The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 27, 1905, Image 8

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The Townsife
SLgr WV aW iv
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Icprtmcnt of the Interior.
Laud Office, The IaU, Ofaa,
Oetoberi iA
Not tee i herein- riven tkal the fottonlnt
n.itil Kttler h filed notice uf MHtUu to
iiakc Hual proof tn wpfiutt ot his daiw, w4
tqst -nJ prool will he maie hciuet J M. (u
,co t o CoinmtkMwr. at hi oc- lu bead.
Oregon on November so. if. via,
hrancte t. Oeerf.
c. me I all Oregon, II. It No. IJSP. for the
c. ,tu', unj wMw)f tc 15, aiMiiwKawrK-
E . Ip:jvill(,,
I' o itiif the foUowin wiuieonao aejre hl
1 u,,ui retKlencc upon and viUali of
r tl't (j
3 titr Meredith, of CI i tie falU. CVrc(oa. and
' . i.c.rge, of Ialdlaw. Oregon.
u M1CMAKL T NOIMN. Keiatar
Dcpartmcatoftac Interior,
Land 0ce. LaktM', Oragea.
October, if5.
,t ' ' hereby a-ivea tint Ike Mowing
, -1 1 KUlrr iaUd naiioe ofhiaiaMnUoa to
r zb. final nrool 1h apift of hi ataiat. and
I 3?iaid riruuf will kt made beiore Ot Knitter
antK 'tiur at LaLaview, Urraon, on the 4th
t'jy or December iaa$, viz-
Joha VotiHf,
I' I V ::s for the nctf aeK. and hMmK aad
wboi'i ixc ii, l i, rfe. w at.
lie name, the IbtlvwiHK witoewae to nrova hi
c ,t'iiu,'u reMdeace apon and enUrniUoo of
-I 13UI 1K
V ! i,1ni
M.yieid. John Tajrtnr. John N.
K ouag all of KoahuM, Oregon.
M si jil Itac K
I J WATaOX. Kcgialcr.
Irpartment of the Interior,
I.' nd omcc, iJikovicHr, Oregon.
October., too,
t it hrrrbv given that the following
11 . 1 acttr. r ha fled notice of hi iabrnUan to
k. 1, ,..1 ,vhM iu Mipport of nl claim, and
t '. -' I irix,f will be made before the Kaylatei
u He cr at Laktview, Oregon, an Mm U.
c yi'Dnrmlcr iws.'via ,
Imioc K. Yonag.
HI - 1 4 for the 14, lUi,r9 e.
i' iniu
h the fullowiHg wMmtwmm to wove hi
rrvrjence upon aud eulti vmtioa of
r r nuu iu
1 J taut vix
Wi'liaiu f MayfieW. John Taylor. Johu X
Wtbton and John Vowig.all ofKorud, Oregon.
J. J. WATsjn. KtgUter.
Timber Laud, Art Jn'ue j, jsjg.
V S. Land 0ke, Tat i.Ue, Oregon,
August 10, igoi,
Kotlce U hereby ulrc"., ih.i 1,1 romniiuir win.
the proslaloiii oflhe ,ct of 4iiKrcu oCjune 3,
rt entitled. 'An a t for the aalSol lUilxir UniT
Waatitugtou Terrl tory," a exteudnt to alt the
luUic land tatr by Act of Aw$t.4, 169J,
Charles l Puce,
ofMoiitavilla, couuty of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has tlil day filed tu thi office hi .worn
tiltuicut Wo, s7j, for the pitrchate of the w,
acC 5. U' 19 a, r ijcwu, '
Aud will odci proof to show that the laud
sought is more valuable for lis timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim, to said laud before I M.
Vend, Orrgou.on the 14th day of December, j-jag.
lie umnea t witnesses Michael J. Mnrri&ou.
and Frederick M LoUJcIl, hot Ji of.IletK, Oneg,'a ,
T 1 Kice.of'prtlaud, Orci(uu,An4MiiiR.ince ,
of MouLavllla, Oregon.
Any and all pwspw. claiming, ttdhtescJ y
the above-described lauds arc rr.qjxsud to
JUe tluir claims Ju 4UI4 pfAseou pxbtlutc Cut s j
lUUdajf.o.Uccamber, 190
a mm t - I
J I 'HI ' s . I I
f yJ
V Y XX v ) .Vvs I I I 1,1,1 I I I I I I I I I I I I
nS-- " ,11 A 1 -X A VA -S "-
x x xX. x .pV X xxx x vx rl s
X xxx XX X -X o " "
TtoberlJind, Act June J, I7,
U. S. IjihI OSke. The IMllee, Orev.
AugiMt li. 194.
