The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 29, 1905, Image 3

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IhUrsUay, Docnmbor ill.
Till) Mllllllllt WHS III M'lWIIIII lull it llltlll
iniirn tliuii nn hour today. Of (IiIh tlmo
only about a half hour wim IcglalnUvu
In character.
'J'lm eroilontlals ( (Icnrln, of Oregon,
worn priHiintml nml lint ncmttor hwuiii
'J'lm hill extending fur iniii year Out
time itlhiwitd (in building tin) Council
City iv Hiiliiiniiii IllYtir railroad In Alas
kit Will lIHH(1ll.
Adjournment was taken until Janu
ary 4.
Tliiirn wn lint n tou-uilnutn sea-Ion
of tint house tinliiy, when tlui holiday
adjournment until lnuunry I wns
lukon. Two speeches, one ittlniklng
nml tint oilier defending tint cotton crop
estimate nl hit government, were to
hnvo hritn uimhi, hut pormlpslno whs
g'nutisl to print those speeches In tlii
Wndnniday, Dacamber 20.
Tint m'liiitM adopted a iiiiitlnii ri call
ing It confirmation of cm ii ii I eoininlii
sinner. Il In iliulcistood that tint oh
Jecl nl tint move In to iruill n protest
itg.iliist Chairman Hhrints holding n -sltloii
on llm commission nml tlui plusl
deney of lint Clover ImI railroad nl
Ibit miiih time.
Tin' only iiotnlili feature of tint open
neMlori lodty mah a hrluf illmMinnlou on
tint i'itwlloii of railroad legislation liy
loraker Mini Culberson.
Thn hnui continued to "hoot cIm)'
pigeons" iiHiny, as unit niiiubei re
marked, niuI debate on several topic
lontlumsl for five hours. Tint general
debate which lot" been In progress for
mtvcrnl da) a ended vtlth todny'asi'Milori.
iiinl tomorrow tint session will lnt brief.
Tint lioiitn ngrrnl ihi lint cniifererint
rHrt nu tint Panama canal apprupris
tloii hill.
Jiml before adjournment n hill wn
l-ait-ed extending until IIHlll the time In
which lint fid nilh-ti of rnilriM'l from
Oiiinrll City to ftdummi, Atnttka, limy
lie completed.
I'rtVIIH gave no tie llml tint Philip
pine tariff hill will lm called up fur
iinii'fitiion January 4
Nt. llm in, of ('illfornln, intro-lnc-d
m liill providing fur tint rcpal '' the
('iImii roelprx'lty treaty. Ilitihtld th
triply had resulted ill snrliHis los nf
revenue, lint Cuban huy exlciwlto
ly in llm Fulled Mates, nml dots lint
gln Americans nil opMirtillllly to gel
anything In return for tint reluct linn
III tnrtfl Oil Cuban product
fuasday, Oncembar 10.
Tli senate today accepted tint Pana
inn cttial emergency uppriiptUUmi hill
p orlttuully pfti hy tin- honnt.
Iltyhurii iiiikIh n movn In hU
fltilil on forool rporrvn hy Introduclm;
m ri'itolutloii tnlhutt on tin oiH-iflmy nl
nwriciiluirit for n nuti'inntit of rotnlpu
nml I'xpomlittirt'K iiimln hy tint fottvt
prvl c, nliHt llio ntiHiiint of ci IhniI Inliil
Inrlti.lcl in fnnnl rnotrvntlolin.
Fulton luriflui-il n hill to n-llfvo loim
llli rcttlirn on Northern I'nrillc IftinU
whfMi mic 1 1 rrtlli'ini'iiU itri uiaifi' mU
fni'ii'iil to Jniiiury I, IHliH.
A UiK" Kriot of nppoluluiuiiti wttro
SiomUir llillivir Inliohtifiil lilit ml
hl'l HUy. It niillmr i Ihr cioiiiiI'
inn lo Nx nml rnforrit mm I mil hi nml
tHrtMHinhlit rnln, lo k lilt" t'fTHt 30
ilny nllor nollrit TliitroHtMilwnoMnlMi
riilliti for m-VKii uniuhiri.
Tin' InMimt rontluiuil iluhnllu th
luMirnurtt ii(iitliiu linlny. T'm ilny
win (hiiwsI wlllintit IculKlntlmi nml t'liil
wl with nu nmiiitliiK tlnlmtuiiu lint tii'i
tlu of tint ni4)uluu'iit of junllor nt
tmi r imiulli to thn ri'i)it Ion room
on lint uilnorlly nliltt of tint r'imiihvr.
