5W THE BEND BULLETIN. voi,. in BUND, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1905. NO'. 4' 1 PROFESSIONAL CARD8 C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW I3ciul, - Oregon. U. C. COE, M. D. Ol'I'ICIt OVKK HANK Physician and Surgeon TKI.Itl'IIONK NO. 21 HltND OltliC.ON MI fctMTR MH'HHf ANII MIDI I'AIM AHI'CirV imrt-lixt. J. L. McCULLOCII, AltMrnctar timl lixntnlncr of 111 let. I .awl aiul Tr. !,aukt AfHr hit : Hun Mr.l.ltHt.. r-HIXMVIU.K, OHIIOON NOTAKY I'l'lll.lV INHUKANl It A. H. CIUVNT A rul fur I.I vorpool, London rt Olobe, 11 nil l.niictislilrc l!lrc liisttrnncc Companies, IH5.NI, OUIKION II I1 Hmknai-M II I Man N I'liwttlnM II luHttty ltiyMiati. Drs. Belknap & Edwards, I'llVSICIANS AND SUKtiL'ONS. pm.NHVIM.lt ORHOON. IHhetil KrrrwiMHtk' IHm tH J. Al. LAWRI2NCI2, U H. COMMIWtlONHK. Notary Public. IiUurancc, Township Tints for Upper Deschutes Vnllcy. llltNI) OHIIOON. Miss Grace Jones TCAcHcn or Voice & Piano . tint trtAy far uill. smi ran If fmint I Mr ir.UlrnCTun Kim Avenue unit inh Mint Hf.NI), Orb. Crook County Realty Co Real L'stalc Bonglit ami Sold. Life mill Accident INSURANCE. to men in M'Uliri lifiLtuwu ni,(io TRIPLd'lT BROS. Barber Shop & Baths 1 Hct,of accommodations ami ivorlc promptly done ,., U'AI.I. ST. JIUNU, OKItOON fi RlNEVlL-LE OT fcl I ,". A. HClkiwrii. 1 d L I'ruptleior Tal i.'s ntid Roohw. always clean mid well supplied-Rates rcu.soimblc 1'UINUVtL.tlt OKHGON Eree land in Oregon, I'n.Ur Ihr "Cur.r title. lion Act ' lrtl . turret frum .irk WklTK OK CAM. TO fiAV Ik-iWIrl. mill mail fur II, H, CnuL & Cu.lji AMctitlrl limUm! Or. mwsM OREGON ShojtLine And union Pacific TO r Salt Lake Denver kansas City Chicago St. Louis New York Ocean Steamers between Portland mid "Sun Francisco every five days. Tickets to mid from nil parts of the United States, Canada ami Europe. For particulars, call on or nrtdrcss JAS. IRELAND, Agt The Dalles, Oregon GRAIN GRASS -: SEEDS :-- Fancy Alfalfa Seed, Dry Land Alfalfa Seed, Winter Oabs, Extra Fancy Imported Shadeland Won der Oats, Fancy Clover Seed, Kentucky Blue Grass Seed and Vetch Seed. FARM Implements Largo and Complete Stock of Plows, Har rdws, Wagons, Harness and Builders' Hardware BAKER. Barb Wire In Carload Lots--"Waukcganita" Gal vanized Wire, best or. the Coast, will not rust. Bend Mercantile Cd. BEND; OREGON. a TIMBER LAND WANTED I have completed arrangements whereby 1 enh handle a number of good timber claims, in the Das chtttcs tiuibcr belt, at once. Title must be perfect. J. have erlal inquiry just now for laud in Tp.s. iy 33', 2J and 24 S, K. ti E., and if parties owning laud there, will communicate with me, it may result to the advantage of all couccrilcd. J. N. HUNTER, General Cruiser and Land Locator BEND, ORXGON. , .. re, J Because wo aro selling the same and better quality at a closer margin is a very good reason why you will find our store the best place to buy anything in the line of Groceries, Drygoods, Furnish ings, Shoes, Hardware, Sash and Doors, Paints and Oils The PINE TREE STORE 12. A. SATIIUR. PROPRIETOR Dr. B. F. BUTLER DENTIST Will be In Uethl In December Watch this Space for Date, l NEW Jill llll.l, ROAD From the Columbia up the Deschutes River. STORY TOLD BY ENGINEERS Surveyor nt Madras Say Their Line Ik not (in flxlenslori of 'I lie Dulles Dufur Will Continue South. I I ! The surveying party working ffni the Deschutes river along Willow creek into Madras is not running an extension of The Dalles- ouiur line, uui is locating nu en 1 tirely new line from the Columbia I up the Deschutes river. Leaving the IJeschutes mI the mouth of Wil low creek the rond will enter Mad ras, and from their will ultimately be extended southward through Bend. Thin A thfc iwws that came to Ueiid yesterday evening in a dis patch froth Madras. The Hill engineers under F. S. Gordon1 nth making a very careful survey; permanent location