The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 06, 1905, Image 8

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    IKV9W AVworwT vv--..
The Townsite of BEND
On the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook
County, Oregon.
Center of the new Irrigation Development.' covering
l a i a I
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X. Y M). ex Xx x x 7- L
Timber Unci, Act J mid 1. 15.
U. S. Land Oflicr.Thc Dalle. Oregon,
Nwtlt l hereby r" thl In iiHe willi
lh pcrW r Ifce Art f CuHgr uf Jne i.
iM,entMId. "Am t foe the aledftlrafrtml
ia ftr UU ofOlllbTJiUi. urK, 'NenMt. VmI
V.hlKtuu Terrirjr." eele4 to alt tile
ptiWlc Uitd te by Act of AwgtMt 4. l5.
Chrlelto)il. ,
of Knd. county ol Cruok. aUtc uf Oregon. h
tMdy flled In thU office hi. iworn lteneHt
?'. usi. f" ,he PurebK of the X nwX, k'sA,
tpiS, r lie. win.
And will offer tiroof to nhow tht 'the Und
sought U more mluable for It timber or toie
(ban fsragrieullunil purpote. ml to e.taNWi
hi. claim toiwld laml lurfure J. M. towrene. t
h. Commlttloner, at hi office at Ikml. Oregon,
on Monday the l6lh day of October, lyS.
He name a witne.- Millard T. Trlplelt,
I. Clinton Whined, and Car)le C Triulett.aU
ofllend, Oregon, and William A. Hunt of '.aid
lax, Oregon.
Any aud all pcrton claiming adrerely the
aberrJeicrlticl land are requeued to file their
claim in thl office on or before the uld 6lh day
of October, 174.
an.oii MICIIAKI.T. NOLAN, KegUter
Timber Iind, Act June 1, I&78.
U.S. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon.
May 16, IV-J-
Notice I hereto gleeu that In eeMipllante with
tiMtirevMwuaertheActofCuMKreM ut June t,
ISA HtWd "An t lor the -le of tlmlwr tawU
fv the tale f California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wa.hliigtou Territory." a exttnowl to all the
lllc lAud Mate by act of Augut 4, lV.
1UI W. Croup,
ofWalla WalU, county ofWalla Walla, M(e of
W.hlngtoii,hathlilayfilellH till office hi
vrofu taiement No. a. for the purcleoflhe
Jf of c is. t x, r 1 J e, w hi.
And will offer proof to lww that the laml
(ought I more taluable for It timber or tone
than for agricultural purixMC. and to nUblUli
hi claim to ald laml lieforc J M Mwrencc, I
h. Commlwloner. at hi office at Heiid, Oregon,
on Monday, the lth day ofoctolier, lyjj.
He name a wltuee. John Mom, Jowph N.
Hunter, Nlchola hmitli and William II. Ilrock,
all oflltnd, Oregon.
Any and alt peraon claiming adverjcly the
alNvxlewribed land are rrjultl to file their
cUlm III thl office ou or before ald 16II1 day of
October. is. MICJ1AITf .V0,,AN, Kegl.ter.
Timber Iind, Act June j, 1878,
U, H. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
May 39. iyj.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
theprovlloiiofiheActcfCoiigrcM of June f,
l8j. entitled "An act for the aale of timber land
In the tate of California, Oregon. Nevada, uml
Wahlugtou Territory," a extended to all the
public laud Ute by act ofAugu.t 4, i'V.
J0I111 W. Core,
ofSUtcra. county of Crook, tate of Oregon, ha
1 hi day Bled In tin office hi worn tatcmcnt
No. JiJ. ff ",e purchaie ofthe e H M Mi
tpiS. rioc, lota I, 2 and, ncc. i, tp 14 , r o
e, w in.
And will trier iroof to how that the laud
aought I more valuable for It timber or t"iic
than for agricultural purpoc, and to ctablih
hi claim to ald laud before J. M. Iwreuce, I',
h. Commluloner, at hi office at llcud, Oregon,
pu Monday, the idlliday of iKtoUr, lyoj.
ft. tii. a wltueafttr! llarrion A. Mrlvlii.
tiaiuuct II Dorrauce, Jame A. McCall and J!u
iue 1(. Cctcuell, all oftiittert, Oregon.
