The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 22, 1905, Image 8

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    U,,!1!!' i iiinmii ymfnirfniiiiiiiiwii niiiiii iiiihw i )mmmmmmnim itum'.'i"ii"-.i'KiiT;-
On the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook
County, Oregon-
Center of the new Irrigation Developinent; covering
K: '
tgKr i i i i wpwwi ii .-. ww.iwip - iwww bbbwpbi pypwiywftiiiii mi. iiip w '' "'""' mi
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I VvVsxy vOy Oe aA '
TtwUr Ua. Act Jnndj. Ur.
U. S. Iind O&re.Thc IXJI. Oregon.
May ai. ly.
Sailae (a trnhf ihn that in cvmnliaacc with
!try.'f' ' c au"
WftaaTwate by Act of AafiHt 4. itat.
Chart Noyd.
0aal.eMBtr of Crook, Male of CHeaoa. baa
tat tiy il4 fa thia oCce hi Hora Mateaieat
MaxtMi.fcrtbctMirchaaeofthe S awj(. .
tp ll . r 11 c. r ra.
And wttl affrr proof to how that the tan4
HM(M U more valaaWc tor iu Uaiber or Moae
than KH-aErtcaUaratiMirDO. aad to rttablMi
bit etafaa ta W land before J M Mwreace. V.
t. CswwUrtooer. at bU ofaee at Rea4. Urcaoa.
a Monaay the lth day of October, ly.
lie namr. at wHnewxs: Millard T. Trfatett.
1 Clintoa Wanted, aad Canlc C. Tri4ett. all
af Dewl. OreRon. aod William A. JlBftt of UW
la jr. Oregon.
Any and all peraatu dalmiar adeertely the
abaeeHleaeribeil land are rrqoettad to ale their
claim, la thl oflke on or beibre the uU ith day
efOetaber, v3-
Tlmlier Land, Art Jaae j, ir.
V. S. Mad Office. The Dattea, Ora.
Notice ! hereby giicn that In eaailiace with
theMeeMoatortheActofCoHKrcM ot Juac 1.
J T enthled "An act lor the ale of limbrr Uad
la tacatateaofCaUlornia. OrecoH. Nevada, aad
Waablaetou Territory.' at extended to all the
pabMc laud ttate by act or AugiMt 4. ie,
101 W. Creuu.
of Walla Watta. county of Walla Walla. Mate of
Washington, hat thit day filed in th office hi
awwn ttatement No. aJ. for the Mirchac of the
w liolMCJJ. tp. r ije ww.
And wilt offer proof to thow that the land
aouabt it more valuable for IU timber or Moae
than for agricultural purixMt, and to attablM
fc cUlm to tab! land iMrfote J. M. rem. I'
b. CaatMauWoaer. at hi ofare at Head. Oraajoa.
on Momlay. the lath day of October. to,
llnaweavfltnet John Wom, JotephN
Huawr.NtclioUt Smith and William II mock,
all of llend, Oregon.
Any and all peruana cUlmlng advertely the
.h-uMtwvllMMl laiiflt arv rftutted ta file their
claim. In till" office on or before Mhl 4th day of
1 irHmtttf pys
Timber Mod, Art June j. iri,
l S. Laud Office, The l)alle, Oregon,
May jo, $
Notice l liercti)' given that in cnipJlaiKW with
the nrovuiioii olllie Actci voiigre ui jimc
tie 1.
ir(, entitled '
An act for the aafe of timber land
in the tatM of California, Oregon. Nevada and
..,.. I. ., Trrllorv." at CXlCIIUMl to all the
public laud itate by act ofAugutt 4, l&9.
John W. Core,
of Sitter, county of Crook, ttate of Oregon, ha
tin day filed in thia office hi orn ttutemeut
Vo JMi, forthepurchaoftheae K e k ec M.
tpijaTrioc.lotal.aauaj.aec.J.lp l . r 10
And wilt offer proof to how that the laud
ought It Vuori Valuable for it timber or atone
thaS for agricultural puriKlte. and to
,U claim toiald land before J M Lawrence. V
h Com ml..loiier. at lit office at lleiid. Oregon, the 16th day of October, isoj.
