The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 06, 1905, Image 7

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I, nix
m W
For Thin,
Poor Blood
You cnn trust a medicine
tested 00 years! Sixty years
of experience, think of that!
Experience with Aycr's Sar
snpnrllln; the original Snrsa
purllln; tlicstronccst Sarsnpa
rllln; the Snrsopnrllla the doc
tors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, central debility.
Xa4krJ,0 JyirO.I.ll,MM.
Alt taaaufaawrara r
tivO cuuur rrxTouu.
Ihn I'rlntlntt OBIiw.
The printing ulUce lint Indeed proved
belter college to in mi y a boy, has
graduated morn useful nml conspicu
ous int'inhers of society, has brought
more Intellect out nml turned It Into
prartlcsl, useful channels, awakened
wore minds, generated more ictlrn ami
elevated thought, ttmn tunny of the
lltrrarjr college of lhi country. A boy
who commences In inch a ichool as
thn printing onlce, will have bit tnl
eiils mid Ideas brought out; and If
ho t ii rnrrful observer, experience In
lita profession will contribute mora
toward an education thnn can be oh
talncd In atuioit any other uinuiicr.
m llinil,
'.The man behind (hit wnlte apron In
dignantly ssserted lilusii.
"I won't b ordered around as If I
wa a slave." hn etclatrm-d "I'm as
good aa you, It'a uo disgrace to bo n
"Mnybe not," aald (lit dyspeptic
guest, "but It'a a dlsgrsce to bo inch
a waller aa you arc."
Mrs. Lna fliultli, N. Cherry strict,
I cor. Lino, Nashville, Trim., wrltra:
"I have had poor health (or the pad
four ysars, pains In tha lack and
nfjolui, and dull, lick headache, with
Ibjurimr down palna.
"A friend who wan very enthusiastic
bout I'cruno Uitltttti that I try It.
"I took It (or tea data and was sur
prised to And that I had io little pain.
"I tliureloro continued to uso It and
lat tlin end ol two uiontiii my pAini had
totally illsepprarttd.
I "I have, been in the next or riiMUn since
fiihd feel ten ira younger. I am very
riit(ul to you."
UuUrrh ol the Intornal organs grad
Rally saps away the strength, under
lues the vitality and cauiea nervous
Iwii, 1'eruna ts the romeuy.
Rut f n till (fanit M miAl.tna nnnil U
III l.l walk If Hi ll.r it Inaetlia inS In
lutw.l. tiill4i4, for III Ixit 4ilul i.
''rMl"'! Uilltt ! IAr'i
Hill whlla taking tl.aiia.arlll TkeUMr
lllulkly lMwml, tud to l tin IhjwI.
VmimL llfblMl n trunixl Slump I'ulltr
n Hi inikU III JlorM pvitr on tt iw.
MU iwq DottM. Will lar Joclpilv rlklu
Siiil (irlr. i. iS
Piat ( Mw-rlmn Strttt PorlUnJ, Ortfon
UlptMiout.rttum ui witnins nimf
nJ atlJmiri of vourttlf ani lw of veur
J filtndi,nJtli UI whtn yau lll proUM
Z enter a builnrn collfjc, nJ w creJIt ,
WW la "i
no" i :4
you ith IS CO on our 165.00 acboUrshla,
Our Mliool offtri tctpllnal Jvnlie$ to
tuJcnll Df Iuilnli.Shoflti.nJ. I!
I Diir Insisuction Lowest Tuition
1 . , , , , ,
Ollll 10 CJtltlf UI II ll't fill
M. A, aldim, rnis,
sixth T. PORTLAND, One. J
I loWlii IM1P ll
la tins. Saii tir StnfUH.
