& i A Dead Past IJr Dy MRS. LOVCTT CAMCRON $$;lV-VVit GIIAPTKU I. On the deck of n Kre.it Eastern bound teaincr crowd hurrying hither ami thither, bale of luggage lumbering up the way, sailors ami railway porter tumbling over each other, the officer of the ship shouting forth distracted order, passenger, men, women and little chil dren standing together in group striving to hear e.ich other' trembllne word of farewell, and over all the screech of the steam from tho two great smoking fun nel overhead. Ten minute moro and the shore bell will be rung and the farewells will all bare to pome to an end. and the India .bound ship will have started on her way. They chmg round each other, these poor unfortunates who were parting somo for years, and some forever re peating the last fond word, the last cares over and over again. gaalug Into each other's eye despairingly a though they would fain carry away every line of tho dear face from which they were so noon to bo severed. Such n couple stood thu together, a little remote from the buy scene, near the bulwark of the ship. The crowded quay wa above them, yet because every body wa so full of hurry and excite ment, so wrapped up either with the bnsinc or the Rrlef which specially en grossed them, these two people stood virtually alone a man and a woman, both young and both tall; they clasped each other's hands with a straining de apalr. and looked with a speechless ag ony Into each other's face. Hrlan Desmond was eight and twenty then, he had health and brain and good looks, and the vigor of a hearty vitality wa In his strong, young limb, but a be held ltosamoud Mario's hand tightly clasped within hi own and looked his last Into her beautiful eye, he said to himself that life was at an end for him. "It I better." she said, brokenly, "far better that I should go away; try to look at It In the right light, Hrlan. What pood could I be to you at home; and you will get used to It In time; there are many other things for you to live for." "I have nothing to live for nothing," bo said, gloomily; "without you life I nn absolute blank." The tears streamed over her faco a she strove to answer htm. "And yet I should be nn ever present sorrow to you were I to remain. Consider. Ilrlan, how desperate, how hopeless t our condition; how much more terrible to bear were we to meet constantly than when a whole hemisphere stretched between us! "Aht you might have waited you might have waited," he groaned. "What wa there to wait for? Would your uncle and his sons have died so that we might be happy? Would any one have given you an appointment? Was there any chance that even a beggarly clerkship would tumble Into your arms? And had we not already waited for this for years; hoping against hope, striving against certainty, leaving no stone un turned so that we might find only a mis erable .'jundred a year to depend upon?" "So you married old Samuel Karle In stead!" he said bitterly. "I have married a worthy, kind-hearted man, who Is good to me, and who has placed me above want why go over the old ground again? In these last few moments, Ilrlan, spare me the re proaches which, perlyips, I may deserve, but which are certainly unavailing now." "Darling darling!" he cried, with a passionate despair, "mine always and ever, In heart aud soul, -wherever you may be." She did not check him. This was no moment for the exhibition of a sham prudery which she did not feel. She was putting a whole universe between them, so that she might be as true to the man sho had married as to the man whom she loved; and she would not In this moment of a farewell, that was m nit human probability eternal, cavil at the strong expression of a love which bad never been hidden between them. Her tears flowed fast, raining down thickly upon the clenched hands which grasped her own. "You know," she cried, suddenly throwing back her head "you know that to my dying day I shall love you the same, but you you must be happy, Ilrl an. not now, I know, but after a bit, time will reconcile you to life, and you will marry," "I shall never marry," he answered resolutely, "never as lung as I live, ltosamoud, I swear to you that never wilt I make any other woman wife but you. I can always wait; how can one tell what changes life