The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 05, 1906, Image 3

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    Senators Plan Attack on Taft to
Aid Own Candidates.
Outcry About Canal Salsrlos Will Uo
Followed by Orutmlo Against
Philippine Administration
OIiW'ki I1'!' 20. Walter Wollmaii,
In n dispatch from Wnnlilnnton to the
Hocord-llorald, says In parti
'"Taft In noil on our lint. VWrn
KoIiik alter lilm n soon an cfinKress re
convenes next inontli.'
"Ho said it prominent Kepuhllcaii
senator. Ho milled Hint It was the In
tention of tlm leaders ol thti senalo not
only to continue) tliolr criticism of ran
nma matiiiKement, but to lake up tlm Ion of Mr. Tali In the I'hll
IppliU'd anil subject It to rluld scrutiny.
The iiikauIiik of this anil of tlm wholo
course of tho senato toward resident
Itoonovolt anil his associates In tho ex
ecutive branch of tlit government lb
tlmt tlm presidential u,amo of IU0H linn
nlrrady opened. Thero are candidates
for tho next Itepubllcsn nomination In
the senate, pluuty of them, and limy
nro already maneuvorluK to Irawl out
nil nplrnnts for tho nomlimtloii.
"Now come tlm thrt'Kt to 'make It
warm for Tntf.' It noon without say
Iiik that Against the secretary personal
ly no no hits any harsh fooling Ho
Is everywhere reeounUrd as a man of
Krtnl ability, of extraordinary slnteilty
and devotion to the public Interest,
lie Is noted also a the cheeriest, most
refreshing, sweetest character In the
public service at this tlmo. As a man,
almost everyone loves him. It Is lm
posslblu to do otherwise.
"Hut Tail the man, and Taft tllu
probable nomluco of tho Itepubllcaus
(or president In IU0H as a product and
represeutatlvo of tho Itytsovclt admin
istration, are different, and tho reborn
IiiK, plotting, mnueuverliiK, Intrlnno
IriK, senators would Ilka to cut his
fiqht to death.
nuttlan Rebels and Troops Clash In
Streets of Moscow.
Odessa, Dec. 'JO. Itusslan soldiery
Is unable to overthrow tho dauntless
plrit of tho Moscow townsHoplo, and
desplto superior arms, enormouus ad
vantages In military training and a
complete supply of all warlike appli
ances, tho troops aro hardly holding
their own. FIkIiIIiik I now going on
In every section of tho city, and tho
lead number hundreds nuns reports
say thousands and tho end Is not In
A terrible slaughter of revolutionaries
took place during Holiday night and
early Monday, when tho terrorists at
tempted to capture- tho enormous am
munition factories held by the soldiers.
Uy order of General Mlstcheriko, the
famous Corsack chieftain, who Is now
lit command of tho garrison, ',tlm artil
lery was Instructed to mount rapid tlm
guns In vwry window and on tho roof
no that they would command all ave
nues ol approach to tho storehouses.
The order was given that these rapid
flrers should not bo unmasked until tho
people actually began breaking Into tho
structures. The result was that tho
mob packed tho open street In front
when tlm signal was given to Are.
Immediately, as one, all of the wood
en shutters fell back and withering vol
leys poured Into tho crowds, while tho
guns on tl u roofs were turned on tho
crowd that had Ix-cn unable to get into
tho Immedinto vicinity. Tho carnage
was something awful, according to pri
vate advices received hero.
Justlco Van Dyko Is Dead.
Oakland, Cal., Dee. UO. After an
lllnesa ol only -4 hours Justlco Walter
Van Dyko, of tho Kupiutno court of
California, died yesterday afternoon nt
his residence) in Hast Oakland. Tho
eminent Jurist was stricken so suddenly
that his life of fl'J years had ended al
most before theio was a realisation that
liu was III. Justlco Van Dyko was lorn
nt Tyre, Heneca county, Now York, on
October !l, 18'J3, Ho was admitted to
tho bar nt Cleveland, ()., In 1848, com
ing to California across the plains In
Uluojsckots Guard Concessions,
fllmnghnl, Dec. L(). Tho mixed court
was reopened Saturday. Tho German
itssossor nod tinned foreign gourds were
present, but ovorythlng was normal.
