1 Buy Hair at Auction? At any rate, you seem to be ceiling rid of it on nuctlon-salc principles: "golnE, coins, C-o-n-cl" Stop the auction with Aycr's Hnlr Vigor. It checksfalllncliair, and always restores color to crny lialr. A splendid dressing also. Sold for over sixty years. . Mr hlr rim oat to bailie I nasrlr frxt li II. mmiI Aral's Hit II a um. I ill. Vlfor I lliouitil I wuulit (It nan iiaii muni bikiui hil II Kitnril il.iaij luiUmr lair smw .art flLI, hutlliri.l.l, Matt ainpiwa ina raiiinr.au fir itfutitr- mahxi Jk Ha4br J.O.AjerOs.Lawall, Uui, M aj i.w wsnininriri lifers XAKSAPAHtU. ruu. CHLiir rmosAU Ivory Dtrtleiilt lo.liulKfl. The next tlmo you have n billiard cuo In your baud nud expect to run thn kiiiiio out Jtiot atop and ponder over tho aL'n of tin niece of Ivory which nro rolllnir tnutiily.liik'lr about the table. That while bull which ha Just received too much "ICiikIIsIi" bo- 'ioiikcii lo nu out r eniiant wlto was. wandering tliroiiKh the Coiirii JhiikIo when Nnpoleon woa still olive. 'J'liuio ball cost from $S to $10 apiece. Htudy the history of the billiard hull mid thrlr case nud you will have moro re spect for the game. The elephnut' tusk which I large enough to furnish the product for n good billiard ball mutt bo at least twenty lire yenr old. If It I fifty year old, o much tho better. Tho tusk of (be elrphaiie grow much like an oak tree, mid the grain of tho Ivory look not tuillkn the grnlu of a sen soiled piece of oak lumber. If It I "green" the Ivory will shrink Just n the wood shrink. If It Is loo dry" It will "chip" In the initio fashion. The buying of billiard uutls at best Is n gamble. A bnll may bare tho right weight, the proper gloss mid np pear to bo well sensoued, but for some unaccountable reason will chip off mid become totally ruined by a fall on the floor. Huy n dozen ball like n setting of Plymouth Hock eggs, three or four ball will last for yur, while the other will bavo to bo re placed ngtu and again. Ioaloal IMiiortiloni "How intlir commandments did th Lord d Musrs?" asked the Hundsy arltool lesrlter of sinsll Hobby. Hi i-oitlil not rruirmbrr, so In order to prompt ttlul sbs held up bar leu fin jsrs. "Oh, I know," he eiclslined, triumph antly, "two ksnJs full." Tito sugar cane It mentioned by Ktribo eiiuonni oy nirsuo at known in nulla a Miriy as .1..1 11. u. 1 It ws tlieit used In Its raw state, no method being Itiuwu of extraetlug tbe sugar. 1.. ..... KIDNEY TROUBLE DUE TO CATARRH The Curative Power of PE-RU-NA In Kidney Disease the Talk of the Continent. Nicholas J Hertz, inemborot Ancient Order of Workmen, Oapitol lodge, No. HO, Pearl Btroot hotol, Albany, N. Y., writes: "A few months ago I contracted a heavy cold which settled in my kid. noys, and each time I was exposed to incleirient weather tho trouhlo was ag grnvntiKl until finally I was uushlu to work. "After trying many of the advertise remedies for kidney trouble, I finally took Pcrunu. "In a week the Intense, nolo In my lnuk were much relieved and In four wcrks I wus oble to take up my work iigulu. "I still continued to ueo l'uiiiua for another month nud at tho end ol that tlmn I wau jierfeutly well, "I now take 11 dosa or two when I . have been exposed unit tlud that It is Bplondld to kcop 1110 well." Hundreds of Cures. TW l!,...i U ,.n.llW In r,.nl.,l.l' Uestimonlals fiom people who have .been curod o( tihnioia and complicated kldnoy dlsoMo by Poruna. For frco modlcnl ndvlco, adilross Dr. JInrtman, PfOBldont ot Tito llurtnmn Baiiltttrium, Columbus, Ohio, In lluia. Soli br anistl.is. 1 rUL-ircEitf3iifl -H' GOOD J bhortvtofies -M-H-H- onUyiovnlnyr.tiwilly met ,, cmiiik hiily wlft.ti tin liiii'w very well, mill