Notice i herebt- RlreB that lu comnUaiKr with
the jkotU4o4.. oTthe Act of CoucreM or hme j,
i7, entitled, "An act ibr the kaUrtitrTUiiC
lu the ttale pf Catifurnw. Oregon. Mcmh.
WahtutoN Territory." tu extendeU to all the
public land Mate br Aet of AUpu4 , M9),
Joha H. Winter,
ofTamaU. countr of Crook. Mate f treoii, ha.
Oiidaralcdiuihbc4fece hi. hvuen irtateweut
No. 7i. far the parcbaK of tVc kj(hK f
ji iBiHrnr.wm
And wilt offer proof to Wr that tber laud
ought U more valuable fur tta Umber or .loot
L??".f?rfT'n,',"r, Ifuronwo, and to eMabbah
hfat claim to Mid UndVfOMr J. if. Lawrence. I".
ComuMMoaer, at bia oaVa In Head, Oregon,
ou the tth day of December, iv5.
'. l,S? mJt waa. Thurwald A. Jeaea.
i i?"- BlkwJi,w, - anjon. and Charlea
I. Winter, all of Tuntalo. Oregon.
Any and all bernuM cUlminc adversely the
acdebedlanaaarcteaucMedto file thetr
cUlta In Uiia osniar on or UrnVe uM tih day of
o4a ' IrCKAltt. T. XOI.AX. KegtMer
Ttmr Land, Act June j. iyj.
U. U. L4VMt 0c. The Dalle. Oragon,
ptamb rr 1. if.
!!Sp,Tj50y " te Act of Omgrca of Jan i.
frr ratlliiilf li if ,1 .villUuC
Ul the Mate r California. Ore.. Nevada, aad
"'",' T'rritory. a e; teudad to all lb
loiw ia vi auten by Aet of t uguM 4, tap,
H oilier A. nog-gees,
ofnenct, coaaty of Crook, a'tate of Oregon, baa
tntsdav filed la lbUoaVr.i sworn statement
No riti. lor the purennfe .of the uliK, t J,
n Km'K . of sec 4. P a, r -10 e, w m
And wilt ooVr proof to show that the
"tad ou-bt 1 mure m .uablc for it limber or
fjMt than for agricnltu purpoMS. aad to -labtlsh
hi ctotm to f ud land before J. M
Lawrence. I K. Co iu umlouer. at aleoMceln
Mend, Oregon, h tar 16th day of Dtcrabcf,
iyo. '
He name a wita mcs Michael J. Merriuou,
Joha Mewv Jtna-pf N Hunter and KUm V.
Awhum, of ttrx id, uregou,
Aay tuvi all ut ron claiming dvreiy the
atom macriiW V nd re - -- to 11 thcir
aint.iH tttM 0 uce oh or beiore lb said loth
day otTDettuit'' , 190
lOy-nl Ml'JHAKL T. NOLAN, KegMer.
Tlnilver Lswd, Act June j, IW.
It. S. I And OfSce. The Dalles, Oregon
heptember 18, iyj.
Notlcf is hecby given tlwt In compliance with
i the prov Lion 1 ofthe Act of Congress of June 3,
ib;8, till Hledk "An act fur the sale of timber Uiku
m the t iate of CaliloruU, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waslil igtou. Territory." as cxteiidcd to all the
public laud atate by Act of August 4. l9,
l'loyd L Lobdell,
of II end, county of Crook, state of Oregon, ha
thlf day filed in this office lilt sworn statement
No J694 .for the purchase of the t'AM, sec 10,
up a ry,wi( of sec II, tp 18 s, r 10 e, w 111.
I And will oflcr proof to show that the
'.and fought I more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
eUb,Uh his claim to said laud before J.
ai. i awreuce, u. d i.uiuiiii..iunc,,b iiiwii.vci..
Hem , Oregon, ou the 13th day of December, iy3.
II t names as witnesses, l'rcd M. Lobdell,
lie ry W tteed, Johu Bteidl ami Henry Tweet,
all oflicud, Oregon.
-iny and all persons claiming adversely
llraboc described lauds are requested to file
tljclr claim in this office ou or before the said 13th
"fay of December, loJ.
