UNCI.I SAM "A Remedy 'Thnt Such Ihidorttcmcntit Should Ho In Uvcry Home." vkri W x"" I 'i$lisk. lJ fVTirtS"WRVW Election Returns That A HhIINIi Monopoly. Two Hum were illsi-tiilii; monop olies, omit iiinliitnlnliii; tliul them tiff Loth good anil had monopolies, mid Hi I Unite lie tvns eonm-cliM with urn dlttluctly of tlin cnmI hurt. Then, says Hi n Ntnv York Trlbiiiic, lie proeeeile.l lo lltiittrnln what a litiil inniuipoly Is, ml tu show the nature of a batl mo nopolist; 'I here wan n young iiinn In the Mouth who went nun summer on a Ult to unit) relatives In the North. On lilt return hit HMiglit out another (iitiu urn n, mid Mid, Improwhely: "l.ook n hurt. I iiuilerstanil thnt you took ailvnutrtNe of my alweneo from town Inst iiHiMth to go railing on MUi Henrietta llrown." "Vou are mistaken," the other tnnn iisM-eml. "it l lirr sister, Alls Clartsta llrown, that I've been calling on." "Well. r." sahl llm first, "that tnnlies no illlTerenre. I've tot my eyo on both tin-Mi M " Thii Miliiim I'tii' I inf. Tlirri' I mil omi plaeo In tho world where tho mm net twice dally, and that la at Ik, In HlHfTordihlr. '1'ho ronton of thU U that n Jitggrl iixmiii taln la situate! to tho west of tho town, nnd In tho evening tho aun nets lirhliiil It and lnrliinsa comes on. Then tho flmt HtuiNct occurs, tho gaa Intiip III, and apparently night haa act In.) Hut It haa not, for In tin spare of nn hour or ao inn aun reappears ngnln through tho opening nt tint shlo of tho inotintaln nnd daylight ngitln appear. Artificial light art) extinguished nnd daylight renin preralls, until tho aun again descend tielow the opening, nnd tho second sunset occur and night comes to stay, Mnvlnu Cheese. "Will you atari tho cIuhma thla way, pleascT" said tho thin boarder at din ner. "Il'a nut time for eheoii yet," laid the fat iHHtrder. "No, hut If you atari It now It will' probably get hero by llm time I'm' ready for It." Ynnker Htntesinnn. In the army of Ihe llaytltn Hrpultlle ehairt art provided for Ihe ute of sen. trltt whin on duty. RHEUMATISM CAN NOT BE RUBBED AWAY When the Joints nrc norc nnd swollen, nml the muscles throbbing with the pnln of KhcumntlBiu, relief must be hnd nt once, nnd It Is natural to rub the nflcetcd parts with liniments, oils, etc. This treatment docs ood In n way, by temporarily relieving Uie pain nnd reducing tholnllammntion, but has no elfect on the disease lUdf, because Rheumatism is mora than Bkin deep; it Is in tho blood nnd cannot be rubbed nwny. Rheumatism Is brought on by Indigestion, weak kidneys, poor bowel notion, stomach troubles nnd a gen eral fdugglsh condition of the system The refuse nnd waste matters, which biiuuiii ncciimcuuu inrougii uic nat ural nvcuues of bodily waste, nrc left to sour nnd form uric ncld nnd other irritating poisons which nrc nb orbed by the blood, making it thin, weak nnd acrid. Then instead of nourishing the different nerves, mus cles, joints nnd tissues it fills them With poison to produce the aches, fiains nnd other disagreeable syrup oins of the disease. Rheumatism is usually worse in Winter for the reason that cold nnd dampness ntc exciting causes. The nerves become excited nnd sting with pain, the mus cles arc sore and drawn, the 'joints swollen nnd stiff nnd the sufferer lives in intense agony j nnd if tho disease is not checked it often