AaraBdall peraon claiming adveraely the
kUote-detcrlbedlaBd arereoue.led to file their
flIM la thi aflice on or before ald 16th day of
&3uf' ,t0ikiaUM. T. SOU. RtjUUr.
i . -
Timlwr Ind, Act June J. It.
I. h. Ijind Office, The Dalle. Oregon.
May y. Wi.
Nntke I hereby alien that in cvmpllaiKc
with the provMmu oflhe act i.f conitrr. of June
j. IT1. eHtKle "All at for the wte of tlmUr
UmU In the riaten of Call for U, Orrirun. Nemla
ami Wa.hliigUHi Territory." a extended to all
the public laml Mate by act of AwgHtt 4, lyi-
IMmuiid I. t.audette,
of Iklliiinlniii. couMlv' of Whateowi, Mate of
u'u.biiiutun )m tlil.if.v fill In thi mfwe hi
worn Matemeut No. 1554, for the purchaM-er
theeHuwU.eHMK xc ". P ' '"
w m.
And will offer proof to thow that the laml
wHight 1 Hiore vaual4e fur It limlwr or Mime
than for agrkuttural wrjo, and to etaldlh
hi claim tu uM laml fwfure J. M. IjiwrciKe
l'. h.CoiuiHlMioner. at hi office at llcnd.Ore
gou,anTHrdjy,thc nth day of IKlobrr, iyJ.
He name a witnee Juaepli N. Hunter.
)riirt A. Orlffin, Dan K. hmilliaiid Chauucey I'
HecLer. all of llend, Oregon
Any and all ptrMiii daimiug advertety the
alMjteleMrritml laudtare requeMeil to file thcil
claim in thl office on or before the uld nth day
ofoctkber, lyu.
a4-o IIICHAHI. T. NOLAN, Kegl.ter.
Timber Jind, Act June j, 187s,
U. K. Laud Office, The Dalle. Oregon,
May ;, lyaS.
Notice i hereby given that Incompliance with
the prortalou uf the Act of Congrof Junea,
iMa, entitled. "An act fnrlhealiftlinbcrlaml
in the Mate of California. Oreuou. Nevada, aud
VS'a.hlugtou Territory," a exleudrd to all the
public laud Mate by Act of AuguM 4, 191,
Him W. Gilt.
ufDeachute, county of Crook, Male of Oregon,
ha thl day filed In Ihi olficc hi woru Male
ineiit No jjjt. for the purchase of the el wjf,
ami lot 5 ami 6 of tec 6, tpi6. r 10 e. win
Aud will offer proof to how that the
laud aought 1 more valuable for ltatlinleror
Moue than for agricultural mrpone, aud to e
labtlah hi claiiH to aunt laud l-cfurc J. M
Lawrence, l" H. Coiumiluer. at hUotficrat
llend, Oregon, 011 Weiluewlay the nth day of
(Jctober, l'J.
He name a wltnewe: John lllo... of hitler.
Orcgou, Joepli N. Hunter, of llend. Oregon, and
fame W. Overton and Klchard King, both of
Dechute. Oregon.
Any aud all perxm claiming advcrtely the
abot c-decrlted laud are reiiieteI In file their
claim In Ihi office 011 or before the aald nth
day of October, 1705.
aji. MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Megltcr.
Timber Mud, Act June 3, 1878,
U. H. Laud Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
June 11, Iyu5.
Notice ia hereby given lint in compliance with
IhcproiUionaortlie act of Cougrcof June j,
11.7s. entitled "An act fur the aalc of timber laud
iu the Mate uf California, Oregon. Nevada, and
WnMilngtnii Territory," a cateiided to all the
public land Mate by act of AuguM 4, 1891,
Jame A- Mitchell,
ol 1'rllievlllc, county of Crook, Mate of Oregon,
ha thl day filed In thi office hi awurn iate
ineiit No. ivu. for the nurchae of the w!f ae'f ,
M'W. WXW M arc It, l IS . r 10 e, w 111,
And will offer iiroor to iiow mat tnc lauu
aought I more valuable for it timber or Moue
than for agricultural purpoe, and to cMahlUh
hi claim to aald land before the County Clerk of
Cruok county t l'rlucvillc,Orcgou,uuThuraday
the lilh day of October lyij.