013-dl M1CHAKLT. NOLAN, Register.
Timlrr LaiHl Actof June J, IJ.
V. s. Land Office, The IHIIe.. Oregon,
Augmt 14, iy5.
Notice U hereby gieen that in complutHec with
tb- proeitm ofthe Act of Congreaa of June y
T. entitled "An act forth Mte of timber btnd
n the Mat of (.Blifornia, f tregon. Neradu and
Waahiugtou Territory." attended to alt the
public land atate by act of Angut 4, !,
Ocorge A. K. btiupuN,
of rower, county of M. tutK atate of Minn
Mjta, ha thi day tied ia IhU oik hi wom
Utcmeut No n)-, fortbe purchac of the nwjf,
of c j. tp ika.r lie. w m.
Aad will ufler proof to bow that the
land nought i more valuable fur lU tluibrr or
Moue thaa tr agricultural purpuuci, aad
eatabllah hi claim to muI btnd before J M
Ijiwrrui-e, V a Commianoncr, at hi oinc ia
Mend. Oregon, oa the 14th, day of December, loo
Me name a wituea.e John K. Kyan. Dan K.
Ilunitb. Joha McCormick and Hugh O'Kane, all
of Hand Oregon
Aay and all peron claiming adversely the
abova-deacrtbed land ai reujucated to ahr their
ctaima la tnia onVce on or before the Mid 14U1
bony of December, toga.
fnttU MiCilAKI.
T. orwN. Kegiater.
Timber Uud. Act June J. l7.
V. . Itnd Oner, ILetviow, Oregon,
tMtptsmbar aj, 1905
Meabai i acrebv uivca that lu oomnHaacc with
lac provision of the act of Cong row of Jan y
la ratltlMl "Sa rt for IK eulc nf limhrr laud
F la tn state ui waniuram, uregou, nevuoa, aao
Waahiugtou Terniury," a cstenoea 10 au tae
public laud Mate by act of AagnM 1, i9.
Ovorg A. Wells,
of Parker, county ol folk, latol trgoa, ha
thi day Died iu thi oroce hi swurn Mate went
No. l)i, for the pun-haae of the cHK. r.
and wMvK of ec jo, tp ji , r 111, w m.
And will oar proof to show that the laud
nought I inure valuable for tt timber or atone
than fur agricultural purpotc. and to etablieb
hi cUim to wild laud before J J amilh. cU-rk of
Crook county. Oregon, at hi omcc, at l'rinevfllr,
Orrgou.our'riilay, the ttttd day of IteorHtber,
lie name a witnesae HenderMU W Mur
phy, of ludep-udeuce, Oregon, I'rauk 1'. Crouud
and Coatodore I'. Wells, both of Parker, Orcgvu,
and aarah P. Well, of HaUey. Oregon.
Any and all person cisimiHg adrely the
aliuv doeribtl bind at rwiuoMed to Ale their
etalm in thi oOtcc on or before uaid asnd day
of Daesmber, lt-olj-dl
J. N. WATSON, Kcgliter.
Timber Land, Aet of June j, ikjt,
U, r. Land O fnee, The Dalles , Oregon,
October 13, 1943.
"Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions ol the Act of Cougre of June x,
1ST entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands
in the states of California, Oregon. Ncvadf. anil
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
public land states by act of Augu.t 4, ityi,
Charles A. Ktanburroiigh,
orilcinl, county ofCrook, state of Oregon, has
this day filett lu Oil office hi .worn statement
No. I.V44, for the purchase of the n!4nw, nw$
leasee 13, and swsw, sec 34, Ip 17 s, rile,
And will offer proof to show that the laud
sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said laud before ). M. Lawrence, U.
b Commissioner, at his office at Ilcud, Oregon,
011 the sbtlt day of December, 103,
lie iieuie as witnesses Johu I, West and
Orld W. II, Kilcy, both oflicud, Orcgou.
Any and all personi claiming adversely the
aliove-dcscrlbed lauds arc requested to file their
claims In thi office on or beiore said iSlli day of
Dcce mber, lM." r " '
o7-l MICHAKL T. NOLAN, KegUter.
On the Deschutes River in Western
County, Oregon
Center of the ticV Irrigation Development ebvering
Z j 4 S i 7
I t J S 7
. t4 a H u to 1 1
i i i t i i i f i i i i
' "
Tlmtier Laud, Act June i. Hit.