may not bring? Ten, twenty, fifty years! what U time to such a love as mine ill It not last forever, shall anything ever change or dim Its fervor? Can I not always watt wait on aud hope?" And so Brian, as he swore, believed In his own oaths, and Itosaipond believ ed In them too. Then glancing beyond the strong young form of the man she loved, Mrs. Karle's eyes rested suddenly upon auotlier figure that came clamber ing up the companion stair on to the deck, a short, fat, little old gentleman, with gray whiskers, who emerged pant Ingly from the lower regions, looking hither and thither as he came up as though In search of some one. She neither moved farmer from Des mond, nor did sho withdraw her hands from his only she tightened her hold for ono Instant upon ills lingers, and a swift warning glance shot from her eyes Into his. Itrlan's back was turned to tin newcomer, but he understood. He gent ly dropped ono of ltosaiuoud's hands, itnd, retaining tho other still In his grasp, turned round and met Samuel Karle as he came toward them. "Ah, Desmond! not gone on shore yet? You are determined to Bee the last of us, then?" "I was wishing your wife," the words came out with an effort, "another fc'ood-by." "And we are both of us crying over It," Bald Mrs. Karle, smiling through her tears; "such old friendi as Hrian and I uro, Sam, It seems Quito terrible to us to part." , , "Ah, no doubt, no doubt, my dear! These partings are very trying, and old playmate, such a you two are, must no doubt feel It so;" he looked kindly and sympathetically from ono to tho other. Something In his benign face touched KosMiioml strangely, sho twined her hand through her husband's arm, a though to gather strength from contact with him. Hrlan Desmond turned very white and fell back a step. And then the shore bell rang. The Orlana steamed rapidly toward the sea. Hut still ltosamoud stood, mo ttonles and tearless, gailng back upon the swiftly vanishing shore, while still that other figure wa left, solitary now, long after all others had turned away. Hrian Desmond stood on alone until hi eyes could no longer discern even the distant ship that bore away tho woman who was hut to him forever. OHAPTKU II. "Salmon trout, roast chicken, pea and Htatoo. Now I wonder how a cherry tart would do, or would It be too frivolous. Daddy?" The voice seemed to come from the floor, somewhere down by tho white mus lin window curtain. I'rof. Laybouroe, who wa engrossed In the minute examination of the me chanism of a grasshopper's thigh through hi famous microscope, raised hi vener able head for one moment a the small childish voice struck upon hi ear. "What Is my Kitten chattering about down there?" he said, making a pencil note upon the manuscript by hi side. "I was only wondering If old men liked cherry tart, Daddy?" "Whenever they can get It, I should say, Kitten! Apropos of what Is that wise remark, and what old man are you proposing to regale In so succulent a fashion?" "What old man? Oh. daddy! I do be llevo you have beetle on the brain to such an extent that ou are losing your memory. Havo you forgotten that this I the day that your friend, Mr. Des mond, Is coming to stay with you?" "Aud you call nlm an 'oM man, Kit ten? Why. he I ilte a lad." "You said he wa thirty-eight. Dad dy," replied the small voice reproachful ly. "I call that quite old. Why, he I twenty-two years older than I am, old enough to be my father why, it's near ly forty," In a voice of horror. The professor laughed. "You must consider me a sort of Methuselah, a fos sil of pre-Adamlte date, then. Do you know that I am over sixty. Kitten?" "Ah, but you are my Daddy," she an swered, with indescribable tenderness In her voice. "Pray, what have you got upon your mind. Mis Laybourne?" Inquired her father, with a smile In answer to his daughter's last observation. "Your dinner, Mr. Professor. I have noticed, daddy, that although you are a very great man, your Intellect Is often more sluggish than mine. Now give me a man about to arrive by the ! o'clock train on a certain day, my mind Instantly fixes Itself upon ono Idea, and that Idea Is naturally dinner; your brain seems to le brought far more slowly and with Inconceivable dlfllculty to this point." - "Not at all, Kitten." answered the