j3 -. K juv s i .nvjiwiwwflpMiiBiim II I llinilllHMMMMMIMWB .ja-j.x & yvdUhlliiWCCTs REPORT ON CANAL Isthmus Has Been Made 'Ilenllliy as First Essential. PAYROLL OF $600,000 A MONTH Working Year Will Bo of Only Eight Months. Owing to Difficulties of Rainy Soason. Washington, IVc. 30. Conditions on tho Isthmus of Panama and tho progress which is being made on the gigantic enterprise before tho Canal commission were set foith In the an nual report ot that body for tho year ending December 1, submitted to Presi dent Roosevelt today. According to the repott, tho work up to this time has been confined mostly to tho prepar atory operations, although some exca vation work has been in progress which will bo mostly of uso in making esti mates upon tho cost of future excava tion. Sanitary conditions has also re ceived much attention, and as a result tho health of tho isthmus is now in good shape. Whllo this preparatory work has been in progress, very littlo has been done In the way of actual excavation. Eleven steam shovels have been in operation in Culcbra cut and approxi mately 1.000,000 cubic yards of mate rial have been removed. By this work the levels of the cut are being pnt in condition for the Installation of tho largest number of machines which can bo effectively operated, and data is being gathered which will be use.'ul for estimates of tho cost of future construc tion. The chief engineer, John F. Stevens, reports that tho working year will bo of only eight months, duo to tho rainy seawn. Tho problem of the Calebra cut is simply a matter of disposing of the material excavated, lie also states tho necessity of obtaining more effl dent labor, and asserts that there are exceptional opportunities for yoong men from the United States to secure good positions. A thorough business administration ot affairs on tho istnmns, ho says, is eesential. Tho old railroad usrd by the French company, was in bad con dition, especially the rolling stock. The payroll on the Isthmus at pres ent amount to approximately 800, 000 a month. An immediate appropri ation is therefore necessary. GOOD HAVEN FOR BIG THIEVES. Cannot Be Extradited From France and Germany. Washington, Dec. 30. It is proba ble that steps will soon be taken by the State department to secure a revis ion of the existing extradition treaties with Franco and Geimany. Recent events have drawn attention to some very serious defects in the old conven tions, and it is leared that txiore long France and Germany will become na vena of refage for a certain class of .Anierieai criminals. Within the past fortnight, the chief of police ot Iloboken tabled a request to the Paris municipal authorities to . arrest and return to the United btatea a. man named Sasola on the charge ot grand larceny. The French authorities were surprised at this request, coming not through the American embassy, and, finding that no regular application had been made tor extradition, placed him at liberty. In the course of the proceedings it was disooveied tnat there was absolutely no provision in the extradition treaty for the surrender ot a person charged with grand larceny. The treaty with I'ruMia arw tn uer man states, made in 1S2, likewise fails to include garnd larceny as an ex traditable crime. Send Squadron to Relief. Chicago. Dec- 30. A dispatch to the Tribune from Washington says: The administratioi. will send a squadron, and not a single ship, to European waters for use in the Itussian crisis, in case American life and property ate menaced. At a conference yesterday between the president, Secretary Root and Secretary Bonaparte, Instructions were given Admiral Sigtbee, command ing the cruiser division of the North Atlantic fleet, to proceed to Madeira. Then, If necessary, the squadron will go to the Baltic. Yerkes at Death's Door. New York, Dec. 30. A bulletin was issued tonight relative to the condition ot Charles T. Yerkes, stating there had been no change in the past 24 hours. Dr. Loomis, tho attending physician, added that, while there were no imme diate symptoms of approaching death, the end might come at any moment. Mr. Yerkes' buslnws affairs in London are said to have been recently so ar- ranged that they will