The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 03, 1905, Image 8

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    Thp Tnmifp nf RFWn
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Oi the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook
County, Oregon.
Center of the new Irrigation Development covering
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Department of the Interior.
Laud Office, The Ialtc, Oregon.
October I 1905.
Notice it hereby given that Iht WUjwIhk
livncrt Kltierha. filed notice oflilt lnteiitlun tn
make filial proof III aupport of hl ctaiin. ami
thataaid proof will be made before J. M. Law
rrncc. I' 6. CoinmlMioner. at hi omc in Ilcnd.
Oregon, on November . lyoj. via.
Vranci. M. George,
bfcline I'alU, Oregon, II- K. No. I iw. fur the
ktnwi inilwHiurK, KC 15. M nKK.
fc. . tp 1 J , r u e, w m.
He namea the following witneueata prove hi
continuoua reldeucc upon and cultiratfcm ot land. Tii.
Jame Meredith, of Cllne Fall, Orefot). and
Jce C llcurge, of LatdUw. Oregon,
omr MICIIAKI. T.NOLAN. Uegteler.
Department of the Interior,
Laud Office, Lakcview, Oregon,
Octoler 6, l&aj.
S'otlce i hereby given tliat the Mowing
liamed ettler ha filed notice of hi intention to
make final prool iu uport of hi ctaiin. and
thatuid proof will be made before the UecUter
and Receiver, at Lakcrlew, Oregon, on the 4th
day of December, lyo, via-
John Young,
II 1' No. ns, for the aetfnejf , andnHUaiMi
r!,eH,ec 11, tp ?j , r 9 e, w in.
lie name the following witne to prove liU
continuoua rc.mciicc upon auo cumiiiiioii 01
and land. vli.
William O. Mayfield. John Taylor. John N.
M j.tou, Itaac K. Young, all of Rmtaud, Oreguii.
ok U34 J. N. WATSON. Kegiiler.
Dipartmcut of the Interior,
Laud Office, Lakcview, Oregon.
October 6, 190&.
Notice I hereby given that the following
liamed aetttcr ha file I notice of III Intention to
make final proof in aupport of hi claim, ami
tnat ald proof will be made before the KeuUtcr
a. ul Kccci'cr, at Lakcview, Oregon, on Hie 4th
day of leceiiiber, lus, vis:
laaac K. Young,
II K. No, 74, for the uetf.KC u, tp c.
w m.
lie namtthe following witneaae topiochl
coutiuuou rnldcncc upon and cultivation of
aid laud, viz:
William O. Mayfield, John Taylor, John N.
Motoii and John Young, all of Holland, Oregon.
um-1134 ). N. WATSON. Kegiter.
Timber Land, Act Juuc 3, 1878.
V. S, Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
Auguit io, 1905.
Notice I hereby given that Iu compliance with
the provision ofthe Act of Cuiigrca of June f
l7i entitled, "An act for thcaaleol timber laud
In the atatca of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wathlngtou Territory," a cateuded to all the
public land tatea by Act of Auguat 4, 8yi,
Chartc K. 1'ricc,
of Moutavilla, county of Multnomah, atatc of
Oregon, ha lhu day filed In Ihi office hi aworu
tatement No. 3671, for the purchase ofthe wj,
sec 36, tp 19 a, r 11 c, w 111,
Aud will urfel proof to (how that the laud
ought i wore valuable fur It timber or a tout
llinu for niirlculturul purpose, aud to
etabll)i hi claim to said laud before I. M.
Iitvrcuce I' K, Commissioner, at In ollice Iu
lleud, Oregon, on the 4lh day of December, 1905.
Ilcuameaaa wltnesaest Michael J. Morrison
aud Frederick M. Lobdell.bolh of Ilcnd, Oregon;
T. L. Kke, of rortland, Oregon, and Maine I'rice,
of Montavilla, Oregon,
Any and all person claiming adversely
the above-described land arc requested to
file thrlr claiiut In this office oil or before the said
it! luy of Dvceiub.-r, ly-ij.
