mf tit" THE BEND BULLETIN. i.s VOJ,. Ill HKNI), OUKQON, FRIDAY, NQVIfMIJJSH; ip, 1903. NO. 34 I pro r.. r v " ff 41 PROFE88IONA)- QARDS U. C. COE, M. D. Ol'I'ICIt OVItK HANK. Pliyslclan and Surgeon I'KMtl'IIOMIt NO. 31 WIND . OIlllOON H14, tfTATBWHmilli Ar IHM.M, HAMMIt AHimirv j. l. Mcculloch, Alifttntctor nml Hxnniluor of Title. ltMtl atni Tarn l,iMkl Alter Air Xn KwWHl. HKHrinil.t,K, .... OKJI00M NOTAKV I'tlMMC INHUHANi.'K A. H. GRANT AHt for I tlvcrpiiol, l.oiulon ft CJIoIhj, mitt, LiuiCitMlilrc I'lre lniiiin)co , Conipiinics. , UllNO, - OKI'.OON - r- - - ' U, to.HHt.nmr U. D. Vha m Knwaaiil Ii CuaMtjr rbyrtnan. Drs. Ik'lkrvap & Edwards, l PHYSICIANS AM) SUKGCUNS. I'KINIIVII.I.I! - OUIMION. OnbH al Hrar f WlHHok' Ht Matr J. Al. LAWUI5NCI2, V. M COM Ml ION KH. Notary Public Iiutiritiicts, Towimlilp 1'lltU far lfjtr IMcliiitA 'Vnlly. MKMII. OXWHJK Miss Grace Jones TtAcucn or Voice & Piano la rd lor ' H. "! taM I hmu4 I Iwf irai4.HVt um K Af' 'l l Mini HhMi Han Crook County Realty Co teal llslntc Nought ntid Sold. I.llo nnJ Accident INSURANCE. tCia MUIIIK bl'lUMMa Nl.l,tO TRIPLI3TT BROS. Barber Shop & Baths Best of accommodations and work promptly done WAM. T. IIKNI). OUIKJON H 0 T E L"..teu MM C. A MClMwtttL Trtltrt and Rooms always clean and well aupptktd--Ktita' reasonable I'KIXKVU.I.X OHKOON Timber band. AM June y i. NOTICK I'OH IMHIIjICATION. V . (.nKwOfte, The lulle-. Uiegon. July ft. l Meat to hereby k4vhi that Ih ewtnpllnHce with lite act of Vntw of Jww 1. Iia euinled Au pel ST lb leoTlImbw lawl. Ih the ataltVof CallfutNm, OtVWM, N4 HWl WaTllUtUU Ttr kwy.'' aa Uc4el to nil Ibe public Uwd Mate fey art ( Aagvul 4. . the lullowiMg. wapwl peeacma.oH Jmh , .hi, Ble.1 Ih IhU tin thU kWuTM atatrVlieHl. I-II lnk McValfry, f MaaMtrn. rouMly l rMnltigle, atata f pauth i)aVa, wHH atIMUHt No. uM. for QttMtrriMM of the h mc it. ti iv . r it t, Mnwarttll M.Varfrv. uf Im-h4. coHHty f Crwak. stale uf Otrgoti. MfTII MIiHrll tf- !;. fol lW HUCHMt of tkTHH. ne at, li r a, r it . w m. Thai they will eirtri'KMfatn show Hut lh land .ought to wutt valuable for lb Umber or o IbcTeou than for aBttcMllnral mrpnc, awl to nUMMl IBeti claim, la sabi UihI beforel. M. I.awieue. V.tL Commtwuner. nl hi ofliac al Ibmtt, Hreaou. an November to, ivS. Tlity muh witiirtW 1'iank MrCsftry f HmM.VMiih iMkm, iwivi ii. Aicvmity, n, iiuHtrr, imh h iwhih mnn wuhm i' Xll&. nil uf IbHlJ. DlMlHllI AM) mA all iwtaAtii cUlmlHf Jtl)r ny uf lit nlbuvf kmU i iMiirMel In Air llivfr cUim a Ihfci o on of Iwfwr the mm i1Ii tUy uf .SavMbr, i(. !rtVi MICIIAIil. T. MILAN, KKMw. TtHilMf I.imI. Atl June J, lots' NOTICK KOlt PUHIiICATION. U. l.auit OlfltT, lkinli'W, OlfuMii, Krl(4Hlr It. ly. .Vol li' It Iwrvtiy given (lul in tmillner wltli llictnltliHnii Atluf Ctiuorrj. r Jmir 1, igMl, cnlitlwl, "An ntl for llir (urlliiitirrliiu Hi ifieatnlMufCHlinirtiiii, Oirami, NcvmU. nt VlilMglii Trrttiiiry," rulnnlnl to ull Hit iinlillf Imut irt.UM liy Act uf Aiiljl 4. ift- lilt IaIIuwIhk wrwn luve flUtl In lllltortlvc llulr nurii utlmciiU, lo wll Cliattr I) lliuwii, r llrml. ivmily of CriKik, tlc of Oitgini, nwuiii .Inltiuciit No. j'"l, fur llic (iiircliUM! nfllir uc!