In tint in I tint jmntor wni not appoint
l. Tim hoiirn roiniiiltlcit nu nyi nml
tncntni fnvoinlily ntpoitivl I'liytnt'n hill
it ImlllliiK nil IMilllpplllt' prtxlui'tn into
tint UnltiM rititti'N firti, I'JiH'ptlinf mir
itml tohii'i'o, whli'h nrtt to Hty '.' pir
emit of llm I) uirli'y mitt tin t it ICIlO.
wlii-n thoy nr nlo to ku "" t',M 'rtt'
Monthly, Dticombcr 10.
Thn (iniinl rincrKMiiry nppri'prlntlnn
Mil wni riri'lvi'd In tint lioiiho Iroin lliw
mtiintf, Dirmimlon of thin wn followisl
hy nniiilifr ilnhatit on Inauruuro imit
1fio. Tint hounn illrurriwl tn the
uuit'Oiluii'iitH tn tint en n ii I hill nml unit
it to tMiiiffrfiint,
Ilnln nml Titlhtr worn nniuml m thn
noiinto coiifitrt'i'ii on thu wnnl hill.
Tin' rcnatu In tint nfti'rnonn took up
Preaclmr on CaiiiI Payroll,
WanliiiiKton, Duo 20. Srimtor ll(t
toihty prt'inniti'tl tn tint rui'ittii, In mil
pllllrntinii of IiIh ilinhtl iiiiuIhoii 1-ruI.ty
ol thn rhitritn Unit wnmou linil Iutii
(iikiin to thn IhIIiiiiiii of rnnmnlit umlir
tin1 But tiorlt y nf tint rnmtl roiniulnHinii
ttml illtitrihuUxl ninoiiK Inlmri'rn for iui
moral purpnuon, n h'ttur from Knoriilnry
Titfl mill nil nf tint t'orrvupunili'iiru tlutt
Iiiim hivn lint on thin rul jri't. Tint H'O
rittitry ihtulin tliU nml niiyn tlmt nlri'inly
thurit nre imvi'inl jiri'iirlicm of ilifTnri'tit
crridn on thu IbIIiiimih In thu pi)' of tint
May Compansato Idaho.
WihIiIiikUhi, IVo. 20, An n rrtmlt of
n oonfori'iico w.t'i Gnvurnnr OimhIIiik,
thu pri'fhli'iit nml (lifforil I'uiclintt will
prnlmhly inlvirntn thn pukhiivo of n hill
jifrinlttiiiK Mitlin to rtlltiqulMi tn thn
vovi'rnmuut nil ecliool motlonn omlirncuil
in forttHt ruenrvoa uml nrlcot In lluit n
coin punt tract of I'lpiul nrcit. In rnso
tlm ntuto iviithoa for timber lmul, Mr.
OnmliiiK u(ka that it nmy tnko n slice of
tho bust timber out of dome f treat re
tlm lioumi rtlilp nulnldy bill, which
luukiiH It tlm iiufliilnlit'd hiitliiuHi btiforo
Hint body,
A Joint riinolutlou wnn mloptml pro
vIiIIiik for niljourninniit from Dccoiuhur
2t to .Iniitiiiry 4.
Diilllvnr linn n nnvr ruin hill which
lui will liitnxliiCQ it'xtn tin it milmtltuto
fur nil uiiinnuri'H now pomllng,
tinlurday, December 10
Tlm nniinto toibiy pnniiuil thn I'ltnninn
mimrKcncy iipproprlntlou hill. Thn
only cliiiiiKit in thu nii'nnuin nn It panitcil
tint liomtfl In n provlnloii which ininlrcn
tlmt coiiKroftH nhnll bu niippllcil with
regular tintiiiinW-ii of nil nnturlf a oiccpt
tlioHit p.tlil to Inbornrn.
Hi'imtor I)ubolH,'of Iilnho, will rctnlu
nil hi pritucnt I'oiniiiltti'ii plnfc nml nit
cure iiiDiubi'iiihlp on tho irrlKittlon
Thn hniiNit Imlnlicil ititulf nvnlll to
day to tlm itxliiut of four liourn of what
wni tunny tluu-a tttruiitl ncnilniulcilbi
I'U'itloii of I'iiIi'mI control of Imuirniiiiit.
J'hit holiday rrcfun wua titnl from
tiitxl Tliurnlny to January 4.
Committee Places Filled.
