The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 20, 1905, Image 6

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    Misso !
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CHAPTKK XXIV.-Cohtlnued.)
And at last Yolando grow to fear the
worst. One evening she had sent for
her father, and she went downstairs and
found him lu the sitting room.
"Volande, you are as white as a
"Papa," she salil, keeping a tight guard
over herself, "I want you to come up
atalra with me. I hare told my mother
you were coming. She will sec jroit; she
It grateful to you for the kind tnessxges
I hare taken to her. 1 I have not ask
ed the doctors but I wish you to come
with me. Do not speak to her It Is
only to nee you that she wants." "
Ho followed her up tho stairs; but
he entered first Into the room, anil he
wtnt orcr to the bedside and took his
wife's hand, without a word. The mem
ories of a lifetime were before him as he
regarded tho emaciated cheek, and the
strangely Urge and brilliant eyes; hut
all tho bitterness was orer and gone
"George," said she, "I wish to make
sure you havo forgiven me, and to say
good-by. You havo been mother as well
as father to Yolande she love you
You you will take care of her."
Sho closed her eyes, as If the effort to
apeak had overcome her; but he still held
his wife's hand In his; and perhaps he
was thinking of what had been, and of
what far otherwise might have been.
Now, It Is not possible to wind up this
history In the approved fashion, becauss
the events chronicled In It are of some
what recent occurrence Indeed, at the
present writing the Wlnterbournes and
John Shortlanda are still looking for
s -
IvSfcT finuM?' 3i iBSmUBkmm
ward to their night to Allt nam ba, when
Parliament hat ceased talking for the
year. But at least the atory may be
brought as far as possible "up to date."
And first, as regards the Matter of Lynn.
He Is In a hotel In Prlnees street, Kdiu
liurgh, In a sitting room on the first floor,
lying extended on a sofa, and smoking
n big cigar, while a cup of coffee that
had been brought hlui by aiTectlonati
hands stood ou a small table just be
aide him. And Shena .Van, having In
vain cudgeled her brains for fitting
terms of explanation and apology, which
she wished to seud to her brother, the
professor, had risen from the writing
desk and gone to the window; and was
now standing there contemplating the
wonderful panorama without the Kcott
monument, touched with the moonlight,
the deep shadows in the valley, th
range of red windows In the tall houses
Joyond, and the giant bulk of the Castle
Hill reaching away up Into the clear
"Shena," tayt he, "what o'clock Is
"A quarter past nlue," the answers,
dutifully, with u glauee at the clock ou
the chimney piece.
"Capital!" he tayt, with a kind of sar
donic laugh. "Hxcelleutl A quarter
past nine. Dou't you feel a alight vibra
tion, Hheua, as If the earth were going
to blow up? I wonder you don't tremble
to think of the explosion!"
"Ob, yes, there will be plenty of noise,"
say Hhona Van, contentedly.
"And what a ttroko of luck to bare
the Grahams at Lynn! Itagglng the
whole covey with one cartridge It will
noon be twenty past I can aee the
whole thing. They haven't left the din
ing room yet; hi lordship must always
open the newspaper himself; and the
women-folk keep on, to hear whether
Queen Anna ha come alive or not.
Twenty past, Isn't It 'Hang that fel
low, Lammer!' hit lordship growl. 'He's
always late. I'll tend him about hit
business that's what It'll come to.' Then
Polly think she'll run upstair for a
minute to aee that the blessed baby Is
all right; and we'll say she's at the door
wheu they hear wheels outside, and ao
sho stands and waits for the letter and
paper. All rignt; Uont be In a hurry,
Polly; you'll get something to talk about
He raised himself and sat up on the
sofa, ao a to get a glimpse of tho clock
opposite; and rih?ua Vau whose proper
title by this time wa Janet Leslie
came and stood by him, and put her hand
ou hla shoulder.
"Will they be very angry, Archie?"
alio aays,
"My dear girl," said he, "I don't care
the fifteenth part of a brass farthing
which of them, or whether any one of
them, 1 on our tide. Not a bit. It's
done. Indeed, I hop they'll howl aud
squawk to their hearts' content. I should
bo sorry If they didn't."