( ufkrc4, l ll.r Mr, win. Alijulr II. J(ltlirnct, of llrml, ooiiniy of Crook, Ulr of Orciion.worii lulrincilt Nil. jw4,forllic imclic orilic) ofc4. Iji. ri4.w " l)nly l llrown, uf llrml, coiinly of Ctook, tlr of Ofritoii.tworn Utcmtnl No. jutiA, foi (lie .ukIibc of the w)( ofncCJ, tpil ,r 14 ' ' TliMthcy wlUulUr inmif to uliowlholthcUiiJ iiulil U inort fur IU tliuUr or Mour limn fur nxrU'ultural inn iior, ami to c.UMMi liiclr claim to nli luml UfurrJ M. I.uwrcinc tr. H. Comiiiluloiicr, at III olltoal llrml. Ore Sou, on rWiliintay the ylli day of Dccriulier Iftu. Tliry name a ltc; Wllllnm llalilwln, AuuiKIc II. llclxnl, Cliiule 11. llrown, llaltv l llrown nnil Uliarlc McKlnnon, alt of llrml, Oirgon. Any anil ftt pernoua clalinliiE ai1vrly lh alH)vc-lrKrlhnlUmlarcrrqorr(t Id die ttftlr claim In tfttt oftict ou or kefurt lil vh 1y of llcccmlicr, loj. I N WATHON. Kriilitrr HuHpbcrflt!!, HtfttWbcrriciJ uiul all niuttlluurscty stock for sale by W. Jt Buckley, Bcwlf Oregon. GRAIN GRASS -: SEEDS :- Fancy Alfalfa Seed, Dry tand Alfalfa. Sejed, Winter Oats, Extra IfaAcy Imported SKadeland Won der Oats, Fajiqy Clover Seed, Kentucky Blue, Grass Seed and Vetch Seed. FARM Implements Largo and Complete Sbock of Plows, Har rows, Wagons, Harness and Builders' Hardware. r BEND, r end M TIMBER LAND WANTED I lmvc completed BrrniiKcmcnts whereby I can IibikUu a number of tox timber claims, in the Dun chutdti timUr belt, at once. Title niuat be perfect. I hnvit swiitl inquiry jitut now for Uml in Tps. 21, 23, 3hui1 a.$ S., K. ii K.. mid if pmtte owijIiir Inml lher will comuuiuicttte with me, it may result to the adv.iiitngu of all couceruetl. J. N. HUNTER, General Cruiser and Land Locator BEND, OREGON. Because we are selling the same and better quality at a closer margin is a very good reason why you will find our store the best place to buy anything in the lino of Groceries, Drygoods, Furnish ings, Shoes, Hardware, Sash and Doors, Paints and Oils The PINE TREE STORE II. A. SATIIUIt, iMtOPRIGTOR Z. F. MOODY (1UNIIRAL Commission and forwarding MERCHANT. SUANIKO, OREGON Large, CommodkHis Warehouse. Consignments Solicited Prompt attention ix-tlil (o those who fnvor tne with their pntronnjje.. Best Printing at T AKER. Barb Wire In Carload Lots Waukeganita' ' G a 1 -vanized Wire, best on the Coast, will not rust. 9 OBXGON. Bulletin Office. cantile Co RULES ARE ADOPTED To Qoycijn Company's Re lations With Settlcr.s.. LANDS RI-ADV :0R PATENT VUlt of Officers of lite Coinppny.-J 'Ihcy Want to be IJept lnforriicd of ScttlcrV Icslros, tyretident Tufiiey, Geitenil Man anerJ.O, JoJiiMitoii a;id ;nutaut : Secretary ltaldwin, of the D. I, & 1 1'. Co , were ii )cml V.'cdiicftdny I night. '1,'hey cmtie ii) from the j railroad Saturday and viaited K,eU- tnoiid. Monday they w,tnt to 1'rine vflle. Wcdneaday they Qtovc out I to Ijtiid f 4 oin l'rinevillc, tnakiug ! detours to the southward from the county roiid, and yesterday they went down the other side of the I triangle to Redmond, from, which place they blianlko. Messrs Ttiruey and Johnston return to Columbus add Mr. Baldwin to I'ottlaud. Thin was Mr. Haldwiu's first visit to the Deadline country. Though he had a a stok holder and officer of the company, Ukeu ureat interest 1 in the region, this inaixxtiou of the ground was a revelation that fairly niddc him an enthusiastic lioomer. The lay of the laud, the soil, the products, the reclamation enterprise all stiriris4fd hint and he did not hesitate lo say that the possibilities of development were greater than he had ever dreamed of. He ha taken ditch laud near Iknd and means to make a model farm there. Mr. Johnston expressed himself as well satisfied witl) the progress of affairs. 