The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 15, 1905, Image 6

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    fciWi iMiJi
" rN (in ( i H wj tK
wwwmmmmmrt XVI U. (Continued.)
"Very well, then," said Yolanlte. and
he wont to tho fireplace, and i1ich1
tha bottle conspicuously on the intiutol
shelf. Then she wont hack to her moth
er, "It shall remain then1, mother
something you hare no further need
of. That It ilono with now. It wan a
great temptation when joti were living
In lodgings In a town, not In good air;
and you were very weak ami III; but
eon rem will be strong enough to net
over your fit of raininess or depression
without that." Sho put her hand on her
mother's shoulder. "It I for my mike
that you hare put It away?"
In answer she took her daughter's hand
In both hers, and coTered It with kisses.
"les, yes, yes! I have put It away,
Yolande, for your sake. I hare put
It away forever now. Hut you hare a
little excuse for me? You do not think
o hardly of me as tho others? I hare
been near dying and alone. I did not
know I had such a beautiful daughter
coming to take cure of me, tool And I
don't want you to pi away now not for
a while at least. Stay with me for a
little time until until I havo got to b.
Just like every one else and then I shall
havo no fear of being alone I shall nev
er, never touch that!"
Sho glanced at the battle on the man
telshelf with a sort of horror. She held
her daughter's hand tight. And Yo
lande kept by her until not thinking It
was prudent to make too much of this
little Incident, she begged her mother to
come and get her things on for another
hort stroll before tea.
Toward the evening, however. It was
clear that this poor woman was suffer
ing more and more, although she endeav
ored to put a brave face on it, aud only
desired that Yolan.Io should be In the
room with her. At dinner, she took
next to nothing; and Yolande, on her own
responsibility, begged to be allowed to
send for some wine for her. Hut no; she
seemed to think that there was some
thing to be got through, and she would
50 through with It. sometimes she went
to the window and looked out listening
to the sound of the sea in the darkness.
Then she would come back and sit down
by the Ore. and ask Y'olande to read to
ber this, that, or the other thing.
Yolande did not go quickly to sleep,
for she knew that her mother was suffer
ingthe labored sighs from time to time
told her as much, She lay and listened
to the wash of the sea along the shingle
and to the tramp of the last wayfarers
long the pavement. She heard the peo
ple of the house go upstairs to bed. And
then, by-and-by, the stillness of the room,
and the effects of the fresh air, and the
natural healthiness of youth combined to
make her drowsy, and, rather against
her Inclination, her eyes alowly closed.
She was woke by a moan, as of a soul
In mertal agony. Rut even in her alarm
he did not start up, she took time to re
cover her senses. And if tho poor moth
er were really In such suffering, would It
not be better for her to He as If she were
sleep? No appeal could bo made to her
for any relaxation of the promise that
had been giren her.
Then she became aware of a stealthy
noise, and a strange terror took posses
sion of ber. She opened her eyes ever so
aHghtly glimmering through the lashes
only and there she saw that ber worst
fears were being realized. Her mother
had got out of be I and stolen across
the room ta the shirk rd In the parlor,
returning with a glass. Y'olande, all
trembling, lay and watched. She was
Dot going to Interfere. It was ot part of
her plan; and you may be sure she had
contemplated this1 possibility before now.
And Tery soon it appeared why the poor
woman had taken the trouble to go for a
glass; It was to measure out the small
est quantity that she thought would al
leviate her anguish. She 'poured a cer
tain quantity of the black-looking fluid
into the glass; then she regarded It as If
with hesitation; then she deliberately
poured back one drop, two drops, three
drops; and drank the rest at a gulp.
Then, In the same stealthy fashion, she
took the glass to the parlor and left It
there; and crept silently back again and
into bed.
Y'olande rose. Tier face was pale; her
lips firm. She did not look at ber moth
er; bat. Just as If she were assuming
. ber to be asleep, she quietly went out of
the room and presently returned with a
glass in her hand. She went to the
chimney piece. Very well she knew that
her mother's eyes were fixed on her,
and Intently watching ber; and, as she
poured some of that dark fluid Into the
glass, no doubt she guessed the poor
woman was imagining that this was an
experiment to see what had been taken
out of the bottle. Hut that was not
quite Yolande's purpose. When she had
poured out, as nearly as she could calcu
late, the same quantity that her mother
had taken, she turned her face to th
light and deliberately drank the contents
of the glass. It was done In a second;
there was a sweet, mawkish, pungent
taste In the mouth, and a shiver of dis
gust as she swallowed the thing; then
she calmly replaced the bottle ou the
chimney piece.
