The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 06, 1905, Image 5

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    -JSV.,...... . .. . a. , rlrr -r
.siHa ,fl FT m- " U.HT-1.ftiHI.I.Mt..r. "WJX - .A... J.J., ,-..,rt,,.t...,M1.
Andy Ihlnter returned from
llurtm liiHt Friday.
V, A Slimi(iii'Nt was down' from
lli.i rimcli Wediieiduy.
(ieori;e Iloblw wiih in from IiIh
Powell Jluttcrt ranch Tncndiiy.
C. M. Ve moitlh and family re
turned from I'oilland Friday.
Household fiiriiltuie for Hate.
Apply to V. 1). Merman, llund,
Oregon, tf
Leonard MrCotit has relumed
from u trip to thu Lewis and Clink
FwtttiniKu for ItirM.'M, 50 cen'.M 11
week, f, a a mouth, near lleud.
tf II. W. Murium..
CliurluM and John Winter were in
town fioiu the Winier ranch at
Tiimalo, .SatuidHy.
Mrs. Mva A. Steele and I'rank
Hutterwotth returned home 1'riday
from the Portland expoaitlou.
Word has liven ret-rived from
Mls Nola Kever, tint her father is
improving rapidly and will soon he
able to start lor home.
N'ltw Yokk Cakii Htokic. Laid
law. Oregon, An elegant display
now, of autumn and winter millin
ery, also childtep'N and infants'
Minn Mae Keed, who is employed
in the county clcrk'j.ndii-cut I'rlue
vllle, at lived .Sunday cveniui: for
11 visit in Iteiid, returning Tuesday
800 acres of fine pine timber in a
body near sawmill and good mar
ket. Two large sprinjes on the tniet.
For mile at low price. K. O. .Smith,
lleud, OruKou.
Mm. I.. II. McCauu on going
their hoineted in 19-12 last week,
after an nlwucc of five days, dis
covered ju chipmunks drowned in a
Iwrrcl of wtter left uncovered in
the wsture.
Joe Thkkhu left Monday for
Portland to attend the exposition
and also to visit relatives there.
II. A. Morgiitihteru will drive singe
between lleud and Rostand
during Mr. Tuggiirt's two weeks'
Phillip .Stcubcrg nrrived from
Cottage Drove Monday. He is a
brother of Miss Stuiibcrg, of the
New Vork Cash store, fonuerlv ol
Deschutes, and now loctitcdnt Laid
law. Me will visit his sister and
look the country over.
George llrosterhous and family
and Mrs. Christeiie Weider return
cd Monday, having .sjent over n
month iu the valley. Coming
over the Ciiscntlcs the team ran
away scaring everybody nud injur
IiiK Mrs. Weider homewhat.
O. II. I.oug, of Pomeroy, Wash.,
was iu lleud Monday and Tuesday.
He hiu bouubt So acres of laud of
the I). I. it P. Co., near Tetherow
butte and will nutlet a home there
for his family. He is a wagon
maker by trade and expects latter
to follow that line of business.
Peril McCallUter, of Forest, was
in Mend Friday bringing a load of
fresh fruit. With lint famjy he at
tended the exposition, going by
team to Salem. While if t the yidley
he purebred three Jersey cows
paying 50 each therefor. He
brought them home to his ranch.
At a buMuefcs meeting of the
Christian Uiukavor Society icld
hist Sunday afternoon, Mis Plossie
Reed was elected president to take
Miss Marion Wiest'N place while
.she is absent from the city. The
names of three new active niemlers
and three new associate mcmberi
were received Sunday.
Kugeuc ' I.ucier ruturucl last
week from n vifcit to thu Portland
exposition and to Untune, his
brother Arthur going to the latter
place to enter the Academy, Mr.
I.ticier has lot the Mutzig ranch to
Thad. Carrothers. of J.nidlaw, on
.shares, and he come to Iluud to
work for the I). I. & P. Co.
Mrs. Huiiim J, CI round, of Hucim
Vista, Oregon, and Mrs. Sarah 1.
Wells, of Halsey, Oregon, were iu
liend this week and made timber
laud proof before U. S. Commis
sioner Lawrence. They applied
for their laud three years ago. but
got involved iu the. Palmer inixup
and are just now milking proof.
