The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 10, 1905, Image 8

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    , , I , i TT".! i mar' n' i n
-. sm r-TT--'l
i I IIH ' iiIiTIUmTi " I II
On the Deschutes River in Western Port of Crook
The Town-site
County, Oregon.
Center of the " Irrigation Development covcrhiK
1 M
H "
J M '.' If It - A. " "X. -S -X. "X." s- XT "X. X BssassssasesaaMia-i
1 " O- V 14 TS 5V n vV . . i i r I r
i .- jn. rt f . -sr .o'vj. -jtfrr-'-Jv"'
IHfNwtmcflt of th Intlr.
tarnl Offi. The IHIW. OrM,
Dctoheri. Y
NMfec' t hweby xvn that tk Mhrnhtc
H.Sfilcr ha. il4 ...lice of U IMmU fo
! liaol imW wvtt of M ctotM. nd
t .-. 0. t. OomMbMtoB'r. t hk uic la Mh4.
OrwMON.Oti XrtmlHtr , iyoj, vti:
Pmttct M Gotf.
C at. tp 1 . r it . w .
tlctwmMttwfirtWwinK wye to r
c-rtbtao nWhcc uimm and cnltlraUu ot
ultaHd, rill
awe Jtwe.JUh.or CHh latt. Ofrm. d
Jr C. Cwmk. r Laldlaw. Ofgn.
wop iT ailCUXHt. T. NOI.AN. Rtr.
"notice for puhlication.
UpartmHtofth lHttr.
LaiwIOMcc, LatrHew. Oregon, .
ottwWi-6, iy.
Notlte J hertlw glr thai thr M owing.
unml tettlar ba M3 uolcc ufM inlalii to
aalfiwal lro( In MfH f hk alm. ana
thatattd wwfIH b Ht4c Uwc the K.nlMer
aud SSw. at IjikcWr, Ofgu, i the 4th
4ajT oT lHnber, ly. vti-
Joan Voun,
II K.K. PTi.fw thc-KK. andnHatrKawl
. 1.1 uii.ijHi.rrwa.
He tumvn the foMog witiww tt. wr M.
A laiMt, ii
H'dHuai Q. MarficM. JaliH Taylor, John N
UaMtw, baM K. Vrntug, all if Kiltml. Oih.h.
uu-HM J- ' WAWIK. Kgler.
I)rpaiMtit of lh luUftor,
l.iad 8ice. Iiklw. OrtgOH.
(Xliiler , ioi.
SVHke l Iwreby gl.n that the fotWwtiig
uaaMdMtUar ha. kW.1 notifc of hU InUijlUii to
nrnha final proof In auppuft of 111. aului, and
t at aaUprvorwlll be made before the Kegntei
a.Mt KaaeHtr, at IiVeview, Oregon, ou the 4th
day ef December, imj, rii.
luae K. Young,
11 H. No. JJ. fur the . 14, l 'ro c-
U aM.
He namwi the following witncwen to piove hU
Co.ilvnw raMiite upon and cultivation ol
Ht laim, vti:
WtlllamO. Mayfield. John Taylor. John N
J.Utoii Jiul John Voung.all orRoland, Oregon
OWH,a4 1. N. WATSON. Reglrter.
Timltr Lmiil, Act June J, iW,
U. 8. Laud Office, The Dallet, Oiegon,
AuiFlut 10. IQOf.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the urovlilont ofthe Act of CougreM of June .
Ij8, eutltled, "An art for the aale ol timber land;
In the atatea or California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wellington Territory," a extruded to all the
U UJUC 1RUU ui. "7 n" .-. i --,
CliarlcaK Price,
of Moutavilla, county of Multnomah, state ol
Ort-Kon. hat tiiu- day filed III IhU office hit tworu
statement No. J7. for the purchase ofthe swjf ,
sec a6, tpl9t,r Ije, wm.
And will orTei proof to show that the laud
soucht It more valuable for lit timber or a tone
thau for agricultural inirpotcs. ,aud to
iCiihlith hit claim to aald laud liefore I. M
1 . muce. I'. H. ConiuilMioiier, at hs other III, Oregon, ou the ulli day of December, lvJ.