ACiiviiY or hie: gulf stream.
w '!&',
Tlmt lliu Kiiir atrimin In nctlvn alx liundrcil miles enst of Now York rlty
nt n point In Urn Atlantic Ocniu, whore, nccordltiK to tho best nuthorltles,
It shiiuld he hnrilly riWcornlhle, mid with such n iluw ns to hold buck to it
aiirlous extent tho Moltku on her western wny, wns nsierteil by Cnptnln
Hiiner, of tlmt ship, when sho nrrlved nt Ilobolu-u from IlnmburK, Houlof'iiu
nud Dover.
Cnptnln Ituser anld tlmt nuver heforo In his runny trips ncros tho
wvsturu ocenn hnd ho observed t lit Kiilf strenin no nrtlve, nml tho tempent
turn mconleil wns nlmost pheiiomennt. Tho Moltko hnd dim wenther nil of
tho wny, mid the iiiikIiicn wero driving her nt it seventiiti-knot Knit, when
tho Kiilf stream wns encountered. For two dnys before this tho ship hnd
droppeit In her speed In nu nlmnst uuexplnlunhhi milliner. On Mondny thn
mlddny reckontiiK showed 01 knots, the next dny ,'lir7 knots, then ,'ibt) mid
IWJ on tho following dnys, nud Cnptnln Ittucr lirKnn to seek for tho cnuse.
Tlio wnter suddenly begnn to gniw wnruier, mid In strenks, or, ns tho nip
tnlu snld, "like MiiKers," nud there wero high temperatures tlmt wero
Coming out of wnter showing from 12 and (17 degrees I'nhrenhelt, Uio
thermometer reglstereil M degrees. At this time the ship fell off In her speed
fully n knot mid n hnlf mi hour, nud tho wnter took on tho blue Utigo so
noticeable. In tho tropics.
For five hours, n distance of nenrly eighty miles, this high tempcrnttiro
wns recorded, mid nil dny tlio peculiar ncthlty of tho gulf strenin wns up
pnreiit. When the dny's run wns compnreil It wns found lint Uiu ship hnd
loggeil only ,107 miles.
Tlio Couch Vu )lot Iititiortmit In
lliinira of ICuytitlitiiB.
The couch wns one of the most Inv
IKirtaut pieces of furniture In tint
homes of tho people of undent Kgypt.
It was used at uieiil times to rvcllntt
upon, as well ns nt night for n txtl.
Prolwbly th enrllest inenllou of the
ImhI Is to tm found In II. Kings, Ir.
chapter, of thn Old Testament, when
Kllshn vlsltr! the Hhumeultu nlMtut
H." II. C, and wo nro told of the
preparations for the reception of tho
prophet. "Iet us innUe n llttlu ehnm
livr. I pmy thee, on the wnll, nud let
us set for him there n bed, nml n
tabic, mid n stood nml n candlestick."
nud number Incident Is nlxiut -IU0
years Inter. In the "book of Ksthcr."
when Ukii nlliidlng to the grandeur
of the pnlnce of Ahasuerus, we are
enabled to catch n glimpse of ltstern
mngulflciiice In the description of the
court of the garden of Urn king's pnl
nce, "where were white, gni-n mid
blue Itauglngs, fastened with cords of
flue linen nml purple to silver rings
KOM Al IXlllll.
and plllnra of mnrblv; thn tteds were
of gold nud slher, upon n Ktveiueut
of red mid blue, nud white mid black
marble," The beU of tho masses
then consisted of conrso stuffed pit
lows or cushions thrown or piled In n
corner of the nnn or plnced n round
Its sides and usetl for scuts by day
nud Isils by night, Thero wero n
great ninny bend rents In vogurt.ut tlmt
time, tut id In connection with n btrK
strnw snek, upon which they slept,
letter it plutform a llttlo higher thnn
n sent wns built up nt ouo end of
the room and the bed was prepared
for tlu sleeiHT by plncliiR cushions
nround It. Tlio Kgypthtns wero tho
first people to mnko movnblo ImhIs.
With tho Advent of the () rooks, "who
recelretl their first rudlmenU of nrt
from tho Kgyptlnnm" enme clmngtMi
and elnboratlons of tho old forms.