Prank Wood,, a living
at Deschutes, broke ,hjs left leg
just above the ankle, las Sundoy
on the road bevoud Tumrdo post
office. He had tstartcd across the
mountains to the valley but as it
was stormy, concluded, to bring
back a load of Iiiav and wait a few
days. lie was,, returning front
Sisters.vvil(u the bay alone, when
the wagon upset causing (he frac
ture. . Mr, wqod lay uiiconcious
for .sotuet,ine, but oil revivjug man
aged to hop around 011 01$ j,cg and
free his tenni and tjieji mounted
one pf. UvQihorsejsj and fort home to
Deschutes where Dr Nlch'ol attend
ed him. Other sickness & the
family and U,e injury t,o th.bread
winner toV puts these) people In
New Pall and Winter Millinery New DreSd
Goods and Trimmings The Designer
Figure With Us
Winter Supplies
Prices Sent on Request.
Tlmbrt Land, Act June J. 171.
U. H '.and OfTWe, The lull, OfrKn,
July l, lyn
Notler I. hetrby rtn that Ih fHH'r "Ml
the ifvMu ullbr At uf CK" ' JHH 1,
iT. rll(l.l. "Ah uti far the mI ofUm!-, UhcW
in Ihr Multt of CallfcrtHl. Illritl. SfmM. H.I
VVnlriHKtH TurtliHr." clrll Ih all Xhr
tHK m tf hy .rl f Amii.t 4. IS'.
Mdir A l,HM.
.ifllfwl. tMtHlrof I'l.mL. tit nf llroti. h.
IhU dy niod Ih lhl udirr hrf muh MatrmrHt
Xu 111, fur Ih imifh.K uf Ihc wrl( uIkO), lp
Awl Mill ultrt mouC t iIhw llwl Ihr Un4
WKhl U mtr (u.Mr rt IU llmhvr r .lottr
lhH tin HK'trullutat lwt !, wl In nHMkh
hrt tUm luMbllawl Iwfatr J M MwlfHtr.
f H. CiawalHtoMr, h- ulTkr Ih Hmt. IMr
rii. im TtJy. tin- 14th .lay f Jmltr ir
Hhe HMr M wtlwmi Alllt C.,
JlMTUh N llMMlff. JuhMlHMtHlllHh 0'KMf,
Hll Ml IHtMi. OtVfCM-
AHyaJ all Ht cUlwlnc MlMlr Ihr
lMr-HfcftW birtda air lnt)tl l tllr IllHr
rfalHMlH IhU h4vt oh r IwrWrr Ihr mH 14II1
lay ( MwtttUt, irV
TtHtUr Uwl, Art Jhht j. ir.
V IhJ IKRrr. Thr thillra, l)irKH4,
Jwly II. v
SuHtr I krtrbr rtvrli that In r.illl)Uiur with
thr .im-Mtmu1 Ihr Act ( Ctnrr. uf JiiHr t.
7. rHtttkl "Hart tut thr aalrtrf llwIrUiiJa
IH thr lat of California. tlrrtoH, Xrraila. awl
ViIiIhkIM4 Trfilturjf," aa rilcmlnl t alt Ihr
Hl4lrUH4 latral.y Art f Ahk' 4. IN'.
Walter A livr.Wti,
of llrHtt, eHMty, atatr uf Otrc. haa
thltitay MnllH thlaolfrtr hi hoih tlatriHrHl'
Mu. im fur Ihr intrrhaw of Ihr nr4 ot xt 1.1.
ti IV. I r. w M
Ami Hill oflri Himt to Imiw that thr UihI
muhl I M4.W aluWr fur It tlmhrr Mt lMur
than lor anrtrttltHral IMitr. ami ioriw.n
hi claim to moI hih4 tifnrr J. M l.aMirwc.
f i Cowmloirr. at hi fr at llrli.l, Oir
hii, uh THr.lay. tar I4lh iUyl Ntml-r. ly4
llrHama at MttHraw. jmrlili N lluHlrr,
JohH Wo. William II IIimU. Tlinnlorr Ahmt
jh.1 AhIom Auht, all of Hrwl. Oirtu.
Auy hU all ) tialmlH; '-lrrrl)- Ihr
aUmrtwrhtIUHUatrftiulrH to Air thrlr
claim ih thu ttflirr oil or lioltHr Ihr hl Mlh ila)
if Niarwki, lv
ihj MICIIAKI. T. NOI.AS. HrsUlrr.