He names 4t wltiietscsi Michael J. Morrlaou
and Vredt rick M. lA)bdell,lth of lleud, Oregon;
Tl..Klce. of rortland, Oregon, and Mame Trice,
of MontarllU, Oregon.
Any and all person claiming adversely
the ibove-deacrlbed landt are requested to
file thelrclaluis In this office 011 or before the said
UUi.lny of ixceiuber, 1004.
OlJ-Oa niCUAW. X. 0fcAW, KtgUur,
IT 'ill H ' FIR
V .X Nx Nro H
OON. SxNJvi ww
Timtcr Uwl. Art June j. .
U. 8. IinU 0ee. The Iai. Of agofl.
AKM It. 194
Notlee la hwefcy li that In ila)4 with
the umvitiofM oTthe Aet of CouirM uf Je
f. ci.Ulled, "Am act Kit the aMiofttii'teTlaad
(m IbcMatea af California. oro. e4, awd
WaahtHktm Territory. a eUwtl to all the
IMibUc bad tatea bjf Act of Augaat 4. ,
John H Wimer,
of Tamalo. county of Crook Mate of i Hegou . h
ihl4iiayiletii4l1iM)orc hl worn HatanieHl
Mo.7l.fcrlhemrcliac of the eieJ4of c
II, l l, r II e, w M.
And wilt offer proof to how that the land
wttgHt la more vnluaMr for lU timfcer or oe
hau for agricMllMral prpe. and lo eltt
ilk lalm to Mid land oefore J M Uwrence. V.
i. CRMNl4uHtr, at hUollice III Iteml, Oreguti,
on the lth itay r Dreeinlier, lyJJ
.r-Hat&uHi ma ur(tMui' Thrwakl A. Iriinen.
. WMttUw inker. Lemuel C. Hoohc, ami Clwtle
.. Wlmr, all urTuinalo, Ofegun.
Any and all iwr.o- eUlwing adrerMrly the
hove dirliad land are rrtiawtnl l file llirw
.1alHM In IhU olftcr on or before ukl iftth day of
'laccMber. Ivon.
Timber hand, Aet June J, t7.
U. S. Iad Oinec, The Daltsa. Oregon,
September I, VS-
Ne4Ue Ulieraby given iliat ineomidlanee with
be prawUtetw or the Act of ConireMof June 1.
), entitled, "An act for the sale of timber land,
n the state of California. Oregoil, Nevada, and
VahlnatH Terrllor ." as rxtnwlKl to all the
wMIc Uud nale by Act of August 4, lV.
Houter A HoggeM,
irileHd.oiHiHty or CriMik. state of Oregon, has
hU day Bled m IhU otBrhU sworn statemt nt
la. !. rr Ihe iMrchasc ofthe nHswJf.sec J.
mH. of sec 4, tp la r 10 e, w m.
Awl will .rTr proor to show that the
liul souht "It nsore valuabta fer Its timber or
loflc Uuiii for agricultural purport, and to
aMUh hU elaim to said land liefer J M
Uiwrante.r. ! Comwiionr. at hUothce in
lleiid, Oregon, oil the'islh day or December.
He names as wituesi Mlehsel J. Morrison,
(aim HUM. Joseph N HuHter and Hllas
Vmmous, all or licud. Orrgou.
Any and alt persons etalniliig adversely Iht
ibuvc-lecrllKl Ind are requested to die theii
talms in thU ofllce 011 or belore the said tsth
lay or Deeemtier, 190
oijiiS MICIIAItl. T. NOf.AN, Register.
Timber Mud, Act Juue J, ?.
U. 8. Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon
HcptcmUr 18, iu?j.
Notice Is hereby given that ill compliance with
the provisions or the Act of Congress of June 1,
ib;8, entitled, "All act for the uleor lliuucrlauds
in the states or Calilorula, Oregon, Nevada, ami
Washington Territory,'" as ettendeil to all Hit
public laud states by Act or August 4i l"V
l'loyd L. iAibdell,
........ ..f . v.u.l- (,.( ,irlrfuntt. Iia.