All In (pilot today, but bluejackets and
gum da nro still pouted nroumi tho for
eign concessions. Thero nro minora of
another -lot to occur tonight, but nil
precautious lmvo beou taken. Hoports
of Japanese complicity In tho recent
trouble nro generally considered with
out foundation.
.Dowlo's Mexican Deal Falls.
Kl Paso, Tux., Deo. HO. Mnnuol
llonxalcs, with whom Alexander Dowlo
was negotiating for tho purchuso of
plantations In Tnmnullpna for tho Zion
colony, has given out n lengthy state
ment in which ho says Dowlo wanted
long tlmo payments nnd other condi
tions, which woro rejected.
Massacrelng Tartars.
London, Deo. UO, A dispatch to tho
Evening Btandard from Constantinople
says that tho Turkish consul nt Iiatoum
reports that the Armenians are massa
crelng Tartars at the rate of 600 dally.
tlocommonds Total Appropriation of
$1,400,000 for dotty.
Washington, Deo. 1!0. Henntors I'ul
ton and (lenrln today called on General
MaoKenslo, chief of engineers, In re
gard to tlm needs of tho Columbia river
Jetty, General MiicKonzin gavo them
renewed nssurnnco of his friendliness
and said ho wan doing everything In his
power to secure money to keep work In
Ho has recommended not only an
appropriation of f 400.000 In cash, but
has urged that authority bo granted for
tho expenditure of an additional )1,
000,000. Ho explains that $400,000
In regulrod for "rocking" tho Jetty as
far out as tho end of the present tram
way, but will nut be ample for any ex
tension. If authority can bo secured
for tho uxpenilltiiro of $1,000,000 addi
tional, It will be possible nxt season
to push tho Jetty much farther sea
ward, and In fact approach tho point
where It Is expected to end.
Major Itoessler, In his report, re
commended an appropriation of $1,
000.000 to complete tho Jetty. Tills is
a higher figure than tho previous esti
mate, but his estimate Is reduced ma
terially by the War department,
Tho Oregon senators will exert their
bolt efforts to secure tho appropriation
recommended by General MacKcuzle,
and will furthermore Insist upon tho
authorization of additional work to
tho extent of $1,000,000. The other
Northwestern senators anil representa
tives will work in sccord with thorn.
Qovarnmont Solves Problems of Cot
ton and Wheatgrowars.
Washington, Dec. 20. According to
tho annual report of L. C. Howard,
In charge of tho llureau of Kntomology
of tho Department of Agriculture, the
main work of the bureau for tho Vst
lineal year, ended June 30, 100G, was
In connection with the cotton boll wee
vil, tho cottlon boll worm, Importation
of beneficial Insects from abroad, in
vestigations of Insects damaging forests
anil deciduous fruit trees, work on In
sects Injurious to vegetable crops and
effecting the great staple field crops,
ami work In silk and bee culture.
Tho Investigations Into the cotton
boll worm were such that cotton plant
ers will, It is stated, be enabled to con
trol that injurious pest.
Kiporlinrnts on n largo scale, extend
ing over practically tho whole of the
wheat g ow'ng area, havo been looking
toward the elucidation of certain as yet
unsolved problems In the propagation
of the Hessian ily and of the Joint
worms of wheat, and also to determine
the best time to sow wheat In the au
tumn In order to ward off the autumn
attack of the fly. Investigations of the
same Insect In the spring wheat re
gions have been Wgun, since only re
cently has the Hessian fly spread Into
this new country.
Jones' Plan to Secure Water and Ad
mit White Settlers.
Washington, Dec. SO. As tho first
stop in tho direction of adjusting con
Hiding water rights on the Yakima In
dian reservation, Representative Jones
will Introduce a bill, when congress re
convenes, authorising tho Yakima In
diana to sell 00 acres of their respective
allotments, and directing the secretary
of the Interior to apply a portion of tho
proceeds to the purchase of water rights
for the remaining 20 acres of each al
lotment, The passago of this bill will perma
nently provide for the irrigation of In
dian lands and at tho samo tlmo open
the way for the settlement of a largo
portion of the Yakima reservation.