U'm'iliiKlon, Dec. 20. .Vortliwi nti-rn
nonntiirn wnro nrxlxnisl iwimmittccN to
day. riled, in addition to tlm clntlr
mmialilp of ot nml liiniilnr niirtiy,
Kom on iutitriH'caiilc cnnnN, n-iinloiin,
tt'rrilnrii'K, Onnmllnu rjlittloiiN nml i-x-ntuiuatloii
of tint civil ncrvlrn. Ucy
burn, In nihlltloii lo his old commit
Irm, cocn on Imiiilnrallon nml public
biilldliiKK. Thcru nr iHtvnrnl minority
plnren viicitnt, fioni which niMilKiiineiitn
will hit iiimht for (ienriu. They nm fir
cut ii'hcrvNtlnu, it'iiflonit. Indintrlal
txHHiitloiiM, iiatl'initl hfltik mid clnluia.
Oppnin the Joint Dill.
I'rwill, Ar ., Dec. 20. At tint
chxnt of thu annual banquet of tho
Noilborn Ant .i;t liar nupHn'latloii, n
atroiiK rtt'oliitiou wni iinnniinoua'.y
adopted dislnf ini; lt uiinllcrnhht npo
Itlnn to tint Jilnt atnli IiimkI hill nml
lii'tructiiu Uiu kcii tary to fornnl it
p py, with tint nliiM'ur! of wtch umni
lir aitacbfl, lo Hoonknr ( nnnou, Iinlif
Kit Mitrk Kuiitli nml C'tiiiKfcinen
iMinlllou, Tnwncy, nml Ailnin, nml
Seimtora Fornknr, Flint and IVrkiup.
HtrmiK apvHjluHt iluiiouncinK tint hill
wen- nuiilit.
Chartnr for Alatka Cabin.
WiikIiIukImi. Dm. 20. Sciintor Ful
ton tixlny Ititrixtiicml a hill ntiihor'alnit
thn North mnricnii Tulenrapb A Cable
company, lnrororated In thn rlnto of
UnxhlliKlon. to coimtturt teli-Ktnplilr
cahlci from tin conat of WnhltiKtou to
Alaakn. tlm Abtltlan Inland, Hlbella,
Mnncbiirla, China, Jnpan nml tint
l'lillliilin-i nml rruulrlui- thn oiM-mllon
of lint i-nhht within llvit yearJ. Anionic
tiit illrectoro of the company rc prom
Inrnt .Vortbwea rrn turn.
Abandon Malhrur Project,
WnnhlnKlop, Diit. 20. Kecrelnry
Hitchcock IihIhv cnllcit nu thn Itit'lntnn
thin ixtrvlnt tn nhow hy lint Mnlliviir
irrk'atli'ii project alioii'd not Ih nban-
ihuutl. It la believed thn III!" 'a n pre-
llmlnaiy alep to 1h f illoueil hy tint
witlnlnmal if enu'lneerx from that
eon nl rv, Ichviiik' .Malheur county to
pilvatc ciitni print.
No Interett In U'eck Sand '
U'MfdilitL'tnn, D. 20. Tint bonne
IihIhv n f imiI to coii'lder n rn'lutioii
to nk ihtt Htx'retnty i f the interior thn
rmulta t-f eipetlmeiilH In nxertalnllii;
the uiliiernl vaiuo of lilack Mini.
Two Croat Ri lvay Terminals on the
Hiidion nwnr Ournoil.
Xuw York, l)in. 22 Tint Dclnvtnrc.
ItcknwmuiH ft Wcfttrn in I mud, which
a few inoutha n$ fiifTerid the lorn of
Its ll-jboktn Icrmiuitl build m-a hy fire,
u-talntd n still heavier loan today,
when the new ferry icrniMi.tlK of atctl
frnuiu nml hipimiiIIv fireproof con
at Mid Ion, nt tint foot nf Weal Twenty
third (I reel. Manhaltmi, weiu burned
to thi' Krnutul- Workmen urru puttlmj
the lluiahluir toticln-a nu the. building
when tint lint ntnrtixl, shortly befuru
the iiimiii hour.
The tliimeN iiitlckly cotuinuiiicntetl to
thu new fcrrv hniiMt of tint Ceil' nil
Ititil'oiil of New Jornev, which, with
lint l.ukiiNnuu tennlnul', whs oou-
siilitivd lint lineal furry hulhlitiK in tint
Kii-t, nml thin rtruntuio nleo was nl
most totally ileal ruyed
VVnrshlps PrtVanl Riots.