1 he settlement with the state laud board, he said, was favorable to all interests the set tiers and the company because it relieved the situation of many ele ments-of uncertainty that had hung over it. The adoption of rules and contract forms ami the definition of purchaser's qualifications for the first time placed those matters where the state was committed to something definite. Hereafter Mr. Johnston said there would be no ground for dissatisfaction. lie would always be glad to know how the interests of the settlers could 'be promoted and would aid them in every practicable way. A Salem dispatch to the Portland Oregouian gives this summary ot the requirements of the state land board touching the acquisition of lauds in the Deschutes valley (both sides) reclaimed under the pro visions of the Carey law: In order to hecurc reclaimed land a man inuat nuke an amilication to the aUte land IxNird, apecifytii)' the tract de al ml. In tint li muat make altltlavit tfwt he has nut directly or indirectly ttiaile any mcviou rmrclic of UihI of the kind tIccriUd, nml that neither lie nor any one for hjiii ha made a contract to imrchax: the miiii, in excea of i6u acre, ami that he luia not made any agreement, exprc or implied, for the ilTaiKMd of the land tipplied for. 1 he nflUlavit mart he aigued in the jirvKiice of to witneaaea, each uf wIkiih iiiu4 make ntHdaril tlial ne knoM-a the Miiiilieaiit. that he w him aiirn lu name. and that he believe the amilicatioii wa itUiile in jmmI faith for the Hmlicaiit'k own uac ami lxnefit. The notary ptiblic or utlier (lerton takiiiK the hmnUi it muat certify tliat he ia perkouaUy iu-iwinti.-il with the amtlicant and with the witneaa- ea. The aiHdieant ami tlie wtlueea inut K've their poaluffice Mhlrvaa ami the ktrvel ami number of their rwai ilence. With all the precautiona taken, it la Uclieed that there will Ik. no frauil nlcnt iim; of iltimmieaor flctitioua name, fur iletection would lie eaay. In onler thai the aettler may lie fully mlvikCil a to their riht ami dutic. the applU'Htion hat iHimeron note of infor mation printed in so conspicuous a place that no reasonably c reful man could full to read them. In thcte the nppli cant r informeil: Tlwt the state niwiimea no reomihll ity whatever for the coiibtrnetion nml ojierution of the irrigation aytein; that when a deed is applied for the board will rcipiirc Mitikfactory proof that the appli cant is an actual settler upon the laud applied for; that deeds will not ibaite until the luml has licen patented to the ktalc, the lien o fthc irrigation company MtUflril and the release of lien filed with the state laud hoard: that the cost of tile land to the settler is the amount of the lien for the cost of reclamation, with interest at 6 nor cent front the date of reclamation; that the annual charge for maintenance is fi kt acre. The debts of an ninillctmt can be ui- signed only to a person (pmlifled to pur chase recluimeil hind in the first in stance, and the assignment must Iks wit nessed by two persons. In addition to that, the assignee must also make afikla vit, giving his jKistoflice address, and declaring that he has not been the pur chaser by assignment or otherwise of more than 6o acres of reclaimed luml. The state land board has given its ap proval to forms of applications, con tracts, releases of Hens and deeds, to lie vued in disposing of reclaimed land. 'Clteac fpprM are much more favorable to the Mittler tlintl tliow heretofore in uac, aJiiHll order tlwt all limy lie placed uj-oti an rual footing the coiiipMtiy today filed an flgrecment by wfilcii it fjve nny one of four option open 10 aetticr who have already, mmle conlaaCti with the com. jMiiy: ' ' ltft ThewltUr mar rrlalH W.fI tentract ami h he himtinr(t wHh lt tmtrMen r lr a lUnl ftum the ataie whlKmt any of the ifOTtrfo4 pcianl In ! cuinrad. arowl The xttlcr Mar aartradtr hla-oM omlract iM r-Mtna 'btW-im In Ike form ap. MiwmI Ilia tMM , Thiol The rr.tnn hoMIn ai W cmlrt mr tjaf the amHl.ile thran'aad trrlr a fcrl ftoM