnat.
Tax iy
Pemtlty ami interest ft lS
Totnl K(tS
Jtascplt MorHer, cXofscqr, nw nr
of seqr, swqr of ne nr ace si
tt SS sottth rnnt:eW oast. Tax 11 PO
Pemtlty ami intcreat 90
ToUl 18 Ml
It Moore, S of se qr sec S tp IX
sottth range IS east ami c$ of
ncqr see 8 tp IS south range
16 can. Tax &JM
Pt nalty ami interest 1 l)ti
ToUl .... 44
I. A Moore, sw tirsccSa tp 12 sottth
range 14 east ami lots 1 ami S,
s4f neqr sec 3 tp 1.1 south
range Ueast. Tax 88 M
Penalty ami interest .... 6 71
Total Ml at
J M McCullom, Ashwoml. It 8 WW
H. ItniHk ii, ItTWkll.Tax KI
Penalty ami interest 17
ToUl til!
Joel McCuIhmh. Aihwoo-I. loU 1
ami Wk 11: tax 2331
Penalty ami intcreat Af.
Total , M77
John McCorntiek, sw qr sec i tp
17 aouth range it) cast; tax. . 10 SO
Pemtlty ami interest 2 10
. Total 100
John McOraith. K of nc qr, ncqr
of ne qr sec 12 ami sw cir of sc
qr sec 1 tp SO south range 13 c
tax 10 60
Penalty ami interest 210
ToUl 12 00
AMcOrall. wH of nw qr sec 111
ami eK f ne qr see 27 tp 12
south range 10 etwt; Ux 10 60
Penalty ami interest 2 10
Tbul....' 12ti0
W A Nail, sc qr of sc qr see 8. ami
K of sw nr. sw or of ac r see
t) tp IV sottth range It) watt; Ux &
Petaalty ami i.tteroat I OA
Tntal M
SarrtUt NoWc, 3rd ami Princville
let a ami K Mk H; ux II 00
IctMlty amt intemt S at)
K A artaqitM, nw qr of sw qr, a W
01 n w qr, ne qr ax nw qr see IX
ttt 18 stanUt rnaiasc 10 aa; Ux 1 60
Prnalty ami inter 3 SO
Total hS0
O W N'nll, w qr of ne qr. wM of
sc qr. sc qr of sw qr see 2 tp 312
tenth range 1 east; Ux 17 Ml
Penalty ami interest . . . . 1 44
Total .... 2071
Sarah X Null, ne qr see IA tp 22
range S eaat; ux 1160
Penalty ami iuteresl .. 230
Tout... .... .. 13 K)
M M Orien, n of seqr, ti) of sw
qr sec 31 tp 18 south range 11
et; tax .... .. .. lit 40
Penalty ami interost 3
Total Htm
J A Oatren, cK of sw qr, ni of
sc qr see 11 tn 22 south ranee
14 east; tax UH
Penalty ami intcreat . . . . 2 30
ToUl I8 60
Z. C Owen, ae qr of ar qr aec Ij. aw qr of aw
qraec 4. aeqr of ne ar aec j and nw
qrof nwqr aec as tpA south range so
eaat Tax
Penarfyaad snteeeat
Mra it Odelt. ne qr at aw qr aec J lp tl
aowth range at eaat. Tax
Penalty and latereat
I at
John Fahneha. att Wta a a aold la Palaaain
atanni. ayot. Tax
Penalty and tatrtea
111 J Palaier, whfnf r hsecjt tp X aouth
itaft iicih. tax
Penalty aad Ialerrat
raoHna Halt AaaortaUoo. a parcel tent aw
I oA
wr rc m in m range Ji e w m tarn a
ijo fret, e So feel, thra a iro feet, then
w so Stct to Wglantng Tax an 50
Penalty and Intcreat j 10
Tntal it j
n j rrogra luuir, w nroraw qr, a hrof nw
qr, neqr of nwqr a, jlp ji aouth raagr
toeaatand wafWaeqr.ekf of ne qr.
ehfof aeqr aec j4tp 11 aouth range to
eatt. a hf ot ae qr aec tl and c hf of aw
qr. nwqr of aeqr. e hfof neqr, w hf of
neqr sec jjtpji south range lo eaat.