SH)-U HX3WLL X. HQUAtt, KcciiUr
Timber find. Act June J, 1S7S.
V. S. Land Office, The D&llcs, Oregou,
August it, 190. '
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the provWious ofthe Act of Congress of June J.
t7S, entitled. "Ah act fr the Mleof tlmUrlsn.l.
In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
public land states by Act of Auguit 4, 191.
John H. Winter,
of Tumato. county of Crook, state of Oregou. hat
this day filed in this oincc his sworn statement
N. 37t. lor the purchase of the seSfseJJ of sec
ji, tp is, r 11 e, w m.
Ami will offer proof to straw tltat the land
sovght U nore valuable for Its timber or stone
lhH for agriCHltnral pnrtiovHi, and to eMabtUh
bUdalm tosatd land lrfore J M Lawrence. I'.
m. CommlMkHier. at his office Iu lleud, Oregon,
oh the loth day of December, iy
He names a witnesMrs TUoTwald A. Jensen.
I. Willi. m Inker, Lemuel G. Itoone. and CharU
L. Wlmer. all of 'fuma to, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aliuve described la ml are requested to file their
claim iu this office on or before said 16th day of
Deeeinber. 190c.
oiiM MICHAHL T. NOLAN. Keglstcr.
-1 1
Timber Laud, Act June J, 187S,
.0. fi. Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon,
Scptemlwr it, 190),
Notice is hereby giren that Incompliance with
lite provision of the Act of Congress of June,
laTCf, entitled. "An act fur the saleof timber lands
iu the states ul California. Oregou, Nevada, ami
WashlugUm Territory," as extended to all the
publicum! state by Act of August 4, 1893,
Homer A. Hoggcss,
of Ilcnd, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has
this day filed Iu till office hi sworn statement
No. XM. for the purchase ofthe iiHw!,sec,
nHetf.ofec4. t r loe, w in.
And will offer proof to show that the
laud sought I more valuable for It timber or
stone than for agricultural purpose, and to es
tablish hi ctaiin to said laud liefure J. M.
Lawrence, l. H. Commissioner, at 111 office in
lleud, Oregou, on the 16th day of December,
llenameaa witnee Michael J. Morrison,
John Won, Joseph N Hunter aud Klia V.
Amnions, all of lleud, Oregon.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to file their
claims Iu this office on or before the said IHh
lay of December, 190J.
oij-dS MICIIAl'.L T. NOLAN, Keglstcr.
Timber Laud, Act June 3. (SjS.
U. 8. Mud Office, The Dalle, Oregon
September 18, 1905.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provision of I lie Act of Congress of June 1,
1)178, entitled, "An act for the sale of timber lauds
In the states of California, Oregou, Nevada, and
Washington Tirrllory,'" a extended to all the
public land states by Act of August 4, 1893,
Ituyd L. Lobdcll,
of Ilcnd, county of Crook, state of Oregon, ha
tills day filed in thl office hi iworn statement
No. 3691, for the purchase of the sjse!, tec io,
and wjiswjf ofsec II, lp 18, no e, win.
Aud will offer proof to show that the
land nought I more valuable fur it timber or
stone than lor aurlvuliurul purposes, aud to
e.tabtish his claim to said laud Ik fore J.
M. Lawrence, U. . Commissioner, at his office In
lleud, Oregon, on the IJtli day of December, 1903.
He names a witnesses: I'rcd M. Lobdcll,
Henry W. Heed, John titeldt and Henry Tweet,
all of IJend, Oregon,
Any and all person claiming adversely
the above described laud are requested to file
their claims Iu this officeou or before the said ijlh
nay 01 iK.-tmuvr, 1905.
eij-dt MICHAEL T. NOLAN, KtgUlcr,
Timber Land, Act of Juuc 3, 1878,
V. K, Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
August 14, 190).
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with
provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June
le Act orConrret of June t.