loaves Its victims helpless cripples for life. Rheumatism cannot be rubbed nwny but it can be driven from the blood by S. S. S. Jlclnjf n perfect blood luirlilcr this great remedy soon pro Xlticca ncomtdcto chnmre in the en- rVre circulation ; the thin, acrid blood through the body nourishes nltd i S.S.S ""u"K uiu vuur iiuuiiuiicniiuu auuiuca tion PURELY VEGETABLE. to tor another httnek. Do not waste time trying to rub Rhcumntism nway, but get it out of the blood with S. S. S. so thnt the cold nnd dampness of Winter will not keep you lu continual pain nnd agony. Special book on Rheuum. ILiuux and any medical advice will be given free. WE SYIFT SPECIFIC CO,, ATLANTA, linn Interest All Parties. Curliifr Oala oT Plannai., Dlscnsed seed onta are now medi cated while passing through elevators, a iiiimticr of tho grain elevators of Indlnun having been equipped for the purpose, Tho peculiar ailment to which onta aro most euaeeptlblo la known na "atniit" mid unless treated such oala produce very Inferior crops. However, tho disease con bo cured itilln easily, and tho medicament U "Imply forum Meli) de. thut much nlniKcd giTinlrhle. To treat the oat a rcrltnbli) drop or chute alxiut three fert t'tunro nnd forty to fifty feet high la prepared, on the IiimIiIo of which nro plaeinl ahelvc or deflector aloplne dowuwanl, nltoniit Ine on two oipoltn aldt from top to bottiiui. Aa tho grain drupa fnnu the top It la thrown from aldo to aide by thi drilrotora and thu thoroughly mixed. My tiiPdna of n amall atrntn pump tho fi.ruialdelodo I then thrown, In the form of n Hue apray, ngnlnat the falling grain near the top of the drop, lly the time the grain roachea tho bottom It la thoroughly moistened, bolng nlkiw(Hl to ri'iimln In thla condition aeveral houra, after which It la run through tho drop n econd limp, with a blaat of cold nlr replacing the atream of formaldehyde apray, by which It la thoroughly dried. A Kln.K'a runottinllly. All men ngrco lu the nbatrnct th.it "punctuality I tho auul of bualnpaa," but fuw act up to tho maxim with the atrlctnea of tho king of the llulglaii. Whcruver or however ho nmy travel, whether tho vlult bo of bualneaa, deaa. tiro or ceremony, lie la punctunl, not only to tho hour, but to tho minute It might nloo bo anld to tho accoud. And yet Ida tiiHjoaty la nercr aecn to commit n wntch. Hut Ida fomlllnrn know that Ida habit of walug hla hnnd along hla flowing hennl la only n device for glancing nt n mnull wntch which ho wonra faitoned to hla wrlat. Ia)ih1oii (Slobe. Oeiprlty. H'csar I'anlun, lr, but thla nickel you gare mo l lead. Ilenrrolciit Old Man Why, to It U! Well, kerp It, my man, a a reward of your boiiMty, I.e Journal. , Whllo at work for tho 1'. O. ft P. K. It. In tho awaiuity ruirlon, I contrnctod Hhouinatlim nmlwaa complotoly lislp Uai for about four iiioniha nnd apant over OloO.OO wit lulootora. but uotworas ovary ilay, und rtimlly quit thorn anil bo ranB. H.H, X took n, f0w bottlca and wa cured aomxt unit woll. My health la now aitleiiiWit, ami I welifli 170 pouuda. Thero I n lady livlntr near ino who la now takluir U. H. H. for aoutn IlbaumatUm. Vor two inontlia alio could not turn haraeUln bed, but alnca beg-in-nlns your medtolno about tUroo weoka ko baa Improved rapidly, and la now able to alt up. J can reoommnnd U, a. B, t !U.ufTerfnir