Ol IICIKI, tuuinj i w,w,-.-. -. ...-.., ..--
4hls day filed iii this office his sworn statement
HO, J094, lor ine purcn.e wi n n7t w,
and v)iw( of sec II, tp l , r 10 e, w in.
And will offer proof to show that the
laud sought it more valuable for lis limber or
ttoiie than lor agricultural purposes, and to
.sUhllth his clafin to aald laud b.fore J
M. Lawrence, U. H. Commissiuner, at his office ill
lleud, Oregon, on the 15th dty of December, vjoy
He uamct at wltiietsesi l'red M. Ilalell,
ii.rv w. iirrd. luhu bleidl and Henry Tweet,
all ofUcnd, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
Ihe above described lands are requested to file
Ihcir claims In thUofficcon or before the said ijth
lay of" December, loj.
yj-d MlCUAiilT, NOLAN, Rtgl.ttr,
Ttwtlnr Mhtl, Aet of J i. tJt.
V. . Land Oflke, The lll. Oregsm.
AuiHt 14. loV
NoOee k hereby ! that In cmnpUaHC wh
lb- tsroekiojs of the Aet of Congie of June t.
.117 eutllkd 'An aet for the sale of limber laoda
inlbesUteaufuilirornia. Oregon Nevada and
Washlaalou Territory.' as ealeaoed to all the
public UndtUlea by act of Annmt 4. iW
(leorge A. R Mmpson.
,tf powers, oouaty of M. LuW. staU of MMue
wta. ha this duv filed Ih IhU occ huswoiii
rtalement No . rBTIhe purahase of the wK.
of see jt, tp i,r ite. w m.
And will oHer ptoof tQ jhow that the
land sourhl k " vahsabl for its limber or
4ohc than for agrkMltHral tmriaMes. and
stablkh his claim to Um4 "J '
Law True. I'. h Commissioner, at his office Ul
Heitd. Oregon, on the 14th, day f Decswber. !
He names as witnesses John H. Ryan, I kn R
imlth. John MeCormlek and lluh O'Kaue, ail
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
ilweeMlescrlbsslTaiids ale requests.; to file their
.lalms In thkomec on or before the said 4lh
UfDemb,.f T K(l AV Ktj(Ulw
Timber Land, Aet June J, lt4.
0 H. Mnd Olfice, Ijikeview. Oregon,
Keptembtr i. IV
N'itlcc k hereby given that In compliance wllh
ihe urovissoMs of the act or CimgroM (T June t.
iK-; eolUle.1 "Au act for tlie sale of timber land,
li. Ihe ttatos of California. Oregon, Nevada, ami
Washington Teriltwy," as estewled by all the
piiilc land states by act of August 4, IbH.
Oeorge A. WelU,
iri'arker. oauulyul IVlk, stale ol Oregon, has
ihbday nkl In this olTlee Ins swikii statement
No Mai. for the imrchase of the eHseK. " 1
...ay tl f A. ,... U.,,1
aim wswji hi pr w, r , .. .
Aiulwlll uiTsr'iiruif tc show that the Is nil
MMighl k more valuable for its Umber or stone
.1. r.. i..LMil,.ir.l fiurtiMa. stul lo establish
""" -.r.-.. -. ,r--r---- ---- -,- -..., .
Iilselalmlosaiaiann ixiore 1 nraiiu, .,
Crook couHly. Oregon, at hk ollic. at I'rinevtllr,
Oregon, ouPriday, the JJiid dsy efDecomler,
it- .......u. um Mfllfisij.s. llvuitJrsull W. Mur
,ihy. of luilenciidtnof, Oregdn: Prank P. Oround
nil Comodore P. vVclU, Uith of IMrksr. Oregon,
Hiid Sarah I'. Wells, of llaliey. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-descrilied lauds are requested lo file their
cuilmsln tnis 01 nee ou orocioie sam uwi ujr
ofDesxiuber, ivi,
oIjhIJ J. N. WATbONJtegisler.
