The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 10, 1905, Image 7

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aaaayssaaaBa-a-a-.--a- n
:rl .
'8, 9.
liaiinohold nay I ii tr.
nccim trcnttuciit from any cntinc, mm i;rom rcinaiy in me lirwt tlioii(;lit of
mill iihciI by tlioiimuiili of people nil over tlio country, hecntmc It in nupcrlor
to nil other blood jiurlflcrrt. It inn purely vegetable remedy, nnd while It
penetrated thu circulation mid forccn out nil polium mid iiioihld matter, it
ul no hulhln ii the entire iiyntom by itn flue tonic clfcct. Durliiir the win
mien of bodily aiuUo Jiuyc nHWi0W condition of thoaystem. I hn.rnoap
become dull mid wenk nil. .,cl,C( w,lolnK flesh, and all-i-ono tired feci
fnllcd to perform their full nttwA mule ma mlicrshlc. I brnti the use of
duly.tha lilood hnn Itccu nine- . a. ft,
rlnli nnd nil extra miiotltit unit, healthy condition
of polnoiin nud wnntc Hint lucieased In weight, that "
tern hnvo ncctunulntcd in waa J!"''' "'
.. ....i i... i.. Coluiubtn. Ohio. Victor BTUiimro.
orbed l.y it. With tho com- Cor' "" '1 W.hlnBtou Avea.
Injr of Kprlui; mid warm weather the blood In nrouned nnd ntirred to quicker
action mid In itn clTort to throw off thene ncidn mid polnoun the nklu nuf
fern. Ilolln, plmplcti, blotchcn, rnnhen mid cruptioun break out mid con
tlnue until the blood In cleansed mid made pure. H. 8, 8. in the ideal remedy
for thin condition; it clcarn the blood of all ImpuritleH, iiinkcn itrlchuud
trouir mid tlicnc rkln trouble pnn.i nway. Kliciiiiiiitlsin, Catarrh, Chronic
Borcn mid Ulccrn, Scrofula, ContiiKioun lllood l'olnon mid nil other diseases
of the blood nre cured by 8. 8. 8. Hook on the blood mid nny advice do
tlxcd, free of charge, jryjr; SWIFT? SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA,
filnry nf Another Hlrnl. ,
Mr John rurllicrt, who ha born
Identified with the Nntlonnl lied Cmn
t'ot'loty since IIn orudnlmttiiu hi IKtW,
ml Ik mid to know mora about lied
Cross nud niiibulmicit work thiiii aiy
other man In ICurope, Is also an old
ipcrleured volunteer.
Home years sgo, ns he rcltitr In lit
recent book, "In Prnrn nml War," Hlr
John ncconipnnlcd tint llrltlli volun
teers to llchlum, when, ciifaiirncfd
by tlio sight of many Heir-Inn com
rades with lii'innlnlcil hrrats, some of
the Ilrltom were Inclined to follow
their riituiplr, nml raiiiiipiently re
quired to b chisel IliipnrtrHl.
One tiny Hlr John spotted n uinn on
piusilo who nitnuliht'd hint by tho
number of his iihhIhI. lie was evi
dently flattered by Hlr John's notice,
and swelled out lilt elicit ipiltn no
ticeably, "Von seem to hnro seen cotiildcr
Me servlco," obierved tho kulchl. "In
what wars havi-yoii hriin eiiciiKedt"
"lite you. I'vo never been In n
war." return! the roiptiuihnt mem
ber of tlm cltUen army. "My father
and I wrro awnrdml thene meilnli at
Krlrnlluriil .Ihiwh for n "ppi-lnl brciil
of pit, fur which wo are famou."
To tlrt ak In Mew 5hoi.
Atw4 tl.ikr Ih Allru'i Sm Ktt. inwilrr.