not, be Jeopard Ixed by his illness. May Quarrel With Germany. London, Dec. 30. The St. Peters burg correspondent of the Times re port that the relations between Russia and Germany are distinctly strained and that there is a possibility ot inter national complications arising from the rebellion in the Baltic provinces. Rebel Plans All Foiled. St. Petersburg, Dec. 30. The ener getic measures taken by tho govern z . i.nA mmnlntolv nvertnrned the i.. i i revolutionists in St. Pe tersburg. Practically U the leaders have been arrested. AFTER THE OIL BARONS. Missouri Summons W. G. Rockofeller and Six Othors. Now York, Dec. 29. William O. Rockefeller, son ot William Rockefeller, was, It was learned yesterday, served Christmas evening with n subpoena to appear at n hearing In tho case ot tho stato ot Missouri against tho Standard Oil company at tho oillcos of Henry Wollman, here January 5. Christmas day is a legal service day, though most holidays aro not n proper service tlmo for subpoenas. Tho service was made as Mr. Rockefeller was stepping Into his automobile In front of his residence. Edward T. Bedford, also one of the dliectors ot tho Standard Oil company, was served with a subpoena in the same proceedings. Henry Wollman, Now York counsel tor tho stato of Missouri in tho proceed ings, said yesterday that he thought somo ot tho Standard Oil men were at tempting to evade service. "They aro making It very difficult for us," ho said, "hut wo are succeed ing steadily. We have already served seven. The hearing will begin Janu ary 6 and Attorney General lUdleyand I will tako tho testimony of all tho wit nesses wo get by that time, and then wo will adjourn from tlmo to tlmo to got all of them. It Is probable that we will give notice to tako depositions in some of tho neighboring state, where somo of them aie now residing tempor arily." BOYCOTT IN ALL PROVINCES. Will Be Continued Until Exclusion Law is Relaxed. New York, lec. 29. Dr. F. F. Tong, tho representative of the Chinese gov ernment who is here to create a public sentiment against tho exclusion law, as administered, declared yesterday that there would bo no abatement of the boycott in China against American goods "jntil the desired change was made. He said that his most recent advices indicate that the movement ot retalia tion had spread to every province ot tho empire. Everywhere merchants and their customers are working to gether to shut out goods made in the United States. At Tien Tsln, Dr. Tong asserted, mills for the production of cotton and woolen goods have been started, and a flour mill is in operation. Women are heart and soul with the men in the fight aaginst American goods. In purchasing powder for their faces the first question they ask is: "Was it made in America?" It the answer is affirmative, they refuse to buy. "What we aro seeking to accom plish," said Dr. Tong, "is an adjust ment ot the law and its administration that will pot a stop to the injustice to which Chinese in this country aro con stantly sublected." CLAIM FOR STEAMERS. Heirs of Rebel Commodore Revive Civil War Incident. Washington, Dec. 20. Secretary Shaw and 'he United States treasurer are defendants in a snit instituted to day in the Federal court here to recover from the government the value ol 3ft steamboats alleged to have been taken from James E. Montgomery during the Civil war by men representing them selves to be military officers ot the United States. Mr. Montgomery, who is now dead, was a prominent steamboat owner, and lived in St. Louis. The suit is brought by thi trustee of the Montgomery es tate, who seeks to recover 1260,000 for the heirs. The petition states that Mr. Montgomery opposed secession, but was compelled to cast his lot with the Confederacy, as his property Inter ests were chiefly in Mississippi. He became a commodocre in the Confeder ate navy, but was the first Confederate officer to take the oath of allegiance to the United States after the war. He took the oath In the presence of Gener al U. 8. Grant, his neighbor, who was the first Federal officer to congratulate him on his return to the sspport of the Union. Warships to Santo Domingo. Washington, Dec. 29. The gunboat Padacah left