J, entitled "An act for the tale of timber lands
111 the state of California. Oretruu. Nevada ami
Washington Territory," a extended to all the
public land stale by act of August 4, 191,
George A. K. Simpson,
of Power, county of M. Louis, stateof Minne
sota, has this day filed iu this office his sworn
statement No 3014. for the pofchaseef the Hwlf.
of sec 31, t p 18 s, r 13 e. w m.
And will offer proof ta show that the
land sought is more valuable fur Its Umber or
tone than fat agricultural pnrnsr, ami
establish hi claim to said laud lfire J M
Lawrence. I' H. Commissioner, at III ofbee la
Ilcnd. Oregon, oil the 14th. lUyof December. 194
He name a wltue-sse. John I',. Kyan, IHn K.
Hmlth. John McCormlck aud Hugh O'Kane. alt
of bend Oregon.
Any aud all uersons cUimllir adversely the
abotc-descrihed lauds ale requested to file their
claims iu this office on or Ik fore the said 14th
day 01 December. Ktn.
oij-dS MICIIAiU, T
NOLAN, Kegister.
Timber Land, Act June j, 1878,
U. H. Mud Office, Ijkevlcw, Oregon,
Keplemlr 33, lyij.
Notice i hereby glicu that In eompliance with
the provision of the act of Congress of Jmtei.
nvjs), entitletl "An act for the sale of tlwlr Ismfs
Iu the state of California, Oregon. Nevada, ami
Washington Territory," a extended to all the
public laud (late by act uf August 4, 1891,
George A. Wells,
of Parker, county id Polk, stale ol Orrgon. has
thl day filed In thl ofnee hi sworn statement
No 1631, for the purchase of the cHseK. sec 37
and w!tw) of sec 36, tp 31 s, r 11 e, w in
And will offer uroof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone
than fur agricultural purposes, aud to establish
his claim to suid laud liefure J.J.Muilh. clerk of
grout county, wrciou, at Ills oiucv. at rrlucvtlle,
Oregon, 011 1'rlday, the 3JuU day of December,
He names s witnesses. Henderson W. Mur
phy, of Independence, Oregon, I'rauk 1' Ground
and Comodore I', Wells, both of Parker, Oregon,
audharah I'. Wells, of Halsey. Oregou.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above-described land are requested to file their
claim In thl office on or before said Jiiid day
of December, 190J.
J. N. WATKON, Kegister,
Timlier Mud, Act of June 3, 1878,
17. S. Laud O fficc, The Dalles , Oregon,
October ij, 19,5,
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the provision ol the Act of Congress of June 1,
1178, entitled "An act fur the sale oftimber land.
In Ihe state of California, Oregon, Nevadr.. and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
public laud state by act of August 4, 1893,
Charlc A, titauburraugh,
ofllend, county of Crook, state of Oregon, ha
ifiis us mru in 1111 unite 111s sworn staieinciit
No. 1344, for Ihe purchase or the u)inwif, 11 w);
nejf, sec 3J, ami wfwf, sec 34, tp 17 s, r 11 e,
w ui,
And will ofTir proof to show that the laud
sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone
thau for agricultural purposes, aud tu establish
hi claim to said laud before . M. Lawrence, L'
H. Commissioner, at his office at Ueud, Oregon
ou Ihe 38th day of December, I yj.
He name a witnesses: John ,1, West and
Ovid W. H. Riley, both of IJend, Oregon,
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this uffkc on or before tuld 3MI1 dav ul
ljW.Viiibr. io..
1 037-UI3 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Kegister,
Timber Laud, Act June J, 187V
V. H. Land Ollice, The Dalle, Oiegon.
March, 11 1905.
Notice i hereby given that Iu compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress uf June 1,
187& entitled, "An act for the saleef llruhcr Itni.i
In the stair of California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory." a cttended to all the
public land ttate by Act of August 4, 1893,
Arthur II Allen,
of 8snd,lnt. county of Lewis, slate of Idaho, has
this day filed In this ofmv his swftrn statement
No. iv, fur the of the ne) of sec 33
tp IJ. rioc, wm
And will offer proof to show that the land
Mught is more valuable for Its timber or Hone
than for agricultural mrnne, ami to establish
hi claim to Mid land before IheKcglstcr aud
Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregou, 011 the 1st day
ol Deccinlr, lJ.
