The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 10, 1905, Image 5

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    BEEggEaaffiff "'.'
i . 4
- t
Kitiory ScalH cnme tip from liny
ntuck Humidity, for (t nliort Htuy In
Fine burred I'iyinoiitti rock
rooHtuiN, full bloodud, for mile .it
$3,50 ciich. C, II. 301 f
PiiNturnHO for homes, 50 cents 11
week, j.2 a month, near Hend.
tf II. W. Mohkii.i..
' Office rouiiiH for tent in Hie Pilot
Mtiltc Development Co.'n office
building. Apply at tlic coinpany'n
ollicu. . tf
MIms Ingn B,itlior arrived home
Sitltirdny evening from Hiikciic,
whom rthft hit Ikibii nine I11M
t Aii;tiitt.
Grant. TliukglvlilK Hall. Wed
liasday eve., Nov. ao, t Jl M. hall.
under the nnapirvH of the llend
Kite I)cmrtinent. ,13 31
Deputy Sheriff J. 3. Smith re
turned from .Snlein Vwlnemla
evening, where he went to tnl;c
convict to the tiiitentinry.
J,. I) Wient W IihvIiik fiieplac't
Intllt in the jwrlor of hi home and
u new clilmuey in the dining-room.
A i-liluu cliwt Ik hImo being made
in the diiiiiiginom.
Mr. and Mrn. J. Frank Slroud
went to Prineville (ant Kriday. Ml.
Si rood linn been thin wnek engngod
in Inking n Unction engine from
.Sinter to Prineville.
Orover Long mid Hurry lUldwin.
of Prineville, came to Mend from
Redmond tfmuUy, after HtlendiiiE
RnwkVii opening hull, Mini re
turned home Moudny.
Harry Smith, J. 8. Smith's son,
who low licen time ker on the
coiitrurtion worki for the Coluui
Ida Southern Irrigation Co., wuh in
llend over Sunday on bis way to
There Intsjimt hern completed
wf drtiMic summer house on the
Drake lawn near the river bunk.
Mm. Drake hit also hud over a
luimlrett roea wd shrubs set mil
around the lawn during tbc mrt
IHmti" Mfrts , in l ' ii'ar t"
go to get the lt Iuimot in Cioot
county of all kind. Moulding and
Monies drliwred nv where. ()
our privra arul m onr Itimbr I
for buying..' IWtoOicc addresi.
Cline Fall.. Oregon.
Mr. Mary It. Norton and M(
Nellie K. DWyw.. f MtaiHtoW.
w ho nt weeks in Bend,
departeti for The Dlk. Monday.
acoHnuanied by John It. Ryan, as
a wit item., to make proof on theii
tluibwt claims in this region. The
ladles will return to MinnesK)lis
from The Dalles.
Cashier F. T. HurlbiiiU of. the
Shauiko bank, Mr. and Mr.
Chamlwrs, of Portland, ami C. W.
Iird, of Kails, comwi(H-d a
mrly which visited Head last 'Sat
urday and Sunday on a tour ol the
Deschutes valley. Mr. Chamber
is an Uuglish capitalist and is look
lug the country over from a bind
ncs. htaudpoiul.
Toilet Articles
Prescriptions Carefully
We enrry in slock every
tliiiiK usually handled by a
firit-clnss drugstore including
Stationery, School Supplies,
MiiKtuliicH, Toilet Prepara
tions, Coufcctiouory, Clears
and Smokers' Supplies, and n
Kinc Line of Wntclies mid
Merrill Drug Co.
Bend, Oregon.
Ssmmo, one:.
New I3all and Winter Millinery New Dress
Goods and Trimmings -- The Designer
Figure With Us
Prices Sent on Request.
We have for service at our home
stead, three miles south of llend. h
Hereford bull.
tf Kkancik & OAHKA-rr.
Miss Anne MltlUtu returel from
Portland Saturlav, after vUitlug
there for a mouth, and haa resum
ed her dittki. in the Pilot Hultc
Co's office.
Dick and Walter Vandevert, or
Powell Hutte-i, were in and about thht week. They are getting
ouie of their cattle in from their
range up the Deschutes.
Profawor Henry and lid. Gerow,
of Prineville. have been engaged
by the management to fumhth
music for the Kiicman's ball, in
Hend, ou Tbauksgiving eve.