Hut the mother had sprung from her
bed with a wild shriek, and caught the
girl by both hands.
"Yolande, Y'olande, what have you
"What Is right for you. mother, is
right for me," she aald, lu clear aud set
tled tones; "It is how I mean to do
The frantic grief of the mother was
pitiable to witness. She flung her arms
round her daughter, and drew her to ber,
nd wept aloud, and called down ven
geance upon herself from heaven. And
then, in a passion of remorse, she flew
at the bottle that was standing there,
and would hare burled it Into the fire
place, had not Yolande (whose bead was
beginning to swim already) interposed,
She took the bottle
must stand there until you and I can
bear to know that It Is there, nud not to
wish for It."
Even In the midst of her wild distress
and remorse there was one phrase lu
this speech that had tho effect of silenc
ing tho mother altogether. She drew
back, aghast, her face white, her eyes
sianng witn horror.
"You mid I?" she repeated. "You and
IT You. to become like like "
"les." MM Yolande. "What Is right
for you Is right for mo; that Is what I
mean to do always. Now, dear moth
er, she added, In a more languid way,
"I will Ho down; I am giddy "
She sat down on the edge of the bed.
putting her hand to her forehead, and
rested so awhile; then Insensibly after a
lime sne drooped down on to the pillow
although tho frlchtencl and fmnlle
mother tried to get an arm around her
waist; and rery soon the girl had relaps
ed Into perfect Insensibility.
And then a cry rang through the house
like tho cry of the Egyptian mothers
orer the Heath of their tlrst-born. The
potsou seemed to act In directly oppo
site ways lu the brains of these two
women the one It plunged Into a pro
found stupor; the other It drore Into
frenxy. She threw herself on the sense
less form and wound her arms round the
girl, and aloud that she had
murdered her child her beautiful daugh
ter she was dying dead, aud no one
to sare her murdered by her own moth
er! The little household was roused
at once. Jane came rushing In, terri
fied. The landlady was the first to re
corer her wits, and Instantly sho sent n
housemaid for a doctor. Jane, being a
Mrang-armed woman, dragged the hys
terical mother back from tho bed, and
bathed her young mistress' forehead with
eau-de-eologno It was all the iVwr kind
creature could think of. Then they tried
to calm the mother somewhat; for she
was tagging them to glre her a knife,
that she might kill herself aud dlo with
her child.
Tho doctor's arrival quieted matters
somewhat; and he had scarcely been a
minute In tho room when his eyes fell
on the small blue ttottle on the mantel
piece. That he Instantly pit hold of;
the label told him what were the con
tents; and when be went back to the bed
aide of the girl who was lying Insensi
ble, In a heavy breathing sleen. her cliost
laboring as If against somo weight he
had to exercise some self-control over the
mother to get her to show him precisely
the quantity of the fluid that had been
taken. The poor woman seemed beside
herself. She droptied on her knees be
fore him. In a passion of tears, and
clasped her hands.
"Save her, save ber! save my child
to me! if you can give her back to me
I will die a hundred times before harm
shall come to her my beautiful child
that came to me like an angel, with kind
ness and open hands aud this Is what
I've done!"
"Hush, hush!" said the doctor, and
he took her by the hand and gently rais
ed her. "Now you must be quiet. I am
not going to wake your daughter. If
tbat Is wbat she took, ahe will sleep It
off; she is young, and I should say
healthy. I am going to let nature work
the cure; though I fear the young lady
will have a bad headache In the morn
ing. It Is a most mischievous thing to
havo such drugs In tie bouse. You are
her maid, I understand?' be said, turn
ing to Jane.
"Yes. sir."
"Ah. Well, I think for to-slght you
had better occupy that other bed there;
and the' young lady's mother ean have
a bed elsewhere. I don't think you need
fear anything except a headache lu the
morning. Let her sleep as long as she
may. In the morning let ber go fur a
drive In the fresh air, If she Is too lan
guid to walk."