V. S. Land Ofllre, The iMlre. Oregon.
March, tt loaf.
Netlee h hereby given lhat In twmitnee with
the piovt4oa of the Act of Cougre. of June 1,
tare, entitled, "An act forth Mleuf timber ItMi
ia the stale of California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a eileHded to all the
jMtblk bind sUtes by Aet of August 4, ,
Arthur II. Alien,
of nttd point, county of Lewi, atate of Idaho, ha
thi day lied In thi oDtce hi sworn fttalenmtt
No ni. for the porch a of the of sec II
Ip ij . r e. w m
And will oner proof to show that the land
nought 1 more valuable for It timber or atone
thp fur aerieullnral muur. end to establish
hi claim to said land before thegegister
necetver, ax 1 ne imne iregpu, on in nay
ol December, 105.
'He name as witnesses Hyron Johnutou. Wm
J Davis, aud Caarhr I'. Dal, all of hand.
potat, Idaho, and Michael Ol'oonor. of The
JmUa, Ufcgon
Aay and all persons ctehnlng adetlr lh
above-deMribcd land are IcMUcsfcd to am Ihsir
claims in IhU often on or before the ttU it
day of D,mbeT, Ha).
T. NOLAN, Ktgtter.
Timber Mnd, Aet June J, tt.
Und 0u9, The Dalies, OregSHt,
July , !.
Notice I hereby given that ia cuioplutoee with
the provision of lb Act of Congrra of Jutfs 1,
i7, entitled, ' Au act for tacaaht of limber lands
ia the utof CallfofHM, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a esleuded to all the
public land state by Act of August 4, 19.
May Hell Heed
of Hend, couuty of Crook, Stat of Uregou, has
thUday Bled In thiaoMc her woru statcmrot
No Ait. (ot the purchase of the nwK oi sec it,
tp 10 s. r 10 e, w ui.
And will ofTer tn-nof to show that the land
sought i mora valuable for II. limber or ene
than IVir agricultural .urpoc, and to aslabltah
her claim to said laud before J II. IjiwreHc,
V a Cwwmitoier, at hi oaVc In llewl,
Otegon, on the Joth day f December, ies
Hhensute wilueosr John tHeldt, I. j
Kced, V. K. Wagner, C J. Coltor, ami l'rank
Orcutt, all of jseud, OrcgoM
Any and all person culmiug advriy the
alve-ilfill IndarereiH(l tu file their
ctelnts lu this oifiec 011 or before sid Mill nay
of December, iyS
ojshIij MICHAIILT. NOLAN, Kfgister.
Timber Mud, Aet June 3, ie;S,
U. H. Land Office, The Dalles, Orcgou,
July U, !!.
Nottee I hereliv Wvcu Hut In eoiimllanre wild
the provlsluiisurthc Act or Congress or June 3,
S8, entitled "Au act for the sale of timber laud
in the states of California, Orcgou, Nctaila. ami
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
public laud stales by Act of August 4, ify'i
Waller A. Cordon,
of lleuil, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has
thi day filrd In llil office hi aworu statement
No. jfctii, for the purchase of the nt4 of sec 13,
tp ij,r 10 e, w in.
And will offer proof lo show that the land
sought is more valuable for it Umber or stone
than for agricultural nuruoses. and laettabllth
hi claim lo said laud before J. M. Lawrence
v. n. commissioner, at 111s omce at iiciki, tire
gou, 011 Tuesday, tae 14th day ol November, 1903.
He name aa witnesses: Joseph N. Hunter,
lohn lllos. William II. llrock. Theodore Auue
uud Anton Auue, all of lleud, Oregon.
Anv and all tiersnns claluiliiK adversely the
ahote-descrlbed lands ore rrmieslcd tu file their
claims in this office on or before the jd 14th dsy
of November, ;tw ,
l-nj MICHA1SL T, NOLAN, Keglstcr. 1
-7 V t.
1 ' i iii-r'i i I
, K -) 4 s I
i n io i t 7
A V C.
I i J 4 S i
'H 't io f 7
M Tho
h AV E.
' , J S I
o t r 7
i z 4 a
it II f t 7
Timber Latt.1, Art Jutie3, it,
V. ft. Land ()e. The Dalles, Oregon,
July i, ton).
Notire I hereby given that In eawtpUanec wfth
m muvtiLMi. nrtae Act of Cuxet of inn 1.
