The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 15, 1905, Image 5

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LOdAL hiltS
Mliw Stculer' ctrtrucd ycnlcr
luy from licr Vlf. i iMrtliuiu.
I'lmlurc ly the tiny, vftivk. or
hioiith ut the SiAuirinrt! pMncc. at
Mih. V. T. fUernienn Iiim Kotie
lor n visit with irlctiilii in Albany.
Hiimcy Lewis Ift back froin lih
Uiree inuiitliA visit In tliuWIIInnicUe
Hint, Simh Hunter mid family
have moved Mack to llcnd from I
Redmond, f
A liitij;litcr wa'i horn Monday to
,Mr.,nnd NIrn. C I JohuMn, who.
live three iriilcn wvh of Luidlitw.
A of the water works wim
Ivcn Tuesday, when water was
,yiiHlly thrown over llicUtlcM Im.iII
tii; In town.
i Marshal Weymouth has ,;"' to
Jortland lo.hriiiK hU , family home
.nun i". 11. way h temporarily on
the city job.
.w I' .V. .Smitl; aiul faAlly export to
move next week fiom t Tumalo to
,r,aMliy ii' order to j;ct schooling
for their children.
. Mks.Uavj.i'.of.St. '
,is n KUc,st,.pf , trjt.,
,Ornko drove
'mil, MLun. ,
Dukc Mr
Prnie'vllle to
meet Iter .YvcUncMiiiy, .
V. I), lllcfinun lint rcsii'ticd as of tlip I). I. & l. Co. and
,wll! Ik; hiioccucj, by V. J. O'Con
nor after November I.
Dr. C w. .Mirrill Iin.n none to
JUiiinu to .attend to,. some lijisiuevi
4innttern that ,ylll requite hid prev
eiice there about a weel;,
. , r.. V, Ainiiioni lias iionc to
mamk) a week or two with his
brother on Hear crck,, after which
lie will letitru to North Carolina
for a visit.
The Rev. J. Anthony Mitchell
.will watch in the llaptist church
.Sunday nt m o'clock on " Provi
dence" and at 7:30011 'The Letter
Killeth." All are invited to attend
, A M. Zevely has received com
.mission from State (.nine piul.Kor-
cstry Warden linker ns lif.n deputy
11 this part of the Muttt and is pre
(H0rcd to keep a sharp eye on
Felix I.instcr, of Nowtxirt, Ore
y,on, has bueii in Hum! for a week
looking into the matter of btiildiiiR
A .sawmill in this. vicinity. He left
yesterday for home hut will return
u little later.
J, V Iltedsoe and family left
.ij.'.fl" I. ,r,n
7fMny for California. They
lave n (laiiKhter in that .state lor
her health and go to be with her.
-Mr. Hledsoe exccts to return to
llcnd next v.'nr.
Oeorf,e C. Steiuemauu, who re
cently bccniiic a.-sociated with the
law firm in Cleveland of which W.
K. Oticrin, jr., is a niumber, lint,
returucil to Sauilibky and is con
nected with the law firm of Uamsey
K: Kinjc.
James lUwood, of St. Paul, who
,icut a week examining timber
,vest of Ileiid, left for Portland
'titurdny nioriiiii. Wiilnesdny
lie and John HIosk went tlsbilln up
the river and made a cntch that
quitu delighted the eastern man.
, Mr. and Mrs. H. C, 1?UU have
moved out to their homestead four
miles southeast of town and rented
their llcnd house to the II. P J.
McDonalds, who inusl give up
their present home on the return of
AMr. and Mrs. C. M. Kcdltcld next
. A I?. Kstcbeuet has become
Vroprictcr of tin- War cub which
t'.uy Cook captured al Koslaud i.
.week ago, and instead of learning
to drive stage tbe last will le a
drawing card at the While Iloiihc
lie has already vnii(uished Prank
Stroud's young wild cat and the
ilogs treat him with Utmost respect.
1 George Hergcr arrived from
Chrihtiana, Norwav, last" week and
Will make his home in this locality
He is a brother of Oliver Thorb
jorusoli. He 5erved ill thfc Nor
wegian ariUy, however, where he the name of Uie town lie
came frotn.iQcording to the cus
4omu. there, and hv un.s' held to it
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Polhemus
and sou, t)f Moldrcg?, Neb., are
Kiiests of J. It. Overturn Mr.
(Polhemus Is a brother of Mrs.