"Hut you know, Archie," said Shena
Van who had her own little share of
vorldly wisdom "If you don't get rec
onciled to your friends, people will say
that you only got married out of spite."
"Well, let them." mild he cheerfully.
"You and 1 know better, Shena what
matters It what they say? 1 know what
Jack Melville will say. They won't get
much comfort out of him. 'No one has
got two lives; why shouldn't he marry
tho girl he's fond of' that's about all
they'll get out of him."
And so at this point we may bid good
by to these adventurers and come along
to another couple who, a few weeks
later, were walking one evening ou the
terrace of the Houe of Commons. It
was a dusky ami misty night, though it
was mild for that time of year: the heav
ens were overclouded; the lights on Weal
minster Hrldgo did little to dispel th
pervading gloom, though the qulvcrhu
golden reflections on the black river loos
ed picturesque enough; and In this den"
obscurity such members and their friend
as had come out from the heated atmos
phere of tho House to have a chat on
the terrace were only Indistinguishable
figures who could not easily bo recog
nized. They, for the most part, were
scAted an one or other of the bench ej.
standing about, or idly leaning against
the parapet; but these two kept walking
up and down In front of the vast and
shadowy building and the gloomy win
dows, and they were arm-lu-arui.
"A generation hence," said one of
them, looking at the murky scene all
around them, "Lond"ncrs won't believe
that their city ciuld have ever been ns
black a pit as this Is."
"Hut this generation will see the
change, will It not?" said bis companion,
whose voice bad Just a trace of a foreign
accent In It. "You are going to make
the transformation, are you not?"
-IT said he. laughing. "I don't know
how many are all trying at It; aud who
erer succeeds In getting what Is really
wanted will be a wonder worker, I can
tell you. What's more, ho will be a very
rich man. You dou't seem to think about
that, Yolande."
"About what, then?"
"Why, that you are going to marry a
xerx poor man."
"No, I do not care at all," she aald.
"That Is because you don't under
stand what It means," nnld he. In a kind
ly way. "You have had no possibility
of knowing. You can't have any knowl
edge of what It I to have a limited In
cometo have to watch small economies,
and the like."
"Ah, Indeed, then!" said she. "And my
papa always angry with me for my
economies, and the care and tho thrift
that the Indies at the Chateau exercised
always! '.Miser,' lie says lo me 'miser
that you are!' Oh, I am not afraid of
bulng poor."
At this moment John Khortlands made
his appearance.
"I.ool here, lolande,'' he said. "I
suppose you uon t want to near any more
of the debate?"
"No, no," she said, quickly. "It I
stupid ttiipld. Why do they not tay
what they mean at once uot stumbling
here, stumbling there, aud all the others
talking among themselves, aud a If ev
erybody were going asleep?"
"If lively enough sometimes, I can
assure you," he said. "However, your
father think It' no use your waiting
any longer. He' determined to wait
until the division Is taken; aud no one
know now when It will be. He say
you'd better go back to your hotel I
suppose Mr. Melville will ee you so far.
Well," said he, addressing Jack Mel
ville, "what do you think of the dinner
Wlnterbourne got for you?"
"I wasn't thinking of It much," Jack
Melville Hold. "I was more Interested
In tho members. I haven't been near the
House of Commons nines I utcd to come
up irom oxford for thu boat race."
"How' the company going'"
"Pretty well, I think; but of courso
I've nothing to do with that. I have no
capital to Invest."
"Rxcept brains; and sometime that'a
aa good a bunk notes. Well," said
Bhortlands, probably remembering nn
adage ubout the proper number for com
pany, "I'll bid ye good-night, for Pin
going back to the mangle I may take
a turn at It myself,"
Ho Jack Melville and Yolande together
set out to find their way through the cor
ridor of the House out Into the night
world of Iiondon, and when they were
In Palaca yard Yolando said she would
Just a soon walk up to the holel whera
her father and herself were staying, for
It waa no further away than Albemsrla
"111,1 ,..,11 ),. .!, M. fll,rlUiid
..1. 111 .1... -l .. I I. -I. .1.11.. Illl.l.-... '
piiiik Bui nhvti, urigiiiij, ii-mni'--,
after all, then, there Is to be no ro
mancoT 1 am not to be like the heroine
of n book, who Is approved because sho
marries a poor man. I ant not to make
any such noble sacrifice."
