r",-! -7ff!?t(P "?: ygB3ji "-... OTUT7 O THAT DO BUViNa LAnoen farms. y i J k.S - j Whenever u noiu or ulcor tlocfl l)0(lv It niiiv !). It lit heCUUNC of II jtolmni inny lie the iciimlim of Home luiiK nprii 01 tucuicrwi, which una ictt una vital nireaiu polluted ntitl weak, or liccniwc the niituiiil icfiiius mutter of Die Ixxly, which nhotild imwtoll IIiioiikIi tlmclininiclrt of imluie, hnit Iki-ii left In the nyatutn mid nUorhitl Inlotlitt circulation. Jldoeii not nuttier how the poison became Intrenched In the blood, the fuel (lint lliu note In there and dot-a not heal In evidence of adeep, un.lcilyl.ur eatine. There la ti..l ilii that cause .note diacom.ort worry an; anxiety lliiin ri cater in. illacliiirK.iiir old note that icslst treat- moiit. The very ftluht of It I uhhuncul and MintcaU iollutlnii and dlM-aae bealdcrt the time anil attention tctpilred to keep It clean and fice fioin ollur Infection, Ail It llnicrrn. iilowly vnliiit: milliter r TlOWa mOIOIIUV anxlUlllt. oi iiioac uiiiiucu witu an oiii aoicor ulcer know how uhcIwhi it in to ex ect a cuto from nalvca, ihiwiIcin, lo tion and other external tteutiueut. Thtniigli the use of these (hey have nccii the place Infill to heal and scab over, and were congratulating tlicin reives that they would noon lie rid of the ilctcatuble tliinir. when a fiesh supply of poUou from the blood would cntuc the Inflamumtloii and old lie an lind or wonc than hefore. SircH that do not heal ate not due to out- tilde cmuikmi ; if they were, external treatment would cuic them. They arc kept open ttecaime the Mnod li atccjK-d In Kion, which find an outlet thioiiKh theite pl.icea. While ynunjf people, arul even children, nouictiiiicH Buffer with noil healing notr. tlWM, mMi tmtinlly nfHictcil ate mmm paat middle life. Often, with them, a watt or mole on the face itifUmca and lc Ulna to ulcerate iioin n utile rotili lmudliiiK : or a deep, olfciiNivc ulcer de vciop.i irom a anj'iii cut or iirunc. iWltt bvWfl hvJft D-W3WflgfewJ, ' I " !?.1 V,1," ,,c'.,",!..M. ,,,00,l t0 lalancc linveiown lr, and circulation weaker, mid petliaiM Mime taint in , ' M-. 7 Vi , . .TV. the blood, which was held In check ,y tht-.r hti..nKrrco.mttutiorm of early MX' U,,",, "'"V im ""' l?U "'' ,o1' yi2!iL em. m iff- .,!......., i.. rw i. i. I. ... . .... lector tlt a otrtiir nmiuih) ll niau a I$K1 CBCa fi?CHJ picloiwof any wire that doea not heal Ml wri,,i '"1 f,""w'" ""' u,rt ""' iflfe 3ffrsK1 VMtervw' readllv. Iecaiie the ..... ,.,.,, tl, IH"-,I ""''"' ' Tin- Imteelrt In foP 3b "IIRCI V tCPCTini r '"ere la only one way to cure theac old liiwiilwl In Ciirtimnr to do away v ..... . . . . wtcMaud ulcera, and that In to ret every Hi wrrlnt. r hii ulteiuluHt ami nm' L u .i M ' i " , , ic '' , ''or tIl't l"iriosu tiothirur ceprala the pmprietura of ef I In own ... .,. ... .. ;..w ..".. .w t.iv Viy ixiuum r.i uic ironoie, vieanrie.i iiic Wood . On ilmppliiK a hiimII kiki iiiumh n iiiiiihiiiih lllll, O. n. O. riiririlPS Illlll IICMllPim t III. rlrflllnllr, I..... ..... ..... ,... to heal naturally. When thin in done the dincharne ccaaca, the norcacaha over nmlfillit In with healthy ileah. arid the akin rcnlnM i natural color. Hook on .Sore and ulcciaaud any medical advice dcaired will he furnlahcd without