nhi) mild: "Oh, Mr. Harueiit, I rinw your Intent pnlntliiu and kissed It, ! cause It wa no inurii llko you." "Anil illil It kl you In return?" "Why, no." "Then," ald Mr. rJiiruuiit, "It wa not like me." I A bookseller pnrt'IiniKMl n lot of book out In one of thu new town In Oklahoma Territory. KIiiiIIiik several net of ('hnrle Dickens' work In till lock, ho derided to nuike 11 special price on mem, ho lie put nil or llieiu you talk loud or linn tliat door? ' Uno of mankind. Kirn the. desert can In tho InrKu how ulmlow, with thoi "I should nay I didn't know It, you oe nia(io to yield to the cunulng band followliiK' ln In very lare letter: denr Krnndpnl" cried ImpulNlve Hetty, ) Rt,a brain of man." Milwaukee Bcutl "Charle Dleken' Work All Week perchliiK on the nrm of hi chnlr and nc, lor Two Dollar." A Kaiisn fanner . klxslUK hi check n she poke. who had drifted down that wny walk ed up to thl window. Heading tho xlitu, hn nld: "Now, that' what' tho mntler with this country. The Idea of n man worklux nil week for two dol lar." IM win Hluvciia, when he Hindu up JIiIm mind to Incklo vaudeville, for thu I""1 round selected .xnnnKur Meyer-, "' ntuniier or mo wrpneiim circuii. i'"'" manaKcr had a rulT inaiiuer and a (iermaii ncceut, mid wn, moreover, very buy. TuruliiK on Mr. Ktevens, briisitiely, he exclaimed: "Veil, vat do '"" vnnt?" "I would like to o Into ! vniiiliivllh." refunded tho cainlldnio, 'im - ekly. "Vnt do joii di vnt I your lllue?" "I mil n comedian," wn the nodest hut very general answer. "A konilker, belli?" and tho manager) faced him sternly; "veil, mako ilia laugh." When tho KIinIi wa In Paris last ear be wn accompanied by mi oillelal named Mnhmoud Khan, who I not ' with him now. A French Journalist who remciuhetod Mnhmoud well put, some ijueMtlnu about him the oilier day to n member of the Klin' retinue. ! "Whnt tin heroine of Mnhmoud. Khan?" Imiulrcd tho Jourunllst. "Ilo Is dead, monsieur," wa the miwvr. "Poor fellow! Hut wurely he wn young mid seemed to enjoy excellent health." "It wn excellent," assented the Per. stall functionary. "Una he 111 very long?" "No, monsieur. He wn not Mil nt nil. i "Indeed! He dliM ijlllto Kildileuly." How did It happen?" Tho Persian functionary explained (with a slightly einbnrrasMil air): "lie wn not aympalhellc to the grand vUler." when he came back, late Hint nftor A Coiiiiei'tleut congregation wanted noon, there wa n strange hush a minister, and dcmi.iidod Hint he bavo throughout the house. The other chil li classical education. A Welshniaii, dren drew Iter In, close to grandfather' whose education wa not up to require- empty chair, and told Iter In awed Hteiils, but -hose wit wa ijulek, tip-1 whisper bow he bad fallen nsleop piled for the ncnitt imlplt, and wa there n few hour before, never to Invited to preach n trial sermon. llonke ngnlu. The fr.lghtened girl lis wn getting on well with It, when, roe-, toned, but not n sound pasted Iter lips olleetlng Hint he wa upioed to until Aunt Jenu ciime, mid. putting show hi learning, be said: "My both nrms round her. led Iter to tho friends, I will now ijuote you a pa- .,, , .-.,i, i:,,t.,,,,i,. i, P.,iitii.t , ., iv..iii -rim ! nuiiiiiiii' ,..-." - effect wfr good, so he announced that hi next version would be In I jit In, then repeated another itassage III III native tongue, with even better effect than befoie. It happeitiHl that there wa a Welshman In the congregation, and he was allium choking with laugh-, "jietiy has told mo something beau ter. Tbe preacher saw tlila. so, an- tlfu)(.. 