"Don't be too sure, Yolande," said he,
good-naturedly. "Companies are kittle
cattle to deal wlthj and an Inventor's
business Is still more uncertain, There
la a chance, as 1 say; but It Is only a
chance. However, It that falls, there
will bo something else. I am not afraid."
"And I am I afraid!" she said, light
ly. "Nol Hecause I know more than
you. And perhaps I nhould not speak,
for It Is a secret no, no. It Is not a se
cret, for you have guessed It do you uot
know that you have Mouagleu?"
He glanced at her to see whether she
was merely making fun: but he saw lu
her eyes that she was making an actual,
If uot amused, Inquiry.
"Well. Yolande," said he. "of courts
I know of Mrs. Hell's fantasy; but I
don't choose to build my calculations for
the future on a fantnsy."
"She has bought Mouagleu," Yolande
said, without looking- up.
"Very well. I thought she would do
that If she heard It was In the market.
Very well, why shouldn't she go there
and send for her relatives. If she has
any and be a grand lady there? I have
met more than one grand lady, who
hadn't half her natural grace of man
ner, nor half her kindliness of heart."
"It Is very ad then." said Yolande,
who was afraid to drive hltu Into a more
decided and dellnlte opposition. "Here Is
a pour woman who has the one noble
Ideal the dream of her life It lias been
her hope and her pleasure for many and
many a year; and when It comes near to
completion, no, there Is an obstacle, and
the last obstacle that one could have Im
agined. Ah, the Ingratitude of Itl It
has been her romance. It has been the
charm of her life. She has no husband,
no children. She has, I think, not any
relation left. And because ynu are
v v '"- i inroiigu ii ring, iiivii iiiroiigu uio noi
!:r.',..,",' i,o.,mlc?l;,ll-y,o"., :Hi.. mnww nd then nD tt... Vn.i
it you bViak i,er .;,;';; r "
"Ah. Yolande." ald he. with a smile.
"Mrs. Hell has got hold of you with lief
old Scotch songs he ha been milking
you through fairyland, and your reason
has got H-rvertel. What do you think
pe.ple woiil.1 wy If I were to take away
tins poor woman's money from her win-
tives or fnm her friends and acquaint-
........ It 1.. 1.. H .Al..l . t. 1 . '
uiiti, it ,Hr (tun nt, (i-iniiii-f ii i itm
-,.,.-1 if i .,. ik. ..mi.r ..f .
sw.ndllng company, now. t roukl .karp',""H" ",rHlM of M,", of "," -
It out of her that way; that wmild bo n"d 'w the tad. tho ntpo paMluiC
all right, and I hiiM remain an hn-, undenienth these Ioomi. The llluatrn
cred member of society; but this wuu't tloil shows Iho Idcn plainly, I'lgliro t
dj this won't do at all. You may b Indlcntlng tho shaping of the pad nt
as uisnonest as you like, ami m, umg as
jiii uon i give me mw n grip ou you,
and so long as you keep rich enough,
you can have plenty of public respect;
but ynu can t afford to become ridiculous.
i, hi 3wii inn i niiuiii i ix-i-imir ruiii'uiuii.
V.v n V..l..t.. If Mr. IIMI I... I ,-l.r
Monaglen. let her keep It. I hope aht,"n,loM ,,f ,l'" division of tho bureau of
will Install herself there, aud play tady (ngrlcilltiiro devoted to the study of
Hountirul she can do that naturally Jronda mid roml-linlhlliig materials, him
enough; aud when she has hail her wilt been recogulrcil In n larger lliinticlal
of It, then. If she likes to leave It to me appropriation than wna nccorded tho
at her death, I shall be her obliged aud old allien of public road Inquiries. Ttio
humble servant. Hut In the meantime. BC0K! of , rw ,vl,0, ,,,, ,,lH. ln.
"'' I'-TV::' .Vf: M" ,. ' h"TVerlnlly il.rBil. now taking cognl-
When they got to the hotel they pnii-i
ed outside the glats door to say good
"Good-night, dearest Yolande."
"Good-night, dear Jack."
And then she looked up nt this broad
shouldered, pale, dark man, and there
was a curious miille hi her beautiful,
sweet and serious face.