chttrcc. r;r SWInr SPCCIHC CO., j tLANTA. GA. t.amyrra. I hnre rn mmmcIIiIhic of leical prnc tier on txitli aiiM nf tlii A llHiiil. ami my opinion la that our proftliu 'Mtld Kalu Immenely by iMmlUnliis the two limnrlii-a pretty liiucli a tlicy re etinitdmM in Dot Until Htalinml Cnnaila, aaya a writer In tin IaxhIoii Kutuntay lteviw. It la olivlou Umt the ixiliHtwrM woiihl pruMt ty mieJi an RrreiUMit. Tlu-y Mould have the rltrtil of mnHeiiro in nn eourla ami the op. IMirtuulty tn ipMtlfy tliemMvci for proiaollon lo the lumen. In Ameriea the yoimc lawyer eon Into an otlliv, where he make bin merit known ly utendy ottriitWin to luialaraa There will alwayii he two Llmta of lawyer tlae who atny In their oUIim. ilcallni; dlrix'tty with ell rut and attindlUK to tnattera of rou tine, ami thoo who advice ou point of law nnd nrinin eai lit court. 11iii two ordiT of men are clearly , ""d'-ilUtlL-ll4iiil In Ami-rlcn. hut thtr. tract work tnicether an imrlniT to the en! advantage of the client. tiirtiMvhnl nlnillar. "Women and men are very alike In iino reined," mid the iniii'h hiniiit. cniwu phlloiophitr. "What'ii the aimwerT" ouerlod the Inexperienced yonlh. ".Men," explalneil the puttoaopky din penner, "lie ntxiut (tin flih they didn't catch nnd women lie alaiut the men they could hnvo tnarriiHl find they wanted to." ."rr ntnllr,! Aajntn. "How ilu you mannKo to write ill thone funny tliliiK7" anked tlio liiipili Itlve female of the JokiMiiilth, "With a typewriter, madam," an swered the no much per-yurd Krln pro ducer. "iiidedtl" exclaimed tlio I. f. "Oon't you know, I ImaKlncd you uied umo ort of copylni; aiiparatun." Infrvqiivnl Orraalima, "You riiimt try to love your pnpn an much an ho love you," mild the via I tor. "Oh, I love him more," replied Tom my. "Indeed? Doeau't your papa love you very much)" "Not much. Ho nnyi he only loven mo when I'm good." 1'hlladelphla l'rei. Blyalrry of tlio I'uar Hair. It'n awfully hard lo iiiuIitkUuiI how pus dona cm tlko the nort of peoplo that Ilka them. Clarahuul Lender. HelpHelp! Tm Fatti mg Thus cried tlio hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res cue with s bottle of Aycr's Holr Vigor. The hair was 6avcd! In cratitudc. It crew lone and heavy, and with all the deep, rich color of early life. Sold In all parts of the world for sixty years. enae rail), Wli. A Mad f J, O.Ajtt Co.. low. II, llut, Aiao nauusHiurer or T 8AR8APAM1XA. Abonl on jaaraso I loat naarl; slier mr hair lollowluK an. attack of in.ail.i. I a advtiad 1 a filaml tu ma Ayer'a llalr Visor, til Id to, suit ai a remit I unw liana a beautiful aid of hair' ilMa. W. J. Ilunww. U.uAm. yers PILLS. cttcttKY recTctuu NOT HEAL not licnl, no mutter on what pntt of tlio llolAOIICll roilllltllill nf llui lilxrwl '1'lil.t coiiidiliiliniial liotiblei tltccffuct of a deep r into the mirtotiiidiiiK ilcali. the ICUl HIT t lllnv ir niiir,.riiii jlnnix I havn limt n crippled font II (n Ufa. wmim oimii imllnit inn to Una . braaa. lv kOHin uiinedoUhUhln iimaiia tin lirncn muu it iimi uiour m tity lair, ul.uiit alx vimra ao. I hml KotHl maillenl n.ttn tloii.liut iIia Uirt(atwer. 1 m in itutmit Hi try H. H. n.,nM nm ifltid toaay II cured inn eiitliely.MiU 1 utn ouiivlneeil tliHt It auve-il my Uit tot inn. I lmvii, tlinrAfurn, brnnt fullli In H. II. II, unit irUitly rMemiiiiinriil It to nil immUri u inllnliln liloml innillolua. Hi Utol, Vu.