'"'ff' v a: LOCAL BITS Kitm barred Plymouth rock roo.stciH, full blooded, for wile .it a.jo cnch, C. ll.Al.i.KN. tf A. H. Ornut Is pttttliiif n Hue of fruits mid coiifcclloiicry in the room luljoiiiiiii! the postolhce. Oil ice rooms for rent In the Pilot Butlc Development Co.'s office hiilldhiK. Apply at the company's ciflice. tf Dr. Cou u'iih culled to Laldlaw Tuesday on profesHlonal bliMiiiehs, mid Inter took n hurried nip to Redmond. Slxleen-lnch dry wood cut from Krcciti timber for mile at Frauds & Gamut's ranch; Si. 25 per rick of ?,V50Kjr eoid nt the ranch. 35 tf Attorney Ilnrnes was over from Prlnuville moat of the week, npear iui; as atlorncy for the defence in the cane of Kot.man vs. ICrickson el id. MIih Agnes GieiK, after a visit of .several weeks at the Riley home, departed nu the early stage Monday morning for her home al Portland. The P. M. I). 'X have leeen'U initalled n new M-in. Ntieker at Its saw mill. Secretary Goodwill!? re txirtrt that it is doitif; firttt elas work. Jas. McCoy left Mend early Mon day morning, driving to Shauiko with C. A Chapman. He goes to Ntwnd the Christmas time with his parents over in the John Day country. C. A. Chapman started on a drive to Shauiko IhhI Monday morning to meet his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Carl CliNpiimu Mrs. Chapmau hits liwti vNitlng iclativu.s ut Graugeville, Idaho. The P. It. I). Co.' mill has Iwcu still further delayed (hiring the jHist week hy the failure of 11 Portland hoiiMf to ship repairs as ordered The order included two piston rings hut only one whs nciU. Work was commenced 011 the lirw school building bright nod enrJy Monday morning. Contrite tor Jarvis hs a good crew of men at work, himI will push the build in to nu curly completion. It is indeed a god sight to stand 011 the streets of lteud and note the ntiiuctou loads of lumber that are hauWd from our mills to the surrounding country. It bespeaks prostwrily and development. I.eo Pelarske nf Laidlaw spent Sunday at the Pilot Hutte Inn. Mr. l'clnrske is execting to leave for .St. Paul in about two weeks to miiciiiI ChriMiuas at home. This will be hi. firt visit to the old home in two years. 0. J. Grv of Portlnud arrive I in Bend lust Thursday evening, and was kept tinny for some time shak ing hands with old-time friends. He came with the intention of in specting a body of titular with the view of iiurchasiue it for an 1 eastern firm. He was disupx)intcd in hiti plans, however, and started on hi return trip Sunday morning without having made the intended iiisiiectinn. Drus Toilet Articles MEDICINES Prescriptions Carefully Compounded We carry in stock every thing usually handled by a first-dims drugstore including Stationery, School Supplies, MnKU.intf.s, Toilet Piepara. tions, Confectionery, Cigars and Smokers' Supplius, and n Pine I.ilic of Watches and Jewelry. ...Perfumes... Merrill Drug Co. Hciul, Oregon. Mua.au. I SI ?l w AA e ',''-A -'' ''" v " '' -"'-' ' 'Y1"y"TifYi"lVf- -- Special Millinery SALE LADIES, CHILDRENS' and MISSES' HATS AT A FORUTH OFF Wc must have room for our Holiday (loods, Manv ate marked lower than one-fourth off. This sale in cludes our entire stock of Trimmed and Tnllorcd lints, This season's latest styles and colorings. PHI! AHUM Wc nre "till (living I'lno