Hut the mother cried so bitterly ou
bearing of this arrangement tbat they
had to consent to her retaining her place
in mt nraui, wnuu jane said sne could
make herseu comfortable enough In au
armchair. As for the poor mother, she
dll not go back to her own bed at all;
she sat at tuc side of Yolande's bed
at the foot of It, lest the sound of her
sobbing should disturb the sleeper: and
sometimes she put her hand ever so light
ly on the bedclothes, with a kind o'f nat.
as It were, while the tears were running f
clown uer lace. 0
Yolande passed from one vision of
terror to another ail through the long
night; until In the gray of the morning
she slowly awoke to a sort of half-stupi-fied
consciousness. She had a headache
so frightful that at first she could
scarcely open her eyes. Hut she did not
mind that; she was overjoyed that sho
could convince herself of her escape from
those hideous phantoms, and of ber be
ing In the actual living world. Then
sho began to recollect. She thought of
what she had done perhaps with a lit
tle touch of pride, as of something that
he might approve, If ever be should como
to know. Then, though her head was
throbbing so dreadfully, sho cautiously
opened her eyes to look around.
No sooner had she done so than Jane,
who was awake, stole noiselessly to her
young mistress bedside. Yolande made
a gesture to insure silence for sho saw
that her mother was lying asleeti: then
she rose, wrapped a shawl round her,
and slipped out of tho room, followed by
her maid.
tip, and I shall try t lake some brek
Tho maid went and fetched her things;
and when sho had dressed sho stole
noiselessly down the stairs nnd got out
side. How ild and damp the nlr felt;
"i yei it wns rresit and new and
strange; the familiar sound of the se.x
seemed pleasant and companionable. As
yet, lu the dull gray dawn, tho little
town appeared to bo asleep; all the pen
pie she could find as she passed were a
policeman, leaning ngnlust n railing aud
leaning a newspaper, two men working
at the roadway, nud n maid servant
cleaning the windows of a llrst-lloor par
lor. Sho walked on, nud pushed hack
the hair fnun her forehead to let the cold
sea breeie dispel this racking pain. Hut
although the headache wm n !.! m,.
nnd although It was a most rare thing
m1!01" U) km,w w,mt ft headache was,
still It did not depress her. She walked
on with au Increasing gladness.
She was getting near to Ilroadwater
when she saw along the rood a pony
carriage coming quickly In her direction;
the next moment alio perceived that her
iH.incr was in It, and that Jane (who
111 ,)rouiht up In tho country) was
driving, A few UVimiU IIITV..l In l.rlm-
them to her; and then the mother, win
seemed much excited, got out from the
trap, and caught her daughter by both
shoulders, and stroked her hair and her
' . "ort of delirium of Joy.
"We have been drlring everywhere lu
search of you I was so afraid ah, yo.i
are alive, and well, and beautiful as ever
my ctiiiu. my child, I have not mur
dered yout"
"Hush, mother," said tho girl, quite
calmly. "It a pity you got up so
eany. 1 came out for a walk, because
my head was bad; It Is getting better
now; I will drive you back If you like."
Sho drew the girl aside for 11 few yards
caressing her arm, and stroking her
"My child. I ought to be ashamed, and
miserable: but to see voU allr mi.l u-,.11
1 I was In despair I was afraid.
Hut you need not fear any more, Yo
lande. you need not fear any more."
"I hope not. mother." said Yiilnndr.
gravely, ami she regarded her mother,
"''or I think I would rather die than go
through again such a night as last
"Hut yon need not fear you need
not fear!" said tho other, pressing her
hand. "Oh, no: when I saw you lying
on the bed last night then then I
seemed to know what I was. Hut you
need not fear. No. nerer again will y,eu
hare to poison yourself In urder to shame
"It was not to shame you, mother It
was to ask you mt to take any more of
mai dial medicine."
. zr:
C- I'll tts
'I jf , " ' .it.
n.olsturo. Btieli n treo enn lio rollnretl
oiry by digging out (ho grass niul giv
ing Us root tho ftlro use of tint
(Inats or Hbsep,
Tho Ajigorn gont certainly has not
jot become vory popular In Now ICug
Imul. Thorn nro n few small flocks,
but tlinsu who liiivo them somn loss
ontliuslitstlo limn they woro two or corporation lawyers of America, wnt
tiirea yours ago, nud tholr neighbor nppolntud by (lovernor Hluku of Now
Cleiin Water for llous.