-Tanu. V. J. 0 ATX. dlncharcc to return and the iiorc would Tiieir vital cnerli-a and tniweraof re pnalucea Cancer la c of every old w,re n'"1 only necln tc !c left fn the iniiiintiuM w nii4w3 iiiin itiiiii uiftCtuiC. "1? ,U"V I""U n'"! n,1!wo tl' I'le A NOVCL ADVEHTISCMENT. It Aplirnrril In at Itrrrul laaun of l.nmliin .VMvamtT. iroi'Ki.KHai.Y rNroMi'itruNT roou llh ho nualltti-ailoHi, mm-UI af lNtllr I wl. luUll; ilrrolil nf kHrf winter uu Hf rwurrltablr mlijr. . Ikofnutlily lu4olit nil Hulra.lMnllh;. la iTrllot. af btalM ImjT ltMiuuialli h( Im aur rarll. AiUiraa I, y. j, Maclltt imii, Wral Ka- iMKtmi. .The nuhllrih candor of the nhovc advertlaument which nppeansl In a recent Imuu of the 1Oiuloii TImhi has eauaeil noiue amuaement and atlraotcd a great deal of attention nintni; litul Ikm men, inya the liudun ISxprcai. Many deelnrml that "I. V." wan practical Joker; other that In had a dednlte object In view whe.i he mada hlliuclf out to be a fool. Thnt thl lalter nolutlou wan the cor rect oho an Kxproai tvprtimiulatlvo learned yitaterdny from "I. 1." hint- Ill object, ho nald, wa to at the attention of cmplojori by Kdnu out of the beaten trait. "I. P.," who li about 'J7 yearn oM, In rather more alvrt and Intellliteut , than the average, man with an ordi nary public nehool eilueatloii, and hl (are In a iartlcularly houeat one. j "I thought If I nahl exactly the op- lioolte tn what moat peopU In noareh jof a billet Invert lu the ucwaMporn," he nald, "I mtRht ntnnd a good ehanee of heating from employ em tired of Ufierlalhe vlrtuea, and I have nut been dliapMutel. "1 hae thin morning rocvlvod two genuine otter ami appolntmcnta frr tuliirvlcwR from the hoadi o' rood tlrms and a large number of letters ' and post card from practical Joketn. It wns Inevitable, of course, that throe or four of the wrltern should havo ndvlstsl me to apply at onco to the war otllce, 'whore I would bo aurc of a billet.' "I havo bmn aehoolmaslerlng seven yearn, nnd although I havo a sinnll billet now, 1 wish to better myself." All Hi" Ciilnfiirla of IIoiiif, "Nat' (loodwln. the eowedlau, once MnetitHiMl a linn country house ou tho tiankn of the ThamiM Itlver, near Now Loudon, Connecticut. ICvery nummer he iihih! to Invite aome of bin ThoHpInn friend to Join hi house jmrty. Ou one such ikh-iihIuii (IihhIwIii de livered himself of u bou mot that In worth repeating. "Nat," nald nome one, "you certainly havo a line placo here. Just think of It, a lawn right ou tho rlvcrl" "Yea," drawled "Nat," "tt'a fine. In tho spring wo hnvo tho lawn on the river, and In the fall wo Imve tho river ou tho lawn." ICnpjIlalfaiirnUliiB; I'roptr. ICngllnh In now spoken by nlrout 1S.V 1 000,000 people. A century ago it was apoken by 'JO.OOO.OOO people only. Dur- f llll? illllf lllirlflil till nlluip Inn.llMi. l.