If U.S. l.atdOA.T)K IXJIm. Oregon.
He name a. wltuewe: H'rriaon MIfh1";
Samuel lUDorrauce.Jame A. McCall aud Hu
S. Cetchcll, alt or Slter, Oregon.
Auyaudall erom claiming advertely the
iboieJeacribciI laud, are renueated to file their
tiaTliVtnce ou or before wld 16th day of
Mwur,,wcJUJr,T,-toi,XM,ifUt. I
Timber IjbJ, Act June J. Ur
V S Ijmd OAcc. The Uattc (Hcmi
May it. n4.
Notice H bareby "' that la romplUncf
1 rjriTtiTirT
with tbc (NOUum of tbr Kt otCaaitrM of Jaa
act for thr
- 4Wi.W - Territory, a. .AW 1. all
htad Mala by act of AuaaM 4.
Kdmuad I. Caudctt.
of Ketliaiibam, county of Whatcom. Mate
WaMiinaton. baatbUda
'ay atad in Ul oAce h
JSM. for the tmrchaor of
ora Malemcat No. M44. for the
tbc rHnwH, cVK f mc 11. tp a, rue,
w m
Aad will offer Brenf U aaow that the land
tought it more valuable far Mt timbrr or Mane
than H4 agricultural purpose, and to rlabbb
hi claim to W land before J. II Imtrwe
I' S CemmitMaer. at hit ofacc at I lend. Ore
gon, on Thuraday, the iHh day of October, lyo.
He aamct at wilaet'e Joteph X. Hunter,
Krnett A. Rrlffin.IMnK Smith and Channrey r.
Becker, all of Uend. Orrgofl
Any and all wnmii dalming advertely thr
abttve-uetcribedlandtarc r)uettl to file thrii
claim In thl oflke on or before the uM iithday
of October, 10a.
4i MICHAHI. T. NOLAN. RrgUtrr.
Timber Ijtnd, Act June J. 17.
U. K. Mad Office, The I)aUrt. Orrgea,
May n. iva.
Notice it hereby given that In cempUaace with
Ibe provitkmt of the Act of Congrettof Junei,
17, eatiMed. "An act for the tatcoftimtierbiMd
in the Mate of California. Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington TerrKory." at eatended lo alt the
public land ttate by Act of AuguM 4. l9.
KiraW Glle.
of Detchutet, county of Crook, Male of Oregon.
hat tbi day filed in thl office hi worn Mate
ment No. itjj. for the wrchatc of the cii w,
and tot sand 6 of tec a, Ip la, r we, w m
Aad will offer proof to .bow that the
bind nought U more valuable for it timber or
Moae than for agricultural purpotea, and to
UMUh hi cUlm to id laud Ufore J. M
Lawrence. I' s. CommlMtoaer, at hUomceat
Mend, Oregon, on Wednetduy the nth duy of
October. I'M-
He namea a witnatte. John lllo, Gfaittert,
Ori!a. lottuh X. Hunter, orilend. Oreusn. and
lame W. Overton awl Kichard King, both of
ueacmue. Oregon.
Any and all tierton cltlmlnir advertelvthe
above-detcrilMl land arc rcUMtel to file their
cairn in mi unicc un or iKiore mc hn inn
day of October. ios.
ayo MICIIAHf, T. NOLAN, Xeglitcr.
Timber Land, Act Juue J. it8.
U, S. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
June 17, l'5.
Notice it hereby given that iu compliance with
the provitlont or the act of Cougrcttuf June t,
i7, cntlllcd "An act for the tale of timber land
iu the Mate of California, Oregon. Nevada and
Waihiugtiiii Territory," a extended to all the
public laud atatc by act of Augutt 4, 1891,
JameaA. Mitchell,
ol Prlneville, county of Crook, ttate of Oregon,
ha thfadav filed in tin office hi tworu ttate-
uieut No. aiM. Cor the purchate of the wtc),
K" !.. uwtwj;, tec it, tp 15 a, r 10 c, w in.