Inilnn, Doc. 22 According' to olll
elnl mlvlccB received hern todr-y from
Hhnnphnl, It in hitllnvml tlutt thn aitun
lion, whllii moat tinmitbfui'iory, citu hi
contioU"l hy the wnrnhipa iilrciidy
I liitin Tint only thinner Is tlutt ilia
affection nmy eptend In thu interior,
Il id thought tlutt it will not be nici'H.
aitry In rond IriNipa, nn tho Oliiiicnc viv
iiriiini'iit in bikini? precnutloiiH to pre.
vent nn uprlaliur. Tint foreign ollk'tt
hita iliatppinvud the notion of tint llrit
lb iiK!NHor In con II n Inn Gliluu-u wo
men prinoiicm in it foieljjn jail.
Million Dollars for Dowry,
Hnn Kinnclro, Deo. 22. A nrntul
ilmulitrr of Heniitor W, A. Chirk, of
Moiitnnn, wns horn thla moriiiiiK nt
Hnn Mtttun, tlm pnrentH beiiift .Mr, ittul
Mm. ChnrlcH V. Ohtrk, thn mother
ImvliiK boon Mian Cclln Tnlnn, of Uils
..II.. U'lutti lit t vm hi I a! III,, litrlli nt
UIVI l tlWII ,..,.-. -.. ..w ....... .. i
the liithy, neiuttor Ulnrk nnnmtuccil
that bo would lintnodlntoly t-'lvo tlm
llttlu Klrl a dowry of 1,000. 000, fob
lowliiK tho cxnmplo sot by hltneolf at
the birth of his first grandchild.
Ounnors Rafusa to Fire and Ships
Cnnnot Bo Trusted,
CIiIchko, Dec. 1H. Tlm D.illy Nnwn
corriiNpomletit aumls tho following from
Hi. I'lituinhurKt
JCxpuotitllou of tint ilownfnll of tho
Kovornmunl continue to it row In thin
city, fiuni-Kentf! atlll hold Illicit, Knvnl
nml other I Initio towna. Tlm Kiirrlnonn
In tluiHit prnvlncca nm liihtifllcluiit to
put down thu nrinod rchitla and thu nt
tllleryinim rufuao to II ro on tlutm.
Mtrikert of rnllrond workura nml crew a
of atonmalilps prevent thu forwarding
of troops mid nmmunltlou to tlm mrolt
ed prorlncca.
Thotih tho Kuvornmenl has been
lirnod lo dlapatoh n fleet to tlm Ilaltlc
porta Admiral lllrllcff bialtatcn to makn
utiy morn, fcarlriK that IiIh aallora will
Join tint riiUlllon,
Dispntchen received from Manchuria
Unlay reHirt thn situation of tho army
an ileapiiratn. Many offlcura aru in hid
liiK from thnlr own troops, fistrliiK for
tlielr lives, Tim men aro InirnliiK and
plllanliiK nviirythliiK within their
reach, whlln thn civil population has
llixl. Ititvoltitioiiary iroclumatloni
havn been muled about In tint barracks
nml in tho atteeta. Diaaeniioiia mnoug
the chief offlcura rurlounly complicate,
matters. Thu soldiers arcurn tint com
lubtaariea of utenllnK lato ipiantitles of
aiiipllca nml hnvo liuriunl their hoiiru".
Creat Amount of Construction Dona
b' Reclamation Survlce.
U'nshliiKtou, Dec. Iri. A tiwiimu of
tint work perforiiieil by thu Heuhuna
tion aervlcu to dale ahows tlmt 77 miles
of main canal, U mlle of ilialributiiiK
ayatem and IHfl mill's of ditches havu
bi-en uoiiatructetl, IncludliiK ilauia, bead
works, etc. Tiiuiiela ImvliiK n total
letiKlh of three and ono-half mllos have
In-eu driven, Including moro than a
inllit of tho Kient (luiiuiaoii tunnel.
More than 2f0 mllea of telephone linen
havu leen Installed and are in opera
Hon; 1211 oilier, o wmkoii road, many
nub's of which were cut out of solid
rxk Inalmoat liiacceaalhlirniiyoiia, H7
brldnea nml 60 ollicu and other build
liia liavu Ix-en coristructed.
Tint works alnive mviilionetl haw
cnlletl for the excavntion of U.:,0,000
entile yatil" of nn k and earth, tlm lay
liu of 70 (HM) cubic yards of concrete,
12.000 ruble yardi of ilprap. lfid.OOO
linear feet of ahent ptlini; and 10.000
feet of bearili)' piles havn been driven.
