X IJAAUkikikiiiiauklUUkli,UkUt,Uiahfa gOLANDE BY WILLIAM BLACK ITffjVttyWfVtyTTVWITtyWTT'IIW'ty1' chapter xxiii. Yolande was n strict and faithful guardian; and Mr. Itomford, no doubt finding It Impossible to Bet speech of her mother alone, had probably left the place, for they saw no moro of him. Indeed, they wero thinking of other matter. Yo lande was anxious to cot away to the south, and ret afraid to risk tho fatigue of traveling on a system obviously so frail as her mother's was. She kept lln- goring on and on In the hope of seeing some Improvement taking place, but her mother, though much more cheerful In spirits, did not seem to gain In strength: Indeed, sha seemed physically so weak that again and again Yolando postponed their departure. This also had Its draw backs, for the weather was becoming moro and more wintry, and out-of-door exercise was being restricted. It wa too cold for driving; Yolando had sent back the pony carriage. Then she dared not expose her mother to northerly or easterly winds. Frequently now she had vto go out for her morning walk by her self, a brisk promenade once or twice up and down the pier being enough to send her home with pink checks. At last she said to her mother, with soma timidity: "I have been thinking, mother, that we might take some one's advice as to whether you are strong enough to bear the Journey." "I think I could go," the mother said. "Oh, yes, I should like to try, Yolande, for you seem so anxious about It, and of course Worthing must be dull for you." The girl went and stood by her moth er's side, and put her hand gently on her shoulder. "Mother, my father la fretting that he can be of no service to us. "Oh, no, no, no, Yolande," the other liar? ' jJi r2dilsikftvar. - v HEll MOTIIEU WAS STAMPING IX TIIK HAI.CONY. cried, with a sudden terror. "Don't think of It, Yolande It would kill me be will never forgive me." "There U no forgiveness needed, moth er; all that U over and forgotten. Moth er " Hut the mere mention of this proposal seemed to have drive the poor wowan lata a kind of frenzy. She clung to her daughter's arm, and said In a wild sort of way: "If I mw him. Yolande, I should think be was eomlug to take yon away from mc to take yon away from we! It would be the old days come back again and and the, lawyers " She was all trembling now, and cling ing to the girl's arm. "Stay with me, Yolande stay with me. I know I have done great harm and Injury, and I cannot ask him to for give we; bnt you, I have not harmed yen, I oan look Into your faw without reproach." "I will stay wit you, mother, don't be nfrald. Now j.iay ealm yourself; I won't speak of that again If it trouble you; we shall to Just by our two solve for as long as ever yon like, and as for lawyers, and doctors, or anybody eluo, why, you shall not to allow ed to know that they exist." So she gradually get her mother calm ed egaln; and by and by. when she got the opportunity, she sat down and wrote to her father, saying that at present Jt was Impossible be should come and them, for that the mere suggestion of riioh a thing had violently aUrid and excited her mother, awl that excitement of any kind did her most riou mis chief. She added that she feared ahe would have to take the responsibility of deeming whether they should attempt the Journey; that met likely they would proceed by short stages, and that, in that case, she would write to him again for directions as to where they should go on arriving In Paris. They bad fixed definitely the day of their departure, when on the very night before, the varying northerly winds that bad been blowing with more or low bit tomes for some time, culminated In a gale. It was an unusual Quarter most of the galea on that part of the coast coming from tho south and tho south, west; but all the same tho wind during lite night blew with the force of a hurri cane, and the whole house shook and trembled. Then, In the morning, what was their astonishment to find the sun light pouring In at the parlor windows; uud outside, the world white and hushed under a sheet of dazzling snow! That Is to eay, as much of the world as was visible the pavement, and the street, nnd tho promenade, and the beach: be yond that the wind-ruffled bosom of the pea was dark and sullen In comparison with thla brilliant white wonder lying nil around. And still the