This Indian land has been soiling for
from $40 to $50 per aero, and a largo
surplus will be realised for the benefit
of tho Indians.
Indian Commissioner Leupp is in
favor of this plan and will lend hia
assistance to secure Its favorablo con
sideration by congress,
Now York Traction Mnr
Now York, Deo, SO. A consolida
tion of tho subway, elevated anil sur
face traction llnec of Manhattan Island
Is believed to bo probable, ns a result
of tho sale of the Interests of Thomas
P. Ilyan in tiio Metropolitan Street
Hallway system to August llelmont.
Tho Metropolitan system includes
practically all of the surfaco roads on
tho Island, nnd Mr. llelmont Is presi
dent of the Intorliorough Rapid Transit
company, which operates the elevated
roads nnd subway. Tho prlco paid
waa not made public
Irish Leaders May Qet Together.
Dublin, Deo, SO. William O'Brien
is making overtures to tho parliament
nry party, led by John Iledmond, for n
woiklug Agreement nnd tho adoption of
a common lino of action in tho forth
coming general oloctloua. Tho over
tures have been received In n friendly
spirit, but eo far thero has been no In
terview between tho leaders. Mr. Kod
innnd nnd John Dillon havo issued nu
announcement that nothing line yet re
sulted from Mr. O'llrion's action,
' Alfonso Betrothed at Last.
Paris, Doc. SO. Tho Figaro this
morning declares that n doflnlto agree
ment has boon reached botwoon tho
Ilrltlsh mill Spanish governments re
garding tho betrothal of King Alfonso
and Prlncosa Kna of Ilsttenberg, but
that tho official announcement will not
We made for soveral weeks,
In a Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
A Resume of Hho Less Important but
Not Loss Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
Three Memphis banks have failed.
Hearst says ho will not run for
congress again,
A case of yellow fever has been dis
covered In Texas.
Know In Kansas Is Interfering greatly
with railroad traffic.
The United States Army Is to adopt
a now model revolver soon.
Franco will send n warship to the
Ilaltlc to protect her Interests.
The statuo of the devil, erected by n
Detroit, Mich., man, has been seised
for n labor lien.
Tho Mutual I.lfo Insitranco company
will abolish commissions nnd put all
agents on salaries.
A Cincinnati grand Jury has Indicted
the leading coal companies doing busi
ness In that city for combining to boost
the price of their product.
Chairman Shonts and Chief Knglneer
Stevens, of tho Panama Canal commis
sion, have returned to Washington.
Mr. Stovons favors a lock canal.
John W. Gates has formed a now
steel trust out of all the larger inde
pendent companies. The new concern
will havo a capital of $160,000,000.
Desperate fighting In Moscow con
tinues, another regiment Joining the
rebels. Tho government is suppress
ing as far as posrlhle details of the
horrors being enacted.
Nino Mexican political leaders at
Torreon were poisoned with strychnine
by opponents.
Commander Kva liooth, of the Salva
tion army, waa robbed In a crush at tho
Now York subway.
Tho Russian minister of finance has
authorised tho issuance of bonds to the
extent of $800,000,000.
Moorish workmen at Tangier havo
struck and there Is no way for vessols
to discharge their cargoes.
A turkey shoot at I ondon, Ky., re
sulted In a general fight in which two
men woro killed and several wounded.
A new high-priced record for a seat
In tho Now York stock exchange has
been reached by tho purchase of a seat
for $05,000.
Viscount SInxo Aokl has been ap
pointed Japanese ambassador to the
United States. He Is of the highest
diplomatic rank.
Tho wholo revolutionary committee
of St. Petersburg has been captured, to
gether with a largo quantity of arms
and ammunition.
HaVtng stopped speculation in foot
ball tickets, Mayor Dunne, of Chicago,
has called a meeting of theater man
agers to stop tho same practice with
theater tickets.
Tho number of London pcoplo in re
ceipt of pauper relief in nearly every
month' of tho year now ending have
been greater than In any of tho pro
vloua 40 years.
