The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 20, 1905, Image 5

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L. C W 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 wan tip from
Redmond IiihI Saturday.
Must iilfnlfii liny for Hide, $17.50
II Ion A, Aiwi. 31
Two IiicIich of hiiow full Monday
III Ik-nil but It did not Htuy Ion,;.
A new bliickHinllli Hliop in Itclnj;
built nl Ro.tlimd by Geor,;o T. Sly.
Dr. U. C. Coc bus icturiied from
I1I.1 mention al Klmur Morrill's
OeorRL MeyotM Iium ictiirnvd fioiu
11 three week .ilmunce at I'rluu
Villu and Sliunlkn.
Itoiul Suporviwir Ovid W. II
Hlly cHine up from Ida rnucli and
.spuni i.iitiiiriiyiitmi.
Minn Alice (Wt'KKi of I'oillnnil, is
llitt ;tieMt of Miw Mary Kllcy at lie;
much home north of lleiul.
1'aMturHne Air horse, 5,0 cents a
wuok, $2 a inoiith. urtir llend.
If If. V. MOKMH.1..
Lee HohU retiirii4l to the desert
Monday, after m trip to hit old
home at C'.alwtvillu, iJoitjcltis county.
Klue Ixmcd IMyinouth rock
Tooilers, full blooded, for xle at
3.30 each. C.U.At.i.ltN. .vitf
Iltuiry Crnhtree returned to llend
Tuuxlav, Hfler sXcih1Iiik some time
iit I'ortlniid ami other valley points.
W. U. WHitou is exectel liome
from I'oitlrtnd Sunday evening
Alts. WIImhi is tccoveritif; slowly.
Clnrte W. Ilohiian, nf Portland,
deputy U. S. internal revenue col
lector, was in llend Saturday 011
ollielal huslnewi.
New Pall and Winter Millinery New Dress
Goods and Trimmings -- The Designer
Figure With Us
Winter Supplies
Prices Sent on Request.
Dr. C. W. Merrill and sou Itlmer
left ytntturd.ty for a huiititiK oxeur
nion up in Mir vicinity of ike home
tiKid of lite Utter.
Mr. ami Mrs II. T. Hubert, of
Tim Dalle, united last Friday
evening, to examine lauds with a
vlw to rbCfttlHg.
It. I'. I.tvan, of Minnesota, made
ptool oh his' timlwr ciaitn lcforc
CouiuiliMrouer LMwrenceoH October
id, huh wspeiiduiK lew days litre.
Would like to buy one California
Stntc wagon lied. Must lie coin
lt'ele in every rcsject. Woukl like
it by Monday next.
I'kancim it Gakratt.
M. S. Mayfteld and Hurry Stover
were in Mend Tuesday, inking 80
bead of cattle from the Upcr Des
chutes to the May field ranch on
Crooked river.
The Redmond iMt office was
0ened to the public Inst Monday
by l'oktiiinsler Carl Uhret. The
mail service is daily, by the Critic
vlllc-Slhters stae.
Ifclix I.iuster arrived Monday
night to take over the Steidl &
Heed sawmill property which he
.and his father have 1xjuj,IiI. He is
now waiting for his father to adjust
liis affairs in the oust and join him
Mrs! Mary U. Norton and Miss
Nellie V. Ihvyor, of Minneapolis,
are at the Pilot Unite Inn. They will
make proof on Deschutes tinilror
claims at The Dulles laud office
October 3L
Mr. nml Mrs. GoorRC McQueen,
of Portland, were in lluiitl Saturday.
They have taken .o acres of ditch
laud near Uedmond and also filed
011 a .0-ncrc desert claim adjoining.
They intend to make their home on
the reclaimed desert.
The latter part of September H.
If. Nichols and M. C. Awbrcy
went across the Cascades for a visit,
lloth returned Ihis week, Mr. Aw
brey driving across the rmiKu alone
and Mr. Nichols coming in by
way of Shaniko, He spent most of
his time at Kalamn, Wash.