pro feasor, taking up a letter which lay upon the table; "since I have heard this morn ing from Hrlan Desmond that he will not arrive till 10 o'clock to-night, my intellect naturally bounded beyond the dinner hour at once, and fixed Itself upon" "Supper!" Interrupted Kitten, triumph antly. "Aud what are we to have for supper, then?" "Why, the same thing as dinner, to I sure; salmon trout cold, chickens cold, salad instead of peas, and cherry tart cold, too; that Is to Vay, If you think he will eat cherry tart," she added, with a curiously childish anxiety. "Hut you will have to go to bed, Kit ten; little girls can't sit up to late sup pers. Hesldes, Desmond Is coming to see me upon business, so we shall do Just as well without you to-night." Kitten laughed. She did not often laugh. "Her fun was more often ex pressed In a certain demure dryness pe culiar to herself laughter was not, per haps. Indigenous to the soil of the pro fessor's household; but when at rare Intervals Kitten laughed, her laugh was very sweet to hear. It was never loud or noisy, It could hardly even be called hearty, and yet It was pleasant to llten to, like the rippling note of a caged bird that warbles a response to some Inner gush of feeling of its own. She fluttered away out of the room. iter thoughts liaek again with the cherry tart ami the supper, and the professor was left alone. Hut he did not go back to his micro scope. He leaned his pale face, lined and scored like an ancient parchment with study and thought, upon his hand and sighed. "What Is to become of her?" he said aloud. "Strange creature, half mine, half her mother's, Inheriting something from each, and from both the fatal deli cacy of constitution that was common to us both; who Is to earn for her when I am gone? Into whose hands am I to leave my frail treasure, with her wild, untrained mind and her shrewd, sensitive soul? Will Desmond help me, I wonder, for the sake of the service I once ren dered to his father? Ah, we shall see, we shall see. I cuu leave my manu scripts and collections to my country, but to whom shall I leave my child, sweeter legacy thuii nny other?" The remains of tho cold supper, which had caused so many anxious thoughts to the young housekeeper, lay still upon the table; ample Justlco had been done to It by the lute-arriving guest. A lamp with a wide red silk shade lighted the room with a warm radiance, some rose in glass bowls decorated tho simple feast, while a dish of crimson currants, piled up high In an, antique Chelsea dish, add ed yet another touch of feminine taste to tho repast. "The old boy has a good housekeeper," said Ilrlan Desmond to himself, as ho leaned back In his chair. U was a little at a loss, certaluly, to understand exactly why the sage had asked him t cotno and slay with him. Hrlan had no scientific tastes, and ho knew nothing whatever about beetles and grub aud winged creatures of tho air. Ho was not even a clever man, according to tho modem Idea of clever ness, lie was neither an author nor an artist. Mr. Desmond was simply a mod erately well-educated gentleman of ex pensive taste and luxurious habits, which an acquisition of most unexpected wealth had, within tho last few years, enabled him to gratify. Ho could not, therefore, conceive why the professor, who was an old man, and In his way a great man, had chosen to seek hi socie ty In so marked a manner on the present occasion. While he was pondering upon this sub ject, Mr. l.aybonrue Interrupted hi med itation by the following word! "Now, I daresay, my dear Desmond, that you are at thl very momeut won dering why I have Invited you to come down all thl wny to spend a few days with me. 1 take It very kindly of you 1 lead a life of retirement and study. I have no Inducement to offer to n man of your age and tastes, and yet you have done mo tho honor to leave your l.oii' don friends and your London gaieties to como down aud ej an old Diogenes In his tub." "The honor, Professor. I all for me," replied Desmond, "that a man with so world-wide a reputation as yours should seek tho society of nn Insignificant per son like myself " "Walt, wait, my friend," Interrupted the old man, with hi gentle smile, "if you had studied animal life as much as I have, you would know that there