"Is It true." she asked, "that a woman
always has her own way?"
"They say so, at all events," was the
"And If two women have the aamt
wish ami the same hope ami only one
man to say mi, then It Is still more likely
he will be defeatist r
"I shouldn't say he had much chance
myself," Jack Melville said. "Hut what's
your conundrum, now, sweetheart?"
"Then I foresee something," she said.
"Yes, I see that we shall have to ask
Mr. Ix-slle to be very kind, and to lend
us Duncan .iincuouaiii or an ereuiug.
Oh, not o rery far away not so far
away as you Imagine; because, you know,
when we have all gone up to Monagleu
House, and we are all Inside, perhaps
ell In .llnliiit nmin, liln llllla
chat together then what will you ay
If all at once you heard the pipes out
side, aud what do you think Duncan will
play, on aiieh an evening as thai, If not
Melville' Welcome Home?"
(The end.)
Cirou Now lioKonorato.
Onco the circus consisted of n,
magic lucloaiiro under n tent, In
which trained nnlmnls, clowim, mid
wondrous Indies uiid gentlemen Jump
ing through tlssue-pnper hoop creat
ed tho whole utiiioN)heri of thu en
chanted place, wijh a writer In Col
ller'a Weekly. Now themi element
ore nliiiOHt atiiik In the grandeur mid
complexity of thu apectnclo which tho
plreiiHi'H nffi.r In Din tiirii-r eltll'H I'vr.
tonal relntloiiH between tho clown iuil!,,,n1 "" ot -'nipcr with Iwttoin
hi nudlenco nre Impossiblefor ho I 2 Inches nboyo lower edge of temper.
legion mid the placo fa Krent. Iro". ' Itt-lncb wagon tiro mid haa
Ah ndiilta nrn now moat entered to wlt nt x, x.-Clpuicoy Avery, lu
mn.iiiv in u-imt lu itiitm lu winirlif
more than almplo cliiirm, and du tiger,
real or apparent, la exploited In neiinl
leap on hlcyelea or automobile.
little of tho exhibition la catalogued
iih apeclnl children a feattirea. Onco
Iho whole circus wuh for the children,
Tho rcHiilt of tho new Hyritam ou a
youthful mind Ih confusion
UiiIchh wo firu iiilMnken thu chil
dren of to-day will not look hack
upon tho clrciiH with tho hiiuio feel
lugs of romance that moat of ua hnvo
lu memory. The chuugo la probably
Inevitable mid due not to a prefer
ence. In anybody for tho newer kind
of clreiiN, hut to thu minio economic
lawH that lead to big combinations
In every Hue, Individuality dlaap
ptMira lu the circuit for tho anmo ciiuhch
that are putting mi end to tho Httlo
HhopkoeiKT mid manufacturer ell
over tho country and replacing hint
with tho Impersonal octopus.
for lliiltrr-llrrnklim llorr.
Some imraoa have the l"l l"lt
pulling nt their halters when fastened
at tho mmigcr and nlwnya breaking
them. Whllo It It generally considered
that tho horse gel nloiw ucl' ,(,l,or
lu tho box stall where ho la not fasten
ed nt nil It la not nlwnya possible to
nrratiiro audi n pliiu, so that some
thing must ho douo to break tho linl-ter-brenklng
habit. The following plan
Is ndriilttcd to work nicely mill to break
any horse of tho habit after a few
wouka' trial. Take n strong rope long
enough for tho piirposo and, nftor
doubling It, pass nil end each side of
Ihw liorso ntMitit midway iM'twccn tho
front and hind legs. Pass tho ends
through n ring, thou through Iho holo
i1" "nl!,',r1 "" ;,r ,,m h,,ni
"M,K lmck ,ho n,,m llll,' ',r',,l,,
"' l"ly ""d pulls llllll lmck. so that
nftor n few trials ho glviw up tho phin.
To prevent the rope from making; tho
lmck of the horao wire, innku n soft
Hul i.f soeral thlcknesea of new tin-
i,mi.N mimim, vers on the out-
,, .,, , ... ., ..
....ii . , .ii
iiiHlly atroiiK. chiiii material.
ti, center swim. Iiidlntmpolla Nowa,
Himil lliillillnu.