Iinii ln'1, iiMr. 'hiHr. iwiMlrn li
Cuit fwlMi, lrlH Nftlll KI tiHIlHHIt Al
llil(HlH . ihm ta(r,x ltH'l H
nr.uMUIuU N.hII Mlll ftlKB. 4ddl
AUU Ii. IHiu.uO. tlajr, it V.
hi i:u)n
"Abhnh, iulrnl" cliurklrd III Kpry,
the vlllaci- wdu and cut up, iih)ii en
cmmlerliiK tin old nxlcor licit inorii.
,''iK after thu date of tho nppiximieu
.f tlm Kreftleit nbow on pnrth, "Ketch
td ye In n yarn! Tuhl mo yo wan foln'
to to kit Uiy to the elrctu nnd I aeen
ye rich! amnek iii on the tiptop .rat
int nlcbt, without a iliifilo ilk'u of A
boy with ye!"
Took tho boy I tued to be, yrara
ml year Kt" returiiiMl the reternn,
rrabbeilly, "I'm In my leooud child
hood, L'olriin yot" Puck.
Wortit' Nlook of flold.
The muuuut of Kold In Hurope when
Amurlcn waa illwovcriHl U brlluveil
not to have im-feded frjfl.OOO.OUO. In
the -tOI yiHim until 1MM the worM's
production Ii Mtlmntetl nt fU.OUO.OOO,
WX bnlf of which una added to tho
money aupply. Including tho eitb
mate for 11HC, In tho ten yrnra beitln
nlni: with 1KXJ, nearly $,1,000,000,000
In cobl baa been mined nlmoit n
third as much an ilurlni; tho (ireceib
ItiK 401 yisirn. Th 1 1 ileito the fnct
that tho lloer wnr lor two year eloieil
tho TrniiNvnat nilnci, Tho production
In 11KV) wn M'AOOO.(KK); In UK) I,
$aW,0O0,(X)O and for lUOTi It U entl
mated nt $100,000,000. Tho world'
stock of money cold In lh'J7 vrna np
prozlmnlely four nud a quarter bib
lloim. Hy tho end of tho preeut year
It I fitlinntcd thnt It will bo altnoit
Iz billions an Incrcnio of nearly GO
per cent In ulna years.
Tlio Kind You lluvo AlwnyH nought linn borno thu Hl;iin
tttro of OliitH. II. Flutolicr. and Iiuh been iiindo under lila
IiarMimiil niipervlrtlon for ovur tO yearn. Allow no ono
o dooolvo you in thlH. CoutitorfoltM, IiultntloiiM nml
JtiHt-itH'irooil nro lmtUxporlinentn, ami cmlaiiKor tlio
liculth of Clillilroa Kxporlonco aaliiHt Jlxporlnu'iiU
Onntorlu in n liarialcsH iitibHtltitto for Cantor Oil, Pare
p.orlc, DropH ami Hootlilnur HyrupH. It Iti rieasnut. It
voutaltiH nuitlior Ojiluin, iMorpliiiio nor oilier Narcotic
niiliHtaiico. Its atro Ih Its Kiiuianteo. It ile.strojH AVormn
and alluyrt I-'ovimIhIiiichh. It cttrcH Dlarrliaui ami AVliul
Colic. It ndlovos Tvotlilair Troiiltlcs, cures CoiiMtlpatlon
ami riiituleiicv. It aSHliiillnteH tlio Food, roKUlittc.s tho
Htoinach ami llowoN, kI (? healthy anil natural tdoop.
n Tho Chlldron'H INinacca Tho Dlothcr'H Frioiul.
tlie KM You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Use For Over 30 Years.
8. for the Mood" Jinn jrrown to lie n
When the blood In out of order, or
and my Mood wu restored to Its nor
My appetite returned, X
tired fcclliiu" left and
:irrtiintiitill ullCirlilenofl
At n lawyer's dinner the subject of
clrcumitnutlnl nvlduueu was discuss
Ml. Ono lawyer, snjn tho Now Vork
Tribune, snld that III" brst Illustration
of clrciimiliiutlnl evidence as proof
wns In n story ho had rrcently heard.
A yoiuiK nnd pretty lrl had been
out walkliik. On bur return her moth
er snld:
"Where linvn you been, my dear)"
"Only walklnj; In the park," she re
plied. "With whom)" pursued her mother.
