THE BEND BULLETIN. .. vol. in BEND, OKHOON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1905. NO. 30 ,- I! J. PROFESSIONAL CARDS U. C. COE, M. D. OI'IMCIt OVIW HANK Physician and Surgeon TUI.MrilONK NO. 21 MINI) ORItOON hiiai, Hf.rn wnmur Mill Mll.ll. fARMHANIICirV -Klll'l!HrVi j. l. Mcculloch, Abntrncter mid IWnmlncr of Tltlo. f.nlwt ami Tune l,raikil Alter fuf Nnii-HraMnit. I', OKIKION NOTARY I'UIU.IC INNUKAHCX A. H. GR.ANT AkwI fur Liverpool, London cV (llobc, mid Lancashire I'lrc Insurance Coiiipnnlc.i. ifHNI), 0RIK10.N II. I'. lim.KN.f M I). Cltaa l!lWAIMM. II I'winly I'liyXrUtl. Drs. Belknap & Edwards, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. PRINUVII.LI! - OREOON. (UfKr at Hrr uf WIMHrk'a limit More. Miss Grace Jones TCAcucn or Voice & Piano I now rrmty fo, !,u,i!a ami ran br fm4 ht irafclrur un Km Arniw awl irth MtH HKNI), Oik. Crook County Realty Co Heal Male IJouglit and Sold. I.lfo mid Accident INSURANCE. HfrKU IN ' I I t tlN M II lilNlt SrNII.OMMON " TRIPLIi'IT BROS. Barber Shop & Baths Best of accommodations and work promptly done WAt.I. HT. HHNI, OKKCON PRINEVI LLE Ht T I I "' C. A. MctKwm.t J 1 fcS Iltuior Tnl.: nutl Rooms Hlwny.s clean mid well upplhrd--Rntei rensonuble I'KIXItVll.l.K OKHGOK TlMbti U4. Act of J" 1. t. N'OTICK FDlt IM'liMCATIO.V. V. UwJ OIm, The ballr. ixrm. July 11. itrS Mailn I. kmtiv Inn thai tu nHnutUMCV with lb utOrlMon. unit Art at Coh(Im of Jsw J. lift, rtrttltnl. "An art ft lh wit of limber lamia M UM aulra or I alllui nia. inrauH, scmw, m IVaakiaainn Tririlutr." aa ifcmira' lu all Ik Mbltr lawl atatr. by Aii if Aaul,4, Ibjt.lhc foftowtturoaaml pttaon hat cm tBtailayfilml Ih Una omev turir awom maitmrm. io-wh. William) I CkiMnMH, ofJ.IOtwa, coualr of Marlow. atalr uf(HgHi hii minanl No. MJ, '" lb jwicltawuf lb nHK ami hM X . t . r 14 r. w m. I.. I-aul.h. of IcIfirMHi. sowair of MailoH. aUlrofOttgoti, H aUttrntHl No. itt. ( thr ihhch ul the HW of ate II, p r 1 1 c, w m JshH T. Joit, uTJirtto, tOHHiyof Marion, lMr ufOrcjuii. wmh MaltmtMt So 14. lor Ihf hhIhu of Ik -i uf ac .i, lp a, r 14 r, w hi. TlMllkt)' will otfrrtrtnolaloii how that the la mil MMgNt ar mi valuable IbrlHrllrotwr or aunt thWn than fur twrtMwM, ami to mtaMkh Ihtlr ctalwa Is M Uwl Ucfiwr Hit HMfraMd Htcvitrrr. at Thr IMtlK. OUOii. un )lHHtmt HI, iH Thty Haw a wlliHHn II. A I'uilrr, of I'tiiirvlllt, OintuM. JotiB T ihi, iMua I. I'ar' llh. J. W IliirWi ami MIIUm O CluUtriiMii, alt ufJtlfciaoH, Otnoii Any awl alt iwimmk rlaluiliiK alriwly any uf tlir abt UiMtl. ait in(ril Hi fitr llwlr claluia III tliUttlfkruM or klK lilt mhI lulh ilayof Nwvemlwr, iy(. l-nj MICIIAKI, T. KOI.AN, KticUttr. Tliiibfr Mint, Art Junt i, lift. N0T1CB FOK PUBLICATION. U. H. Olltre, Ml,clcw. OrtKun, Krilaniicr 18, 115. Notice U lictctiy xivrn that In compliance with Hit ntuvl.totK nl the Ait of Cumuic" uf June f, it". tntltlail, "An act fur IlieuleufllmlitrlamU In thaalaltauf Cufnrnla, Ortii'iii, Netutla, ami WatliliiRlini Vrrilliiry," a mltmlcil to all the iiulillclaml alalM hy Act uf Atiut 4, !, the lulluurlnx iwraoim have liletl In thUumre their iworit 1101011(11111, to wit. Cltatlt I) llruwu, of llrml, county of Crook, Male uf Oregon, (worn tnlcinciit .No. Ji, fur llic iurcliac uf the nc)( of are 4, l l ,r 14 e, w in. AiikikIc II, I(lrlencti of lit ml, county of Crook, atate of Orriion.aworu atntriueut Nu 3004, for the lmrchkne of the e( oTacc 4, t at a, r i4c,w m. DaUy It. llrowu, of Jlcml, county ofCrook, tult,of Oregon, nwurii alntcineut No. ixA, fin the iiiirchimc uf the w)f ofuccj, tpil ,r 14 