I7, enwttsd. "An set for the l of timbrbin4
lu lite stale of California, iMogan. Nivaaa. and
Waskington TerrlUiey." a eitrnOsd to all the
wbtk land stale by Act of August 4. I
tudi A. Loom,
f Mend, county of Crook, state f (Megan, has
that day nw-d la IhU ofar Wr sworn statemral
No ai for the purchaw oflhe tteK o( sec 13. Ip
s, r its, wm
And wilt offi-r prnnf to show thai I he land
sought Is mnrr valuable for It Umber or stun
sought u mnrr vsluable lor It llml
than for agrwuimrsl purpose, aad
her rlalnt lu said land before J. M
I' a hi oMc la
gou, an Tuesday, the 14th day of Nw
10 esssDiisn
I' a hi oMc lu neud (tie-
gou, on Tuesday, the MtM day of Nombr iJ
he nma a wtlasi Arbeit C l.ueas.
Joseuh N Hunter, julsn Hlos and Hugh O'Kaa.
tlof llend, iiregon.
Any and all Jierwm eislmlug adversely the
sbukrtbsd Isuds are reontl to Urn their
claim in tM unVr on or lcfote the said itth
day of Rovswber, ibj.
Timber Land. Act June j. itra.
If. . Mud OnVw, The IssUc. Ofsgoti.
August ia, .
Noiie la hereby given lhat la eowtpifca
with lb proeiaiou oflhe set of vsmnetas or Jaw
fclT, rullllc "An act for lb sale of timber
d in the state of California, Oregon. Nevada
and Washington Territory," as iodd to all
lb public laud stale by act of August 4, ISyl
franc M McDonald,
of Mend, county of Crook, stst of Oregon, has
this day filed in this oinvc her sworn statement
No. SS71, for Ihe puichsseof IheswX.src 11, tp
to s. r ije!w m
And will o4fr proof to tlvow that the land
sought is more valuable for It timber or stouc
than iW agricultural purpu, uad to eataMlsh
her claim tu said land before J, M
1110 IMTIM 1.
l a Commisslonrr at bis omce iu
Hend, Ore
gou, oa the 1MB day ol iMccnttstr, IV.
Hhe name aa witnesses Joseph N. Iluutir,
Kiwmu 31. Krdmaii. Jsiues D lloneymau and
Hribeit I. J Mt Donald, all of Hend Oiegou
Any aud all uersotM claiming adversely the
sbovsdesctibsd undsaie teuusMasI tu At Ibeil
ebtlm In this omce on or befW the said iMhday
of De)Bilr, ly.
0131H 3IIUHAHL T. NOIwiN, liegioter
Timber Mud. Aet of June 3, isvl,
U. h. Laml Office, Mkview, Oiegun.
Keptcmlier ri, iiuj.
Notice la hereby given Dial in coinpllaiiic wllh
the pruvlaluiisof llieacl of Cougiess of June J,
1I7S, entitled "AM att for the sale of timber hmda
In the slates or California, Orrgou, Nevadu iiihI
Waalilngtoii territory." as extended-lo nil the
public Uud state by act of August 4, Ityl,
I'rnuk I1 Ground,
of ,1'arker, county of Pol It, state rif Oregon, lias
this day filrtl lu llil office hi sworn stslcnfeul
No. 1613, for the purchase of the nwlfofscc
38, tp an, r II c, wm
And will ofrer prool to show that the land
sought I) mure valuable for II IIuiIk-." or
stone thnii for agricultural puniose, and to
establish disclaim lo said land before J. J nuillh,
Clerk of Crook county, Oregon, at hi olfice at
I'rlurvillc, Orrgou, on l'riilay the mid day of
December, 1115
Hcnauirsa witnesses Henderson W. Mur
t.l.u ,,, f.t.l. ...... .. i... 4 .. . II, .1.
,...., w. ,... inline, ivc, 11, C(l, , l,n,,gv 4. t US
and Coinodorc I'. Wells, both of Parker, Oregon,
andharuh V. Wells, of I (alley, Oregon.
Auvandall nerHonarlsIiiiluir ailversclv inv nf
the above laud are requested lo flic llielr italin
In thi office 011 or before the salil jjnd day of
December, 1903.
oij-dlj J, N, WATBON, Kcgliter
Part of Crook
At Gateway to
the Great
Town has Grown
almost uiilircly in the pnt yenr, tlitwst
oiiicu diitiiii; only from April H, k;o.i.