"No one, iimiiitun," said tho youiitf
"No one)" her mother repeated.
"No one," was the reply.
"Then," said tho older lady, "ex.
plnln how It Is t lint you hive come
liuuie wHli a walking-stick when you
stsrled with an umbrella."
A lenpYear Hint.
"Do 7011 know, Mln Clin," laid
jouiir Kliijlls, tli- otkrr trutilH', "that
jour faet rviulndi ii of a prfet mlr
"Does Itr ik ijUerliJ. "Aud wrh,
"Iteesuie," lis sHiwtrid, "It reOecU
nothlnc luit (lit truth."
"OUr iU etelslme.1, In tsn that
svernl of dlipnlHllieiit, "I thmicht
th auiwtr wuuld bo sltoifrltttr dldtr
it." "What did jeu peet ms to ttjt' b
"I thil(kl." continued th bluilitnf
msM. "that It mi besui viry tlm
von looked In tnr fit uu isw your
i And tho neit rnnrtilnie ih announced
her nsicemeut at th brrikfut tsbl.
i The Vllnl Qneiltort.
Ihn teacher of the class In history
wnn descrlbluc to tho children tho
oicilnir of Doino of the ancient tomb
In l.irypt, aud enumeriitlue several rf
tbo luterrstlux antlipJltk-s therein dls
covered. , "To show you how wonderfully
tunny of thoso thine have been pre
served," alio snld, "I tnsy mention that
In one of tho oldest of thoio tombs a
Jniof honey was found. It could not
have been less than four or flvo
I thousand years old, and yet In that
Jar of honey was a flea, In perfect
"Was It alive?" asked ono of ho
llttlo Rlrli, with a breathless Interest
not entirely unmixed with alarm.
Not Hint K'ii I or Hint.
Most travelers who havo cone Into
tho wayplaces of the Far West have
brought back clear remembrances of
tho voices of tho surefooted llttlo pack
burros which ko out there under tho
pseudonym of "Hocky Mountain cu
unrlrs." Tho meantm; of the phraio Js not
always so well known to thoso who
hnvo always lived Knit. Ho It Imp
polled thnt n Hoiton woman, who was
Introducing a youtiR Denver music stu
dent to her Ruests recently, caused no
llttlo confusion when alio said:
"And now, ladles, Miss Convene,
our llttlo Itinky Mountain canary, will
sins for us."
Signaturo of
A I'temniit Incident of tho Wnr of the'
After Oumiriil Hurono bad nurrcii
dered lo fbmnriil Onion ho wan, iih you
know, comliH'ti'd to IIomIoii, wIioiico he
sailed (o bin ICiikIIsIi home. 'J'lm fnll
uro of tho HrlllMh arum wan a terrlblu
dlHiippolutinmit to him, nnd iiIIIioiikIi
hu wiin too proud to nhow what ho
felt, thu rldo from NnrntoKit to HohIoii
iiuiMt hnvo hii'ii a hnrd Jotiriiny for
him, with (lnyn nud uIkIiU llllo.l with
bitter recollections nml regret.
Hut ho wiih eneorleil with nil the
honor possible, mul uvvry eourtosy wim
shown to blm, Oiiuernl Oiiton nnd his
HtafT were Koutleiuou, nud lliirnoyii
was trontetl as llttlo like a tirlsouer ns
was consistent with the situation. Ho
hail n kooiI horse to ride, nud, wher
ever tho llttlo company of olllcers
slopped for tho iiIkIiI. ho wns kIvmi
the most eomfortnblo room nud tho
best of i'erylhliiic that tho house
could nfTonl.
Naturally Oenernl lluritbyun was
Kruteful for this eoiislderatlou, ami
probably when he sslled from llostou
lio carried with blm ino-t pUmsHiit
momorlofi of tho men who had Im-cii
bis Kiinrds nml jet friends. Chief
nmonic these wns n youiiK olllcer,
llnjor Keyiuour. lie wns n member of
(k'linrnl (bile's staff nml n friend of
WiishhiKtoii. AUIioukIi nt the time of
Oi'iicpil llurKoyiie's siirreiidur bo was
not murh more thnu a boy, he wns il
ready known iih a brave nud KHllnnt
soldier ns well as mi nwoiupllnli(nl
Keiitlemnn. In the rotunda of tli.'
