The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 17, 1905, Image 8

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r. triVVT??
r gasgjgaaesas.
Oft the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook
County, Oregon.
Center of the new Irrigation Development covering
I The Townsite of BEND
ULUinw wjwiw ill iw i mriMi miiiinff"Mif Tt trriTirrTTTTrii w i rTrnirin rrrmi mrTTTrnniii"i nwmwnnnw in iiiwi !!
n Ayys
: 7 CarvNS? w h
P S XC x PLV XtO 7 X Nu ' " t u -i t I
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X vlXxXXx yv'hXxxXxX XXX y s0 j ' u 'J - " f J
XvxXSX A-X'VvCXJV xvXyn juniper
X. Xr XX. XX'vvy XntX 7 X " j t z j s t 7
" ' xbvy xsxxxCTx i in rrTT1
IX XXxxS 1. - KOA
xnxx(x .-
Ucpartitisnt of lh Inteftur.
bml Oflkc. Thr Inll., Ottrm,
(Hlorcr . 1905.
Xl(ce i. hrrthu giytn thai Ibt foWewiiiE
nmmrd Ktllcr li nitq iwrtlet oMU inlcHtiim lo
make fiaal proof In wiprt of bM claim, ami
Out aa Id proof' will tx made Iwforr J If. Ukw
rHc, 0. 6. Cmmiturr. at hi vfar in llend,
Ortgeu, mi Novtmlr . lyuj, iu
Vmiiti II. Crorge,
oT.atae ltalKOirgon., It K. Na IM. for the
wl0(.H.lJta:.. . HXC
ac U, Ift lar tfrc. W ra.
Il name the rottowinic Iirorc hl
ewUnuou rMtitce hjmmi ami cultlvatioa of
W Uud, riij;
JatucaMrtdlth,or;CJiie Valla, Orrgou.. aud
ociu;. MJCHAlif.T. Nor.AN. KrKlter.
I)rpitlir"t.i'f thr Intcriur,
J.aml OBicc, Ikcrlew, Ortnoii.
clplti6, fyuj.
.Vetkr i hertliy irlrcii Uiatj thr M qwliiK
nninrd aettlrr h Blot untlce of 111. IiiIciiIIoh ti
uake fiiul pruol In aupport of hi claim, awl
that Mid proof will be made before the Krxi.lrr
and Krccirtr. at iJiLcrlew, Orrgmi. oi. the 4th
Wjr of Oetenier, HS. ''
John Young,,
III K No, JJ7J, for the cilnt',, and nac.' and
wtfK " IP J . r 9 e. w m-
lie name the following winenc to prorc III.
euMtRiuoua reaidencc upou auJ, cutlratloii of
aUIaiiU. tl
WilHam O. Mavfietd, John Tuytor, John N.
,Mtou, laac K. Voiinr. all of KuoUnct, Oregon.
Wv M , J- X WATSON, KrgUIrr
Utpartmcnt of the Interior,
kind Office, MLcriew, Orrgon.
October 6, I'jJ.
KMre U hereby girvn that the fetlowiug
HsaaaH U'f F " n'c,l oticc of hi IhIcmIImi to
iit IboI ptWf In auppurt of hi claim, and
tba toitd proof will be made Uefvre the Kci(itcr
aud Kttcircr, at X.akiicw, Oregon, ou the 4tli
day. of iMormbvr, kj. rit:
. laaac K. Young,
J. It. '. . for the nej. ace M. IP a.r9 .
lie nam; the follpwlug witiira to prorc hU
eeatiuttvu rofWcnce upou and cultivation of
koM Uud, vi,.
W'ttliani O. MayEcld, John Taylor, John .V.
Station aud John Youug,all of Ko.laud, Oregon,
ulniJ4 . N. WATSON, KegUter.
Timber Mud, Act June j, Hj,
U. S. Land Oflice, The Datlei, Oregon,
Augmt io, fjpi,
Nplice la hereby given that iu compliance with
tkc proviiiou ofthc Act of Cougrea of June j,
I&S, entitled, "An act fur the aalc ol tlinber.lanif
ill the ktatc of California, Oregon, Nevada, aud
Uili1it,r1nti Tcrrttnrv " n ti.l,1 In all ,1.
public laud ttatca by Act of Augut 4, 1891,
Charle )'.. Trice,
ofMouUvilla, county of Multnomah, ttate of
Oregon, lia till, day filed iu thi office hi (worn
alatcuicut No. :67, for the purclutc ofthc ,
ec6, tpi9, r ije, wm.