northerly gale blew hard; and one after another strangely dark clouds were blown across the sky, until, as they got far enough to the south, the sun would shine through them with a strange coppery hu ter, nnd then would disappear altogether, and tho dark aea would become almost black. And then again the fierce wind WK would hurry on the smoke-colored pall to tho horlson; and there would bo glimpse of a pale blue sky Decked with streaks of white; and the brilliant sunlight would be all around them once tuoro on the boats nnd the shingle niul railings mid the snow-whitened streets. Now Vol A tide's mother was strangely excited by the scene, for it continued her In a curious fancy she hnd formed that during all the time she had been under the lutluencc of those drugs she had been living In a dream, and that she was now making the acquaintance again of the familiar feature of tho world as she once had known them. "It seems years and years slnco I saw the snow," she said, looking on the shin ing white world In n mini entrancemrut of delight "Oh, Yolande. I should like to see the falling snow I should like to feci It on my hands." "You arc likely to see It soon enough, mother," said the girl, who had noticed how from time to time the thick clouds going over shrouded everything In nn ominous gloom. "In the meantime I shall go round after breakfast and tell Mr. Watherston uot to send the carriage; we can't start In a snowstorm." "Hut why not send Jaue, Yolando? It will be bitterly cold outside." "I suppose It would be no colder fot me than for her," Yolande said. And then she added, with a smile of confes sion, "besides. I want to seo what every thing looks like." "Will you let me go with you? May I?" said the mother, wistfully. "You?" said Yolande, laughing. "Yes. that Is likely that is very likely! You are la good condition to face a gale from the northeast, an I walk through snow at the same time " When Yolande went out she found it was bitterly cold, even though the ter race houses sheltered her from the north east wind. She walked quickly nnd even with a kind of exhilaration, for thl new thing In the world was a kind of excitement; and when she hat! gone ami delivered her meage, she thought she would have a iurn or two up and down the pier, for there the snow had ton In a measure swept from the planks, and there was freer walking. Moreover, she had the whole promenade to herlf; and when she got to the end she could turn to find before her the spectacle of the long line of coast and the bill Inland all whitened with the snow, while around A her the sullen-hued sea wanted to shiver under the gusts of wind that swept down on It. Walking back was not so com fortable as walking out; nevertheless, kite took another tnrn or two, for she knew that if the Know togan to fall she might be Imprisoned for the day; and she enjoyed all the natural delight of a sound constitution in brisk exerrbe. She had to walk smartly to withstand the cold, and the fight against the wind was something; altogether, she remained on the pir longer than she had Intended. Then something touched her cheek, and stung her, as It were. She turned and looked; soft white flake a few- of them only, but they were large were coming fluttering along and past her; ami here and there one alighted on her dre like a moth, an! hung ther. It was strange, fur the sunlight was shining all around her, and there were no very threatening clouds risible over the land. Hut they grew- more am! more frequent; they lit oh hei hair, and she took them off; tbey lit on her eyelashes and melt ed moist and cold into her eye; at longth they had given a fairly white coating to the front of her drew, and so she made up ber mind to make for home, through this bewilderment of snow and sunlight. It was a klud of fairy thing as yet, and wonderful and beautiful; but she knew very well that as soon as the clouds had drifted over far enough to obscure the sun, It would look much less wonderful and supernatural, nnd she would merely be making her way through an ordinary and somewhat heavy fall of snow, Hut when she got near to the house something caught her eye there that filled her with a sudden dismay. Her mother was standing In the balcony, and she had her hands outstretched as If she were taking a childish delight In feeling the flakes fall on her fingers, and