is no effect which ha not a cause. "Perhaps you have heard, Desmond, that I wa once married," he said quiet ly, not looking at his guest. "My wife died In chltd-hlrth." "Yes?" Desmond looked up with In terest. For a few second Mr. Laylniurne wa silent, then looking up aud meeting hi guest's eyes, he continued: "My little girt i n great source of anxtety to me. She Inherit her mother's tendency to consumption, and, I fear, my own un sound constitution, Desmond, I have an origins! disease of the heart." "I am deeply distressed; are you sure?" "There Is, unfortunately, no doubt whatever about It. I have been aware of It for some year aud I tiave the first medical opinion to confirm what had long been my own conviction. I inn In no appreciable danger, I may live years and die of something else, again I may drop down dead this very night; what I want to know I," he n.bled, with, a sud deu break In hi voice, "what I to In come of my little girl In that case?" Hrlan was uncertain how to answer; ho balanced hi knife more anxiously than ever and murmured something alMiut female relative. "She has none, not one, either on her mother's side or my own: all are dead. I have followers and worshipers by the score; these go for nothing; ami I have also a number of professional acquaint ances, but where among them all shall I find a man fit to take charge of a child a woman child?" For half a moment he paused, thru said again, very earnestly: "Hrlan Desmond, will you take the charge of my orphan child?" Hrlan looked startled. "I? I am not lit. .My life Is a wan dering one. I am hero to-day, gone to morrow. Sometimes I travel in wild countries, sometime I spend months In the racket of a London season; do you Indeed think such a man as I am can bo fit for the charge of a child?" The professor sighed deeply. "Then you decline." he said, sadly. "No, no, do not think that. Hut your proposition Is so strange, so unexpect ed: give me but a moment to think. Ah! ye. I have a cousin, a sweet, good woman with children of her own; your little girl could be left with her and I could see after her occasionally; that would be a happy home for her; I am sure she would take her gladly. Mr. I.aybourne, do not be uneasy about your child's future, I wilt do what you ask of me." (To b eontlined.t Cruelty of Hoienuo. MIhs Kstcllo Keel, superintendent of Indian schools, was talking about cruelty: "Cruelty," she snld, "Is lack of Imag ination. It Isn't true that only sav ages nre cruel. All people without de veloped minds, minds capable of sym imtliv. nre cruel. Children, till they have learned to think, are Invariably cruel." Miss Itcel smiled. "Let me tell you about n llttlo boy," she slid. "To this llttlo boy there wero given two Image, of phstcr, coated on the outside with pink sugar. He wanted to mt the linages, but ho wus warned on no nccount to do so. "'They nrt' poison,' lie wits told. 'If you oat thorn, It will kill you.' "However, the llttlo I toy was dubi ous. He had been eheHtcd lief ire this by grown-up people, liny after day lie nuked If ho might not Ml tho Images. Finally lie had n young friend, Itlchnrd, Howe, to spend tho day with him, and that night It wim discovered that ono of tho linage had disap peared. "His mother, nearly frantic, rushed to lilin. " 'Harold.' she said, 'whero is Uiat pink Imago?' "Harold frowned, na ho answered defiantly: '"I gave It to Itlchnnl, and If Iio'h alive to-morrow I'm going to rat tho other ono myself.' " It All Depends. "Don't you think," wild ho, "Hint singleness of purpose. -Is an admirable trait in n innnV" "It is," alio nnmvertil frankly, "tin less It tends to iiinko a confirmed bach olor'of him." Wages In Russian factories nro 2 cents nn hour and upward. Thoro nru thousands who work for u cent an hour, and tens of thousands who do not receive !!0 centa n day for 10, 11 and moro hours work. All other kpowledgo Is hurtful to him who hits not honesty and good na ture, Montaigne. BRITAIN TO HAVE MIGHTIEST BATTLESHIP II. M. S. Dromlnought, 18,000 Tout, In I'lnnnoil to Do tho Inrnont nml llenvlost MnnofVr Allont. t4i444''-' The British are nbout to begin tho construction of tho largest, hcnvlcst, most powerful nml most costlv battle ship ever built, and Intend to havo the pennant Hying