1k. naUl ..Th(, ,,, Hll0 noiinelng that hi next verse would bo (, HWCVt nI, thoughtful U ueno IHikeu In Il4rew. he caught hi com-1 wl(u.Ver she I tempted to do iiiiv patriot's eye. and called out III hi mK ,,!,,, ,,u, im,1K0 wlie mnril hnadet Welsh: "My dear fellow, stop ,u,r nnarnihcr',, yaw Haylng to her. laugliing. or wiey win mm 11 t.ui. 1 no oruer unueraiooti, suiieii 111s ihukiiht, nud aavi-d the day for tho resourceful minister. Tim 'Infernal I'miiliitiit-?" That time-worn phrase, "the eternal feminine," If examined In the light of the context In which It generally re pones, will be found to read "lite Infer nal feminine." And why? Ilecnuso (he gentlemen who have made ItMtory Mellon mid llctlou history prefer to be lieve that mankind In general I tho victim of tho evil tendencies of "lo beau sexc," which tho Frenchman put In tho iiiHHciilliui because ho II r inly believe that the beauty of the feuiulu l only n reflection of hi. 1 may bo wrong about this; I cannot verify It, but, If It I Inaccurate, It may be re-. ...... I,. - .t .IAI.H.U. .til til.. lYftll,' " " " :: x r.v ;: j ,. ,z: paper, say 11 writer In Smart Hot. 1 All men seem, In tbo abstract, to pro fer Hint tbe eternal feminine should bo Itiferiial. In fact, tbey seem to take tin Interest lit any lady of tbo pant tin lea alio baa a very wcll-dctlucil pat, I It Ntntiige, tlien, tliat tbo maker of literature, wbo lay tbo foundation of blMory, sliould always darken their heroine' cliarncter Just n little, even when tbo ladlcH In iiuetiou acted front motlvea wlilcb, at tbo worst, mlglit bo called diplomatic? lied illplonmtle? 1 ,11 Tbo motive of tbo heroines of lila..c0" 'l!' t ry, tho men' heroine, have been ro' . ,' ?..,., lor mlsiuulcrstiKHl that when tbo feminine jla Infernal It 1 becauno she wiuiIh to itient the ileusely stupid malu sex no- cortllug to his preJtitllceH. She stiwps, 1 with nu npollgy to Diana, to coiuiuer tho anlnials. Let' Move 'lltoro IUoHHOin "Italy iiuiat bo gottlug to ' l,1,U' ,0 "V0 ''" I looinor-"Vlmt makes you think ,B0' nioHsom "Why, nil tho umlcslniWo . Inliuliltuiita of tho placo havo coma over hero." Clovoland Leader. Htrougly Itcsetntih: n I'oaoh. "Say, when It comes to fielding, that lllllson Is a poach I" "Go out hu's mado four errors al- .......1.. tin ...... Mnl.1 ... oil I "Well, neither can a peach."-OIov-' laud Under. FnOM OILEMT LIF'O. " I Oraudr.itlier' AiliiuiNltloii I.lvol In Olrl'. Conduct Afl.r II. Iniie. When the children w -Ml to live nt Kni.idfutl.er', while heir father mi.l ...other wen. abroad, they b ow Uiroiiicli the iiiiumi hum n Knit or wind, doom alntnti.ed from intiriiliiic uii II illicit hit spite of n II Aunt Jenu could do. Hear, ,,. Kr..dfather, almost wholly lV"r: irnt hack In hi comer rind watched tho frollcklntc with Keiitlo eye; hut when tho voice urow Hharp, n they sometime did, ho wlucril, mid when tho door ImiiKed ho Kroaued oftly. Olio tiny liu called thirteen-year-old Hetty to him. "My deiir," ho mild, "did you ever know Hint in mi old person' earn Krow deaf they sometime ktow very sensitive to noise? Do you know that It make n pain through my head when "I wn ure you didn't, child," ho went oil, "but that Isn't nil. Home - lintel whim uo iliin'l Itenr in iniipli. wo see more. I'vo lufu wntchln you ' since you enme. Hetty, and I wnnt to, ask you to do me n little favor. I wnnt you to form the hnhlt, n you go 'from one thliiK to nitotber throtiKli the dny, of nsklnjf yourself, 'How will mi arrect outer 7 " Hetty had hexun to fldk'et. Hrotber Hob wn beckonliiK from outside tho window, but grandfather still held her hniid. "I don't expect to stay here very long, dear," ho wa aaylng, "but nftcr I'm gone my silent llpi may speak to you better than I can today, nud you mny remember what I say." ".Sow, grandpa, don't talk