The members and friends of the
Christian Endeavor Society are ar
ranging a bjieciiil musical pro
gramme for next Sunday evening,
in connection with the topic for the
meeting: ".Sacred Songs that Have
Helped." It is hoped that the ser
vice will be enjoyed by all, so
please come. Leader, Miss Violet
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Spaiuhour
wore in from their Tuuialo ranch
Monday, accompanied by Mrs. S,
S. Spaiuhour, who recently arrived
from Leuorc, N. C , to spend some
time with her son. Mr. .Spaiuhour
has between it and 1 2 acres of his
homestead broken and sowed in
j ye, and he has one of the neatest
and most commodious ranch dwell
iugs in the Deschutes country.
Iforemau Charles Reed, of the
experiment form of the D. I. & 1
Co., has received orders to finish
up his work at the farm within a
week. He will take charge of the
work on the Johnston tract, which
has been in process of being cleared
by Adam Kotzuiau under contract.
The experiment farm, which
now becomes the property of
Superintendent Howlee, will Here
after be conducted for profit and
the experiment work discontinued.
The seeding of the place will be
jhjqe. Ucxt 8riug,
M. (). Coe came in yesterday
from the Hear creek ranch, and
went back today.
Nuw Yokk Cakii Stork, Laid
law, Oregon, An elegant display
now, of autumn and winter millin
ery, also children's and iniauis
William V. Vandcvertaud family
returned Wednesday from their
Western Oregon trip. Mr. Vau
devert was greatly pleased with the
fair. Uut when it came to comjxir
ing farm and garden products, he
gloried in the Deschutc country.
Mrs. Adelin I.yston, aged 50
years, died at 10 o'clock this morn
ing at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Prank wood, in the Sisemore
cottage. She had been ailing, with
dropsy and asthma, .wing thus
alUicted when the family moved
over from Eugene n few weeks ago.
J. W. Overton, returned Wednes
day from his trip to the Willamette
valley. He found a foot of snow
on the Cascade range. Charles P..
I.athrop, who come across the next
day, reorts a foot and a half of
.snow in the road at the summit,
and he had to travel through snow
about Jo miles.
I.. I). Wicst returned this week
from Clitic Falls, where he was cu
gaged four weeks in .surveying
irrigation system for the White
ltock Irrieatiou Company, which is
composed of men who have alout
2.500 acres of land needing water.
The projoscd ditch will leave the
Deschutes river six miles south of
Clitic Falls. Mr. Wicst says it is
one of the finest tracts in the Des
chutes valley. This irrigation
plant will water the Clitic balls
towitsite and lands distributed
along the line to 11 point beyond
letherow bridge.
Toilet Articles
Prescriptions Carefully
We carry in slock every
thing usually handled by a drugstore including
Stationery, School Supplies,
Magazines, Toilet Prepara
tions, Confectionery, Cigars
and Smokers' Supplies, and a
Fine Line of Watches and
Merrill Drug Co.
Bend, Oregon.
D. A. Fiudley writes from Leb
anon that he is on his way to the
Deschutes with between 400 and
500 t-, 2- and 3-ycnr'old steers.
While across the range he visited
the Portland fair, which pleased
him greatly. He is due in Bend
any day now.
Wc carry only the DON'T FORGET
finest lines of I
DM1111 a uJW.JiJs.. rrons
I '
I All kinds of wagon work done in first-class shape. Short
H notice jobs a specialty.
HirberBhop H Jj IT) Oorn.rDond
rr,r ootel JlSend. z-z
I -
cirri noN von liquor lichnsu.
Ill tin mutter of tlie HmtlicMtloii nf Sv-
ert l)Hng for a U'tl! Htnr lictMiM.-
in I)ecliiitrN precltict. County of
Crook, SUIc of Oregon.
To tli-' IlomtrHltlc County Court:
Wt, tli unilvr.iK'HHi. IK"I voter, of
DeM'Hiitnt jtnthict. Crook county, Ore-
moii, itMM-tfiilly inftitiiHi th I!imiral,!
Conuly Court of Crook county, Oroii,
to urHiit b Iicciimt to Sfvcrt IJclrfng to
wll iritiiou, nwlt or mihiiih liiuur or
fermeiitnl cdler in Im qtmiitity titan
one K'dlon, in tlie prrciuct of Dwcliutett,
county of Cnnik, otntc of OrtMjon, for
tlw term of iix inontli from the fiml
ilny of Novcmlwr, I'M.
ti.jni I. 1.. . ifi ii. .. .1.:.. ........
iiiihiii 11. imvwi ..ii.ui 1 iiui ifjiiumii,
An otilliiitncc .iilhoil.liiK the inrchM of tr
eel of Mini In ectlt.i llilii-r three, towti.lKp
wreiileeri miiiIi. rnriae eleven runt, for t'y
cemetery pnrpi.v. irml,lii iinim tli.
fur .niv,mg for the (lliHlnii ollola lliee
hi. nl 'tli!llilnif rule, ami regiiliitioti
fiirllie roreriinicMl thtreof.