from iter mast with in sixteen mouths nfier the date on which the first keel plates nrn laid. Thl Invincible and Invulnerable wnr vessel I to bo named Dreadnought, and tho British mliitlrnlty litis designed her to be capable of equaling tier name. She will mount more lieny gnu lliau any two battleships now titltmt; will be able to withstand nn attack from n submarine, mid If shit happens to touch off n (touting mliio will lie nble to continue nlloat until a jvort Is reached. In addition to theso enviable virtue, the Dreadnought will nlo have groat speed, and. If she wnnta to "turn tnll" her engines, de veloping n speed of 21 knots nu hour, will enable her to outdistance nny too pressing foe. Kvcn If overtaken, tho very thick armor plating will enable her to stand unusual punishment, anil for dealing with torpedo boats she will have n small battery of one (suindcr nml six-pounders. Sho will also bo armed with torpedo tubes, but will m unique In having "no secondary bat tery. No details of the armor to be placed nn tho Dreadnought hato been given, but It Is known that sho will lt the most completely armored ship nlloat. Her armor alone will weigh about , 000 tons. In gunixjwer tho Dread nought Is designed to be tho most for midable warship ever seen. No bat tleship In tho world to-dny carries moro than four 12-Inch guns, but tho Drendnougli will mount no fewer than ten, or two nml a half times as many as nny ship nlloat. This enormous bat tery of 12-tiicli rifle wilt have a com bined muzzlo energy of -tSO.000 foot- tons. Knell of these big guns will throw it shell weighing KM ounds, the combined battery being able to throw over four tons of projectile nt ono discharge. Tho Dreadnought will bo nble to throw this Immense wolght of metal n distance of five or six miles, nt which range tho shells would pierce Uio armor of practically nny battleship nlloat. I'rourcsa In IluttlraliliM, There has been n wonderful ad vaneo In tho development of battle ships within tho Inst ten years. In 1M)5 Great Britain had twenty three armored ships, each of more than 10, 000 tons. To-dny, If Ihero are Includ ed the ships being built, she lias sixty. In 180.1 tho heaviest British battle ship was tho Hoyal Sovereign, of II, 200 tons. There wero eight ships of Tho hay fever scrum or pollniitluo of Dr. Duiilmr of Hamburg Is shown to have proven very effective. Having first proven that hay fever Is due to tho pollen poison from grasses, co reals and other plnnta, tho Investigator sought n, preventive by repented vac cination of anlmnls with thu poison of pollen. Tho antitoxin thus produced In tho blood serum neutralize thn poisonous effect of pollon In tho eyes and nose, Tho serum Is not Injected under the skin, like othors, but simply .applied to nose nnd eyes. I Tho precision of modern observa tions brings to light nnoxpecteu nicta. At tho Purls Observutory Jenn Maa cart has noticed that tho surface of n thin layer of mercury la not piano, but undulated llko water disturbed by tho plunge, of n atone, and linn also detect ed another movement Hint proves to bo a truo tide, duo to tho huh and moon. Tho meaaurementa hnvo been inadu repeatedly during tho month with tho sir microscopes of tho Instru ment. Tho tidal motion Is alight, but greater than tho posslblo errora, Tho "nuxetophouo" la nu attachment for reinforcing tho aounds given forth , by phonographs and gramophoncb, in vented by Mr. 0. A. Parsons, tho In ventor of tho stenm turbine, nnd Mr. Horaco Short, A email valve of p- I cullar construction controls tha ad hsiiii j pn sjiiMiiiisaSjssgg ii i ' m I Dopulj?ionco I HsjaavHavaaaaaBaasaaa) .t; this type, nml they wero regarded im game seeks nn agent nud gives him the finest nlloat, I what sum ho wishes, from ft cents up, Franco at Hint time had fourteen 'nt the same time Indicating what char battleships, each of over 10.000 tons' m-ier he chooses. This character Is displacement, the largest being tho marked off on Hie agent's ticket nud llouvet, of I'J.'.'tffl tons. There are I tho fortune-seeker receive a slip nc now twenty-six battleships, each of guowledgtng Ids tiet or stnke. Should more than 10,000 tons. In tho French M, particular character prove at tint navy, the heaviest being tint Demo-1 iniwlng to ie the winning number tho erntle class, now building, ships of 1 1.