Hciiaiucattltuciw.': II. A. I'oMer, ofl'rine.
ville, Oregon, li, II. Dorrauce. of llefid, Oregon,
W, T. V.. WIIon and Arthur Templctou, bolH of
htMcr, Oregon,
Any aod all peraoa claiming adrerely the
abovc-detcribed land arc requeMed to file their
claima In thla olficc 00 or befurc aid utli day
of October, iyt).
M-vf M1CUAKLT..N0LA.V, Ug.Ur.
Tlmlwr Mud, Act June J, H.
V. tt. Laml Office. The Ialle. Oregen,
May Jl. lyk).
Nelke I brrrly giveti that In nmiptlaiMe with
the iffMn .ifthe Act f Cangre of jMHr 1.
ivt. eiitilleil. "An act for the Mleof tlmlierlaml
in the Malr uf Callfj Mta. Oregon. Nevwla, ami
Wellington Territory. ' a extended to all the
public land Mate by Act of AuguM 4, l4M,
William Mcl.eut,
of Portland euunly of Mullmmah. Male of Ore
gon, ha Ihi day hied iu thl utticc hi worn
Maleinrnt No HU. for the HirclMe oflhe e(
ofaec v, tp lv . r lae. w ni,
Ami will offer proof to how that the land
ought I more valuable fur it timber or Mohc
than fur agricultural jmrtw. and to
hi claim tumid laud J M Lawrence. I'.
S. Commlwioner. at hi office at llend. Oregon,
011 Monday the ylh day of Oitotcr, iyJ.
He name a uliirv J N. Hunter ami
CharlcaUclw. uf llend, Oregon. Kobcrt Cox aud
(ieorge l'etlx.of Portland. Oregon,
Any and all ix-rxin claiming adverwly Ihe
sIm.v tln'rllml laml. ... rrolievtril to file their
claim 111 thl olficc oil or before said vh day of
Octoticr, lynf,.
Timber Laud, Act June J,
U. S. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon.
lay , IVJ.
Notice I hereby given that in compllauic with
le tiro.i.ionaof the Act of ConxrcM of June A,
IMS, entitled, "An act fort he le of limber land
Iu Ihe alate of California, Oregon, Netada, and
WaMiliixtou Territory," a exteudnl to all the
public laud Mate by Act of AuguM 4, Ity',
itdward '' Mgau,
ufNaahwaiik, county of llacn, Male of Mlnur-
ota, ha thl day hle.1 Iu tin omce III aworu
Matemeut No. m. for the purclute uf the ueff
of ikc , tp ly . r iu e, w 111.
And will offer proof to how that Hie laml
MHighl ia more valuable fur Ita timber or tone
than furaifrleulturol tiurtHnea. and to cMabtlh
hia claim to aald land before J. M Mwreuce,
I h CommlMlonerat in oinre at iienii, Ore
gon oil (Mlurday the Mill day ofOclolicr, lyoi
He name a w(tucc Charlea D Wti.z,
John l. Uyau, Joaeph N Hunter and Daniel K.
hiuilli, all of llend, Oregon.
Any and all pcraou clalniiug ailicr.ely the
alMiteilecrileil laud are reiieMed to file their
claim in thl ollicc oil or before ahl 14II1 day
of October, 1 j.
all-oij MICIIAHLT, NOLAN, KeglMer.
Timber Laud, Act of June j, 1H78,
V. K. Mud Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
July n, '$
Notice I hereby given that iu compliuncc with
th-proviaionaof the Act of Cougrea of June ,
l7. eiilitlrd "An act for Ihe aale of timler land,
iu the atalea of California, Oregon, Ncvuda ami
Whlnglon Territory," a extended lo all the
public land Male by act of AuguM 4, lty the
followlug-uamcd peraon have, oil June 7, Ivi,
filed iu thl olficc their aworn atatemcula, lo-wll.