Iieltoriliilnril l.y tl,e Common Coimclt of ihe
Heel.011 1 That the M.j-or Ixmiit he I. hereliv
utliolel.ii(ldlreetel to ilo.ll mi. Ii Ihliia..
ItielmllNit the epeni!lltire of moner. tire
leeemtry for the purclime ff.,ii, the Vnitrit n.ierriilntiit .f the Maiilli enat Oimrtci .f
Ihe Hoiilh et Onarlrr ofHciInn Tli(7i..n.,. r
Tmttialifti fWefitrii u.nBaTi..(ii...t
nfthe Wlllamr-itr Meridian, which OHltl lnhO ut
eh pot Hon k neeitett therefor alull he un
for the imrrwrf R dty cemetery.
Section j. ItaM cemetery I. fireliy hnmeil
"I'ltol Unite Cem.tery".
Seetloii 1. The Recorder l hereby illrecteit unit
nuthorlteit tocauw n jt of four acre, more or
'eM, of Mid land to he laid ofT by MMnerumpe nl
wrveyor Into (troiier atreeta and Allrya nn I
iae plat of ald plot, ao In Id off m.i.le mi I
cimleit tn the office of Ihe iminty itcifc
Jfook Cminly "Mid plat ali.ll be olTn. l'v
lealdHale.1 a. "Secllon fine of lllot II
SeTtlon 4 There ah.ll he .ppolnted ,V c,e
tl.yor from tnong the cmineil aiandm,., .
nlller of three luenihef., which a.kl eiimriiif
ih.ll he known . tr "Cemelery Com in iter
II aha II be the duty of the mM commit-., wch mlea .ikI refttitatloti. A. .re iiecnsai y
tt the projwr ere, protection .ml Korernm. -it
il th ermctery and lor the KHtdance and .
rol ofthr ap.ton, not In cmillkt Willi Hi. u
lalonaof thla oritin.nce It ah.ll be Ihr did
aid rommllle' to ae that the f-rorMona ol 1 1
rdln.nee .ml attch rule, .ltd regulation. u
ii'y may make .re projwrly enfortnl and , i
d The aatd enmmlilee Ir hereby enioW' 1
md dlr-trledlo Ax . Kheitnle et prlcr fortil,
'Ma In the cemeury may be aold whirli d
ihrdnle .hall be anbint to the approval of 'lie
ouneil Mirf achednle may by the rrmdu.
umniitlec, upon Ihe approval of thecnincil i;
it .My time .ntended I'ikm the approval of i h'
oaocll .. .bxre ptovldrd acid aclietlulr ui
imendment ah.ll be Sled with the Ker.irder.ii'