There hnvo Ix-en purchased 1 HO, 000
ixiuiidt of railroad lion, 2n0,000
pnuuds of stiuctural steel, 000,000
IhjuiiiIs of cast iron, 1,760.000 feet of
lumlier. and 7fl 000 barrel", of cement
The Kovernineiil baa erected a cement
mill at a cost of more thm f 100 000,
which hai already turnetl out 16.000
lurreW of cement, and Is now furnish
ItiK nbout .'100 barrels a day. Thn raw
mills operated by Uncle Ham havn cut
2.MH0.000 feet nf lumber Horn thu gov
eminent rrrenca.
Safes of North Coast Limited Riflnd
Near North Yakima.
North, Dc. IS Overland
limited No. I, due here nt 2:60 oYl.xk
it. in , hut luuiiimr almo't live hours
Ute, was held up nt Hillside, in thn
Yakima mtivon, 11 iiiile-t north of this
pinto, at 7:16 Saturday iveuiii)!. The
exprit inr was dynamited, two nfeti
Idowiiopen awl nil contents of value
From a pwid rourco it it learnol that
there wai little currency in the saft-a on
thn limited nt ihi time of the holdup.
Tint uinln contents consistiMl of drafts,
City Marshal Curren lias ordcretl the
arrest of every strangur se'i in North
Yakima who comes any where near an
sweriiie the description given of the
holdup men. Up to inlilii';bt Inst
nluht there havn been four aiertd.
One limn wax arrested by Olllcer I.aue
who aswered thu description perfectly,
lie was taken off n ptssenRer coach on
a train ctuniiii from tint seen of the
holdup, nm! was wttl to the rkln. It Is
thoutrlit he may bo one of the men.
It Is thought posslhltt tho bnndits
may have crosed thn Columbia mid he
headed for Ilrltish Columbia.
HiRh Price for Portrait
1.1'iidfii, Dc. IK The famous Whist
ler portrait of the late Sir lit nry Irving
as Kltu l'liillp II of Spain, mub sold at
nuul loil today nmuiig the rcmn'nlerof
the actor's i fft-ots for 126,200 Sjrg
ent'n portittlt of KHcu Trry in the
chnrncfer of I .inly Macbeth realized f 0,
300. Tho Whistler plctmo goes to
America, Tbentiuuof tho purchaser
of "Thu Whistler" was carefully with
held hy tho repencii!iitivo oJ n firm of
Intoks Hern nf Loudon, who hid it in.
It Is ruino'od, liowuter, tlutt J. I'lot
pent Morgmi wn tint actual purchitsur,
Frltnds Will diva Aid
Ilavatui, Deo. 18. -That the Amuri
cani 'n ihtt Iloof I'liii havo frlcnla
in the 1'it'Utl Ktaten who nro willitik' to
iiiil them in every way ponsibht in their
ifforlH to liavo tho islntid added to tho
I'nl' n is niHirfon hero lit letters ie
ccn'ly ro'-elvod from prnmiiient rest
ilenta nl thn IhIu of I'liiea. Theso let
tera city tlmt friends in tho Klutea have
offered hundredH of llionsanilsot dollars
to aid in cstithliBliIng a territory of tho
United SUtes.
Finds Millions In Ground,
Winnepeg, Man., Deo, 18 Anthony
lllum.of itiston, prlneipnl ntvnor of I ho
I.itiuunlino inliio in tho Man ton ills
IrlKl "n( I. ill.iu ..nut nl Imr.i. Iihh lln
eartlwd walla of gihl that aaay H00,
000 to tho ton. Thero nro millions In
night. It In tho tidiest iMacovery ever
made in gold mining. Ho spent ten
Years off and on in the district ami has
mado much money.
Russian Troons FIrjIif Insuroenls
In Many Provinces.
Rebels Have Mllltaiy Organization and
Aro Well Armed Barbarities
Inflicted on the Dead.
Milan, I'rovinco of Courland. Dec,
10. Tint troops, Sit order to avoid an
nihilation at thu hands of tho insurg
ents, havo been foro-d to abandon tho
country districts and to conccntatn at
Riga, MItiiti mid Lilian, whore, they
actually nro standing on tho defensive,
tumble to rnakn head against tho in
nurgeuts. Hevvral detachments havu
been defeated.