Kuima II. Klenlxrg
of DeKliutc, county of Crook, atate of Oregon,
aworu Mutemeul No. JJM, for the purchaae oflhe
H kU. iiwli aejf , and awjf e of ace ij, t is
a, r II c, win,
Mura Handle
of DeKhiite. county of Crook, alate of Oregon,
worn Miilemeiit No. jnj, for the purchaeof Ihe
tA nelf aud cW eW of aec 14. IP IV . ' .''.
That they will offer proofa to ahow Ihat the
lauda aought are inure talunble fur Ihe tlmlxr or
tone thereon than foragrlcullural iniroea.aud their claim to ald land before J, M.
Lawrence, I', rl. CommiwioiKr, ul hi office at
llend, Oregon, oil Octotr It, I90J.
They iiameaa wltneaaeaj Laura Handle, Kuima
II. hlcnberg, William II. rlloata and Char ea D. Deachutea, Oregon; Joaeph N. Iluuler
of llend, Oregon, und Jamea K, llcuhaui qf Mid
law, Oregon. ... , ,
Any and all perwm claiming adversely any
of the above land are reiiueMed to file their
claim In thl office on or before the i4 nth
day of OrtU&3feL mUA!ti KfgUur
J H $
i t J 4 S ( f
ii J 4 S i 1
h L! I 1 1 pi I -J
13 it t S
I.! I i ' i
I JX J 4 S t 7
i 4 H H i " 1 9
tl I I
t r
I 1
Timber Med, Ait June j. lift.
U. H. Mud OfrVce, The Half.. Oiegwi,
May t. V.
Ntke la hereby given that In eow.H4U.tee l(k
Ike p(oi ofthe Ad of Cngre-M uf Jmmt L
via. eulitlel "An act foe the vktif llwbet Um.I.
In the Malt of California, Oregvn. Nevaata. aud
Wa.hlKglon Territory," ealtwVnl to all the
puMM land Mate by Act of AuguM 4, ityt,
HtrUrt I J MclhwaW,
oflleml. cowutyaf Crook. Mate of OregM. ha
thl .lay filed Iu Ihi office hi. MaleMeNl
No iytfc. fi.r Die Hirchae sf the ((. of we I,
tp wa, r IJC w m.
Aud will offer proof tu thow that the land
ought I mote valuable fur Ita llutlief ur Moue
than for agricultural riirie, aud tuetalllh
hla claim to Mkl laud lefure J M M"rtue,
I' K Cuimi.iuiier. at hi ulfice at llend.
Oregon, on halurday, the 14th lUy el OMuber.
He name a wttncr' Jweph N. Hunter.
lame D. Ilouryiiiau, WilVmi llalra ahd Charle
II. el.i, all 01 iieliu, iranuu.
Any ami all itor.a claiming adverwly Ihe
Mive dcKrilwl lain) atereque.le.1 Iu file their
claima Iu thla office 011 or iKfore the aald 14th
day of October , lyu.
ail-on MICAKL T. NOLAN, KcgUttr.
Timber Laud, Act June j, 1I7I,
V. H. Mnd Office, The Dallea, Oregon,
June tH, lyil
Nnlltc la hereby given thai iu compliance with
Ihe pruvi.louaufthe Acluf Cbtigre of June 1,
l7i, entitled. "An art for tlieaaleuf llinherlanda
In IliettateaofCatlfuriiUt, Oregon. Nevada, ami
Washington Terillory'a extendd lo all Ihe
(Hibllc land Mate by Act of AuguM 4. Iyl.
I'riihr McKae,
uf Hcml. ctMiily of Crtajk, atatr of Oregon, haa
till day hleil iu Ihi olficc hi woru alalriiieut
No Mh. lor the purclutK of Hie nHe(, aejf lie
i of aec v, tp M a, r 1 1 e, w m.
Ami will offer proof to how that the land
ought I mote valuable for ita Umber or atone
than foragrlcullural HirMMea, and to eMablUli
hit claim lold liud lief'.re J M, Lawrence,
V. H, Cuiuiiiluloiier, at hi office al llend
Oregon, on Weduewlay, the 1Mb day uf
October, !'