Charles M. Crouse, a multi-millionaire
of Syracuoo, N. Y., has received a
warning from the "Mack Hand" that
he will le bio aii up if ho does not do
nate $2,400 to "tho cause. "
France will send a fleet to Morocco.
Hermann is still trying to delay his
A numbor of Annapolis haters aro to
be court martlaled.
Attorney Goneral Moody intonds to
make a test caso of trusts now on trial.
Yuan Slit Kal has fallen heir to the
position In China hold by I.l Hung
Kx-Unlted States Senator Hard, of
California, waa seriously injured in a
There has been a great increase In all
lines of export to China and Japan ex
cept flour.
President I.oubet, of Franco, refuses
to again become a candidate nnd many
aro offering their names to bo proposed.
Italians and negroes engaged In a
raco riot and soveral heads woro broken
on both sides beforo tho police restored
Tho body of tho lata American consul
goneral, J. II. Ilussol Parsons, will bo
brought from Mexico City to this coun
try for burial.
Firo destroyed the Van Nuya Jlroad
wny hotel, ouo of tho beBt in Loa An
geles. Six firemen woro injured, Tho
loss la placed at $SOO,000.
United Stats Dlatrict Attorney Raster
is to iio Bummarily removed nt Omaha
(or connecting with illegal fencing of
publio lamia by cattlemen.
A handbill la being circulated in St.
Petersburg threatening the cxar's life.
Thousands in tho northeast provinces
of Japan aro said to bo on tho vorgo of
Heavy snows in New Mexico have
blocked railway tratta and train sched
ules are badly demoralised.
Revolutionists Will Not tie Responsi
ble for His Safoty.
St, Petersburg, Dec. 25, Thoro is n
persistent rumor 111 circulation horo,
n woll known revolutionary lcador be
ing tho authority, that tho czar has
been warned to leavo Russia. This
communication waa sent to tho ruler In
throo different ways In order to guar
antee Its reaching him. Tho czar was
notified that tho limit of patience had
been reached and that he had ceased to
bo ruler of Russia, savo In name onl.
Tho czar was advised, for his own sake
as woll as for his family's, to leavo the
country at once.
The communication is also said to
havo stated:
"Wo Jo not want to harm any mem
ber of the Imperial family, but we will
not bo responsible for their safety in
tho present critical tlmo."
It Is stated on high authority that
one copy of tho warning waa taken to
the czar'a private apartments at Tsar-koo-So'o
a few days ago.
The war ia heavily guarded In the
palace, which is surrounded by a form
idable array of troops, while dozens of
maxima and large supplies of ammuni
tion aro stored away. Few of the offi
cials havo access to the czar.
Escape From Meeting Hall by Break
ing Through Railings.
Moscow, Dec. 25. The 12,000 per
sons who were besieged in the Aqua
rium since last night' forced the rail
iriga surrounding tho building at 0
o'clock this morning and escaped
through an adjacent schoolhouso. A
few woro wounded In tbelr attempts to
escape tho military cordon.
Seventy of those attending the meet
ing weio arrested, but they were subse
quently released. A few revolvers
were seized and many daggers and re
volvers were left behind in the garden
surrounding the schoolhouso.
Demonstrations of the strikers were
continued all day, but in every case
they were dispersed by Cossacks and
dragoons. Several persona were In
jured, but no one waa killed. During
tho day wholesale arrests were made.
All business has been stopped. Sev
eral of the bakery shops have been
Tho strikers are using the strongest
measures to enforco tho complete cessa
tion of business, but notwithstanding
these measures the postal operations
At a meeting of bankers today It waa
decided to open the banks tomorrow.
Thousand Passengers Nearly Jump
Into Hudson In Terror.
New York, Dec. 25. WhlleHho Del
aware, Lackawanna & Western ferry
boat Montclatr was crowded from end
to end on a trip tonight from the foot
of Christopher street to Hoboken, Ore
burst out beneath the midst of the
inner row of scats in the men's cabin
on the starboard side. So sudden waa
the outburst of flames that those ait
ting on the scats had narrow escapes
from burning.