fltf X?ie wftrH ibe tKf?lt it4y to Vttmltt- The hoWrr la antrteLiiMjr pT the MlHciikVl wllH tg 4r amf ail IMerttl will tx CatltCaTIHM. Th ikw rariial-tiayjmuit contracta carry uou-nxotM)'le notes, ail recite tlwt the jtotea area part of the contract, so tMat the aettler.u tally protected finl the aale of. h ia 110(5 to an innocent jior chHter. Tlia is otie point for, which the e Ultra' ataochuioii attpnitly cofitcnlrl. and in which, tne UfctatMl'boarilupheld them After, tin apjworal of the rlea ami form, the atate kind' IxMuLsfRneU a cer tificate to the department ofctbe inter ior ahotiHK that M.jfy iKtpt of, land in the ht-kcliutea tract had been, reclaimed. aihI as aoot a tbf li?rniit iaauea a patent me iani win be rewiy 10 ixe ueeii etl to kettlera. ''tht lvid certified aa re claimed includes ail that lyi within a mile of tlie compiiy-s canal- and in anch a jKwittion that watcr,can be tntned uton it. Hollowing arc the rule adopted: I lt The Itowhai. Irrlgatlim He lowrr Con (May, IU MtrrMr or kMt(Hf (for coa rnlr hTHafrrcU!"theCMnpr )ball h rroirni to fnraUh a Miply ul water lor each trad IB lb IM far mImH aAKlenl lo Ikarowh f lfnmr-ml reclaim it am la prrpai It lo rlc ordinary aarktMliat al rrop. Sccoad The urtgatton Mi halt br from April 1 to November 1 ot each year, aaal daring the petto! of mailman wt from May )J to Attaint jo (ydr) of rack year, Ibe company halt ocllTer ta each Mttlrr. M heir, lermul reprcMatalle or auiga owatNEwmi rrclalmed by coatract wHh Ike Mate of Orrcon (for con rrnleace heerlaaner called "the Killer") an monat ofwairr, meatand at the twlDtvfdr livery lo hi laud, whK-h will coeer each acre of IrrtcaMeUadtoadeMkofi Slec Iflheaboec aamly of water M feand lo he la eacrM of that raqaired dnriac be period oi Milan me. or laaflkrrat la rie ordlMary aertcaHaral era. Ii can I clMMaed with Bttrbval of Ike Mate taad board to roaiurm with the iccummemtalloa.of the chief ol Irrtfauoa InrrMtntkMM of the I'aUad Mate denartmctit of irricwltiue. Third - Water .hall be drUvered to the Uad of ecfc Miller at the hkf Ik tn-aclicabW iwint or polala which can he r chut by a Rrartty lew, which point o, polat are bet adapted to re claim aU thcirrigatmr land owned by Mkrh et llrr JUM poial or potata of delrrery hall t Hcettaiard and deUrmlaed by the chief eni aeerof thecomjaaqy. and in eae of dbHMtlc be tweea the chief eagiueer of Ihc company and the ettler a lolhe proper MMBt of delivery, the qiteatraa .hall be Mbmitied to the .tale cagurrer. whoac deciaie) haH be Baal Foartb-The Miller ahall comtract alt neve ry dMtribatiaic dMche (ram Ihc point or polal of derleery to hit land for the proper irrigation ofhMown land, and hU keep theitamciR gowl repair at hit own, eut aadexpeBe I'Mth- Par the period et four yex,the aaaaal maintenance charge .halt be paid en the irriga Mc htad in rCB tract en the bt dar of Slovem- brrefearh year, arter which time one-halof IMe annual mainteaaavc cnarge HU ue paid en the & day of AafaU and one half oa the firt day of November of each year at thcoflUc of the cwmpany ih Creak cuuHly. Orrgoa. I'erMHM in an ear for ya day .hall net be entitled to the uk of water until uh arrara are paW. Nothing IH thete rote contalBed ahall alter or affect the right of the company aadrr Its contract with the Mate, the acta of coagre and of the IrgMU ture of Orcgoa. SUth-ICacti kcttler ihall be entitled to aw water only oh the land aegregatcd by the com pany. neecHth If, from natural caute, there ilmM beaanoftagc In the water Mpply. thea the amount to whtch each perton ahall be entilled ahall reprccal uch part of the aggregate quantity of water hi full