Tho lli)HrtitlK-c of the new otllce of
' ,...i n . . , , , ., i I .!..
I'"""'? ". Whldl U the ntllclnl deslg
sanco of the vheiulcnl mid physical
character of road materials, work
which was formerly done, where xm
slble, by tho htirciu of chemistry, Ono
of the foulurcs of the new otllce, liable
from Ita enlargement and tho authority
which hit been given It to confer with
pnsHi'tvo builder ii nd offer them ex
pert advice, la the post-gradiintn courso
In highway engineering, which Ima
Just been InnKiiniteil, with a view of
giving young civil engineers theoreti
cal and practical training In road-build-lug.
Prnctlcat I.uiid I.evaler,
I'ljf. 1, prospective akctch; Fig. U,
aldo view; levcler, K, extends hack di
rectly over right aldo of bout, C; short
end of Iron, II, holt to rear aldo of
II, In middle, ami long end Is hinged
, by lx)lt to top end of G, which I bolt-
el ou top of runner with upturned end
Hush with Inner sldo of runner. Op
erator stands on tioitt, C, and by using
, K , ,
,, . ,, . . , , ,.
rf,:,ch ' ""' ?,l.,l"7. ''y '.' "
between G, G ntul II, II. Hunt, U, Is
. u,'io i' ariner.
Htonned the Crowlnir.
Those who lira In crowded neighbor
hood In town or city nro often dobar-
m, fro, kcCilnir chicken hocaii.o of
coinplanU or PKhlK)rH of tho early
i inorillng croWK f tho cock. Thu
,mthorltlc- In mi KiirIIhIi town Imvo
I devised a romedy for this trouble, cont
Hlatliig of placing thu perch whero the
cock rooata ao high that when ho
ataudti up to crow ho knoeka hla hoid
against tho roof mid dealata. It Is
claimed Hint a swinging board over hla
head answer tho nnmo purpoHc.
Hlieep u Hcnveuuers,
A flheep la not a scavenger In tho
aonao that tho pig Is, They will pass
through a paaturo or a Hold filled with
all kinds of weeds, eating of this mid
that by way of variety, or as a tonic
.to tholr systems. Tho dandelion, which
U so abundant In our pasture, Is rcl-
lhl by sheep, nnil they will scarcely
lot any of tt go to seed, an diligent nrn
they In entlnjt It down. Most weeds
aro somewhat hitter to tho titalo, mid
thn liking for what la hitler aeeina to
he n peculiarity of thn sheep, which
often lends It to cat plants that nre poi
sonous If allowed In run where poison
ous weeds jtriiw. It hn hfeu stilted,
upon pielly good nutluirlly Hint sheep
Imvo been poisoned by mi overdose of
cherry, peach and almond leaves, nil
of which contain prussle neld, ntul are
poisonous when eaten In any consider
able quantity.
Hum In Commerce,
A poultry farm, whether ilticks,
geese, chickens or turkeys bo the spe
cialty, iicciinnihitcs it large and malo
dorous surplus uf egg that refused to
develop Into fowl, The average per
sou would suppose that If there la any
thing ou earth that I utterly worth
ies It la a stale egg. Millions of stale
eggs nre used every year In preparing
leather dressing for gloves mid book
binding an Industry that Is largely
carried on lu the foreign tenement
houses of New York mid other large
cities. They are also used III iiianil
factoring disinfectants mid In the
preparation of ahoehlncklng, and even
the shells nre made Into fertilisers.
The eggs that have not jot h"' H",,r
virtue also have other use bosldos tho
more common ones for culinary pnr
Mise. It Is estimated (hat fully to,
(HHi.tsK) doieti are used by wlue ehirl
Hers, dyo miuiuractiircr, and In the
preparation of photographera' dry
plates. Kxchange.
How lo Mnke it llur Hwvep.
A. K, Hhreltler, of South Dakota,
aaya: "The following la whnt I be
lieve to be a cheap and practical way
to mnke a btiekor, or hay sweep. All
the materials required for this purpose
lire two IxH's. II feet long; one '.'il',
II feet long; three 'Jxl's, IS feel long;
one '.'xl, I'J feel long, ami U feel of
l-llich rope. Cut Hie IH-font i!il Into
pieces II feet long mid (Hilut them at
both ends with n sharp band ax. Next
spike these II foot pieces on the -11-plauk.