And will oAcl Droof to allow that the Unit
(ought ia more valuable for it timber or tone
IU.1H for agricultural iiurpoae, and to,
calabUiU ill Claim 10 aiu lauu ueiorc I- SI.
LairrtriSt, V- S. CoiuiulMioiier, at In office iu
lleiid, Oregon, on the day of December, 1905,
Ileuameaa wltueue' Michael J. Morrlwn
and Frederick M. LolMlell.botli of llend, Orrgou;
T. L. Klce, of I'ortluud, Oregon, and Maiuc I'rlce,
of Moutavilla, Oregon.
Any and all perwmn clalmlug adveraely
lli, abovdeMribei! laud are renueated to
file tbeirdalui iu till office on or before the, .did.
jjtpuay 01 uecemiicr, iyuj.
Cii-iH ' MIC1IAJ2L T. NOiAN, KrgUtet.
i AyAi4'
Timber I-aml, Act June i, Ilj9.
U. S. I j lid Oftux. The IKitlc. Oregon,
Augbit II. lyJ.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance with
lepruvioflnHorthe Act oFCDUKrna ef lulie j.
H.eHtillrl, "An act flir the aaleof timber lamb.
In the "tute nf California, Oregon. Nevaita, and
W'hlHiton Territory." a extendol tu all the
public UihI Mate by Ait of Auguat 4, V.r,
Jntin II. Wimcr.
efTntualo. county uf Crook, ttatc oEOregon. ha
tlii. day fllot mini iHTice hi twurii tatem.ut
No. j7i, for the purchatc of the ,. uCkc
.U Ip ifta, r u e. w m.
And will offer proof to how that thr land
ought I mure valuable for it Umber or .lour
lliau for agricultural puriiov. and to etablih
hu claim lonald land before J II Lawrence. I'.
K. CommlMlonrr. aUlila olfice in llend, Oregon,
uii me iDtiiuay oifieceuiiwr, vjy
lleuamea wltneatewrirwald A. Jenwii,
I . William inker, Lemuel raaliooue, aud Charle
T.. Wimrr, all of Tiiinalo, Oregon.
Any aud all perou rlaimlug adveraely the
above dtacribed landa are requeued to (lie their
claim in thi office on or before aald i6th dav of
iDccciubcr, lyo..
ois-aa AiiL'UAiSL. T., Keglttcr.
TiniUf Ijind, Act June 3, 1B7S.
V. 8. Mm) Office, The Dalle. Orrgou,
Septeintier 16, 1905.
Notice I hereby given that in compliance with
the provl.lou. of the Act of CougrrMof June J,
i7, eutilled, "All act fur the aleoflimterland
In the itite of California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Wa.hingtou Territory," a culcudrd to all the
public laud tate by Act of Augu.t 4, iy,
Homer A. Ilogge,
of llend. county of Crook, ttc of Oregon, ha
till day filed ill thi office hi aworn Intement
No. 9J. fur Ihe purchaMr of the ujiawj, aec J,
iiy,!i,ofcc4, tp S, r luc, w m.
And will offer proof to allow that the
laud aought I more valuable for it timber or
atone than fur agricultural purtoae, aud to e
tablih hi claim to aaid land lieforc J M.
Iiwreuce, V S. Coinin..loiier. at hjaorficcln
llend, Oregon, 011 the 16U1, day of December,
He name a witueMc Michael J. HorriMiii.
John IiIom, Joneph N Hunter Jid WU Y.
Auimoii, an 01 uciiu, uregop.
Any and all pciou clabnjug adveraely Ihe
alxnc-dnicrllitt laiidare renuraled to file Ibelr
Ulun in thi office 011 or lie lore the aald 16th
uy oi.jiccciuiicr, i'o
oij-dS MICIIAJif, T, NOLAN, Krgittcr.
Timber Land, Acl June 3, 1J7S.
U. S. Iud Office, The Mallei, Oregon.
September 10, 1993.
Notice I hereby eiren that ill comnllance with
the provision of the Act of Cougrca of June J,
1878, entitled, "An act for Ihe valeof llmlnrr land
in the date of Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Tirritory," a eateuded o all the
pu,iMcJud ktale by Act of Augu.t 4, 1S9J,
I'loyd L. Ibdell.
of fiend, county of Crook, atate of Orrgou, ha
iiuauay meu ii.i inui omcc iuwoni aiaieincut
No. 1M1. for the nurchaae of the !!. kc 10.
and ofaec 11, tp i8,r lor, wiu.
