- - .TVtfPIFTO 4m$H tmm 'itm wwwyyyppw 0 LOCAL BITS V. 0. J.lfoby f Liunoiiiii whh in lown the flint of the week. Albert HcuIch xpunt Kcvcrnl tlnyrt In I'rliicvlllc tlie llrut of the week on busliieHH Fine burred Plymouth rock tousterri, full blooded, for Hale .U a.,socncli, C. JI.Ai.i.kn. If C. 1'. Ilcckcr wan in llcnd Sutur clay from hid tuiieli near Lnirilmv. J je returned home .Sunday. Full-blooded, brown Leghorn toostem for wile at $i each. ,VJtf Mrs I,. I). Wiiwt. Mr. and Mrn. George McAlllMer if Slulctn came to Hend Monday to vi.sil and attend the dance in the evening, Wc have for service at our lioino Mend, three miles south of lluiid, a llcruford bull. tf I'WANCIH & f.AKMATT. The Mndrna Pioneer, chronicl inj; the Pereival-McKeyuohU wed dliiK. iayn: "They were ijiven u most cordial welcome by the Uroom' iimiiy friend, on Vedne lit) evening." On Wednesday afternoon Mim. J. M. Lawrence- gave a jxittv in honor of her daughter Marlon's totli birthday. The afternoon whh fiH.Mit in a jolly j;ood niaiiiicr by the little KirN. The dining room vnn darkened at .ir.io, caudles lighted, and dinner served. A little cooky boy at each plate nerved aH the favor. The Hctitl Social Club will iuaiiK urate a ncrk-i of entertainments, one for every Saturday night. The improvement)! in its hall are nearly finished, under the direction of Harry lisping, P. M1I0 l.obdcll do ing the mtiiIc Niiutiug for the Mage. The attraction tomorrow evening, Dec. 30, will l a mk.UI curd jHirty: Jan (. negro minstrel; Jan. n. dnnre: Jmi 20. home tal ent play. "Old Acre Polks." Irviu Reed is recovering nicely from the Mivcre injuries received in the recent expiation of dynamite, anil has lcn silling tip a little the jwst week. I lis eyes teceived the worst injury and practically all he can sec is to distinguish Ixitwien daylight nnd darkness. 1 1 is recov ery in all rewcts is better tlisn was expected. As mjoii as he is able to travel he will be taken to some city to consult a specialist concern ing his eyes. Dr. A. A. llurrls and son Jcmc of llilUboro arrival in lleuil on the Monday evening stge. They will Iw here several weeks and are clear ing the sage brush and jtntijHrr.s from their ditch laud about a mile east of town In the spring the doctor will build n residence and Itarus on the place aim! will put the laud into crop Mr. Ilurris has al ways been very enthusiastic over Ikud's future. He says he has witnessed the development of three or four new countries ami none of them hal so promising indications as has the great Deschutes valley. Mr. Ilurris prophesies that Hend will have a raihoad by this time next year. was n leghorn II. Mc- Drugs Toilet Articles A1EDICINES Prescriptions Carefully Compounded We enrry In stock every thing usually handled by a first-class drugstore including Stationery, School Supplier, Magazines, Toilet Prepara tions, Confectionery, Cigars and Smokers' Supplies, and a Pine I.iue of Watches and Jewelry. ...Perfumes... Merrill Drag Co. Bend, Oregon. C. A. Riddle of Prlucvllle was n Hcud visitor Thtiriday. J. M, I'fitton of I.aldlaw Hend visitor Wednesday. Have on seen Grunt's display of fruit oranges, apples, b.iuauas and lemons? ,fotf P.luier Merrill came to Hcud from his homestead to spend Christmas at home. Por sale some fine blown roosters at f,i each. J U11111, Hcud, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs, A. M. Drake op ened their pleasant home to a few of their friends to lunch Christinas. P. P. Smith and wife of Tiimnlo were the guests of the Thursday ICveiiiug Howling Club lust evening. I. D. Jarvis went to Kudmoud the first of the week, returning Wednes day. He was visiting his sister, Mrs. Redmond. 1IC. JJcticdict, who has been in Hcud several weeks investigating the DuKchutes valley, left Wednes day morning lor S'lver Lake. T. A. Kiitlicrfwl and Dr. Gail Newsom came from I.uidlaw Satur day to attend the daiirc gjvcii that evening by the Hcud Social Club. Sixteeiiiuch drv wood cut from green timber for sale at Francis ik Gamut's ranch; 51.3.5 jwr rick of ?350 er cord at the ranch. 