The garrison of Tariim (Unlurknlri),
conalatirg of n rquailrouof ilrngoous arid
a com'Miuy of infantry, not being able
to depart in time, was ret upon nt
night nnd lost Its commander, Lieuten
ant Colonel John Mueller, and .10 men.
Tim iiisurgonta, evading tint sentinels,
peuctratod thn town and Int.! wire en
lariglements in front of llm bonnes In
which the wounded soldiers were quar
tered. They tlicn ret fire to tho houses
nml thn Iroops rushed out and were
shot down from thu roofs or cut up in
the narrow streets.
The soldiers retnalcd in confusion,
leaving their dead. Tint latter wiru
horribly mutilated, by thu Insurgent',
who gougml out their oyer) and cut ff
their t-nrs mid haniis.
The InsurgHUts, who aro formed in
band", have a regular military organi
zation and aru wellarmiil with military
rifles and bayonets.
Becond Adverse Ranort by Boardof
Army Engineers.
Watdiliitetoo, Dec. 10. The l-ake
Union and Washington nnl, better
known as the "Seattle ditch,'' is dead,
so (ar as this anil several snlnetpient
eongrerrs are concerned. Chairman
HtirtMi. of the house committee on riv
ers and harbors, todav received the re
Mirt of a H-cial brl of army engirt
ccri. which examiuetl this project last
summer, and the report is decidedly
adverse, ami carrle such weight that
congrcM will not think nf building this
famous artificial waterway. Several
years ago another iMMrd tumul down
this ajini project as loo expensive.
The new rcort, conpleil with the re
port of til) prcvioiij boards, places the
"Pesltle dlteh" on the congresiional
blacklist, and means that, when anoth
er river ami harbor hill Is pas-d, there
will be no provision for It. In fact,
llm only way an appropiiatinn can be
eeurcd will lie to .! secure a report
nf a tine lioard of army engineers favor
lnu the ptoji-cl, but sucb rcort is not
1 kly to ever be recti rttl.
Proj-cts Undei Way Will Water I,
303,000 Acres of Land.
Washington, Dec. 10. A Inillctln Is
rtuxl hy t;.e (icobtgical rurvey says the
approval of hy the secretary of the In
terlorof tho Itio Gran-'e reclamation
project in Texai and New Mexico nnd
the Carlsbad project in Now Mexico
will bring the number of reclamation
jimjccts up to 24 Of theso 11 are
under wny. They provide for the re
clamation of 1,303,"00 ncrte of arid
lands, at a eost f 37,023,571.
On June .10, 100V the total cost of
construction and engineering work per
funned by tho reclamation service, to
gether with thn administration ex
lenres, amounted to $6,402 1(19. On
that ilnlo thn reclamation fund had
reached a total of 2S 02S.671. It wss
erlimntisl at that lime that the receipt
for thn Hscal years 10001008 would
amount to 10.000,000, ami that the
sum of money available for reclamation
purwtacs up to tho end of 1003 will bo
Insurgents Hold Ground.
I) iriut. Dec. 10. The southern part
of LU'nnia mid the greater purtof Cour
land are ci mpl tt-iy In posrofslonof the
iusitrtenin. Thn military is still much
too feeble to copo wltli the sltu.tlinn.
Tho region between IMim and Winden
Is n wilderness. The hull ling) on ail
estate liave been plunilered and burn
ed. The heaven to thn south nf Dor
pat tonight reliant the g'aro of fires.
A ntunlwr of (leinvtn barons nnd their
fainilien arn held prNonera by tlm in
aliments and tlutlr safety is feared fir
I y friends.
Cossacks Wrack Station,
81. Potenhurg, l)-o. 10. A dispttnii
received from tho station master at
Arcliredv Btittes that tho (' aeks arn
not willing tn return to St. Pote-shun:.
Tliey smahed nil the windows in tlie
station nnd wreckeil Uin co"euta. Tlie
station mnler u reed tho Gowks to
lcrtvs In petite, slating that otherwlBO it
wholesale dtntruction of thn town w II
probably occur. Reports from Thk
end ami ABtraknhn state that mutinta
aro In progress there.
Great Importation of Gems,
Now York, Deo, 10. Imports of dia
monds and other precinut stonee havo
p-ached the remarkable total of 177,
000.000 at thla port for tho present
year. Nut only lm thn annual Inoreiso
of from 11,000,000 to 11,500,000 been
kept up, but the banner year of 1004,
with 100,002,276 worth of getni, has
been beaten by nearly 111,003,000.