And will offer proof to how that the
laud aought I more valuable for it Umber or
alone than for agricultural. imtlwften, mid to
etabub hi, cbuiu to aaid land; lefre J
M. LawreucctU. S. CommUiiloucr, at hit oflice In
Jieud, Oregon, on the ijth day of December, 190J,
He uajiica a wiliieaae; I'red M. IiIkIcII,
Ileurv W. Keed. lollll Steidl and llenrv Tweet.
Auy and all peraona claiming adversely
the above deacribed laud are reuiirated to file
their clliuJii thi office on or before the aaid 15th
day of December, 1993, rj
0i-d MJCJIAKL X, NOLAN, Kcgl.ter.
Timber IjihI, Act of June J, I,
C.H. IjiimI Office, The Italic, Oregon,
AuKuat I. !.
Notice U hereby gWeu that in cvuiptiaocc wltk
)w oflUc Act of Congre of June i.
;, entitknt "An act tir Ihe auleuf timlr lauil
In ihr.UtraoiCaUftirnla. Oregon. Nevada and Territory." a etteude.1 to all the
pnlilM buid Ute by act uf Angut 4, Ifcyi,
tSeorge A. K. Klmou,
Lof fuwens UMuily of St ImiU. alateof Mliiur.
Ma. iHwimauay pmi in ini oincc nitaworn
tlatemeiitNu mi. for the imrcaowuf the iiwjf,
of aecjt, Ip m.r lie, w in.
And will olCrr proof U kuw that the
La ml tour lit I. more valuable 6r It timber or
tour tlinu lor agricultural xi"., and lii. claim to aahl laiul before J. M
Ijwrtncr.l S. ComuiiMioiirr, at hi office la
llend. Oregon, on the Itlh.iUyof Decemlxr, !
Ileiiameaa.wlliiee John l. Kyati. Dan K,
Smith, John JlcOriiilcL. ami Hugh O'Kaue, all
of lleudoregou.
Any and nlleriHMi claiming advctwly the
alvc-iIrcrllKil laiul are rcipiedrd to file their
claliui iu till olTm on or before llir aaUl Mill
da-of Deccmlier, ioj.
oi-d MICHAI'.I. T. NOI.N, Kcgliter.
Timber Mnd, Act June 3. 1I7S.
V. H. Land Office, Mkevirw, Oregau,
S4embcr , 1103.
Notice U hereby kWcb lunt Iu compliance willi
Ihe provl.loiuiij tbe act of Cuugrruof June t.
fa, entitled "Alt act lo the ul uftimUr lamia
Ii. the tlalea of California, Ortgou, Nevaila, and
Washington Territory," a cateuded In all Ihe
puMlc laud atale by act of Augu.t 4, l&y),
fieorgc A. Well.,
of Parker, county ol lutk, alale ol Oregon, ha
thi day filed ill thi office hi awov 11 alalcmcul
No. 1611. fur the purchaae of the eH"W. ec.7,
and wtj.wjf ofaec a4, Ip l , r II e, w 111.
And will offer proor lo how that Ihe laud (I
ought I more valiuMe for It limber or atone 1
nan luragricuiiiirni pune,
hi claim tu aaid laud liefore J.j.Suiilh, clerk of
Crook county, Oregon, at hi nnic:, at l'rliievllle,
Oregon, 011 l'riday, the Jim! day of December,
name a wituciae: lleiideraou W. Mur-
hli., .. I...I-.. ....!.... ,t. 11 . .. 1
and Comodore 1. Well, both of IMrker. Orevon. I
and Sarah V. Well, of Haltcy, Oregon. I
Auvaiul all oeraoii claliuiuir adveraefv thr
almvc-dckcrilied landa arc reiuelcd lo file their I
claim. 111 nil oince oil or oeiorc aam uu nay
of December, 1903.
013-.U J. N. WATSON. KcgUtcr.
Timber Laud, Act of June J, 1878,
Notice for publication.
' U, S. Laud O ffice, The Dalle , Oregon,
October u, 1903,
Notice I hereby given that in compliance with
Ihe ptovi.lon.ol the Act of Cougrc of, June 3.