Overtuif. Thv:y came West with
.theideaof finding a Uew holiie in
Valilhrnia hU saw nothitig tlmt
huited them Iwtter lhati their tJeb
itaskn raUch atul hcy will return
to that. . ,
4 J. U. tnVtU.iieV reports usuo
ccssful .season ou the rniich of.his
iou, n doen hilled hotlli of llcnd.
Of ortts and Wheat tinder wrtial lr
ilgutiott half a tou to the nciv were
liarvesled. He has a lot of tuvloUs
find gar.deh trck rljwUing. 1oV
the first sensoti, With water not
nvailable Until late, he is Well satis
Jied. ' Onrdlnier, Nelson nftl
nan, who have adjoining -tracts of
ditch land, have. 140 acres shared
jaii(,l are confident of great reiml'ts
next year.
Fall and Winter
Street iiats,
Ca'l nn 11s When Passing 'IhVoiiKli Wrf. fre're at -.your service.
,'HmlM-r l.aud A 1 Jmirj, !!
U. M. l.aud Off. Hit IXtfta. Otrgoil.
July in. 194
Nntln-1. krrrlor glt it . .1 Hi compliance wllh
llir l.lollaliillaliflhr Al ' CIMIBlrM ut lime 1
!. riltttlrd, "An art for I aalr id timber landa
luttrr alatra of California, ii gun Nrliada, and
WaahlngliiuTrrrllorr. ' M I aUndtd In all Ihe
tiiibllc Imiil titlr ly Art l.f ugua 4, "4),
, HadleA l.nraa,
i.fllfllii. ewiltily.if Crook, atalr f Orrgnn hi
thla day filed III DiUnfluf her wiich matrment
No M. fr We pwrhaac of llir lir),' of nC 15, li
M riu. wn
Ami will offrf ifu..f lo liuw Dial llir
mmikIiI I mine ilHall fvr
lltan for Klknllnil irttiii
IK tliiilwf ur liinr
r, miA In rlI.U)i
(if I tUIni In mII Uixl lMfir 1 II Mwii-iict
I- rt i'i.iMiulliirr. at lata tilTicr In Utmi. (Mr
(uii.uii Tu-Iy, llir Mtlnlayiif Nunrmlirf ?n
Hlic nawra a ltHrr AIIH C l.iwaa
Jtnriili S lliiiiltr, JullilHlan.l llii(ll O'Kaur
all i.l limit, Oltii
Any ami all i.nn rtatuiir ailrrfarly llir
lrr-lMtlll Untta air fMiirnl In filr II1H1
dalmahi thla ufflrr mi irt Ufuic Ihr U1 illi
iUy ef NmtinUf, I'ty
aJ-HJ MICMAKf.T NOI.AN.Krifl.trr
TlmUr Mih). Act Juitr J, H:
r. h Mm! Ollirr. Tlir Daltra, orrituH,
July M. HrH
.Vllr ( hrtrby (treti that Ih wwiuiim- with
Ihr morMan
natHIHr Art Cmif?ra M JiHir 1.
i7. rnllllMI '
rt lot thr aalrl llmlirrlaHHa
IH tlir alalfa(Calllwtnla. ()lriu, KrraOa
VahliittHnTrrrltMr."a( rXUiMed tn-all thr
H. -TTa.. n.
(niMlclamt atalrahy Act of AugwM 4, lSf,
Wallrf A O4on,
of Hrml ramiilyof Crook. tlr of Oirri'. haa
IliUilay MkI In III!" wldrr hit aworn alalrmrnt
No y.. for llir micha of the rf u(mj,
ti la a, r lorrwui.
Ami Hill r(frr irnnl In a how lual the laml
uhkIiI ! mote aaluahte for I la IIhiIht ur aloor
Ihau for axtlriillHial UHtMwra. ami loralaMlati
hlarlaloi to aall laud lforr J. at lawirotr.
I' n ComiiilMlotirr, at Ilia ofner at llrli.l, llir
(oh, 011 Turtay, Ike Mill ol Nomulwr. i'i
Ur liaiura aa wllnrawa V lliinlrr
J1.I111 III...., Mlllaiu II lliotk. Throalnrr Aun.