Henamca.wiluccs Ilyroii Johnston. Wm
J. Davis, ami Charles I'. Dale, all uf Kami
point, Idaho, aud MUhacl O'Connor, f The
Dulles, titegon.
Any and alt person claiming adversely ll
above-described lands are reriiesteI ta file their
claims In Ibis office 011 or before the J 1st
day of Dctcmlicr, I9"J
srydl MICHAKL. T. NOLAN, Keglt(er.
Timber Mud, Act Juuc 3, 1878.
Mud Office, The Ihitles, Oregon,
July 18, 190,.
Notice is hereby giren that in compliance with
the provision of the Act of Congress of June J,
tSys, entitled, "An act fur the sale uf Umber lands
in the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, aud
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
public laud state by Act of August 4, 1S93.
May Ilelle Kcel.
of Ilcnd, county of Crook, stslc of Oregon, has
llll nay Dlcu III nil oincc ner sworn statement
No. XAi, for the purchase of the 11WJ4 of sec JJ.
Ip 14 s. r loe, w 111.
And will offer proof to show that the laud
sought I more valuable for Its timber or stone
than fur agricultural purpose, and to establish
her claim lould laud befurc J. M. Mwreuce,
V. H, Commissioner, at his olnce In Ilcnd.
Oregou, 011 the jotli day of December, 1903,
Hue name a witnesses: John Hlcldl, I. J
Heed. V. K. Wagner, C. J. Coltor. and I'rank
Oreuft, all of tte nd, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds arc requested to file their
claim in thl office oil or bcfoie taldtothday
of December, lJ,
odlj MICHAHL T. NOLAN, Kcglittr.
Timber Mud, Act June j, 187S.
U. H, Mud Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
July ij, iV'J.
Notice I hereby given that in compliance with
Ihe provision ofthe Act of Congress of June j,
178, 'entitled "An act fur Ihe aaleof timber lauds
In the ttate of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory ," a extended to all the
publlcland state by Act of August 4, I89,
Walter A, Gordon,
of Ilcnd, county of Crook, state of Oregon, ha
tnl day liieu 111 mi oincc in sworn sisieiucni
No, 3648, for the purchase ofthe netf of sec H,
tM9, r 10 e, win,
And will offer proof In show that the laud
u.m.tii Is more valuable fur it timber or sloue
llian ror agricultural purpose, aud toCslabllsri'
his claim fu saul laud liefure J. M. Lawrence,
V rbCoiniulMlouer, at hi office a Ilcnd, Ore
goo, 011 Tuesday, Ike 14th day ol November, i(oj
He name a witnesses! Joseph N. Hunter,
John Hlos, William II. Hrock, Theodore Auue
ami Anton Auue, all ofllend, Oregou,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described land arc requested fd flle.lhelr
claim hi this office on or before the said uthduy
of .NovtinWr, ly4.
jsi-uj MIClfAliL'f, NOLAN, KegisUi'.
4 J
ii mim 'mm' " !"""
t J i S
H M f t 7
a v e: ,
I. ' 1 t 1
t IS.
' J S i
t H t t 9 7
' J f
n i " t t 7
A V C.
! J
Tlmlwr Mud, Art June J, tj,
U. H, Mnd Office, The Dalle, Oirgun,
July to, i?j.
Notice I hereby glveu that In compliance with
the proviiUiu of the Aft of Congress of June J,
187a, entitled. "All act for the ssle of lliiilwr Isnd.
In Ihe states of California, llregou. Nevada, and
WashlngtmiTeriilury," as eslrndnt In all Ihe
public land state by Act of August 4, 19.
Sadie A. Lucas,
ofllend, county of Crmk, slate of Oregon, hat
this day filed Iu this office her swum statement
No. 3643. for the purchase ofthe nr)( of s 33. Ip
34 , r ne, win.