35 tf P. M. IIiimii, Iiinil Stohkr. C Koy and A. I,. Crocriu of Eugene passed through Hend Saturday on their way to the Christmas Lake country. Miss May Hcllc Rccd, after a week's visit at her home in Hcud, returned Tuesday to her work as deputy in the county clerk's; office at Priuevillc. Some of Hand's citieiu belong ing to the Masonic lraurnity are quietly working to sccum enough member to enable them to start a Hlue lodge here. Christmas morning Hilly Robiton started on a drive to Hhiiuiko to bring Mrs. J. J. Hogau of Portland to Hend. Mrs Hogau comes to visit her sister, Mrs. Hugh O'Knue II. I, Gibbs, who has been in vestigating timber pruprtiuu in Crook county for several weeks, left Hend this morning lor Portland He will probably return in the siuiug. Mrs. C A lottos and daughter Grace served dinner tn a fpw friends Christmas evening. A tiny Christ mas tree with the usual decorations of caudles, etc. made a very pretty table center piece, Hugh O'Kautt has just received two tine plate giaK mirrors meas uring 3x4 feet. Thuse will be mounted in a fine new case for his barber shop. I. )). Jarvis is mak ing the case nnd will mount the glasses. O. C. Wilson, O. W. Payne and the Mihtfcs I.irr.ic and Hlla Taylor of Mitchell, Oregon, registered at the Hend hotel Monday. They enmc to vuil at the William Hates home at Dexchutes, The Misses Taylor are sisters of Mrs. Hates. A nmwpieradu ball will be given in the It. M. hall 011 New Year's evening Good music has Iwcn se cured. Suitable prizes will be giv en for the mokt original and best sustained characters. The masque rade feature will last onlv about an hour, after which an opportunity will be given those to dance who do not wish to masque. J. N. II. Gcrking of I.aidlaw, ac couimuled by his .sou, Dcaue Clerk ing, and J. V. Robinson, was in Hend Monday. The Gcrkings are farming 011 a lurge scale near I.aid law, having a ranch of 1,000 acres Last season they sowed a ton of al falfa seed and got very good results from it. Part was sowed alone, the remainder with grain. That planted alone made the belter growth, but the entire planting did very well. Mr. Gcrking is an ex tensive laud owner in Umatilla county. Three years ago he was offered $93 nu acre for a 2.0-ncre tract but refit ud to sell. He, like so many others who have had ex perience with irrigated countries, has groat faith in the Deschutes valley, and looks for a rapid devel opment here. O. J. Gray of Portland spent sev eral days in Hend the first of the week, looking after timber inter ests for eastern parties. He drove in from Sisters and brought with him a fine hide of a verv large cougar. It measured eight feet nine inches from tip to tip, and the fur wos a fine reddfsh color. On his last trip to Hend, Mr, Gray bought the hides of a large black bear and two cubs. These he took to Portland and had made into rugs for the "den" he is fixing up in his quarters there. Much of his time is spent traveling through Califor nia, Washington and Oregon, and he ficquciilly picks up some curio or hide which he takes to his "den." He had cleaned and pol ished four or five of the cougar's teeth, which measured ubout three inches hi length. S ' I HIMWIIU II WIS WISH ALL OUR CUSTOM;',,1' AND FRIENDS A Happy and Prosperous New Year E i ' 1nm.