ami Aiitirti Amir, altaf IItihI. Oirxoii
Any ami all jkixhh clalrtilng aittrrarly th
4livr-.lf.illwl lamtaare rnjurtnl to hie Ihrn
clalinaln (lilt 1. flier un or l fore Ihr aaM Mlhila
of Nmtitibrr, IV5
ItiJ MICH A 111. T NOLAN. Hrcialrr
Tliutirr l.aml. Art Junrj. it-
C H l.aml Offie. The Dallra, OrrKuu,
July . ivo
N'ulOr la hrrrwr HrM that In romuHamrt' xll
thr i-tMlatuHauf the Art of Cuuurraa of June j
lafa. rulltlnl "An art for thr aatr of tlmhrr taml
Ih Ihr atalr i.f CallfwHM, (lrririii, Nrva.U. am
WathiogtHM TallHory." aa viirmlnt tu all lh
IHtollclamlatatraliy aatttf Awtoat 4, 111,
I'rtrr I'.-trfaawi
ofitalrnahMii( eouiity of WaMnara, at t of Wla
ruH-tii haalliHday hint IH Ihlaotfirr lila awi
UlrHirnl No af.7 lor the ,Mirehaar of thee h
H t Slir M K I J. ti W a, r II e, w m
(ml'wrtl orlrr Maul to afceir Dial the lam
uuitht iiiorr vawaWr for ll llwlr or tiuto
than for aKtkillural HirNwa. ami to r.UWI.h
hlacialui touhl lau.l tirlofr J. M. I.awrrluv, U
nil V'lluU). the ljUiU nf NiH.inlwr, Ivoj
lie uamra aa nlinrura John Hlrl.ll, Jnarph
N lliinlrr, JiiIiii llloaa ami llriuy Twrtt, all 04
Itrml, njrKoii. 1 . , .1
Any ami all itrtwmt rialmltiK arorrarly I III
tvr-lr.'rllKtl atr rjiirlnl tti (lie Ihrtr
eta I ma In thla ufUrr mi or Urftttr "ll islh day ol
Novrmlwr. t'J
IKpar'nirnl of the liilerlur.
f s l,au.t Officf, The lUIIra, Orricoil,
Aimiiat t, 1045.
NutKa- U hcfalty Uvrii tint Ihr fultuwlHK
HaHHrtl artltar haa Alail imtlrcef h lultnlbHi to
luakr filial proof lu auii.irt of hla claim, aiul
that mM Hiaif will lie iiitde IwfHtr J M.
rnicc, l' h Cumtiilaaiuiirr. al hlaortur lu llclul,
llirxou, on Srilriiibrr iH, ly, xl.
'VhnMore l.lrrmau,
uf Kl(rf OlriC'n. II K No. Ijr4 for the arft
rr(.,li i.a, r 14c w ui, . .
Ilr naiura thrfntluwllur nllnraara fil urstr hla
euiillumma rclOriicr uiwu ami culllrolluu t
aid laud'vl
Wllllnm ( CI)KNI, Jamea l falnirr. Kohrtl
Hmlth. jornc Wl'i ami Juliu W. Will, all of
Klatrra, Orrgoia '
allIJ MICII.MU.T NO I AN. Hcslaler
Tlmlicr Mud, Art' June,! l7i
V h Mud Offlc. The IKiIIm, llrrKOM.
if July v. lvJ.
Niilki- la Vetch)' ctvrn Hint lu roiiiillaucc llh
the iruVi(liiut ot tfvcai.16 CoiiKieaa of June ,
ihpi, eiititlnl 'An ayt fodfie aale nftlinhrr lamia
III Ihcatilleauf CnlifiiriiU,,()ieuvu, Nrvadrt lllld
Vhi union territory,' M eMimlrd to nil the
iiuhllr laud (Intra hy act oTAIbi1 4, S;j. the
lullotvliiii-iiamrd iMTlMina lave, oil June .al, l5,
file. I In thla other, thrlr f worA'atatcnicuta, to-wlt,
lleleuii A O Knie
of llrilil. county ol Crook, alnlr of Orrcoti, iirn
atult nmil Nil. o, for lite nircliaar uf the ur),'
of arc J tiMI r-ljcvwaj
.,.' . 1 I 0DtMh4'Kiiue-
ufArti.l tiiuiAyNl&Cftltf,ataetirorrKuii, aworn
atntcmeiit Ni(, Xjt, fcr Itie iurchaae tat the nwj.
of tic J 1 tfi lo, tl, vn. h
I rurlJ..V.-lhti
uf llcnd rrtViily ol irWIW! rfc Wf Oregoli. oru
liitriiK-ni Nn. j6jJ. Mrr t.irchaeuf tl rieU.