I. J. ami Uverne keeii arrived
home Tuesday from the IaUw
vnllcv. Waahlugtou, where tbey
vere engaged at harvesting work
luriug the season. They made the
trip in irom Shaniko on their
Mr. and Mm. II . Litiater ami
t ft.. I J ','.. I- .. -u.l ... I
lumuy airiTvit 1 Htwj " i tww
at the Pilot Hull lun. where tbey
will remain until their living quar
ter in the Ortutt hotel at I.vtle are
ready for occupancy. It-swkleH HeliK
Liunter, there are five younger
boy uud two girls in the family,
mott of whom will enter the jmblic
1J. II. James, the Iakllaw mer
chant, and his sou, OH O. James,
were in Mend. Monday, nttdthelat W on a desert claim before U.
S. Commitationer Iiwrence. lo a
Bulletin repreciilHiive Mr Jame
recently said it was his opinion that
six mouths lieuce would ae a
scarcity in desert lauds open
for filing, so rapidly are set
tler coming in and availing them
selves of the opKrtuuiliw fot
The "livening with Dickens"
given at the church last Kriday
night by the Rev. J. Anthony Mit
chell was well attended. Mr.
Mitchell's remark covered briefly
Dickens's character and works and
he also recited choice extract, from
that ntilhor's storks. Musical
numbers were presented by T. W
Zimmeimauu in vocal solos and by
a male quartet composed of Kloyd
Uibdell. T. W. Zimineriimnn, C.
A. Riddle and C. S. Iieusou.
NHns Marion WIest arrivtnl home
Saturday evening from Iter extend
ed visit in I.os Anguleti, San Krau
cisco, Portland and Salem. Miss
WIest bad the experience ol ex
tremely rouvjh passage on the
ocean from Snu Krancisco to Port
laud, ou the three-story steamer.
Roanoke. At one time a mou
strous wave pitched the steamer
completely over on its side, throw
ing the people on board about the
rooms in n terrifying way, but lite
craft immediately righted itself.
A story has floated down the
Deschutes about A. II. Kstebcuut
shooting ducks at The Meadows
recently. "Kreneliic" saw a flock
of ducks coming straight toward
him ami immediately took aim, fol
lowing their flight with his gun
As the ducks same closer going
straight over the hunter, the gun
pointed more and more peroendio
it ar until the ducks bad gone by
nnd "Kienchie" was bent over
backwards still aiming at the birds.
Iloth barrels went off and the gun
kicked down in front into the
ground and skinned "Krenchie's"
thumb. While he was busied with
these things two ducks fell out of
the flock unseen by mm. A burn
er across the river saw him start
away without the birds and told
him where they wore. "Well, that
is pretty good, shootiu'," said
"Kreucltic" as he gathered, them in,
Miss Sweeney and Mift Uugeuie
Dayton, of Laidlnw, were shopping
in Hend today.
A number of young jKjopIe of
JkMiil will attend a social bop at
Lnidlaw tonight.
The C. II. Aliens yesterday ar
rived from I,va nnd took up theii
residence at Dechute.
"Teddy" Itecker now act a
mail carrier for Redmond MMtoRice
going to Cline Kails daily for the
Mrs. Anna Vriedt, of Antelope,
arrive! Saturday. She will spend
lire winter with Iter daughter, Mr.
CD. Hrown.
C. A. Chapman and Kail Wright
started for latonta Tuesday and
will drive Mr Chapman's baud of
cattle to Iknd.
I). K. Stewart and daughter.
Mia Hunice Stewnrt. and M. K
Kriuk, of )rinevMte, were at lend
last Saturday and Sunday.
The dwelling of K. 9. Rowiec
which was situated on keawd
ground in Garden Row, was this
week torn down and moved to the
experiment farm, where it will be
N. W. Taylor, formerly of Silver
take, but now with I.CS. is. KtUay
011 the Shatiiko llee, wag in Kcud
Tuesday and Wednesday looking
up bundles.
J. D. Honey man departed today
for h liona-stcad 33 miles muiiIi oi
Bend, with a stot-k of provisions
and household goods. Prank Hi t
terwnrlh precedi-d liiiu there and
is building a bouse on the claim.
Mr. V. J. O'Connor has .return
ed frO'U Portland, and joined ber
husband at Redmond. Their new
borns at the latter place is now iu
course of construction , and they
expect to move into it next week.