e, win That they will offer iirooflotliowlhattheUnil aoucht la more vuliiulile for Ha timber or Hunt than for HKrUiiUiirul piirior, uml to tMnltllali their claim to aulil luml before J, M. Lawrence V. H, ComiuUiluucr, t hi ollice nt lie ml, Ore. jiou, on tiitlurihiy the vlh ly r December liwj. They name in vltnein Willlaiu lluldwlu, Aiiuuate II, lteleuel, Chnilca II, Drown, Onlay It. llrowu mot Churlca McKliinon, lt "f UtM, OreKOii, Any nml nil peraoui claiming ailveraely lh abovctracrlbcil lamia nre rrtnirntetl to (lie their clulmalu tlila ollice on or lcfure aulU ath ilay of Derembtr, lyoj. aivll J. N, WATSON, HegUtU. Offics rooms for rent hi the Pilot HUtte Development Co.'s office building. Apply ut the company's toffice. tf Remember that this office docs high-grade job pdnting , DO YOUR TRADING WITH Bend Mercantile Company Wo are headquarters for the Most Complete and IN CENTRAL njrAji In Carload Lots ARB Wau kegan i ta WIRE BUILDERS' HARDWARE Doors and Windows Paints and Oils Prepared Roofing Absolutely Fire-proof and Cheaper than Shingles Big Line of Plows & Harrows I lit IIIU91 kUlllllbiV; 3lUkl Ul t for thirty days only 1 . Bend Mercantile Company J Because we are selling the same and better quality at a closer margin is a very good reason why you will find our store the ' best place to buy anything in the line of Groceries, Drygoods, Furnish ings, Shoes, Hardware, Sash and Doors, Paints and Oils liTe PINE TREE STORE U. A. SATIIIiR, PROPRIETOR PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor Tables supplied with nil the delicacies of the season I'Mrst-class Kquipment I'inc Rooms and Beds All stages stop nt the hotel door Bend Livery & J. FRANK STROUD, Alunngcr LIVERY, and FEED STABLE IIOKSItS UOAKDHI) 1IY Till DAY, VUK OK MONTI? First-Class Livery Rigs for Rent. T'hone No. 15 lloiulilrect, between MiuueioU ami Oregon, Bend-Silver Lake Stage G. A. OOOKf Proprietbr LEAVES UENO every eveufiiK but Sunday on arriv al of Priucville stage, runs through to Silver Luke in 20 hours. LEAVES SILVER LAKE every morning except Monday ut 6 o'clock", u'rrives ut Betid 1 530 next morning. Best of Ac'co'mmo Nations on the Route. FareThrough, $i.$o roflnd trfp, 14. Forty pounds of baggage free; express 3 cents a pound. immMmmmmMmmmmsmmmssssssammmmm Uptosdate Stock OREGON The best galvanized wire on the Coast. Will not rust Transfer Co. Bend, Oregon. A SAWMILL CHANGE SteidI & Reed Plant to be Taken by Linsters. NKW SASH & DOOR FACTORY Purchase Price SM.OOONcw Men Will ISuy Considerable Timber to Peed the factory. Henry and Felix Linstcr within the past week made a bargain for the purchase of the sawmill and timber interests of Sleidl & Reed. The transaction included the saw mill ut Lytle, about 900 acres of laud, lodging equipment and lumber on hand. The price agreed upon is $14,000. The Linsters are Germans who have had experience with the lumber business in Wisconsin. Felix was at Bend a few weeks ago and was so favorably impressed with the conditions here that he scut for his father to come and look the field over. The father came PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. IN TIIK COUNTY COURT 01' THK STATK OP OKKCON FOR CKOOK COUNTY. In the matter of th application of Se ver t Debiug for a retail liquor license in Deftchutt precinct, County of C rook, Slate of Oregon. To tile Honorable County Court: Wc. the uiMlcrsixneil, legal voter of Denchtitet precinct. Crook county, Ore Kon, respectfully petition the Honorable County Court of Crook county, Oregon, to ura nt a liceute to Severt