when she saw Yolande she waved a pleasant recognition to her. Yoluude sick at heart with dread hurried to the door, run upstairs when she got In, and rushed to the balcony. She was broathless, she could not speak, she could only seize her mother by the arm and drag her Into the room. "Why, what Is It, Yolande?" the moth er said, "I saw yon coming through the anow. Isn't It beautiful beautiful! It looks like dreams and pictures of long ago I have not felt snow on my hands and my hair for so many and many years" "How could you ba so Imprudent, mother!" the girl said, when aha had got breath. "And without n shawl! Where was Jauo? To stand out lu tho snow-" "It was only for a minute, Yolande," said she, while the girl wit dusting tho snow from her mother' shoulders and arm with her pocket handkerchief. "It wns only n minute- and It was so strange to see snow ngnlu." "Hut why do you go out? why did you go out?" the girl repented, "On a bit terly cold iimmlng like this, nnd bare headed nnd bare necked." "Well, j es. It I cold outside," she snld, with nn Involuntary shiver. "1 did not think It would be so cold. There, that will do, Yolnnde; I will sit down by tin tiro and get warm again." During that evening olaude's mother seemed somewhat depressed, and also a tittle bit feverish and mutimfortnhle. "I should not wonder If you were go ing to have it very bad cold, mother," girl said. "1 should not wonder If you had caught n chill by going out on tin balcony." "Nonsense, nonsense, child; It wns only for a mlnuto or so. Hut I nm n llttls tired. I think I will go to bed now; and perhaps Jane could ask for an extra blanket for me. You need not be alarm ed. If I have nm tlit n slight cold well, you say we ought not to start in such weather .In nny eai." "Shall I conic and read to you. moth er?" "No, no; why should you trouble? Most likely I shall go to sleep. No, I will leave you to your novel; and you must draw In your chair to the lire; and soon you will have forgotten that there Is such a thing a snow." And so they bade good night to each other, and Yolando was uot seriously disturbed. (To. be rnntliued.l ,, j!, AS TO KITCHEN PERQUISITEa Cooks nnd Htcmnrda Who Oct Cone missions on Purchase, Perquisites for tho bond of tho kitchen nro matters to bo mentioned with bated breath. They lire some thing that neither the cook, chef nor market man will nllow, yet It Is n well known fact that In most largo house holds the steward of the establish ment, whoever that mny be, makes n comfortable income In commission. It was the dealer, undoubtedly, who bo KHti this, but the custom has developed, n It Iih grown, and demand for com mlIon have multiplied niid occasion ally n little Information crop out through some one who feels ag grieved. "It wa all right," gnvaned the mar ket man the other day. "when I al lowed them f or 10 jier cent on flit bills, but when they begin to demand lu nnd 30 It look serious." At some of the bureau where high priceil domestic register they will not take one whom they know exact com mission. There nre few who are re fused on that account, however, for, n stated. It I not n subject that I usually mentioned. One high-priced cook, however, !m waited for several months for n position because she re fused to take one where n housekeep er wns employed, nnd she was con scientiously kept from other on tho ground that she was looking for per quWItc. One family In New York absolutely refuse to nllow nny one In It employ to receive commission nn lMiuehold supplies purchased. They look Into the matter carefully nnd none I given. However, If the shopman Is so mind Hi or the cook sow! n letter saying that time are hard ami money scarce am! he then send out a little present of $20 or ?ar who ean object? That I a pimple way to gt around the matter and no one I the wiser. There may be an understanding with the family that a commlfwlon I to bo received ami the Mibjet't I then on a legitimate a basl a that of any other biislne. A a rule, however. It 1 generally understood, ami the mWnwi of the house, though he limy Itave ob jection, flowM her eyet and put the whole thing comfortably out of mind. If she dooan't. It make no dirronmee; ahe can do little to prevent It. "I know my houe employe receive, commission," aald the mlHtn of one wealthy family the other day, "but what ran one do? If I