-11.111i' s. START THK VKAK IUOHT BY TRADING WITH US. YOU'fJ, FIND IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 'T 11 JWT7- F C Roivlcc and C. M. Rcdfield of Redmond were in cnd on busi ness matters Tuesday and Wednes day. Ofllcc rooms for rent In the Pilot lluttc Development Co.'s office building. Apply at ti company's office. tf The Liustcrs have several teams at woik hauling logs from the tim ber. They will hoou commence sawing lumber. C. A.Jnucn, notary public, WILL UAIHfi I'OKKIiRS, can bo found ready to draw and acknowledge deeds and mortgages, and attest paper of any sort. Typewriting done. 41 tf E A. Hnldwiu, vice president of the I). I. & P. Co , and Jess, Steam, interested in the same cor poration, were out from Portland to see the work at the Haldwiu ranch and Mopped over a day in Hend. Miss Jonts gave quite a treat to the pupils in her room on last Fri day the last day before the holi day vacation. A pretty little Christmas tree was provided, and candy and nuts distributed. A pro gram of recitations and songs was given by the pupils. Wednesday II. L. Gibbs, J. N. Hunter and W. J. Ward of San Francisco returned from a week's trip in the timtwr south of Hend. At Odell, alout 60 miles from here and considerably higher in the mountains, the mercury one night registered 24 blow. Mr, Gibbs re ports that that is pretty cold in a log cabin with nothing but two lit tle camp stoves for heating pur poses. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Minor enter tained a few of their friends at din ner Wednesday evening, The event was in harmony with the holiday season, nnd the favors at each plate were most unique. They consisted of a tiny Christmas tree rooted in a large red apple. Icing was sprinkled on the tree to repre sent snow; nuts and candies were hanging on the boui'hs, and a tiny candle twinkled in the top of each. It was a very pleasant social gath ering. The Christmas exercises at the Haptist church Saturday evening were a dccidcl success. The church was filled with n large crowd of lit tle tots and their elders, and every one enjoyed the excellent program that was given. Hags of candy to the number of 160 were distributed among the children, besides a good ly amount of pop-corn balls and apples. The committee iu charge succeeded iu collecting a fund of 36, which easily defrayed all ex penses. The contributions by Hcud citizens to this fund were most lib eral. Oldest Mnn In the State. John H. Hlair ofLakeviewpassca through Hend Wednesday on his way to visit his father, C. P. Hlair, of Pendleton. John H., the sou, is 61 years old iu March next and his father will be 101 on New Year's Mr. Hlair says the old gentleman is hale and hearty, goes up and down stairs regularly 10 and from his bed room, and is a wouderlully pre served man for one of his cdvanced age. The .son says his father is now the oldest man iu the state. It seemed strange that a man 61 years old, with hair white as snow and features showing the marks ol age, should be going to visit a fath er who was still vigorous and en joying good health. The grandson of the old gentleman is living in Montana and it is hoped that -he nud his child will be present at Pen dleton on New Years, when there would be four generations repre sented iu the gathering father, sou, graudsoti and great graudchild. T. I', AlsAHIsUr Will Convert Alfolfn Into Mljjli Priced I'orK. T. P. McAIJitcr, who formerly owned ia flno frujt ranch in the tCovu, on Crooked river, recently sold i to P. Hoegli of Priuui'llle The Madras Pioneer wvs Mr. Mc Allister still lives on Crooked river about 10 miles below Prlueville. He lias turned his attention to the rais ing of hogs, and expects to kill a large number of big txukcr during ofiicc ' tnc PrcMM,t year. lie realizes that me (leiiuuiu lur eumi iiiu.h.'i 111 neu tral Oregon has always exceeded the local supply, and that at the prevailing prices for imported cured meats, there it n fortune in the packing business iu Central Oregon. Mr. McAllister owns an ideal place for raising hogs. He has plenty ol water and good alfalfa and is going into the business on a more exten sive scale. HORSHS Bh'CAMK FKIOHTENOD Team Hroke Away anil I. eft Two Hend Men In the Woods. Two of Mend's citi.eus had a long and tiresome walk last Saturday. John Sleidl and Charles Rowe were out in 20-13 looking at a timber claim. When hitching up for the homeward trip, just as the horses were crossing the