The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 05, 1906, Image 7

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Tim Klntl Yon lluvit AhvuvH
turo ol CHUN. II. Flmciior-,
mirstuiiil hiiihtvIhIoii I'or our HO j'ciirM. Allow no ono
to docolvo you In thlN. Coiiiit'triVltH, rniltulloiiH mill
JiiHt-UN-Kood' nro biilKxporliiii'iilM, nnil omliuiKcr tlio
lioultli of Olillilron KxporliMico itLruliiNt Knporliuciil.
What is CASTOR I A
CiiHtorlu I ii ImrinlcNX hiiIh(I(ii(o for Cantor Oil, I'nro
Hoi'lu, I)roiH ami Noolliluir Hyriiim. It 1h 1'loamuit. It
contuliiM iinlllu-r Opium, Morplilno nor other Nurcotlo
niiliNtmirn. Kit fro In Uh iruarmitru. It, tlcn troys AVorniH
ami ullitvri rovpriNlini'NH, It. ciii-ch DliirrliirH mill Wind
Colic. It rid linos Tontliliitr Troubles, vnrnn CoiiNtlpiitlou
mid I'luliili'iH'v. It iinnIiiiIIiiIi'H tlio Fowl, rrjriiliituH tlio
Htoiiiiiidi and MowcIn, irlvlnu; liritltliy mid natural nlcup.
Tliu Clilldruu'H I'annueu Tlio JUotlii'r'rt I'rliMiil,
Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought
Boaro tho
Lincoln the Farmor.
Mnttrri noon reached a crisis which
drove thn Junior partner nut Into the
field aaam, whero ho undertook nil
norta ol lough (Arm labor, from split
tlriK rails to plowing. An a inaiiof-all
work, however, Lincoln illil nut prove
altogether satisfactory tn hi employers.
Ho wm too fond ol mounting stumps
In tlio DtiM nnil "practicing polemics"
on thn other fitrni hands, nnil there wm
something uncomfortable about n plow
limn who lead n ho followed thu town,
no matter how straight his furrow ran.
Hnch practices wm Irritating, II not
presumptuous, nnil thnrn la a well
known story altoul farmer who fouml
"tlm hired man" lying In field lm
aliln tho road, theseed In lite not too
Immnculntn fnriu clothes, with a book
Inntrail ol n pitchfork In hla Imml.
"What am you reading?" Inquire!
thn old grntleuiAn.
"I'm nit Tradings I'm studying,"
answered Lincoln hla wonderful om
till on tho psges of hla book.
"Mudylng what7"
"Law air."
Thn olil man stared at thn speaker
(or a inoinont In utter amnsrmonl.
"(.rent (lod Almighty I" tin mut
tered a ho parsed on aliakliiK hla head.
From Krnlerlrk Trevor lllU'a "I.ln.
coin thn I-awyer" In tho January Con
tury. Kirrptlon,
Tlin wandering minstrel man
atrpped off thn accommodation nnil ac
costed tho oldeat Inhabitant, who wn
alttlng on a nnil keg chewing a piece
f nsssafrna bark,
"(Jue every one la acqunlntrd In
thla town," ventured thn tnliiHtrrl until.
"Iteekon tlicy be," drawled the old
an, "arcing that there ain't ao many
ef ua,"
"And gossips! I dare any they are
"Kverybody In town la a gossip but
tld Dnn,"
"Ah, I nitmtro I)nn, I bnt ho la con
additions. Now, liu't that why tie
doesn't gossip?'
"No, stranger; Dnn don't gosalp lio
cauo ho la dead. Horn dead a nioiiUi."