llko thntl You're going to he here n long tlmo 1,-ftl There' Hob! Ho want me. I'll bo good, dear!" she added, In the tone of one who humor n child, and off sho went. Hut the very next morning, n Hetty wn starting for an nil-day picnic, ni.d mischievous Hob had bidden hur lunch tmskel, there wn a loud altercation that made grandfather put Id bauds to Id head and groan. "CSniiidfnllier I trying to speak to you, Hetty," snld Aunt Jean, "Yes, I heard him, hut I can't help bow It does affect others thl time. It's all Hob' fault. Olve me my basket, slrl You're making mo lale! There, you'd better!" Helling the liasket, Hetty riHhod nut of tho buusv and down the steps, while t,P ,mr Mlammed sharnly liehlud lir. ,,.,i where grandfather wa lying, . .. ...i ...m .r., ..... . .. ... .... . .. . ...... nu iiur Knee nun sooik'ii. on her knee and sobtted, I A month later the absent parent were nt homo again, nud they both marveled at the cbnitgo In thoughtless Hetty; but after n day or two the moth er went to tltc fatlter with tear In ,. ...... .j,,,,, ,0W ., ,,, nflfoct otu.j.. -Youth' Companion. Huunr N Klrt-iiKlli-O'v'nir. Viirlou reason have been assigned for the Increase In stature nml strength of the modern maiden, who ha most certainly grown uncommon. ly tall and proportionately muscular during tho last few year. It cannot be that outdoor sport, gymnastic ex ercise nnd so 011 have ritrotchcu her out nnd made her iih strong us she l, becnuso her brother have had pre cisely the same advantages nnd thy ' have not developed nt tho samu rate. The secret He In the fact that of re cent year girl havo become far greater consumer of sweetmeat than wero their mother and grandmother!). 11IIU Time wtiH wiieu wo aliouid never "v amA or i.vi..g WWf .. our Itiueheoii. dinner nnd tea table. Now It would be ijulto estraordluary wero vitality, are some of the ways medicine at once made a speedy and complete one not to offer these dainties. And'H"9 merabte disease man- cure. She J now a young lady, and has never what Is more, wo aro not merely coil fcst3 .V"'6 ?"?a ll'ifh iln.n " Mi n n, I tent to eat aweetumtta nt our meals, tunmH ted through the 5oS. 5th St, Salina, Kta. Mrs, R. D8RK.Y. hut wo conHuine them at nil times WPniitesand weakens that heaUh-sustaining fluid and In place of its nnd In all place between meal. itl"utriYvctlua,"ic3Clj3 the circulation with scrofulous matter and tubercular was recently said that boxes 01 bon bon play a conspicuous part In mod ern love-making, "sweets to the aweet" being apparently tho text by whbh every young man of tho day guide. himself through thu devious paths of Ilusshin wrestler who I lltttl tPPAjl Isvn titlin Ij """ "" shortly to enter b ... .. "'"",l fii.ls.nll tnllt iu n v with thu Turk, Madrnll, tell u nt tho more sweet stuff 0110 eats -.ho stronger ono grown. Sugar Is tho se cret of strength, ho declares, Lou ion World. in t ti "If It wero custonmry In thla coun try to confer titles upon men who go 'in for literature, what should I boV" , asked a conceited Jourunllst of hU edi tor, "Huron of Ideas," was tho terse re . P.ly. Nover worry about anything that you can put off until to-morrow. Mauy of tho worre8 ot t0-day, If put off ,mtn to-morrow, 'will tako euro of thoiuHulvcs I ! . I "ro "' ' fu of n mrtH who wctra a I1,or,i VMt Dae of tho Meaqnlto. "Tha memiulte tree It tho boon of fLe Western American desert, and It ,, ,,, , , of , t b , .. for ,,, ,,', parU 0, Uj. rth we , ,,,,;,,,,, , 0 A , of ,,u.b, ne whu e flrit enrne(t from the ,n. ,.,, tnflt the tntsqulte afford the .., ...,... , .... , ,, ., .,., of tho low t.u.kr Krowth't tmllcd With , ft B,J0Ut of Jo b Ue ,raTe,or u a,0 i .,.... ,,, , .. n, ,,,.. .. i -.