And will offer proof to .how that the land
.ought i. more valuable for it timber or atone
thau for agricultural purpotc. and lo cotablUh
hi claim to tald land before the Comity Clerk of
Crook county at Prlneville, Oregon, oil fhurtday
the will day of October 190$.
He name a wituettca: II. A 1'otter, of I'rlue
ville, Oregon, S. II. Dorraiice, of Jlrud, Oregon.
W, T It. Wilton and Arthur Tcraplcton, both of
Sitter., Oregon.
Any and all peron claiming advertely the
abovc-detcribed laud, are requotcd to file.their
claim, iu thi office ou or before Mid 1 Jin day
of October, 190).
4-09 MJCUAia T.NOLAN, Uegl.lcr,
Timber Land. Ait June iv
I' s Ijind Offcce The Ixltet. Oregon.
Vlay i. i.
Notice t hereby given that in compliance with
the provuaua of the Act of CoaeteM of June 1.
l7. eatitlr.1. "An act for the tale of timbre Uad
in the Main of California ureaon. Nevada, and
Waahiaatua Terrttary. ' a r leaded to all the
pabUc (aad Mate by Act of AmiM 4. !.
WiltUm Mrl.eod.
ofl-ortUnd county of Multnomah Mate of (We
goa, haaihla day lied la thl oaVrc hi twuea
tialeawnt No 13 M for the purcbanr of the teK
of ec v. tp i , r 10 , w m
And will offer proof to .how that the bind
toughl w more valuable for it limber or Mune
than lor agricultural putpote, and lo chiMMi
hn cbttm to tatd laud before J M I jwreee. V hwodkc at Head, Oregon,
on Monday the fth day of October, 1045
He name at witnec ). N. Hunter and
Chart Welti, of Hend. Oregon. Kobrit Co and
Oeurge I'elti.uf IottUd, Oregon.
Any and all ixrum. claiming advertely thr
above detcribrd land are reouetit.1 to rile their
cUlm in thl omcc on or before tahl th day of
October, lycv
at-o MICHAHI. T NOLAN. Kegl.ter.
Timber Land, Act June j, tav.
U. S. Land Office. The IMIte. Oregon.
May jj. w
Notkr I" hereby given that lit complianee with
oreviMout oTlhc Act of Convrea of Imie 1.
i7. entHled, "An act for the talc of Umber land
in the Mate of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
WathinKloN Territory," a. extended lo all the
public Kind ttate by Act of Augutt 4, iltyl,
Kdward V Logan,
of Xaahwauk. county of ltac, Male of Mlnne
tvta. ha thi day filed In thi oiIhc hi awurii
tutemenl No. jji, for the purebww of the HtJi
of tec ll, tp iv. r joe, ww.
And will offer proof to thow that the land
tought it more valuable for lit timber or ttonr
than for agricultural purpo, and o rMablUh
hw claim lo tahl land before J M Lawrence.
L h. CommiaaioHeral hit office at Mend. Ore
gon on Saturday the 14th itay of October, iyJ
He name a wituevte Cliarlet I) Wei,
John l. Kyaa. Joteph N Hunter aud Daniel K.
amlth. all of Hend, Oregon.
Any and all perton claiming advertely the
abovc-detcribed uudaarr rcfliirtted to file their
etaim in thi oificc on or before tald 14th day
au-oij MICIIAiiLT NOLAN. Kcglttcr.
Timber Laud, Act June J, 1878.
0. S, Laud Office, Lalevlew, Oregon,
June 17, !.
Notice i hereby given that in compliance with
the ikovI.iom. oflhe Act of Cuiigrt of Juue 1,
i7, entitled, "An act for the tafeof tlmberlaud
In the ttatra of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wi.lilm-lon Trrritorv." a extenilrxl to ktl the
public laud Mate by Act of Auguit 4. 1S9J, tlie
following perton Iwve filed iu thl office their
tworu tlaleiueiitt, lo-witl;
Kmuia J. Ground,
of liuena Vitta, county of folk, ttate of Oregon,
tworu itateuieiil No. 161k, for the purchate of
the ncJi kc 11, tp 41 ., r 11 e, w m.