-nrn. . iii..,in lniiL-nnL... h,.. ,,i,i.. .i, .ii.,i...... ' , advance Gorman hns hnl.l It. ou-i. i - "- - - -- own, i ami is now spoken by 80,000,00, but I thin In no hlKhor porccntitRo of tho ' total number of pcoplo of Kuropeuu jdencont than It hud a hundred years ; nuo. " Correct !IIIaniirelieiialuii, "Wasn't thut Biuno young man hero to acu you last ulfiht?" "Yes, pnpn." "Well, what does ho moan by com. ItiR overy night In tho week?" "Ho doesn't coma every uliiht In the week, I never mot him until last Thursday, aud ho waa only here Thursday and Krlday and Saturday eroulncx." Olovoland l'lnln Dcnlor, . W" I WNISl All till ISIll., Ll lb Sfruu. U'aitea llooJ. UM fjl M Daal Oous l'j In I DOIQ DT UrllaiaTlaU. ! - Ij jptt3Witi Tlio longest clock i"ii(iiluni """'" H ,,mt "f l,H' liutvi ''"w"r M11' A cIihniii llilrly mile In length ha been excavated f lint water of Ilia drain! Full of l.abrudor. T, ,m.mmuu, of Urn l'hllli.nlm . 1. . ' ?. . ." -, 'J.., 7' Z1 ' I? ,. r7." ' Z " "" "' l" 'fc' ., ' ' lrl "M ,H""M'"', "" lmHUI m n 'r,, """" ,imtiy """'' '" t'""l",'eu l Mint which whh iMnx'tod to tin- iiinm ory of Mahomet. Tint iIIhiiiuihIh ami iiiIiIhk mi' valued at CU,ik),oio. HIckiii Iinm ! ihi liii'mm iiiniIh l IiiK imhIn nlwoli'li'. Tint lotal mini- Iht of llll'lll In HlH H'Oflll U Mtlll Ik, Utl, HH MK"llll Olll SV),M MlvMIIHTM. All HI'tlllX IIIDllfl Of IllH llUIMMII liiiirt, with cu'rr ilclNll, Imm Ihbii whiIh y a I'ivih'Ii pliywli'laii. 'J'Iim IiIimmI eau Iw mh-ii i iiurwIiiK tu hihI f""" U ,,'"t,l, "rliWilal rtrlw.. ! NaturnlUtu nay ti miimIIhiI tiw In ' orld I in Ursula imI liln-li. TliU miniature tn-a ttmwn to a MkIii of I' limn Uiriw Inelmi, altlmiiKli It NprtwiU out a radlua of two or three f.ct. IS very tliri'e yari all t'lili(vi dotul- M VM,"'t' 'wHpt ami iim.t l Horn 0"" "",,,,,, luunimut' niiiinni inuirn umt itii Vltll te i'a colli automatically amLat the eml It fifteen iiiluutea they dlaaititear from th tahle. DuriiiK a KHcnl cold iwrlixl In Swlt r.erlnml thomMiaU of NwalloMN fell ex haiialiil ami half froneo. At l.iircrue a)id Zurich llw Ulnla Mere collM-ieil and taken eare of tiy th- topt. W'lii'il they had MUlticleiitly risotcred they were aliljtM.l iy train lo Italy ami there m1 at lllrty Ut mtliiu the uilKrathai MiuihHMnl. ThlH ciWHtry l the Breatent co. hllllier of hide nnd aklltM III the world. It imea In a year IS.cXMVM) pint hKIiim, 2l.l0,() nheeii klh. lll.lxai.lioi) hlJt-i of all kind, nine lullllou calf klo, ami two million other klii. It In IKirta all It K'at okhtn, h IoImI atiHtuut of alMiut ?&,msi worth, ami oer 10.("MHfD worth of hide Mini out tM),A) worth of other kKIim. a total of oter J.Vi.i"l.inj Horlli of hldea ami kln. Cernuiiiy lmort one thlrtt 1.j IthteM and klmi limn doea thU country, ami ISnclaml and Kraiice each lmirt ime lialf an mu h j A formldahtc Hat of ihtmhih kllhil 'and Injurol In one manth liy en I hit ' adulterated OhmI haa Ihm-ii compiled liy a current maaaxlne. The Hat of the i dead Include four pcrwiiin who died from cHtliiK tiHiilitoolM mlxetl with muairo4u, thiie MdMmed hy eamly, three by wil mK-oImi! eontalned In lemon extract, ami many liy the Name jaulmtanee In wliixky, four liifeeteil ly typlwild fever uitiiih contained lu leu erontn, twin ImUIcm KtlMmel liy for lualdehjde uaeil to preitcrve milk, and hundred of pftnnm olttoed liy ler mauufacturtMl from gluco, lu tho uiaiiufNcture of which Hulphiirlc acid, 1 made from an amentc hearlni; mineral ha hecn uceil. Many of tkilW eamM were rt'xrteI liy health ntHcera ami food eomml)o.lonerri of the varloiiM .Smtim lu which they occurred. Kiit