And will offer proof t thuw that Hit land
sought Is more vaiuslrfe fur lis lmlr or static
than foragrieullural imrsMea, and In establish
her els 1 111 toMktlam! liefore J M Mwreuce,
I H. Commissioner, at his nffiee in He ml. Ore
gou, on Tuesday, the ulhdsy of November 1903
rtlie names a witnesses Albert C Lueus,
Joseph N Hunter, John lllost and Hugh O Kane,
all of lleud, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adveisely the
slovc-dtscrllil Uiuls aic requesteiflo file IhHr
claims iu thl affiev 011 or hemic the said 14th
lay of November, 19x5.
sinj MICIIAKI, T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June J, 1878
V. rl. Mnd Office, The Dalle, Oregon.
August la, 1903.
Notice I hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions ouhe act ofioiigrcs of June
J, lT. entitle "All act for the Mle of llmlier
lamls in the slate of Califurula, Oregon. Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public laud stales by act of August 4, 193.
l'ranres M McDonald,
of llend, county of Crook, slate of Oregon, ha
this day filed In this office her sworn statement
No. 3071, for the puichaseuf the tw, tec 11, tp
30 a, r IJ c, w 111
Aud will offer proof to show that the laud
sought I more valuable for It llmlier or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to said land lie fore J. 31. Mwreuce
I' H, Commissioner; at his office III lleud, Ore
gou, oil the 13th day or December, 1903.
blie namea as witnesses Joseph N. Hunler,
Kmma St. lirdmail. Isiur I), lloueynisii ami
iicrucrr r. j iciouui, an 01 iiemi iiieguu.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abovc-dcscrllicd laudsarc requested tu Ale thell
claim In thl office on or before the Mid 13th day
of December, 1903,
Timber Mud, Act of June j, 1878,
D. H. Land Office, Lakcview, Oregon,
Kcplembcr 3, 190J.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance wlh
the provisions-of ihe act of Cmigies uf June 1,
1878, eutltlnl 'V811 act for Ihe sale of timber lauds
In the stales of California Oregon, Nevada nnd
Washington territory," a extended to all the
public laud stales by act of August 4, 1893,
I'rauk V. Ground,
of Parker, county. of Polk, slate of Oregon, ha
thl day filed In tnl office hi sworn statement
No'. 1A33, for (Tie purchase of trie nwoftec
p, i), si ., ie, w 111,
And will offer prool to thou llist Hie Inml
nought I more yaliithte for it llmbes' or
stone than for agrlcilturul pu'rwse, aud to
.Utllri hlsclalinftosalillsiid before j. J hmlth,
ClerK ofCruok Cviinty. Urceon. at hi oflier at
fruvllle,,oregoirl art rndayiricaiuil day of
Hcnauiesa' vVUiu'mcsi Hciidcrtoii W, II ur
phy, ul ludcpendeuce. Oregon; George A. Well
and Comodorc I'. Well, both of Parker, Oregon,
andtiarahH. Well,oflfalsey,Ofegon, '
Any aud all tieriioiisctaliiilri'r diversely my of
(he alsivr lauds nre requesfed Io file their claim
In thl office 011 or lie fore the ald' 3311II day uf
December, 190J.
olj-dlj, J. N. U'ATHON, Register
At Gateway to
the Great
Town has Grown
nlmosl entirely in the pnst yenr. the post
" office ilntinc only from April 8, iyc.
Heiul has excellent public schools'
nnd complete public wnter works.
The Pilot Butte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
TlmUr Mud, Act June J. 17.
V H. Land Offttc. Mkrvirw, Oreguii.
KrplcmUr 3, IV.
Notice iahrtthy given that InctmitdsanH Willi
lhririHislnnsBllhe act of CstHgrewa wfluiir 1.
IJ. enlllleil "All aft M Ihe ssle f limber UmU
IlltliestslrsofCallfctiils, OtrgsHi, Neyad. ami
WihlngloH Tetrilury," a exttwUsI to ailthr
puMlclsli.l stales by art orAugHst 4, r8fi. ,
Cumadarc I' Wells,
?.f,,'".rk,r,.TM,'.of ' Orlw. ha
this ilay filed It this sHflc his sworn sUtswenl
No. i4 for Ihe purchase of the Me If uf ,H a.