arc n, T U'i J ut i)ii
Jo' ij VV HiliKon
of llcnd tnnlVWCjiHW.aiiile'iifOlrr4nti, anoru
alalctnturnit. jojo.ior wiriiurcnaae 111 iic aw)(
nfaicit, l JO a, r4ie r"rt 1
TinXlhf It ut'et. ltfwiktn. allow Hint IhcJ
Imida aimirht nr,ciiiiirl'areiii.le nir tht lluilirrori
atone tncrruii'lHnit Wr ogrlolHWriil mrHiira,
mid to raliilillal) thrtr VlAliin'M Vhl.l laud Ixtorr
j M UnVVente l'(M 'Willi WcncT, nt hwxilnve
In llcnd, irKitiV'lWir k. ts
Tliey iiamtjBliwiiiir'ef, ilemiu A ii'Kime,
lliitth O'Knue, KiU-rj, yfliiht. John W. mm
Hint Joac
Oregmt. and
Wllllum V VmiieiVit Jf Una, Outrun.
Any unit till perwua elnlinlntf mlrtraely tiny 11 1
the nuiir lamia nre rriiirteu lu lite their claim
lu thla ulllcv 011 urhefure the atild 10th day of
Octohrr. 19JJ.
tiW WIUIIAHIV JL-. ui,nK, urijuicr.
French Pattern Hats
SEPf. 2, 1905
Kctncmber thn't tins oflicc dbes
hinh-frade job mntuiK.
TIiiiIkt Mini, Xl of jHiif "j, in;),
V S, Mud Office, Ynr1a1lr, Oir jjiin,
July r), ivk
Nolkr la lirrrliyclrrti Ida! In mmplur wllli
Hi-n.ivl.l(iiii, lir Att of CuiiKtcjM ft June j,
1. rnllllnl "AW art far Ihr aale nl lltnlr Uinla
ill Die alalia of California, Olrrftn, 'Nevmla ami
Wa.lilHtluu Trrrilmy.-' aa riirn.lcd tu alt thi
imltlMlaml alaltahyact of Aiifiial '4, , llir
Mlimlnr iianinllwramuliatT. mi Jurtr 7, im
Ulr.l 111 llila uirtrr thrlr pworri atatrmciila, lo-wll
1 1 in ma II Mrrilo-rx
if lrclinlr, CTHiMlyufcrfioL, alalc of Orrann.
worn atalrmnil No. t. for Ihr mrcliar of tlir
H wK. nw ar'(,an. w)f neji of arc ij, tu ig
.f Mr. wm. 1.
Mura Hamtle
f tarhHtra, nwiity ofCriiok atalr of Orrron.
wArn alalrwr 11I No ji. for thr (Hircltaar of llir
H nrjf awl rW r'(iif cc xa. tt v. r lie, win
That thry nlllonrr iifuufa to aliuw that thr
amta awixht are mote valaaMr for thr IIiiiIkt or
Hottr Ihrf rH. than for atkvillfl iHiir,aii.
ataMUh thrlr
naiBH luaaw laiHl KWr J
l.arccf, I K Cooimlaakiurr. at
hla olAre at
IM-ihi. (lirrml. ofi mt.Hr II, 'r
Thry nameaa wliuraira Mura Itaixllr I'.itiiiia
II MrHherg, Ullltaiu II Htaala ami Chailea I)
U'riar. ul iHHkrhHtra. (trritoii, Joar.h N llimlrr
of lleml. Orrifun, ami Jamra K llruham of Iji..
law. Orrxoo.
ny ami all rteranua etalmliic ailrerarly any
of Id? ahorr air iih-ImI lo file thrir
clalKHtii thlaorhir on or iKfare Ike aakl iMh
day uf (Htohrr, Kr5
rA MICUAIM. T NOI.AN. Prel.trr.
Tlinl Mini. Act June J. ll6.
U. H, Mini Office, The Dalit a, Oirgon,
July w, iojj.
Notlir la helrhv Rlren that lu ronii.llaiice ollli
ihr prnrldaiia iiflbr Act of Cuurtaa of June
ileiiai.l br Act of Cuiima of lunr .
J. rutllM, "An act for thr aale ol llmtM-r tamla
Ihr alatraof California. tiiraon. Nmola. and
A'a.liliiRliHt Trrtltory," aa rairudrd tu alt Ihr
mldk land alatra by Act of Auiruat 4, Ityi the
folumiug-iiamrdfirrronahatr Hltd III thlaofficr
'heir aaruru atatrtncnla, to-w
Ira II Wct,
if llrnil, runnly of Criwk, alalr of Clrrxon, aworn
.tatrmrnl Nu uu Atrd May . ly. fur I he
Mrchaarafthr nwawV. aHaHr);,aud !',
re M, ti If a, r la e, w mi
llallk Doiikcl.