- ....- ...v w... -.. ... - ... clcnu, and lately (till anotbtr use has been found for It. "Hy cultivating a row of mrnqulto In tuurli tlia iin way a willow are ucd In low and awampy placea to keep tho soil from wanhlng. thr canda of tho dert art brld In cfack from the actlou of the "hlftloe wloda, and Uiun great tract of otherwli barren land will In tlm be reclnlraed for tho Two or Kind, 1 Tie Hcbtnlne bug I brltllsnt, bat h 'Imn't stir mlndj b uitsndrrs tbroueb h, ,d"V'eJ" ?ith ,.blt ,hVJJltht " ht Wjf- ". 1 lb. f.. M .". Ilire "notula' Join ," wbsa asked to advertise,. Frenzied Advertising, In these day of fioneleJ advertising, It I bard for all of us to tell the real thing, and It naturally follows that the rafest way la to pin our faith to those articles and product which are backed and guaranteed by the oldtat and rnoet rellablo concerns. Tbe Pillsbury company, ot Minne apolis, with a world-wide reputation for best quality, guarantees to you that In buying their ideal breakfast food, "Plllsbury'a Vitoe tbe Meat of tho Wheat," you actually purchase a pro duct which Is free from impurities, and at the eamo time a moat economical food. It is truly the white heart ot the wheat kernel, sterilized, nothing add ed, nothing taken away; no flavoring, no cooking, and a two-pound packngo will make you twelvo pounds ot delici ous white food. Figure the economy ol this. If you aro looking for the best, and are willing to accept the statements ot the largest and most respected ot Anns, whose products aro the yard stick by which all competitors measure their lines, you will not hesitate. Ask your grocer today for "Pills hury'a Vltos the Meat of tho Wheat." Put up only in two pound air tight packages. Price -0 cents. Tlckl.it Him. The major found Itetnus sprawled out In tbe blazing sunshine. "You don't seem to mind the heat. It em us?" "No, salt; et Jcs' suits me. De hot tali ct la de sweeten de melon grow." "Hut don't your garden suffer?" "Nurflu' In deb now, sab, but 'tateb. Like to seo et so hot det dey'd roast right In do ground en den Ah wouldn't bnb de trouble ob bulldln' a flab to cook dera." FITS Jttn r.rmanrntlr Cured. Jfofitior nrrroomfaa aflrrllritdar'tut.urilr.Kllnr'adrralMr-rT Uttarrr. Kd for r,..SH trial bAlll.anrffr.&tU. Dr.K.11. Kllu,Ll4.,WI Arcftht. I'blladrlptila, r. Charxnit III Time. "Tbe treasury detlclt for tho fiscal year la nearly 14.000,000." "Kh.? That doetu't seem much for a big nud prosperous nation, does It?" ."And your sharo of tho deficit If there are hO.000,000 In our nation will bo close to 30 cents." "What's that! My share? Say, only tho grossest carolossnoss and bad man agement could rtfti up an enormous dellelt llko that." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Wamn prnprallr comlJsr eonta- queuces la luve, seldom lu re.eutmeut. Coltou. SCROFULA wc 1 The tainted blood of ancestors lays upon the shoulders of Innocent off enrfafr untold suffering by 'transmitting to them, through the blood, that blighting disease, Scrofula; lor in nearly every Instance the disease can be traced to some family blood trouble, or blood-kin marriage which is contrary to the laws of nature. Swelling, ulcerating glands of the neck, catarrh, weak eyes, sores, abscesses. - , . . ..... ... skin eruptions, white swell! 