H.ii.niM,, wilii.Htf. If1l.11 Hlrl.ll. Ilel.rv
Tweet, Henry W, Kecd aud Charlc j. Cottor,af
Any and all peraona clalniiug adverwly Ike
lKivr-ilrctlHel laiidaarcrcuucMcd to file Ihelr
claima Iu Ihla office oil or before aald 1Mb day
of October, ly, ,
ailKiij MICIIAHLT. NOLAN, KeglMer.
TlmlKrr Land, Act or June i. 1878,
r. rl, Mud Office, The Dalle, Oiegou,
June , iy5.
K.-.I , 1 1... ..!.... .., I.. J.t,..1lu.,H Ul.l
ODllce l.eieinr ... . .' m.,.," ...
Ihe provlaioii oflhe Ait of Cougrea of June f,
1K7H, entitled "All net fur the ale uftimUr lauda
iulhcatateaufCullfuriila, Oregon. Nevada, und
1, ,..!. I . V...I I.. ..I.llll.ll .,. llll 111
public liiud atate by act of AuguM 4. I"''.
Jeremiah I'. Haley,
ufllallou, county of Adam, Mate uf Waihlug.
ton, ha Ihi day filed In thl office hi wtru
talcmciit No, a""", for the iiurcha.c uf the a Ji
ae !f . 11 w ( ae Jf, w j lie )( of cc y, lp ao a, r
j , ,1,,
. ...1 .111 .ttmm ..,u.e ... almH lltnl tim It,.,. I
ought la more valuable for II limber or atone
than for agricultural purpotc. and lo cMabllMi
hi claim to uld land J. M, Lawrence, I'
u i...ilulinir,l httf ,,fri,. ! Il.i,l. Ilririn. ,.,
Tliuriulay, Ihe ivlli day ofOctolwr. lyu.
He namea aa witueeai jo.eim m. inimer,
William II. nrvck, ClUiirtcey V, Keeker anil pan
Anvaudflll uerHou elalmlnir adversely the
alKictlccrlW laud arc re.jirtcd Jo file tpelr
claima In Ihla oflicc 011 or be(ue A ivKj day of
t J 4 S t
;.,.. jftj-U
i " t t t 7
i J 4 S i
. Ly .
l tf io 1 $ 7
F The
r" (lutiiiK
lZ Jfe!F
f f 7
t r
i i
! I
TlHtMf Mm4. A.t June J, 17.
If. Mud IHfMe, The DaHe. Ortgim,
May N. Vf
Notice I hetrhy given Ihat In cWMMlUHre with
act far law vk ol tlmWr Und m Ike Male m
CallfarnHi. Ofm Nevada MM WaahlUftuM
Tfrltoty."aavUnde4 I all the pMc Und
Male by act of AuguM 4. IN.
Iblwanl Hteuetuigtc
of PrlMedlle. euMKly uf CruuV. Male of OfgM.
ka.lkU.Uv AUd It. Ihi ufthe hi .MufH Mate
meut No tli foe Ihe otiehe of tot 1, J aud j
uixce. lp iv, r 11 r w m
And will offer pit if In huw that the Und
uughl I. nime alWr fr ll tlmUr ur Mune
tkau tut au.ieullMrat tmrtMM. ami Iu rMaMlah
hi claim tu Mkl land Iwiore the rminly ettiL uf
Crunk nuiNty, al riiHetllle, uirguu, on rrw.
Ihe ijth day of (KliMwr. lyH.
He namea a vtiiww. Jame W O'etluu.
Harry 1' HuHier J S HuultramlJ l(. llrlffln.
all of llend, OivgoH
Any ami all ueiM.n. claiming odvrrely lb
alMvlt'rl!td tatul are re.iuet.trd Iu file their
claim in thl office on ur beftHc uld ijlh ih.) u(
Hiuuer, lyt
all-olj MICHAKL T NOLAN. KeglMer
Tlmlr Mml, Act June J, 187,
U. H. Land Office, The Dalle. Oieguti,
June iv, l'4.
Nullcc I hereby given that Hi compliant.- with
Ihe ptovl.lou uf the Ml uf Cungreuf Juuet.