bouh! allow myself to lie worried by uch things I should be perfectly inotemble ami If I watched the doiiietttlr all tho tlmo I could 'do nothing else." Dog .Mot an Odd Dnnlh. There wan mourning In the house of enlno comitany No. 1'J In Manayunk Inst night, nay the Philadelphia North American, l'tirey, tho colllo dog, the pet of the company, I dead. I'orcy came to No. VS bmi four year ago In a Mr owtoriii. Tho Hremw took him In. fed him ami gave him a bod. He iver lft- ' The firemen taught him trick, and ho iMrnetl to know a well mt tho horses what tho wuud of the gong meant. Ho wna nlwny on linrul nnd raced ahead of the liorsen to the lire. Yesterday ovonlug nircy Mplwl n pigeon on tho roof of tho flrohoiiHo. He ran up tho utop and out on the roof to chaue tho Intruder nwny. Tho pigeon dodged Into the drnln pipe. I'or cy put hi bond In nftur It but ho couldn't roach tho pigeon nnd hi col lar became wodged bo tliat no couiuiri withdraw It. If ho bnrkod none of tho men honrd him, and no one huw him on tho roof. After a whllo It began to rain. Tho firemen below uotlcod that tno water wns falling down over the ledgo In stead of coming through the pipe nnd ono of them wont up to Investigate. The wntor had run down about Per cy' bend In the pipe nnd drowned him. When hi body wna pulled nwuy tin pigeon How out uuhnriucd. Getting Younger. "I hennl Mrs. Giddy nay yesterday flint sho was enly 112. You've known her for n long time, haven't you?" "Yes. When I first know bor nho was SV Cleveland l'lulu Denier. (JoodiHInipIn liny Hlnrkrr, An Imvii farmer write. that In hi pnrt of the country, where n Inrgo amount of hay Is raised, but few farm er lutvu burn room enough to hold It, so nro compelled to t'k It. lu stacking liny out of door hoiiio Ins. I unavoidable, but an effort should be Hindu to reduce till Ins to the minimum. One of the grentet mistake I iimklng the stack too Hinnll. The smaller the tack Is, the larger the proportion of hay I spoil ed by being on tho top, bottom or side, lu making a large Mtnck, a stacker of some kind Is n neoeslty, and the one Illustrated here seems to be best all-around device for tho pur- H).se. The device stands straddle of the stack uud Is held In place by brace SIMPLE HAT STACKIIIt. rope. The hay rope run through n pulley lu the croplece. Drive the load of hay up to one end of the stnek to unload. After you have trletl this method, say the farmer oorrepond cut, you will never stack another load of hay by baud. Cupacltj or ll. A ready rule for arriving approxi mately at the number of gallon per foot of water: I'mm the square of the bottom diameter of the well. In Inches, cut off one figure mid divide by three. Thu: If the well I sixty Inches In diameter. i'-oxO) equal A.iKio: cut off one figure It leave JUk). This, divided by three give ILN). which Is the number of gallons for each foot of depth. If, therefore, the depth of wa ter were found to be ten feet, the available supply lu the well would be ,'M) gallons. As the ImiMoih diame ter of n well Is sometime left than tho top dlametor, care must be taken, In ascertaining the volume, a above, to adopt, for the purine of cnlculn tolu, the dlHineter of tin1 part where the water I: A lighted candle lower ed down the well will serve to show any break of diameter nltovo water level. American Cultivator. When the Cow Choke. A neighbor turned hi cow Into hi orchard with fallen apple. One cow became badly choked with nil apple. Wo took n piece of rubber lioso three feet long, rather stiff; we greased this with lard, hold the cow' head up ami shoved the Ihmo down Iter throat, pushing the apple down In the stom ach. A piece of rubber nhout 1V4 Indie in diameter I the proper Ue. Cow all right. Another plan I have tried with good mice. Soon n the cow I clinked line no time In getting her Into the stanchion, draw the head up with a rope mid fasten. Melt one pint lard, put lu a long-necked iMittle; wiitle warm pour down throat. She will struggle to throw lard out: the throat being well greased will phii the apple or potato to slip out easily. Exchange C3Cj The cut hIiowh tile plan of n ham, which combine capacity with cheap no. The upright Hiipport may bo either -Ixil post, or round pole, mid whore largo Hat Htono nro not nvnll ublo mny bo net lu hole with concrete In the bottom nnd all nroiind the post well nil uud