)f DrwIiMlra, eouuty of-Crnuk. alalrol Orrgon,
worn alalriuciit No Jko, Mini May JJ, Vf. for
he tturchaac of the lie V of art . li 19 a, r I e.
Henry W Doukrl
if DrackMlra, cooMty of Crook, alate ofOrrijim.
ttrmn alalrmrnt No HHM utl Mav 15, lK, for
hr jmrrha.r uf llic rfeacK of art , and w Sew
H of arc 11. I p if a, r la t. r HI
That thry will oeTr, h.hC to alio w that Ihr lamU
oHight arc rnofc valuatde far thr tlinlxr or aiour
.twrroH thaH for agrKHltural wrr. ami to
Matdlahlhrtrclaima lo aakllauda before I M
MMirnrr, t' H CummtMiouer. al haenkeal
atrml. OrrgtHi.on October ijlh liMJ.
They name aa wtluraari John It. Kyau, Will
iam II llifx-k; Von K Wairnrr, Kana Wol aihl
t'harlca II. Witai, all uf Ikml, Oickoii.
Any ami all ixrkoua clalmlnv adterarlv mt
if the ihovelrarlbtxl laiult are miueatrd tn
uirinrir claimant imaiuiKr on uroriore ineaaiii
i.Wiiuay or (Kluixr, 10a.
4M MICIIAHI. T. NOI.AN. Kcslater
Tlmlier Land, Act June j, isr-.
v. .
1 yfllcr, The Dallci, Oregon
July nl IV"S
Nollcr U hereby glren tlwtt lu coniplUiice with
the ptnvlalena olthe Art ofCougrraa of Junei,
ir, eiilltliil. ' An art for thr aalenrtltulwrlamTa
tu thr alatraof California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahliiglon Titrltory, aa extruded lo nil Ihr
ouiHHTMHti ataiea ny aci 01 .ugHat 4, inj. llic
oiiuviiiir-iiauini priiona uave on jour .0,
filed In
11 inn
olttca their aworn italcmcuta, lo-wft
JuUa C. Hlcviarl,
of ttriid, county of Crook, alatr of Orrgim. (worn
alalrmeiil No j6i, for the purchaa gfthenw)
uf arc JJ, Ip Jo a, r IVe. w m
. lMkl AV. Morehoiiae,
of llrml, roiliity of Cftaik alaleof Oregon, awiiru
Maiemrtit .o Kin, inr inr purchaac elllieeS
ni au.llota 1 and a of cc J, tp a, r 14 e,
w III. (
That Ihev will oOer lirooM tu'ilum- that Ihr
lauda aought ate more alitalilt? ft'r the timber or
atone thereon than loraKiivtilliitnliuiriioaea, aud
localahllahlhelrelalmato aaid lamia lie Rice I.
M Mwreucr, u ri Cuiiinilanouer, al hlaomcciii
IU111I, orgon, ru Octulxr vtln ivs.
The) namcailacea John lllou. Joph N
llimlrr, Julia C ritcwart, Iiim W C.lle aiul
llaidV Morchouae, all of llendi Oregon,
Any mid all nrauna claiirtlug aiUrrlyanyr,(
lhealHit-4 tlt'i-rlhril lauda Ma retiiealctl to tile
thrirclalwa In ihlkiinirc on or before the Mid vlli
day of OrtntetriloaA. ',
at-l MICIIAhl.T NOI.AN, RCKlater.
.- r-rr.i; r -, -
Timber t mid, Act of Jane 1, jSH,
V. H. I,ud Office, The Uallca, Oregon,
Jtliic 16, ln
NiAlce la hrreVy ifU UtaVltt ixunillftuce with
lit a lint, lail.ttiai al lliaa ( ill I'
IK. rutliltM ''An.rcA fur the if Ve ot tlmlKr land
Waahtliutou Tefrifoiy," m exte'ildcd til all
.niiiiriiiii. iiifTHTiii. rt till:
public land atnlealiy ncc'ul,'ri(tiil 4, lKy,
.. , XlnilrJ. Mlleal
offlcnrl autnty ifVrdoV, lOite'or Offgon, h
thUduy lUrdtii thlia, rflllcv 1irra.wurti dntcment
Nd. v7, lor the purehakcotlheae ' w !( arc 4,
e i nw l4.A- i. ne Marco. t mavrtlV wn,
AiM Vtll olfcr prKf tit Aim tllat the 'land
a6iKbtUiiiorcalitalie lor.lta lliulirr, or" tone
IhnilTUf uK'dcnUnrill l)liriHc, Olid n eatntiliah
herrtalni in aatd Untl'l'cfojr . ) ' rrlice. I'.
rt Couiniiaaliinrr. rtl'Manlncc At Until, IUckou,
uilTurMht). the iflila-uTtKtulier, tynj ' .