1H7, entllletl "An art fur Ihe mIc of IliuUr land
In the Mate uf Califuriiia. Oregon, Nevada ami
Wa.hliigtuu Terrllwy " aa ealrmletl In all Ihe
public laud alata by art uf Align. I 4, Itue.
ThetMlure Adam,
uf I'ayeltr. ruunty of Canyon, Male uf Idaho, ha
thl day filed Ih Ihi oilier hi wuin alatemeut
Nil S7, for the iiiictiaeuf the liwjf uf.ev u,
tp iy. r ur. wm.
And will offer prool In ahow that the land
ought I ime valuable for Ha timber ur alone
than fur agricultural nire, aud turatabllMi
hia claim Iu Mkl laud before J M Mwrcuee,
I' K. CuniHilMUiiicr, at hi office at llend, Ore
gon, mi 'luewlay Ihe I7lhday, ly4
llcnnnita a. wllurie. John rllrkll, lletiiy
Tweet. Henry W. Keed and Ora Poimlexler, all
uf llend, Oregon.
Any and all .riu claiming adierely the
abive-dcrlbcd land are reiiueMrd lo file their
etaiiii Iu till oftlcruu or Ulorc mIi! Ijlh day ol
October, lyaj
ail-oi) MICHAKL T. NOLAN, KeglMer,
Timber Land, Act June J, 1878,
V, H. Lund Oflicc, The Dullr. Oregon,
March, ai ipoj,
Notice la hereby glieu that In cauipllaiicc with
the proviMou oflhe Act of CungrcM uf June l,
lH7h, ciillllrtl, "Aliucl fur Ihe ulc of limber laud,
tu Ihealutraof Cullfornlu, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahlnglou Tenilory," a extended lo all Ihe
public laud atalea by Act of Align. t 4, ibyi,
Arthur II. Allen,
ofHaudKilut,cuunly pf Lcwi,ltntcof Idnhu.hii
Ihi day filed In Ihi ufllec hi aworn Mntcmrnl
No. ai9, for Hie pirchuc of the ncj( of aec aa.
lp Ija, r me, vi in.
And yt nircr proof lo allow Hint the laid
ought I IllP'e valuublc for It llmler ur loue
thai) iirugricullural piirHica, and to cMahlUh
hi cjAliit lo aald laud before tlicKtglMrr nud
Kev(ver, at The Dallea, Orcgou, oil lliriMilay
u December, icJ. ,
, Henaiucaa wlliieet nyrou Juhutuu, Will.
J. Davl. and Charle I', Dale, all uf Hand
tuilut, Idaho', and Michael O'Couuor, of The
Dalle, Orrgoa,
Any and nil eron claiming admxly Hie
above-tleacrlbed laud are rcuucMed to Alt thrlr
claim ia thl office on or before the iU lat
day of Dcv'cmber, iy.5.
uy-dl MICIIAril.. T. NOUN, Rrglitir,
At Gateway to
the Great
Id L
Town has Grown
in tin wt cr. tin jxt tllac
ly from Ajnl H. nj
Doubled in Value
In six months in what Ikml
Real KnUte bus done.
The Pilot Butte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
TlMbecMmt. Act June J i;l
U. H. Mud IMuee. The IMir iig
Mav n law
Walk mi IWteb gi Ihat 111 xHtipliaaec oifk
Iha movUhm oftave Act uf V.HiereM f Juii" I
l7, enllt tad. 'AH act fae Ihe lnbrrl'i
in Ike Male uf Callluf NU inegot. eada
V.'Mliltu-tui Tetrltutjr ' aaed.'.-wd l-J all IM
HuWIWMHdMaUaby Act uf AuguM 4 IS'
-Von K W.gnet,
ofkvud rouHty of Cruk, Male of nirgoii kik
Ihl.dU) Hied IH thl. l4We hi Malemot
74u a4. Kw Ik mvktwe uf the nU uf txi It
lp w,fl.i, M
Anal will offer ruuf to .bow Ihat the laada'
uugkl I hum valuable for Ha Umber or '"
lhH IW aricHllufl wurutMr ami t" e.tai'Mk
hlactHlm tu ukl html before J M l.awiru.e.