Clilun will illwontliiue iluiiie mi wry kIkiiiM turn them in fur exehiiiiee dUlie Im broken, We will be now Iwve iiflur tlivy Hte 1 1 1 1 e SANTA CLAUS Will be Kcady at our Store to Show a Very Pine Stock of Holiday Goods on Monday, I)ecemler .t, 1905. I.ew Reed of Kedmoud was a IJcud visitor the first of the week. V. l. Ground of Ttiiualo regis tered at the Pilot Hutte Inn last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Spniuhoiir were in Ilend Tuesday from their homestead oil the Ttimalo, Mrs. K A. Griflin came up from I.aidlaw Tuesday and will go out to live 011 her homestead in 19.12. Freighter Pmucis on Ids last trip into liend brought in a fine lot of fruit trees for the L. 1). Wiest orchard. J. Ji. SheafTcr of Kedmoud was in town the first of the week. He came to look aftor the plumbing in the club houses. Deputy Sheriff J. S. Smith of Priiicville has been in town the most of the week attending to mat ters connected with his ofiicc. Miss Jackie Ilroek came to Hcud the first of the week from I.aidlaw, rcturniiiK to her work on the Chron icle there Wednesday morning. Wc have for service at our home stead, three miles south of Hcud, n Hereford bull, tf Pkancis & Gakkatt. Win. Vaughn has made arrange ments with Ira J. Wilkinson where by the latter will winter 33 head of cattle for Mr. Vaughn on the Wil kinson ranch. Prcd Hcvsc of Portland whs again in town the first of tlie week. Mr. Hesse has the work of install ing the pumping plant for K. M. Morris 011 his ranch at Trail Crossing on Crooked River. Nothing adds .so much to the appearance of business correspon dence as neatly printed stationery. It is iudis)cnsible in the estimation of up lo-datc business men. 'Hie Hnlletiu Job Office can supply your needs in this line. C. W. Knibody of Portland; M. T. Dickson and Wn. Gregory of Ilridal Veil; A. J. Spillers, Palls City; K. K. Roberts, Greshau, and H. S. ICddy of Shaniko, all this state, slnpcd in Hcud Monday. and Tuesday on their way to the Silver" I.akc country. A. C. I.ucas reports, thru, the woik of clearing the Johnston ,racli is progressing nicely. There 'aro. eight men in the. employ of .tljoseJ wno nave ijic roiiriH i?r cieariug, and the I). IJfc'l'. pqtjjfie also lmve fourteen at vyork cleirm"; off the" sage brush and junipers. J l"rnnk Glii was i'n. icjVn Tues day in company with P. I. Smith' of Cocur d' Alenc, Idnl'id, who'is inn .specting the D. I. Ct P.yp.'!.Iajid aloiiL' the Deschutes. Sir. mitU . sirN. cniiiti expressed lunjjjjjjl ns vell pjefiju.-d with the prosncctl'iereabouts.'and will undoubtedly invest. Our readers will reiijcmbcr a few weeks ago mention in the 'bulletin that Dorsey Heisin had broken his' arm. A week , ago ' K rldii) it was considered healed,, aiul Sjic Vplints removed, Astjie hltic, fellow was playing ncjoq ,U 'I uesday t one of his playmates rn.u dp,H:hind,him and pushed jilm ;er4 entiling him to ( tall on the injured arm and break it nraiu, .1, .. x. . It is a matter beyond dispute that Heud has a very talented . cartoon ist. If you doubt it just step into the White & Hill niavkct on Wall street and take a j'ook nt the latest endeavors of ''Murphy" I.obdcll Mr. I.obdc.H' lift's uavt. SQUie eight or ten skech'es of lly nttorncy.s uud promiuei'it.wilnesseJiin the cii.se of Kotmau