- ImpUv nlaver wins thirty time Ilia IBM tons. Jtnly. In IHliA. had ten lint-1 ttoshlps ranking nbovo the IO.immi ton class, tint heaviest being the I.opnnto, n lB.tsM-tou ship, built In 1M!I, nud so henvlly nriued and armored that sho almost found It dllllcult to get out of her own way. She Is now mnkiil na a secotid-elna battleship; but she I ' not considered HI to stand even in that Hue. Tho Italia, sister 'ship to the lpauto, wns built In 1KSO. and was for many years tho largest bat tleship afloat. She represent an early nttempt to build n monster battle ship, but. apart from atxe. slut baa never been considered at nil formida ble. Itnly now ha fourteen battle ships, each over 10.000 tons. Hut heavi est being the Begins Mnrgherlta, 1.1, 121 tons. In 1805 tho United States and Oer many were equal as to battleships of over 10.000 tons. Kach had four; tho United State had tho heaviest ship In the Iowa, of 11,3-10 tons. Ocrumny's four wero uniformly 10.300 tons, Sow Ocrmany has eighteen heavy bhtyte. ships, and six building. Tho UultA) States has twelve, with thirteen build ing and two projected. Tho heaviest (lerman battleships today are her 12,-007-tnu class; Hut heaviest In tho Uni ted State I the Connecticut class, H1.000 tons. Tho wars of tho United Stntc with Spain nnd Japan with Russia have not been without their lessons to the nnval powers, and tho tendency I to build larger nnd heavier battleships, so that they may carry more tremendous bat teries, Tho determination to build these enormous snips was arrived at only after considerable discussion. It wm thmiL-lit bv some nnval construe- tn Hint moro units, each of consht - erable power, went to be desired nbovo ... . - . .... . . n few naitiesmps oi ino niiri power, i It was thought that tho Dreadnought would bo the last word In warship construction for many years, but now Ifnppoar that Japan Is to build three battleships of 10.000 tons each. Oer many Is reported to bo considering n 20,000ton wnrshlp, nud Franco next year Is to lay down oun of 2O.&00 tons. Perhaps the contest will end In uni versal peace, for there Is a limit lo battleship construction, nud if It Is tint reached In thn Dreadnought, It at least must be near. mission Into the trumpet of com pressed nlr supplied from n pump or bellows, Tho action of Hut nppanitus Is compared In Hut Scientific American to that of an air relay, whereby nut only nro greater power mil volume Im parted to the sounds, but lue, full ness nud richness of tone are height ened. It Is snld that on it culm day thu nuxetophouo can be heard distinct ly nt n distance of two or three miles, nnd that In speech every word may bo clearly distinguished as much as MX) yards nwny. genVrau; electric whoHicr on W TCHAmilifkilM linaa luiMnivil lists lntliH back of a petted cat, or on n rubbed glnss or gutta-percha rod, or nt tho j lingers' end ullled 1.1 feet over a dry ,.ru. M nf.,.., 1,. ,i,.n orously aliulll carpet. Sparks can often bo drawn fwtnl Iftltf Itint'lhff li.1l t imindlii. I iiii nninij hiwi 1115 I'viin wm Mini, 111 1- ery, and In weaving nnd spinning processes tho libers some ctlmcN iiccum- ulato troubleaomn electric charges, A method known aa thu Clinpiiinii proc ess lms been devised for neutralizing tho static electricity generated in cot ton nnd paper mills, printing press room nnd other place. It conslsta can nag, iiiin isn ... ...... ..... am of a transformer stepping up nn ultor- Mnmpti. A collec Ion of foreign Btnmprt nntlng current to 10,000 or 20,000 volts waa pnatcd on tho back of tho bodice nnd an Inductor composed of lino Htcel " the form of n shield, tho contor of wires encased In hard rubner, nnd up! which waa made up of n portrait of ranged with lta points placed nbovo tho bravo Sir (leorgo Summers, out tho woh or other object In which tho from old rovenuo Mumps. A larga atntlc electricity la to bo neutralised, hat covered with red and bluo stumps. Charges nnssliiff from tho points pro-.wim worn with tho costume; n mask;, duco tho desired effect. nnd very pretty fan woro covered on. A small boy'N Idea of tho board of health ! lx meals dally. 