Aeune. on the beautiful cam pun of Cornell I'nh entity, la xhnded by a row of elm-treiM, cacti end of the Hue marked by a small brown stone hoar lug the Inscription. "Ontruuder KIiiih." Henry W. Sage, whose name Ntamln next tn that of Kara Cornell ou the mil of tho benefactor of the uulvtrralt.v, told tho htory of these tree In an ad drwM at Cornell several year ago. After speaking of many thing that had been done for the young college, ho nald: And last, not leaNt, a gift which has always had for me a fragrance aklu to that of the widow's mile Immortal. IkciI lu .Scripture. John II. OHtrnuder, n man remarkable for hi Integrity and humility, after having erved me tweu-ty-llve years In the forests of Canada and .Michigan, returned at the age of 70 to Drydcn, bin native town, to spoud there bin declining yendn. Meeting mo one day, he nald: "Henry, 1 have been to tho univer sity grounds and soon tho work In progre, ii nd fcol an If I want to do HUinothlng to help It along. Now I havo no money, but I Hnvo some tine youui; elms In my woods, nnd I can bring down thirty or forty aud plant them there. They will look well, aud will luako a ahuilo for Homebody after you and I nro none." 1 replied, "They nro Just what wo want. HriiiK (hum, and they ahull bo known aa tho Oidrnndcr Kims." Thoao nro the elms ou Knst Avenue, nnd iv atone at each end miirka tho nnmo of tho donor. The hIiiuIow of death has rested over his tomb sovernl years, aud not long hence will rest over mine, but tho elma remain, aud i hundred yenra heuco tho shadows of their Krncoful folhiKo will attest tho loving K'lft ho miulo us "they will uiako a sliiulo for somebody." What hat, becomo of tlio womiiti so old-fashioned that alio leaned ou Uor oscort'B arm? o cr -U77 J.llil lit Hlum I.UI.. 1. lut. .. I.l.ll ...11 j HE GAVE WHAT HE HAD. A VVi-mIMi Inrrrnara, It iremn a paradox, but In neverthe lenn well entnbllnhed on true, that III certain of the beat farming region of (he United Mtnton groat and nbouriillug agricultural prosperity Im rcaulted In uecreaned rural population. A no lea Ntrlklug than nurprlnltig llluntratlon of thin In given In a recent Htato ccrmun report of Iowa, which In reported to tdiow a falling off of i! per cent In thj population of that great and glorloim Htato idiicc the general cerinun of 1WJ0. Of coirrne, ntich a renult wan not ac ceptable to lowa'n pride, and It wan not readily accepted. Cloo Inquiry, however, la reporti-d not only to con firm the general correction of tha new count, but to nhow a nulllelont roaeou for Itn dliappolutlng reault. The explanation offered la that It In all due to the land hunger of the proa poroiin Iowa fanner. Having money HlifHil and well knowing that good farm land lu the Mhwdaalppl valley in one of the aafeat and mont profitable of Inveaimeiita, lie ban been buying In the adjoining fur ion of Ida lean fore handed mMghhoro to nuch an extent, the reHrtn nay, that vacant farm iHiunon dot every townnhlp In the Htato. Many of theite vacant famihounon may again be occupied by the norm and norm-In-law of the purchaner; no me of thurn will be almiHlomil, and the newly ac quired I ml comwlldated Into larger farmn. And If Iowa follow the courne of development that haa been going on for many yearn In