Tlmlier Land, Act of Juue j, lj,
U. 8, Laud O nice, The Dallet , Orcgou,
Octoltcr ij, I''J
Nnllrv Is hrrrbv elvell Hint In ColllllllnilCe with
Ihe provisions ol the Act of Congress of June .t,
l7. entitled "An act for the sale of Umber lands
In the suits of California, Oregon. Nevodr. and
Washington Territory," at cfclcudrd to all the
punnc lauu siuiesuy acioi tugu4i '"V'i
Charles A. rilaiiliurrough,
ofllend, county of Crook, stale of Oregon, has
tins nay men in lliitomce ins swoin sisicmtm
No. 1344, for Ihe purchase of the nltuwif, iiw)j
ue!f, seca5,aiidsw(swf,scc ?4. I IT t, rile,
tv in.
And will off.'r proor to show thai t lie laud
amglit it more valuuble for its limber or stone
than for ng (cultural imrpotrs, uud to
lilt claim 10 saiu lauu nciorc j. Ji. iiwirucc, v.
8. Commissioner, at hit office at Heud, Oregon
ou tbcjttit day of December, lJ. . ..
He names at witnesses; John 1. West Slid
Ovid W. II. Riley, both or lleud, orrgou.
Any aud alt persons dtimlug adversely Ihe
above-descrllted landt are rojiittlcd lo file Ihclr
claims In IhU office on or before said rtlli day of
I aasas I 1 1 kS . Ill tC
0j7.dK MivijAWs. t. NOLAN, Kegisicr.
i i J 4 S 1
h I 1 Lw ' ' -
i l I Pl T 1 I
4 'J f 3
II.. ' ' ' '
lt J 4 S t 7
4 t$ it M W t 9
Timber I.ait4, Aet June i. .
U. H. La nil Office. The Dalles. OfN.
March, 11 Ms).
tilr 1. IumIiv slvru that In cowolkHtr with
the proksi ofthe Aet of Csmmi eas 0 Woe ,
ityt. entitmd. "Aiiad for Ihe saftof timber mrna
in the stales of California. iHegoM. . f
Washlnattm Torriimy a "hikw .m
pttbltaMlidstaleaby Art of AmuM N4.
Arthur II Allen.
of ml point, csmnly srf I.ewU, seat of Idaho, has
IHUrtay Hledln thk Mtrtce his swvn stakment
Mo m. for Ihe ptnehas ef Ihe nctf of w n
Ip ijs, r 10. w m
And will oirr pior to show that lb km!
s.mght Is more valwW re Ik limber or atone
than for agricultural jmipows. and to rstaMkh
hU aklm to ssM land before IbeMeirkleT sod
Reeeiter, at The DslUs Oiegon. on the 1st day
ol December, !.
Heiismesaswlliies. Ilyioii Johnston. Wm.
J. Davis, and Charles I'. Dale, sit of fcjnd
ooiut. Idaho, ami Michael O'Connor, f TV
Dalles, Oroguu.
Any and all persons claiming adversely il to file their
dalms in IhU ulfUe on or befwe the k-.i Ul
dsy of ll.cmlr, Vf.
ssynll MICH A III, T. NOLAN, Register
Timber Mud, Aet June j, I.
Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
lulv M. IUM
Notke U hereby given thai In eomidlsuic with
the movWoHs of Ihe Act of Omgiras of June f.
iT. aiitltM, "Ah aet for Ihe safe of limber Uiwl
lHlbstalesorClifornta, oteicmi, Nevada, and
. T - .- esa..J.. ... It . . ..I...l..l A m Mil tUA
WMilingimi leimwry, a. e,mr.. w .. in.
public land stale by Act of August 4, ttai.
Il.v UsmI
ofllend, county of Crunk, state of Oisgon, lis.
iMsdaynlnl In lhlsolce her swum statement
V11 Ma, for Ihe pnrelwsc of Ihr.iiwj,' of sec U.
tp 16s, r lor, w m.
And will offer liroof to show lhal the laud
.ought U more valuable for II lliulr or stone
Ulan lor agfKUiiuiui imrpuaes, anu 10 nunmn
her claim to said Uud before J M LawieMC
U S Cummissuiutr, at hk omce In Iknd.