Norfolk today for Monte Criatl. The Navy department has ad vised Rear Admiral Bradford ot her de parture, and that sh will be at his disposal as soon as she an ires in Do minican waters. The Paducah is a sitter ship to the Dubuque, and will be attached to the squadron guarding American interests in the West In dies. As soon as she ean bo commis sioned, the cruiser Dixie will be or dered to the West Indies, carrying a strong marine gnard. Purchase Oregon City Locks. Washington, Iee. 28. When con gress reconvenes after the holidays, Senator Fuiton will introduce a bill au thorizing the secretary of war to pur chase the canal and locks at Oregon City, provided they can be had for f 000,000. If a higher price is atked, bis bill authorizes their acquisition by condemnation. There has been loud olamor for free navigation on the Wil lamette, and this biii is intended to do away with the tolls. Morales Severely Wounded. Washington, Dec. 20. The Navy do naortment has received a cablegram from Commander Chambers, of the gunboat Nashville, dated Puerto Plata last night, stating that he had been Informed from a government eocne that President Morales had been shot I and seriously wounded. i SALARIEHOO IB Poor Service Rendered by Cheap Clerks In PostoHlces. MONEY ORDERS SHOW INCREASE Large Amount of Money Recolvod in Dead Leltors Mailed to Fraud ulent Concerns. Washington, Dec. 28. In his an- nual report made today First Assistant Postmaster General Hitchcock says that tho low salaries paid clerks In first and second class postotllces aro do creasing the standard of efficiency. It is Impossible, ho says, to Induce etll cient men to enter his branch ot tho service, when tho salary to begin with is but f00 a year, with no certainty ot promotion tor perhaps several years. My. Hitchcock strongly recommends a discontinuance ot tho practice of In stalling postotllces In public buildings devoted In part to other branches of tho government service. Tho best typo of quartert t r poo to like, purposes, ho says, Is a slnglo large room In a one story building. Much embarrassment has been oc casioned the postal authorities to pro vide emergency mail facilities In min ing towns, and Mr. Hitchcock recom mends an emergency appropriation of 176,000 to meet such requirements. There has been an increase of more than $18,000,000 in the amount ot do mestic and of more than $6,000,000 In the amount of foreign money orders issued during the year over the year preceding. While the number of undelivered letters which are on their way to the dead letter office dnring the year was smaller than during tho previous year, the number of undelivered letters with valuable enclosnrea greatly increased. General prosperity of tho wintry Is given as ono reason; anotl or is tho suppression by the department of eon cerns nsing the mails for fraudulent purposes. Mail tor such concerns con taining money, money orders and com mercial paper was received at the dead letter office in unusual quantities. Nearly 11,000,000 pieces of mail were received at the dead letter office during the year, including 1,008 that failed of delivery in the Panama canal xone. Over 1,600,000 cases ot alleged In decent and scurrilous matter received attention. In the summer tie influx of offensive pictorial ot cards became so great as to call for a sjeclal order by the department looking to the abate ment of the nuisance. As a result ot this order, many thoutands of objec tionable cards have been withdrawn from the mails by postmasters and for warded to tho department for destruc tion. FLOUR TRADE MENACED. Puget Sound Mill's Oriental Business Falls 30 Per Cent. Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 28. Accord ing to Superintendent Armstrong, of the Tacoma Warehouse A Sperry Mills company, tho boycott In China Is prov ing a serious menace to the milling interests of Tacoma. Where years ago full cargoes ot flour were being shipped to China and mills were running over time to fill orders, shipments to the Orient have fallen off over 30 per cent and mills are running only part of the time. "The boycott in China has knocked the bottom out of the flour business, as far as exports are concerned," said Superintendent Armstrong. "Local freight keeps upVrell but we need for eicn shipments. It would be good business policy to get that boycott out of the way as soon as possltle." Ralph Smith agent of the Puget Sound Flooring Milts company, says: "We are shipping lees flour than usual to China, and the boycott is re sponsible for it. I don't know what else eould be the trouble. Home trade keeps up about as usual." Volcano Smothers Savall. San Franolseo, Dec. 28. According to the passengers vho arrived yester day on the liner Ventura, tho volcano on the island ol eavail, in trie bamoan rroan. is still in vigorous activity. The blaze from the crater at night, it is said, is visible at tea many miles away. The lava has covered an area ot 30 square miles. This raolton flow has filled 11 miles of a deep valley and is heading for the seashore, na tives whose -homes are near the beach are preparing to abandon their houses and ooccanut groves on short notice. Many Horses Fall Dead. New York, ec. 28. Afllieted with spinal meningitis, more than a seore of horses dropped dead In the streets ot Williamsburg today, and at least hall of them succumbed to the disease bo fore a veterinary could reaoh them. Every veterinary surgeon in Williams burg was called into service, and they were kept busy from before daylight until tonight trying to check the spread ot the disease. Up to 0 o'clock one had been called to attend 18 cases. Will Adopt Extreme Measures. St. Petersburg, Dec. 28. After -an exciting meeting of the workmen's del egates to the Union of Unions, it wan decided to continue the strike and adopt the moat desperate measures. BATTLE IN MOSCOW. Rebels Rocolve Rolnforcemonls From Neighboring Cllles. Bt. Potorslmrg, Deo. 27. Tho battle In Moscow Is still laglng, tho victory being undecided. (Atnsldorablo rolie lorounonts for tho revolutionists have ...,W'.t.i rr.un tint noliihborliiu districts of Ynroslav, Vladimir and Tauibov. Tho loyal troops ol wo government In Moscow number 8,000 cavalry and Cossacks, whllo the Infantry regiments there Incline toward tho revolutionists. Tho number of killed and wounded In tho lighting thus far exceeds 10,000. Tho artillery and tires lighted by tho revolutionists have destroyed many blocks ol houses, and It Is feared that Moscow will bo Involved In a conflagra tion before tho present struggle Is over, Memltera ol tho government aro ro ported to believe, from Information which has renclietl mem, mat wo .'lira cow affair Is only a demonstration, and that tho decisive battle with tho rovolte tlonUts Is to be fought In St. Peters burg before many days. In this city and its suburbs and on tho frontier of Finland are concealed largo quantities ot revolutionary arms and ammunition. Eighty thousand lahoreia aro exectcd to march on tho capital from Narva and Roval at tho appointed time. At present, howevorr, tho city Is compara tively quiet. Encountora with strikers in the sub urbs have lately caused tho death or Injury ot several hundred victims. Tho chief city surgeon, M. Rosen, says he examined tho wounded and killed and found among them many schoolboy and young girls. This fact further affords proof ot tho cruelty of tho Cos sacks. NO INTERVENTION. Civil War In Santo Domingo No Affair of United States. Washington, Dec. 27. Kor tho pres ent there will not be any Interference by tho United States in the difficulty which has arisen In Santo Domingo. Tho troublo is re garded by the State de partment officials as entirely an Inter nal one, ami so long a outside interests are not menaced this attitude of nonin tervention will be maintained. If, however, conditions should change materially and lawless acts shook! lw committed against Americans ami American Interests, Involving tho cot. lection ot the Dominican customs by this government, or other violence should occur which, In the opinion ol the officials here would make It proper for this government to interfere, this step will be taken, and measures adopt ed to quell the trouble. This decision was reached by State department officials during the day and was confirmed at a conference at the white house late this afternoon, In which the president and Sccretarle Taft, Root ami Bonaparte