stakes being set. Members of this crew interviewed at Madras express the belief that actual construction will bcKln Hi the spring or early sum mer. While the same capital that built the great Southern is behind this present work, the fact has devel oped since the party reached Mad ras thai instead of connecting with the Great Southern at Dufur, this line Will be entirely independent und will come up the Deschutes river on a water level grade. The Great Southern survey was picked up at Tygh, from which place the engineers followed down the south bank of White river to the Des chutes; then up the west bank of the Deschutes to almost 12 miles below Warmspring river. Here a crossing is made, the line then fol lowing up the east bank of the Deschutes to Willow creek, from which point it works onto the Mad ras plateau up Willow creek basin. rrom Mounts tue roau will be ex tended to Bend and ultimately to Klamath Falls, where connections with San Francisco will be made. It is stated that within the next 60 days this line now surveyed will be picked up at the mouth of White river and continued north to the Columbia. Thus Jim Hill will have a north and south line from the Columbia through to San Francisco, a line that some day will handle all the heavy traffic north and south. The advantages favoring the con struction of such a line are numer ous. It can be built with probably not to exceed a one and a half per cent grade. Very little rock work will be necessary, which lessens greatly the cost of construction. 1 he capitalist at the head of The Dalles line made the statement that there ts not more than n mile of rock work from the Columbia to the mouth of Trout creek. No other road into Oregon, built on a two per cent or greater grade, could compete with a line constructed on a water level, as this one would be. The difficulty of overcoming heavy grades and sharp curves has always made thinking people doubt that any line would ever come from the north except one up the Des chutes river. This is the most feasible and economical route, and statements made by Gordon and his crew strengthen the belief that such a line will be constructed at no fur distant date. the route to )k taken south of liend is not yet known. (WHAT SOUTHERN PROGRESS. Work ol ilnglncers In the Madras Country. kiwi week's Madras Pioneer pub lished the following news of the movements of Great Southern rail road engineers in the vicinity of thai town: A locating prfrtt twtotixlng to the (Went Southern Hallway Co., cuhihhhiIv kitowii n the Dtjfrif toM, i at preterit camiieri oti the Hill I.ylc ranch in the nK Cove on the IechsftA Hver, about fteveii inile below the mould of Trout creek. 1'. 8. GonloM. the chief engineer Satur- for the UKMt feasible rotate fnf ruacMnu Matin. On SatuMay he male n horMilmck recoil noiaaance down Willow creek from MaI. raa to the month, and Mated upon hi return tlmt a very good line could be constructed that way. The MirveyinK party In now making a very careful location of the route from Dufur for about loo mile out thla way, preparatory to the letting of contracts lor coiutructiou work early in the creek. 1'. 8. Gordon, the chief en iu charge, ient laat Friday and day in Jdadraa, looking around f WANTS 50,000 ACRES A New California Firm in Deschutes Timber. MAKING CLOSE EXAMINATION Rough Work to be Done Here for litg Factory 'reparations Arc Now Under Way for a Plant. Best Printing at' TDTi Bulletin Office. Excitement at Ontario. The announcement was made Saturday of the purchase by the Oregon Short Line of 10 acres at Ontario for terminal grounds. As a result real estate there is again on the boom and many sales arc being made. Several surveying parties are making final surveys wesV of Ontario on the Ontario-Natron -line. Ontario has raised the required . . - Don us terminus ra be one of the links iu lli&l Oregon, Contracts fofe.'