,,i.n .iMm IN,'.tttttattt r eSUEJ. . ....,...-,?,.- .-..n-t,r,t,',iffti '"A 1 I . i !.(.,. if" THE BEND " BULLETIN fcucUBinu) itvHRV I'RlbAV hVi LUCDDEMANN LAWRENCE. Tor every mnn a less and no ritorc." square deal, no SUimCtUl'TION RATltS: One yctr....... ....... ..-.- $i-y tjlt monlht .. ...........,..- to Three moulltt...,.-. - j (tnvarinblv tn advance.) L ' ' t HOW TO UUMIT. Remit iy Iwnk draft, postnl t money b'nlcr on lletiil, express money onlcr, oi rtglslcrcd letter. Make nil remittance! pnynllc to The Heml bulletin. Stnjje and mail Schedule. ARRIVK AT 11B.N1I. Vront thanl.ovl rrinerlllc 7 p. m. itall Vltim taVevIc and SMUcr LaVe .... , I a tn dally except Tiic from Tiimalo Tuca., Thur. and Sat-.. :IJ p. H- 1-ront Laldlaar dally except Sunday 1 p. m I.kaxk Hr.NIi. Vnr Shanlko via Prinevtlle 6 a. m. dallj J'ter Lakcvic and Silver talc....., ..... . , ..... yip. m dally except Sun l'r rumaloTtirt . Trtnra. and Sal. ...... a. ra Vor LaUllaw dally except Sunday.... ...J p. tn Pjht OHMCJt lloi-na Week daya; Ra.m.taRi tn. Sunday, from it a. tn. to It m.. and )m Itttur after arTlvnl of alt tnaila (torn rallte TMCtitnc Heud Ik fore S p. in. Tnmriiofir: OpriCK llouaa Week day, trot mi. m to 9o p. tn. Mtndaj- and liolMa) front S-oo a. m, to ti noon, and from jm p. in. ' , p. in. FRIDAY SKPTKMBKR. 15 too' The Bend schools opened Mon day with Inrgc attendance an promise that a third room wi 1 soon be needed. The Madras Pioticcr last wee came out in enlarged form and now the size of The Bend Bulletin These are the largest papers in Op gon off the railroad. CcntralOrcgot 'is settling up with a lot'of peopl who appreciate good newspaper and a square deal. Intelligent and character in citizenship will K reflected in the newspapers. The state land board ought t treat all arid land applicants alike The Columbia Southern Irrigatio' Co. had its lists approved for paten 611 the same showing that has beet made by the Deschutes Irrigatio & Power Co. But the latter is heir up for more work. We suppose precedent had been established ii the Columbia Southern case. Last year the Bend school dist Hct, (inclusive of the present Laid law district) had 8$ children o' school age. This year in the sanx territory 260 were enumerated. Where one small postoffice, without money order power, supplied th postal needs of the people then, fiv ostoffices. three of which issut nioncfy orders, are how doing busi ness and two more are applied for There is no gammon about this growth. Two persons in Bend have beet very assiduously lying for several weeks past about the conduct f the U. S. commissioner here. Both assume to "know it all" and to in struct the commissioner in his .Unties, being themselves soignoi ant as not to know ' that a U. . commissioner is not a land officer tall. .They lie about the fact-, they lie about the law and the practice. They come here tt get information, aud then go out and 'howl that they know bcttei sud'that somebody has taken ac--autage of their trustfulness. They try to get in ahead of someboth else s aud then sleep too late anc howl that they have beeu rpbbed. lUtsiucss before the U. S. commie siotierhere is open and above board, with no favorites and no spites. Every man gets a square deal here. Tft.to get uufair favorsagitates the stinkards and sets their tongues wagging. VERV UNFORTUNATE. The Bend Bulletin was not iu ex istence at the time the offense charged against Williamson, Ges tior and lligga is alleged to have beeu committed, therefore it does not speak a. one haviug direct knowledge of that matter. But it has heard a good deal of comment by .people who were in Crook county at that time, from which it concludes that the practices com plained of were open aud notorious; that the court ought to rule that they are a matter of authentic history and don't need Jo. be proved; and the defendants ought