beveled ut top, so a to shed tho water. Tho Imrn Is Vi, fent wldo by nny desired longth, tho side post to bo sot 8 feet npnrt. On ac count of the double angle of thn roof purllne posts nro not required. As Uioro nro no timber In tho center there Is plenty of room for hay. Cows for tho Dairy. Iloforo tho dairyman enn bo siiccpsv fill In cither branch lie must draw tho lino between tho breeds that excel In yield of tnllk nnd ttioso that glvo milk rich In crenm. Tho first thing tho scientific dnlryninn doc Is to solect tho breed for tho purpose ho may hnvo In view, Tho noxt will bo to feed Jn such n innnncr ns to securo tho larg est yield of cltnor tnllk or buttor In I proportion to tho cost of food, and tho m I'luii ofOrnln llnrn. rfr KAY CM- If 10 i U Xy i IlHJVItW rrm cost of thn food depend. upon II mliiplablllly for conversion lulu tho liiKiedleuU entering Into the coiupi' sltloti of milk, One .Man Crosscut Haw. Most crosscut saw nro made with two bundle mid are Inlmulrd to be used by two men,, but It I frequeiilly desirable on the farm to have the huw available for use by a single man. Log to be sawed limy be loo largo fur the bucksaw, nnd n sharp man crosscut will aw almost If mil fully a fast a a bucksaw nnd with out Hie back breaking effect. In nny TWOIIAMiri) IIANIUKOK UIOSSMT AW event, whetjier n saw Is to be used by one or two men, It Is nn advantage, say an Ohio Parmer writer, to hav.t one end of It furnished with n tw handed handle. Some small crosscuts are mnde with such n handle nt onn end (l-'lg 11. but. If not. the ordinary Handle call be removed from any bnmd blade! saw and a homemade handle Inserted (I'lg '.'). In use. tho sawyer will, of course, hold the main" stein with lit left baud while with hi right he will grasp the lower and forked part of the hnndle. He will bo surprised nt his Increased coinmniid over the working of the Implement. Lire nil Cattle or llnu. Prof. Thoum Shaw, of St. Paul, recommend the following prcpnrnttou for dlsMHlng of lice on mttle or hngn: Take one half pound of soft soup, or common soap If the soft ennnot Imi obtained, put this lu one gallon of wn tor ami boll slowly until the soap I dissolved; then remove from the stove and add two gallon of coal oil, then heat until the soapy water and oil are tlHtrotighty mixed, stirring It gently lu the meanwhile. When you w!h to apply It, tahe what I neceary from thl stiH-k am! add from eight (o ten time Its bilk of water ami apply with a cloth or brush. Make n second application when tho lilt hatch out. usually about ten day after, to destroy thl sweoiul crop. Handle for l.urise lUakrt. To make Iih mile for bushel Imsket. save the hand piece of all the worn out water buckets, or else make other like them, and alug a wire through, bend It down nt right angle to the hand piece. Clipping the wire oft nt HAMU.KM fOU HAHKirTft. n proper length which I about (I or 7 Inches, bend the ends up Into hoop. Taking two of those bundle hoop tlieiu lu between the splits, under the rim of tho basket, on opol(o Hide, and quickly have two good handle for carrying a basket filled with iHitatoo, or nny heavy article. Tim liaudli- enn remain on thu Imsket, or bo re moved at will. Tlit) llnriiyiiril. ill ore I nothing ho repulsive n a wet and filthy lmruynril, In which the Hiilmnl nro compelled to walk kueo deep lu filth. Such a condition I not ueciHomry. and can be prevented If the Immynrd I kept well supplied with absorbent material. Throwing whole corustnlk Into the tHtruyard I the old method, but cornstalk do not Hbsorh until they are trampled to pieces, am! Ill the meantime much of the liquids aie carried off by the inlii. It will ay to shred the corn Ntnlk or cut the straw for bedding, while leave and dry earth may also be UKod In the IwrnyHrd with advant age. A Now I'riilt. Tho belle of (ho ball Just now (hor tliMiltiimlly speaking) I the peach tomato! Thl lovely frult-vogetHhlo I of a glowing deep watermelon red color. It I exhibited by a fruiter lu tho shape of one Hue cluster. On thl cluster lire eight tine example, all cltiHtorcd thickly together ami lioiuul lied by ineniiH of Inure) leave. Om of tho cluster I yet n deep red They lire said to ho of nu exquisite llavor out! to contain few needy, l'cnlhiif Ileus, Hen like u variety of food, ami they should be given u much In that line us possible, On tho off