.null thereafter be followed .ml shall got em B
oe aale of .11 lot. in tl cemetery until
dlneol Ihe next atKceedliig acheiliile or .MKirl
netit. .a In Oil. ordinance r-ddd
nvition 5 jn. aexion ana 11 Ik r,pouitr1 1 i
'rvcinimtip. uNMtinih.ii.rif!- .t
ell,.ndliall Jiold lit. omceiuilil hia
lie apiKjiii
i In the.p
New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Kates. Good Rooms
Always Reserved for Transient Trade
Will. Ilalllwill
It. M. Cite
1 II. ('.lie
I'. II. Marion
T. II.
Win, I'. Dim nine,
A. W. I'oik?
I'. I'. Wtxxl
Kiclmrtl KIiik
J. W. White
Clma, IlrMc
S. N. Scott
j. II. Miller
ltlincr NiaHttiiKor
HiiKviic l.ucicr
I'.. L. Dean
I'. McKuc
I'tetl Kmiilnll
C. II. SwHllcy
1'. I). Hipc
(). 1. Hunter
John WihmI
I.. T. ItHrrett
K. 11. l'kmlent
Lafayette Koc
I'.tl. Si. .Swnllcy
C. JohiiMin
('.. W. Clark
Chnrle It, Kectl
John StuMI
I'. A. Vntcr
Cltns. Ilrock
Alfrctl Howell
C. C. Triptett.
Notice it hereby kIvcii thn( the aliove
Mjtitiou will lie ircheiitetl to the Honor
able County Court of the itUtcof Orceon
for Crook county, mi the 1st ilny of
November, 1905, oriw imkiii thereafter oh
the Miitl Court citn hear the Mine 11111I I
w ill then nml there nsk thnt Mich petition
lie cntutetl nml 11 liceitae lc isucil to the
Mi lil Sever t I)cbili to mil Hpirltiums,
mtilt ami VluollH litjuors mitt fermented
citler in lewt tpiutittty thin one e,lhii
lit the Precinct of l)echutctt in Crook
county, Oregon, for n term of nix
Dated this 3y ilny nf Septeinlier, 1905.
HttVltKT DltlllNO.
Thooiilillc St. Michel
W. It Vamlevert
Win. II. DnviiiNo. 2
It, J. Itrock
V. K. KciNlorfcr
J. II. WM)tl
Ok- Krickson
Nil. Iter-,'
1M. Iltotcrliou
William Orcutt
C J. Cottor
Ililli Hinrcll
Joe IluchlioU
C. P. Ileckcr
Dan nreeiihal;h
Ceo. I,. Slmtnons
Jntutai Itrceil
It. I'. I)W
John W. I.autlcr
K. It. Cnriiiau
(), W. 1'ickel
Italph Slmrp
U S. Sniitly
Ilert Miller
J. M. Pnttuu
(. A. IIoou
Paul Kruutuur
Dan HeUiiiK
Cerhnril Horou
I'rauk llasl
(eo. Jnrtlol
llaruey Law is '
PGTirrioN for liquor ucunsjj
IN' TIIR COONTV COl'KT Ol' Tlllt StAfK 01'
lit the matter of the Hipllcntiou of 1'.
C. How Ice for a rctnil llijuor license
In MoiitKomerv precinct, County of
Crook, Mute oT Oregon.
To the Honorable County Court:
Wc the tiutlersluuvtl, lenl voters of
MoiitKomcry precinct No. A, Crtwli
county, OrVu.ult, to i;riliit n license to 1',
C. Howlee to sell itpirittutils, ulillt or
viuoim liipiotHor feriiii'iited cider in Icsh
iitnutity thuu one nH'). in tile precinct
of MontKomery No. ', Ctnlnty of Crook,
.Stnte of Oregon, for the tettii of six
montlu from the lih.t tlhy of November,
(AM. Hetlllelil 0. A. llcOkwllll
W, Ki i.(lVsuu
1), GrtuulntUtli
Hi I.nney
Ktune (reoiiilnl)1i
W, A. llelcher
1', I.. Hicker
I.. C. Whiltetl
l.tni A. Hetl
M. J. RohorU
ThoH. C. KoltcfU
W. ., Thompson
C. H. Mcl.iillln
H, 1). Iitimulc
Will Howell
I, A. Voiihcrt;
'rank Hensley
John Orniit
John Johnson
1 H. lliiumer
Abul Wolf
Notice is herehv uiVittt tllilt tile nliovil
IKtltiou will lie presented to the Honor
able County Court of tlu.1 stntuof Oregon,
(or Ctook countv, On tlie srd (lay of
Novuinlier, it5, of n. booh tlicreafter n
the twiil Court can heal- tile mime, anil I
will then mitt there ask Hint such petition
be Kntittetl and a license be issued to the
wtltl 1'. C. Howlee to sell Miiritiu.u.
mnlt or vinous litutors or fermented
citler in lesa iiutuiUty than one enlloii
at the Precinct of Montgomery, hi Crook
county, Oregon, for term of six
.Doted this ad day of October, 1905
V, C, RowwtK,
General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing
tW Our shop is located opposite Uaptist Church.
At Bend,
Complete Slock of
Rough, Surfaced and Moulded
At Bend,
All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses
Delivered at
Low Cost
Anywhere on
The Lands of
The D. I. & P.
Co., or
The C. S. I. Co.
Pilot Butte Development
I'taintin, 1
SAiiitlcl M. Jamie?, Matgattt
Km luillltv, mitt llllaa I'. Kw.
