The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 20, 1905, Image 1

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- t
vol. in
NO. 3t
0. C. COE, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Titi.itriiONK no. at
illlNJ) - OUHOON
j. l. Mcculloch,
Abstracter ntul ISxnmlncr of Title.
ai itl Tiim r,i(tikfl After
ht NsM-l(Mtllla,
Liverpool, London & (Kobe, nnd
Lnncrislilre I'lre Insurance
it Iml.KMAh M It. CH M. l(tiwnl)M I),
lunHly I'liy.klaii.
Drs. Belknap &. Edwards,
Ollktat Hr ufWlHiifk'n llmi Mutt.
Miss Grace Jones
Voice & Piano
It hw Irwly fur pwita ami OH lw fiHtnJ
I hrt lt4IM OH Kcm Athh ami I (III
Wlrrt IlllNI), OKU.
Crook County Realty Co
Real Estate Ikiuhl and Sold.
I.lfo and Accident
arrKKiMoi itmiH wiiihmu hhkii, imno
Barber Shop & Baths of accommodations nnd
work promptly done
Hj-v ryl r Maa. C. A. McDowkil
IJ 1 C LN'iWw
TnllM nnd Koonts nlwnys clean
nnd well supplied-Rates rensonnblc
Tlmlt Mml, A( rjHr j. 174, ,
l.M Uwl OMk. Th IHallt. Wrgwi.
July 11. tp$.
Nnllfr l twrtbr glvTM that Ih whHWi ih
Hie imrilo at I Ik Atl ut Comkifh iif Jutir J,
ij,fHtUl4. "AHrt ft llwMlcirfllmtwr lamia
lh Ibr Hatrauf I'attfcHHU. tHtgutl. N'craiU, ami
WahlHtu Ttirltuiy." filtwlnt tu nil Ihr
tmMkWmlafcilfxhr Art uf Amih.I 4, il,, tin
Wi.lntitiml wtwHM Imx til IliUiUy lilnl
11 thUttflttr IMt wH InUwriili. Iu-mII
WIIIUm (1. ChrMciiKii,
f JfriM. frntMlyef Mitlm, utritfOiriwi.
mmh MltHt St. J(k Ak Die wif Iwk i.f
tlwiiM-iiwliiWK . lla,r ur.
w m,
IHlM I.. I'atlWl,
f JtlTHoH.WHllfur MaihMi, atalcnfOlfRM.
mwn Ulrmrl Nu Mil. Iw the hi(Iiik ol
lliciiwjfofaw ji. lia, r lie, w t.
Julin T Junta,
HfJiirrfMiH. rouHtvuf MaiUm, alalr ofOrrjtaii,
mmiii M.I'Mtiil 5i Mil. Cot llw jHitf lir of
Ihr uf wt II. Ii i,IMi. m.
That lhy h 111 olfirr ptiwl" Ui how Dial thr lamia
mmikIiI hit mihc valuable fin tlic llmlwr or .luiir
Uimmhi tliaVi fur atkiiltuial irMMa. ih! la tmrlr claim tu ukl laml lirfmr llir
Hrelilrr ami Hvtrrr, ut Tlic IbllM. Oirson.
uii NuMhr l. fi.
Tlity Hum wltnc II. A l'ntlrr, of
rrlurvltlr, (irKH; Julin T lour., imiia I.. rr
iWi. J. V IStirUli i.ihI WlllUm I). ChiMrHMti
nil Hlrllrlkuii. lllt(iiH
Any vl nil iwrM cUIihIhk mlvrorly miyur
llir tir Un4 ti- iUtnl In fllr tliclr cllm
In llil. iillii-r un r IwfiHr llir mM Mil ilnyitf
jmvriMvi, vf.
111.I MICIIAHI. T. N0I.AN, Hrgl.lrr.
Tluilf r l.aii'l, Act Junr j, RH.
V. H. Uml Olllrr, ULrtlrw, OrriiOii,
hiltlillKr IN, lyitj,
Nolle It lirrcliy glvm Hint In roiiiillncr wild
the irmllonf llir Act of Cuiikicm of Junr J.
iftfH, cntillKl, "Aunkt fur Ihr Mtc (if Umber lamia
In lhrturirCaillfriiln, OrrKim, Nrvu.U. mill
U'rt.liliiKUm Tririlury," cxtciulc.l to nil the
liillitleliilnlr liy Act uf A u n 11 l I, llM.tlie
lulluivliiK wruii hive nlcil In thUuffice thrlr
hwoiii lnliniciit. tu-wlt.
Climlr II llruwii,
of IIcikI, county nfCronk, ttnte iif (Ircgoii, woin
Intriurnt No. j.uj, for Hie ptirclutkc ofthc nc)( 4, Ipitn.r l(c, w 111.