v&, ijfii-'ksou ct al, and the skillful work of his pencil is attracting much favorable comment .mil 1 ,uiMiit!; n frraldciil of lmufrtr, w( SHAMKD, Of1. COUPONS Away with chIi parchm, lint whhi. I'Hrtii'n lim-int; coaporm Iwfiirt' the niMortuiviit of tumble to iimtcli tit iwUurim vc Lnut Clinncc for Free China. Dr. C. S. Kdwards of Priiicville has a daughter lorii last week. A o-potiud daughter came Wednesday night to abide in the home of G. J. Sholert. There will le n business meeting of the Christian Hudeavor society tonight al the home of Miss Violet Reed. The I.onc Pine Trading Com pany has disosed ol its hotel ami feed Ixirn at Porest to William lloldeu. The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. P. O. Minor yesterday. The next meeting Will be with Mr.i I D. Wiest. Hood River apples and dressed turkeys for the Christmas dinner. Get your orders in. 38-40 A. II. GWANT. The injunction suit of A. M. Drake vs I). I. & P. Co. wiU sub mitted before Judge firgidKhaw nt The Dalles last TucsdaV itM taVen under advisement. Huruev Lewis was in frAni the Johnston ranch ThursdaV. "fihrney says it is a pretty big job to cUnr, an acre of junipers where there is a' heavy growth of theM: trees. , The young wild 'caH y!ilch J. Prank Stroud cauglit lind. 'jk'mnl . . . r . I'l. i l tl 1. ami nan lor a uouse pe: lat sum-i uicr recently lK-came hflicted, with fits aiid it was iiWessarv ro TtnlVh hiiiiiml. C. C. ftcn.Te'lt i,d S. Vl.hSnr.! or - rnncts tra'irsneted u'lntlncsk 'h Tlend Tuesday '(w1llilc eS;V6utc t6 Mr iwiiiinwc iiiiiv.il. 1 iiify c.n;i.i iu s'icnd a few days hit'htmg in tlmt vicinity. j Mrs. K. P. Ratten eutcrtflined. the Thursdnji Hvening Bowling Club after -their meeting last cve-i liing. Tiilfy-pnlling and jxip-corn balls hcl'x:d to pass away the time pleasantly. J. C. Perry, formerly superinten 1 hey exj)ect to dent of the Pilot Hutte sawmill, who. has .been for same time at LPatlatjJh. Idaho, writes that he will herein ter located ut ralouse, rtcll flllfl fu i..tt i.irr Arn I..,.. ' ....... u.l. tn bt.t.nif, IIIVM liliv. 15. 'D. .and Gleu Helidricksoii rc- l.i - (I, , .! ', I ,. , ... ce'uttv sJiULtlieir i fhe P. (iiicu lauus uacK to Cpy and have honiciteatts near mfiYii0 T-',r, homeiteads neai Pilot ."title., yiic rHiiclies sol(J wert silliit'eVlitr last ea8irs experi htTarln. One traveling, over th (,r0Vi .'UKJSi to "elMl 9nVwt, iiiu impressed with the fact Irrigation projects in this VI Riim?; 1. . -... cell Ke nioiul fhe same party whs n "Mr. Hens(oi front itmyinn, coinVn o Ind to look over the fiehl with .Q.'yjeto investing here. w. , McMini and h Saufor,l, young farmers from Princeton, Minn., were also mem bers of the, same party, and were on their way to tin) Sjlver Lake country., They will .undoubtedly inystigute Ueml on tlyir tetulli trip. A prosiK'rous yojnK farmer of North Dakota stopped ofT, at lrineville,i but expected, to v,rsit Ilend n 'few days later. Thus in spite Vf the knockers, tlie oppor tunities 'here for wise investment are attracting ttle ' utter.tfon of the jJedple, . 