Tlie llarn I.nnlern,
Lanterns nro undoubtedly the safest
things to use in tho Imrn, nml If thoy
are hung properly and protected na
Indicated here thero will be ilttht or no
danger from fire. Tnke a piece of Inch
honrd and from it cut a circle twclvo
Inchon In diameter; then bur u piece
of gftlvnnlrcd wire netting fifteen Inch
oa wide and four feet long then a
piece of bright new tin elglitefi Im Iim
square, n hook with n flat end, no It
can be screwed to the wait. Then build
n alml f fifteen Inches wide and twen
ty liiclu) king. N'nll the shelf In n
convenient location In the Imrn, then
on the wall back nf the shelf nail the
piece of tin which acta an n reflector
ns well ns protects Die wall,
Fnalen the hook on the wall ahoru
the liu. Then make it cylinder hy nail
ing tho wire to the edge of the circular
oooti iiAn.i u.miw.
piece of hoard, lacing the ends of tlie
wire together with stout twine. Set
this on the shelf ami slip the lantern
liwlde of it, lis n el n g the tmle of the
lantern on the hook. The wire cylin
der protecln the lantern yet iloea not
shut off much light, nml by having the
Itook curved there will he little danger
of the lantern falling, even itwltr quite
a hard blow. The lllntratloi shows
all of the detail for const ruction thh
arrangement. ImllHiiaKill News.
llurlMK Ullril Frnla.
Why any feeder of farm stock
'should buy mixed grains la more than
'mi,, i-mii tnul.truf uiul tiu1.ui. tit l Inn
lazy to do the mixing himself. Time
wits when screening were Just what
win claimed for them, the smaller
gralnt which drojipeil through the
sieves when acrt-i'iilng was done for
the llrnt grade of grains. Now screen
ing lire unite likely to Im' the sweep
ing from the mill floor and contain
anything from nail to tolmeco itiid.
Any of the grain iixt-d for fettling
Mock of miy kind can tc bought with
out mixture and one iiiu tell by exam
ination If they Ik' rcaiounbly pure.
They cot some more than the mixed
feed, to be sure, but they are ehiHip
iwt In the end, for len ha to be fed.
Of nil the IhiiI inlxeil feiil (lie ground
foenl are the worst, for It l pructlenl
ly lHitovtble lo kimw what It In the
mixture, that l, for the ordinary ob
server to HKcertnlH. In feeding imhiI-
try It Iihh been ilHimmt.trateil time ami
1 again that It my to ay 2fi per cent
more for the grain by themaelvo-t
than to feed the mixture twilight In
that form.
Kill I 'III UK HIT Cuoju.
Duo nf flit itroiiomle 111 the DOIlItr
, biilues4 I to have coop which may
be used for any delretl purpose with-
'out making It iitit'.ry to In any way
' MlUlhitle the main poultry house.
j Coop for hick fowl, coop for the
'rooster, coop for tlie broody lien and
coop to llnlsh off the bird which are
lo go to market later. One of the best
delgn for the latter purpose can be
built mi the uuuy Hide of tlie barn or
the poultry liouxe proper, thus saving
the expense fur lumber. Till coop U
three feet In width, ami any length de
sired, hut tig u red n that the lumber
will not cut to waste.
Huke the frame of rough lumber,
using nny odd mid end ouo tuny
have utoutid tlie place; cover roof ami
bide mid end with tarred paper. For
ventilation, a nix-Inch npnee 1 left the
entire length of the house at thu lower
end and this 1 covered with wire net
ting. For further ventilation hole are
bored hi one end at the high side near
the top. At the lower part of the
house under tho ventilating space the
board are arranged ho that the ono
iieartwt tho ground is hinged to tho
one ubovo It for ease In cleaning the
coop. The door In one end la made
of nny size desired, although the
smaller tho better, twonty Inches
square being a good size. Exchuuge.
Poultry Notes,
It Is pretty hard to feed the hen
too much If tho food la of tho right
aort. Improper feeding doea more
harm than excessive feeding.
1 ; 8
Tlavo yon tried tho dry fcedln-f rjyn
tern, now practiced by most of the
well known poultrymcn of the coun
try? arn thn basis of tho poultry In
dustry. farming Is the most prof
liable branch of inniltry culture. Hut
in order to get eggs we hnvo to keep
lions nn a nort of tiecossary incumber
nnce. I'nr Ilnrk Wirt Cnt.