178. ciillllcd "An act for the mIc of timber land
Iu Ihe tate of California, Orrguu, Neradr, ami
Wahlngtoii Territory," a extended Iu. all the
puuuc la mi iaiciiy act 01 Auguil 4, Ihyj,
Charle A.StaubiirrouKh,
of Ileiul, county of Crook, tlute of. Oregon, haMI
till, day filed In till office hi aworu lalcmcul ',
7i- IJ44, lorinc purcuaae 01 me iiMnwU, nwj I
nef, ec3,andwfwf,aec 4, li 17 a, rile.'.
. Ul,
And will offer proof to ahow that the laiul
aought I more valuable for it IlinUr or ttour
than for ngrlcullural iiirpoea, and Iu
hi claim to aaid land before I. M. Lawrence. II.
H. CommiMioucr, ut liUoluceut ilcud, Oregon.
ui, tjic 40111 uny ui iscccinucr, IY'3
He name a wituce: John I. Wet and
wTio . 11, Hiiey, ixuu vi ucuu, uregou.
Any and (II per.oin clalmlug adveraely the
abovedeacriled landa are rrnui.trtl iu &U Ihlr
claim In thi office ou or before aaid aUb day of I
.nwiHwi, iy'3.
017-Ujj illCHAIiL T. NOLAN, KcgUtcr.
Timber Laiul, AM June 3, 1S7.
V. S. Mud Office, The Dalle, OieraHi.
Mnb, 11 iv5.
Notice I hereby given lhat In romplUnec with
the (rtovUioii ofthc Act of CoMgre. of June t,
M7C. enlltlnl, "An act for the feif limber Umi
iu Ihe Male of California. Oregon, Xevada, and
Wa.bliigton Territory," a cilendwl lo all Ihe
publicum! tlatc by Act of Augutt 4, idr,
Arthur II. Allen,
of ManliiHt. cuwHly of Lewi, Male uf Idaho, ka
Hi.iiay nioi 111 iiim nmt Ml. wnm Mai.Mteui
No jiv, fur the Hirch of the nt J of m n
tp lj. r Mr, w iu.
And will offer proof lo shew thai Ihe Uud
ought i more valuable for II timber or .tone
than for agricultural puitMw., ami Iu eiMMi
III. claim to aald land before IhcHcil.tcr and
deceiver, at The Dalle. Oregon, oil the .t day
ol December, i3,
He name wlluei i1rou Jalin.loii, Win
J. Davi.. and Chailra I'. Dalr, all of Sand
iKiliit. Idaho; aud Michael O'Connor, f The
llallea, Oregou.
Any aud all permit tlalmlng adverxly lh
al.ivc-dccriljrd lmlarerrurMrl to file their
claim in thi office oil or before Ihe J IM
day of December, 14.
J-ll .MICHAI'.I. T. NOLAN, Krgl.ler.
Tlmlier Mud, Ad Juucj, 1I7I.
Land office, The Dalle, Orrgou,
July a, I' 14.
Notice I hereby given lhat In compliance with
the provl.lou ofthc Act of Cougre of June 1,
17. entitled, "An act for the aalc oflliiitirrlanl.
Ill the ttale of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to all the
public laud .talc by Act of Augu.t 4, ilioj,
May little Herd,
of lleiid, coutily of Crook, klale of Oregon, ha
thi day filed Iu Ihl office her .worn statement
No v6o, for the purchase of Ihe uwjjufaecu.
tp 16a, r toe, w m.
And will offer liroof lo how that the land
ought ia more valuable for It Umber or .tour
than for agricultural purHe, aud to elabll.h
her claim to aald land before J M Lawrence,
V. H, CoiuuilMioiicr, at hi office in llend.
Oregon, 011 the Mill day of Ikcember, lyn
She name a witne. John Sleidl, I. j
Keed, V. K Wagner, C. J. Cot I or, and I'laiik
Orciitt,allofIleiil, Orrgou.
Any uud all person claiming adversely Ike
ulxjve-dcacrlbrd laud are rrouestrd to file Ihelr
claim ill thi office 011 or before aaid Mill da)
of December, 1903.
Timber Lai.d, Act June 3, 1I7I,
U. H. Laud Office, The Dalits, Oregon,
y 13, 1903,
Notice I hereby given Hint iu compliance with
the provision of Hie Act of Cougrvo uf June 3,
iS;o, entitlid "An act fur the aaleoftiuiber laud.