participate! The cabinet officers remained In the white home until nearly 0 o'clock. Tho gathering, however, was not called specifically for the purtaso of diseas ing matters bearing on the develop ments in Santo Domingo, but to talk over a number of questions which the president was anxious to dispose of preliminary to his departure for an outing ot several days In Virginia. SMITH TO BE GOVERNOR. Will Soon Succeed Wright In Philip pine Possessions. Washington, Dec. 27. Despite de nials and assurances recently credited to Governor General Luke E. Wright, there is no longer serious doubt of tho administration's purpose to make a change In the head ot the Philippine government. James F. Smith, formerly of San Franclico, now a snemlier of thu Philippine commission, Is the man picked for the succession as governor general. His Installation In the post is likely to be accomplished In the not distant future. There is high authority for the state ment that American pn-stlge in the islands has waned seriously 'n the last yar. The fact la hardly disputed by those familiar with conditions there It was recognized by members of the Taft party, some of wltom havo ex pressed grave concern about It. Abolish Hanging In Jersey. New York, Dec 27. Assemblyman Berg, of New Jersey, has drafted a hill to abolish capital punishment In that state and will go to Trenton tomorrow to ask Governor Stokes to grant re prieves to all condemned murderers un til the legislature shall have acted on the question. If Governor Stokes ac cedes to the Assemblyman's request, two women, Mrs. Valentino and Mrs. Lotta, and a man awaiting death In the Hackentaok jail, and three men under sentences in other county jails, will he given reprieves until well Into spring. Big Factory Building Burns. New York, Dec. 27. Five alarms, summoning 32 fire companies and the reserves from nine olice preolncts, were sent out tonight for a blaze which completely gutted the six-story factory buildings, Nos. 102, 104, 100 Woocter street, entailing a damage estimated at $800,000. Five firemen sustained slight injuries. No ono was In tho building when the tiro started and its qrigin is unknown, Somo insurauco was carried. China Makes Demands. London, Dec. 27. The correspondent of the Morning Post at Shanghai says that the Chinese foreign office has in structed tho Chtneso minister at Lou don to negotiate with tho British gov ernment regarding the mixed court dis pute, to demand the dismissal of tho British ambassador, and to insist on the punishment of the police concerned in the recent outbreak. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST BUY FORESTRY BUILDING. Stato Board of Agrl.ulturo Proposes Moving It to Halem. Halem At the mooting ' l'"1 Mn boaid ol agriculture Inst week John II. Albert, ol tho LwU and Clark fair commission, submitted it cqiiiiiiiiiiI cation suggesting that tho board take steps to secure tho forestry building erected at tho Lewis ami Clark fair and move It to Halem. Mr. Albert said that neither tho city ot Portland nor tho Oregon Historical ...i..iu i.ui tWmiHitliiii toward preserv ing tho building, and ho thought It would bo a good pun ui move i .. i.. H..1..IH mill nriiet it III the HblllV.iM" .r ... ... ...... ----- -- stato fair grounds near tho Hoiillii'in Pailflo track, where all persons whihk on tho trains could sen It. H" thought I... I.i..... tnirlllmSlf hlltS WOllId It'll only bo an attraction at tho stato lair, hut when to Hlliiattnl wuuiu im a -potual advertisement for Oregon's tine Ikt resources. , Tho Board of Agriculture appoint committee composed of W. II. Down I.,.. I I). Matlock ami Frank Immi to ascertain tho cost ol transportlnc tho building to Salem, anil also wuewirr it... ..u-.L.r n( lint land llttrtll which tho ..III W1...V. ...- - -- --. -- building now stands will permit It to remain there until iiicleigsiaiureiucewi In 1007. WOOLEN MILL FOR ALBANY. Subsidy of SI6.000 Will Insure Re building on Larger Scale. Albany The Commercial club ap pointed a committee of leading bualneM men to secure 116,000 in sulwcrlp lions toward reorganising tho Ban nockburn Manufacturing company, to rebuild tho woolen mill rrcently burned, replacing It with a mill double the capacity. Tho company is to have 1 1 00. 