How to provide clean water for tho
hog Is one of the problems. It Is dtlll
cult to devise nny menus by which
wnter can bo kept before tho swlno
nt nil times and yut bo so nrrnnged
tlmt tho hogs will not wnllow In It. It
nppenrs, however, ns though n valu
able suggestion looking to tho solution
or this point hna been tnado In n Into
Issue of the Iowa Hotuostend by i
Knusna fanner who suggests n plnn
from which tho accompanying cut tin
James II. Dill, olio of tho foroinosl
watkii Tiimitn koi 1100a.
"You need not fear, Yolande. yiu need
not fear!" she repeated, eagerly. "Oh.
no; I hare everything prepared now. I
will never again touch It you shall
never have to sacrifice yourself tike
that "
. "Well, I am glad of It, dear mother,
for both our sake," Yolande said. "I
hope It will not cost you much suffering."
"Oh, no. It will not cost me much suf
fering." said the mother, with a strange
sort of 0 smile.
hen they got back to Worthing Yo
lande set aliout the usual occupations of
the day with ber accustomed comix,
ure; and oven with a measure of cheer
fulness. She seemed to attach little Im
portance to the Incident that had Just
happened; and prolMhly wished her
mother to understand that she meant to
see this thing through as she had begun
it. Hut it was pitiable to see the remorse
on the mother's facu when a slight con
traction of Yolande's brow told that from
time to tlmo her head still swam with
pain. At night, when Yolande went Into
the bedroom, she noticed that there was
no iKittlo on the mantel-piece.
"Where Is It, mother?" she asked.
"I have thrown It away. You need
not fear now, Yolande," her mother said.
Ami then she regarded her daughter
nervously, "Dou't mind what I said this
morning, child. It was foolish. If I
cannot bear the suffering well, It cannot
be so hard a thing to die; tbat must
come If one waits."
"You are net going ta die. mother,"
said Yolande, gently patting her on tho
shoulder. "You are going to lire; for
some day, a soon as you are strong
enough, you and I are going to Nice, to
drlre all the way along to Oenoa; and I
Know an ma premest places to stop at.
nui you musi naro courage and hope and
determination. And you must get well
quickly, mother; for I snould like to a
away with you; It Is such a long, long
tlms since I smelt the lemon blossoms In
the air."
(To be continued.)
4.0OO llrjrgare In Ixinrton.
From the report of the Metropolitan
I'ollco it appears that 1,023 persons
were arrested during 10OI for begging
In tho streets of Iondon, and of these
1,530 were convicted and sentenced to
Imprisonment of from one week to
three mouths.
It is calculated that four thousand
persons make a living lu London by
begging, and that their average In
come amounts to nbout $7X0 a week,
or over (1,500,000 a year.
Many of the persons arrested were
found In possession of sums of money,
and even of bank books showing de
posits aggregating hundreds of pounds.
Tho police profess to be unable to
check tho evil, because tho beggars
mlgrnto from one quarter of London
to another nfter each conviction.
been innde. Writing to our contem
porary this limn says;
'It Is my opinion flint tunny of tho
malndles nud much of the fatalities
among hogs la duo to carelessness ou
the part of the owner by which tho
hog Is compelled to take Into bis sys
tem large quantities of tilth In his
drinking wnter. I know where there
are wallowing places It Is Indeed a
problem to prevent this, because If
there Is one thing which n hog dellgtu
In more than another It Is to bathe
himself In mud nnd then try to dry It
orr in tno drinking trough, aud he gen
erally succeeds quite well. And a
bunch of them can usually put three
or four Inches of mud In tho bottom of
n trough In a single week. I enclose
you n drawing Illustrating tho plan
that I have used for some tlmo lu try
ing to keep my troughs clean. The
trough In this case Is made out of two
planks, one 2x8 and the other 2xu. a
piece of eight-Inch plank 15 Inches long
united on each end. To this In turn
two other planks are nailed, thus fur-
nlsliltig nn agency for scraping off
considerable mud from tho hogs while
they nre drinking. I tben nail on nn
upright, as Is Indicated In the Illustra
tion, mortised out so thnt a plank mny
b raised or lowered directly nboro tho
center of the trough, the height de
pending upon the site of the hogs thnt
hare access to the trough. I acknowl
edge that It takes a little labor to
mnko troughs of this kind, but where
one ha a big bunch of hogs I believe
that he enn save tho price of his mate
rial and labor almost every day."