She iiunin 11a wlinrjiKI Kepiiell "If'MtitrlC.
Chanmxv Is lleckY?it.'il11t?a LMiapman tTmil
Olaia, John htrldlW Iteury W Krrd, all of
lleml. (Irmuii. -I.l ' in
Any am) nil iierathW clufailiiK mhrrsHy llio
nbnveilracriliid lamU ate rrliiicatril to file their
ilivlma in thla office oil or before
aaltl 17111 tiny 01
llll-oij MlCir.VlfC . X01.AN, Hcslaler. J
iV.r." tar-nru
Wti "carry duly the
finest lhicn of
L" - j"w r
All kinds of wagon work done in first-class shape. Short
notice jobs a specialty.
Fresh Fruit
TEe City Market
Fresh and Cured Meats and Fish
Hverytlilnjc Pcrtnlnlnj: to a Hrst-Clas Alarkct
General Blacksmkhing nad Wagon Repairing
1 1
jfafr- Our shop is located
a a mhv
A Complete
At Bend,
Rough, Surfaced
All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses
Pilot Butte Development
TiinUr Land, Act of June j. 167S.
I' S. Unnd Office, The Datea. Oregon,
July , 195.
Notice ia herrhy giTii that lu compliance with
theprovialiiuaofihc act of Cuugreaaol June j,
ia.. riititlr.1 "An act for tha ale ot tlmbrr
laud lu the atalea of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Wathlugtoii Territory," aa extended to all
the public land alatra by act of Auguat 4 Svl,
lie loiiouiug-uamni peraoua nae. on .iiay ij,
loot, niol III lhl olllcc their anoru alateinvnti.
ton It:
Mary II. Norton,
if Miniirapulla, county of Hennepin, alate df
iMIuneaula, anolu alatrliirul No. MIT. for the
Virchaaenfthr nawf, and iiMcK. 'ec J, tp
l a, r 10 e, w m.
Nellie 1M) er,
of MlniicftKIW, county of Heniicplil. atnte uf
Miiiuctula. aworn atnleiueiit Nu, 15.16. for the
Vurchaaeofthr )ay, ami iMk, arc ij, tp
is a, r lor, w m.
Thai Ihev will otter nrtHifa to aliow that the
landa aoughi are iiiorc vulimWe for the timber
uud ktouc thrreoii than for agrlcullnrul purtwaca,
and lo thrlr claim to auti I litud before
the MegUler and KecclVer, at The Datlei, Oregon,, isoj
Thrv name tn wIlnrMca. John Mrvormlck.
UaulrlU rii'ilth. and Joliu If... Kvau. ofliemt.
OrrVon; Murs-H-'Nonou and Nellie V Ufcyer,
01 iiiiiiiraoiia, .uiiinrauia.
'AfTKndftUpeTlouaclaltniiig odtVraely any'ftf
the ali'vi- Imida arc rciicalcd to file their ciaitua
In thla office on or belurc the aald jiat dayof
October lyo;
nit-OM MICIIAHI, V NOI.AN, Hegister.
a. ar . v- -
1 l'f)K Sai.1 A liiw, wide track,
jj'l' $) ,iuch, coast w'aon'. Inquire
Shtrwood riroi,.,.ou L'aialaw-Porebt
road, six miles south of Redtnoud.
i t urn i.rrt r
and Vegetables
opposite llaptist Church.
sWk of
and Moulded
At Bend,
window jambs Belivered at
.0. G. BASEBOARD 3ht" 0flf
O. G. BATTINS J0-'0"
11 111 mi 1 al 1 ana iiiiiaanW
Timber Uaud, Act June J, llr.
V. S. Land Office, The DaUea. QarguK.
July N. IS.