The shouts of firo sent the passengers
In a rush to tho open ends of the boat,
men almost pushing one another into
the water. Tho panic spread to the
women's cabin, which was also crowd
ed, there being 1,000 passengers on the
boat. Tho Montclsir was In midstream.
Aa quickly aa they could make their
way to the fire extinguishers, tho deck
hands took them down and played on
the fire, which quickly becamo only a
smudge of stilling emoko.
Tho boat waa driven fall speed, with
whistle shrieking, to the Hoboken
slip. Tho passengers rushed ashore
and the fire department put out what
remained of the blaze. It ia supposed
that a smouldering cigar stub com
municated fire to rubbish nnd started
tho blazo.
Honor for Choate.
Washington, Dec. 25. Tho Post to
morrow will say: Joseph II. Clmato,
who recently was succeeded at the Court
of St. James as United States ambassa
dor by Whltelaw Rold, in all likelihood
will bo named by President Roosevelt
aa chrman of tho American delega
tion to tho second Hague peaco 'confer
ence. This selection virtually la decld
ed on by the president. It a under
stood that he desired that ox-President
Cleveland should head tho delegation,
but Mr. Cleveland expressed n disin
clination to undertake tha wprk,
Heyburn Loaded for Bear,
Washington, Deo. 25. When the
senate reconvenes after the holidays,
Senator Heyburn Intends to make a
speech on hia iorest rcaorvo bills. He
will air his difference with the presi
dent nnd Giffonl Pinchot, nnd urge
curtailment of tho president's power to
create reserves. Hia bill has not been
reported. A severe arraignment of tlm
administration is expected. Tho sen
ator will also apeak in advocacy of his
national board of corporations bill.
Martial Law for Poland.
Warsaw, Deo. 25. A proclamation
of tho govornor geuerO was gazetted
hero today, establishing martial law in
nil tho 10 governments of Russian Pol
and and appointing ten temporary mil
itary governors general.
Traffic of Soo Canal,
8ault Sto. Mario, Mich., Deo. 25.
Tho government report places tho total
freight tonnage of the Soo canal for the
year at 44,270,800 tons, an Increase
over last year of 40 per cent.
CID10N0L0GY OF 1905.
Internal rjlstarbaneea In nasal and
Independent; la Wortrar Close
of )! War In Ilia Kl-JInr
Urent JVamee In Mai of Dead.
Moat significant of tbe events of
1005, because it Indicates unmistak
ably the Inexorable advance of man
kind toward high Ideals of liberty,
justice and perfect civilization, Is the
political and economic upheaval now
taking place in Russia. Wearying
under a load of taxation, ren
dered well-nigh unbearable by added
burdens Imposed by the prosecu
tion of a disastrous war, the
peasantry and common people atsrted
n revolt against the tyrannical aris
tocracy, nnd have been able to forco
from their unwilling ruler many con
cessions tending toward a free citizen
ship. Massacre nnd rapine, In which
tho Jows were the chief sufferers, nre
part of the price paid for the advan
tage gained. Another Impressive proof
of civilization's advance is the blood
less revolution by which Norway has
dissolved Its political connection with
Sweden and seated a king upon its
long unusued throne. The recent ex
posures of graft nnd fraud in high
financial circles and last summer's la
bor troubles In Chicago aro only Inci
dents of the constant conflict being
waged for tbe establishment of Jus
tice and fair treatment between man
and man.
Tbe Russo-Japanese war, after a
brilliant series of land campaigns,
during which one after another of tbe
strongholds of tho Russians in Man
churia fell into the bands of their op
ponents, and a decisive battle on the
Ben of Japan, that Is said to have been
one of the greatest naval contests of
all history, has been brought to a
close, and largely, we believe, by
American Influence.
The completion of the great Slmplon
tunnel was the accomplishment of an
other great engineering feat, and the
Lewis and Clark Exposition In Port
land, Ore., presented to tbe world a
record of achievement In all lines.
Great disasters have been fewer
than usual, though tornadoes In Okla
homa and Kansas destroyed more
than five hundred lives, and earth
quakes, fire and railway wrecks have
done tbelr dread work.
The year's list of famous dead con
tains the names of many men and
women noted In tbe arts, statecraft,
philanthropy and business.