Debint! to ell apirituout, malt or vinous liquors or ivrmeiiieti cider in lew quantity utan one nallon. in the nrecluct of I)eschute, county of Crook, atatc of Oregon, for the term of ix iiKiiiths from the first day of Noveintier, 1905. William II. Davis-1 Oliver Thorbjornson' Win. llaUlttin TheophileSt Michel K. M. Oile W. It. Vamlevert V. B. Gile Wm. II. Davis No. 3 V. II. Marion IJ. J. Brock T. II. I.yoim 1. R. Rcisilorfer Win. 1'. Downing Prank Orcutt A. W. Pope J. II. Wood P. P. Wood Ole Kricluon Kichanl King Nils Berg J. W. White IM. Hrostorhous Chas. Hlilriilgc William Orcutt S. N. Scott C. J. Cottor J. II. Miller Illlll Howell KImcr Niowanger Toe llueltholz Kugeue I.ttcier C. V. Iteckur It. I- Dean Dan Greenhalgli P. McRae Ceo. I.. Summon Preil IUimIhII James Ilreun C. H. Swalley . . C. l.ow P. D. llipe John W. lHlcr O. Ii. Hunter K. K. Carman John WihmI O. W. Pickel I.. T. Barrett Ralph Sliarp R. II. Plamlerx I.. S. Samly Ufayette Roe Bert Miller llil. M. Swalley I. M. lMtton C. Johnton 0. A. Howton C. W. Clark Paul Kraeincr Charles U. Reel Dan Hciiiig John Steiill Cerhartl llorgon P. A. Wahcr Prank Ilasl Cluui. Brock Ceo. Janlcl Alfred ILuwell Dflrney I.ewU C. C. Triplett. Notice is hereby eivcii that the above Jctitio!i will le presented to the Honor able County Court of the fctate of Oregon for Crook county, on the ut day of Novemlor, 1905, or as soon thereafter as the Mtil Lourt can near the same ami 1 will then mill there uk Hint ouch petition be grauted anil n license be issuel to the said Severt Dcbiug to sell spirituous limit anil vinous liquors nml icrtueiiteu cider iu lev quantity thnit otic gallon at the Precinct of Dettcluttes iu Crook county, Oregon, for 11 term of m. tuotitlis. Dated this 39 day of September, 1905. Skvkkt Dkiiinc. PETETION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE IN TIIK COUNTY COURT OK TIIK STATK Ol' OKKCON I'OR CROOK COUNTY. In the mutter of the application of P. C. Rowlee for n retail liquor license in Montgomery precinct, County of Crook, htute of Oregon. To the Honorable County Court; We the undersigned, legal voters of Montgomery precinct No. 4, Crook county, Oregon, to grunt a license to P. C. Rowlee to hell spirituous, innlt or vinous liquors or fermented cider iu lew, quantity than one gallon, in the precinct of Montgomery No. ,, County of Crook, Sin te ol Oregon, for the term of six mouths from the iint day of November, 1905. C. M. Redfield C. A. Ueckwitli W. A. Belcher W. R. Uwsou P. I,. Rickcr . D. Ortenhalgh I.. C. Whltted II. Lancy I.ou A. Reed Stone Crceulialgh M. J. Roberts J. A. Vosberg Thos. C. Rolierts Prank Heiisley W. '., Thoiunson John Grant C. R, Mcl.nlliu Joint Johnson R. D. Imiucle L. II, Bautuer Will Howell Abel Wolf Notice is hereby given that the above petition will lie prcteiitcl to the Honor able County Court of the state of Oregon, for Crook county, on the Aril day of November, 1905, or us soon thereafter as the said Court can hear the same, and I will then and thcrcask that suclt petition lie grauted and u license be issued to the said P, C. Rowlee to sell spirituous, malt or vinous Honors or fermented cider iu less quantity than one gallon at the Precinct of Montgomery, iu Crook county, Oregon, for a term of six months. Dated this 3d day of October, 1905. V. C. ROWUUU and after the two had spent a week examining this locality the bargain to buy the Stcidl & Reed lumber ing intoreat was made. The Lin sters left Saturday and the son is expected to return tomorrow to take possesion of the property. The elder Linstcr