. tT"-'
Tlmbrr Uwl.Jrl uitJ. Il.
l , tmitflir.Thr IMllra.OirRVH,
jBly H. IV
.Votkr I hrrrht tfWH that III riHH4UH nitH
Ihr imi.mof lr Art of CoHyir of jHHr J
ir. rtitltlnl "An art for thr aalr of llmlr laml
IH thr 4alr oOtliroTHU, llira-iHi, NrMita, ami
Wa.hlNkUm TnrttHry.'" a.rriMlf. lit all Ihr
tmbllc land aiatr l- a of AHt 4, IN.
. I'ttrr I'rlffaori,
of OanlriKhuiK. wanly of Wauiwea, tatr f WU
cuhiTh. ha thl ilay fiVrt4 Ih till oilier hi wotn
tatrmriil No S f"f thr ,vmiImic of the c c
(.r S iir K of r It U iu a. r nr. w m.
ihI will ollri iitMuf tit lwMr Ihat thr luml
wtUKht UiHuirvaluahlr for II llmlr of liiiir
than for agrtcoltHWl Mriir, awl l caUWKh
hi claim lo miiI latwl lrrr J M. I.arriirr. I'
K CimimU.lo.irr, at lit uflk at llcml. Oirnmi.
m WlHlay, Ihr lh ilay of Ninrmlwr. lyV
llr namraa HltHrr John Mrhll. Joili
N lluHlrt. JohH lih ami llritry Tl. all ol
HrfM. ilruHI
Ay utol all or.m citlmlHK alvrly thr
alMlrth.l wrnU ale MMr4l l file Ihrtr
i-fcilUM Ih IhM otfie om or Iwllirr hl m ilay or
Norrtiilwr, iy4 . .
an-ui.1 .MICIIAKI. T N(IIN'. HrRUIrr.
TtiHhar l.aml. Art Jl'r J, iHr.
U H. Uml Oflk, UVr vltyv. t)iruii,
AWKH'I " 'V"l'
Nolle I Htifhy given tlwl In eomnlleiicr
with lh liiuvMvfH the art of June j. IM.
rHtlttwl, "An art for the aale of IlinWr lanil In
Uh-alalM uf Callfbinl. Oletiiin, Newnln ami
VlilHKtHt Tariltory. ' rnlemlr.1 lit nil the
UHhllc I. ml atttlca l.y act of AiiK 4, IN. He
ioltoHiii;riMit Imvv thl ilay fllnl In lh
olfice their kmhtii tatrinrivW tu-wll.
orMhrrlJiVr. county of Laic, .tale ofOreKn.
wwn atalrliiriil Nil. NTS. f' irclin: ol
Ihc rj(. e I7i U H , r 11 c, w in.
Ailittphu II. Ilnulr.
of Silver UVe.ctmnty of l.aVe. tnlr or Oregon.
Horn .tatrmtnl No fitf f Hie imrchaMf if
Ihc im(n i r l. ''' "ViiieU, aivU"vi "c
m. tp 41 , r 11 e, w in
Thai thrr will oflrv jiriMif to ahow that the
luml .mi nil 1 U more valnnhle for It tlmUr or
lone tliun rurunrlciiUiiiul pnrtHiwimnil t ealalj llulr clulm to aulil luint ttrforc t.rorise 1.
Iialilwln. County Jmlue, l hi olliv-e l hUmli
fall. tlirBon. on butimlay, the Hill y 'l
Novrmlirr, lv"3. '
They name a wltiice. Haintll l.iler. A1I0U
phiill HiikIc. It. j SliliiiiAiiniiiliaiiilrltiiKy,
ullnf Silver l.nVe, OreKon, lluitli JoIiiiwii mill
Mill YuiiiiK, f Hotliinili Oreiiim, ami Vihit S.
Iljilcuf l'r(nevlllc,Orrion .. ,
Any nml ull ttroii doliiilni: mhrrrly Die
nlHive-ilrctlhetl latuU'Vre1 iniuealcil lo file Ihrtr
clulm III till olhcc on or licfure anlil nth ilay i'l
Nocmlcr, tyo,
H-iiio C. W RNIUHK. Heeler
Deiwttiiient of Die Interior.