amount bear to the total amount of water aaJer alt water right auld la caeof thortage from other than nt uratraaar. proportionate deduction atwM be made by the company in M aaaaal charge for mat) leu nee. Xtgbth The rompany ahalt be resuired to cuiruct, mamtaiu and ofieralc a Uktpboue or telegraph tine or line over It mala canal, ta order that it may be la quIcL communication with the aeurcc of aupply. ettabMag It better to carry into effect Ihc dwtrtbutkHt af water Ninth All peraena are furbUdentodMarb, tioltutc or cauc to become impure, the water B H- of the Sumea, cam.", lateral or uu lateral of the atd rmapany, or to allow any act to be done by which the Mint may become ao, awi hhui not erect or cautc 10 ic crrctea or ulared within xx (ret of any canal or lateral ditch of the IrrlgatHHi ayatem of the said com imuv antr atahle. mmil. hoe-heuae. rjoultrx. hi yiem 01 ine said com corral, hog-houae, poullr)-- iuHwc or aid, butchrrliiit-beutc or yard, watrr- ctoMt.ceupool, manure pile, cemiwit heap or otaer Mruvturc or luctoaurcor eanantoD prounc tlreufotfil or any refuu laluriout to Health that might befoul the water In aakl eaiul ur ditch, or to permit any domestic anuiwal ur poultry, gatbage, orftt. manure. lo or refuse of any Vt wrthlu hi cont-ol to iulurc or ia aay way befoul any ea,iMi or dileh of Ihc aakt com pauy Alt ponou arc alio forbaMcH to puUate or he foul in Ihc manner above Mated ur othetwiac the water in dltche ratirctr upon their own land uale aatd dUche ahall terminate within not lev. than auu feet uf Ihc twuudary tine. of thl rule the company alufi noii() htm to at 11 any prraoa MiaiiTiuiaic aayotiaeprovHtoH once dct therefrom and if uch petoa shall once ikhm taervtrom ana 11 ucn proa suau not at once comply with ak! notice, the com- pauy ahall imiuadMiteiy abut off I he mm! penon a up pi) of water TcuthAtlor any of the anorc rule and reg ulalion may be changeil or amended ami uch 'cuthAllor any of the above rule and rei other rule ami rcgulatiou aa utter exprrieuce win anowamiMWe may k auoHet. However nochange. amendiueuta orsnew rule and leg ulaltoua hall bceoutc arativc unlit approved by the atate Uml board. Ktevenlh-ll ahall be the duty of the tate of Oregon to cauac a copy of tbosc nil aud reg utatioua, or of auch otaer rule aad rcgulatiou a utay nul.Mueimy be adapttd by tne Hate laml board, to lie placed utwu the dcU ro.'ordtof each uftliecuuulies In aaul state in which any uf the land, reclaimed by the stale of OrcL-ou br coBtract with the coiKtuy aic situated. C. W. Lord, of Cline Falls, who was iu Bend Saturday, is develop nig a farm there, as well as being interested in the townsite company. Water for irrigation purposes was furnished last season by u pumping plant but this means did not prove satisfactory. The pump got out of ux during August and the crops were denied water when it was most needed. However, two crops of alfalfa hay were cut with a good yield, all conditions considered. "I will bank on four or five tons of alfalfa hay to the acre next year, said Mr. Lord. "The soil will certainly raise the crops if handled properly, we have no acres now seeded to alfalfa aud will put iu a total of 250 acres as fast as we can." Mr, Lord had not before been iu the immediate Bend country and expressed himself as surprised at the favorable showing that is being made, COMING ON TO BEND Railroad Surveyors This Side of Forest. aUTTING READY FOR BUILDING llarrlmnn Mncs Have Set Aside $, 160,000 for New Roads In Oregon. "Thotc Oregon. Bastcrn survey ors who arc working toward Bend from Madras arc certainly doing more than making a preliminary