The principal eventa of 1003 are
briefly summarized below:
3 Surrender of Tort Arthur.
Towboat Defender blown ap ea Ohio
nir: so iift lost.
4 Desth of Theodore Thomss, orebattra
S Admiral Rojesteensky's flagship Kolas
Bourarotr sunk off Madagascar.
0 Death of Louise ulebtl, French an
archist. 1& Cocnbtt' ministry In France resigns.
19 Secrets 17 lUj advises China to re
main neutral. ... Earthquake at Bhemskbs,
Ilostls. bortu hundreds of people.
IS End of teitlle strike In Fatl Hirer,
IB Attexpt to asssislnat Czar and Itui
slan rojsl rsrallj
22 Massacre of worktnfmen by Csars
troopa In 81 Petersburg;.
IS Kerolt spreads through Huitlan
25 Liberals defeated In Ontario general
elections. . . .Casr Issues proslamatlen prom
ising reforms.
SO- Kouropatkla'a array driven back from
Bandepaa lie Geo. Oku'a forces.
SO Csar signs document granting great
reforms to Russian people.
1-2 Ettreme cold ware sweepa Northern
8tatea and Canada. Ulendlre. Mont., has
temperature of 34 dogrees below aero.
7 Death of Joseph II. Manlev of. Maine.
....Kenate passes Statehood bill
S Hooeevelt and Fairbanks declared elect
ed after count of electoral votes In Con
gress. -Mouse pastes Townsend-Ksch railway
rate bill.
10 Death of lion. Cbaa. II. Uackley of
Uusketon, Mich.
IS fisrerest cold wave of winter.
15 Death or flen. Law Wallace.
IS Death of Jay Cookr, noted flnanclsr.
IT (Hand Duke Berglus killed by bomb
In Moscow.... Frances Wlllard statue dedi
cated In Statuary Hall, Washington.
20 Kiploalon in Virginia City coal mtnss,
near Hessemer, Ala , entombs 192 miners.
. . . .Fire destroys piers and ships at Cnarlee
town, Mas.
54 llorlur of Slmploa tunnel under tha
Alpa Is finished.
2511.000.000 fire In Hot ftprtngs. Ark.
....North Sea Commission announces de
cision, against Hussla.
20 Illinois Central tormlnala In New Or
leana born with loss of 13.000.000.... Thirty
five miners killed by eiploeton at Wilcce,
V. Va.
27 Death of Cleo. B. Iloutwell of Massa
chusetts. .. .Judge Bwayne of Florida ac
quitted by Unltud .States Senate... .Hleven
persons killed by collapse of church floor
In nrooklyu, N. V
2S -Death of Mrs. Leland Stanford Ic
3 Caar of Ilussla slgua rescript giving
people a right to representation In law
making body Thirty persona killed In
wreck of Inauguration special tratua near
4 Itoosevelt Is Inaugurated. ...Kna of
rvSth Consress Will J. Davis and two
others Indicted as responsible for Iroquois
fire Chas. Thomas found guilty of Ma
bel BcoSeld murder.
7 Hlg tracttou strike begins In New
8Japanae win battle of Mukden, after
eighteen daya' righting.
10 Mukden captured by Japanese.
11 Mrs. Chadwlek rouvtcteU of conspir
acy In Cleveland.
11 Nineteen llrcs loat In New York tene
ment bouse Are.
17 Death of flen. Joeeph II. Hawley of
1810 Twenty-four miners killed by ex
plosion In mines near Thurmond, W. va.
20 Kxploslon and (Ira 111 Ilrockton, Mass.,
shoo factory causes 103 deaths.
24 Death of Jules Verne.
8 President Itoosevelt leaves Washington
on vacation trlp....Eznloslon In Loiter
mines at Zeigler, III.. Mils tblrty-nre men.
....Husalsn artillery depot In Harbin blown
up aud asvsnty-flve men killed.
Wa must condone
Milady 'a fads,
Aud dumbly own
That Ulr pads.
p. a
4 Bsrtkqaakss Is India devastate wl44
range of country and destroy anndreds et
S Chicago teamsters strike In sympathy
with ferment workers.