the mngnlllcnt farming regions of Contra) Illinois, the coriNolldated farmn will be leaned in traetn of 60 or 3i!0 ocren, or more, to thrifty and pronperoun tenant farmer. The proconn an It ban gone In Illinois for n number of yearn I that tlio wealthier laud owner buya out the -10 and hO-aere farmn of bin neighbor, tile drain ami othorwinc Improve them, oftr-n renting the name land or lar.T tract to the vendor, who gen erally made more money an tenant than they had done an owner. The tenant farmer of Central Illinois put their capital Into the bent of farm Im plement and machinery and live atock. Their prosperity In seen In their com fortable and well furulidicd limine, the well kept veldclen ami hornon which their faiplllea drive to church nnd to country gatheilngn. In Central 1111 noln Jut now the tendency In to larger farm, the tenant generally desiring to Increase hi area and the landlord regu lating the quantity of land he will lease by tlio proved eaiaclty and suc-j cean oi cavil i.-iiniii. i vi un uv-. 11.111, lands Iowa appear to be approaching the name system. Springfield Repub lican. CASTOR I A Por Infante and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bleaaturo of Otajficti Trick of Ilia Trittlr. "Madam," begau tho peddler as be opened Ids red satchel, "can I sell you something this morning?" "No," snapped the elderly matron, raising her broom ominously, "aud yeu better move on." "Just as you say, madam. I was going to offer you tho greatest wrinkle remover on earth, but I see you don't need It." "Ah. I" "Ami also this wonderful remedy for restoring gray hair to Its natural color, but you hare no uso for that, either." "Why, bow kind of you to tlilnlc so! I" "And this little volume entitled 'How to Remain Beautiful Forever.' Hut It would be superfluous to offer It to you. Good-dny, madam." "Come back here! Come back here this Instant. I do not need them, as you say, but I will buy them and give Uiem to some friend. I always en courage truthfulness." llrKiilnr Cualnnirr. Undo Krastus, tho vIIIrko plasterer l .,ii....-.i.- ...i. i....i Li and whitewashes who had nmrrletl and burled four wives, wns about to ucijulro a tlfth. Ho went to tho houso of tho Presbyterian minister, a vener able man who had outdated at several of his previous weddings, to make ar rangements to be married there tho following evening. i "Of course I ahull be glad to marry you to your new wife, Uncle 'Hastus," i aald the minister. "This will be the third or fourth time for me, won't It? How does It happou, uncle, that you never havo a colored preacher tie tho knot for you?" "Well, aah," he answered, "I's kind ' o' got In do habit o glttln' a white man to do my ninrrylu. an' I recou ' I'll alius do It. I's turrlblo sot In my ways,' .Mlstiih Pa'kcr." Art Note. Mrs. SyllleMy husband takes a deep interest in art. Mrs. Older Von surprlso me. Mrs. Sylllo Well, It was a surprise to mo. Hut I heard him telling Jack Itowudor last night that It waa a good thing to study your hand before you draw. Clovoluud Leader. St. u.'.h. c?,"iZ" It penetrates to the rtnrnl ropiilnlloii Urrrrnalnar Prove It By the Oven Fire Put trie js ing 1'owdcr to the test. Get a g can on approval. Your money ; A will be returned if you don't tifi$. t -.nrr- 1't.it Uounct3 if JAotriTc! thirds cheaper and makes purer, Outs MWfcJ u.ii.r mnrr ltealthful food than L'4....I"J .. ' &&Br otlicrjiowucrs anywncic h..i iSsSii K.C Quality. 