Tim furniture, nml utensils of tho early
Oreclnii housu cotild not compnro with
tlmt of mrslprn limes In completeness
and variety, yet they wero by no
means wanting In design mid construc
tion. Couches wero often richly
ndorned mid frequently wero enst of
brouxe or mnilo of wood and Inlnld
with Ivory and silver, tho feet grace
fully formed, of bold design nnd elo-
uant iiroiHirtlons. ending usually In
lion's pawn. Figures of inun nnd mil
mills frequently appear In theso deco
rations. lVcullitrly rich nud ornament
al wero tho chairs nnd couclieu, tho
former twlng used by tlio women nnd
tho latter by tho men, who loved to
read, write and tnko their meals iih
tho Ityyptluns lieforo thorn tn n re
clining poHltlon,
Tho couch, which In dnytlmo wns
used chlelly by tliu inun, hud ha n bed
atend n kind of bench, cither with
out a I mck or with u low headboard;
n foottionrd bulng not ho common, Tho
covers which wero laid ovor It, and
which woro ufterwnrd supers edwl by
cushlotiM flllwl with feathers, wero of
various kinds, rough or smooth, heavy
or light, Bometlmos woven In colored
designs or embroidered with gold or
allvor, and trliiuiied with fringes and
tnusels) mid n similar dropery often
Burroundcil tho lowor iwrt of tho
couch mid concealed tho foot. Thoy
wero used on tho couchoa for reclin
ing, as well ns for tho ImhI, which
only dlffarod from the former In hav
ing u coverlid nnd sheets of linen.
lCnrly refortaico to Grcok furnlturo Is
inndo by llomor, who duacrlbos cover
ltda of dyed wool na part of tho ac
i f
i r
r ti' l
cessories of a gn-it man's residence
centurlefi before thu period which wo
recognlxo as tho "meridian" of (Sreek
art. llie betiding wns never kept In
Inrgt presses or closets, but In chests
of tho same form ns the enskets for
cosmetics and Jewelry. With the for
mation of tho Roman empire, which
wns founded 7JV) 11. C, enmo the
fourth great etnplro of antiquity. Fur
want of nn artistic style of their own
they Here dependent nt first upon the
(.recks, but Instead of following the
simplicity of that stylo they exag
gerated thn decorntlvn treatment. In
nceordanco with' their love for splen
dor. Their Iteds wero mnde with ex
trnordlunry lienuty and costliness.
They hnd mnttreiuics stufftl with
swansdowit, woolen blnuketN mid rich
ly embroidered sheets. After the fnll
of Home ImiIs and nil other articles of
furniture returned to the most primi
tive forms, the household goods of tho
ninssea consisting of nothing but n
bench, a chest ami a few skins, Tho
chest was usetl ns n table by tlay,
and with the skins thrown over It ns
n IhmI by night. About tho eleventh
century furulttu-o became more gen
erally usetl, nnd tho Hplo of tho
Auglo-Kiixon race begnu to build al
coves or recese In the walls of
their homes nnd sacks of fresh strnw
vtero Intd on a bench or raised !oards
nml curtains were hung to conceal the
snmefrem tho rooms, Oont nnd U-nr
skins went then usetl as coverlets.
Clnclunntl Ktnulrer.
Antics of a Hirer Murtirl!ier Muddle
ltuateril Iilrua.
It Is much to bo regretted that news
got abroad of tho steer running nmuck
In tho streets of Alton, since tlio In
telligence Is likely further to embar
rass us In our elTorts to convince the
efTeto mid obtuso etist that our mid
country western metropolis nro alto
gether ctvllUed ami safe.
It Is with no llttlo dltllculty even
nt this Into dny that tho contlued con
servntlsm of New Kuglnnd admits
that we nre on the map as real cltlcn
mid not ns mere rough centers of the
wild life of thn plains. Tenaciously
a good many people "over east" still
cling to tho notion that everything
this side of tho Alleghanlcn la n sort
of vngue boyond, peopled principally
by buffalo, Indians, rnngo cntUe, cow
punchers, sago lions ami prnlrlo dogi,
mid occasionally enlivened by the
more conspicuous types of a lluffalo
Hill or n Itoosovclt, but wholly lm
posslblo aa n habitat.