When a horse has been Injured on
wire tho thing to do In stop tho
flow of blood; this may an n ruto ho
donn hy hnndnglng It up tight. It
may also frequently bo best to apply
powdered alum or common snlcratua,
both of which will generally he found
effective. In a fow hour, consider
able swelling will set In; this should
he reduced cither by npplying cold wa
ter frequently, or, what Is really bet
ter, applying pure keroscno oil, not
only to the wound, but also to tho
swollen part. No bandage shonld bo
kept on whore kerosene la used, o It
will then cause the hair to fall off tem
porarily, and as soon ns It Is safe to
do so, the sore should bo carefully
washed with soft water nml castllo
soap. This ought to be ropoated daily
until the sore henls. One of the host
hoallng rnmllelnoV for horseflesh that
I hare ever used can be put up nt nny
dnig store, as follows: One-half pint
of alcohol; onchnlf pint of spirits of
turpentine; 1 ounce of pure glycerine;
mix all together In n targe bottle and
shake well before using. Apply only
with n feather at morning and night.
The soro should nover be bandaged.
Hy dally washing it will In this way
heal up very rapidly. I can person
ally testify to tho cffectlvenea of this
simple remedy, as wo have rnnde use
of It In numerous cases, with the best
results, where every other remedy wo
tried failed to heal up the sore on the
horse. Agricultural KpltomlsL
I'rarllrnl flnli I'atlrnrr.
A swing gate Is somewhat of n nui
sance, unless It Is arranged with a
fastener that will act an desired. Tho
idea Illustrated Is a simple one, an
will be seen. Take a strip of one by
four material and cut It of convenient
length, as shown at figure 1. It must,
however, lt long enough to extern! lx
yond the cron bar I) ami the upright
piece at Figure 2, ImIh of which plecM
are double that In. one on either side
of tlie gate. Two Iron pieces (hi uro
bolted to the hoard 1 ami -I. as shown.
The fastener work In thla manner
To unfasten, pull the th-srd 1 lo the
left, which raises the end opposite 1 on
account of the placing of b. and when
released drops toward 1 and finally
rests oil the board marked :i. A close
study of the Illustration will show how
simple the plan I, nnd how readily ,t
may be put In operation on any swing
ing gate, provided ill wit jh the gate I
properly hung ami work smoothly.-
IndlauaKills New.
Cut Hunt- rtiid Alllmnl I'uuil.
Just the dny the fowls are brought
Into the house and con lined to the nut
of u small yard they begin to pine for
animal food which they bnd In nliiuid
ance on the range. It la thla luck
that I at tlie bottom of the egg falling
off rather thnn nny other cause, ni
will he discovered. If one will take tlie
trouble to took Into the matter. It
muni be understood, however, that ani
mal food doe not menu anything In
the shape of meat one can get. There
are plenty of meat scrape on tin
market that nro good enough for fer
tiliser, but decidedly not of value fir
feeding poultry. If one win arrange
with the Imitl butcher to supply whit
iu"Ht I wanted for the fowl lie will
have no trouble provided he buy meat
that I not tainted and doe tint lay In
a toipply too larye. Green bone nu
totem tlie Mint puriie to some ex
lent but It 1 hard to grind and must
be ground fnwh to be of value. With
a mat! Mippl.v of auluial food, ereeu
bom ami green food of some kind ouo
oiul.t tn have a good production of
eggs throughout the winter, following
any pktu of feeding that ha it reason
able amount of variety.
s-nl I'uiuttM-M.
Kvery one know Hint when need
potatoes are allowed to sprout and tho
sprout ure broken off. as they often
are when the potntoo are kept In it
dark cellar, the tuber I perceptibly
weakened, the yield hwaeucd and tho
ripening retarded. The best way tn
keep seed polntne I In cold storage.
it I Important that the temperature
should net or fall below Jl.'i degree.,
nor tdiould it rise much above 40 de
grees. In a pros circular sent out by
the Ohio station It Is ml vised that tho
seed potatoes should bo shoveled over
frequently, us this prevents sprout
ing to a certain extent where cold
storage Is not available. Planter itro
reminded, however, that under certain
conditions this sprouting process may
be used to advance the early ripening
of the crop. If the tubers arc placed
stem end down in single layers In
shallow trays in a slight nml moder
ately warm room, thy will send out
short, stubby green sprouts, which
will remain In that condition for
weeks, and If the potatoes ore then
planted without breaking the sprouta,
thoywlll start Immediately.
12 I "jif4 -T If 2
'fen JSP--