25 ounces for 25 cents. JAQUES MFC. CO. Cblcaflo t4 ctmUI for "ItouKCI Vol Hull. For Tno. When Michael Hurko Joined bin the brother Jamen in thin country. aiouey ha brought over, added to larne'a saving, enabled thorn to go Jito the Ice blislnwei. In courne of time their custom Increased, nnd It became noccMary for them to have an MJlce. In thin James soon Installed a lice roll-top desk. "The one desk will do for the two )f ns," he explained, tnc day It wan let un. "And here arc two keya; one for you, Micky, and one for me." Michael accepted the key, butneerned 'jo be studying the desk. Thafa all right," ho said. "Hut where Is my keyhole?" Chinese Ruler. The Kmpresn Dowager of China wan eold into elavery at the age of eleven, o rave her family from starvation Wterwards she waa preeentol to the 'ale emperor, and, upon his wife's death, became Emprcrs. Her leet were never bound, and she waa taught to read after persistent pleading. The sterling qualities of this wonderful woman, like those of Plllsbury's Viton, have overcome every obstacle. And ho holds herself at the head of China, as doe Vltos at the head of breakfast J fooj.. KuoTf Irdfgp, Johnny Smokln clgnrcttcs Is dead sure tcr hurt yer. Jimmy Go on! Where did ye dt dat ldec7 Johnny From pop. Jimmy Aw He wui Jlst strlngln' yer. Johnny No, he wuin't ntrlngln' me; ho wux ntrnppln' me. Dat'n how I know It hurts. Philadelphia Tress. riso s Cure f a remedy rurcoughs, colds and oomumptlon. Try It. 1'riee'JS cents, t druggists. 5rrlntnn .trrriinrr. Mrs. l'Hiulth But bow did you man age to keei i that secret a whole week, dear? Mrs. KJones It wasn't hard. I aim ply stayed away from the Browning Club and when callers came I sent word that 1 wasn't at home. Clcve laud Loader. Metbtra will flml Mrs. Wiaalon's Sootalac Errup tha tat rcmedr touts (or their children durlog the lavthluj )rloL Warn or tbr Hoar. Bob Ml Subbuhs ha asked me to call to-night. DickYes? Hob Yes. What shall I wear? DIek (who has been there) 'Ware of the dog! Philadelphia. Ledger. Beware ot Ointments lor Catarrh that Contain Mercury j mercury will surolr ileitror tha sens ot auill and completely deraote the wholo sys tem when enttirlns It tbruuga the nucvui lurftrrs. Buoh articles atould nerer be uied cxmpiunprnKripiiuus irout rsiutatna pby. il lam, aaiheilania.jp) they will Ou la ten tuM tu trie good Toucan iosattlrdrivefromtt.in. Hall a Catarrh Cure, manufactured kr K J. lh?r Aio.,TitJo.o.containanotiercury, na.'.' 'fk'n.n'nHy. " directly ujsm luo uiiu aim mucuuaiuriaccMoi tno system. In huylnv Hall's Catarrh I'ur bo aure you get tho genuine, ltd taten liHernallr. and made Inlutodo.Ohlo.byl'.J. Cheney d. Co. Teatl lunula! tree. Bold tir Prurclita. price 74c. per bottle. Hall's Vamlijr nil arc (he U-t. Truate Ye. l.lnara. "What," queried tho fair maid. "Is tho dlfferenco between a trust aud a ring?" "I'm afraid I cannot explain the dif ference In so many words," replied the young man In tho case, "but if you'll put your trust In 1119 I'll blow niydeif for tho ring to-morrow." Aud Bho put her trust in him. We d o -own