survey," said Tom Sharp, who wan at Hotel Bend last night. "I am a civil engineer myself and know they are doing work that is onh done when actual construction it in view. Sometimes they spen'' four or five days 011 011c mile an 1 arc doing all the cross-section work. Whether it is the intention to fo! low the surveyors with actual con struction or not, those engineers arc certainly making a survey that is complete in all details required for making the railroad grade Anyone familiar with this work can verify this statement by check iug up on their stakes for a short distance. When fifteen men work several days on a mile of survey you can be pretty sure they ar-' doing thorough work." When Mr. Sharp came over the road a rveek ago the survey camp wa on the north side of Crooked river a short distance beyond thr Forest bridge. Yesterday the amp was just south of I'orcst and the men were evidently making a vcr careful examination of the rou out of the Crocked river bottom They were calculating the extent of grades, cuts, fills and borrows with so much care that it is evident their work is to be the basis oi actual construction. They seemed to be folfowtug the old line of the Columbia Southern Extension, but whether a detour to accommodate the new town of Redmond wul be made cannot yet be ascertained I, such detour is. made it will neccssi tate entire relocation of several miles of the line. If it is not made and the old line is followed to Bend the survey party ought to be hen .in about a week. General Manager O'Brien, of the Harrimau northwestern lines, this week gave out the statement that 4,160,000 had been set aside fir building new lines in Oregon in 1905-6, though he could not say just where this construction would take place. Some have assigned that it meant the construction 0' the Natron-Ontario line. Mr O'Brien figurcs'that the Harriman lines will spend $34,000,000 in rail road construction aud betterments in Oregon in the coming year He gives details for all but the $4,160 000 to be devoted to construction ot new lines not yet named. Settlers on Ditch Lands. KKUUOND. Or., Nov. 7. Below u 11 partial list of settlers who are now v'.i , their binds biortking ground preparatory : to putting in sprint; crop: b. O. Kuudlett, from Salem, Or N i SHl-4. eec. 27, 14-13. Ii. M. Uuy, from I'rinovillc, Or ,S u btf.t-1, 14-13. John Tuck, from Salem, Or , s 1 , bvi-4. nee. J. IS-I3. j V. 11. Woods, from Satan. Or hi ? W. J. Stitrdevuu, ham lilt dU Wath.. Si-aNWiM, S00.35, 14-1 Mutei Kulckch, from St. Pctersbtiri! Ruia. NW1-4. NW1-4. Sec. v is amll SWi-iSWW. Sec. -u, 14.11. I K. II. .Miller, from Cline l'nlls. Or .1 SK1.4 Ml 14. Sec. 8. 15-13. J. v. Ilatniler. Ironi Ciine rails, Or ,1 bWI-4 NWI-4. bee, 9. 15-13. G. G. Grove, from Spanaivay. Wash. ,4 V-I.. "..! C ... ... I I'. Forest, from Priuoville, Or , SHl (I MSi-4, bee. 35, 14-13. Sheridan Srottfc, from l'riuexille Or NWi-4 MJi-4, 14-13. J. A. Wediu. from Valley City, Nortl j Dakota, Ki-a NVt-4, Sec. 24, 14-13, J Milo Covert, front the Province til Alberta, Canada, SVi-4,SHi-4, Sec 51 West I'tigh, front Seattle, Wash , W 1-4 MJI-4. W. Ii. Lamb, from Coeur D'Alciirl Idaho, SWi-4 SW1-4. Sec. 8. 15-13. J. V. Slattghter, from Portland, OrJ Si-a NWi-4, Sec. 3, 15-13. I The Columbia Southern Irriini tiou Company shut down all its ii ritrauon work Wednesday nnl turued the water out of its ditchc for the season. The Arnold irrigation flume lid been completed and conveys wat to a point about a mile aud a ha oeiow tue neaaworks. Tne rl mainder of the work will simply n tt. 1.! r it.- ,ii.i. it. jj lUS uiun.ltlj Ul vuc uircu tmuun the laud.