tp quit 'quibbling1 and come squarely into court and plead the custom of the couutry as Tjt-clr defense.. Then the wltolc thing would be on n rational basis. The friends aud neighbors of the defendants admit that they were engaged m just the work which the golfcrWmcnt says they did. The only ro6n for question is upon the point of criminal intent. Numbers of the partisans of the de fendants say their intent was not evil, to support which position they go to the extent of denying the facts of( loci.ll history. Tin; ppi sitc contention is that the violation of the law under these circuit stances carries the necessary pre sumption of intent so to dovVhieh makes it a crim!:. The whole community was honcyeoincd with laud graft. Some of this was mere carelessness, much f it was worse. Men commuted .udictablc offenses in drdves witn is little fear ns they would cut (inner. It was so common that the uuinfoitucd supposed it was the .hiugto do. Others (bund profit u it uiul cared for nothing else. Oi courc, all who nre tarred with he land-graft stick now stand to- .ether in denunciation of the efforts ( it tne government 10 restore tne and laws to life. But the law mist be restored, are already re tored. Now it is to deal with those vho broke them down temporarily The Bulletin has refrained from commenting upon this, trial ot these Jrook county men because it saw no good to come from stirring up ur own people over it. But Crook utility during the past six weeks .us been cuargiug a federal vol nno with a vast quantity of explo Mve fuel aud ft is time the attention I our own people should be called o the seriousness of the occasion. he power ol the United States till not be "stood off" by a few uen, or by all of Crook county, louesty and innocence do not re- juirc it mill Uo not operate Unit vuy. If these men are .guiltless it cruelly unfortunate that such questionable methods have been mploycd in their behalf. Notice to Water Users. Charge for water service in Bend vill begin September 15, instead of September 1, as previously uudcr lood, the unlookcd for delay in jetting the service settled liavint; mule this change advisable. IKNO WATKK, LlOHTitl'OWHK Co CONTKST NOTICIi. niirAKTMKNT OV TIIK IVTItKlOK, V. S. Land ODtvt, The tlattca, Oregon. Atigttit 4. lp A iifllclent nffldavlt ling tieeii Hied In thU ultlce ty liana lolmnmr, coittolant, aualiHl itrctt land entry No, 4M,,iuade Januatr x. IVM. for theet,nef eUew, of arc li.lp ir. r It e. and Uol ,orrc t.,lpI. it.u e. vr mi tfy l,iml NcImii. ouiitrMtr.ilu nnlch,VV ieeil that aald enlryinan haa lallett tu. liiAVe llie aiitmat ex Itendlturr tvnultol & li. ,lr the tecl matUtn ofaald ttaet. aald .natllra ji lirrrlu - - - :.-- - .,...- ..-- . -. .....--, nnnnrti 10 appear. rcsioim ml ex Idencc touching, anld nllruallon ,at Jtf fl'clock a. m. on tK-tnlier j ivn. ieluf J, A)Lavitnce V S. eonunlxtoncr, at hit nlUrn in 1iihI. OreRiMi. and that dual heating Mill ( hc,d j loio'cluck a. III. on Oclolwr lo lu.il. lKroir.41ie Urulnlrr nml Omce In Tli e Dallrt, Uil Krcelter at the V, 8. Land Oregon. The ald cutetatt ImvliiVi, Ji, i VflV" "1 dalt, filnl July j?. its. net k)l. Incta which hor that alter due dUllicnc WlaoiulMtt Ice it thU mil Ice can nut W.mnde, It lijietcliy oidetei' i.t iiimuir atiit.1 liul lnaa uiit MICIIAH1, T, NOt.AN. Kim.ter Timber Land, Act Jnne.v i. notick for puhuO-Ation f. S. Land OlHitt, The lXv)e. Oreiioti, )uVy'A, lyuj. Nellce l hereby Rltrn tha,)'n H4'unnce lt iheprtvllonolthe Act or.CoM&reM of June j, nr.CoMiireM of IhcMMAUtlml Tlml-er Ijkml, Act June J. IT. XOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Laud. Office The ballet. Orc,tH July n. io$. Notice It hertlgy glrtn that in compliance with i provMtona orthc art ul coaurnt of Juiwj , tntlll-l "An act far the mI of limber .ik! In the xtate of California. Orewi. NeraiU ml WattaiuEtun Territory." at ettritdol toaU He publklaiMt atatea by act of Auga-t 4 iM. r MIurlnK-namt prrtent have nlt in thU Hee their iworn latrmeuU, twnit. Mary 1'. Jttown. ri'tttlUHd, county of Mnltnmah, Male of Ore am, ofB Mateaaent So. J6, fit4 Jnly 14. . foe the purcrutc w the H"eK. . t KH sa awKV, of ne , lj w. rue m Fred W Altctton. f Harbor Sprlnit, eonnty f Itnmett, Mate of t-hiean. on Utetnent Mo 151. filed Jul) 4. 