.ctrtl rnilea 01 graue nave oeen ,fett mil tvork will be continued through the winter. Survey HeaJhea Ueiid. The party it, engineers camped at Bend tcrtcJiea ft p'oint Thursday evening aliUtft a mik and n half north of tbvn. The Hue 'will prob ably .be completed as far lis Bend tonight or sometime tomorrow. Just print;. Mr. Gordon mv tlmt hi peo ple are very anxions to begin this 100 mile extension ami that ax eoon as favor able weather seta in next spring woik will !. started and that they hope to have the too miles completed and train running within a year from that time. The line that Gordon has located comes out through Tygh Valley, ami reaches the Ocichutcs on an cany grade just above the mouth of White river. It rroote the Dcchutcs about -the old Maupiu ferry und keeps on the cot hank from that point The grade up -the Des chutes is very cay. being about ts feet to the tniic, and from the mouth of Wil low creek to Madras it will take about two percent climb to overcome the dif ference iu elevation. The people in charge of the Great Southern have great plans, and are not building a road like the Columbia South ern, one that skims the surface of the ground and goes up one hill and down another, but their line is built on the best poviiblc grades, aud with the elimi nation of sharp curves as much as possi ble. They plan upon ultimately build ing across the state, down Pitt river in northern California and reaching an out let in tnc tvicreincnto valley at KcrKling. This will Rive them connections with three transcontinental lines, the Great Northern aud the Harriman line on the north and the Wcstcru Pacific of the Gould lines on the south. Mr. Gordon expect that his party of surveyors will reach Madras in about a month. There is no doubt that he favors the Willow creek gorge as a pass from the Deschutes up on to the plateau lands and should he recommend it there is no doubt that this pass will "be adopted when the road is built. The distance from the mouth of Willowcrecloto 'Mad ras is about eight miles,' iudl'ttrcttditTer ence in elevation a little less than 800 feet. SETTLERS WIN THEIR POINTS. Iji Report Submitted at Last Saturday's Meeting Shows Above Result. At a meeting held in thei B. M. hall in Bend last Saturday after noon the Deschutes Settlors' Asso ciation heard reports from the com mittee sent to Salem to la: before the state land board certaini griev ances against the contraband nil ings of the Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company. ,. A complaint carrying 141 points was brought to the attention of the land board. Eleven of these were decided in favor of the settlers. The board refused to rule on 1 the other three, considering it would be ex ceeding its authority in doing so. These three( points are lefttmiithe same standing lostibefore the'eom plaint was submitted and will un doubtedly 1 be- deckled in nrteet case in the courts at spme futurfl time. There were two, points) -Upon which the settlers' plctcod most em phasis. These wereltheiamouiit-of water to be delivered'- oh ' the ; set tler's land, theitima of its-delivery and the point nt whfch ttlohould be measured. And nlso the- inten tion that notes given by settlers -to the company tb Batisfy oblications against their land wercp not nego tiable. Both- ihese points were ...... gratited by tone board. W. J. Ward, representing the Brooking Box & Lumber Com pany of Highlands, California, re turned Wednesday from a week's trip in the timber south of Bend. To a Bulletin rcoortcr Mr. Ward stated that hfs company desired to purchase about . 