1 OMINEQG QAMKOF OHE.FA. Is Vary Similar to American Method ' of Poller Piajlng. It Is n ctii'luu tiling that hero In n community where tint (.'liluean gam bling Kiimo nf chofit Iiim nourished for utility years comparatively few out lido of tliONti who nrn devotees at tho ilulne of the goddess of chitnco Imvo liven tint faintest Idea of limv the, giium Is played, Clm-fit In n very simple, game, Indeed, aud In Ha very simplicity lies the diffi culty which tho authorities here, na elsewhere, find In suppression. It, needs no apparatus or "layout" im do roulelte, faro and other gam f chance. It does not even need n pack nf cards or n supply of chips, Simply Judged as a gambling gnma and conceding for tint moment that It la plnycd on tint square, che fn tin Hi nllurouienta, for It I on that basis n game which every player has an equal chance and the bank simply collects n percentage of Hut money slaked. Un fortunately for tho plnyera, however, thorn Is not the slightest reason for doubting that the game its ordinarily conducted Is as crooked us Hut tradi tional dog's hind leg. There are thirty six characters on n che fa ticket, each representing some familiar object. The lion, tiger, moon, mouth. slhcr money, gold money, box, centipede, dog. rat nre among these, but many of Hut characters represent things which nre not generally dis cussed In polite society. A nerson who wishes to play tint n nwtutit of his stake Thus If lie stake r, cents lie wins l W or If he plunge heavily with, say n dollar he wins HHi. Hut he does not get nil that he wins. There, I tho ngent to be considered and he collect 10 per cent of tint amount of the winning, mi that tho H1 w((, wo, jW, Would receive only fl" from the bands or tlie agent. It I one of Hie odd traits In the Chi nese character that made che fa so lopulnr wltli them. 'Ihey nre devoted hollctcr In dreams If n Chliiniuan dreams of a rut, for Instance, he will lose no time In seeking a che-fa agent and Iwcklng the rat to win nnd no number of recurrent losses seems to upset the Chinese faith In the heaven sent sign for success, Of course, It Is apparent that If a man played on ev ery one of the thirty live characters ho would In all probability win,, but Ida win would bo n loss, for ho would only receive thirty times the amount of thn IIK )ut u,,, winning character less tho agent's commission of 10 per cent. Such Is the game of chc-fa. Barring only tho dream ortlnu of It, It doe not seem to (misscss any particular al lurements, and to some people eteu thn chance of belting that their dreams will come true does not seem attract ive. Possibly the average American doe not have the name kind of dream ',, ,j(M tti- inlhleyed chink. That enn l0N- ) Imagined from n casual glimpse at a ( liluese iiuml and a re flection of the possibilities of what even n simple Welsh rarebit can ac- louipllsh. Hawaiian Slur. Alliterative Itomnmto Blanche's beloved, Bertram, beheld 1 Beatrice Blanche, being blonde, bashful. I. (., ulil.it, l.iuitmi.k lit.livli.ti Imtinl t.M. n " " I ..1. 1.. I(..nlpl.tj. Il.uilpl,,. Inline tilir luitit n,,i, a.......... v .,..t ., ........ brilliant, brunette. Beatrice beguiled Bertram, Bertram, bewlfdereil, bewitched, be deviled, by baneful Beatrice, behaved badly by Blanche, becoming Beatrlco'a beau. Blanche bore banishment bravely. Bertram bought baubles, bedecking Beatrice barbnrlcully. Bertram became bankrupt, beggar ed. Beatrice basely betrayed Bertram. Heiietoleut beings befriended Bert ram. Bertram besought Blanche. Bertram brought Blanche hack. Blanche bade bygones bo bygone. Betrothal. Bertram, bridegroom; Blancho, bride. Bridesmaid. Boatman. Blossoms. Bishop. Bells. Bolsterousiiess, Banquet. Bull. Bridal tour. Beatitude. Boundless bliss. Bouncing babies. Puck. Po-tago Hlniup Cosilliue. Over no.000 postage stamps wero used In the making of n dress for an T??n. .Il. ST. V ball nt Bermuda u short tlmo ngo. Years had been spent In collecting tha ,"" ,' rp""'wh l,,J W,,H .,"' "' muslin, Tho lady appealed to her , friends to help her, nnd tho dress wn I . . . ..1 ,,- II " "'J, "' "" " "" """" ' was an eagle iniuio entirely wiiii brown Columbian stamps. Suspended, from the tnlons waa a globe iiimlo of very old blue revenue stumps. On either aide of thn globe waa an Amort- tiroiy wiiii puiK. 1,1 fo Im mostly devoted to attomnta to obtain tho uuitttnluublo. n. V