Oregon, mi the wthday r December. hfS
hhr names as witnesses John HteMI. I. I
Kerd, V K. Wagner, C J Cotlnr, ami I'rauk
Oreutl, all or lleud, Oregon
Anv urn! all iMirsous elaiiiiinip adverselv Ihe
ulMVeMlrseribel landt err requested lo file llislr
claims lu this office oil or bcfoie said Mth day
ui DecemlHir, lyaj
0M1I15 MICIIA1.LT. NOLAN, Kegltlcr.
Timber Mud, Act June , 187H.
U. 8. Laud Office, The Dulles, Oregon,
July 6, iyoj.
Notice it hcrrby gheu thtt III compliance
with the provisions of Ihe act of Congress of June
1, 1117H. entitled "An act lor me saieoiiimnei
lands In Ihe states of Catifnruia, Orrgou, Nciada
and Washington Tciritory," as eslcmlcd to all
llic public lauu siutet nyntt 1,1 AUguti 4, imi,
Harry A. Poster,
of I'riiieville, county of Crook, state of Orrgou,
has IhU dav filed In IhU office Ills sworn slate-
incut Nu, Aj9, for Ihe purchase ol the siv'J of
sec ju, ipsos, r 14 e, w m,
And rrlll oiler proof lo show that the Uud
sought it more aluable for lit Umber orstmir
than for agricultural puniosea and In establish
ins claim lu saiil wml bcfoie lite Comity Clerk
nfCrook county, at I'riuevillc, Oregon, on Mon
day, the ijtli duy of November, lyoj.
He uumci at wltuetses: I'rauk I), O'llrleu,
Raltih tJohUn. l'red T, Hlgglus aud Oeorgc
Mllllcau, alt Of i'riiieville, Oregon.
Any and all peraous claiming adversely Ihe
aliovc-dcscrilied Itudt are rruuttted lo file Ihclr
tlnlrtu In Ihlsonice 011 or btfoie sakl lilli day ol
N'oVsmber, lyoj.
-uiv MICUAIji, T, NUUAH, Rtgliltr. I
A V E-
""I" j
J f i
li II 1 f t
A V C .
i I
i I
Tlaaber lKs. Al Joaw t, Ili
V S.srtOiq.ThciajUa,Kes.
Oetobev M, loss,
aula, u tketvbv tsesi that la rmolkMe vh
the provrsums ciftbe Art of CotMress of lone 1
,sr.ilKlrd " att for Ihe sofr of tlMfcor Unas
m4be stoles of JalimtoU. iMno. Wesssda ao-t
Wasblogtun Territory.' as eswatoea w saw
puMK Ul states by ad of Antmtt 4, itos.
IsWlsVf K JHmWa
uf Mend. Cuonl) Crook Mat of Oregon, has
Ihk day filed inlhkocbre hk sworn stottmesii
No Mas. mr ic purciia. us j" n s s
'in. r 'ue.Vsi
And will olf'r proof lo sbov IIhU I be Uod
toagbt k mors nlstMr for H limber or
Ibaa for sgricvltursl and to esiablkh
kU rlaln lj ulil Unit before I M IjIWICMCr. I'
4 Cummlsssnoer. at hM ofnrv al Heod. tHt goo
an lhnilUyoDismsr. ijp
II names as wilo.sse Cbarka II llrkksoo,
Cbatks bod, Oliver II KiWkson and Thsophlk
. Mstbel. atlof Heud. meion.
Any mid all peisoHs ekimlog asketsely Ihr
tboeo-dosertbesl kmk tteie.iNa.lrd to file Ihsif
j,Ih IhU offkeun or before sabi Jiwliky of
Deeermber, -oMdi
iflOIUIH. T NOLAN. ResliUr.
Timber Uim, Aet June 1, tor.
r Um4 OHsm. The Iklks, (Hegsm.
August la, toss,.
Notice k hereby given thai In eosnnlkHee
wllh lb provlsswus of Ihe act of conaieae of Jooe
1, i:t. entitle "Am aet for the sole of timber
lands IH the stales uf Callfornk. tMeoosi. Neimds
ami WaehlHasoM Tetrtlory." as tended to all
he public land stale by aVt uf August 4, itv.