Notice it hereby given that iii compliance Uu
Ihe proW.lona of Ihe Act of Coitgrca oC Jnne J.
iK?S. entitlnt "An art for the aale uTtiuitcr Jauda
in Ihe atalea of California, Oregon. Xcvmla aud
M'airhlngton Terfitory." p extended to nil ibc
naanington lenuory. p cxicntlea I
iiuhllr laud alatra by art of Augu 4,
followiiisr-iiamed neraoua hae, uu May
Alrd in IMa office thrir aa-om atatcracu
i"W. the
Mav J i. iom
atatemciila, ivVnlt
John C. Perry
o'f Ac ud,ho(ii'ty or Crook, atate ofOregau. aworn
aialemcrit No. jjo, for the purclumr of llic c M
nw s. 101 3, aim c aw i or arc 1. IV w . r II
c, w m.
Auua C. IVtry
of llcnd, county of Crook, atate of Oregon, ami
ktatement No. jjo, for the purelUc ol the w
ne KMott, aud w SaeKoTaec I, tp 19 a, r
c.tvm. 1-
1 If.itior 1 Hr.u
oflleflcLjMiinlv of CtooU, n,te ttfot eGoii
atatemtin N6.isjr. for the parchaae of lu
11. ambrit
and w V uw ( of cc 1, and lot I of aec J, tp 19 a
I..I4 r i
. .W .1 ,,,. . ,, -
That thev will oijci- oruola t alhow that the
landa aotighl are niore, filial Je fbr tliR Waibex Or
atone thet eon thau ToV ngrlculturnl iunaac. ai)d
fler tiruoli
,w vM.i.ii.11 .iicir vrtiiiia to nam rami ih-voic ne
Keglater and Keccivcr. at The OaJIcn,
lKtolir 16, 1905. ,
They name alineaea. John K. Kjau;. Joint
C l-erry, Oliver JoIuimiu, Uinor V fcyan,
ThomnaC. KauRiid Anlnv C. 1'erry, of Heud,
, A11V and n peraona claluilujc mhrtaely any pf
Ihe aliove land arc reiieacl 10 lilt their claim
In (hit office on or before the aald l6tl day of
October, lyoj.
ail-oij .MICIIAHI. T. NOLAN. Keglater
We have for service at our home
stead, three miles south of Rend, a
Hereford bull. . i
I ITili ii In
m'.j a A
Imher. Lund Act June 1. ia;
U B. I.and Office, The Ilaltta, Oregon,
... 1 Jly . 190J.
1. hit ?vrWih lhat In cotupliant
.... ... t 1 wTiun 01 ine act 01 t.
f raiitf rraa nt riih
J. '7. eiilltl-d "An act for lh aHleofllmhrr
"".?.'" ! v".l tanrornia, Oregon.
f. ..1
id U'aaliiu.iitn
Trnllrv." ..
aa taiemleil trm)
e piihlle land atateal'art of Allguat 4,
HalrVA Vler,
I'rlnerllle.rnnnty of Crook alale oflirrKun
ilhiaday filed lu Ihla oftjee hia aworn alaU
lit No, ij7,forthe IJArcnaie ol tfie kt
jo. Ipiua.r ue,w rrt.
Mid will offer proof to ahow lhat llir Ijis
uuhl la more valuable for Hi limber oratiUt
"11 for agricultural purpoaei ami lo rataMul
cfalin to aild fmf before the County Clef I
iToole coiinly, al I'rlnerllle, Oregju, on Mori
r. the ijth day of.Novemlxr, i5
ir i.amra aa wltnraVa:' l4ank l r linen
loll I,. Jordan, I'red'T lllgglna mid f.cnrg
1 lliean, all of I'llncrilte, tfregon
Miyaml all peraonf claiming adverarty Ihe
,ve-rttcfiW(HiMl' arc reinfrl rofllrthrir
..iiv in imaaoicc on or oeiorc aaii 1311111
day o
. inner, 1075.
-ni MICIIAItr.T. NOLAN. KrgUfer
Tlmher rnd, Act June j, lit?,
U B, Nnd Ort?r, The Hallea, Oregon
July 10. ti
Notice I hereby glren that In compliance Willi
et ofCoiifrraa nf June J. I7H rnllllnl An
r.irlhe aale of limber landa In the alalra r(
. rrnla, tneton. Merada and WskIHiirU.,.
nllory'oaextendnl lo all the pnMle lam
Irabyactol AiiKiiat 4, it, he follimiiig
lord prana, on June o, ivj, filed n , .
ince their aworn alalemeiita, to-wlt.