Ipil s. r 11 e. w m
And t.111 offer urwuf la sttaw that the Uml
tsMighl Is mae vamabte for Its limber arstoste
hlsrttlm to Md Uud Uftne jal. tmiilh. Clerk of
traok ctMiHty. Oregon, at hi. oflier . at Ifluesille.
Orrgon. on f'tlday. the uh4 lUy ef Dewmber.
lleiiamMas wittiest llruderwHi W. Mur
phy,orimleiidn. Oregon. Ofoige A. Wells
am Plank I'.-riraiind.lsjlfi f IMrk.r. Oirgun.
and harsh I'. Wells, of Halsey. Oiegau.
Any ami all er.m. ciaimlHg adversely Ihe
alsHeMfsMlbf.1 lands sic rmuesltd ta file their
clalma in this olfiee an ur before mM imI ilaj at
December, 19a.
"a'J J. N. WATHON. Prgl.ter.
TlmUr Mml, Act June j, i8.
U. H. Mud Ofllcs), MLrview, Orrgon.
August 33, 1'tt,
-.bVi,.lifc ' '"'hr kJ",'' lt U eHii4ii
Ule Vr,r? f CallfrtrHU. tigtw. Xavada aud
WaslilngtMnTerrltary, a ..Ismlnl u 'all the
t.u die bind stale, by set of August 4, ,ti, he
follow ng persons have thl .Uy Ales ,, ',ii
office their worn slateinvuta, to'dll.
lilinlra Kuglc,
ornlUerLakccouiityofLake, title ofOlegou
tworiittateiueiit No 3y78, for the jHiielwJeo
the te(, tec 17, Ip 3 1, r 11 e, w in.
Aitnltitnii II l,....l
of hllver Lake, enmity or Mke. state of Oreiiuu
sworn statement No 9js, far Ihe purchase ii
the iiwKnwK . sec 31. ami n.HeJf,awliiejf, sec
3o,tp33, rue. w 111. "' ''V'-Tl
That they will ofirr prmif to show that ,c
laud sought it more valuable for lit timber ur
ttonc than for ogrlcuIluralpiiriH,w,ud In estab
lish their claim Io said laud Wore George T.
Ita dwln. County Judge, at hi office at Klamath
Vall. Oregon, 011 haitirday, the nth .lay ul
Noveiulier, 1903, '
Anyamt all iieroii claiming adversely Hie
bIkjmm escrlbeifland are requested l0 file their
claims 11 tills office 011 or before Mid nth day if
November, 1903,
'" C. V. rlNIDKK, Herelrrr.
Department of the Interior.
U. H. Mud Office, The Dalles, Oiegon,
, Heplemlicr 37, 1903.
Notice I hereliy given that the followlng-
iiaiHedettlerhallleTliiullce ofhls Intention In
make final proof In ..ippotl.or hi claim, uud
that ajild pruor will be imidc before J. M. law'
reuce, U. K, C01 bulimcr, nt hi office In lleud
Oregon, 011 November 30, 1903, vli:
Kdward White,
of Tuinslo, Oregon. 011 II. I. No. 8346. fur the
7lt,Y,"cw6uuwii"tU "'."' "'''.ip
He name the followliig witnesses to prove
saldaiid'T" r"lU,:"ce "I10" a,ui ciillliutluii of
William riurkhart, Marlon Phillips, Jamet D.
oe"ii."" ,'co,,ore ' ,',,i U ufplsUrs,
JIlCUAiSVr, NOLAN, KciiUter.
They nauie a wlliir.sei Hainuel Lester,
pliu ft Kngle, I. J. Hlilpmaiiaii.l Hlmlr ngle,
J Wlw " fH"" ll"Kh Johnson J,
Mitt Vouiig. of Holland, Oregon, and Velvet H
Hyde, of Prncvlllc, orrgon. ' '"