froiaJlhauniutlatn. UUh.N.O. O, O. LAUaiTKIt. I waaaavarely troubled with Ithauma tlain. I had It In iny kueea, leva anil aiiklea, and any ono who hue aver had ltheuinatiam knowa how axorualatinif tho pain la and how It Interforea with one at work. I wa truly in badaliape liavlnB been bothered witli It for ten yeary, off and on. A local tihyalolan ad ylamlmetouae H. H. H. Idldeo. After takluir two bottloa I noticed tho aoro naea nnd pain worn irroatly reduood, I oontlnuod tlio inedloluo and whb thor oughly curoil; nil pain, aoroueia and In. flaminatlon uonn, I reooiuiuand U, U. a, to ull lthuumatlo autroror. J. Ji. AONKW, 603 I!. Orooiibrlor St. Mt. Vornon. O. is made pure nnd rich, nnd ns it goes uic irru.ueu iiervca, casta tuc wiroo blug muscles, nml dissolves nnd carries out of the system tlio Irritating particles in the joints which nrc keeping up the pnln and inflammation. 8. S. S. cures Rheumatism permanently, nnd in nddi tones up the digestion nnd atliutt- lates the different members of the body their full dutv so there la no cause i Humorous: -- -- Tommy llnvo you met thn now teacher yet? Teddy Yet; after school IthlM noon, Mo won. Hx, "Hny, fnl her, wlmt la a 'nobody?' " "A nobody, my son, Is a prominent woiimii'a liualmnd." WmhIiIiikIoii Mfe, Tea Do you think Mario' photo graphs do her Justlcit? Hess Yea; Jtiatlco tempered with mercy. Detroit Tribune. Yoinigwed I wnnt accommodation for my wife. Hotel Clerk Hulte? Youugwed You bet your llfo alio Is. Washington Mfe. Iteji'ctiil Hultor I nmy be oor now, but there whs it limit when 1 rode lu my enrrlHue. Tho (llrl Ys, whwi your mother pushiil II. Writ. "I'hw, Is It true thnt death loves n shining murk?" "I supimmo so. Why?" "Nothing, only I slwtild think you'd feel it good den I aafer If you wort) it wig." ('hlcHgo Tribune. I'lrat Old Maid This census rnjiwrt anya there Hre ,iy),il tmcjiulor In tint IJultist HtatoH. Hct-ond Old Maid Yen, nml tint iiiiwii old thing iloexu't give their ndilniHi ollher. WHslilngtou Life. I'lgguius To tell the truth, we Imvo to (rent our cook its n member of tint family. Dlsmtiktm (Jrwtt Scott! That would never go lu our house. We Imtu to trent oura ns it visitor. Washington Life. Al d Jltistnnl Your wife's costume tonight is chiiriulug. It simply beg gars description. Justin do Hunch And thnt reminds me of a conundrum why nui 1 like n description. Scis sor. MvCush In this truo that I bear Do Mush That I'iu eugMgiHl? Yes. CongrtttulHtit me! MeC'ush I can't congratulate you on marrying nuy girl wIhi Is fiMil enough to want you. Cluvolaud leader. "Mr. Kptblsworth, It smHH to me," wi hi Mm. OMeaHtle. "Is rathttr Inclined to l(Muaclly." "Ktlll," nulled her host rxm, aa site stnilKhlHiiil the f I.IMt nljc "for n peCH'Mt as tall as her It ain't ho bad aa though she whs altortw." Chi cago liecofd llerahl. "That's an auction plamt your daughter's got, Isn't It?" asked the sar castic woman next dour. "No. Indewir' relleil the pnnid mother ImllKuantly. i "What mado ywi think thatr "Oh. probably becnuaa H'h 'going, going, go ;lng.' all thu time." I'hlladelphht f.cilger. HI Tragedy Ha m in made hla debut na n alar last night, nud 1 hear hla nudlituen was very cold. Ixiwu Com edy Y(w, they were nt first. Ill Trag edy Ahl only nt first? !.owe Com edyYes; then they remembered that they hnd jwld to gut lu, nud they got hot. Catholic Standard.'