000 en'iital and a practical woolen manufacturer is to run the mill. The now factory will give employment to 100 people. The proposal Is to bring machine ry for a six-set mill from Massachusetts, the owner to take stock In the mill for the machinery ami run the plant. The old building is to I rebuilt w Ith money subscrilwd lor stosk in Albany, the old company te put In Its proprerty at hall cost and raising H0.O0O additional stock. This will give tho company a complete plsiit with a working rapltal ot f-IO.OOO. Business men here are taking hold with a will ami the plans premise success. Over 12,000 was uWUhnI br three men on the siKit, The Commercial club re-elected the entire board of directors and officers. President M. II. Kl'ls and associates holding another year. Statistics of Feeble. Minded. Palem An effort has Ix-en made by tho commission aulliorlsjii ny mo iai legislature to Inquire into necessiiy or tiiH ailvlailitliti of Mtabllihlnir a school In this state for the feeble minded, to find out how many itnlortunltes ol tins character are to Im found In the state. A report received at the office of tho secretary of the State Library commis sion, compiled from a census taken In several Eastern states, shows the aver ago number of feeble minded persons Is 2 to 1,000, On this basis there would be about 1,000 feeble minded persons In Oregon. Candidates Must File Notice. Palem Hecretary of State Dunbar calls attention to the fact that It is no cescary for candidates for stato or dis trict office to first tile a notice ol in tention to lieeome a candhUte with tho secretary of state, lntfore or at the tlmo of bf ginning the circulation of petitions for tho primary elections. A candidate Is permitted to write a platform, not exceeding 100 words, to lie 11 led with this declaration, ami to have printed en the official ballot a edmlensed plat form, not exceeding 12 words, Census Returns Slow. Halem Only 17 of the 33 counties ol the state have tiled their census returns with the secretary ol state. Scarcely any ol the reports aro complete. Die plications have been discovered in sev eral Instances, whllo glnrlug Inaccura oles are alleged In othors. Kamath county only reports eight Indians, whereas tho great Klamath Indian res ervation is In this county, and should have lcen reported, according to stato officials. Names, residences and places of biith aro Improperly recorded on many returns. Will Extend Railroad. Klamath Falls J. W. Alexander, connected with thu Woyorhaiisor lime Imp NvmllfiAti. tvlilrtli r.M-j.titlu mir. (.-.. J ..-V.-., .....V.. ....T...tJ fl- chasod tho Klamath take (railroad, running ir.im Tiirau 10 roKcgama, in connection with tho largo tlinlxir hold ings ot the railroad company situated on thu Jeny creek plateau, denies tho statement that (ho now owunrs ot thu road Intended discontinuing tho pas senger service Umard Klaulath I'iiIIh tho llrst ot the yeur, Lincoln County Shows Decrease. Salem Lincoln county's nasnaainnnt summary (or 1005 has been received at tho office ot tho secretary of state. It shows a decrensu of 10 pur rent In the valuation ot taxable property, tho total for 1004 being $1,0:10,602, as compared with 1 030,16 1 In 1(105. Mill at Entorprlso, Enterprise Otto Brothers havo in stalled u chop mill near hero, n largo race nllonllng power. Tho flouring mill in Enterprise Is frequently com polled to cloto down, hut the chop mill can be run at any time. MAKINQ MEAOY IN KLAMAIM. Govsruniont Engineer Llpplncott Now un ina urnumii ritntutli Kulla Huiinivlsliiif 1 nut.. eor J. H. I.lpplm'otl. '" Hi" ltecUim. tlou service In California, and hnvn. charge nl llm Klamath project, urrM here Hunday. Mr. Llpplncott cnittato l-l... .1. t.ull 111 nllltf. III. .