AiiKinlr II. Hilclicnct,
of llriiil.coiiiilyufCrook, UlcortltriEOii.Hwnru
iBltnitnt No. jx4, for Ihr iurchac of the )
orrC4,lp II , r 14 c, w 111.
llaUy H. Drown,
or IIcikI. comity orCriKik, ttr of OrrKiiiwoni
tiitciiiint No. ju, foi Ihr purchase of the w)J
ofuccj, tp 11 , r 14 e, wm.
That Ihry wllloircr pruof la (how Hint Hie Imul
Miiiuhl U iiiurr vuliiuhle for lit tlmher or utmic
than for URtlcultiirnl mrHwr(, unit to r.UhlUli
their claim to mil.! luml lirfore J. M Lawrence
II. 8. Commlluiicr, ut la 1 olllccal llrml, Ore
KOUi on rlitlnriliiy the vth 'lay or December iv3'
They name ( wlturawa: Wllllnm Ii.iMwIii,
Atiituatc II. Katcliencl, Cliarlca II. Iltowii, lulav
l. Ilrown amlCliuilea McKliiiion, all or llrml,
Any ami all pcraona claiming ailrcraely the
alM)vc-le(Crlbeil lantUnre rcipiratctl tu file their
clnlnpi In llila ofllce on or before aaiil (tli day
of December, tyoj,
uyMlt J. N. WATAON, KegUler.
Ofiice rooms for rent in the Pilot
Jluttc Development Co.'s office
building. Apply nt the company's
office. tf
Remember that this office does
high-grade job printing,
Bend Mercantile
Wc arc headquarters for the
Most Complete and Uptodate Stock
o r a In Carload
it r
arb wauKepranita
Doors and Windows Paints and Oils
Prepared RoofingAbsolutely Pire-proof
and Cheaper than Shingles
Big Line of Plows & Harrows
The most complete stock of
I for thirty days only
Bend Mercantile Company J
Because wo are selling the same and better
quality at a closer margin is a very good
reason why you will find our store the
best place to buy anything in the line of
Groceries, Drygoods, Furnish
ings. Shoes. Hardware, Sash and
Doors, Paints and Oils
A. C LUCAS, Proprietor
Tables supplied with all the delicacies of the season
Hirst-class Kquipmcut IJinc Rooms nnd Beds
All stages stop nt the hotel door
Bend Livery &
J. PRANK STROUl), Manager
First-Class Livery Rigs for Rent. '.'hone No. 15
noml (ireet.Ulweeu Mlmiraola anil Orecon,
Bend-Sttver Lake Stage
Q. A. COOK, Proprietor
LOAVGS BEND every evening but Sunday on .arriv
al of Princville stage, runs through to Silver Lake in ao
LRAVI3S SILVER LAKE every morning except
Monday nt 6 o'clock, nrrives nt Bend 1 230 next morning.
Best of Accommodations on the Route.
Pare Through, 7.50; round trip, 14. Forty pounds
of baggnge free; express 3 cents n pound.
The best galvanized wire on the
Coast. Will not rust
Transfer Co.
Uend, Oregon.
Our Crops Beat the ' 'Oar
den of Oregon."
Old Settlers Now Convinced That
Attention to Parmlng Will
tiring Great Results.
Many old settlers on the Deschutes
have come back from the Willam
ette valley more than ever pleased
with this reg'on. At no place of
the far-famed "garden of Oregon"
did they find crops better than here
this year. Of course they found
more laud in cultivation, for that is
an old settled country while this is
the first year of agriculture on the
Deschutes "desert," but for quality,
and quantity per given area, the
Deschutes is away ahead. W. P.
Vnndcvert made n special point of
comparing the results of cultivating
the soil. H. V. Nichols also was
careful to note what was done west
ofthc mountains and along the
Columbia river. C. H. Allen, M.
C. Awbrey and W. II. Staats con
firm the reports. The Deschutes
country, in general products, has
this very year given better results
than the "garden" parts of the
state, for equal attention.
H. C. Ellis comes to the front
th's week with Durbank potatoes
measuring ioj4 inches in greatest
circumference and 15 inches nround
the short way. They were grown
on new ground, but with no culti
vation at all from planting to har
vest. The crop was irrigated four
times in the season. The yield is at
the rale of 300 bushels per
acre. Mr. Ellis has a lot of
field turnips that were sown
too thick. He is using them for
horse feed, but they are also t-xcel-lent
for table use, a sack of them
added to The Bulletin exhibit this
week being large, firm aud as ten
der as could be desired.
Mr. Hllis raised onions, beets,
cabbages, parsnips, carrots, man
gels, peas, navy beans aud popcorn,
and all but the beans and popcorn
were successful beyond expectation.