V. H. I,aiut Olfice, Tlte llnllca, Orrcon,
, Auitunt 31, lyoj.
Notice U licrelly fc'lxen llial the folliiwliiii
imninl artller ha lilul notice of III Intention U;
make llnul proof In aupiHirl of hi clulm, unil
tlmt aulil pruof will he Inuilc heforc the Loiiuty
CleiU. nl the court liuuae III I'rliievlllc, Orei:ui,
on octoher 11, ivJ. vt,i .
lanrr lohllKOU. I'
rm,.., rirrunii II It. No. 84M. for the aw l ,
c 11 It? 14 a r " c VlVi. ,
aeci,ljii4.riic,wii )
lie imiiiea Hit nillnwlim wllticist iupmic.
liUcoiitliiiioiitctilenceinoii iiitilciilllvnlloiiW
suld laud, via: . , 1
i u i.,,, it,.rr 11. Tavlor unit I oil ii" 1 1 1
Taylor, all of ltct, Oregon, uud Alexandw
TJiomiiaun, f ITitievlllF, 0 t'
-vj MiciiAijr.T.rroLAii.Ktswteui,
TlwlKr Mini. Art June J, Hit.
U. S 14 Oltcc, The Ihillea, OtCKou,
July . l5.
Nolkr I hrrrliy iflvcn that In twnpliaiicc vrltli
lor kotiioiiiii inr Act 01 iiitiicre 01 jimr 1
17. CHtltlnl, "Ah art fM' Ihr Mle nl IIihImt lauil
In the Hale uf California. ltrrM. Nevaita. anil
WhlH(toH Trritlor)," a nltwinl lit all I In
tmhllc laiol rtalr hr Art of Ailiu.t 4. 1N.1 I In
InllonlHi Hwrl ,eroH harr llnl In llil ufficr
mrir anorM iiriHrni, io-hui
Ivn II Wrt.
ornrMd.ctmnty ofCru-ik, lef Orr-aoo, worn
MalrmrHl Ha jtaj fUrt lay m, lyo. forlhi
Michar of the Hwtf.!. Hw,aiHt i!((
re M, tp iu . r la e, w m
llallkr iMMtlirl,
of !ehwlf, rotmly uf Cttmk, Matr ol l)irgiii
-mil UImrMl Mo mm. flll tay n. f",. for
Ihr pttchar4f Ihr MrH of rc nt, lp ty t, r lot
w m
llmry H' IfcmWI.
f llrehnlr, county of Crook, Male nfOrrrmi.
Moru MalrmrMt No H4. hlr.1 May is. iy. 6.1
Ihr tmrthar of Ihr rH-r ol n, awl wSi
K of i. lp . r toe. w m I
That they will urtVi rof tohtiw lhal the tamh.
mmhcIiI aie more raloalilr for thr limber or Imik
Ih4u than for aertCMltHra! mtMr, ami th
ramin inrtr naim 10 mm lamt MKHt I l
iHivririicr, r H. CummM4Mirr, at liuoflkew
Hrml, OrtKwH. on Iktonrr Ijlh iyj I
Thry Hamr a hIIiih John K. Hvn. Wilt-
law II. (Hitch Von K. WaiHrr, Krna Wrt an I
Chailr II Wl.l. all or lleml, Olrgwi.
Ahv ami alt itrron clalmliie alvrrrlv an
of the laml are rraunlrO t
flic thetr claim III thl olTire on or before the alfl
ijiniiay 01 tlVT'. IVJ.
a4 MICIIAIM. T. NO!. AN. Kcjtl.lcr
Tlmlx-r I. ml. Art Jhiic i. l'?5.
V. H. Mm) Offlee, The Ifciltr. Oregon
July ju, iyj.
Ntillrr I hrrehy ulreii that in fHlMiirc with
thr provWwTKoflhc Art or Coorr of June 1.
1117a, enlltlnl, "An art fr Ihr alrof tliiiWrlanil
In thr UlMiif Calllomla, Olrgull. Nevada, ami
Washington Tirrllory," a uilol to all the
tmhllc Umt Mate hy Art of Ahi-hI 4, l.jl. thr
ioHowlHtf-naiunl have on una .6. lyn,
fllnl In thl. ofhrc thrlr twyiM Matemenl, lt-wll
. JhIw C Slewnft.
nf Ikml. CWHlVTof l'niU. Utnof Ofegon. orn
4aliuriit Nu. atir, htr the mrehae ofltienw),
of r 11, lp o. r 11 r, w w 1
llAihl W. Morehouse. '
of I4ml luuHlw ofCtooU ute u( OrestHi, wori
MalriHetil. N i. for llw puiehatr cflhe ei
li K au.l liH ami I of art; ju, lp , r 14
" , .'.