19. (vr the purchax of 1H 1 ami the cHhh , . uj;w c ja, tp ij a. r M e. w m. That lhe wilt offer prwift la anew that the 4 auuvht are more valuable for the tlmlr r atone thereon than for agricultural uriMea, od lorMaUub their cialmt tu aaid Uml before oe Krl.terawl kceeirer. alTheUalhw, Uretun. u Novem lrr 9, l'5. They name a tritneaea Michael OTonnor Villlani C. Maaou. I) A. McltonaM and Martiu .ruundnrater. all of The Dallea Oregon, aim mn Jlrown. of I-orthtnd. Oregon. Any and all peraona claiming adreraely any of tie abore deacrilie Unda are rteted to file oeir dalm In thU office on or Ufore the Mid h diy of Net euilter, lvJ. u-nj MICHAKLT. XOI.AN, RegUter. Tiralr Land, Act June i. 178, ' XOTICK FOB PUBLICATION'. f. S lind Office. The Ilallea. Oregon, Augutt J. rVH N'utlceli hereby given that In compUance with he provision of the act efeongreMbrjune J. il -ntltld"An act for the aate of timber landa In theMatea of California. Oregon. Nevada awl Vaxhiugton Territory.' a extendetl to all Hk puMk land alatea by act of All gun 4. iifyi I', font llumnton. fOcton, county of t'matilU, atale of Oregon, ztaathia day Hint III thl othec hla aworn atatc .nenl No. xAj. for the purchase of the Hc!i 1 ml l,ol 1 and iofaec4itp lot, r )c. w in. And will offer proof to ! that the land ught it tuore taluable (in- lit limber or alone than foi agiicultural purpotea, and totttablith hit culm to M land before J M Lawrence. I'. H. Commluoiier at liUoffict iu lleud, Oregon, jii the 1 Jill day of November, tro. He uaiuea at wlpieate John lilott, Jotcph N. Hunter, i'rank (Jlatt and John Hltlill, all of Heud, Oreguu. Auy and alt roii claiming adrertely the alnteileacribetl laudt are requeued to filed their clalma iu tliit efficc oil or l-efoie aald ijth day ot November, ix 4fnj MICHAULT NOLAN, KegiHer. Timber Laud, Act June J,IJ NOTICE FOB PUBIilCATION. I', ft. Land Office. The Dallrt, On gon, July IS, lo, Notice it hereby given that In compllauce with 1 01 tn . "Ana in the atatea of Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada, aud the proitiont IB79, tinmen, - e Act 01 UJiiifltn or June 3, ct rortheaalcortiiiilMrrlaiidi Watliliigtoti Territory," at exteudeil to ail the public laud atalct by act ol Augutt 4, 1897, I'rtitellck M Lolxitll, officii;!, dimity ofC'rook, atate ul Oregon, lia tiiltuay nieuiu nut oidcv nut tworn ttatemeiit No, J049, for the purchaae of the te)nwj and cwiauA Lot t of tc J, tp , r ij e, tu. And will t4cr Iiroof to ahow that the laud aoiight iamore taluable for Hi limber or atone than lor agricultural purpotet, and to eatablith hit claim to laid land before J M. Lawrence, If, 8. L'ominlttioner ut hit office at llrlld. Oievou. on Tutelar, tftc 14th day of November, IV'J- He namel al wilueta' John hteidl, Henry W. KeH, Henr) Tweet and Johu lllou, all ofliciid, Oregon. Auy aud all pertona Clalmliig advertely the, atovc4etcrilK.il laudt arc rciiur.lcil Iu Ale their clliu4 iu thit office ou or before jM 14II1 uay 01 riotemuer, iom. &, . . rr,i, i i, ?!!. enlitleil. "An act fur the mleor llinlvrtAiiu. 11 tne ttalet ni CitllloriKa, Orexpu. Nerada. an Washington Territory," at extruded to all 111 lobllclandttntea by Act tif Aiuvxt. 