I' ft CuimlMuner, at hi oMke at (tend ore
gun. ou Weduewlay. Ike iHk day iiHM..If r
llr Mwe. a wliu. J N Ibnilcr (. H,
WekM, W II. Heed ami John Mrldl atloflKHJ.
A uy aud all itetMH claiming adirrely tkl
alunr datrtbetl land ale rru,ueMr. file Ihetr
cUtni In thl uftcc ou or UAm atd nth day u(
iNtotier, iyt
aii-tMj MICIIAKI.T. NOLAN, Hrgltfr
Timber Mnd. Act June 1,171,
U. H Mnd 0(nc, The Dalle Orrgoa,
June it 1
Notice I hereby given Ihat In compliance
me prnvMiunu 1
i4a uIIiImI. "Am
... ...a xl. .& .'.Uauul. IUU.. .a.-.Ia ..J
Wuhlll(to Tattltory," a extend.-.! a all IN,
public laml Male Uy Act of AuguM 4, -yl,
CltatUaM. Kr.lfiel.1
of lUiihl, cuuHly ul Clunk. Male uf h
till day filed In till uftVe hi au'.tu !( meal
So )a fnrltietuirlMc of Ihrai laiic ir.!
aud e!(eK.uftec li, Ipaaa. r ijr win
Ami will uffr Jtroof in thow Ihat 1)1(14
ought U mure tamable fur it limlier ur "
ll.aill for Bgllcnllural purtawr ami ,. rladtl
III. claim Iu tw It I land Itcfuir I M laMiriif.
i; H CuniiHlMhiurr, at hi umt'e at lud l
gun, uu Thursday the lylli day of iktuber IV
lleiiame aa wlliiriuuM William I' Vamlciril.
nfLava, OieKUII, luepli N Hiiulrr and III"'1'.1
L. Htuek, l0l or llend, Olcguu, and Juliy IU"".
Ul r.t.iei, iiivgut.
Any and all lierwn daimiug adtrrctr the
nHivHtMUHlld lauda ale retjueMed tu file iMIf
ctalm In Ihi oilue uu or be lure Die uld lulh do
uf Oetotwr, l't4
all-olj MICHAKL T. NOLAN, HegUlef
Timber Land, Act June j, 187I,
U. rl, Laud Ollicc, The Dalle. Oregon,
May at, IV" J
Notice i lieicby given thai In compliance Hn
liir proviioiia(u iiic Ail in uiuurea 01 ,
187H. enllllcl, "An act for the aiileiif tliuli.
Ait nf Couurea uf June i
uf June J.
ul.rr lui'A
11 llii MHlcanf California. Oriuou. Nc
wahlngtou Teirllury," n exlcniled
Iu Jw l
public luml Mate by uU or Aligul 4, m
Jiime II Huiieymaii, jl"-
t I.Mtt.l ni.tinlu .if C.u.l kin... ,.e1r.f.W
Ihi tiny liUd III Ihi olflic hi ivorn M'f''r;
No. JU7. lor Hie nuriliiiae of Ihe Lot
1 Mr
nud aliuel. ec 1. In i a. r It e. w III
And wilt offer iiifu.f luMiuur Hint Hie laml
ought I mute valuable for Ha limber or Moiic
Iliau fur iigrlciiltilial uirpea, and to eiiUl'Hv
hi claim In uid luml before J. M Mwrrmc
U H, Comml.Hliiiier.nt liUnlllccul llend, Oregon. I
ea, aim 10 e.i""V'
efurc j. M Lawreuic .
an Hiiturdiiy the Mill day of October, 1905
llCIUUir II Wliuracai neiiien .-. 1 -'.
liJ.nuf.i i.u..i,h n. lii.tilr. U'illlhm Ifulc anil
Chitrlr 11. Welti, all uf llclltl. Oregon.
Any and all perou clolmlng adveraely U
nboedecrlbtl laud are reiiieled tu file I nvt
claim In Ihi office oil ur before the aald Hi,
dny of October, 190J.
IIUAt4 At .Wi,41, ..,
3N., 1
ruatlf II