50,000 acres of Deschutes pine lands. As sqou as this timber was opened to tha.mar-. ktts by transportation1 facilities, it would be logged, manufactured in the rough and the s hooks shipped to the company's. .mills, iu Califor nia, where it would be made into boxes. .. Mr. Ward is making a very care ful inspection oEthcitimber through this region. .Ije.. has . worked. in Southern Oregon .parthi as far as Mt. Pitt, north and. west, of Klam ath. He ha3ral5 boen through the country west qf .the Deschutes river, and states it-is now his pur pose to give,- tho same careful at tention to the timbcr.lyiiig east of the river and south of Bend. This, morning hc started this work on the timber lying between town and the ice caves. r. InMr. Ward's estimation, log ging in the Deschutes country is primarily a railroad proposition. The absence of underbrush and the typography of the cptniry make it an easy undertakin'to construct a. locjrinc road sinmlv lav the ties on the surface of the ground and tap the timber in all directions. Wherever the final purchase of timber is made there will this com pany's mill be located. MODERN WOODMEN LODQES.' nxrt The Ladies'.tAuxiilary Elects Officers Reception Planned. f The members of Mistletoe Campi of the Royal Neighbors of America on Tuesday night elected the fol lowing officers for ;0o6: Tast Oracle Mrs. Anna Brosterhous. Oracle Sirs, Helena A. O'Kane. Vice Oracles-Mrs. Alta L. Stroud. . Chancellor Jir. Christine Welder. Marshal Mis Belle Robison. Recorder XtttD&y K. Drown. 1 Receiver Misi'Lauta'Dandle. Sentinel N 'I'. Welder. Physician Dr. U. C. Coc. N. Vi WCiUer. Managers Mrs; Deitre' Hi Grant Mrs. .Anna Brosterhous. I A reception to-the new members of the ModcrniVoodmenof Amcr-' ica is planned tturrthcrevening of Jauuary 8. 1 After tho initiation, which will it be concluded by b oldock, a literary"aud-' musical programnvill be "rendered and a lunch will folknv, after which an hour will ibextoed in dancing; . jTheafraht'is to be -open after 9 o'clock" to Woodmen and their wives. Rbyal Neichbors and their husbands aud to a few' invited guests; p ' Tb following applicants for Iraembership wilif takeWhe "degrees oti that date;l'H, J. Overturf, John Cottcrr,-Dr. UV Gv.CoV, tflfcllacl j. Mbrrieotl.' ZRnlnh. "Sheldon nl Theb. W. Zimmerma'nn. h 'I All Woodmen drei invited Mo be present at the initiation, at 7:30 Ptiarp.r 1 ,n' i District Deputy tud,, Consul rohn H.'Sta'rrpfthe-M.'W. A. is low at LaidlaW'where-a tiewcamn of that order is'" bcing', organized. anted uytotie boards v i 'Jiyuai U4U uto;'- urgumzcu. Under. the old ruling water suf- following. names have already fiewnt to-cover-if:o., acres tone foot deep was toi'be delivered between Aprtl u andj$Tovenbe t, and wasnto bi measured, nt the com pany's canal headgatc iThe new ruling provides for one foot of wat ra&t. I.;; r us-'atssssn.-r" a. of the Vnle and. Malheur run- JJLmL: ". ff.r.r".'. i . ' "f- llroad. This line is, supnoced 16 . '-J iV' 21 ! UBUS! ineaorosi-,r"vV.w"'CU3U,qu ttV luc'aqi Ueri; heudgate.. "Thtt bpar,d titled that the notes givtU by theSettie,r3 were uoti-ne-gatlabler'-flnd that interest should hot'necrue t)(l thpjm beginning nt a date piip'r fo actual reclamation of the land. , f Afterfidgrjhg tile reports the as sociatio'iijiujotirned to meet Satur day, Jatluary 20. F, H. Marion pf L.aidlaw regis tered at the Bend Hotel yesterday. uten secured as the result of one day's work by the deputy: Fred N. Wallace, A. P. Donohue, Wil liam A. Hunt, W. D. Clark, A. J. Neill, J. F. Neill. Bert Miller, Dr. New.som, Edwin Henry, John C. Stiles, W. P. Neill, WilHam B. Thorp, Thomas Rutherford aud C. W. Neill. Something like a dozen others are expecting to go on the charter roll, Notice, Notice Is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore subsisting be tween the undersigned and II. W. Reed, under the firm name dud style of Steidl &; Reed (also the Desc'HUtes Lumber Company) has lieeti dissolved by mutual consent. Accouuta due tlfc former co partnership may be paid tu cither of the former partners. (40-43) John Stiudi Nick Welder wt to Prineville" Tuesday for a stay of several days, 11 ?l -I l