14 feet from ouch end, placing
the Sxl's 2 feet and I Inches swrt. Cut
the 1-fiMit 'Jit Into four equal piece,
place upright mi the edge of the Itx!-,
!t feet S Inches awrt, nihI brace t.etii
solid by nailing the IxS on the stakes.
Cot pipe lo III feet length and put one
on each end of the 'JxVi aivd jihi have
a reversible blltker, or aweoji wke, bet
ter than you con buy for twice IhoM
Ilomriiindn Wire Htrclrhrr.
Take a round stick Uty feet long mid
'Jij or .'I Inches lu diameter Mnke
opening lu end II Inches long and large
enough to allow wire to slip lu. Put
handle on the other end and then with
stick nt right ntiglc to ost and wire
next to post twist ns light ns wanted.
Any wire can he broken with this tie-
wiae aTHtrtniKU.
vice and you dou't hate to havo any
thing to fatten stretcher to, Kx
The tlruunsr Potato.
Presh luvestlgntloii regarding thu
new Uruguay aitato luillcates Hint the
plant will probably not prove of much
practical value where the common k
Into or thoawcot potato van be grown
with success. It Is a tropical plant
which will uot thrive In cool weather.
and even where It haa succeeded It I M'ongres and served two term.. Af
of such a weedy chnrneler that It erwsrd he moved to Chicago mid was
liable to become a nuisance when It
escapes from cultivation. Those who
ure experimenting with tho new imlalo
express some hopes that It may yet bo
Unproved to stteii mi extent mat iw:' oo" " uinuc i nnucr puuue printer,
vigorous productive fLHr:"t'.T iiinyjTIil' potltlon enrrle wlh It large sal
bring It Into use to a limited extent. ,ht' n,,rt I'lfliienco. The public printer
At present It Is not recommended fur
commercial uses.
To Combat I'Hch on futile,
Tho following formula, which was
originally prepared by the Kutomnlogl
cal Department of the ICiiiihum Agri
cultural College, ha been found very
effectual mid ulso economical with the
college herd, and Is being sent out by
the Dairy Department In rciouHo to
Inquiries for fly mixture;
ItcNln, Wi pounds; laundry sonp, i!
cakes; fish oil, one-half pint; water
to make three gallons, Dlssolvu the
realn In solution of soap mid water by
ladling together. Add llsh oil and the
rest of thu water. Apply with a
I'ntteiilnu the llorae,
Tho cheapest and quickest way to
put fat on u thin horse Is to give little
exercise and feed freely of buckwheat
bran and middlings. This makes a
soft fat which will work off lu a fow
days at hard work. Plenty of good,
sweet clover hay, a limited amount of
oxerclso and a green ration made up
or one part by weight of linseed menl,
two parts oats and five partH corn, will
put a horse In much better condition.
Hliollcr (lie Younueter.
If tho calf Is allowed to run out of
doors lu tho summer It must havo a
good shelter from tho hot sunshine and
(lies. It will not cost much to build a
llttlo house for this piirposo. It will
pay good Interest ou tho Investment.
Conquest jng Great
I American Desert j
Were all of arid Amerlcii lit for Iha
living It could he occupied by a third
of the entire pupiilallun uf the I'nii,.,)
Hliiles, Go lulu Hie foothill uf ct).
...i.. ...... kt.......... .. ...
rnuo nun .loviiiin. mere Mile sage. ' Jl
lirusii springs rrom the intid as II doc
on the silii-biiked mesas of Arlxonn and
New Mnxlcn away In the Niittth 'pi,,
latlstlchin eatltuales that even In Km,,
sas, Nebraska nud the llakolas fiilf
7n.(Xa,(s acre will produce only
scanty herbage Just euuiigh in keep
range cattle nllwi n few weeks during
the grating season yet these Mutes
are not considered a part of the des
ert. Already a modern miracle has I ,
wrought. The one who has not vUlted
the oasis created by Irrigation may
scout this assertion, hut should ha
chance Into the valley through whteh
the Itlo Pcco flows, or lu Colorado
ailing the Poudre river, the lamlsospn
of field, orchard and garden whbh na
ture has ensiled hi a literal wilder
ness will convince liliu beyond thn
shadow of a doubt, lu the southwest
fruits and grains both of the Irople
and temperate rone are to be teen
growing In luxuriance where jester
day only groasowood, sagebrush and
cnelus exlsleil.