Sarah I'. Well,
of Haltcy. county of l.lun, Male or Oregon, worn
ttatrmrnt No. 161, for the purchate of the H
uwtf, wH.w),', mc tj, tui ,rJl e.w. in.
That they will offer proof to how that llictand
toughl I more valuable for it limber or .tune
than for agricultural purpott, and lo cttablith
their claim to tald land lefurej. M. Lawrence
V. s. Committioiier, at Ju office at Html, Ore
gon, 011 Weiluetday the 4th day of October lyoj'
They name a witucue. William I, Well.,
and Sarah I'. Well, of Haltey, Oregoui I'rank
I'. Orouud anil Hniiiia 1. l.rounn, 01 rurwtr,
Oregon; aud 11. W. Murphy, or Independence,
Ativ anil all nri,tt ritlmlnr dvrrlv Ihe
abuvc-dcacrltftd laudt are reiueleil.oi file their
claim iu llili. office on or before .aid 4th day
of October, ivoj.
Iti-. j, n, WATbON, Kegiiier,
' J 4 s i;
z j s t 7
H 'J ft S
' t 4 4 S 7
Hi I 1 U 1 1
V J ' f t
. i .i , 1 1 ,
t j 4 s 4 7
' ii H ' o 1 f
r 1 1 r 1 1 n 1 1 r 1 ' 1 "1 l
j -t r
t r
i 1
Timber La-d A.- Juue 1 i:
I' K Land Oflke ThelMllr oregna,
May 0. lya.
Notice I hereby glvea that In compliance with
the pravlauMuoflhe Act of Court, of Jaae 1,
ihya, ralrtWd "An act for the ale of limbrr Uad
u the Matttaf California, iingoa, Nevada, aad
Waahtamtoa Terrtlwry " a vtleaded la ail the
publk Uad Mate, by Act of AucaM 4. iJ.
Herlwit I- J. McDonald,
of bead. caoMly of Crook. Mate of ureaoa. haa
thitday Aletl lnhi oMke hU twom Maleatral
No iMo. for ihe purchate of the teM. of wc iu.
Ip to, r ijr, w m
And will offer proof la thow that Ihe laad
tought I mote valuable for It timber pr Moae
than fot kih.-uIIh.I purpute. ami la rttabllMi
MM Claim to wnu Delote J Mwieace
L'. s Commit turner
at HI olie
at Hnd.
OrrgoM, on Maintday, Ihe ithday
of oeiober.
He tmrne a witnM' Joteph N. Iluutef,
tame D. Honeymau, William Hateeahd Charle
It. Weiu.allbt Head, (liegwu.
Miy and all perton cUtmlng wHerwiy the
idrurlbed 1
wnoi arc rvwirtiev mi nie ineir
tin till, other on or
before the tahl ilh
day of
October , i'H.
allJlj 1IICAIII. T,
NOLAN. Kefliler.
Tlmlier Land, Art June , !;.
V. S. Land OStcc, The Ibille. Oregon,
June a. 104.
Nntkc i hereby glvm thai In comtiiUHee with
the provision oflhc Act or Congrtt of June f.
art. rntitled. "A
. "An a
ror tncMie 04 limner mwi
In the ttate of CaHfufHta. Oregon. Nevada, and
Wathlimtoti TerribKV." at extended to all the
public land ttate by Act of Angutt 4, lay'.
Parouhar McHie,
of llrml. eouiity of Crook, ttate ff Oregon, ha
thi day filed in thl office hi v.rn Matement
isu, wao, iur nie purcnateoi ihciix, !
of tec 9, tp t. r ne. w m
Ami will offer proof la .how that Ihe lend
ought i more valuable for It. timber or Mone
than for agricultural purpute. ami Iu etabllh
hi claim KiMht land before J M Lawrence,
I'. S. Comml4ouer. at hi office at Hend.