It la discouraging, therefore, to
havo It go out over tho wires that "a
steer brought up from St. I-ouh to
Alton Wednesday held tho streets un
til U p. m., tororUtiiR tho citizens and
cutting up pranks. At North
Alton, among other tlilugn, tho steer
ran Into II Wutxler'a store door, but
backed out ngatu without doing any
daiuagtv Then It rnu Into n horse nnd
carriage. Tho occupants fortunately
Jumped from the vehicle. Finally 11.
Adutus succeeded in roping tlio ani
mal." It Is a reflection of additional ills
comfort to tm Unit tho steer hailed
from St, loula.
When this city shall havo streng
theiied n llttlo further as a tluiinclal
center so that It can supply funds not
only to all the southwest, but to tho
Middle States an well, and consentient
ly no longer feol tho need of borrow
ing money from tha Kasteruers tn
Wall street and elsewhere, wo shnn't
tnko tho troublo to puncture their
thickly reluctant Intelligences with
tho truth about our clvlllxedncss nud
even cosmopolite culture and polish;
but lu tho meantime wo ought either
to lay a great deal of stress on facts
about our finished conditions of living
or to fence up our stock. -St. Louis
When -you llud thore Is nothing In
your "doctrine," how foolish you
feel I
A I.lttle Hlorr of the lllu Illiic-Onijr
.Miiltetv nml tlio Jiim,
John wiim a most iiuigiilllteiit-loiikliig
specimen of tho domestic cut a Mat
tone. Ills bluogmy t-mt was llku tho
lluest, silkiest velvet, mid ho hnd it
proper euro In keeping It In tho best
condition, Ho liuil thu most fastidious
habits ontlng nothing but tho choir
est of morsels, mid selecting tho soft
est, downiest pillows to reposo upon
Ho was a much-pampered cut, says tho
rlillnilolptila Iteconl. Ills mistress had
Indulged his whims to such a degree
that ho bit'iimo Intensely selfish mid
exacting, as spoiled children nnd pets
nre npt to beeome.
John lived In it groat houso In thu
middle of a largo sijuare where thero
were perhaps a hundred or more noblu
tries. You should h: John's superstl
tloiiN manner how his nose went up
lu thu air when any stranger cat veil
tured upon his preserves, Hvory pur
tlculnr hair sueuiod to tjulver mid stand
on end becauso of Injured tllgnlty, Ho
seemed to say, "Why do theso common
cats co mo betwixt thu wind and my
Ho feareil. too, perhnps, that Ills'
sham of birds would be materially les
sened. He himself played sntl havoc
with the robin and tho wrens. I am
not sum whether the Jnys, who had a
large colony on the grounds, wero ablo
to hold their own against hi in.
Ono warm morning lu early summer
ns I sat on thu piazza my attention
was attracted by the loud cries of tho
Jays, nud there snt John at the foot
of a tree waving his tall In lmiiotent
fury, for threo Jnys were at his head,
first one and then nnother tweaking
out with their bills great bunches of
beautiful fur, 'Take that I Take that,
you murderous vlllnlu!" they exclaim
ed, or rather shrieked lu unmistakable
tonei of revenge. "You hnve hnd your
way with oiii bindings; now wo havo
you. Tnko that, and that!" and out
Hew great bunelicn of silken, fluffy fur
that had been so carefully combed and
denned only n few hourso earlier that
warm June morning, John glared nt
tils tormentors, gnashed his teeth, but
to no avail.
At last, apparently satisfied with tho
vengennco they had wreaked on their
enemy,' tho cat, tho Jnys, wlUi wild,
exultant cries, flew off to their rookery
lu thn oltl tres bnck of tho house.