Tax 14 44
Penalty and interest 4 sa
TOUI )y ji
KBPerrin. aeqr aec 11 Ip 10 aouth raagr ij
eaat. Tax 4 o
Penalty an4 Intcreat tt
ToUl 2
A IVteraon. nw qr aec lip 17 amth raage It
r. taa It 5a
Praaltr and Intrreat 1 10
Total 19 So
A II Prtrraoa, a hfof ne qr, aw qr of ne qr,
ne qr of nwqr aec ji ipu sooth range
1 4 eaat.. Tax 10 50
Penally aad latereat j 10
Total 11 ao
aicren i-Bimppt, aat otaeqr if.' 17 tp ij
south raage 11 cait. Tax
J 10
Penally and inlrrrat
Mrs J O Pickett. M It p PrianiUr, lot 1
Dtocs a. iax
Penally and iatrrrat
tl 9
K A Pierre. a qr aec J4 Ip IJ aoath range to
eaat. Tax 10 to
Penalty and Iatrrrat j 10
Total nt
Mra K Poiadritrr. a parcel com at a polat
400 fret e aw cor of aw qr of nc qr aec 14
tp 9 aouth raage i eaat theacc e J14 fret
a lit fret w tit feel tin fed to begin
ning. Tax j ,
Penalty and latrrcst 4
Total 3n
OW t' nrttci;tpi.t aouth time
"iitui. Tp '
iflialty aiM tlitttcat . ,
to JU
11 (
T M I'oil, lit of at nt trc I) ami n Jirof . .
iir arc tl lp 11 aouth tangr f tail. Tan Ift so
reualty smt Inlrrrat i i
Total ' I
A I. fnwtra. rl.fnfw hfaecljtl' IT taetilli
tiige lrt Tax 1
rtnally and Inltieat
M J I'tlrr, M II I' rtlntvllle loU J amt
Muck . Tax
I'rnally ami Inltteat
tt A II 1'iittr. alifiifeiiracAtpilliigC
.1 .
19 So
lAeait and w lifiil r hr arc lA ti
aiinlli tangr M mat. Tax
(entity and Intereai
It Kry, ae nr of ae iir arc II IpiS amith tauge
I4l. Tax
Penally and Inlrrtat
Tela! m ,
0 It KM, w lif .iT ne ir. aeqreftie qt, nt
nt t ar nr arc u tp 1 a1"1 tang M
r.l Tax
Penally and Inltteat
Jahit V Hitler, a hf f lie ".raja J tp It
amitli tawge 17 at ami a hi of hw q
are lip i.ihIIi tauge Ilea. I. Tat
I'etmlty amt Inleie-at
If H
) 41
m J
11 v"
Tt 41
m g
II w
H ?
KCKogeta, ehrfliwqr, w hlnrueqt
tatpai aouth range 11 rail. Tax
11 J
PetaaHy amt Intemt
T 1. uann. a kl oe 11 tu t aawtk iMe IT
lt. Tat M 44
l-imally ami Inltieat I
Total . IJ
I. It Horfgeta. Hhf of naqr. ajqt of He qf
aec A ami nw qt of hw qr are t ti It
aunth ine 19 rH. Tai in
Penalty ami lalefeal I ot
Total a a
lnhM Kotamt. Mewaom'a 0M Itineettle
lota 1, 1, j. amlsntetk j. Tax 74
Penalty and lntttet I II
Total . IT
C hangar, ne qr we it Ih nj aatath rtfoe
ta rati. Ta. in a
rVnalty amt mteroH I '"
Total II
A rUrotr, lata j. 41 a hf of nw qt 4 lp tt
nana range iai4 Ta to
Penalty and litkweat I 11
Total it rs
K II setWweM. ne qr ate at tp II tottth rnna
in eaat rax o an
i'rwalty and InlereM o
Tntal !
HN ndiorti. n kfof awqr, ahafnwqr ant
u In h aaoth long Ijoatf. Tat M so
Nwatty amt lnttrt 1 10
Total II to
J Miangm? ar. ae qr aec T lp 11 annth rsnte
MOaat.iax ' in an
PewaHy ami Iqlareat
ft K sJipVry. ehfof aw at -) awi. hfof
nw qraec xttual aunth laage ( tt.
Petaalty amt Inltteat
Twtal '
W II Mgtln, ne nr aec it tp pa mwK.1i raagf
liriK Tai
Penalty ami Inltteat
A It HaMn, ne r aec If lp If aaqth range
vtaatty tm tntetett
11 KhmNh. near aw or are It lp IT aonth
range rtatN Tax (
Prwatty ami latereat
Ptaax rwHtth, nw or arc i tn w aatath
tl an
I aj
M an
range I teat Tax 10 n
rewaiir ana Hwef l I la
Tntal Saa
R 0 twanth. Nrwaonva add to PrtneerHr Ml
J, I. and lo Mkx as. Tax j 11
Prwatty and Interest U
Total j rj
KHaaMh, aw qr a Hrtniaowth range a
eaat. Tax so n
Penalty ami lalrreat I an
Tatal a
N nwMh, aeqr aecaotn j aouth raage S
eaat. Tax in so
Penally and tnttfeat ia
Total ii m
II A IwnMh. ekfofneqr. nwqr af nr qr are
Jllp 19 aoMlh raage II eaat and aeJff M
acqr arc iftp i9aonth taage II raat Tax lna
Penally and intmat i m
Total tu
Mra K W Amtlh. neqr of atqr aec II tp II
aonthiange IS eaat and whf ofnwqr.