Ora Poiudexter cume home from
The Meadows Sunday, where be
Ifas been renovating 1$. K. Wet'.s
bouse and tu tbc meanwhile eiijoy
ing waterfowl shooting. He killed
dojeu of ducks, some geese and
xot feathers out of a swtui while
County School Superintendent
Diuwiddie visited the llend schools
Tuesday and Wednesday. He
made close oltoxirvntion of the work
of the schools and expressed him.
elf as exceedingly pleased with
them. Krom Hend he went to
When the trenches were made
for the mains and smaller pipes of
of the Hend Water, Light it Power
Co , and again filled in uud settled,
it left depressions about the streets.
These are now tuiiig covered over
with a generous layer of gravel
by the company and the streets are
being leveled and materially bene
fitted thereby.
Kightcen persons left Hend Sat
urday noon and went to Redmond
to attend V. C. Rowlcc'.s grand ball
and high jinks given that iiight to
celebrate the opening of liis"siiloon
in Redmond. The hotel diuiugroom
was used for a dance hall, and good
music was furnished by Professor
Henry and Kd. Gerow, of Prine
ville. During the festivities Presi
dent Turney, General Manager
Johnston, and Asst. Sec. Haldvvin,
of the D. I. ii P. Co. arrived with
their automobile. Several were
also present from Laidlaw, Prine
ville, Korest and other points. The
crowd was too many for the sleep
ing accommodations at Keumoiul
and hay barns, horse stalls and
storehouses were oil brought into
service. The Hend delegation ar
rived home at about 6 o'clock
Sunday evening and report having
had a rousing good time.
Mr nnd Mrs. Sim Duveiioi
and George Lumen of Korest, wcrt
at Hotel Jlcud, Monday night, ou
their way out from n duck shoot
ing trip at The Meadows.
Kred Woll, who wan cu plowd
on the (.niiNtnictiou work of the I ;
I. & P. Co., died in Prinevillt
yesterday morning from typhoid
fever. He had had a rather bard
runoi'thf! fever hilt seemed to be
recoiering nicely when a relit p!
carried him away iu a few li'tni-.
His mother was at Shaniko, on 5i r
way to Mje her son, when word
1 cached her that she was too late.
The young man was 28 years old.
Heforc coming west he was n law
yer iu Juliet. III., iu mrteuer;hip
with Hdwsrd Poster, wh6 is now at
work 011 the ditch.
Charles Hamilton and family
have come over the range from
Hollv, I, inn county, to spend the
winter ami probably take permau
ent location ou the Kdwards flat,
beyond Tiimalo. John If. Kd
wards was tile firat member of this
family to .ek location iu Crook
county. J bat was three years ago
iMit tall Then came his sous,
Charles f, William T . John It.,
and Prank, his daughter, Mr.
Htirtt and Mis Kthel Later came
his nephews, Hugh ami Raymond
I. Klward, and now Ins son in-law.
Hamilton. This family ha taken
something like 1,500 acres ol laud
iu 16-10 and 1 1 ami is making good
use of all of it.
I.alillaw News.
John Ortirh and family arHTl lt
wvk from CnHttlgbftm, Wt4t. Mr.
Courh ha taken laiw lit C'tttam
Ma SoatlMrrn ditch and xMfcO to make
Oth hi future home.
Rwlietl Ikwr, rf Rend mm moved to
Mdert claim ia J5-IJ, where he i
making extemtiv Itapruvement.
A. I. Donabne made a trip to I'rine
vdle this week and lirtHi(ht in thr piew
fur the Laidlaw Chronicle.
W: A. Ilidlaw, of Portland ia rxpect
cS in Laidlaw in a few day.
Dr. Newome, of Prineville, ha jcti
el an ofllrv here. Mr. Newsoneuill
open a ilrugnUire in connecttun with ln
office in 1 he near future.
Atlulph Von der Widen ami I'aut
Nclwu left last week fur Thr Italic.
From Tin- Dalle ilr. V011 iter Wlclcti
will go to Waaaiaftxi to look aflr hi.
farminK intereata Jthere.
C. P. Becker MMilc a htwincM trip to
Rr.titwHt.1 Taeaday-
Uuiie a ntttntarr from here attrtide.1
the dance at Rc'inoml Saturday nijtif .
All report a good time.
4rwk Neill. of Nsbraaka. i -iit.MK
lti father awl mother. Mr anil Mrs I'
si. Neill. He expect to remnin throuti
tlte winter. ,
Seed (lata IHr Safe.
I have .several hundred bushels
of auperior Wiuternats, smt.itdc for
wed, for sale. Write or 01 II at
my ranch six mites east of Staters.