do not sooin anxious to Invest In them
In Texas and some other State of thu
South and Northwest (hey nppenr to
glvo better satisfaction. Keporls from
many sections lu (ho Eastern States
show nn Increased Interest In sheep
nud many tine Mucks can bo found, es
pecially of the larger Kiigllsli mutton
breed. Vermont seems to stand by
her Merinos, a she properly should,
for (hey havo at tallied a high roiiutn
(Ion nud havo sold at high price, bill
even In thai Statu may bo found good
flocks of Oxford, Shropshire mid
Hampshire, and these seem to be (In
favorite with those who am startlun
new Hocks or those who hnve Hocks
of mixed breed that they wish to Im
prove by crossing with a pure-bred
ram or a larger breed. Let tho gond
work go on, until New Knglaud has
as many sheep In proportion to impu
tation as were here a century ago.
Doesn't Pujr 111 Coddle A If.. I Cm.
If an nlfalfa field I In bad condi
tion It Is usually best to plow up and
re-eed. It scarcely out pays, at least
where Irrigation I practiced, to cod.
dlo a poor stand or nlfnlfa. Many
growers recommend disking every
spring, even when the stand Is good,
and some have even round It a pay
ing practice to disk after each cut
ting. Such disking will often prevent
the encroachment or weeds, In the
Kasteru States alfalfa fields sometimes
suffer a check In their growth, tend to
turn yellow and otherwise show a sick
ly condition. Oftentimes this condi
tion I accompanied by nn attack or
nlfnlfa mst or xt disease. The best
remedy for such a condition Is to mow
the field. The vigorous growth thu
Induced mny overcome tho diseased
VVr VviSIhxV .fail
Jersey n Judge of
tho Court or Krror
ami Appeal of (ha L
Hints. Ho siirren. '(
dera an Income of a year
from Ida law prac
tice to hecuiiiu a
Judge with a salary
of f.'l,!NNJ. HI last
private act wa to
refuse a retainer of
2.000 offered by
an Insurance lliiau-
jaum 11, IMM. el,,,., W twoii.
ty day Mr. 1)111 placed 011 tile In Al
bany hi resignation a director In
nliiety-oiie companies of thu State of
New York, lu New Jersey he ha
withdrawn from many more corixira-
tloii. Hit has notified client that ho
can 110 longer servo them, Hence,
forth his duly Is lo the State. On this
account (he Standard Oil Company,
the steel trust mid Iho Public Service
Corporation Hied written protests with
the (iovcruor and opposed the apoiut
incut. Mr. Dill's fee have been enor
mous. The career or Hit famous cor.
IHiratlou lnwcr lu the Judge' chair
will be -fctihjected lo tint closest scrutiny.
Wnr tn foil 1'imU.
S. W. Leonard say In I'arm nnd
Ranch: "I will give a plan for pulling
up old fence post. Take a chain and
put It around ost close to the ground.
i ..sRaaaW
7 iwHwi
Corn HhocW Hinder.
I hnvo seen two article of Into tell
ing how to tlo com In tho shock. Will
glvo my way, which I belluvo to be
more rapid than either tho former arti
cles teach. Tho nccompanylng cuts will
give the idea at a glance. I tako a
curved stick (tho end or a buggy short
Is iK-st) nliout 30 Inches long. Horo n
hair-Inch hole .1 Inches from the larger
end nnd put through It n piece of rop
12 inches long nnd tie tho end to
gether, forming n ring or loop. Into
this loop tlo a piece of rope .14 rcot
long, or longer ir very largo shock nre
to bo tied. To tho other end or this
rope tlo a -Much ring nmdo or Vi-lnch
rod (I use nn old breeching ring). This
makes the compressor complete a
shown at I'lg. l. In tying the shock
tako the stick in your right hand nud
throw tho ropo and ring around tho
shock. Catch ring In loft hand nnd slip
stick through It a rar as you can.
men bring stick to tho right until oth
er end passes through the ring, n
shown nt Fig. 2. when the shock Is
ready ror tying nnd tho compressor
A TtXAS lflRT-1'l'I.LKII.
rtl.N Ul t
con.t shock iuniikk.
Take a piece or plank, say 2 reet long.
2 Inches thick nud S Inches wide, set
bottom end about 1 foot from post, let
chain come up over plank nnd lean
plank toward (tost. Fasten single tree
to end or chain ami when horses 4111II
the post will como straight up,"
The biiiuli fail.