The entire truck patch was planted
after July 1, which made the
growth so late that the frost cut the
beans and popcorn. Mr. Ellis ran
all his own levels for irrigation
ditches, by means of triangle and
plumblinc, and he has everything
in fine shape for next season's
Millard Triplett, whose garden
in Bend attracted a good deal of at
tention early in the season, now
brings nu interesting exhibit of
potatoes, carrots and mangel-wur-zels.
He has had no failures.
Deschutes Settlers and the Company
Present Their Case.
At n meeting of the state land
board held last Tuesday the Des
chutes Settlers' Association, re
cently organized in Bend, got a
hearing through its chairman, K.
D. Ileudricksou; its attorney, Ches
ter Murphy, of Salem; and A. M.
Drake. General Manager J. 0.
Johnston was present on the part of
theD. I. &1 Co.
It was charged against the com
pany that it had imposed conditions
upon the settlers, in the contracts it
had required them to sign, that nre
not warranted by law, and that it
had not submitted rules for the use
of water on the segregated laud.
There was also the allegation that
the company had used notes given
"for convenience only" in nn im
proper manner in financing the
company. Mr. johuston defended
both as entirely legal aud legiti
mate. The board is reported to
have taken "a decided stand that
the company liad no right to collect
interest prior to the date of reclama
tion." As to the practice of the
company in contracting lauds on
partial payments, Mr. Johnston
Bids for Building Schoolhouse.
Notice is hereby given that bids
will be received until 7 p. iu. Mon
day, October 30, 1965, for the con
struction of a public schoolhouse iu
Bend according to plans aud speci
fications rhht may be consulted at
the office of J, M. Lawrence. The
right to reject any aud all bids is
hereby reserved.
Beiid, Oregon, Oct. 12, 1905.
J, M. Lawkkncu, 1
Chair liiaiiol Board'.
contended that it was a concession
that full cash payment was not re
quired and the compaliy had the
right Id demand any cbtiUltiohs it
saw fit. The board did not concur
in this view, Treasurer Moore
thought no laud would be sold if
all the money were required in ad
vance, and the governor said it
were better that the land should not
be settled than that the settlers
should be bound by the contract
required by the company.
A further hearing is to be had,
when the company will be repre
sented by counsel.
Last week the state board agreed
that the basis of water supply
should be one cubic foot per second
for each 100 acres, instead of for
each 160 acres, as the company's
contracts specify.
('Hot Butte Mill Running A gain
Orders from Ditch Company.
'flip Pilot Butte sawmill started
up Inst week to fill lumber orders
which have been coming in rather
lively lately. The D. I. & P. Co.
has ordered a lot of lumber there, a
new schoolhouse at Powell Buttcs
aud several buildings at Redmond
arc to be built from Pilot Butte
lumber, and the purely local de
mand is picking up. The opera
tion of the mill was first interrupted
by the breaking of the fire arch
aud this week there is trouble with
the pump, which will be repaired
iu time for a steady run next week.
The new schoolhouse will require
something like 100,000 feet of lum
ber. W. H. Staats is arranging
for the construction of a five-room
cottage to be located near William
Baldwin's. C. H. Erickson. whq
has bought the Nick Smith place,
on the Cottor tract, will build a
barn immediately and later a
A new hose house for the city
has just been completed by Nick
Smith for $150, on the lot next
north of the Sheldon blacksmith
shop. Oliver Thorbjornson has
finished a neat cottage 14x20 feet
on his lot. A number ot home
steaders and "ditch" land occu
pants arc putting up buildings that
take considerable lumber.
Bend Social Club.
The Bend Social Club was orga
nized last night at the Hotel Bend
with 12 charter members. Its ob
ject is to be the promotion of danc
ing, drama and social times in gen
eral. Officers were elected as fol
lows: President, J. Frank Stroud;
vice-president, C. D. Brown; secretary-treasurer,
Earl J. Wright; so
cial manager, T. W. Zimmermann;
stage director, F. Milo Lobdell;
stage manager Harry Esping;
musical .director, C. A. Riddle.
The president, vice-president and
secretary-treasurer constitute a
board of directors. A committee
composed of T. W. Zimmermanu,
C. D. Brown nnd Earl J. Wright
was appinted to draft constitution
and by-laws and report at a meet
ing called for next Monday uight
at Hotel Bend, when further organ
ization proceedings will be had.
Tumalo Items.
George V. Wittier anil sons have
just fiutslicil jmttitig in 55 acres of fail
KBiiu. Tlicv believe in seeding land in
the full. They have sonic fine ulfulfa
that was planted lad June.
T. A. Jensen has just finished plowing
40 acres of ground, which lie will seed
to grain ami alfalfa next spring,
A. J. Wittier is doing well in his store
at Tumalo.