8.W appeared on the head of ny little Incr itin ,l!cie n.,,1 i,r grandchild when only 18 months old, and spread Ing, hp disease and other rapidly over her bodyf Tbe disease next attacked deformities, with a wasting ,A ,;M .n,i -, r.i .t,i,i t 1 ji.. . ,. .. v v Ol tue natural Strengtuanu It was ucjiuaiio, uncu iraumug iu consumption, a. utseasc wuicu uas Dcen tn tno xamiiy oioou lor generations, perhaps, rroves. the srmntoms all nass awav. " m .. . x T ease is cureti permanently while posterity is protected. Book on the blood tnu any ouvice wisiicu, lurnisuea by w THE SWiFT Wo decrown mlbndgrworkwlilmuli n. Our lSyfsra' virNriencn In plsiu uortc en allies u to lit yt'ur tnoutlt rontlbrubly. Dr. V. A. W Le liaa luu.U u auto way to xtraot I.elU sUoluti'ly wuliout psli. Dr. T. 1'. VIo la su eiport ut tout lllllnx nj crown sml brldgvnork. Kilrcllus IT wliaa I'lalea or brlJgc r erd rvd. WISE BROS, DENTISTS Falling JIM., TMM an4 WMhlof ton Bis. Oiea svsolnts tUIS o'clock, rluiulajrsfroin to li. Or MaJn SX3. (fill DR. W. A. wise PUTNAM SIS-H? iVtiS .ISSJ' Si -STpJiV J.' 'th wl " ''' MONROC DRUG COh Vnloavtll. MUsourl. The Wave r-UcOJUl.aV' f. . .OUMCU, jirr-iPi lU, 5 ".. w . IM 25e. It In Arlxona. Th Coroner Hare jotj any Idea what caused tbe stranger's death? Ilroncbo Pets Yep. lie died from betrt trouble. The Coroner Are yon sare7 Ilroncbo Pete Hsrtenly. The heart wus an ace an he bad It up bis sleeve. Ht.? J75.PtRMANENT iry snl expen.es p,,i ; rua.Dinieri,ouii!oeoiinaciij;Tiea'ani II. llsuksr, room J, l7H7lb it., i orlUnd. VTstl Bnpplled. Tbe young man with tbe black bos snd big brass born entered tbe exclu sive hotel. "What have you there?" asked the clerk. "A talking machine. Can I sell you oner "It would bo superfluous, bere. Tills hotel Is patronized exclusively by la dles." ritos Cure T a reinear fnrrnaghs, colds and consumption. Try it. Price 25 conta, tt druggist. HI Had IltnmUr. City Grocer We have some extra nice country bams, madam, If Mrs. Flatt (Interrupting) For good ness' sake, don't say "ham" to me. I've Just got back from a three-weeks' visit with a uutry cousin. Chicago News. BiATKorOHio.Crrror Totxco, J .. I LCCAS lOCXTT. I " r&iXK J. Ciishkt makes oath that be Is enlor partner ol the firm 0 1 '. J. CiiutA Co., dolnc builneis In tbe Cttyot Toledo, Coun ty and Klate afute.ald, and that said firm wilt pay tbesunolONK lll'.SDHKU DOLLARS lor acli andeTeryeaMolCiTARKU tbatcanQotbo , cured by tba um ol I! all's Citaesii Cure. . rr.ANK J. Cll t.NEY. I Fworn to before me and subscribed In my pretence, this tlh. day ol Ieeeaibr, A. I)., Iteo. . JL. W. OLEABOK. "h Notary labile If all's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces ol tbe ay item. 6and for UtttmontaH. free. Y. 3. CIIES'EY A CO., Toledo, O. 1 Bold by Drnrf lata. lie. Hall's ramHy Hlls aro tbe best. Alma Mater Ho Dear. Farmer Jason Want a Job, hey? Aro ye a good, steady worker? Bypath Maktj Well, no, now you speak of It. I have to take four months off every year to go an coach me old college football team." Puck. Uotberswltl Una Mrs. Window's Soothlnc By nip the be.t remedy loose (or their children durioc th teething period. Vegetarianism Is all tbe vo;ue among tbos who take thought what tbey shall eat and what tbey shall drink, says the London Outlook. Itrldge and boiled cabbage came In together, and who shall ( y which has tho firmer hold upon per 1 sons 01 lasntonr then that we decided to trv S S f Tli.r wMvai iv , .v . IIWUIU iiw 41V1 BltUU or at least since the birth of the suf- icrer, requires constitutional treatment. S. S. S. is the remedy best fitted for this. It cleanses tho blood of all scrofulous and tuberculous poisons, mokes it rich aud pure and under the tonic effects of this rrrcat blood medicine the reneral health lm. there ia a sure return t lie.iltit tlm .lie. .. kl our physicians, w without charge. SPECIFIC CO,, ATLANTA CAs DR.T.P. WtSC FADELESS DYES packaga color Home ot the Circle ,-. nUrvr crntA COokin? b U II1C- HUM" TTaww &-- -- - loved, where the family enjoy the finest of