Oregon, on Wednesday, the lth ibjy of
Odoler. fo5.
Hcuameaa. witncct: John Stcidl, Henry
Tweet, Henry W. Kecd ami Cluirle J. Citltor, all
of Hend, Oregon.
Any utid all perton claiming advertely Ihe
alxvr-drcrilrdlauilRrrrciucled to file their
claim Iu thl office on or before MildiMhday
of October, 19, .
all-oit MICHAHI. T. NOLAN, Kcglttcr.
Timber Land, Act or June V 17,
I'. H. Mini Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
Juue M, 1945.
Notice I herein given lluil in coni.ll(iute with
the pnivlloiioftlie Act of Cougret or June ,
K7fc, entitled "An act for the tale of timber laud
Iu the ttate of California, Oregon, Ncruda, and
Wellington Territory," a extended tu all Hie
public laud ttate by act or Augutt 4, 1091,
Jeremiah I'. Haley,
of llallon. county of Adam, Mate of Wathlug
tnu. hut thitday filed ill till office hi wurn
ttatviueut No, jo, for the mirchatc or the hi
tc f, uw Jf tc Jf , .w Jf tic If or tec v, tp au , r
lj e, w 111 ,
And will offer proof tn tliow that the land
tmight I more valuable for ll-tlmlier or lime
than for agricultural imrjMi.t., and lo I'ttabllth
hi claim tu tald land licfurr J M Ijiwrcnee, ('
S. ComniU.loncr nt hi. office at Hend, Oretioii.ou
Thurwlay, the liylli.dny of (K'lolwr, i'S.
He name n wltuettw: .Jotetih N. Hunter.
William II. Ilrock, Chauilcey 1'. llecker and Dan
H. hmllli, nlj. or Hend, Oregon.
Anyuudall tierton. claiming ndvemcly Ihe
AUniwIrtrtllK-il lamUare refluetted to file their
claim ip (hi office 011 or before tald loth day 11I
octuiirr, lyoj.
all-oil MICHAHI. T. NOLAN, KigUter,
Fl R
j t
p TTo
t J s
. r '
i 1 1 1 1 1 1
h AV E.. p
; J s 4
4-a I
1 1 1 1 1
I 1 ' i 1
A, V C
1 1
V H IjiikI iMHie. The iMl'rt. iHrgim,
May M.
Notice I hereby gtvra that in romullaiM'r with
lad Art f Caaaifc of laae l ivrt. aalukd "An
art for ihe al of timafr UaaV t the aula of
Calumai, ortaoa. Vevada. aad waaaiaftim
Terriiory." a eauaded to all Ihe public laad
Male by art uf AuguM 4, Hi,
Kdward ateueruaaV
of pimevitle, euaaly of Crook, Male of oreaoa,
ha thi day tied la thl ueaee hi twurn Male,
nienl No rvti, for Ihe purchase of lota 1. 1 aud 1
of tee , Ip iu , r 11 w m
Aad will affrt proof to thaw thai lb laad
touuhl la more valuable for It limber or Mime
1 hn fur agricultural purpotc, and la rMabllab
hit iteim In tald laad before the caantl clerk of
crook cuHMly. al I'riMrvlll. Otrgtwi. ou I'rtday.
the 1 ith day of Oct mr. lata.
He MiAne a wlla.e. Janw W. Overton,
Hairy p. Hunter. J X. Hauler and J H Utiftla,
all of head, Oregtm.
Any ami all pel ton twlming advertely Ihe
abuvt VtmtiI'I wad air imwM la Me their
claim In Ihi offkc an or befotc xM ijth day uf
October, 104.
aii-oij MICHAXL T NOLAN. KcatMer.
Timber Ijml, Art June J, 17.
U. S. t.aml Ofwer, The Dalle. OfeaoN,
June ia, loo.