Mr. Root lmsrcturcd from The Dalles.
He brought hack a load of fruit for
which lie found ready sale here, lie re
ports fruit scarce ami high at The Dalles.
J. W. llakcr intends to clear and
otherwise improve his homestead near
Tumalo this coming winter. He has a
fine tract of laud ami will make a good
home of it.
J. M. Lawrence and family were out
visiting Tumalo last Sunday. They
were favorably impressed with the
Tumalo country.
The Hightower & Smith sawmill is
sawing much fine lumber, aud they find
u market for all they can cut.
C. M. Muild. superintendent of the
Columbia Southern canal, was iu Tumalo
Monday, He reports everything lovely
out in the I.aldlaw country.
Winter & White arc expecting their
hay baler to arrive front Georgia any
day. They have a large quantity of
hay to bale for themselves aud others
when it arrives,
J. It. Whiter is expecting to move
down from Ncwsotu creek soon. He
will improve 330 acres of Inud he owns
near Tumalo,
J. D. Gibson and family have returned
home from Idaho uttd Itusteru Oregon.
Mr. Gibson is agent for a powerful and
cheap blustiug powder. He says he Can
blast out juniper stumps for three cents
each with this new explosive.
Born, at Hobbs statiou, Tuesday,
Oct. 10, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs.
John' McLeod',' a" daughter.
Railroad Surveyors Com-
ing in from North
Now Aboul M Allies This Side of
Mndras-'-Appcar to be Follow
ing old C. S. Survey.
Engineer Graham and party of
iS surveyors last week established
camp at Madras and began cxamTn
ationofa railroad route south of
that point. This work had pro
gressed so far that the camp wart
moved Wednesday to a point a
dozeii miles this side of Madras, oil
the road to Forest.
The outfit is substantially
equipped for a long period in the1
field. One item is fx fine, heavy
horses hat cost 2,200. All the
camp arrangements indicate serious
work and! the men arc satisfied
they are engaged to spend the
winter irf Central Oregon. Oper
ating u'rfdef the- guise of the Oregon
Eastern, this party paid its way
over (be Columbia Southern, but
that is supposed" to' be merely to
keep the bookkeeping Straight and
not thai this party isariti-Harrim'an.
So far the rouW traveled appears
to be the same as that oh which the
Columbia Southcnl' located a line
five years ago! This crosses the
river at Forest ah'S comes directly
through to Bend. Whether there
will be any material change in the
route is not known at this time.
Though there s no definite au
thority quoted for it, the statement
that this party will riot stop even at
Bend, but will cbnlmtle' on to Cali
fornia, locating a' through,' line on
the cast side of the' Cascades, has
gained considerable credence. This"
is supported by the substantial
character of the surveyings equip
ment. f
This party is expected' to reach
Bend in about two weeks'!
Died from Injuries.
Fred Sly, aged 13 years, died at
Rosland lost Friday morning front
internal injuries received in a runa
way accident the day before. He
was hauling shakes from the woods
and accidentally lost hold of the
lines. In an effort to get hold of(
them again he .climbed" down, on
the wagon tongue, when the hordes
took fright and ran,' finally crush
ing him against a tree. The serious
ness of the boy's hurt was not real
ized, as he seemed to be only badlVj
shaken up. He was a son or
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Sly.
The funeral was held Sunday,,
interment being made iu the
Rosland cemetery.
Church Entertainment.
"An Evening with Dickens", at
the First Baptist church in Bend,
Friday night, Nov. 3, 1905.
Music, "Swing Low Sweet Chariot '
Charles Dickens's Life: The Rev. J,
A. Mitchell.
Charles Dickens and Shakespeare The
Kev. J. A. Mitchell.
Music, "Michael Rory" (college song'
Charles Dickens's Wofk: The Rev J
A. Mitchell.
Music, "There is a Tavern in Town
(college song).
Dickens's Closing Hours: The Rc.
J. A. Mitchell.
Admission: Adults,' 25 cents 1
children, 15 cents. . 3i-3t
Schoolhouso Bids.
Because of the inability to get
returns from Portlaud, where some
ot the materials must b'e olrtaiued
for the new schoolhouse",' the board
has agreed to extend the time for
submittine bids one week or until
October 30. The board also voted
to require the successful bidder to
enter into a ootid in a sum equal to
halt the contract price, that he will
carry oxit the contract to completion.
Taken Up.
Came into ray enclosure' about
October 8, fgoj, a bay mare weigh
ing about 1000 to 1 too pounds, left
hind fodt white, brauded with 3 on
left suotilcter (brand obsctirc).
Owner may have the animal by
proving property and paying ex
penses. GI.8NN Hkndrickson.
At 5-milcr stake on Frineville
road" 3i4f