In Uoo For Over 30
No other iKxllly Bulfcrlni; Ii cqunl to tlint protlticcil by the pain of Rhctti
(nntlam, When the noinotm nnd ncid.i, which cause this disease, become in
trenched In the blood there in hardly nny patt of the body that is not af
fected. The muscles become norc nnil drawn, the nerves twitch nnd sting;
the joints inflame nnd swell, the bones nche, every movement is one o
agony, ana inc entire oony is raciceii witn pntii, uiieutuaiiflin is urouguton
by indigestion, stomach troubles, torpid Liver, weak Kidneys and a general
inactive state of the system. The refuse matter instead of passing oft
through nature's avenues is left to sour and form uric acid, and other acrid
bolsons which arc nbsotbed into the blood. Khcuiuatistn docs not affect
ail anice. in some cases 11 iokcs i
wandering form ; it may bo in tlio
arms or legs one day and in the
shoulders, feet, hands, back or other
parts of the body the next. Others
riufTcr more seriously, and are never
free from pain, The uric nciil and
other Irritating substances find lodge
Client in the muscles and joints and
bs these deposits iucrense the utus
.cles become stiff nnd tlio joints
locked and immovable. It matters
riot in what form tho disease may be
the cause is always the same a sour,
held condition of the blood. This
vital stream has lost its purity nnd
freshness, nnd instead of nourish
lng and feeding the different parts
with health-giving properties, it fills them with the ncids nnd salts of this
fialnful and far-reaching disease. The cold nnd dampness of Winter always
ntenslfy the pains of Kheumntism, nnd the sufferer to get relief from tlio
agony, rubs the affected parts with liniments, oils, lotions, etc., or uses
plasters nnd other homo remedies. These nrc desirable because they give
lempornry case and comfort but have no effect on the real trouble which is ji
the blood nnd beyond the tench of such treatment. 8. S. S. is the best rem-
-....,...,.. j viiow II1IU kUIUIVMV Will JIUV
the blood nnd beyond the tench of 8
excitdd nerves, reduces tho inflammation, dissolves the deposits in the joints,
relieves nil pain ami completely cures this distressing disease. S. S. S. is a
certain cure for Rheumatism in any form ; Muscular, Inflammatory, Articu.
lar or Sciatic. Special book on the disease and any medical advice, without;
charge, to oil who write. n SWIFT SPCinO.CO ATLANTA, GA
ItniiL'lit Iiiih Ixirnn tlio rilirim-
mill Iiiih Ihtii iiitulo tuiilor IiIh
SIgiiaturo of
Pnal noauarlfftllon.
In the daya of thu Drat settlers In lha
Chickasaw country, when Davy Crock
ett Mill frequented tiio Jtlg Ilntchlr,
"Old Man ulddltia" waa a prospermia
clllron of tho Corked Deer aottlemeut.
Olio tiny ha atarled on n trip to Ar
kntuna, nnil thenceforth for aoveral
yonra Forked Deer knew hlin no more.
A travel In Arknuinu wn dnniiT
on, and n nothliiK waa heard of Old
din, he waa ofllclnlly declnrel dead
by the court, nnd hl eatnto divided
anion hla hrlra. A year or ao Inter,
however, ho turned up, nnd tried to
Kt iHsmlon of hla property anln.
lie waa promptly aelted and taken Into
"What do you mean by coining
round hern, trying to take thla proper
tyi" ronrvd the court at him.
"It'a my property," aiierted Old
dlna. "Kvrrybody kuowa It'a mine."
"Not nt alii" rnplksl tho Judge. "I'll
admit your caae aeema n hard one, but
It can't he helped now. Thla court
linn decided that you aro extlnctue do
functua, which la l.atln for dtnd. Thla
court cannot err. Dend you are. If
you want nny proprrty round here you
uitiat take Another nnmo and net to
work to earn It. Mr Sheriff, adjourn
thla court, and wn will all go and aeo
Uiat wreatllng match you apoko of."
A Mill Ifnrn C'rillbl.
A mnn vtho had been ahootlng on
Cnpe Cod returned by train, and a
atrnnger who wnn obliged to alia re hla
aent entered Into converaatlon with
hlin, and asked If he had bad good
"Very good, Indeed," replied the
aportaman. "We got ono hundred head
to two gunn."
"You don't any no!" ejaculated the
atrnnger, apparently loat lu aatonlth
ment at the alio of the hag. "Double
barreled guua, I auppoaoi"
Y, Verllr.
To alt upon a Jury
Moit evry man hit fitneia,
Ilut it takei a ikillful lawyar
To alt uKin a wlturia.
I'hlladelplila I'rena.