011. n cif lurtucra Uoliix tiual.
ntnu uiuUr name or ri. M.
Iiniiitir! mm Mtmici M. Jti-
livy, Mtitctirct Km Jauncy nml
Ulfia '. Kawaoti,
tlcrcntUiit. I
ToSamtlrlM Jaunty, Morjarct Km Jannry.
nml Klita 1'. Kitvaott, aa co-imttiiert iloluc
Imtlncaa mnUr untile or S. M. laniicy. anil
Samitrl M lamicy. Marsarct Hm Jntinry, and
Kllia I'. Kauiuni, DrrrudatiUntimc uaiiirtt;
You are licrtliy rwiulrol to apcar
Hit(ianer me cumpwiui nitu agaium lira iu
the alKivcctititktt Court and conic on or before tlie
.-emetcT) committee and muit. before luuin
iv.cry cvmniiiiee biiu niuii, oetore taauing
permit menttoutd luSeetioti it of thla onli
...t .ln. nf itctulr. iooa. nml if ou ull ao tu
niiteoramlaiiicr Ilie tUtiitiir wilt take judg
ment nguiital )ou for tlie aiim fJi.tl7tSii"'i
contrnct for the tllrect jwyment or money, to-wlti
Tot uoo U, warea and mcrcliandiae mUI to de
femTant ty pltlntllT t the amount ol ItiJ vti on
account ptirchaiied from The Central Oregon
llutiklug & Tru.t Company on overdraft of cli
!o tlie auioutil or f Su, on aceojlul ptlrcllaaett
rom V. II. wltaon lor latwr ixrfornleil for de
eudauti and money advanced at their rniueat
In amount J-t'i It: on account from
A. Kaj for hay furiiHliol dclendauU at their
- .. 1.. n. ......... ... .... a........, ...m l,..l
.VWUil. ,,U.V..M.V..
F.iitpt in nmoiliit 41 68: oil
from The I'lloi untie icvvioimieui vnmpauy tor
ir.utaltf warra ami inrrchandiae rurliUhetl defell
L, wi
dautaat their Kiitieal.niiiouutliiK to $67.11
Tlu kumuiona 14 piitiltaiirti uy onter ol tne
Honorable v. A. licit, Jtidue of the Cotiuty
Court for Crook county, Oregon, made and
entered on the 7'h day of September, ia,i. in
and by which order It l preacrlbetl that thU
kummont be piniltahcd for six consecutive week
lu The llciul llulletlti. weekly ncwaMM:r pub
llahfdlii Crook county, Oregon. The date ol
the Brat publication of thU aummoua la Septem
ber 8, IJOJ. M. K. WIHM.
t-N AUDrnty r ruluUff,
Timber IjnJ, Act June j, 1878,
IT. 8. Uind Office. The Dalle, Oregon,
July , iwm.
Notice I hrretiy given that In compliance with
the prnvUlon ofthe Act of Cougreu of June A,
1S73, entitled "An act for the aale of timber land
in the date of California, Oregon. Nevada and
WaahliiKtou Territory," a evWnded to all the
public land atatc by act of Augut 4, iSoj, the
rolloniiiE.tiametliieraoiithavc, 011 Stay jj, 19a.
filed iu thla ollice their awarn ktatcmeut, to-wll.
John C. I'enry
of llend, county of Crook, atatc ofOreeon. iworn
tatemeut No. jsj. for the purchateorthc e S
iiw t tot j, atiife h aw i( ofaec 1, tp 19 a, r II
c, w iu.
Anna C. ferry
of llend, county of Cro.ik, atatc of Oregon, awoni
atatemciit No. iJ, fur the tmrchaxrof the aw
ne M, lot 1, and w M c U ofaec 1, tp 19 a, r 11
c, w m.
K.I nor 1'. Kyatt
of llend. county of Crook, atatc ofOrecoil.anorti
atatemetit No. ajji, for the ptirchaae of Iota J, 4,
and w (( nw ( of ec 1. uud lot 1 of mo a, tp 19 ,
, IU V, I. 111.
That they will offer proof tn ahow that the
laud aouiMit arc more vulnahle for the timlMir ir
atone thereon than fur agricultural purpose, ami
iu eainuiian ineirciaiuia 10 aaiti taim uelore tne
KegUter and Receiver, at The lkille, Oregon, oil
October 16, toaj.