Ilcnil llns excellent public schools
and complete public vnter works.
1 The Pilot Butte
' Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
Timber ltnd, Art June 1 itr.
I'. H Uud Otoe. UUview. IHt.on.
neptrmner n. titg.
Nwdev i heur glveu that la
lhMovitoolthr act isT t'.m
lammuHanee with
tagros ofjaae 1.
sal uf limber Unas
17. rulitkd "An act for the sal 1
in the Males of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Mashlniltm Territory.- a efleaaVsd I U In
Habile land stalao by set of August 4, its.
Csmsodor P Walls,
of rrlun aonalyofrHUk. Hal of Oregon, na
Ibis day tied It thi. .Iter bis swot a alaTsnumt
No 104. for ibr parcaas of lb M of are at.
Ipus, r it w m.
Aad will offrr prnuf to show that ttt lao.l
aonshl hi ta..r valuable for its Umber or stun
OlanrWagrtcnitaral nnipaaea and to establish
Ms claim lu said Uad Wi I matta Clerk ol
truok couuty, itregun, at hiaofnc at Hrlnevtlle
Oregon, on Friday, the timl day si December.
He name a wltuesa. Henderson W Mur-phy,ofudep.lri,-r
treguu. (sgorg A Well.
awl Prank P tlruaad, both ol rnikrr. itrenou
and aarah l Wella. of' Halary . iWngw.
Any and all .persons ctaltolag adsvrseiy ih
TlfiyL."" "Wc or belor aald nad day ol
inrewiafsir, igag
N. WATnOW . RsgiMer
Tlsabar Lnnd,
Act jag j, itr.
U. . Uad Office. Ubevlew. Oregem,
Auguat ft, luos.
f ""J"-' ? -. " limrlTUtu ia'
Kbtie land stales
biwlua ueeauna
ZX3EW0T. ..'."""' raiennoo loalllh
uy an. ol August a. liaj. the
this day lied iu this
omce tawirsworu atstements. lo-wtl:
Klmlra Cagl.
ofHilver Uke. ctiuaiy of Uke, staU of Oreoou
worn statement No ;,. lu, tln7unVlisnj
the sehj, sec imp sis. r i r, w at. m,Kmm'H
Adolphu II. Knghr,
of Hllvrr Uke. county of UkaTstaU ofOtooou
swum siatrineiil No J9, fcf tmrcnMe uf
the nwt uu H. c if, &. J&mFJZ
: Ip u , r 11 , w at t.i"'i arc
That tbey will offer proof to show thai ikr
Und .Higbfi. mo Kd7 far lUllmbeV if
ston than for agricultural pur toMd tnesasl.
I of Silver Mk. Ulegotii flagh Juhuseu ami
Mil Vounjt, of Ktss-tHiA, ( legoVi and Vslvet H
Hyd..ufIuevlll..Oioti, " ' lM
Any ami alliMfrstius rlalmlHg adversely the
above-desct bWlaiid. si letittirted to Ollhe Ir
claim lu thi 011 ar Ufore said lilh day if
Notemlier, lvj. '
"' e. U.HNIDKIt.Kaeelver.
DeNiilmeul of the Inlerlur.
M. H. Lmiil Ollice, The Dalits, Oregon,
heptemlMr ;, pij.
Nollce I liertby glveii that tlic following,
tmiiictl settler liMlllid notice of his liiienllo To
make limit proof lu suport of his ilnlui. nnS
that said proof will I iiia.le before J. Alt aw.
rrner. I'. H. Commlliiuer.t hi office in lleud
Oregon, 011 November m, tvts, vis.
IMwanl While.
of Tum.ilu, Oregon, on II. j, No. Suft fur iiir
.iv.e!(,.tc 6?WliuU and ,e n.'.., K
ion, r 11 c, w in, " "" " "
lit llllinrM lilt fnllntafii ..!.. ... .. . , "-". inj r iiiis.ajgtg tl IflUiC
hi coiiliiiuou re.ldeucc iijkju ond ciitllvutlou of
said lainl, tin
William Jlurkhart, Marlon l'lillllpa, Jnmrs D,
(llbsou uud Theodore M, 1'osl, all orHl.tcr,
Oregon, '
OIJ-UI7 MICHA li; Tt NOLAN, HcgUtcr,