About flrtnan yaara Ago I had a aaver
attack of Ithnumntlim And could not
work with nny antliUotlon. my lev
warn badly awolleit and drawn ao I
oouldicaroely walk. X triad many rum.
eillaa but could ot no rellat. I waa fin.
Ally rocoramondod to try H. B, H. And It
aoon cured mo aound and wall. I Am
now 7-1 yaara old And Iiavo never hd
any roturn of the trouble,
Sox 104, Aurora, 111,
Sometlmo aro I Imd Khaamatlam and
had to quit work, Tlio imlna tu my baok
And batwann ray ahouldara waa ao In
tamo I could not roat or alaep, I triad
erorythlnir but nothlnir did mn any (rood
tilt I heard of and took H. H. H. Thla
modlolno ourad me aound and well. It
purilled my blood end mado me feel like
a new wan,
IDS K, 10th St.
Anderaon, Ind.
edy for Klieumntlsm, it goes into tuq
blood and attacks thedisense at its head,
nnd by neutralizing and driving out the
ncids and building up the thin, sour
blood it cures the disease permanently.
While cleansing the blood S, S. S. tones
up the stomach, digestion and every
other nnrt of tho sv.stcm. soothes tho
"Aro you Hungary?" "Vex, Hlitm"
"Well, comu iiIoiik! I'll FIJI."
Downtown How did Hlnkorn, tlio
nrchllDi'l, hi'coiuo no poor? Uptown -Ho
built a Iioiino for hlimielf.
DrcHMiiiiiker And would you hav
leg of mutton hIci-vcm, miidiim? Cun
toninr Mont certainly not, I run a
vi'Kotiirlmit 1'iincli.
Toucher Can you tell mo tho illf
foreuci) botwi'iin "llko" nnd "lovi'V"
Hiimll Hoy Von, iiin'mn. I llkn my
father nnil mother, but I lovo pie.
Conductor Why don't you get up
nnil glvn that huly h milt? rnnKctiKer
Hhu might wiy, "Tlmnk you," nnd I
hiivo a wiwk honrt. l'ltlaburg Din
Kthitl And nro ;oii ntiro you lovo
ion, (leorgn? (leorgu Hure? Auk my
bo, Hit nnyn If I don't atop thin
driflimliig nil day long ho'll dlHuliurgo
me. IMiek.
"Vim, old mnn, we're llxlng to go to
hoimekoeplng; what linn liwtn your ex
porleneit with nnrvnnt glrlnr' "lltinh
Coiiin over hero where my wife can't
henr." Hounton Font.
"l'npn," anli! Hiilh nfler her flrnt
dny nt nehool, "I don't wnnt to go to
nchool until I hmrn more, for today
tho teneher nnkiil mo ever no mnny
thliiga I didn't know."
Nell Oh, my! JJcro'a a telegram
from Jack of the football twim lt.11
What docn It M)l Noll It nnyn,
"None broken. How do you prefer It
net (Jreek or ItomnuV'
Fond Wife You'll think of mo
Aometlmwt whllo you are uwny, denr?
Fond Hubby Not likely. Didn't thu
doctor nny I wftn to go nwny for my
honltli nnd avoid nil worry? Kernpn
Cholly Callow At nny rnte tho for
tune-teller anld I had tlio umko up of
a gentleiunii hIhmU hid, Mln Hunppnr
AlMJtit jou? Thmi why In the world
don't you put the mnke-up on? Chi
cngo Newn.
"Wonderful thing thla eddlentlon,"
anld the old mnn. "In wlmt way?"
"In thin way: John known Juat enough
Lntlu, an' (Jreek, nn' French to know
iiothlu' nt nil nbout mnkln' n llrlu'l"
Atlanta Countltutlon.
"Hnvcii't you over thought of going
to work?" naked the fnrmer'n wife of
Knuuterltig Ham. "Ven'm," replied tho
ti'teran trnmp; "I thought of It once
hut I wan deeleeryun at do time."
Cleveland I'lnln Denier.