Thu Inflated boom ror siinb rnls
lug has nearly Hissed off, and yet the
legltlmato squnb plant continue lu
business. It Is with this branch of
t... Sin it !. lll.Ll.i rM . ... l I
... :: "'.:: " ',.r ."""T vr- ,
, .. ........ .,,,... ...-, t,,tr VHH lllll
ness, the duck Imlustry, the Hel
glan hare, etc. ICvery little while
there Is a big stir made alKiut one or
these enterprises, creating quite a
fever for a time. This gradually sub,
sides, and thnt particular business set
tles down to Its proper basis, and many
who keep oil In their usual way,
raising squabs, pullet for laying,
duck, etc., continue to secure, not un
told wealth, but fair profits from their
Kraut Attacks UlnHown drain.
Kttriy sowing of cereal when tho
soil temperature I low gave lu expe
riments witn nariey, oats and spring
William A. Day, who has been an-
pointed acting comptroller or Iho
Hqilltnblu Lire, succeeding Thomas D.
Jordan, wfio was
ousted, lias been
special assistant li
Iho Attorney Oen
eral or the ("ultiM
Stales several
years, and since
llsi ha been In
charge or tho prose
eutlou or trust
ease. For a tlmr
be also was ni
NiiiUloelu the treas
ury department. 11 mam a iay.
Mr. Day formerly lived at Danville,
III. He was a delegate to the Demo.
cratlc National Convention or IKH,
and Is credited with having discovered
at that time the plot between Tnm
maiiy and (lenornl Henjamlu F. Hutler
to stampede (he convention ror Hen
dricks, Mr. Day gave timely warn
ing or the scheme to William C Whit
ney and Daniel Manning, and he was
rewarded with n government olllce.
Ortieral James H. Caniahan, major
general or tho 1'nlforni Hank, Kiilguu
or Fylhlas, die. I recently at his hoiun 1
1 11 Indianapolis.
Jbiiic It. Carna- 1
ban wa born at
llnytou, 1ml , Nov,
IH. IHll When
the (Mr II War
broke out be Join
sl the tale lieu
era 1 Iw W.tb
tare' rouaves a
a private loiter
he Jul lied t hit
Highly slxih Indi
ana Itegluielil. Af
ter Hie wnr tin
indict law and practiced a uumlier or
He lolnnl Ilin
unguis or 1'ytlilas In IH7I nt jry
etle and was elected Rn,m rhaiieelhir
or Indiana In Ihso. He was regarded
as the founder of the uniform rank,
and wa elected lis first major general
III IhSI, which position he held nt t list
time or III denlli. He was past do
partment eumumuder or the (L A, it.
Oeiierot Caruahan was appointed n
member or the visiting committee to
West I'olnt military academy last year
by President Hoosevclt aud dellvensl
an address there.
1, x
calmly and firmly.
from her mother's hand and replaced It- I
Vfo; it must remain there, mother. It perhape the people la the house will be
"Jane," said she, "do you think you
could slip Into the room nnd bring me
niy things without waking my mother?"
"Hut you are not going out, miss?"
said the maid, wondering. "The night
Is scarcely over yet. Won't you go back
and lie down?"
"No, no," said Yolande, almost with a
shudder of dread. "I bare bad terrible
dreams I want to go outside and I
have a headache besides; perhaps the
fresh air will make it better. Hut you
can lie down, Jane, after I hare gone)
and don't wake my mother, no matter
bow late she sleeps. When I come back
Sailors visiting tho Island of Laysan,
in tno iinwallan group, nre greatly
amused by tho curious antic or tho
Laysan albatross, or gony. These birds
sometime perform, in pairs, a kind of
dnnee, or, as tho snllori call It, "cake
walk." Two albatrosses approach one
another, nodding and making profound
bows, cross tholr bills, produco snap
plug and groaning sounds, rlso on tholr
toes, puff out their breasts, and finally
part with inoro nodding nnd bowing,
only to como together again nnd ro
peat the performance. Occasionally
tbreo engage at onco In this singular
Every man 1 a hero and an oracle
to somebody and to tbat person what
ever he eaya has an enhanced valuer
In Arabia horseflesh is a favorite ar
ticle of food.
can be turned loose, as It will stay In
place. Tills Implement can bo used for
a two-rold purpose. In husklnc corn
I use a shorter one like this rot tying
stover. Untie tho shock aiU lay it
down, then as you pull th"nrs off
gather the stalks In your lap, hnvo tho
binder lying straight out nt your side,
and when you get nn anntul lay tho
stover across the rope, pick up tho ring
in one Hand and tho stick in tho other,
slip ring over end or stick and slip
down until entire stick has passed
through tho ring tho sumo ns In tying
shocks. Tlo twlno around tho bundle,
which can then bo roHhocked ir not
ready to haul. Tills way takes a llttlo
more time at first, but saves tlmo and
trouble when you come to haul, and
tiio stover will tako less room In tho
shed. J. II, Freeman.