John, humbled and discomfited, mado
his wny off, too. Whether ho profited
by thu drubbing the Jnys gave him, I
cannot toll.
One more episode, In which John
wns nn actor, I must relate. A beauti
ful little blnck nnd tan hnd been given
to mo some months nftcr I went tn live
In tho house where John seemed to
hnve such undisputed sway. I was 111
when tho little creature was brought
to the house, nnd for n few dnys wns
obliged to lie on the sofa much of the
time. Oyp, afTcctlonnto as It Is tho
nature of dogs to be, would come to
me, put her paws on the sofa and look
Into my face as much as to say, "Why
do you do here? Why don't you come
out for a run under tho trees?"
Ono day he sat on tho sldo of the
fire, John on tho other. Instead of
coming to my sofa by tho direct line,
f!yp, fearing John, went In a round
about way. John from his place sprang
up to Intercept Oyp mid gave her a re
sounding whack on the sldo of her
face with Ids open paw. He hnd seen
already that (yp had won a place In
my nfToetloni nnd took this way of
showing tils anger and Jealousy. Dear
little (Jyp, every' ono loved her. For
one friend tnat John had, she had
twenty. Indeed, I am not qulto.sure
that John hail one friend, while Oyp
hud legions. Many admired him for his
beauty and gmco, but "handsome Is
tlmt handsome does," you know.
Hint Trnvol Fi-lllng Off.
"A heavy falling off In blnl travel
Is noticeable of lute," said Mrs. Loulso
Schull, Union depot matron, this morn
ing. "I nm trying to rvimon out the
cause of It."
"Illrd travel?" asked tho one ml
dressed. "ItlnU mlgmto by wing and
not on railroad tickets. What do you
"Tho blnls did not pay fare, but
they traveled by rail extensively, Just
tho 'same," tho matron replied. "At
ono time nearly every woman that
Iwarded or disembarked from a rail
read train, carried lu addition to three
grips two or three cages of parrots
or canaries. No womiui seemed to
think of traveling without a bird cago
or two. Now n blnl cngo Is seldom
seen. Clood sense, probably, has ban
ished tho birds to tho care of tho
housekeeper or to tho boarding aviary
wlillo their mistress travels." Kansas
City Stan
Ills Huucnss.
"Your friend Kittle tells mo tin's got
his pretty wife thoroughly U-n'ned
"Yes, he's got her trained so; that ho
can inako her do pretty nearly any
thing sho wants to do." Philadelphia
Tim W liolo Trouble,
Mrs. Nurltch I don't llku that Uiore
Mrs. Swellmau at nil.
Mr. Nurltch Well, you nln't got to
tako no notice, of bejv
Mrs. Nurltch Hut ftho troublo Is sho
don't tnko no notlco q mo. Indianap
olis Nows.
Tho Cxar's ThoiiKtita.
"I wonder what tho Cxar thought
when ho heard there was dynamite,
under his apartments?"
I guess ho thought lto'd prefer tho
ground floor of a cellnrless houso."
Cleveland Plain UcnlerV
Whon wo nsk a man forjm item, ho
usually says; "Why don't you recom
mend." sotuo "reform" ho la Inter
Mtod" In, '
Prove It
By the Oven Fire
Put the
M-J2 '" uvuc u u,c lc,l icia
,&SP can on
k 're m m
"I iwill n
..... .,..
u v
a flr
25 cents.
PraS a tvMtAl far
flequel to Woddlna; Faast.
A Scotch minister and bla friend,'
ttUo were coming home from a wed-
4lnf. began to canildtr the state Into
-vrhtch their potations at the wedding
.. ..,.., .... j .. ,1
feast bad left the. "Hanay," said
tha minister, "Just stop a minute here
till I go ahead. Maybe I don't walk
very stea ij and the good wife might
remark something not Just right." He
walked anead of the servant for a
short distance and then asked: "How
la It? Am I walking straight?" "Ob,
t." answered Sandr. thlcklr. "Ye're'
a' recht. but who's that who's with
riTQ rnasnrnU7 Corrd. IfoflUorBtrrMiinftf
lllu nrflrH).r'inoIr.Klln'itlrtrn'
J(torr. Kndf..r rrre2trtlbottlndfrrll. !
tir.lLU.KUDt,U(J.,Hl Atth bt. I'h!lt4tlbU, I's. j
TTIda Opia, I
Miss Kreech Dr. Karrlnks seemed'
quite Interested In my singing last;
evening. He sat directly In front of '
me during my solo and watched me
so attentively.