Steekn Jly wlfo calleil m up on
thu phono nix tlmea to dny. Weeks
What for? Meeka Tho Inst flvo time
wero for tho purpote of calling me
down bei'niiae I didn't aiMwer the flrnt
tlmn alio culled mq up. l'hllndelphbi
"Have you Tho Art of Making
Up?'" naked tho lady of tho clerk In
tho book atoro. "I don't think I have.
ma'am," replied tho joung mnn. "I
iiiinrreieo. wini my wire a week ago,
nnd I cnu't get her to nay u word to
me." Yonkern Ktntosninn.
"Siii beret" aunppMl tho landlord,
who hnd reaiMiudeil to tho tenant'
hurry cnll for a plumber, "I thought
you anld the water lu your collar wnn
two feet deep. It's only n few Inoh.
ea." " ell, that a nn deep nn my two
feet," retorted tho tennnt, "nnd Unit's
too much."
"I don't nee what a mnn wnutn with
two wlveal" nnortod Mm. Hnpock, ns
nlio throw down a pnpor contalulng uu
nceount of th .Smoot cane. "I don't
either," nnW Mr. Hnpeck fervently.
It inuat hnro beon the way ho mild It
that made Mrs. Kupock no mud. Lou
Imlllo t'ourler-Journnl.
"Thcro aro groat things lu ntoro for
you," nnld tho fartune-tellor to tho
young mnn; "but then) will bo many
obntHcloa to overcome. There In a
woman continually crossing your path,
n Inrgo woman with dnrk hair and
iye. Klio will dog your footsteps un
tiringly." "Yen 1 know who that n."
"All, you Imvo neon hor?" "Yon; nho's
my wnnhwonmn." Milwaukee Scntl
nol. It wan tho wedding day, nnd tho un
fortunato bridegroom was innklntr bin
exit with tho ununl nccompniilment of
rlco and old boot. Ho nnntched bin
lint from a peg, seized an umbrella
from tlio hall stand, nnd was going
out of tho door, when tho bride's fath
er called after him; "You've taken my
umbrella, Henry, llrlug It buck nt
ouco, l'vo'nlr dauglitorn, but only ono
good umbrella."
"Doctor," said tho patient, "I bo
llovo there's something wrong with
my atomucli." "Not a bit of it," n
piled thu doctor. "Ood mado your
Ktouincli, and Ho knows how to niuku
stomachs. Thuro's something wrong
with tho stuff you put into It, nuiybo,
mid with tho way you stuff It In and
stamp It down; but your Htonincli is
all right." And Immediately thu pn
tlont discharged him.
Citrerul or Mntluir'a Ilt-ultli.
"nnrry, did you not hear your
mother calling you?"
"Course t did."
"Thou why don't you go to her?"
"Sho's nervous. If I should go too
quick sho'd drop dead," and Harry
went on with his playing as If nothing
disturbed his mind. Albany, N, Y.,
Thu umu who pays tho bills looks
terribly unllko tho white-robed fairy
with a wand, tn tho story books.
Slla-i i
BBJ Ifll t ,r,J AfaW "T,Vu
PI' v '-i ((Urn - SwvL
wfihvm lvW Ik
'AJi lie &-'Amw
iHSxws"i' jjff e!Jth
Tr-.,-.. . "jar.r,'j;i anu
ll'jy JrliT2 that
w VAw J ' JT v nj m I .
r . .jv s s lAinlV in
-j m
Genernl Inutility Hoy.
Mr. Hobba looked thoughtfully at his
city gueit and then looked out of tho
window. "When you aak mo if It'a
truo Uiat Jim Mnnton la Uie most
pop'lar boy I've ever had to 'ten atoro
aud go round with the order -wagon," 1
bo anld, alowly, "why, I'm bound to
tell you It'a so. Ilut when you go on
to aak mo how I think he'd ault down
In Hoiton, I'm kind of dubloua that's
what I am, kind of dubious.
"You nee, It'a like this with my bust
neas. Order day In order day, and do
livery day Is delivery day, and wheth
er It'a summer, wltli tbutty-two cus
tomers on the route, or winter, with
well, with aomo leaa, all Jlm'a got to'
do those dnya In to get over the routo
by ahuttlng-up time.
"And he a wlint you might call a
bandy boy, Jim la. Groceries and hard
ware aren't all he'a got In hla mind,
and ho'a ready to take bold and help
with what'a going on wherever be
goea. 80 I feel kind of dubloua
when I think of Doston. I don't kuow
aa you catch my meaning?"