Yet the soil Is unchanged, save for
the application of water. It Is thai
of the desert without moisture, al
most llicnpithlo of aiiptortllig life.
When moistened, however, these wr
(teles of sand, eeu alkali nn-k. con
tain propertlea so fertile that from
tbein springs vegetnllou more abiin
daut and luxuriant than the erops that
are gathered from the rich loam of In
diana and Illinois and the fertile al
ley of New York Itself.
Though les than in per rent nt Iha
available nriit for Irrigation has thus
far leen rearhetl. III Colorado ltelf im
les than T. jMr rent of the lands
available for cultivation deisnd iimhi
the artlnclal water supply Thes
farm aggrenle "Wt.issi acres Ttin
South Piatt valley, the most exten
sively Irrttfttted regiiHI III the t'nlleil
States, InrltfdlUK yrllns of Colrsd,
Wyoming and Nebraska, Im a,ii.i
acrt wblrli are artlltelally watete.1.
Partus lu Ptah thus supplied asgreuato
il.(s) neres; Arttona itnilalns lui.isai
aero, New Mexico Ifiil.lssl acre. Ne
braska UUSI, while some of the most
pnaluetlve valleys of California, w hb'h
send their fruit and vegetables by llm
carload to nil art of the Pulled
States, as well as the prlnrlwl cities
of uniH nre iiiirlureil entirely by
well ami canal. Yet the average lr
of an Irrigated farm Is not over 10
acres, whlrh ghes an Idea of the mil
lion of pimple who to day depend
iimiii these great water work fur thulr
t.iiiiK I'utitlc Printer Urrrotly His-
inUaeil from I lie Hrrlo.
Itteiiis nt the goverumeiit printing
ofllre In Washlugtou hne recently
nireed aiteniiou hi Prank W. Palmer.
'he veteran prhiler
ho was dismissed
rout the service.
le lias for ves4rs
ecu a prominent
'ti'ilh' figure, lu
iiltli he located Itl
own and as n
oiiug man owned
'he Dub II quo
limes, He was
Yi'tcd Slnle print
er of Iowa and re-
11 N K
signed to becoiui ;
owner mid editor of the Iowa Slnli,
Kcglstcr, one uf the lending papers of
the West lu WM he wn elected to
one of (he owners of the Inter Ocean.
President Grant appointed hint post
""'' "f Chicago and he served eight
;'' When Harrison nssuuikil oIIIch
directs tho grisliest printing plant In
the countrj', with -,ws) employes and u
iiinmtnoth hulldlug. He selects the of
ficers of this department mid mnkes
nil Iho purchases of machinery and
material. Willi the advent of the sec
ond Cleveland administration Palmer
retired, hut President McKluley le-appolutt-d
him lu IHD7 mid ho served
until President Hoosovclt ordered his
removal last week.
Il.irrli'il," Indeed,
A now way In which animals mny
benefit the human race without yield
ing tholr bodies for food Is suggested,
says tho Huston Transcript, by a let
ter recently received by tho secretary
of a rural Kngllsh agricultural so
ciety, It Is as follows;
Hlr I partlckly wish tho satiety lo
be called to consider tho enso what
follows, ns I think It mite he uiiild
Trmixtlounblu lu tho next Reports, My
wlf hnd n Tomhd Cat that dyd, Itelng
a torturo shell and a grnto favrlt, wn
had Him berried In tho Guardian and
for tho sake of tho enrichment of tho
mould I had tho carkH deposited under'
thn roots of a Gotsherry Hush (ThiQ
j'Tuto being up till then of a stuootii
kind). Hut the next Mesons Prute,
after thn Cat was berried, tho Gosbe
rles wna all hairy, and inoro Homing
mun tno cntpilicrH or tuo sumo nn
wits Al of tho samo Ilnlry Description!
Wo nro it hollover In tho sweot
volco of n womnu, but don't often find
It that way during butlnoss hour.
HSfcrf II