They lumc a witneei John K. Kjnn, Joint
C ferry, Oliver Johtikon, Kllaor V. Ryan.
Thoma C. Ryan and Anna C. Terry, of llend,
Any aud all pcraou claiming adversely any of
the ulxive laud arc rmucated to file their claim
In thU utHcc 011 or before the said 16U1 day of
(Kiotxr, tyi.
011-oij MICIIAKI. T. KOUN, UegUtcr.
We have for service at our home
stead, three tulles south of Iklid, a
Hereford bull,
tf KANCi,s Qakil,,
h crmcter'
r-gitatlH iaceeitrilor until beta rrmoent t.v
imn-meiery committee, which alT connnllu -It
hereby empowered to remove aaid art (on f,.r
tnyea.i.that mpj.Kltjr ..f aal.Wniamlittr 1, a
deem aumcient. If a vacancy occur In the ff) e anall lie bllnt l.v amimntmrtii . r
the cemetery committee and the appointee ah.,
ioil hi othce uhIiI the neat regular meetlt g .f
ne cwnncllaml unlit hiaaurreaaor la appcnt'i
Pectfci 6 The aratmi ahall, umler the rttiie
ery commillee, hare full charge of Hi cemeter,
va full compeHMlion for alt aerelera perfumed
y him mimItt thla ordinance and the rule and
giilallona prepared by the cemrtery com
.iltlee, he ahall I enlilled to receive for alt
qtermrnlaordiaintermenU made Inaaklrcme
cry the fotUiwing fe, tlie aamc to 1 collect. l
tyhlmoftboae making the proper application
or atch aerrlce.
I'or interment.
or a grave In c1a one -,.. i 00
'or h grave incta. two ... 4 xj
'or a rave in ctaa three.. . ,.u
I'or dMnternMnK
rom a grave Ih cUmohc $',
rom a grave In cUmIhto..... . h
'rom a grave in cUk three 10 .
Heanantnconakieratlon of hi appointment
a aeaioti of aaid cemetery, under dirrcti. 11
rfthe cemetery committee, labor for ten day m
arhyrarHfamuM cemetery ground. Mid work;
'bcprTftarmcdratawch lime aud upon u.htm
,raemitUaihe committee lUrtda
hclou7 It ahall be the duty of the aealon 5
.eeplna rrgMer provided for that purpoae a
vv... mvHin. in proper cmamn.
The name ofthe deceaaed.
Date of burial or dMntcraient.
Number of lottn whkhtmrlal or from wh h
dialntemieol I made.
Number of permit
Charge for opening the grave.
The aexton ahall on the flru Monday of each
MHith Ate with the Rectmler a report. Inform
ike the rrcord above provided, of all totermruti
auddWHterment made during the month tat
preceding. II ahall be hi duty to prepare a'l
rveortocaue them to be prepared, and tie
hanalteadtoalldutle appertainc to hi afnrc
it the interment of bodle. It ahalt bchia duty
ipon proper application to dlf inter, or cauae to t
tuinlerred. all budie. All grave within Ills
.he limit of the cemetery mut be opened and
loard by the acxton or tome one pecifically
inthorUcdby him.
iminiu o. Ail Eravca lour 1 en a no ira in lengtn
mallbcatteaat four and one-halt feet deepand
hallbdetrtutcdClauOne. AH grave lea
than U feet In length and over four, ahall be at
Icaat five feet deep and ahall be dralgnatcd aa
CU.rTwo All gTavca aix feet and over Intcngtn
.halt be at Icaat hve aadone-lutf feet deep aud
.haltbedeaignatcd aaaThrre.
Section 9. Kverr conveyance of a lol In the
-cmetery ahall be by deed, executed by the Mayor
indatteated by the Recorder, under the aea' of
the city, but auch conveyance ahall only have
.he effect ofgtvingtbe perpetual uteofalotfor
burial purpoae auhject to the lawa ofthettate
and the rule ami regulation made by the City
f llend for the government thcrtof
Section 10. The recorder I hereby empowered
iu avu ium in mc ccmciery at price nxeu uy tne
nee. collect all due atlalnr from mrh uln
VII money received bv the Recorder from the
ate of lot ahall be paid by him Into the city
treaaury. and hall by Ihe City Treaurer be
xeptin aapecdat fund which I hereby created
4 ml which ahall be known a the Cemetery
Fund'- Money ahall he paid out from aaid fund
only for the purpoae of maintaning nndlmpror
mg the cemetery The Recorder ahall In a book
wepl for that purpose keep a record of all deed
luued, giving name of purchaser, date ofule
number of lot and price of tot.