Nailer l hereby riven that In compliance with
thr iMovitbm of the act of Congre of June 1,
7. eHlillr.) "An act for thr tale of timber btada
in the hlatr of California, Of rguu, Nevada and
WaahtnuloH Territory," a extended In all the
public land Male by art uf AuguM 4, ir,
Theodore Adam.,
of Payrllr, county of Canyou, Male of Idaho, ha
hi day filed in till oilier hi aworn Malemenl
No jv7. forlbe puirhatr of the nwf of tec 14,
Ip iv. r lie, wm.
Ami will offer pruul to thmv that the laud
ought I mule valuable for It Umber or Mont
than for agricultural purpuv, and tu eatabtWh
bit i-Ulm lo taut land before J M. Lawrence,
i; CommltMoner, at hU nfnfeat llend. Ore
gun, on Tnexlay lac 17th day ofOetvber, iuus
lie namra a wltHr. JuJiii Sleidl, Henry
rweel. Henry W. Ktetl ami Orn I'oindealer. all
01 iwuu.irrrgon.
Any and all tierton claiming wlvertely the
boveilMcribeil lamUare rMiiieiled to Ale their
claim Iu thl ullke on er Iwlbrctald iTIhdayol
(Ktolwr, p
an ou MICHAHI. T. NOLAN. KeglMer.
Timber Laud, Act June J, ityl.
If, S, Mnd Oilier, Lakctlcw, Oregon.
July . 1909.
Notice I. hereby given llwl in ronipllancc with
Hie Hlloiii,rihe Acluf CougreM vf June 1,
M, entitled, "Anatt for Ihe iwlrof thulxr lauct
li'llietliilwiif California, Omgoii, Nevuda, and
Matliliigtou Territory, a extended to all the
public laud tale by A of Au(Ut 4, laai,
Jennie M. Well,
rrf Parker, tHinly id Polk, ttate r Oregon, ha
till, day filed In ihl office her twoin ttalemeut
No. tu, for the purcha.r of Ihe ivWw)f , tec
ll, wi.iiwK aud nwlftwlf , . lb III .1 ., r II c,
And will oiler I'toof tn thow thai Hie laud
ought I tunic valuable for It llmUr or ttiiuc
limn fur atirlcullurHl iiiiikv, mid to
litrilulm to tald land before J. I. Smith, Clerk
ott'ruukoMiiity,oiHiiu,nl hltolhfcln Prlneville
Oregon, ou Monday the mil tiny of Oclulatr, ioij
She iiniueaa wlttiMc'. I'rank I'. (Itoiiiul, or
hiiciin VI. tn, Oregon, Hetulerwiii W. Muiphy.of
luilrieiuleiice, Oregon, CommiMlorc I'. Well or
I'arker. Oreguu. and I'rank C. Whltlen, of Port
laud, Oregon.
Any ami all perton. claiming advertely the
abovc-dctcrllicd land are reiifrcil tn file their
claim In thl office ou or before the till xl
day uf October, IV"J.
I.I-..J J. N. WATSON, HegUter,
At Gateway to
the Great
Town has Grown
tiititrlv 111 the piist year, the jwt.t oflkc
(IhIiiik only Irooi April . i;l'I
Doubled in Value
In mx month i what lirmt
Krul li. ilniic.
The Pilot Butte
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
Timber ct on 1 ,4
U. a. Mad Iimr. Thr iMllet iirrem
May 14. 1
Notice I hereby givea thai la mnttunr. wtih
Ihe aewvtrtiia of Ihe Act at tuagteat of juur 1.
l7". eatltled, "An a.1 fur Ihe lraf limbrr laixl
IB Ike Male uf California. Oregon Nee4a and
Waahlagtoa Territory," aaeateadnl lo all thr
public laad Male by Art of AuguM 4 i..
Voa K Wagaet.
of Bead, ruaaty of Cruuk Mate iHatm. hi
I hi day filed in thl ofBrr hit aautn Malemenl
No imj, for the pufebaae uf Ihe aw K of tec 14
Ip 1 t. r 10 r, w m
Aral will offer proof to hw that Ihr land
might l mare valuable for II timber or Mone
than for tartcuttural pur, and lo eMaMith
hU claim lo tald Uad before J M Mwiemr.