returned cast to arrange for the purchase of a large body of timber land in this region, his associates there having expressed a desire to join him in such an enterprise. If those asso ciates should fail to j'oin, the Lin gers will themselves purchase sev eral thousand acres to feed their mill indefinitely. It is not the purpose of the Lin sters to crowd the sawmill business here just now, but to convert the present SteidI & Reed plant into a sash and door factory. They have made a computation showing the annual purchase of sash and doors within reach of Bend to be about $130,000. This is the trade they will first strike for and they will equip a first class plant for the purjiose. HOMESTEAD VS TIMBERLAND Issue Involved In Contest of Boyd vs Booth. Last Friday and Saturday the contest of Charles Boyd vs. Lucy S. Booth, was heard before U. S. Commissioner Lawrence. This in volved a tract of 160 acres on the Tumalo river a short distance be low the Columbia Southern head works. The facts brought out arc that .1 cabin was erected on the tract a short time prior to May 23, when it was opened to entry. On this cabin and elsewhere on the land notices were erected to the effect that the tract was claimed for a homestead by "L. A. Booth." Disregarding that cabin and that notice Boyd subsequently, but prior to the 23rd of May, erected a cabin and posted notices that he claimed the place for a homestead. He also fenced a portion of the tract. He occupied the cabin a few days. Lucy S. Booth filed a timber and stone application for the land on May 24. Boyd made home stead application on May 23 but his application did not reach the land office until after Mrs. Booth's had been accepted, and for that reasou it was rejected. Thereupon Boyd filed contest. Boyd's contention is that the cabin of Mrs. Booth (who is wife of ex-County Judge W. A. Booth) was erected merely as a bluff; that the fact that sue was not qualified to take a homestead and applied for the land as a timber claim shows this. Mrs. booth contends that the land is not of agricultural character and is chiefly valuable for its tim ber and that therefore her applica tion was properly accepted. There was a wide rauge of testi mony, from that of C. H. Erickson. who swore that he found the land covered with bunchgrass and straw berries upon his last visit, to that of John E. Ryan, who testified that he was upon the trnct with snowshoes in May and measured five feet of snow there. The contestant was represented by Attorney Charles S. Benson, of Bend, and the contestee by Attor ney M. IS. Brink, of Prineville. MORE DESCHUTES PRODUCTS. Vegetables That Cannot be Excelled Anywhere in Oregon. When E. F. Batten returned from the Portland fair this week, after examining the best that Oregon counties could show there, he went out into his own garden and cussed because be had not taken therefrom to show how this "worthless" re gion could beat the rest of the state. Then he brought down and added to The Bulletin exhibit some Hol low Crown carrots 18 inches iu cir cumference, Early Blood beets the same size, White Norfolk turnips 27 menes around, trench turnips 23 and 24 inches around, celery of thrifty growth and white and crisp to the tips. All this is the first grown on raw land within the lim its of Bend. These specimens are not so notable for size as for quality and symmetrical shape. Ci. W. Witner sent Iu this week some specimens of turnips asd celery irpm Ins btar ranch at Tum alo, which rank with the prod ucts of the Batten garden. A Golden Globe turnip is