TImI Ihrv Hill offer Hnf to (hew that the
lmlHiKhlir uiiMt wluahk fir,lhc tlmlier or
MiHit-thereon than (irimn
rKiiliurai pnriKie. ami
lortallih llu-tr cmlm In aM hirnl Iwfore J
M. Iltn, U v CiHnmlfloorr. at lilaolnceili
Ihina. MrnjoH. VH Kt,oT li. JW
Tluy tuimr itrM jalm nU , Jnepli '
lliinivr, JultiuC.t Miitart, Ixra V. C.llr 110I
ltW V..Mitfl"Jr,4J u! Jleml Or.eou, j
Anyamlall jirrxiii cltuiiii;.utrerKlyany if
theatuv ilcu.ficd lamia at m,Httrl In ttlr
I heir claim In HiUollkc on or before theaalil yOi
lay of Dctohei. lyoj s , ,k ,
B4-o4 MICIIAHI.T NOI.AN, Kegl.ttr. I
Tlmhrr l.aml. Act of June J. 1I7A,
V. S. I.aml OlTice. The lull, Oirron ,
June I. 1915.
Notice I herehy given that In compliance with
the proi Moti ol the Art or Congfc or June I.
1117a ciitlllnl "An art for the aale of tiiutier lanil
in Ihe lateor California, Oreiroil, Nevail", ami
VahiUKtoiiTerrllor." a etetiilrl to all the
piihliclaml talehy act of Auijiui 4, !(,
Almlra I. Miller
or lleml. county nfC10.1l, tlate or OreEoii, ha
Hit ilay rilril Iu thl olncc hvraivoru ttateiueiil
No JW7, for the puti-liarof lhee !( an- H ec 4,
e iiw !, ! lie rc, tp ia, r lie, win.
Ami will offer proof to hoir that the lanil
MmKhll more latiwhle lor it tliulier or Mwie
than Iik iirlrnlturaliMirioi, ami lo etahllH
her cluliu In annl lanil heforc I M. '.nurcucv. V.
H Coiiuultiiocr, nl hi olfice at llrinl, Otron.
oil Tuewlay, Die I'tli ilay of Octotier, lij.
Hhajiauio n Hitnee Uepelt II Mutile,
ChauiHiev ! Ilnhtr, Clmtlen A.Chuimian. I'raut.
r.U. lolm Htelill ami Henry W. Heed, all or
llcml, Orciiotk. , ,, '
Any ami all liertoa clfliiUntf .mUrraety the
almtcilcacrllieil lamlaure iniucml.1o file their
claim In Ihi office on or hefurv aalil Ijlh ilay or
Octolier, J.
Hll-oij MICIIAKI. T. NOI.AN, KcKl'tcr.
Tlmlier l.iiml, Act of June j, iSjS,
I'. 8. Laud OlTice, The Italic. Orcyoii,
July iv. iJ.
Notice U hrreli)' kIicii that In coniillauce with
the iiriivWIoiiaurilie net or Couku-moI Juiiej,
n;M, eutilleil "An net for Ih ulc ol tliulwr
tauuaiii Hi alatenorCnlllorulii, OreKon, Nciaila
ami WaaliliiKlon Tcrrlliiry," uaextvmleil In ull
the iniltlle lml laltaliy act or Aiiuiul 4. idol,
the follow tiiK-naiiml erou have, 011 May ,tt
190J, filed In till olllcv llulr woru atalemcnU,
lO-il It,, ,; '(,
Mary II. Norton,
of MlniieuHilU, county of lleiiucplii. ntnte of
MluurMtiu, anorn aiuicuieui .mi. jjj;, lor tne
iurvhae-urthciii-)( nml n)c)t', ec ij, tp
lHa, r me, w uu,
of MluiirhiMill. -county orileniieplu, tlatc or
.Miiiueua. wini wuiemeut No. ijjo, fur the
puicliatrufthc a)in)(, nml licK, aec 13, lp
.yiint l,hey will proof to ahow that the
laiullmouithl arc more inlifnVIc for the tlmlier
niul toue thcrooirihiiufiirui!rlculluraltiurioe.