Cnpltol nt WnshliiKtou yuii will seo the
plcturo by Trumbull, one of the early
Amerlcnn pnlulers, of "The Hiirrender
of KnrntoKn." In this picture there Ih
Just one lliniro on horsebnek, and thnt
Is tho jotint: Major Seymour.
lie It wns who wns gltcu special
chnrKo of (Jen, IlurKoyue, nnd who
broiiKhl him safely to llostou. On tho
road there were plenty of people to
stnro and Jeer nt the definiteil Roiieral,
and he wns snveil from many an In
sult only by the watchfulness and
care of his young escort. Koine time
beforw there bad Iwon a rumor -doubt-less
a false one thnt llurxoyne had
snld, In Jest or earnest, that ho would
Klvo rewards for all scaljMi of YankeiH
broiiKht to blm, which remark bad
Kreatly Infuriated tho pooplo who
brant of It. Ho, as bn was rldlnx almi
tbroiik'b the country, an obi woman
rushed out of a waysldo bonse, and,
shakliiK her fist In the nlr, shoutod
tnwanl him, mifcrlly: "Now, ihw. now!
What will you Blvo for our sealpi
lief ore Con. IlurKoyue could reply,
Major Heymour drew up hi statolv
yoiuiK flKure, and, with the Kriatot
dtKiilty, faesl the exeltiil iiker.
"Oo Into your bou-e. nindnml" he
promptly onlensl. Then, with n quirk
command to his men, the little caval
cade rode on, leaylui; tho old woman
lu dumb astonishment.
Itefore Major Seymour and bis pris
oner parted coinjwuiy nt Iloston, Oen.
llurxoyne preseutisl blm, ns a mark of
appreciation of hi kludueis mil
courtesy, with the trapping of tits
horse. These were carefully treasured
by Major Seymour's family for several
jenra. Hut at last, when his younger)
brothers were grown up. being fond of
show nnd gaiety, they frequently tor
rowed these valued trapping tn us
on muster ilnys, nml iiiirortunnto.y
thnrn Is nothing left of them now.
Hut there exists another relle of tilt
trip of llurgoyne. They clianctsl to
stop one night at the nhl town of I tail-
ley. Here, desiring tn show his thnnkii
for the hospitality offered him, llur-i
goyuo utteriNl a wish that his
should be given to hi host, which wan
accordingly doue. Htrnnge to sny, tho
swont disappeared nt least from tho
Lunwieilge of the present genernlloi
of the family until a few years ago.
Then, one day,- one of the daughters
found It hidden nway lu nn old chest,
nmniig blankets which had long lain
unused. Of course It wns Immediate
ly brought out and displayed lu a plnco
of honor. And not long ago. when
there was at Sn iitogn n celebration
of the surrender of Iturgoyne, till
nword wns pronely cnrrled in tho pro-1
cession by the tody to whoso great
grandfather It had been given by di
rection of tho general himself. St,
ritutii'it irfwT.
Iii the course of her tint cnll upon
one of her husband'a imrlslilnueni
yofuiK Mra. O ray upoko fcelliiKly of
his uohle, KeuertiUH spirit.
"IIh Ih ns'tiiHirly nu altruist iih timn
inny be," nho snld proudly nud affec
tionately. "Is be nn nltrulstT" snld her host
ess, with mild aurprlso. "I thouKht
from the tono of Ida volco thnt ho
probably wna n bass."
Whnn tlio Train Nlnrls.