specially notable for its beauty, teuder crisn- uess and fme flavor. All these were crown in' the oncn garden without special attention, and for general excellence cannot be beaten in Oregon. RAILROAD THIS WAY Oregon Eastern Surveyors on the Deschutes. WILL BB IN BEND TONIGHT No Announcement as to Whero They Will Set Their Stakes for Survey Work. Shaniko, Or., Oct. 11. Last week 15 surveyors reached Shaniko for work in Central Oregon. They did not have instructions with them. Having hung around Shani ko a week, they left to day south ward. It is understood that these men arc in the employ of the O. R. & N. and that their business is to make definite location of the rail road line southward from Madras to Klamath Falls, by way of Bend. The surveyors themselves said they expected to work through to Klamath. They arc Oregon Eastern Men. Madras, Or., Oct. 12. An en gineer force of 20 men in charge of J. R. Graham, of Portland, arrived here this morning from Shaniko bound for, the Upper Deschutes country. They made no secret of their mission to do serious railroad work but do not say, if they know, where their field work wul start. They are well supplied with, com missary stores and camp equipment.! They expect to. bp in Bend tornor row night. E. F. Batten, who came ia foml Shaniko, arriving in Bend WcdncsH day night, reports the preseuce 1 the engineers at Shaniko. Nothing definite was known as to wb. they were going or whom they repJ resented, but the general under- standing was that they were tc work on an extension of the Colum bia Southern railroad. They vercl not to start -at Shanjko, and it w.t stated that they would move out tc Madras and take their field worl south from that point. Ed Halverson, who. arrived Tues day night, said he heard the engi neers talk about working betweei Madras and Bend on their way t locatea line through to Klamatl Falls. He said a carload of beavf work horses arrived at Shaniko day or so before he came through! and they were said to be for railroad construction work. This woulJ indicate something more positivj than mere surveying. DESCHUTES SETTLERS ACT. Adopt Uy-laws and Provide for Co mlttee to Oo, to Salem. At the meeting of the settle: held last Saturday in the B. J hall the committee previously aj pointed to arrange a plan of orgat izauou rcporicu uy-iaws, ueciartu the purpose of the organization be co-operation ol all settlers witl in the limits of the D. I. &. P Co segregation, in such matters : public roads, transportation, irr gation, experiment work aud edi cation in irrigation farming. Tl meeting was attended by 20 settler According to the by-laws tv classes of membership are provid for one to consist of actual holde of land within the limits specific Inot merely "ditch" land but i kinds of land; ana the other to sist of ull others who choose to 1 part iu the movement. These ter may participate hi all matte: except that they will have no vo yuarteriy meeuugs are to held in December, March. Tune September. Until the next mi ing the committee already appoi ed will conduct the affairs oft organization. It was voted that delegate should be sent to Salem represent the settlers before t state land board aud E.D.Henddi son was chosen as such deleg: lie lett this morning for Salem, J. F. Taggart is home from tl Portland fair. Mr. and Mrs. E. F, Batten turned Wednesday nicht fr Portlaud, where they spent tit weeks. Hvery day they were Portland it rained. They say fair was a very creditable instil tion, and they have had experieu with most of the big fairs of re years.