L uuil in clthllb llicJrj cltiliu. In will llinil heforc
the RegUlcr niul RecViXTr, atTllclMllc, Oregon,
Dctoberjt, ivyiv
Tlieyiimuc n T.llutc: John McConulcU,
liiilet.K.rtmltli.uud John iCkvuu. ofllend.
orcKout Marii. Norton atii Nellie f. Iw)r,,
T.n. .,..
M i"l'. .Minnesota.
Any and ull ticrsuiis claiming adversely any of
ticrsups clalmliig adversely any
1 arr rrnurslrct In lllo their clslll
me unove luiiua art icuuesteii iu nie tneircisiin
Iu thl office on or before the said jut uayjof
V,ooer, lys.
V,ooer, iyts, , , , . . .. t
al-ON ' MICHAlJly T NOLAN, Aekflittr .
Wc carry only the
finest HUM of
All kinds of wagon work done in first-class shape. Short
notice jobt a specialty.
wrruni rit m.llU()I.ll()lHi;
Fresh Fruit
The City Market
Fresh and Cured Meats and Fish
livcrythlnj: I'ertalnlnz to n Plrat-Clas Market
General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing
Our shop is located
A Complete
iLak .aafaSa'aiTaBaUaHialalaWafaflVVIaV
At Iftnd,
Roagh, SuWaccd'and Moulded
All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses
Reasonable mkadkd CKILING ' imhtr
Good HKAD BLOCKS . l0 Ust
n " O. G. DASHBOARD Anhere on
Grades t stair TREADS The Lands of
Dfy "WATKR TABfe 11ie D & P
1 , "O. G. BATTI.NS &., Or
Sock Mouldings,. ,.( . The C. s. I. Co.
Pilot Butte Development
OThc lleml Mercantile Company,!
riaiiitin, 1
Sainuel M. Jaiiney, Mnrgnrcl 1
Kill JmiiKy, mid Itllia V. Raw. I
sou aco-Hirtucr doing hul-
lies iiiiucr iiniiie 01 . .11. 1
Inunrv: and Snmiicl M. Inn-
uey, Mnriiarct Km Jaimey and
Ullin I'. huson.
Defendants. I
To Samuel M. Juiiucy, Muruarct Hm Jaiiney,
nun limn i', imwwiip na copariners iiuinc
biislues under nnme of S. M. lautiey; anil
Samuel M Inline) , Margaret Hm jnuiwy, nud
Hllin I' Rausou, Defendants alwve uniiieit:
in Tin; n mi; of Tim htati; up ukmuin.
Vou 'e hereby reiniired to annrnr
nml nnser the complaint fileil against uu in
the niHirecntiiieti toiirt ami cause 011 or before the
4lst iluy ofOctoU-r, ivoj, aud If j on full so tu
niiear and answer the plaintiff will take JihIk
meiit ogaiust ou for the sum uf i, 117 tj upon
contract for the ilitcct luymeiit ufmuuvy, to-uit.
lur cool, wares aim mercnuutiise sold to ilc
fciuTiint by plaintiff lo the amount off 13.09; on
accuiiul piirchasnl from The Central Orrguu
liuiiklug ft Trust CoiiiHiuy 011 ovcnlnifl ofcii.ti
to the amount or $l?o; 011 account piirchasnl
from V. II. Wilson tur Inlwr pcrrormed for do
remUiil ami money advanced at their reouct
lu amount ftkl-lt; u account imrchatetl from
J. A. Ro)lfor hay fUruUhed dcleudaiils at their
rciiiet. In amount J-M; 011 account purchased
from The 1'ilot Iluttc Dvvctunmcut C ml winy for
Sooil, wares aud merchandise fiirui.hed drfeu
ants at llielr r(iiiest, umouiillni; lo $67.14.
This summons is published by order of the
lluiiurnble W. A. Hell, Judge of the County
Court for Crook county, Oregon, made and
entered 011 the 7'lt day of September, lyu.viu
ttiulby which order It is urcscrlhcd that this
suinuiona lie published for six consecutive weeks
In The lleud lliillcllu, weekly new sutier pub
lished in crook county, Oregon. The date or
the first publicutlou of this suiumuus i Septcm
her H. loi. M. K. HIHutt.