biscuits, doughnuts, calces, and pies and other good things every day. The baking h always delicious and wholesome because K C Baking Powder the baking powder of the wave circle, is uied. GetKCto-dayl 25 ounces for t isn't all tnat we , your erocerrcfundsyourmpney. Send for "Book of Presents." JAQUES MFG. CO. Cblcarjo. Ha Otteil llin Ilutoher. "What's the matter now'' asked tho vl!'age editor as the "deril" rushed ex citedly Into hit sanctum. "Your wife has Jutt eloped with tba butcher," rcpl'ed the Inky Imp. "Olt. Is that all!" exclaimed the scis sor wiclder, with a sigh of relief. "Well, I that make one less bill I'll bar to set J tie. anyway.' MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS I'ulnt, llhl..l and airnnsnl Miurnp l-utlar en ib niarkat. Us llvr, rp.vrrr o Om airaay M'ih iwnburvt. W nl lor l-tef i(h4. tatalui tunt pnr. -- : KrJIKRSON MACIIINl!V CO. root ol A.orrlaon S(rel 1-oriUiJ, Orejas Fruit Farm Bargain On White Salmon River Two hundred nrre MO leased school land) with ll'O ji nog nu t tr.- s, most ly Spitrenb-rg and Nt'M i-ii apjiles. On stage and It. K l. rute: imlo from fdiooi. Iirigniing ditch cveiinggar deni and inn I fruit-. Stock ti I tools with place. I'r ce l UOO; $.'.f(X) down. For iirthiT part ci.lers aildrsi II. II. AI1RENS, While SaTmon, Wftth. Positive, Comparative. Superlative. " t have uted coe of your FUh Drand Slickers for Ave ytara, and now want a new one, alto on for a friend. I would not be without one for twka tho coat. They are juat aa far ahead of a corrmon coat as a common. 000 la ahead of nothing." IHGHEST AWARD tfORlD'S PAIR. 19M. Be sura you dont set one of tho com mon kind thla la tho rCLftfU&t mark of eicollenc. , & A. J. TOWER CO., 2!J'5 oston. U.S.. 2SrVMaal TOWER CANADIAN CO., Limited, TORONTO, CANADA. IS Uakera of Wet Weather Clothing 1 Hat. K Ctl this out. return to us with the names and aJdrrstes of yuurtelf and to of your friends, anj the date hen you lll prohaNy J enter a buslnrss coUese, and e olll creJlt . yuu with I5XD on our K5.00 Kholarshlp. Our school offers crepilonl aJvinUrm to stuJenuofOuUnesf.bhonlund, Enttlh,etc BtJi KsTsucrtON letsr Tuition alitllCICAttiOtUI It tl'tltll - THE MULTNOMAH BUSINESS institute: U. A ALDIN, est. sixth T. PORTLAND, ORE. KILLS Mr ami H vermin lba tnfrtliorwarlU. poul trj Uar lll AOlUifior CsUlciU (TDW. LICE! 11 a a con Ui. blooj n k Vh ahiHiU ko la uu.ln ltr LICE POWOCR VilK n..ii-, ibu. 11 Saved FEED a. aitra rmUma dium vm rl.au oa account of .train. 29eaud0O4 OMlan. Pjr mHM A 14 PRUSSIAN r,MIOY OO. ST SAUL. MINN. U pac Hand Pook rrva POHTIAND StfD CO.. PortlanJ, Oregon. Coast Ascnts rT Dr. G. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Tlls wniultrful Chi ns Doctor la rU d grvstbrcauav bt otrts m0s without op lion I hat are le . up to die. lie in e l li Ibiuw hoi il i(ul cm in s lirro.. ruois, biult balks anil ts:ubli tbat ' tnttrrlv u Luuwn lo in l ral o nu. In lb e n i ry. Th o .m ha u. ui lb' a hirmlvs r mtdl.-s til- launu.do lur know t ioiluu ufuis ftJO U.Bo:. n r'uudiei vtbl a li aurvvas uUy me In dlff.r J ili.euw. Hi uirmOitucurCM'A-rh.aatltuia,luiiie,t!ir a , rb i.iua lim, nrrvoi am-aa, ituaiarli, 'Ivtrr k U nj". etc I 1"" buudrnU or tiatlim nUla, I lurse mwleiat-. lull ai U aeblm I'all ula oiitortherUy write for hUtukr audxroUra. biUlauup. OuNdL'LTATION I'l.K. Address THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICIK CO 162!i Drat St., S. C. Cor. Morrison Mention paper. PORTLAND. OREGON. p. ft a No. 41-1903 WHEN wrlttugr to advortlsera pleasaj uientlott this (uipar. I "'""'ii ...i-ii. i roal silk, wool and cottari equally wall ami t 2evAitu.vi1' watrt' tuc a pacasic wrK for ir oouci now ia .