rVank McCafTry,
t ttnlfrtrf, county of fennlnston. atatc of
alh laLH, aworn alatement Jfo 7SM, for
purciiaieof Iheie arc 15, Ip 19 a. r tie
Kdwarrfll. McCafTry,
Dend. ounly, af Crook, alatr of Ori-foti
-rn atalrment No. lyif, foi Ute porchaar 0
ie rieU', arc . Ip v) a, r u e, w in
That they arill offer iiroofalo allow tlutt Hie land
aahllaMore Yaluahle for Ihr litnhtr or alone
itrtim than for agricultural imrHwa. ami 10
4MiahthHrelalmi to mM fa ml tafur. I
j-wrenee.IT fi. Comml.ionrr, al hi office at
'-ml. (rrr.n. on Noremter 16. IJ05
Thry name aa witneaaea Frank McCaSry U
fun. "ooth Dakota; IMwanl II MctaiTr
'iOli N. Hunter. Dan K Hmilli and charlraf.
' cia, all ofllcJid, Mrr(on.
Any and all prrnna clalmlnjc adreraely any of
he la nil a are rrquratrtl to flle Ihefr rlauna
1 thiaofneeonoT before the aatd 164I1 day of
'oremlxr, iy5.
a-oio MfCIIAHI. T. NOIA, RrgMrr
Tr-fr :
Timber Ind. Art Jane J.S;S.
V. H. Ijud Office, Lakerlew. Or r goo
Auguat , 1905.
Notice ia nerrl.y glren lhat In compllenrc
ilh Ihe prorUton of the act of tune j, i;a
ill led. 'An act for the aale of timber Uiidam'
ic a4atea of California, Oregon. Nevada ami
.Vaahingtsii Territory' aa eatendnt to alt ihe
.'ihllcland atatra ry act of Auguat 4. 4H01, th
ulkiwlng peraoni hare thla dajr filed tn tLm
ukv their worn ttaUmrnta, to-wll.
Hlmlra Kngte,
ifiutrer tjike. county of Mke, alate of Oregon,
worn autemenl No.- 1975, for tbe purchaac oi
ine ac'f.acc 17. tp n.r 11 e. w in.
Adalphna It. Itngle.
jf Silrrr IjiVe. county of Ijakr. atate of Oregon
rotn alatement No. fnt. for the purchaac of
tne nwnw-j. aecir.anu n
n,SnrK.wnt'i. ace
w. Ip 11 . r 11 e, w pi
That they wilt offer -proof to aliow that the
land ought la in fee ralHaWe for ita tlmlier or
atone than foragrreuHnralpurnoteaaDd lotat
Halt thet claim to aald land before Ceorge T
HaMwiH. County Judge, at hla office at Klamath
Fall, Oregon, oil Saturday, the nth day of
.-.orroiiwrr, iyj.
They name aa wltneaact, Samuel Lealcr. Adot
plma II Kngle. I!. J. Shlpman and Klraira Kngle
all of stlrcr Lake; Oregon llagh Johnaon and
Milt Young, of Koatand, Oregon; and Velvet B
ii)ur. 01 rrineniir, ufou.
Any and all perni dalrnlng adreraely lift-above-deacTlbeil
landi ate trquratrd to file their
ciaitua in thla office on or tefore raid nth day of
November, 190J. -.
8-ni C V UNIDI'.R. Kecelrer
- M-
Deaert, land I dial Proof.
V. S. Land Office, The .Dallca, Oregon
'1 Argwit ji, iv.v
Notice l hereby grven that William T hd
warda, aaaignee of Amauda Odell, ol Klatcra.
Oregon, haa bleil notice of intention to make
proof on hladeaert-land claim No. I JS. for the
rMnrK.r?Maef aeClt, tp l& . r roe Uita 1. .
and 4 uf arc i. tpi6a, r ii- e, w in, Ijcforethc
Couuly Clrrk f CroulJ county, at ITincrillc
Oregon, on the iclrt,da)' of Octojier. lyv
He natnei tie niUornj wilnmaea to prorr
Ihe complete irrigation rtpd irclamationofaaid
Lewit McCallitter. Jamea McCalt, Jean (in
chell and Hugh Kdwarda, all of HUtcra Orrgon
aVos MICIIAI'X T NOI.AN. RcKlater.
W. K. Beainan ard family left
last Tuesday for 'Laidlaw, where
i they will spend the winter. Ante
lope Herald.
article Is
Com in take a look at a
JiSMrtAruI display of
.On the comter you will
also .uncMWfUMiiu.-
.s Jf
BUjr ltER-p
.ferrill DnigGe.
kill "' iCW'
v 111 I ja'ak- JaJ . wTSTr
Vs SI CTH5r-'i?!l
aaT 1