pole, thviy lccnme frightened at something unknown and dashed away like a couple of wild deer. Neither Steidl nor Rowe saw the slight thing to frighten the animals, but it is supposed they got the scent of some wild animal. After circling about a mile through the timber the horses came back to the road and followed it about three miles to the ice caves when they bore ofT through the woods iu a northerly direction. The men here left the trail and en me on to Hend, walking as far as the John Ferguson home, which is about six miles southeast of town. Here they received a most cordial recep tion, were given a fine supper and lent the use of a horse and buggy with which to drive to town. Count ing the trip over the claim they had walked alxmt to. miles through three inches of snow, and the light iu the Ferguson home was n wel come sight to the two tired men. Karly Sunday morning Albert Seales and Rene West started out to track the horscA through the snow. After a long, hard ride they louud the team near Powell Duties, nnd got back to town late that night. The harnesses were somewhat damaged, but not so badly as might he expected lines broken, one back pad gone, and n few rings, buckles, etc. put out of use. The report is heard every few days that the surveyors now in Hend are actually doing cress-section work. This is flatly denied by the engineers. The crew is locat ing V. S. section comers and run ning section lines in order to locate on plats the line they are survey ing. This is the only work they are doing that has the word section appeating in its description. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE ijmjja TnADC Marks Designs COPYniQHTS &c Anrons iindlng a tk.trb and d.tcrlpllqn ni.r qulcklr ucrlalii our oplulim ft., wb.lu.r u Int.ntlou U probably pil.iit.ht. Oomtnuulcn. tiormtrlctlTOonOdeotUI. HANDBOOK o I'.l.ult nl fraa, Old.it .palter fortwurlucpat.ui.. l'.t.ol. tai.n through Muno x Co. rac.lT m.raa, m ma ScHHlii ic American ntlr tllo.tralad wt.klr. Mraait clr. t atir .ol.titllla luuroaL Taraii, II a tuoniln, L gold, br all nawtdwLra, ICoJ",BfM'n' New York G. W. Whitsett's Saloon. 1 IJcst Imported and Domestic WINES, LI&UORS CIGARS. Excellent Bar Service. High Class Gentleman's Re- .. ... vuj III CTb V.UOD jUUUS kept In stock. Call on us. I n PILOT BUTTE INN A. C, LUCAS, Proprietor Tqbkw sppHcdjvl) a tjtc delicacies of the season VtnUplauJUinipmcnt Fine Rooms and Beds All stoees Hop at the hotel door SHELDON & M'KINNON General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY fLT" Our shop iu located opposite Haptist Church. wmmsMM HH-nu-ciNHawtaHKnniHnHfiHlHA Si REPEATING SHOTGU N No matter how big the bird, no matter how heavy Its plumage or swift Its fl grt, you can bring; It to bag with a long, strong, straight shooting Vinchenter Reptating Shotgun. Result are what count. They always glvs the best results in field, fowl or trap snooting, and arc sold within reach of everybody's pocketbook. FRCEi S4 rtnt ai Aiittit o a petltl card tar ecr Urt ll'c. ritei rtttlojv. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO.. NEW HAVEN. CONN. r At Bend, Oregon. A Complete Stock of DRY : Rough, Surfaced and Moulded At Bend. Oregon. -LUMBER- 1 All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses Reasonable Prices Qood Grades Dry Stock inch common dimension , SHIPLAP RUSTIC T. & O. FLOORING BUADKP CEILING WINDOW JAMBS WINDOW CASING HEAD BLOCKS 4O. G. BASEHOARD STAIR TREADS j WATER TABLE r'0. G. BATTINS .'MOULDINGS P. B. D. PATENT ROOFING FENCE PICKETS ySHINGLES JKTC, ETC. Lumber Delivered at Low Cost Anywhere on The Lands of The D. I. & P. Co., or The C. S. I. Co. I CUSTOM FEED MILL IN CONNECTION. The Pilot Butte Development Company BEND, " OREGON ;eeez. p. Moosm OUNURAL (Commission and forwarding MERCHANT. shaniko, . ORnaQN Large, Commodious Warehouse. Consignments Solicited I'rompt attention paid to those who favor me with their rwtronaj h m -! " H 11 i