"M-m," nald the city man. "I be
lieve I do."
A Knotty Quratton.
I'okcly I saw a kid watching a ball
gamo through a knothota to-day
Jokeley Pardon me; that reminds
me. When tuny a Lnotbolo be said to
be not whole?
Pokoly What on earth are you
talking about?
Jokley The answer Is: "When only
pnrt of tho knot Is not." Philadel
phia Press.
Harah Mcaaurca.
Oldpop l want that man Stoplate to
quit hnuglng around here. You send hint
Daughter But, papa, I can't get rid
of him. I've given him all aorta of hlnti,
and cran treated hlui rudely, but It'a no
Oldpop Well, make It itrong. The
next time he comei, alug to him. Cleve
land Leader.
A Parli automobile building Arm Is
Just about completing a 110-horse power
gntollno submarine boat for the Frcuch
Then tell him about Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Tell him
how it cured your hard cough.
Tell him why you always keep
it In the house. Tell him to
ask his doctor about it. Doc
tors use a great deal of it for
throat and lung troubles.
"I hut a terrible cold and conch and wai
threatened with piinuiiiouU. 1 tried Ayer'a
Cherry iVctoralaiHlttitavemequlckaiufper
taet relief, It U certainly a moll wondeiful
cough mellclu(,"-11 KS A K. u ITM AM, Sioux
ralfi, b. Dak,
VAC. br J. O. Ayr Co.. Lo wU, Uui,
a uuiuragturere of
mut viaoa.
ono of Ayor's Pills at bodtlmo will
hasten recovery. Gently laxative.
Have You
a Friend?
The Laxative p
There arc two classes of remedies: those of known qual
ity and which are permanently beneficial In effect, acting
gently, In harmony with nature, when natureneeds assist
ance; and another class, composed of preparations of
unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo
rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural
functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of
tnc remedies or Known quality and excellence is the ever
pleasant Syrup of FIes. manufactured bv the California
Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of
plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup,
In which the wholesome Californlan blue figs are used to con
tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy
of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system
gently and naturally, and to assisl one In overcoming consti
pation and the many Ills resulting therefrom. Its actlveprlnci
ples and quality are known to physicians Generally, and the
remedy has therefore met with
trie favor of many millions of well informed persons who know
of their own personal knowledge and from actual experience
that It Is a most excellent laxative remedy. We do not claim that
It will cure all manner of ills, but
represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence,
containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character.
There are two classes of purchasers : those who are informed
to the quality of what they buy and the reasonsfor the excellence
articles of exceptional merit, and' who do not lack courace to eo
elsewhere when a dealer offers an
rticie; but, unfortunately, there are
i wno auow themselves to be imposed upon. I hey cannot expect
beneficial effects If they do not get the genuine remedy.
To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said
nearly all of them value their reputation for professional
tegrity and the pood will of their
imitations of the
Genuine Syrup of Figs
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order
to buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects,
one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of
the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printedon the
iront ot every package. Price,
A Fulrlr Good Man.
"firothfr Spotcaah," aald hla paitor,
"what would you do If aa Injunction
cmne to you, 'aell nil thou but and give
to the poorr "
"I abould obey It, of courae," answer
ed the great merchant, "aa I bare al
waya done. KTerythlng I bare In stock
la for aale, and I give more to the poor
than any two men In thla block." Chi
cago Tribune.
rTP IrmaBntljr Cnrrd. 2toflUornroaara
ll 10 AfWnrttdar'atitaorDr.KUiia'aOrratNrrTa
Jtmerrr. hb1 tut I'rraaa trial txxtlndtrtu.
llr. 11. II. KllDf, U4..U! Arch St- I'blla4lpbla, I'a.
Never yet were the feelings and la
atlncta of our nature violated with Im
punity, never yet waa the voice of con
aclence allenced without retribution.
Anna Jameaon.
Flio's Cure U a Rood courh nedieine.
It has cured counlis and colua for forty
years. At drugftltta, 25 cents.
Pretlr Tliln.
"There goes my auto flying along."
"I don't see any auto."