morning give it feed of equal part corn nm! oatmeal, -wet with milk, or boiled tur nip or potatoes mixed with n little wheat bran. All scrap from the tahlo mid refuse from thu kitchen should bo mixed with tho morning feed, A dally ullowaiico of n small quantity of meat, ground bono nnd oyster shells should not bo overlooked. Our old nnd often recommended pro vontlvo of llco In ncsU Is n big linud fill of dry slnkod 1 1 mo in tho bottom of nest boxes. A llttlu carbolic ncld Is put on tho llmo before It Ik slaked. I.vory tlmo tho hen stops In Hint neat sho stirs up tho corbolatcd llmo duit. C"T"ww'l frSK Dr Doyen, thn noted Kreueh phys. clnii, whoso much heralded cure for cancer ha been pronounced u fallnrn by u ciiiiinillii'ii from the Paris Aeadeiny of Midi tine, ha been tint reilpleut of iiimii criticism and souin laudation during the it a t lx month Ho caiiia In the uotlto of ilia iiicrliau pu Is 1 1 o in Not ember lust, when lo org Crocker, of New mm a York brought suit against him for the return of a medical fee of f'.lMss). l leged to have been paid him on a guar antee of a cure of .Mrs, Crocker, a w 1 1 tit of cancer. Mr. Crocker died, mid her husband brought suit mid iiintn some sensational charge, which wem so grave that the Trench academy, of which the doctor wn a member, ap pointed It committee to Investigate bis alleged cure. That coiumltlee hs now reported that II has been unable to find a cas which Dr. Doyen lias even ro lliiveil. Hrtgadler Oeneml William Harding Carter, who has been assigned to thn pouillinnd of the Dennnmelli of tint Lakes, Is a dltlu glllshed Mold I or whose book "Horse, Saddle ami Hrldle," Is tin text -hook fin mounted nlllcers li the army He wa iMiru nt Nashvllb i'enn . and wn graduated from tin military academe In 1S7M. lu time to take part In the ex "r ",AI ,A,"l!l ivmllitou again! the Hioux I iter f r sixteen year he snw Hidu-i'i s r ti In Art win, and for brawry (u '.i battle against AlMdiir at H. U tVeek, Aug SO. IhNl. he recited a mm I I of tumor During the Mpiiisli war (Jetieml Carter rendered c lib it-itt service In the War Derimcut Will CtttnlMtrk, well known a an author, politician and le. lurvr. died r.--. htlv n li' homo III llreeusburg. 'ml. He was bom u Indian lu PC) Hid prarti'-ed law it (iret-usburg tho ri-aicr part of hi ife He was fleet d In ( otign In '.l ib-f.-.iung W lltl'lliMII hi rst rue Hi lii-il d the liid'niia 1 1ft -r.it ti- krt in W4 was a paymaster lu the I luted State win, it UIIAIK A nny during the war. ih-wlm-d the po sltlon of Minister to Portugal uud-r President fJrant, rme wllblu Iwn vote of iM'Ing elected I'lllted Sb 1 Snator In li. served In ih Mf it Kwoate and was formerly Ueuti n ml (Inventor of Indiana. ! I. One of the sfieaker at the rviuiim 'I oration exercle held at Sutut Nte Ma lie, Mich . In honor o' ' III I of the iqieulug of the Soo 'nun I was Peter Whlto wio I known ns the "father of Hie l.ake Superior country" lie I Die president of tin S o m I ceiitfuulbi) A so elation and wb the ii r I in mover lu the pro J iwt to hold a ffle hratlou. He wn Itorn Hi Home. N. Y., In S.'I0, an I lo cated lu Oreeii Hay. Wis, with hit father lu 1KHI. He ha been lu th lake country ever slme. removing t Marquette, Mich., hooii after tho town' founding. He ha been stuvi'M- ful as a merchant and a lawjer mid bus also host 1 1 connected with lulutuit Htid railway Interest. Judge William It. Ciirrau, wlm hn been mikhI by the Santa I'e Unllrii.nl Company for f cent, storage thiirge for one dav on A safe door whipped from ( hi ago. It one of Hie uiont conspicuous attor ney lu Taxcwt'll foiinty, 111 For thirty years he h been u resident of Pckln, mid has en joyed a liitrntlvo legal practice !! I a leader In H councils of the He JllHil. nuii.v.. publican parly, and for four year ' judgo of the County Court, ltufiiu Chorato once trlctl to get a Ilo' ton wltnc to di'llint nbseiitinludeiini'" with the following result; "I shouM af that a man who thought Hint he'd left his watch to hum and took It oiit'n to see If had time to go hum and get It ' a llttlo absent minded." llAtrlnnlil Wnrit. Amerleflii mtlllnnnlre. society man, friend of King JMwnrd. nl niico n Hostou broker, nn almnilniiiMi m, title of "count," conferred on him W j Pope Loo XIII,, on account of advert c criticism. ! Sjlll II II S J8p nn. .li , var ZL Mtez&m i.i i it H