'l)r, OSst, 'Whlfc. attc.OiUitfK to hoc down, a fi,vpte, ,tuat Ins had pays$s a inoiith Nfctal lor this hhpt nlid w-dK'ndefJ.ist VeeliVesHay, buildingTilltlrtJVe'W sKMoblholise met .with an. ncifideut. Tli'e horse shall be rWittylbVliSv . tlmtc wns ;idi'ug ,ssllptel and fell" Tftch: xVerc'tllV apifooants for ahd.ljie Mtk'tfr M cAtt'of the (the nofetWVf'thlnl teacher, Miis .mtxl'up with a bnllty rVhied WilfimSoW ,Itfs HOlest "aud'P. M. nnkle. iLofittell. V vfc . WilkS'nson, just IT1I1I II1MII 11 V nvi tiviiiiK fivjuiv,n.vrv. a (Mini mil parts"of the-cdiu try. 'iVast week 'us" .V,Wory..WS",l,n'. V fivii Ive rode'from Illggs to SJirVt'io, wd rfjTOrt Lefen,,,,l 1w,,l,,f few noticed two ladies from ibwa iwhOWte were coining to join their ImstwTulii JtVnvffcmrH, ,H,d,l!a' on uxuvUh recently purchased be- J.W"" V-U same when he ..vj;., fc...t.ii.Mi,i A L Mi,. ifniu I., turned thiit tTie Umds avaihble Tl . T-.-.- .i i Wedkiy Meteorological Record, llnul, Orr., IXc. lo 1, 1905. aim. '"'Wnm ll'if'lWll icii nimi u .M 2 HW HVV NJ Hli n i s ' tUmtly J fl I i.iiy c?y A II OMr, VttlAiilfV'r OlWrrrA' The W. P. VaridcTVctts Ihis week moved drtwil Ifrdm .linVn tnd occupy the I). I. & P. offlcu build ing for a dwelling. They briny four more children for the" schools Mimber, the best in Crook coun ty, delivered anywhere in Bend 01 vicinity in wagon load lots or more at the following prices: Any kino of rough or sized for $"! shiplap 1 n'c; No. 1 flooring and rustic ?2o, other lumtcr in proportion Shingles $2 50, good ones; all kinds 01 mouldings one- half cent per foot Send in your orders or come and see us. Dohkan'ck Hwos , 3tf Cfhie Palls, Ore. Dr. A. A. nur'ris and K. V. Lyons of Hillsboro. and S. 15 Grof and Prcd Sch'ulfc of IJcthnny Oregon, iirriVed fn f,vu Vhursdaj evening 611 their rjeturVt 'trip from land viewing in the Silver Like and Christmas Lake countries. They; expressed them.sclVe as very much pleased with Rend and the sur rounding country., Mr. Lyons re marked tliat nenfl looked the best to him of any town Tie YiaVl Seen on his Way south froVn lilggs. wiViTni rnVi, QWt'Vhe noas Sow (he . , UvtXiSk 'fallMce Cm- fVfcnV ft th dffhtit cv;Uft. The case of Adam Kotzm.in v C. II. Hricksona al. involviiu tin right to 53 hogs that hud been sol by the HeiKl Livestock &. Prod 11 t ' Co. by Vie jreswlen't 'and gcncij 1 iiniiir-cr in miuin ts.'ii7.ii).in .iim u . the scA.retnry ami treasurer ti White &. 11 ill.-was tried Mond i and resulted in a verdict for tin defendant's. DcliVerV hud lcci made to KotVmJnS 'Vv hhe offi.'er subscWjuently tlie 'oHher officer toot 4 forcible possession elf ihe nniin.il uid dcliverwl theft b Vinte it Hilt. Ailum tTnAmi-.il iVnlfii-il i the stock and White S- i!l?H gave a'l rcileliVerV Troftd a'nd rctKined tin pr")erty. The cause came on for trial Inrfore Justice Lawrence and a jury comtwsed of Millard Triplet!. Carlyle Triplett. A W. Pope, P. L Tompkins, J. H. Oncil and W. H Staats. C. S. Benson appeared for the plaintiff and G. W. Barnes of Priiicville for the defense. All the, afternoon was devoted to he.irine' testimony: If: life evening the' larL'utrebts Were s'fitimitted. the' ll ll 1 t t . i . . 