S nsllansa of wsfer reaorralr at MadrlA
kilts or Injures 400 persons.,., llattlrshlir
Minnesota faunsbed.
la -Hard frost damages early frnlt ana
Sarden truck In Central and Southern
17 -Four boys klllod In panic la Indlasv
spoils Masonic Temple.
20 -Thirteen lives lost In bnrnlng of eea
vent In Bt aensvleve. QneUc.
24-Frank O. tllselow., president of Mil
.... ...... f-.t . ...
himself a defaulter for 11,600,000 of bank's
funds.... Teamsters' strike In Chlcsgo sup
posed to be ended.... Earthquakes aear
Ilombar, India, kill persona.
2S (hlrtwn Isamstara strike on again.
7ft.rith nt timn ritchmh Lea.... Riot
Ing In Chicago. ...Tornado at Lareda, Tea.,
kills alzteeu person. . .
nThi.i..n min.,. lllliil br eioloslew
near Wllborton, Ok.
1 Ona hundred eeraons killed la disturb
snees In I'oland. . . . ,
2-4 Berlons strlk not in iiresi .
esgo. . .
o i ai trowe girss nicnuu up -..-ties
In Oraabs, bat dlssppesra later.
v icmiae aeeiros iHin-n- ,.,-
maeh property In Marquette, Kan.
10 'resident Itooaevelt entertained la
Chicago.. ..Tornado In Oklahoma hills BOO
Proris. ..
11 nrty persons kiuea ana jw .pj".
In railway accident at South HsrrUborf.
Pa. .
12- Nan Tatterson releaaed In New ioi.
1 Death of Jessie Bartlett Davl.
19 rionnern ana Douiuvm .- ---In
joint convention In Bt. Louis.... Csar la
sses rescript granting sweeping reforma la
I'oiaoa ids name pruTiuc . ,
21 Death of Judge Albion W. Tonrgss la
Dordeanx, France.
2S- Death of Mrs. Mary A- Mvermere.
2ft Death of Daron AlDbonee de Rota-
"bUa- . .
27 Russian name nest unnerttojr.iT.B
sky defeated In great battle la Korean
Straits by Japanast nndir Togo.
28 Amerlesn yscht Atlantic wins Kais
er's cup In trans-Atlsntte race.
28 Death of former Premier Frsnelsea
nllrela In Madrid. Hpaln. ,
Alpbonao of Hpaln and President LonUt or
rrance in fans.
. a - 9 . ..4 -la.V n.nt
tlen In Portland, Oregon. ...Esrthqnsks la
. a m. ..-.-..... 4m.. In over-
Montenegro. ... i wo nuuui.u mv
flow of reservoirs st I'rlncetown. Natal.
2 Japan abaken by earthquakes.
O-Crown Prince Frederic William of Oer
many weds Trineeas Cecils of Mecklenburg
eebwertn ...Norway declares ber Independ
ence of Sweden. M
n tM... !Mwt aw.nffra ror neacv
negottstlons between Japan and Ruasla.
la ineoaor ueiaan,., jiv-. w- .
fatally stabbed by gambler.
1&-Marrtage of I'rlnce Ouatavna AdoJ
phne of Sweden and I'rtnceea Margaret of
17-Death of Cuban leader. Oen. Meilma
2S Death of Judge Stephen Nee!, author
of 14th amendment. In Lebanon. Ind.....
Uloody strike battles In Lods. I'oland.
21 S760.O0O Are In retail district of Nasn-
23-Oreat mutiny and rioting at Odessa,
1-Dcath of John Hay. Secretary of BtaU
. ...raul Morton Is aucc!ed as Secretary
of the Navy by Charlea J. Uonaperte.
2 Cloudburst la Guanajuato. Mexico, de
stroys 1.000 lire.
6 Tornsdo In North Texas.
ft EUhu Root appointed Secretary e
State to succeed the late John Hay.
11 Firs damp eiploslon In Welsh col
liery kills 12 mlnsrs. . . n
lA Death of Oen. W. W. Blackmar, O.