. Mrs. Ikkl I wlah you wouldn't bo such n tight-wad! I haven't a thing to wear. Mr. Ikkl lllltiklii' IloriKills! Why, woman, you have the flucst seal runt In two degree of latitude! Mrs. Ikkl And wlmt of It? There goes Mr. Illubbnrton swaggering nround In a real Kvalette coat with plush trim mings! I'uck. "No," said Mlsa Wlnthroii llradloy Winthrop, "your Hcna)lin did not conic over lu tho 'Mayflower,' nn ml no did, ami I cannot marry your "Do ywi knw why thoy did not?" rillwl Mr. Johnstone Kinythe de .lonua. "Woll, I'll toll you. They were not thu kind of people who travel on oxeundnns." Haying which he strode haughtily from the room. Washington Mfe, I A innn who was "wanted" by tha police had been photographed In six different positions, nnd the plot urns were duly circulated among thn hIco. The chief of jmiIIco lu a country town Wrote to Millcn lieailiusrters of tho 'city lu search of the malefactor a fuw dnya after the set of HirtraltH had been Issued a follows: "1 duly received thu plcturos of thu six mlscruHiitH wIiimo capture Is desired. I Imvo nrrtwtud rlvu of thoin, nml thu sixth Is under olwMr vntlou and will he suourml shortly." KnootirnKO tho Clillitren. Ito cn ruful how you criticise tho ef forts of thu rhlldrnu. The clipped wing never grows again, my llrook mrt Dumocrat. Make It it nuittor of conscience never to mislead tho child, for ho Is a traveler newly arrived from a strnngt country. Allow him, nn his world widens, to Imvo opinions of hli own; let hint be a personality, not a more echo, llnvo fnlth In (lod for your sous and daughters. Accordlmt to your faith ho will It bo unto you. Maku your home the center of attrac tion to your children; let them feolj drawn to you nud It, like thu ucodlu to thu polo. Itespeet thu secrets of your children, but do not worry them to confide In you. KnllKtitonliiir (ho Iinuillndy, "Coffee U norviMlostroylng," Inti mated tho penurious landlady as aim anw a movement ou the part of a new boarder to refloat a second cup of coffee, "How I wish you'd drink a lot of It," suggested thu Imcholor, who hud been with thu house since Its Incep tion. "Why?" asked tho landlady, and tho other boarders delnyod their nmstlou- tlpllB. "Then you wouldn't have tho norvo to servo this ooneootlon which hardly stains tho water lu whleh It Is diluted." Columbus Dispatch. "I'm hlillng from a man," a woll known cltlxuu said today, liver hi la from a man? Yo'II but you hae, many a tliuo. Maoh Timber TTnont. Across Uio great lakes In Canada there lies ono of the world's largest reserve of timber. In aplto of tho tariff Imposed much of this timber 1 today coming to tha United HtntM, The forests of tho Dominion nre begin ning to yield abundantly. More than 100,000,000 feet or plno snwlog and Kjuara timber, during a recent sen son, were cut upon territory held under timber license from the crown! Much of Canada's timber land has not yet even been explored. In the newly developed districts of Algomn, which aro close to the great lakes, It Is estimated that there aro more than 100,000,000 cords of spruce and pulp wood, while In tho districts of Thun der liny nml Hnliiy Itlver there are nearly 200,000,000 cords more. A belt at least .1,000 miles long lu believed to exist In Canada between Alaska and tho Atlantic. It has