nw qrof awqr aectltp II aoolh rsngt
IS eaat. Tax 4 h
IVaalty and latereat im
Total 7 ,a
Lewia nelberg, ne qr aec 7 lp If aonth laagr
ea. i ax ia yn
Penally ami Inltteat j pt
Total 19 tn
I. TlSparlJ. aeqr. a hfof kw qr, neqr of aw
qrec I, aeqr of aeqr arc lip It aouth
range II eaat and a hfof nw qr aec It tp
Ij aouth raage II eaat. Tax 17 J7
Penalty and inttreat 1 t
Mason Mrtdt. ne q of ne qf are 14. a hf of
ae qr aec aa. aw qr of aw qr arc M la la
MWth range 11 eaat. Tax 15
leatahy and later rat 1 a
Total oi
It ASfear. near of nwqr. n hf of nrqt, ae
qr af ne nr aee ii tp 19 awuth range 11
aat. Taa o j
Penalty and Inter rat 1 an
Tal ij an
O W Mtrrna. ae qr aec f7 IP 17 amatii range
to MM Tax a an
Prnanjr aad rnlereM m
n at mix. asaa 1 aaaa j, e M Of nw qr aee IB
If 17 aowth range II oaH. taa
reaaany and tnlart.t
i H teawkrt4gr.ln4a and 4. a hfaf ne
aec jtp iqaonlk range II a4. Taa
Penally and intetrat
C J Mlihttog. Aahwood Va I Mk III lax
Penaltr and latat rat
I t
I Stroud, e hfof tw qr. w fcf ae qr aee II lp
14 Mwth range ta eaat; tax tt
PeaaMy and Intrreat I ft
Total aa u
KO Taytor. aeqr arc trip u aouth range
to eatt, tat an jn
lenaHy and tnttfeat 1 aa
Totat 11 an
JTTedaWrd, total and jaeciS tp 17 aunth
raage ia eatt ana neqr or ncqr sec It.
ae qrofaearaeetllpiyrange It; Saa So
rtnaHy amt mtrfrat 1 u
ToUl ii!
C I.Thorathwaat. aw qr aec so tp II aouth
raagr 11 raat. tat ti yt
Taul .If!
C WTWsrntltwaK. w hfof aw qr aee s and
e krafneqrstejo tp it aouth range 11
raat; tax it so
Prnalty and latetrat . u
Tntal d C
TCTrur. aeqr aec jo lp II aonth tangr an
eaat; Ux m u
Paaatty and ladeteal j m
Total 1,
1'1'Tryon. nr qr ofae qraec 11 p itt aouth
raage 17 eaat and w nf of aw qr, ae qr af
aw qraec 7 Ipsa aouth range Hr att (tax itt
Penaltr and intetrat i.
Total . ::
The Tweet, near arc a lb 11 aoo4h ranae
Snoaat tax to y,
Prnalty and Interral 1
Total .! ff
1Wjl tfc. m.mat- mm . Ad. .. . - ml m - . -ft "
!-.- a -m, w ijr tM nw ip inMHb
I'toaky aad Intefeat B
Total . .7
t n tr.ku ,u v.r . ... .. . v
... - - w. . , , puotn
T 14 rt. tox 11 .
Penalty and Intetrat C
Tt ,1
K Untwotth. w hf ot nw qr ae S Ip 14 amtth
i"lunnaM(Maiarqiwta Iu
It aouth raage sj raat, tax
Penaltr and Inlet eat
4 so
II Vaodcrwal. aw qraec I Ipsa aooth range
I'eaaky aad Ialerrat m,
rMirw ..rnr. . II 60
ittp is aouth range 11 aa.l. 111
Prnalty aad Iatrrrat
ChriatUa Wagner, nw qr of nt qr aec to tu
10 aoolh range Ij raat; Ux
Penalty aad inlrrrat
C 11 Walters, ehf aee it tp 11 (wmh ntt-t
to raat; tax ,
Penalty aad latereat
J a WatUna, nwqr ol neqr arc t lp It aouth
range 16 raat; Ux k.h
iTBtlly aad iatrrrat
Mark Waynartt, ae qr aee ll tp 17 aouth
la age 11 raat: Ux ' mJV,n
Penalty and latereat
A W Wayntni.neararcuitiirum.....