1 c.couVtV?tffte'l6,tlilfry given and, - inliMht hU'If hh lifltfr 'flic vcrd eti j for the defendants wa"s returned in? 1 1( 1 a 10 court. , 11 is uuuersioou mai an . ppcal will be taken to the circuit!. court. p 1 ue irouoics 01 ui:s corporation: got :nto circuit court this week through x new suit filed in Priiicville, upon which ah order for the book's and another portable nroiicrtv of the concern whs made When Deputy Sheriff J. S. Smith went jp serve 'tlie process, he was resfsteil by Charles Boyd, presi dent and general manager of the company, but got purt of the prop erty after a lively and somewhat bloody tussle iii Boyd's house. THIRD SCHOOL 0PGNe6. MlssVcst the Teacher Mdro 'than 100 ISjHi. A third sclioorrooiii 111 Betid was opened last TlicsdaV 'Ih't lie "Hedges building on Uo'nd street with Miss MUhon t'iest in cl'arge.o itipils being in rittciidaficc. , I lie 'district concluded to get leal she would 1m nt ih?at (Hs.i(Ivinit:L'tk on all nint- . . .a tcWpcrtaVilii'ib tffc state stde would adroit of paying the cmer Rencj teapher, only 30 a month lor ie present. OfpWtrse no piibfi' )n'uey canWjpatd to any teacher until ""she Is legally 'qualified to This leaves liss, lieil with the "grades above the sh. 36 'pupils; iil-i t iv,.h iiic iiici unriiuuv; kiiiiic.i, with 36 ppils, uud Miss Jones the primary department with 40 pupils a total of lOi, prce'ianil in Oregon. m- I'mlcr tlie "Carey Irrigation Act." lk ) arcv Irr cation Act." lil dirtvt iium mtc. wkitk ok cai.i. to- DAY IIimMkU suit nun frc.c. II. b. OxL & 0i , i AUtcr trvrt, t'oitUuil Or. Dale Mux. Dtc 1 yt Ore I 41 J.ej si Ore 4 $t l)J 47 Dn-X 4 Die 7 47 ;,.'.. . !iinr . I ot-; ,.:.r.:icauiu, ' ITK 'I'Llll MIUEl.? -'. w aw.., .. i. WIN! IJ11 .IM1 ii. .. hir. l. oi P iine 1 ue a';v'Pi ft!? . littiulifccaii lVe're. Where G. W. Whitseit'; Salooii, aU. mkJZAZt PILOT BUf TB INN fab& Aip)lfri ,tel ttfc deHdcfu 'dHllc season iTr's't-'B.iift Klrj)nicu't ITrfe Rootn.s and Reds AVl strRc-i itor h ,jff,i ShELDON & M'KINNON Geriefa BRcWftutlhg bWd Wagon Repairing ribRS'ESH'OEINd A SPECIALTY ttF" Our shop is located Apposite Haptist Church. MM REPEATING lj?ojrrtatter how Tblt "W tflfd, nb matter how heavy its plumage or swift id flight; yotr tK bring It to bag with a long, atrong, Straight shooting Winchekter Repeating Shotgun. Results are what 'fount. They always give the best results in field, fowl or trap shooting. Vrtd ire sold within reach of everybody's pocietbook. rtttt. Sliiiiant 1?J bi&itu en a fcttit cart ftr nr Urt l!mttrcltd tatitopu. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO.. NEW Havsn.COHN. r A Complete Siock of DRY AVcafj, kbhgh, Surfaced nfiii Mnuldcd" -LUMBER- All Widths, LexigthrfjdThick'ifeses INCH COMMON DIMENSION SHI FLAP RUSTIC T. & G. FLOORING BEADED CEILING WINDOW JAMBS WINDOW CASING HEAD U LOCKS O. G. HASEMOARD , STAIR TREADS : WATER TABLE JO. G. BATTINS MOULDINGS Reasonable Prices Good Grades Dry tock -;P. B. I). PATENT ROOFING FENCE PICKETS jjjjETC., ETC. CUSTOM FEED MILL IN CONNECTION: The Pilot Butte Development Company 'BRND, -iZ, F. MGODY (1DNURAL Commission AlERCHANT. Shaniko, - orhqon Large, Commodious Warchotiso. t'rcuunt'itttuiitjMHi fuvor me with UteiT Jlc.it f mjortcd ntid Domestic WINES, LIQUORS fclGARS. Excellent Bnr SfrviCCi High Cfa8s Getitlehian's Re 'oK. Only first class goods Wept in stock. Chll on us. miTim mtMMC&hMaMMMrtt, Ac 6ftl ddor- .U SHOTGUNS emmsaammmmmmmamm At Bend, Oregon. Lumber Delirered at Low Cost Anywhere on The Lands of mie D. I. S P. Co., or lTie C. S. I. Co. OREGON J& M& forwarding Consignments Solicited tuiil lo those who putrotuiKe. i il A