Praneea M. MrlHmaWI.
f Hend, cimnly of Ctook, stale of fllafON, bat
ihk day filed in thk office her sworn statement
So Jri, foe Ihe poichas of Ihe s W, see 11, tp
M a,r lie. w m -
And wilt offer, Mtxif ly show lhal Ihe land
suuf bt Is more eoluabU for Ik limber ot stout
than for agricultural imritosas, aJ tu cstablisb
her eklni lu sahl Is ml before J M. Lawirnvc
I' Cummissioner, at his olbce In Heml.lH
gun, on Ihe iM itay of December, lyss,
Hlw name as wlluessrs Joseph N llHHler,
Hmsm M. Itrdman. James D HoeymH and
llerbeit I'. J McDonald, all ofllend Oregon
Any and alt persons, claiming adversely the
thova-deserll-ssl Hindsate reouestnl lo file I (tell
claims lu Ibis office on or liefore lh said i&lliduy
uf Dscewber, iya.
oijilt MICHAKL T. NOLAN, KrgUltr.
Timber Laud, Act of Juue J, mstl,
U. K Land Office, Lakrvlcw, Orrguu.
Keptember ', l'i.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
Ihepiuvlsloiisof the act of Cnugiess of June ),
178, entltttd "An art fur the sale of timber luuds
in Ihr stairs nfCallforula, Orrgou, Nevada nml
Washington territory," as exlrudcd In all the
public laud stairs by act uf Augiiil 4, Ityt,
I'rauk I', (iriiiiuil,
of Parker, county or I'olk, state of Orrgou, has
IhU day filed lu (hit office hit sworn statement
No. 16), for the purchase of ihe uwlfofstc
, tpai t, r II e, wm.
And will offer proof li tlmtv thai the laud
sought it more valuable for lit limber or
stone than for agricultural pnri-oncs, and tu
estubllsh hl claim tnsald laud liefore J. J Smith,
Clirk ofCronk county, Oicgou, nl hit ollice at
I'riiieville. Orrgou, ou I'rulay Ihr uud iky ol
December, lyoj.
Ileiumcttt wilursset: llrmlrrsoii W. Mur'
tlllU lt tBftflsl.s.aafAsaA a"l.afli.m. f....u a sss ss
"r" ir.Minvi;. i,Ti(iiiii iirorge a, wens
.I Lo.iMi.iKic 1-, wens, ikiiii 01 rarkrr, Orrgou
aud Saruh I'. WelU, ofllaUey, Oreg.ei.
Any audall iiernontcltluiliigailvrrsrly any ul
he aUive Itudt are rrqursud tu file llirlr rUims
iulhltulficeunorlKfurc Ihe- said uud day ol
December. mjo. '
"UIJ J, N, WAYtiUN, KrgUltr
At Gateway to
the Great
1361 L
1 Tho Town has Grown
mMt entird) in the t er. lt
otITotUuiK only fioi April S, ivo..
Ikicl lR xctllewt jMiblic M'hoob
ni cumpletc ptiblK: wtcr work.
The Pilot Butte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
TltaWf Ut)d. Act J no .
V . Load orttr. Lakeslew, orek-sm
Isrptessbcr m. ia
Motke k hereby li IMI mcasasastoee wllh
lb pruetsbms t the act of CssssJleOa of Joo i
ij, entitled "An art far the sal of timber land,
lo Ih Mats of Callfcrwk, larsfo N4a. ami
WaihiOf loa Terntoff,' a ttlemlxt to all the
pobbeUmlolasesbyMlof Augosti i(t
Com adore P WMIs.