-II .....ll.. ixiniiimu nim i v..... . .. I'MMim, Innrlmi unit nrritliuit fur Puvlllif nil i.l.ll. gallons against tho government In eon. nwilllllll Willi uio iwniiinui irrigation ploject, HhvihiiI private (ouipiiIm m. iKtught out by (ho government oltKitlt, or arrangt'iiiouis wore ooinpieiMi lor tli iiiiriilmaii of nil IHIIlllll'lllIU Irrigation dltohrs put hero previously by private concerns, ami iimugii um imruipnis ut been authorised by government, nmi of these private injinjHUiIre iixdTol tholr money, This had rained con. sldorabla rt,HttiUtlnii, and tho uniting of Mr. Llpplncott, with the a iiotiiKe. mntit that Ills mission nern wm to clean up all these claims, no Hut. (h coutractois awarded the coutisils Isr work on tho Irrigation canals uxikl proceed at oueo after tho bids were Ul, places all who lirrntolore Im'l wuh.lrrnl if iIih iHtvpimiiKlil would llllM'tH-d Willi actual ditch work in much drain p. alllou regarding uio iiiiuro m m pi. ect. Mitchell Estate Small. Poitlaud David M. Dunne hsi Iwtn apHtlntrtl administrator of the mUU of Senator John II. Mitchell up mi ts potltlou of John II. Mitchell, Jr , la the County court, The petitioner itst rd that tho estate U valued at 12,000, and the heirs ale Matlle K Milrhell, wife of deceased, ami Matt In 1. it Koohefimeauld, a daughter, itwidlrtg la Paris; John II. Mitchell, Jr., and lib rain K. Mitchell, sens, ami Alice a ad Mildred Chapman ami .Mitchell sad Kobeit Handy, grandchildren, Want Trees Destroyed. Oregen City-Fruit Inspector Jsmm H. Held will appeal In tit courts si Clsekamis uoMHty to emiil K. J. (til er, an attorney of Purtland, to submit to the destruction of his fruit Irrr. Iusvetor Rehl says Mr. Rileys' orch ard, wSkh Is mealed In Mintborn a4 dlllon, near Mllwaukle, Is InlrcWj with the Han Jimo seale, arid that Iks only way In whtaii the l-l ean t eradicated Is to drstroy the trees, Mr. Reld says he Is determined to make a test case. Say Agents are Frauds. Halem Agents are traveling over this stale soliciting orders fur hooks for traveling libraries. In some Instances 1 they represent themselves as being an thorisnl by the State Library commis sion to solicit orders for Ixxiks. The eommlsilon has no traveling boek agents, nor has It aiitltarlied any oae to sollelt orders for traveling libraries, or IkxAs to bo Included In traveling li braries. Wherever such cr have been reported to the library commis sion steps have l-rn taken to sdviie people not to (HitrMilio these agents Newcomers From Minnesota. Albany The vangHardof Imtitlgrants from Kalern and Middle Weatera states to Linn county has arrived If the toplnallon increase at a contwr lively rapid rate during the more fav orable season In the spring, the county will experience a rapid ami sulwtsntlil growth liefore another fall rnHi hsi rolled around. This latest addition li In the farm of three families fiom Hhcllrtirn, Minnesota, aggregating twenty-four ptoplo. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wlmat Club. 71t7to: biuMtirtti. 73 7le; red, o70Ht; valley, 79c pr tmsliel, Oats No. 1 white feed, 37; gray, 2(1.60 per ton. Barlov Feed. ItS.oO tier tout brewing, 24; rolled, 24. Rye ft. 60 jier cental. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, 114 AOlQlfi.fiO iter ton: villnv ilmothr. IllfilS. clover. 184.0: eheut. 18.603 ll.no , grain hay, frtttu. rrti Is Ann es. 11612.50 per host pears, 1.250 1.60 per box. Vegetables licans.w ax. 103 12 HC per tlAllll.l nnliliau.i li'J. fu.r tuvntlll! catilllloor, f 1.26 perdoscn; celery, 45 8l75c per ilczen; cucumbers, 608t0c per dozen ; tappers, 0c per pound; pumpkins, iflj leper pound j sprouts, 7c per pound; tuasti, i(lcporpoumli tllrtllllM f)n.!.ritf1 .j.r auMlf MMrr.ltii flA .......'n, VWVV3T I''" vm,W , VM..U.V, y76o par sack; beets, HRuUH per rrk. Onions Oregon, fl(tl M per tark. Potatoes Fancy graded lltirlmnki, u5fc7mj per lack: ordinary, oOeOOoper sack; Merced tneots, sacks, fLVO; orates, 12.15, lltitter Fancy creamery, 27fc,e30o per pound. Eggs Oregon ranch, 30c per doien. I'lillllrvAvurnirn nlil linna. HllSillC por pound; young roosters, 10c; spring;, 10(811 oj broilers, 1213o; dressed chickens, 12Q12o turkeys, live, 17 GtlHej turkeys, dressed, cholfo, l"t y 22o; gecso, llvo, OUJlOoj ducks, 16c. nops uregon, 1005, olioico, juk 11 J-tic; prime, 80Oo; medium, He; olds, 67c, Wool Eastorn Oregon, nvorngo best, 1021c; valley, 24Q20o; mohair, choice, 30c per pound. Beef Dressed bulls, 102o JK jtound; cows, 3Q4o; country slcors, 434io. Veal Dressed, 38o por pound. Mutton Dressed, fancy, OQOHopcr ltound; ordinary, 435c; lambs, 70 Pork Dreeeed, 67o por pound.