3-6t - KkHIJ WlKhK,
Sisters, Oregon.
pree land in Oregon,
C. I'mtrT thr "Carnr Irti, attoa Art.' Ik.i
rtlnct fraw u WKllh k CAM To
IHV aiuklrt bimI map ft r II S C.wk. X
Co . IV AMrrMnvt IHwtUn 1 or
The Deschutes Telephone
Telegrams l-orwardet! to
any purt of the World.
Direct Telephone
' ami all Pacific Coast cities
Public PAY Station
lknd - Oregon
America's flrcatcst Weekly
The Best Known Newspaper
in the United States
Circulation 185,000
Popular in Every State
Til Tulnla IllaiU It nun- ltitllnl In IU new
Imllitlnir. with a mwlrrii llt ami nuliiucnt.
Mild f,icllllic"tciil to any publication ltctn
Nrw Vork anil Clilcasu. It l the only weekly
new.wjr elltel eprrly for exery .tnte ami
territory. TlieNewnofllie Worlil o nrrnngnl
Out lmy tile can more cily comprelicml.
than by miilliiK vinnlcroiie coliimiu of (tallies
All current topic iiimlc plain In each Imiic hy
ipecinl editorial matter written from inception
UownloiUtc. The only paper pulilUhol epec
ially for people who do or do not rend daily
new-pupem, nml yet tliltst for plain fhcta That
thitklndofa ncw.imixrl iwpular, Upioenliy
the fact that Die Weekly lliuilc now ha over
18J.000 j early .utucrlhcr. ami U circulated in all
patUofthc U. H. Inudilitlon to the news, the
lltftile piilillnlic. aliort ami serial stories, and
ninny ilciwrtiiicutH of matter suited lo every
member of the family. Only one dollar a year.
Write for free specimen copy. Address
Toledo, Ohio.
The Toledo nlmle and TIIH rtltNU UVU.K
TIN $1.65 per year.
M, G. Cov, ol Creek, was .1
town Wednesday.
P. Maclcod, buyer for the Oregon
& Occidental Cattle Company,
whose home rniirh nnd Pcndrptr"
ters is Hiimih, .itrivv uv I
nii'lit. He is m.,kiii; for lmli
cattle nod sheep.
The Laidlaw school lini closed
ou account of the prevalence of
measles In the community. Tiie
malady has ceu claimed ilie prni
cipwl of the M.1100I, Mr.-. K. p
Smith. It will probubly be two
weeks yet before the school will
G. W.
A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor
Tables supplied with all th e delicacies of the season
Kirst-class Uquipinent
All stajfes stop at
ijmi a
General Dlacksmithing and Wagon Repairing
Jr3i" Our shop is located opposite liaptist Church.
No matter how Wg the bird, no matter how heavy its plumage or
awift its flight, you can bring it to beg with a long, strong,
straight ahootmg Winchester Repeating Shotgun. Results are What
count, they always give the best results in field, fowl or trap
snooting, and are sold within reach of everybody's pocketbook.
FKC : 5mi um ati aJJrtu a pHal tori tr tmt tiff (ftttlei ttlattpu,
A Complete
At Bend,
Rough, Surfaced
All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses
aftpan arm nmmmm'mmimmmmmmmmimm
SI 1 1 PL Al
Reasonable BEADUD CKILING Lumber
Prices window casing D ,Merred fl
fiond HKAD HLOCKS 11.
000(1 O. G. BASIiliOARD Anhere 0D
Grades STAIR TRKADS TTheILaInds.of
Dry WATER TABLE ' The J' ' -'
O. G. BATTINS , W., or
Stock MOULDINGS n'e C S- C-
Pilot Butte Devehjhfeht
The Pilot Unite null refill .il
cutting Monday morning. S. It.
Dorranc Saturday, rchammcrcd
the saws which had lost their ten
sion Yoni dver heating, and tl o
'net siti'bf Vn in 4 th in o V
I .in 1.1n HtOI'l (I j i.vr . 1
iiowii wii.s'lrinile'llii uvft-'ip ljfvr
to rebuild the urcl'i tor the target of
flip ttvn Ixi'ilrr. Tli. tmlV nn m
ftp be mnde'bf brick histertd df In t
rock, ol which the old wo UP r
II iaexperled t' c tl" jol, ivil'
fiuisl.ed ao that saMiiiv ni.i' '
commenced again next Mond.
J. I. West has charge of the tin
masonry work.
Ilest ImKirted and I)ometic
Excellent Bar Service.
High Class Gentleman's Re-
Only first class goods
stock. Call on us.
KineRoomg and Hcds
the hotel door
Stock of
and Moulded
At Bend,