In the alale uf California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to all the
public laud atute by Act of August 4, 1891,
William McLcod,
of rorlland. county of Miilliiomali,'tatcof Ore
noil, lias this dayfilrd III this office hi awuri
statement No. 1314, for the purchase uf the e)i
of aec 9, tp 19 a, r 10 e, w 111.
And will offer proof to show that the laud
ought I more aluuMc fur it Umber or slum
than fdi agricultural ImriMMes. anil In r.inl.ll.i,
hi claim tu said laud lieforc J. M. Lawrence,
L H. Commissioner, ut hi office In ii,.,.i
Oregon, ou the autdayof December, 1003,
He name a wiliiesei John llluw, o Sister.
Orrguu, uud Joseph N. Hunter, of llend, Oregon'
Auy and all perrons claiming aiHersely tin
aoovc described In mis arc rciiirslcd tu file their
claims in this office on or before Ihe said jli
day of December, 1903.
oio-dij MICHAI'.I, T, NOLAN, Kcgl.tcr,
s Fin
J 4 i i
j ' e t t 1
z J S
it, a a 1 S ?
p TiTo
l J S 4
i t t t t 7
h AV E.
Z J i
I LJ I ...
H ii f t 7
' l i f
i I
TlmbM Mud, Art June 3, lT,
U. M Lattd Offk. The D.IW.. iNteiM.
Notke is berrbv rlvrll lhat In hhi)Uih wMk
the BtwrMuaia of Ihe Act f Cowgrrx l Jaw L
i7, mlMUd "An Mt for the h ml llasUt tarn.
Ih thr Male of .aiiftMHta. IHgM. Neva) ,
WaMuilmi Trrtlkwy." as esieHiinI in all Ike
pblR mh4 stale by set of Aigul 4, lay.
I.en M ttrtMKsr,
of Mewl, euuHly of Cluuk, .tale of Otegmt. h.
this rUytlnl in INuooIht Ism wum ataletawHl
Ku tutt, for Ihe purthaae of Ihe w( ufwer..
tp If. I'm w hi
And will offer proof la show lhat law Uud
ought is mute valuable for H tltabrr or itw
than for agrtrullural purtw..., Md In ntaMMi
UI. 1UI01 IumM I.Hd IxfWe J M Mwirwe. f
H Cmiml.HHer. ai hi ofMre l llend, iHrgtM
011 Ihe uud day of Deeembtr, M.
llriHm wltH.Mn Chattr II KikckwM,
Cbailrs IMyd. tMltrr II HrltUwti ami Th IrfW
M. Mkhrl. all of liewl. Orri.
Any ami alt iiihi rlalmliig .lvetsey thr
bovcleseribedUiHltaiersaiur.ini Ut fib- lll.
dslun In hl. ofllec 011 or befole Mid ntd iUy of
l,.l,IIF, IV1.
(ICIIAHI. T NOLAN. Mrii.l.r.
Tlmlwr Land, Act June 3, lift.
I'. S, Mud Office, The Dsllrs, Oirgon.
August , y4.
Notice Is hereby bIitii that In mmHUnee
wlih Ihe revUiiiiisoflhra(t ofLougrrMaf June
J, Nt, entitle "An art fur Ihe sale of timber
lauds In llir tlra Bftllf.,riil. Oiegou. Nevd
and Washiugiuu Territory," a ralriidrdluall
Ihe public UimI Mate by act of August 4, ayl.
I'lanre. M. McIIoiirM,
orilen-l.wiiliilyr.r Crixik. slate of Oirgon.has
thi day fllr.1 In thi ollWe her sworn statemeHl
No J671, for lilt pllicha.tof tlirswU.atc l. tp
Ms, r 13 c win '
And will nrfr pnif lo slum that Ihr land
"Wglil Is Niorc valuable lor it llmlwr or stout
than for agricultural puriw. and Iu elakli4i
her claim In aald land lieMe J. 31. LawirtMr
I' h CommiMbiiier, at his ufhrr 111 liud,Dir
gun, on Ihe lull day of Docemlwr lyn.
She name h wllues Juph N Huwlir
Hmiii M. Hrdmaii, lame D. Iloiieymaii ami
Herl-ert V. J. McDoiwM, all of Ilcud Oregon
Any and all persona clnlmlug adtcrwly ihe
4mvch eacrllmnaiiiUaic rtrpieslrtl lo fde'
claliiis In hi offire ou or la-furc Ihr aald lltli dav
of December, i-
01J1I8 IICIIAIII, T, NOLAN, Krglslrr.