and brldf work wltoout pain. Our Uy era' espeneoc tn plate work eu ablea ua lo fit your mouth comfortably. Dr. W A. WIm has found a ear war to titract teeth aUolul.ljr without pain. Dr. T, 1'. Wla la an eipert at co.d hlllni and crown and brldfework. Kslracllnf fre wbn plate or brldce are i rd.red. WISE BROS. DENTISTS ratline llldt , Third and Waahlnttoo Sts. Openeveulngs till o'clock. Hunday froui to It Or Slain 9m. I UH.W.A.UC imeo99tmmacoKsiiat!a3VLfs3tapmimmn THE EXTERNAL USE OF Jacobs Rheumatism;nd Neuralgia seat of torture, and relief prompfry'tolla vs. Prtee. 25c. and 50o. vnndcrful KC Bak- .in we claim is true. You'll be delighted with the de licious, wholesome things that n ,f BAKING V 1 POWDER will bring to life in your oven. K r itiMrKf 1'nwder is two- 1 I.---....... Lictitto-aayi riwanu." China nnd Japan aro pre-eminently tht seawei-1 eating nations of the world, ' Among no other people are seaweed 10 exteanirely eaten ana reiuued as food substance. CITO l'o"Uj' CorI. oBUOrn.rroojaeM ll 10 a(lf anrfay,aiMri)r.KtlB'aOrtMrrT )teVM.r. Ha fr I'rraairtnlNHII.amltr.atlM. Ut. II. 11. KH, Ud.,MI Area t. 1-arUdaJphla, Pa. r'orrrcllnar Mlaapprrhrnalon, Wasn't that ssme young man hern t tee you last night?" "Yw. papa." "Well, what doe lie mian by coming every night In tbo week?" "He doesn't come erpry night In th week. I never met him unlit Inst TUnr day, ami he wan only hrre Thursday and Friday and Hatnrday eveniag." CUva laml l'laln Dealer. MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS fatten, Hlit.t aaj airnnar.1 xiflma l-ull.r en Itia laarkef. lit llarv pxw.r o tkaawwy wHb two boni. Writ iw a ... r ataivf am prtcaa. r ' KUIHRSON MACIII.NUKV CO. foot at Morrlaon Slrett IHirtUnl, Ortjtm "-3&0? T. A AO '40teAJ -cojli. e:g:- rarlc and Washington, Portland, Oregon The School of Quality" A. P. Armstrong, I.L. li., Principal Thoutandt of graduates in positions) hundrtds placed each year; mtre catlt for help than we can meet it ayto at tend our school', largest, most modem, best equipped. Dtptrtinintt: Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, English. Open nil the year. Catalogue, penworlc free. Call, telephone or write. SALE BYALLTHE DEST DEALERS .TB2W9 A.J. TOWER CO. E5TABLI3H10 1836 wirai siwtoik caiCAOO TOITTI OMXWH CaU.tH.TOtono.ON. Dr. G. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TRE11MEIIT Thla wond.rrut Oil Doctor I calld treat becaaa n cure people without opera tion that are U.i up to dl. II cure vtltii tho wonderful Cni' nts herb, roots, bud, tarks and ecetablm that ar ntlrelr u known to medical aci esciatiiioonii rjr Thioau b e i mn haimle rendlmi thla ram. u. uO .r kr.oa thaciuu ofoarKU d.ftr. m nui'il e wtil u hf uecarully ue In dlltrnn duAae. II KUrantrdtocurecaiarrh.aattinia,iuni 'hr at, rbeumatlam, nerTouannaa, atouiarn, lr k d n.ja. etc.) baa hundreds of Irslimonlala. Ctuuce moderate. Call and e blm l'atl at out or li eat writ for bUnkr andoieuUra. bendauuup. CONSULTATION KuKh. liinn THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 162), Tint St.. S. t. Cor. Morrison Mention paper. PORTLAND. OREGON. P. uu No. 51 -1905 n UEN wrltlnr to adeortlsor jileaso weniion init paper. SSjXt HUYALLTHrl ' I III III DR. T. P. wise. Oil i 4 W m i 4faKeOCtC)OeBaft3CC&aV3H