been estimated thnt, at the present rate of cutting, the greatest timber resources of tho United State those of the 1'ncIHc coast will be rxliHiislcd In less than half n century. The nnnusl cut of shingles nnd lumber In these regions Is -UVOO.OOO.OOO feet The standing timber In Washington, Oregon and northern California at present Is twice that of the original timber lands of tlio northern woods, Washington produce nbout nn many feet of shingles nnd other lumber ns Oregon and California together. This State Is noted for Its shingles, there being more than 1.000 shingle mills within It borders. At Tneotnn are lo cated the largest sawmill In the United States. $100 Reward, J 1 00. The readers ol thlipair will be rleued to Itaiu mat there tiatlea.it one dreaded dlaeue that teleuee lias been able to rure In all Its ingef, and that ! ('ttarrh. llall'aCalarrh Cur it the only inltte cute known to the int-Hfal lralrnllr Catarrh tm a eoaitltu. lliiual dlteaM.re.mtrra a ouoilltutlbtial treat ment. Hair i Catarrh l ur la taken Internally, atlti dlreciljr tijon the loo-l and mueoot mrlaeea ol the yatem, thereby dulrojlii the foundation ol tbiJlea, hf siting the pa lltnt tlreiiKth ij btU4lak up tho con tUtu tion aad uiiitluc nature In iolnr IU work. The (ruprltlolt hato aumueh lallh In lu curatlie i"ieri that (hey oBVr Oil llun-lrel IxIIar lor aar eaethatlHll toeure. Send tor Hit ol teatlMoaUli. . . A4JtMi K. 3. CIIE.NKT A CO., Toledo, 0. Bold Iit drucKlKa. 7te. II all's Family fUU are tha UiU About lllnl'a-Kyn Maple. I'or humlreda of years lumbermen ami cabinet-maker hare been study ing to learn what causes maple wood to assume tho mottled and spotted form known as "blrtl's-oye." In a hundred rock maple trees perhaps one la a bird's-eye. Nobody can pick the specific tree out by Inspecting the bark or the manner of growth. You may have to chop 'JOO trees before you find one(but It Is worth the sacrifice. I'nct Is, tho woodpeckers make all the bird' eye maple thero I In the world. In flying about the woods they come to a rock rnaplo trco that yield very sweet ap In the season when sap Is running. Most birds like sweets woodpeckers nre very fond of sugar. Having found a trco yielding a large per cent of sugar, the birds peck holes In the trunk and hicn stand against the bark and drink tho sap as It oozes out. After the sap has censed to flow and tho trees hare leaved out new wood and -bark form In thoc small holes. Tho pecking and asp-gathering goes on for years until the tree, having given up so much sap to the birds, be gins to furnish lluld containing less sugar. In ten or twelve yours after the birds quit a trco tho holes arc all grown up and nobody can pick out the big bird's-eyes from other trees thnt the woodpeckers did not visit. New York Sun. ltliytnea or tho Keaeon. When the summer time has ended and the sauey autumn breeze Gets to toylnc with the leaves on all tho brilliant colored trees, Ah, 'tis then the hearts crow Itchier ami the spirits start to rite. When the frost is on the pumpkin and tho pumpkin's lu the pies. When the days arc crowlnc shorter and the birds hare cone away, And the corn It crowlnc riper In the fields from day to dsy, There's a rosy clow perradlnc all the haty autumn skies. When tho frost Is on the pumpkin and tho pumpkin's In tho pies. When tha hammocks