Tlmlier Mud, Act of June 3, 178,
U. H. Laud Office, Lakolrw, Orrgou.
September i, 1903,
Notice U licrebyglvrii ,,t ciiinpllunce wlih
he provisions oflhe act of Congir. of Jmir 1
KkJUi'ii. r'iTT "'.r ,,,c ""'" n"w laml.
i'i!MS!fi,?r7."fw".'.'"' '" Nevada ami
WllSllllltflUU linlltirv ' h,....l-.l ... . t, .i
public laiul lie. bi'ict of August 4, .8.;,',' ""
I'ruuk l: isrnuiid,
?.f,1',f'.c'.M'",X','' .'"lk, sl.tenf Orrgou. ha
ui. .i.y iiien 111 mis umce hi .worn alaleriienl
JMp5Sa.rf",r,e1"w!;,".,l,m, f ",e "w"uf"
And will offer prm.l lo ahow lhat Ihe land
ought I mure valuable fur lit llmlr i"
"?".f.i,,.'"."1 f"f k'l"'llral piirie, and to
rslabllsli hlsclalm luaaldlaiidUfurc J.'j s It
Ll.rk of Crook couuly, Oregon, at his office it
December, 1"' ,"'r,,l',"ll "'"" '!
Jl?W!!i?"'" W. Mur
an. ,;.'l3K,i,,r '..rkcr.Orrgo,4
and Sarah I'. Well., of llalscy. OreL.a..' '"""'
Any and all Person claiming adicracly any ol
the above laiiiT are rc.,uete. 1,1 file ihef VlAml
$&S2rt2mMm ""- '"' 'f-y S?
December, 1003
At Gateway to
the Great
Town has Grown
hUiioA ttiitui:!) ii) thr Mt yvnr. tlif Mit
otttccilittiug only frnin April K, i .
llnt bus exr)Witl (Miblir m-im(U
hihI complete public Hitler tvoik.
The Pilot Butte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite I j
Tlaaaan Mud. A Jnvr 1. 17
V UmI UTS. Mkevsrw. (i,t..
lMisr m. iv
lb wl4MM .1 ike Ml ut CMgM uf )..,
.,T!SM,, ".Am V " ,h 'MaWr I.H.U
aafcttuitaHa Terr Ho.,. M .. ,,,
pUk Uol Mate, by act of AgwM 4. .S
VuMiw H'Hh
IMs day ftM rt 1.1, , UH m "
"..' 1 " ,,W "" lW HH ofH.
ipn r 11 w a
trwok nMHtjr. laMgoai, btsorWr. si Imhvi.ii.
IMrgam.aH. frdy. Ifce ,h4 day , V,"h,i.
rlAYlitfjlgy fMMwtag advrrly the
soTil7?K jt "" 'lHd luMrlht.f
"W J. N WATWIN. Hrg l.ttr
.. Timber Mid, Art Juut 3,
l H I..H4 Dfn,,, Mkevlew. Oregon,
rwpicmoer 1, iw
sshiHi..,, ?.;.....' '"". Nevaila and
ZZLlZLVZ:,!?l,.liM ' NiirfKTti.t,-
"VTH MaleutHi. lo-wll
CliarUs 11 n,uu..
(4. II .TihTh lm",V" ",,," ""
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''",, IN WATSON il.u,
n.tl1' ?.?.".' ""I ih oomidiaiH-e wllh
iWhr"Jl,.M..,al! "5 6f MmlrUmt.
(ouih more 'UtTSnEV' '." wi"m ,, ' Ul"'
Ihrlr cUhiVto MhnVndrrl're YHl.!uIr,,"',""
d.. od,y ,v w&;r,&z ;'.
uwVi,ii,,ffiuvlr.i,"7r-f wmm ""'
WATSON Mcgl.t.r A
IiciHttlinciil iif Ittr Inlrrlur 4
If u v ,. . . y"
v.n. ,,,, Tllt ,)i1rii Urc ;?, J
Hcplcmber it i,. I
--.,. y..
iiifgun.oi. November u, Pwi, vV
K'lwanl While,
Notice I htrtbv u... ... .. . . . ir" .
aid proof wil 1 i,J I" '. WJ .?,.' llm. ami
. u.h. co.,.. ,.:r... "".. :"' j i Law
iilllre In lieu.
J. N, WATSON, KcgUtcr