II eatt; tax ' ' '"'
i-eaalty and latereat
Peaalty amt Iatrrrat
OA Weat. aw qrof awqr sec )lpio ,ih
raage 11 eaat: lax r ,n
Penally aad latereat
SM Weat. thfofawqr. lots taud t sec ia
tpi south raage y eatt; tax ' W .
Peaalty aad laterett '
MJWIjiir, nritaiiill'riutvllWtoU ; init II
Mock nil" . tiny
I'tnally ami Inlf If t r
Total , , . V i
II WIlf,aiiiriifafirfOJjlM, "
tangr 19 fat anil a lifot lie nr, lot 1 arc
4 tp 19 annlli range 14 rait ami w lif or
awur. awiirnf iiwit tc 1 lp ig mhiUi
tangr 19 rajli lux
J HU'liialei, nei)r arJI tp If aHUtli tan(
ra. is
I'rnally aiKl Inlttrat
Aitotph MBtnartlr, lirqraae ji li qa.tttli
lalige loraaiiiax
y ami (Hlrlr)
Orotgf Wmat, 11 lif f t 'r, aw nr of nw iir
are u ami aeqr nf lit Hf art lp Jf
aonlhiaiiHey tail, tax ' (
renally amt title tt
Total , ... .
V f Wotal. lota 1, 1, a,n4 t are t ami u( 1 tec
lIpilMmlhriHjtr 'ifM!laa
Prnalty amt liilfftwt ,
W J Wiwt, w lif tif w qr aae m aint e hf vt
aeqr a jHtiMiMti tang wt tat i
ivaially ami IIm1 " ,
V It Vatwnml, H hraraeut H til of w q.
ate II lp tl aol rtmsV ) swat, tax
Penalty ami Inter!
Total'' w ""
Asa I, young, h hi and w qr a lp 1 1
aaulk lalaf tn toot, laa
ft nalty a.t Intefeat
P lt Katalr. nw qf pf Nw
south range ratnat.tat
linally ana) Interawt
Total ' '
kaMaole wUI WnMHtela) Ike Manner ..i..
hy taw for the aale at real tttfcte umtrr rir. .1
and will h aqtatset 10 rrdemptlon at p. xi. 1
law. Th aale will m- romnn.l Hnm,' ,
iu . rlurV In Ikr wtnam of ankl li I.., . 1
rnary. lata), and will K nanllnned n....i .1..
day Hnin lh Hat m rxhanattd m nntil an r
landa hae tarrn aold
laated at lflneelle HanM. Ihla ;i.l .' .
NoveMhVt, ioa, CAMat4lln
Rlwrlil Cftoilv pnuui. uif, .
My J II Itsafajai. IVpnl
am -.--- i-s . .
Itaahwf t,aqd, 4et nnt 1 iT
N0T1UU I'Olt PlUlIall-ATIllN
V . 1h4 (inVe. Tha IS.IU-. -i,..,,
hreonl 1, i-i
Na4nnr la hnaity gteaat that la rwaatduimr n
the nroitiloni Mflae Art of t'aavarraa -t Im..
itja, enlMhai, "An act lot Ike aatenfllmlwi ',.,
In Ike a4o4a nf CarUnrMla. IWeaam, Nevada
Washington TtrrMat) . a tatetaded I alt u.
nuMkland atateahy Act of Angawt 4. !. '..
rotlowtNg nanatat nar.oni hare n Maw ,
Med In Ihtanflarelhalf awm atatenaenla !
Henry K Joatea.
of PmIUhJ. rwoMy of Mnltnanaah ataleofi-i.
ton. tworn atattnaent sto rrti. ls f.H ..
of the hHmK "tlliii i i w aa
A. Itarl HiKanneH.
nf IVfttaml. county nf Mntlnowtah a4atnfl
lom. awntn alalrment Mo mi. M the por lv
of Ike atnwf amt I.M and i. e i i. .
r iir. w an
That they wtll ntter pnaaTa la ahow I hot the laa 1
aoaaghl ta nawe aalnahle for law tisanee nr atu.
thefeow than of agtsmltnral aarnMai and 1
eataMMh Ihetf rtatma to ant land wsrr is
Mewtattf amt Kaeetref . at the land ndate . !
laalWa. iHrgam. oh the mth day nfPrtwoat,
They name the Mtwwtnc wit new. W t wr
Vlnwn. It J Mrl'ann I. M M.taon ao-1
anther, alt of Kend. iHtaaa, A Stafl HX'M
and Henf y N looea. Irnlh of poftland. orgn
Any and alt itana cUlmWtg adaeiarty an . '
the ahawe deaetMww landa aft rawoeated ta
their tiatma In Ihta nltwe on nr tofrtc Ike u.i
Ht day of Pabnaary. iwA.
dlft MICIIAKt, T. MOI.AM. Mfgoter
Tlrntef Mod. Aft jone . lift.