Mlsa Knoz I don't trjink It was
your singing, lie told me afterward '
that he made a specialty of toasllsi
and atudltd them every chance he I
.. ni.M.ii.11
got. Philadelphia Press.
"" "
Forcouah. and cold, there Is no better
medicine than Piso's Care for Consamp-
tloa. Trice 25 cents.
Antl-Klnicrs In Mexico. i
"! vttlA tlnn la .liranHInn In tr..l.
V,,..l.u..uu .a .4.. vuu.ub d.c,.v.
A little red hutton worn by some 300
-..,, ni. ,n,i Tnntif tnnrrltvl n,l
women, om aau yount,, marnea sun
slnele. In the City of Mexico, sljmlfles
membership In what la known
i BS the
Antl Kissing League. Members of the
league take a solemn pledge not to kiss
each other, In public or In private,
their contention being that ktssing Is
contagious, or, rather, the means of
conveying contagious diseases from
one fair Up to nnother.
UotbrrawlU find Mrs. WlnsioWa Boo thin f
Syrup U btil remedy touie (or their cUldrta
during tat UothJnr period.
To Mast a Demand.
"What Is that orary-looklng edifice?"
"Oh, that Is IUtXboomer's summer
hotel; It accommodates 2,000 peoplo
who all luslst on second-story front
aM 12lSaP aaBBBBBBBBBBa&. WjKA. Fl y"si1 aaaatT ""A
jfTiTn v--c-V.i'
Those afflicted with Eczema know
more than can be told of the sufferine
fire." It usually begins with n slight redness of the skin, which gradually
6prcails, followed by blisters and pustules discharging a thin, sticky fluid
that dries and scales off. leaving an inflamed surface, and nt times the itch
ing and burning are almost unbearable. While any part of the body is
liable to be attacked, the
hands, feet, back, arms, face
and legs are the parts most
often afflicted. The cause of
Eczema is a too acid condi
tion of the blood. The cir
culation becomes loaded
with fiery, acid poisons that
are forced through the
glands and pores of the skin which set
the disease' is in the blood it is a waste
applications; tho cause must be removed
'i'lllUWUMaj UIUW4U3CU
cured under the ordinary treatment yield to Its purifying, cooling effect oa
the blood. Book oa Skin Diseases and any advice wished, without charge.
W do crown an brldftwork without r'n.
OurUyi-nni' nprlmc In )Ute work en
blr ui to lit your mouth comfoitubly. Dr.
W. A. W lie Iim found a lata way to extract
trttn aUoluley without pain. Dr. T. I1.
Wl Ii an eiert at Kld tlllluf and crown
and brlilfr-work, Kilractlu tm wliau
platu or bridges ar crJ rvd.
Falling HMi! , Third and Washington St.
Optueidilns till V uMock. Huudayaftoni
a 10 IX, Or Jl am tut.
DR. w. A. wise
Uncle Sam's People
greattit opportunity ol
meuti, Land can be
taenia 01 oue-ims in
eTer skown on. I am couductlng parlies
lug special railroad rates aud ihuwlng
ji, 1 rum fj m iu
iducung parlies
aud ihuwlng
Inforinattoit cheerfully ,len.
Canadian Railway liuda.
wonderful KC Dak-
approval. I our money
rlitrrifl tt unit t nn'l
.w. ......... .. rut. uiri. i
rce that all we claim is true.
be delifihtcd with the de
licious, wholesome things that
will bring to life in your oven,
K C Bakina Powder h two-
thirds cheaper and makes purer,
better, more healthful food than
othcrpowdcrs anywhere near
KC Quality. 25 ounces for
Qet it to-day I
Ilia Admission.