A. K. National Commander
20 Strike of Chicago teamsters la ended.
21 Dollar exploalon on O. 8. 9. Benning
ton In San Diego harbor kills tblrty-aevea
and Injures ninety-seven others,
23 Death of Daniel B. Lamont.
24 Bones of John Paul Jones placed la
vault In Annapolis.
25 Yellow fever epidemic In New Or
leans. Anansat.
8 Collapse of store In Albany, N. Y..
kills twelve persons.
O Russlsn and Japanese peacy commie-
slonera meet at Portsmouth. N. II.
10 Flala-Zelgler expedition, rescued by
the ateamer Terra Nova, reaches Honnlng-
araag. Norway. m
IS Referendum In Norway favors separa
te Reciprocity convention In Chicago.
17 Fifty passengers drown when xenr-
ston train runs Into open draw near Nor-
f21 Earthquake felt In Illinois. Mis
souri, Kentucky. Indiana and Tennessse....
Death of Mary Mapea Dodge.
2 Russian and Japanese envoys sgrea
upon terms of peace.
1 Alberta becomes new Btate of Canada.
2 Flvo million-dollar Ore In Adrlanopl.
4! 'ifcath of neaektah Butterworth. hl-
8-Treaty of peace between Ilusela and
Japan algned In l'ortetnoutb. N. II
I'eace rlota In Tokto.
8 Earthquake In Southern Italy destroys
400 lUee and twenty villages.
0 Rand powder factory. Fatrchance, Fa.,
explodes, destroying thirty lives.
11 Mlkssa. Admiral Togos flagihlp,
burns and COO Uvea sre lost.
li-Death of Patrick Collins, Mayor of
18 Death of George McDonald, novelist.
24 Great Or In llutte. Mont.
JO Manila swept by typhoon.
4 81x hundred thousand-dollar flr la
Rhlnslsnder. Wis. ...,. ... w
13 Norwegian treaty adopted by Swedish
Parliament... -Death of Blr Henry Irving.
14 Close of Lewis and Clark Exposition.
In Portland. Ore Treaty between Russia
and Japan algned by csar ana uisaao.
17 Fatal tornado at Boreuto. ni.
1D-20 Storm on Oreat Lakes deatroya
ahlpplng and coats several lives,
2S Death of Congressman Jerry Btmpaoa
of Kanaas. . ..
SO Caar grants representative govern
ment to Russians.
1 Sweden unfurls her new flag.... Bloody
rlota In Russian cities.
S -Enormous loss of Ufa In massaeres In
cltlea of Southern Ruaala.
4 -Csar algna manifesto gtvlog freedom
to Flntatid,
12-Hlahop Btephen M. Merrill, prominent
Chicago Methodtat, dies rrinco Charles)
of Denmark chosen King of Norway.
14 People of Isle of Pines declars free
dom from sovereignty of Cuba
18 Torpedo boat aunk In German naval
maneurers and thirty-three men drowned,
10 One buudred lives loat In wreck of
ateamer Hilda In English Channel... .Thlr
tyulus men die In Olaagow lodging house
"3 State entry of King Haakon TIL and
Queen Mande Into Christiana
Klgbteen persons killed snd twenty
Ore Injured In railway wreck near Lincoln,
Meet Fleet of allied powers seise Turk
ish Island of Mytllena.
27 Drunken Russian soldiers at Alezan
drovsk burn barracks sod eighty political
"8 -Severe gala causes much damage to
property In Oreat Lakea dlatrict.
1 Cuban elections a lamlaltde for moder-
2 Iron missile thrown through window ot
President Rooaevclt'a apeclal train In Phila
delphia. 4 -Fifty-ninth CongTess meets.. . .Wlseon.
sin Legislature meets In special session....
Ualfour ministry In England realgns.
O l.ieui. ueu. Miuaivu .i.tu u nuiuiu
1 proviuce of SaratoS, Russia.
8 Mrs. Mary M. Rogers hanged In Wind
'r. Vt. ... ....
11 ueatn. or tuwara Aimnson, political
Odda aud. ISnda.
This bolus; In love lakes up mora
time than an aching tooth.
Why do parents always boastlnjly
give the weight ot what ths st
brings thsral