BwelterluK utntiiKcr (nt Cnctui
Crossing) When on enrth does tho
next train leave this HUti-bnkcd,
hetiven-fonmlum rei;lon7
llknll Ike Waal, atrtuiKcr, wo hna
each Rot a rlKht to his opinion on tlit
aiibjek, but them thet Unowa declnra
It hikes out Jest after tho enjluo. -Now
York TIiiioh,
"Mr. WeeUley nnd Miss Strong nro
nclunlly to lw iniurled, eh "
"Ves, unless he Kctn scnrwl nnd
bucks out. It makes him nervous
every time ttho ineiitlous tho 'trims
boiiu' bIio'h koIur to wenr. , 8ho pro
nounces It ho much like 'trousom,' "
They speak of It ns "llfo'h" fitful
fovor," but jnost of us Imvo" hnlr
iidsluK experiences that It Is moro
like chills.
When n iniui Is "really In love, ho
ilocuu't euro who knows It.
if AAh at .IfnvTViFv "RdiwaI
as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when in health
and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor
life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and
the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health
should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of
every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a
remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence
should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial
in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in
many millions of well informed families, Whose estimate of its quality and
excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use.
Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, be
cause they knQw it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform
all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained,
by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most benefici
ally and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian
blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret rem
edy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not
approve of patent medicines and never favor indfscriminate self-medication.
Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup
of Figs always has the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in
bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty
cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not
accept it. If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects.
Every family should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial
iui me puicius anu inu
As Mm Is flpokem
"Are you going to tako that llttlo
trip with mo I spoke about last
"I haven't thought nbout It"
"Well, think of It this week, will
you J"
"Yen. If I think about it. I'll think
about It."
"Jty tbo way, I saw you on tho
street the other day and you never
noticed me."
"I never- noticed you." Puck.
CITO I'ettossMilly Csrtd. Jlofluor nroun
fllO .nr.tdr'iUMnr KMm'iiirwO'rT
Jil4Kr. trHl for 'rr 3 lrUltanlnl l-.ttlM.
Dr. K. II. Wlln, UO-.tll Arrt bu. I'btUd.lphli, r.
Word to tlio Wise.
After a swing around the clrcl tho
happy couple had settled down In a
cozy flat.
Ono morning as sho took her cus
tomary place at the breakfast table tbo
bride placed a largo revolver by the
sldo of her plate.
"W-why, my dour," stammered the
astonished husband, "w-wbut does
that mean?"
"It moans. George," replied her
brldelets, "thnt wo hnvo biscuits Tt
my own construction for breakfast nnd
that no adverse criticism will be toler
ated." $100 Reward, $100.
ThertsJenof thlipirr will bo plioed to
iMin thl there U t lent one ilreiJeil dlMua
thu islcue hu been able to euro In all Us
isgei, and thai Ii falarih. Hall's Csurih
Cuia the only foiltlvo euro known to tho
meJIeal Inlernlty. catarrh beltisacoaitltu.
ttmial dlMjMe. re-iulrei a cuiullmtlonal treat
ment. Hall's Catairlii'uru n men Internally,
acting dlteeily uj-ou th lloct and inueoui
urueeiol thoijruein, tterebyd itioylrtf th
foundation of tbedlKite. and rlvlne tho pa
lln t itreiicth by bulldlnx up the coutttluttua
and uilitlos-nature in duliiit Iti work. Tho
nronrlelori have o much tilth in Iti curativo
iHiwen mat mev oner uho iiuuursu ui.
lor anrcaM thallium to cure, bend (or lUt
,Au!lren.aU K. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. 0.
BolU br drucciiis. 70.
liall'i Famllr Hill are the beiU
llliln't I.lko tlio Haniple.
A Harvey county (Knusas) vddower j
took hl.s second wife homo aud Intro- '
duced her to thu children by saylnc: ;
"This Is your new mamma." '
They looked nt her critically nnd tbo
youngest blurted out: "Is that tho best
you could do, papal" .sow loric xrn-
Hammer blows, steadily ap
plied, break the hardest rock.
Coughing, day afier day, Jars
and tears the throat and lungs
until the healthy tissues give
way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
stops the coughing, and heals
the torn membranes.