Wlf (durlnr tit spat) Corns, dar,
we bars no occasion to quarrel la this
fBnnr- Of cooria I do some rry fool-
' " iS?,il do '00 Tou"
admit tnst, will yon not
Ho,i,tn(iCerta!nl7, I'll admit thai
70U do mJ d,r. Tnafe what I've !!
t aloof.
Wlfs Wrttcal How dare youl
Por Infants and Children.
Th.9 Kind YOH Ha9 AIWSVS B0DJflf
I Bears tho
Signature of
Knickerbockers Were Fierce.
"Gracioual" exclaimed the economi
cal mother, "I thought I had cut down
this old suit of your father's so It
would fit yon, but It seems eaUrsly
too large yet."
i'es, ma," replied the bright boy,
especially tho 'wide ex-pants.'"
Philadelphia Press.
, -.rz
n "ow 7,1
w8 offtr One Uondred Dollars Reward fo
snrcaie of Cstarrh t&. csonoi bt cured b
lisll's Csurrh Cure.
We $ i&JfelJwWft
Chscey lor tt lutU jesn. and teller Mm
r-srtoctly bonarsMe In all tuilseu uuu
(lout sad nnsncifJlj able Uurr7 out any Ob
llv.tlfin. mmtA hv thlr firm.
V ur & TaUAX, wtaoltisle UrurtliU, Toledo, O.
WiLDixo, Kiioi.tiiiisrix, VMioli9 imii-
.. TnlwtB.O.
Haifa Ca.arThCnreUiUXen Intcrnallr, aU
InrdlrectlT upon the blood and mucous sur.
, . .(..,.,,.. Vtiea Mr botue.
bold br all iniiiiti. Tottmontali lite.
i an lbs beat.
The Innocent Kid.
LltUe Willie rapa, Is a ventrllo
qulst a man who talks to himself la
& low tone?
Pa No, my boy. A ventriloquist Is
a man who can speak in such way
that bis tones seem to come from an
other person.
Llttlo Willie That explains what
sister said to George last night She
told blm that when no one was around
be was a very different person.
P. N.1J. N739-1903
UKS writlnr- to advertiser pleas
m'Biion tun paper.
, vrijiKfiif
im nosed hv this "flesh
Nsst" V
Eczema made Its appearanee on my left limb tha
she of my thumb in 1893, and spread until it was
large as my hand, burning, itcbiug and paitdng
me, and for which I could get no relief, until see
ing the other cures advertised by you I wrote and
secured the advise of your physicians, commenced
S. S. S. and it cured me.
Mayetta, Kan. J. n. SriCTCS.
the flesh aflame. Since the cause of
of time to try to cure it with local
before a cure can be effected. S. S. S.
Has no equal as a remedy for Eczema; it enters the
blood and forces out the poison through the natural
chaunels, aud builds up the entire system. The skin
becomes smooth and soft again, and the Eczema is
cured. Casca tlmt have tiersistentlv refitted ta Ita
are emigrating to
U ivr a aud Can
ada by the thous
and!. tt hero there li a
dollar to be mado
yiu will always
llud a Yankee Al
brta arTiirila th.
any country In the world lor good Invest
bought ol tie C I' It coupiny on caiy pay-
one - teuiu uowu, opr ceul luteieit, y
in uowu, 0 per rsui tuieieii, yearly
r scie, that li M tins laud as the tun
tu.iv yvi actv, uw n u una lauu as iu
outolbrokano Mondaxa uleaeh wvok.elv-
out ol bpotauo Uoudats oleacn
them over Alberta. Join tha en
oieacn wvok.i
tnem over Alberta. Join tha crowd. Any
UWIS. special land Agent AlUrta and
i.ierilue Ave., Spokane, Wain,