"No, that chauffeur of mine drives It
ao fast you can't ae lu" Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Motficrawll! nnd Ur. Wlnilow'a Soothing
flrrup the bait remedy to um (or their chUdrtn
during tbe teething period.
Secret Out.
Mr. Stubb Marie, this paper says
that In the wilds of Africa there Is a
mouse that Jumps ten feet at eacb
Mrs. Stubb Gracious! Now, I know
why so few of tho explorers' wives
accompany them. t
Ueware ot Ointments lor Catarrh that !
Contain Mercury
aj mercury will surelr dettrojr the eansa ol
wall Aud completely derano the whole ija.
when euwrina It thruiinn tho
ouch ariicieaar.ouiu net er do uieu
ex.-apton praieriptluua trout reputable pby
l. tain, anhedamac" they trill loli ten (old
to tne k'ood you can pomioIt drlelrom Item.
Ilall'a Catarrh Cure, manulactured Ly V. 1.
l heney A i a, Ttle.lo, O , eontalnano mercury,
aud la taken Internally, acting-directly upon
the Mood and uiuooua aurtarea ot the system.
In buylnr Ilall'a Catarrh Cure be lure you set
the genuine. It la taken Internally, And ma Jo
In Toledo, Ohio, by IT, , Cheney A Co. Toitl
monlala tree.
Hold by lirucclita, price lie per bottle,
llAU'iYAinlly IlUa are the beU
Old Starr tn New Gatae.
"There goes Blower In a awell new
"Yes, tbe price came from gam
"You don't any. It Is a wonder his
wife dldu't take tho money away
from him."
"She gave It to him, She won It
playing 'bridge.' "
The Earth's Area.
Ono o( the best authorities estimates
tho area o( the earth's surface at 100,
701,034 square miles, ol which about
63,000,000 square miles is land, the
rest water. Throughout most of this
50,000,000 square miles rillsbury'B
Vitoi has made its way because it's so
good. It Is the ideal breakfast (ord,
aud may bo had at any up-to-date gro
cery. In Self-Dcifeuac.
"Why lu thunder did Cddje Ott'a
friends work so hard to get him elected
to Cougress?"
"They wanted to send him to some
place where he could talk politics all be
wished to, ana they wouldn't have to
listen to hlui." Cleveland Leader.
araJatBaJCAqCiaBi llaSBiaiZAlJBBMitSl
III Ileal Ouuh Uyrui Taiten Uowi. Uh Ml
rVl tutltua. Bold br aruaaliti UH
offnayjrw'a-rifjra i v u i irVBWBBBjwva
their approval, as well as with 1
recommend it for what it really
imitation of any well known
some people who do not know,
customers too highly to offer
50c per bottle. One size only.
The Carthage (Mo) Press says that a
Joplin boy atked his Sunday school
teacher last Sunday If the James boys
wrote the Iiook of James.
To Break In Tiew Shoes.
Alwaji ihalte In Allen's Foot-Eaw, a po6ar.
Itcurei hot, ureatlng, aching, iwollta (cat.
Curea corna. Ingrowing- n alii and bunions. At
all drurirUta and anoe morft.I&r. pon't apt
anyiobailtute Pamptfl mailed FREE. Addraaa
Allen a Olmited, I Ror, Y.
Slack More to tbe Tolnt.
"Ef yer real Interested," aald Deaeoa
Skinner, "I'll tell ye what I want for
tbet horse."
"Ob, I -wouldn't be interested In know
In' thet." replied Farmer Shrude, "bnt
I wouldn't mind knowin' what ye'el
take." Philadelphia Ledger.
Park and Washington, Portland, Oregon
The School of Quality"
A. P. Armstrong, LL. B., Principal
Thoutanttt of graduates in positional
hundrtdt placed each year; men calli
for help than we can meet it fuys to at
tend our school; largest, most modem.
best equipped. Dtpartmtnts: Business,
Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship,
Bnglisb. Open all the year. Catalogue,
penwork free. Call, telephone or write.
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CuIUl rwi v.i.., tuuiuue. niikiwi. cw
rouoJ ana TkfOlllim lctlu,k W.U Tulx. Tu-
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AUu Ml( ta Mritc 4(w UAI 11 r
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