I alwin klip A'cr'a Cherry Pectoral In
Iba homo. II BlTti r(ct rUf boner
aiir o( ui hat coughi or hard cold.. I liar
utoil It lor a stent many lr audio know
all ahoul It." Mill, JAV OusuTKAW.Varji
burg. N. V.
Midi by J. O Ayir Co . Low.ll, Mail.
Alio uiuufaolurira or
IH'.H V1Q0K.
Ulllousnoas, conatlpntlon rotnrd ro
oovory. Guru thoso with Ayor's Pills.
The Jar of
Jl I
uuiuren, wnenever a laxative
A Handy StaliL
Mm. Do Vore Professor, I'm nfratd
my waltzing Is not perfect Do you
think I ought to tako a few more h
sons?, Tbo Dancing Master Will madamo
bo so kind as to show me bow she
executes ze movements?
Mrs. Dc Vero (to her maid) Marie,
show the professor bow I vralU. De
troit Tribune.
Mothen will nnd Mr. Wlailow'i Footblnr
Syrup th beat remedy tout (or thilr cfeUdrtn
durloc tho teething lrlod.
He'd Do the Iteal.
"Dnrllns," queried tbo young man
with the noisy tie, "do you love me
rnll eunuch to dwell In a furnished
room and live on bread and water aft-
er wo nre marrletl?"
"Y-yes. I tbluk so." she replied.
"And, say, dearest," he continued,
"la y6ur or-salary as typewriter large
enough to enable you to furnish the
room and the broad?
For conghi sod coidi there Is no better
medicine than I'lw'i Curs for Consump
tion, l'riee aft cents.
Most of the farms In Denmark are
from S to 25 acres, and are owned by
the peasantry. About bslf of the land
Is In oats, hay, pasture and root c.opi
for the horses, mllcb cows and sheep.
In proportion to her size, Denmark has
moro cattlo than any other country In
1 Lamm a Bjnip. tuim uouu. in
In lira. SoM brdrutftt.t.
W do cnwn an t bf dc-work wttboul ra n.
Our liy art' up r rm In Ut worn n
ablr u to St 1- ur moutb eomrortab jr. tr.
W A W ;m lia luui J a Ml war lo eilrarl
Itiu al auluir J w, bout pain. !r. T I'
Wt h an ripn at it Olim and crown
n4 bri4iwrlc. l-ilrartiot Ir. wbm
(4ata or brhlrM ar i r J' rl.
tVnt nw., Third ad Waihlnfton Hit,
0)ea vhIiei till .VclMk. Hundajri from
t lo IS. Ur Mala V&.
on. w. a. wist
arasssi 1 & f7"0 .' r asj-ae-f
rl nrrisr--C1
mmt sL)irwA
Try this Common Sense Breakfast Food and you V11I never change
Ji 2-r0UN0 PACKAGE MAKES 13 POUNDS COOKED -See tho Ecenorn
4i rr Croccr To-Dty
remeay is requireu.
Never kick nor scream at a horse, no
Jerk the bit la bis moutb.
DEALERS rlst!n
aosvon HtWVOia. CMICASO
towii ouuMJOi cabt4.Toiono.U)t
Clp tMi out. rersm to us with the rusies
nj adlrnses of yourwlf inj to of your
friend!, inj th dit when you HI proUMy
enttt a butlnets mi xlll-creJIt
yog with tSXO on our I6S.03 KhoUnhlp.
Our Khool offrfl eifrpUtniJ sjvieures lo
tiuJtnu of Duvlivru. ShortruoJ, Entflsh, etc
Bur Isjtiuciios towf sr Tuition
M. A. ALBIN, PNis.
ii sisth ST. PORTLAND, OHC.
p. ft a
N. 44-1 90S
TT7XIKX wrltlnic to adrcrtliors pleau
1 1 luenilua inu iar.
DK. T. P. WlSt
ruisbury's Vlios with other cereals end
you will instantly recognlzo
In tho rich, white color ol
etjfJf uzy
which U actually the "Meat ot the Wheat."
It Is the whlto heart ot tho wheat
kernel, sterilized. Nothing added;
Ulhinjl taken away.