$) Attorney for t'lalutla.
fb f)lbi- i.ntU tIiW
The reception
SMITH & CI.KBK, i'ropa
and Veotnhlpc:
AND EGGS'. . . 1
opposite Baptist Church.
Stock of
At Bend,
Timlter Ijind, Act Jun'e j, 1S78,
T. S. Unil OBice, The Dalles, Oregon.
July ay, ijoj.
Notice I hereby glien Ihat In compliance wifli
the pru1iou orihe Act uf Congress of June 1
l7S. entitled "An act for the sale of timber land
"tlieaialeaorcaliloriila, Orevou. Nerada aud
WnsliliiHtiHi rerrltury." a exteill to alt tlu
public land slates li- act' of August 4, ik.4, ihe
fiillimiuK'UumediKrsoiishavv.uu May i, f
tilnl In thl btuce their sworn statements, to-wlt
John C. I'crry
ofllend. Wunty of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement No. jm, for the purchase oTthe se W
iiw(,lol3,andeHwofseci, tp iu a, r 11
e, wm,
Anna C. I'crry
uf lleml, coiiuly of Crook, stale nrorrgou, sworn
stuleiueiit No ivt. for the iiirch.Tseof Ihe sw l
lie (, lot j, aud w ), sc )( ol"-c I, lp w s, r II
e, w 111.
H.luor 1'. Ryan
of lleml, county or Crook, state uroregou, iworu
statement No. jyi, for the purchase or lot 3, 4,
and sw )( uw ( of sec 1, and lot 1 of sec 7, tp 19 .
r 10 c, w 111.
That they will offer proof to show that the
lauds sought are mure vutuahtc fur the timber or
stone llureou tliun fur agricultural urpoc, and
to establish their claims to said laud licfure the
Register and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on
Octotier 16, iooj.
They name as witnesses: John H. Ryan, John
C I'crry, oller Johuxm, minor 1'. Rynn,
Thomas C. Ryau and Alma C. Terry, of lleud.
Any and all person claiming adversely any or
the uuivc laud are rciiestcil to tile their clulm
In this office 011 or before the said 16U1 day of
Octolier, iyi.
ail-01 j MICIIAKI. T. NOLAN. Register.
We have for service at our liorue
steuil, three miles south of Bend, a
Hereford bull,
tf '. KiUNCtiVSs.GJUlUTT,
Tlmlirr Mml. Act or June j, H'l
v. m i,nu unne, Tne Jiailcn, Oregon
ffffi.ita' Iff' tt'Ut
ttt flefn1. Mointv i.l -.l, .i.i.h.i
?.ViT.."i,.T' " the tmrchaiw o? the nitf
llHith O Kane
oflleiKl. ftflfnly orcrtKik, .tate oftlregoii, aworn
... ..r.f .., .,,v unGIIH.C Ol IIIC llW'i
(kx J4,lp, rije, wm. '
Ilatf f U'.fn1.
-. '', nranir 01 crooK, (aterOresou awom
.latemrnl Jf. &,. fe, thet.rch r the neM
John W. KMon
jalemenl Mo. MM, fitrlhe wrclMeo7 the a..
of -, tMioa, r ijt, r m.
l-IuiJ!?,f!.,,, """ rxWilo ahow that he
l!i Ifi1 "7. mot ', M tor the tlmher or
nltMlaMlahtJMrcliilHalaiwM laito bt.,r
L lLifTr,V-. l H;T'"l'her. a! hi office
in llewl, Oregon, on October l, 1011.
They nameavltneMM, Helena A (VKanr
wniif.hv?- Hler. of Wewl. Oregon, -n.l
W llllam Vawleverl, of Un, Orrffoti
Any ami all twraon rUlmlng adrer ely any nf
mober5sT,0rhero,e ,he "Nl --
4" Mc'lfAl' Tj Of.AX. Regl.ter
Krmher Uwl, Act of Jhb j, iy,
notice vovitimAjA'rlati.
0. H. I.aml The Dalle. Oregon.
Notice I herehy gtrtn that In omollance ii!