N0TICK 1011 l'lTltMCATIO.N.
V. a. I J ml OAVce. The IWHaa. IHrgon
Jnly l. M
Motiee la hrfeaty gteew IIm4 In tannpttanre with
the pfwriawmt of the art af CamgteM of June 1
17. tainted "AM aat hae the Mle of Hanher lamia
In the Malta of Cattromta. tHrawn. Mreada and
Uaantagton TrrrHaty " aa rtlrwln! tn alt Ike
iim aiaiea ny aet nt .xugnat t. !.
PrnUrwW M UiweM.
of hewd. awunly nf Cmot. atalt of Oregon, haa
Ihta day M4 In Ihta nrare hat aworn alalemt nt
lt, sr the porehaae of He ft J. arUnwV
deHawW.MCt.lnta rue. w nt
tnd writ offer tt-f tn anww that the land
amight ta more retwtlde for Ma limber of atone
than rot agttcnttnial nurMra amt iowMiii
u.numuuM aami rwaore j M Uxtxr
V K Commtaamnrr. at hia eltwe In rtond tire
gon. on tne sth day of Prhfttary tyA
He oanaea aa wttneaea Jotin ntii ufM4era
iKrgon. IoShi Mrtdl Hewry W Heed, ami Henry
Tweet, all of hand rrrrawn
Any and all prraowa riatmlng adaera'ly the datttlwd tamSa ate retraoot.: W SU their
aVatnaa an Ihta otner 00 or Mbte sold jth 4t
1-tkeoary, saw
Tan Ian HowcaeU
knrhaa W. PnirtaanWa
W t. H.
K A MllrHcMX
W H Taf
C ; IVoaouwMr
.. Vtahnr H, Mrtealf
.. ...M. M Cortetyou
. . Wm II Montr
94nsVwlalty Wf fPM4V.x.
Itoantary of Tleaeary...
nnwiUry af War
nearetary of .Vaey ....,
soatetary nf Cninmtiar
9Wa"efanrol wTrT wvvVetrTOat.awtei
Allainey Orawtal... .
SeereU'y of Agtliaannia-
...Janata WiUw
tWref nor ...-... f.
rworttary of htalr...,
Tlaaaufrr... ....
Altnt nry (teneral ..
. M. ChaioherlaiH
I' I. laaahar
.... C a Mawr.
.A. M Cra fori
, J. II AcVatnuH
.J K Whitney
J W Ratky
H lnwn Inatttutaoa.. .....
PHntrr ....
iaky and Pout Osm ...
J. It MIKktil
e. w vntio
V. t. rWnalort
Dinger llerma'i
. WtUtantaoii
tapreme Jmlgra,
C. K WutrettoM
K.H Hean
P. A Mtwrc
ujge. .....
... W, I. Hradataaw
- - -.lM0i. Manefre
-J.A Layewl
Joint Seattle.
i lit
t N. W
M. .
1 ,
W A Rett
J J timllh
C Ham Smith
O. C Oiay
ll. U Pwlletir
C A Wfarea
.J. II. Cnxl
M. II. Powell
ti. H, ntrarn
i,ndJoT,:,3,UrrSUre," M"' '"" $&
Bmii PamiiNcr.
Juttlce of Peace. ..,
I'nnal ax l.t
J- M. Iwrence
...........It. W. tille
-. (leiil W. II llll.v
Koad auie7rTaor'.'
UaNiiitciiooi. Diajuicr No. n.
t J. M. Lawrence
" i A. I.. Itovalwilllr
t Vf. H, Nlchul
I.. II. Wieat
Teathert . M,M Ku,h ' Kr,a
tMtat Crace Jooea
Clrv or lliixm
....A. I. floodwitlir
. . -J. M. Ijiwrtnce
..r. o. illnor
.C. M. Weymouth
fC II.
Duncan McMillan
... C. W. Merrill
Hugh Q'Kant
C M. Kedatld
J. t.Wt.t
Csaak , , 7,..,,, .'""..' "'
ff rtrr . mmmmmJi, t
Traaaoier..... -...-...,
Aaaeaaor..... ......M.,...J.
neheol Hayj M l t,
Burrepor .. ....
Owoner .,.. .
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