hare been put away and open ears are cone. And you never see a tennis player chat- Inc on tho lawn, When the college people Rather and you hear the footlmll cries Then the frost Is on the pumpkin and tho pumpkin's lu tho pics. You recall with lots of pleasure all tha summer days could clve, Dut sluce tho autumn days have started, then you know 'tis Joy to live, As your mouth beclns to water, and there's clarities In your eyes, When the frost Is on the pumpkin and the pumpkin's lu the plea. Cblcauo Chronicle. Modesty. Lloutenant I have a very pretty compliment for you. One of the young ladles thought I was the author of your latest poem. Kllecende Ulaetter. PUTN &9BBmB3&oaBBGt&USB!K3UKB0HBBE. ' I HE ATTENDS TO BUSINESS Oi I who coos straight to work raMfeKS I Hurts,Sprains,Bruises mm! I by tho usa ol 3n?5SoaS& ftMUt ftn i-naimi,.. i, ..XTtfrinm..,, nn.a: Color more soods brlshter and futtcr colors than ony other dye. One 10c package, coldrs tllk, wool and cotton equally wait and la tuarsntccd to give pcrfct rttulti, Ak dealer, orvre till tend pott paid at 10c a packsfc Write for fra booklet how lo draw (leach and inU colors. MONKOC DRUG CO., UiUomlllc, MluourL Come N ow Own Up V... .It. IIL .1 ... 1UU UUIII llkC IIIU3C KIU I nuns, uuyuur miuyuunius- i band certainly doesn't like R fitm Ttin tiffitr - nr n Will A IIWII W4I nut m bottle of Aycr's Hair Vigor? It restores color lo gray hair every time, all the deep, rich color of early life. And It cures dandruff also. -Itarulnlr Ullef that Ajar Half Vlrer ll a Itln4ld pMiiritlMi lor the hair and aealp. lot I bare w4 It mra or I'M for Hi yeara. I ean ehearf allj reeemmnd It to any one In need of tueb m trer"traUoa.M..Mfu. Katb llorr, Mlnnealfi, Jllun. yi br J. O. A jit Co.. Lowall. Vui, alio wuufMtattra of SARSAPAKIUX FIU-S. cneutr pcctobal xyers At thn larket I'rloe. "lUron, what did you give your boys for blrthdsy presents" "Holdlers." "And your dsughter?" "I boiieht her one, too a lleattniat." Filtgeode Ulaetter. For forty year's I'lso's Cure for Con sumption has cured eounht and colds. At UruggUts. trice 25 cents. No Improrcriirnt on .Nature. Irate l'atlent Ilerel you told me these false teeth would be Just as rood as natural ones, and tbey hurt rue hor ribly. I'alnless Dentltt Well, didn't your nstural ones hurt you? Le Hire. TITO Permaneelly OorM. ofluer nerroeinem I llnmtrt. hKj tot frrmm I rial UxlloaiHl Ir.alleff. ut. n. 1 1 . Kll, ia. ,MArenftl..l1rila4el phla, I'a. When one has speBt a day or more in visiting at a friend's home, ordlnsry courtesy demands that, on one's returu home, a note shall be written promptly to the bole thinking her for her pleas ant hospitality. Mother! will find lira. Wlstlew'a Foot Ms r Sirup tha bil retatdy touie for their chlWrtn durloc the U.lMoj jrloJ. Hla lat Ilnat. The editor of the I'unkvlllo rest! lenco had stood the taunts of the vile opposition as long as ho could. lie finally armed himself and waited on his loathsome contemporary. "Where's the editor? he shouted, ns the otllcc boy opened the door. "He's dead. Shot himself last night." "Scooped again, by snakes!" Clere-. land Leader. Se nd postal for ""Book of T resents " Send for KC & & right a- way. li's purer and more efficient than any Bak ing Towdcr that costs three times iS as much. 25 oz. for 25c. All grocers HORBES do more work tSrSaSjEI mllk- HOGS grow and i HUB Sai mUEsi I Bal 7 HUMUK ! 