M'llhamA Itoolh
ofl'rineTMe.c6ntyorcro.,k. .tate-of Oreeon
r. "rflt"1 ' ' r '
r.r s. tiooth
offrineellle. county of Crook, atc 6 frfeeflr
WlWa s. Jitiknap
"fl-rinrHlle.oniiityof fro..!;, .ute or Orriron
That thrr trill T r. -- - ... ..
.. . r H,,-" snow inai flic
They iwwc a hIIhhh: Iv4 V Rtewart
Ralph UJorrf.,,. !,. A. roJh, &"?
t MiS? I"?. H- w, or Ifluettle, Oregoa
JiMephN llHiitcr.or Rend. Oregon.
Any aitii all mmoh chiming aitrrroly any of
it'.?, X."' ". rTI,1"'"l to file Ihelr claim
In IM office on or before Ihc ail iMh day of
Octoher, ijoa, '
ail-QU MICIIAKI. T. NOLAN, Megt.ter.
TlraUr Land. Ac! ofjune J, tSrS,
V. 8. Land Office, The Italics. Oregon,
July ij. is.
Notice I hereby glren that in compliance wilh
the rrui.iona of the Act of Coiigre of June j
i7. entitled "An art fortbeulcof I'mbrr land
in the utc of California, Oregon. .Vcrada ami
U'athingtim Territory." a extended to all (he
IHiWIcUu.l tatr liyact of Aueuit 4. Kf. the
followlng-nained ierons hare filed their awttril
MatenienU In thl office, lo-wil:
KKalph L. Jonlan
of l-rlnerllle. county of Crook, tatc or Oregon,
worn statement No. JilS. filed Ilay aj, lous, for
thcpurclMKofthcnw jofscci, tp it s, r it
c, r m.
Jame K- Stewart
of InortUerSwnty of Crook, tate of Oregon.
sMforu latenrent No. jjn, filed May jj 1915. for
the purchase of the ne ( aw 5X, n 'A se f and t
!i kkwkci,ipii, r 10c, wm.
Da rid I'. Stewart
ofrrinerlHe. county of Crook. aUle of Oregon
n oru statement No. 1115, fiteii May j, 115. for
the purchase oflhccKac If, swUac K nt sc
i aw a ofsccu. tp its, ri.e.wm.
Mary K. Klewart
oflTinerille. county of Crook, tite of Oregou.
worn statement No. jy., filed May r), 19a;, for
lhcpurchaeoflhcsw Jof sec 17. lp it 1, r 1.
e. w m
That ther wilt offer proof, to show that fh'
land oHht are more ealoalrfc for the Umber or
Iohc thereon than for aerkutlural purpose, aud
to establish their claim iomhI land before J J
smith County Clerk, a! l'rinevllle, Oregon, on
'Jctoher ir. lyaj.
Thry name a witnesses' WIlam A Hooth
Ralph I.. Jordan, Lucy S. Iloiftb. tuvhl 1- Mew
ait and James U. Mewart, orilliicVtHe. Oregon
Joseph N Hunter, ot lleud, Oregon
Any and alt persons cUlmlngjiilrcrcly any o'
the al-e lands, aro frquested to f tc thetr claims
11 this office on or before the said Ith day of
octotier r
rfitVU' Pkttstm
irmi . 1 ts .. n.- 1 j,'' .iriiiii rn'rtiz
V.W If" . V.2iH
11 ! I . f."S " '
&B . ,
article la
Come in take a look at a
beautiful display of
On the counter ypu will
also unci catalog illus
of useful
If you want the
very best values
for your money
Merrill Drug Co.
ii,. 1. , , , . i'"T ll i"3'
iWrVVf.'.! '"J,r5,,Vv'h' ' cofnMlfti'irtWtiy
Itlr rel"Hfl of Ihr hem l..g!,-, W tht
l"l'ial..l.ilH,l,rjfHa or.fc-,. n.Bil.. .1
liiwiVW.'"."!! !r,,N- lKll In Hit It,?
Sfi1"1 Mtt. ' t or Align.! 4S !,,, (h
mi6MiinafMelterotihve,in lutle ,, Ibn.,
fileil fi 1T1I. office their worn .Uteii tnl.; o-wtl
r)2&'aVlj4iasssSas!Jl iasatHsaaMtfRITM
1 y
' 19
1 V '
ev,.fsw , .i.. UtbSTTRI
' i'Ma'
if " 4!m