Section 11 Whenever an Interment I to be
made, written application mutt be made to the
Recorder, and a permit obtained therefor, which
aid permit, together with notice ofthe time of
burial, mutt be deposited with the acxton at
leatt twelve hotln prcviou to the time of burial
The application and permit rotut state the fol
lowiug particular:
The full name of the drccacd.
Place of uatUlty, if known.
Age, if known.
Uateaad place ofdceeaae
Date of Interment and location ofgf ave
Name of undertaker.
Outiide tire ofcoffln or box.
Cauac of death, II known.
Any pcraou or person dcaifiug to duintrr a
laxly buried iu the eemetef y ahall make appllca
tlou tothe Recorder, who ahall, tf everything 1
regular, iasuc a permit allowing uch duuntcr
ment. Iu 110 caac ahall a permit be granted uu
lea party applying ahall pruducc a certificate ol
title to lol or the record in the Recorder1 ofllce
how that the applicaut I an owner of a lot
The acxton (halt not permit an intermeut or
diaiuteruient to be made In aald cemetery until
authoriicd to do o by the burial or dUlntermcnt
permit mentioned above, which permit be ahall
keep ou Ste. The owner of a lot may allow the
Interment ol the remain of any peraon notaf
hi family In hi lot, but to allow auch interment
fur compensation it atrlctly forbidden
When a body 1 to be renioied from ouepirt
of the leiilctcry to auolher a penult niutK
obtalued fur auch removal. Aud when liodle
are brought from other Imrial ground for inter
ment. the wine proceeding imut lie had a to
obtaining permit a hereinbefore provided lor
the original burial oflKxIlca.
Section it A record ahall be kept by the He
cordttofall bdrialperiniuluucd by him whiih
rccuru aiiau cuuiaiu iu proper cotuum
Tlie uame 01 me ueceatcti.
Place of nativity, if known.
Age, Ifkuown.
Date atld place of dccraM.
Cadae ofdeath.
Numlier and date of aald permit IwucO
Name of uudertaker.
Lot or grave iu which Initio!.
Section 13 Iu older thai the general beaut
aud atlracliveiie of the cemetery may be pre
erwdaud promoted, and that the liutirote
meut of Individual lot may contribute thereto
thcKxtou alull. under the direction ufthe
cemetery committee, have entire charge ofthe
planting of tree and ahrub In accordance wait
the general plan fur Ihe oruementation of the
groiiud. And irany tree or hrub vtauding 111
any lol. whether planted by directlou of the
acxtou or othrwle, ahall become by rcaaouof
ilroot,brancheor otherwlte, detrimeutallj
ailjacent lota or avenue! or (or any other rra
aou il ahall bccuiue necessary or ad 1
'.w?i 'ie aexltni ahall have the right, and a
lull be hi duly ta remove auch tree or hr ub
or any part thereof.
Iu every cote where workmen are ettipl v 1
byownetaofloUtodo work or iiiakiuint .
iiieiil In or about aald lol aitclt workmen ahall
be miliject to the control and dlrcv'tion of ti
aextuu. and any workmen who ahall uett t
refute ta obey aald direction, or who ahall t
leaaly or wilfully da lujilry tu adjacent 1 .1 ur
who ahall ueglect to remove any rubblxh a 1 1
utatedin hi work, will not thereafter br p
mltted to work in the grouud or the cewetci
Section ii. Auy person who ahall Injure r
move or deface auy headboard! tumbttoiit
monument, tree, alirub, fence or au propcuv
in aald ccmctciy, ahall be deemed gufil 01 a
.iisM,iicaiiui. kiiu aunii upon couvicilotl tietore
the Recorder be putiUhed by a flue uian turn
not exceeding flfty dollata (jo) or by luipritou
incut not exceeding tweutyfiw day, orbyboM
hue and ImprUoumeut.
Approved October ?, lo5.
Attetti J. M. tAWRKNCli.