A Parker raonly of Polk stale of oreaoo kas
ibis day tkd It Ibw olgre bt anuro Ulmai
No iat fo ib porebas of lb H uf tee
ism, r 111. wo.
and wM offer muof to dun lhal lb kod
soabl M Mote valoabk lb Its limb lie stun
Ibsa fur sgrvrullaial poipus aod lslWkb
Cf poses sss i essswisw.
rut I I omitb Iter k of
I, al hkuAre, at t'liMesllk
be Mud day if flecembei.
arsrwim 10 saw wm osat
k.raaa, rouuly, iMegoa, a
inagim, ust frtttay, lb
llr names at wrloessrs llmtdsratm W Mm
phf, ol lo4t'in4ie. Oregon. iMorg A Wells
ami Croak r Orowwd. botf of Patk.r. IHvgvn
and Morab P WcMt, of I laker. (XeajoM
Any and all Jorliaiis ck4mwg ad wisely lb.
sUn shitlMatsTlasHis It reooested In M then
ctejpti r IM mho an ar aM tanl m) day ni
OUIt J. N WATMlN. Kgtilr
Ttmbat Mn4. Act Jam j. 1171
K9,IHI1IIS ia,ls lllftll Id 1 llll.ivl
4vjiiL,r, puiv 11 111, h t 1 iu..
V Land tMskcLokcvNtw, ihcuosi
Aligns! r J, yo)
Notice k Hereby given lhal In complleHi.
wllh ibe provisfoos of ihe act ofjun Lif
ealllbnt. " tn act for the sak of llmba tsods i
Ihr state of California, oregmi, NeeasV
Waatilaftoa Trrtloy," aa ettewkd lo alltli.
Gmie hm suios uy act 01 AHflHM 4 . isl. im
lowlBf ttttsotM harrf IhU day iled Hi tin
uMc iketr sworn statcmeala, lo-wll
Klmlra Kagk.
of miser MU.csnuity of Uka. stale oft)rgfi
aornstaimal No. 7J for Ih tmtahat
laeseK.set. ly, Ip tta, r 11 , w m.
Adi4phall. KNgk,
of Aileor Lak. nmatv of Lake, slate iflliMi.n
sworn klmnl No. nf, for lb tmrehsse 1
ss w,Bi.wn, mil, am MSjoen, IWKSfR
to, tp ins, r 11 , w m
That they will offer pi oof lo thaw thai t'i
Uud suoglil Is mote raluatde for lis UmUr '
Hon than furnuikiiliuial puriMMtaud lu nisi
lisll llwil iklm tu said laud lliwe llMitue 1
IkldwiH. hkoflie at Klm"i
ran, wicgnu, ou aatHiiiay, I He nth ilay I
novcuibrr, lysj.
They Ha me as witnesses. IhiiiimiI I.s4r. A '
.hM II llllale l I Htllullianuiul bn I
all of Sllwrr Lake, Oirgon, Hugh Julius.ui u I
.Hi vuiia. Ul ninismi, IMVgUII, HUH VCIVtl -
ll)le, nl muevilte, Oirgnn
Ally Olid all larsuus cIhIiuIiii, a,lv.tu.iu tit.
aUw-,slbilUiMl ire fitielnl In file Ihn'
(dalms In this office on or before said iilhilay l
liuiviiimi, IW
"i C, U.8NIHKR, Rtcclirr
lltwtiiiciit of Ihr Itilrilor fSist
i' s. Laud Office, The Dalle, orrgou,
September ij, iy4
Nolle Is Ittreliy given lhal tlir following
iltlilrtl settler has (llnlimtlrc of Ills Intcntlou Fo
moke final proof In support of hit claim, and
thai said proor will be made before J M "
irnce, (' H his ofllce In Hcml
OrrKun.uii Nuvemlier u, kj, vln
Itilivaril U'1,11.
of rmiulu, Orcgen. on II. H. Nu. Hut, fur Ihe.
w),cH,arc 6, wHiio ami tejte)(, stel, l
Ifit.r lie, wui,
lie iiiimrt Ihe following witnesses In prove
his rniilliiii.iiirf ra.iilit.-ii,-.. inii un.l fiilitu.Uull Ol
(Midland, Vltl
WlllUtu nurklinrl, Marlon Phllllpt, Jmurs H
lllbsniiuiid Theodore M. Tost, all OfSlilirs,
"IJ ui; MICHAKL T, NOLAN, ittUt.