I' a CamwiaaoBae. at hw oaVe al Hend.iHr
goa, on WtJaeaday.lhe iMhday afoctobci, t
lleaame a trtlaevx J K HuMer, C l
WeiM. W II Head and John rUeidl. all J twnd
Orel goa.
Any and alt arnoa rlaiaalBg advettrly Ihe
above dearvibed laad arc feuacMeil to file their
cUtaia in IhU utfece ou or before Mid 1Mb day of
Octobei. iys
auij MICHAHI. T. NOLAN. KrgMer.
Timber Mad, Act Jaae j, M71.
U. ti. Mm! Otaee. The Datlat. Orrgan,
'Jaae M. 195.
NUee la hereby given thai In eanipltaMe with
the pfovlaiou oTlhe Act of Congi of June y
I!, CHtlUed, "An act Aa Ihe aieaf limber Umb
,.S,,!,"uSf California, Oregon. Neeuda. -tud
Waabiagitm Tattitury, a e.TewUl la all the
public laad Male by Art of Augmt 4. IM.
Charte. M KedaeM,
of Head, couulyul Crook. Male id Otegan. ha
thl. day filed In thl oaVr hU kwoin tialeiueiil
No iaovfia-thepuirhateor Ihe teKiieK, nH',
and tef tef , of tec i, Ip in 1, r IJ e, w in
And will offer proof ta thow that the land
ought it more valuable for Iu limber or Mour
'"". frtcnllural punioae and lo aMalriuh
hi. 1 U1111 t taut Und Ufote J M Mwiemr
C CommiaMoner, al hi oMrr at Heml. Ore
gon. on Tburtday Ihe 19th day of October. iyo
llrtiiiuet. willow.. U'IIUam 1. I'.l,i...i
of Mva. Oregon jtweph N. Iluuter and Clwilr
I. IHoek, ImIh uf Hend, Oregon, and John Wo..
ofaiMer, OregOM,
Any and all . f tan cUlmlng advrtely Ihe
abav4leeillwd land ate reuuetfail lu Air thrlr
iUlmlHthWocouor btfoielhc tald ib.luy
of October, ih.
mi-oil MICHAHI. T. NOLAN, Kegl.ter.
Timber Mud. AH June j, iiyf,
U. H. I .a ml Ollice, The Dalle, Oieguu,
May J. 19-iJ.
Nolle la hereby given that Iu compliance with
the inSvWou of the Act of Collar ol juur j.
"f "lllei. "Auact foe the Mfcoriliiiberlauil
11 Ihr tlatM of California. Oieguu, Neiaila. mid
Hatllliuluu I'eiilliHy." a extended to all Hie
public laud ttate by act of Augutt 4, ibji,
s Jamea D. Huiieyuian.
nf IU.11. 1 mtutilu r ir.u.l iu.u ..e,.. 1 .
thUiU) filed III thl ofAce hi kwuru ttulemriit
Nn M7. for the Hirchatc id Ihe Lot. 1 nnd J
and tUucK. tec 1. In aoa. r lie. w in.
Ami will ntre ttrnr l.,kl,...u !.., l.. lrt,..l
jnuglil U moir vttlunWr for IU llmhcr or ntwic
' 7 -m"'.m..i..i iniiihtwrft iiui iu mmituvu
O H ComiiilHloiier.ailiuofficeul llend, Oregon,
ou Saturday the 141I1 ,y r Ortulier, IW.
lie name n wltueatea Herbert I1. I. Mc
Donald. tiMtflltl V 11. .,..- Olllln ,-.. I
.11 , r. iil . .., miiii.iii ,.ti,en .MM
Charle. D. Welai. all oflleiid, Oregon.
AllVm.,1 nil ...... j ll...l -.1 .... ....
." ." " .ii-'ot vwiiuuiK aiucrteiy iur
ImveileagrtlMiltiiiidaute fruetled to flic llielr
claim In thl. office nu or bf (bte the .aid Mill
day of October, loos.
Ii-vlj MICHAHI. T. NOLAN, Hciilittr,