1 1 N Stock- rood Etl MAKES PIQS GROW. GOOD FOR STUNTED CALVE8. lhT. t.BlaASUl,TUaUHSUtfk iuuU lunar MMHrwirfabmlawla.. ilhrtvvatham anappvUiajktraakraniiiirTu I abo trinl It so aluntolralaatuiMtlra terj rtvulw-r. W. UUOOML, tSarta, Nth. SliL (TtlliTtl wTrif. We. SI. F"Eg 08-pagt Hand I'OHILAM) SttD CO.. Portl.nd. Orcton, Cot Ajenta We doerown an t btt)s'orK wtinoulran. OurUjr.an' eipnanot la plat, work n ablraua lo HI yiur ruoulh cvmfortabijr. Dr. W. A. la. bu round a a.r. war (o attract teeth abaotmnj- wliboul rln. Ir. T. f. Wlae la an expert at cvld tlliln aud crown and trldcework. Kitracdn tr. wheu plain or brld(ta ax. urdrfnl. WISE BROS. DENTISTS r'alllnc ltld., Third and Wuhlostoa Hit. Op.uvuiU(t IIUIbMielL Hundajrt Itoat 9 to K. Or Ma.ii SJW. UR. W.A.WOC u"liJ,M,rrrsr7nr,r,r,TrrTt r -'" '"iii rtu-" -' ijvt Tv L St. .jjjuiaarfrnfYpnMimii FAD.ELES CVKlf W Pi I HI All Hit fAIISa Confb ttjrnpe Tmim Uood. Vf , in urn. Fold br (1rnftU. LUdUU MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS faaleal, llhl and lrnnrt Nlump I'lillaf on lha lnrt. Ill Ilnri pnwar on tliaaoxp with Iwo lioriat. Writ lor idxcribtlva rataluf and prlraa. a UIIIIIRSON MACIIINIIKV CO. Pool el Morrlaen Slrtel I'nrlUnJ, Orazaa m. Olp this oat, rttsm to at with the names ini) sJJrette of yourulf and two of yeur friend, and the dale when you will probaMy ' enler builneit colttie, anl w will creJlt , you wllh ISXO on our ft&OO tcholtrihlp. Our xhont orTert earepllnnal aJvinlaiej to ' nuJenU of Uutlnttf , ShorthanJ, Cntlih, etc Bur Isjruoctios Lownr Tuinos Irtl rot Caliw( It ll (III ' THE MULTNOMAH ' BUSINESS institute: M. A. ALBIN, Pais. ta eiiTM er. PORTLAND, OR1. ) Don't Get Wetl TOWER'S SLICKERS will keep yoa dry u nothing ebe will, became they are the product of the bett material and seventy years' experi ence In manurkcturitig. "pftBi& A. J. TOWER CO. tgsil Boston. IL&A. ' -. ttnrtscAjrunajica,U4. "MW Taea.te.ea-. art Dr. G, Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Twie w-iHl.rhl Chl- V "t ta ml it crt bcm he e-irra lf(r w tiMMil op.- ilon ih4 ar ct.4 no t. die. II. rti.. wlih OV.W wo, d rf.l Cb) a. a- bertH. loota. hutU, barka and Ye. e alxra IStat .' e.lirr.v u kMvwa to wi e ac ptxa laiiKiDH Tli o . b ! . ai humloi fvnvdt--. 111. am o i.o r ktowa li'tnuai-faiirwuriiB r i.-.j ( M h h -.'ullr w in il t r g 0 e.w. II. iara ..tuearee r auioia.iunc hr , n u a tun. nerrin an -, at'.ir.a. h. I rr k m , ., rv. bat buwlmla at I. at n. ni-Ja. 1 laara. nKatrtat- I all aid tm him I'aJI an mitnTtberir m foe bunkr an-1 r reulan. (MDlaUBip. CUXSII.TATIOX V..Kh. itinu THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEOICIXE CO 1C2't Tint St.. S. C Cor. Merriten Meotlon paper. PORTLAND. ORCCON. p. n. a No. 43-1903 TTrUKJf wrltlnn; totMltrertlseraplea.! m.ntlun ttila paper. Do you know the secret of the Wave Circle ? Wonderful! lon'tdeky. another day I H M H4l Conf b ttrn aCTH71ljji wMm i no; : . w' JaquesHfg. Co. Chicago PRUSSIAN STOCK h'OOD, tbc Gtrateit Conditioner ami Stotk Pattcatr known. on lea. feed. COWS JCTe mure and richer fatten quicker If kItcu I thla food. ltooV. FniitUo Irmcif CM St F.ul. Hloa. Jacobs O and saves time, money and gets out of misery quickly, Prloo. S3o. and 30o. """1M" nnniiii- dr."t. p. wise. il I