Jsmes Van Aleti, the emstrUlt
Amsrlcan, Is said to havn eihll,lt.l 1,1.
hire ror lavish sllivndllnra nt m.wi.v 1,.
wheat less smut than late sowings. In buying forty lists ror soma or his women
a similar manner, less smut will be friends at Die recent oiisnlmr of (!uuniiu
found on those cereals grown on a cold
clay soil than ou a loamy soil, and, as
a rule, the greatest amount of disease
will be round In cereal grown on
sandy hum us soils, A high tempera
(nro or the soil during the first week
nrter sowing ravora tho germination
or tho smut iiores, and consequently
tho Infection or tho cereals. Cereals
will germinate nud begin (heir growth
at n temperature below that at which
tho fungus can develop, Now Hug.
land Homestead.
Hod-Hound Fruit Trees.
Hod-bound trees uro not vory com
mon, but they uro to bo met with.
When u treo has mado a good growth
and tins siu-cad out Its top to cover It
feet thero Is llttlo danger or ItH be
coming sod-bound, ror thu branches of
the treo catch most of tho sunshine
and tho grass growth below is mengor.
Tho sod-bound condition comes when
the treo is either very young or so
old that tho leaves are thin and fow.
The young (rco (bnt la Rot In grass
ground and has never obtained a very
gcod hold of tho ground Is tho 0110
most likely to become sod-bound.
which means that tho roots of tho
grass havo possession or uie soil and
at taking most or the plant food and
Why Strawberry I'lanU De.
Many strawberry plants dlo because
they nro kept too long after being dug
before transplanting. Somo die be
causo sot too deep and Hut crown or
center of the plant I covered. Hut
In a dry time moro plant dlo from a
lack of pressure on tho soil about tho
roots man rrom all other cause. In a
wet season they will Hvo If left nn
top qr tho soil with 110 earth to cover
1110 roots, rianis out or tho ground
nro llko Halt out or water. Therefore
tho sooner (hey aro In their natural
element tho lower tho death rate.
WM, Vi, IIIKhllll.l,,
KeeplriKthe Holf fertile,
Fror. Hopkins suggests; If tho noil
Is acid or sour, apply mo to It to
mnko it sweet, If tho Roll Is poor In
nitrogen only, grow clover or some oili
er legume which has (he power (0 ho
euro nitrogen from tho air. If tho soil
Is poor In phosphorus only, apply bono
meal or somo other form of phos
phoriiR. If tho soil Is poor In potaRsl
urn only, apply potassium chloride or
some other form of potassium,
. abrleottl's miilluery shop In I-oiidon.
; :
William Woodvlllo Itockhlll, minis
ter to China, who has notified the
I'ekln government that It must ob
serve treaty stipu
lation nud frown
011 the boycott 011
American goods. Is
a diplomat of wide
experience. lie
uas served a sec
retary of legation
at I'ekln, was
charge d'affaires
lu Korea, tins" been
m l n i h t 11 r to
(Ireece, lloiimauta
and Servla, also
first asIslant Secretary or State At
tho congress at I'ekln, following tho
Hoxer uprising, ho was Culled Slates
plenipotentiary and signed thu final
protocol, Mr. Itockhlll has (raveled
exfoiiHlvoly In the far ICast. Among
other olllclal positions that bo has held
was that or director or the human of
American republics,
Camilla Flammarlou's new perpetual
caloudar starts tho year at tho vernal
equinox, March 21. Every quarter should
contain two months or thirty days ami
one month of thirty-one days. This
would make KM, dsys. The same datei
would occur on tho same days of tliu
week and one calendar would Inst n life
time. FroL A. (J. Wilkinson I dean or Iho
patent olllce examining corps at Wash
Ington, having been lu charge since 18(18.
He was graduated lu 1850 from Yale.