4iio. th. lodflwing ttwna have, tiled in tlilt office I In I iworu atatemeult, lu-wit Theodore W Xliiitucrptann', of llend, county ofCtook, ttate of Oregon, twori ttalemeiil No VJ. tilrtl July w, lyaj, for the mirchate oflhe ne of aec J4. tp tu a, r 1 1 e, 111 Kalie O Httelietiii, of lleud. emmty orCtnok, ttateol Otegutt. tworn ttaleiuei.t No. joys filnl Inly it. iw. for the piirrhateoftheeHtwtt and Lult J and 4. of aec II. Iptoa, r tie, tv 111. Thai they will offer pnmft tu thoiv that the litndt hiiieIiI ate more valuable for the lliutier jr ttone Ihernin than for agriculttiiat prHir'. iihI loettabllth their clalma loaahl landt belute I M. Lawieuce, I' b. Comml'-loiier. at lilt office in llend. Oregon. 011 Nuteiulier l.i. lyo). They name at nltnrct. chtilet II Hiown, Theodore W 7lniiuctinati, Throphilt M Michel William lialdwtu. I'raudt Marlon, IKilty l( Hrown, Katie I. Itttebeuet and Angulc II. lltte oeuct. all ofneiul. Oregon Any and all pertoui claiming advertely any of ihe alriVTHletctttietl limit are rcquettcd to ft I. tfeirclalmt Iu Ihlt office on or Iwfwc Iheukl ijlh day of Not ember, ls. tiuj MICHAKLT NOLAN. HegWer Reduction In Lewi nntl Clnrk llxponl tlon UtttcH, Ou and after September, tst( 1906, until October 15th, 1905, 30 day excursion rates to Portland and return will be! ' Wusco S.J.00 Moro ,, i ,,,,., .4,00 Orass Valley 53 Shoniko 6 05 ,.'C. H. hvTiAf, CeWeral PnsVuRcV AYcAu. ll.l IIjW l '.i I 1 U- lltlik Kaspitemes, strnwoerries antt .a mr Miie oy small utuserV. stock , for mI J, micklev, hciui, uregon Ml w. I II l" ' Crcii limit in Oregon, fnder Ihe ;ttVl tV?U-''HAet " Im-oI dltect rtoui ttte WIMlli OK CALL Ttl IAV llimklctt Niul-tiiili Jtcn II, H. Cook J o , lit Abler tttret, roillaud Or H)T1UK F0 pVMiiK'ATlON. Ileartiiieiit ol the Inlrilor , , 1( V. . f.audOllW, Tl'ie Ualirt, tllegoil. Ai'igutl .11, li), Notice It heteby Klirn thnt the folbmlni; 'lameil tcltler hat filed nailer ul hKlulAUUim i U.. a..t r ,.. ...... .. .., 111! ,I1...' fit.e iiiih, IM.,, Ill lll'putl iil,l tl"i hat til pinof will be made brbiie ,lne County lem, at thecoiill lioute III I'tlnestlle, 111, and Oregon Ml IMuhcr II, ivm, Mi Jaier Johnvtii, fSl.lert,Oteuoii. II It No. fMij, for Hie twt(. h-cj-1, tp 14a, r lie, w 111 He unmet the fnllonlug wlturttea tn prove hltcontlniHMit rrtldeiice iinm and cultivation of wltl bind, vii C l. l-rarttiii, ("eorge II. Taylor and John II Ta)lor,all of Mln, tltrgou, and Alexaudcr Tliumptnu.of t'llneville, Otegiiu. v'-flj MICHAIII. T. NOLAN, Kegl.ler TIiiiIkt l.aiul, Act of June j. tSra, NOTICK FOU PUIJIilCATlON. V. S. Land Omce The IUIIm, Oregon June J4. ! Notice It heteby glteii that in CunipllaHee with the peoMutof Die Act of Cwngrrtt of June 1. 17. entitled "An act for the uleof timl-r Unrf in the ttatetuf California, Oregtm, .NrvaOa am Wathlngton Territory," at ettemleit to all tb oublK taut! tlatet by act of Anguti 4. iti, th foHowlnsnamnl pcrtont lte, m May Jv. i"5 filed In tfitt office thrli'twiKn Matemcntt. tu-ni't Llllie H. Jordan of PrluevWe. county of Crook . Mate of CHeeoti twHtn Malement Mi. x. toe the tnwenate nl Hi. w S tie H- e i miv of i ana Ihe a c H jf tec ij, tp 11 1, r H e. w m Minnie I' ClHtmi .if Prlnetllle. etMinly of Crook, ute af rew twven tUtewent No 1. foe Ihe rmrehM of Itw HU He e i. m e )( ne k of tec to, tp lit. rue, wm That they will nffrr irwrf lo ahow that th lamlt MHighl arc mote valnable for the limbec m tone thevenn than foe agrkwIlHrat tmrpntet and toeUMih their claimt InuM Uml befor J J. Smith, com lily clerk, al l-rlMcvtllc. (Itegoo. on Cetebcr 1. iy Willhtm Tlmlxr Land, Atl of June , fc? VOTICK FOI. PUIJIilCATlON. U. H UudOfnr The Hallet.Otegou, July j.), i,j, NoUce It ticreliy given that 111 Compliance with te liiuiMiuut 01 ine Art 1 1 nwitttit 01. mm W, eiilillnt "An art fo the 4te ol t'iii)r la Jamet I!. Mewatt. Hivld I' Mewart. J K Kyitn r. n mwimw mm MinrHUMiMti rrn ami Jc llitnler or Hrml. (iregon ImKh. Kwh rineville. Any ami all pertoutetalming adtertely any of ioe am r ami, a,c fepetei 10 nw llteir m Ihit afbeeen or Ik fare Ihe tan! iMh Octelr, uns tli-oit MfCIIAHI. etalMa day of T. NOLAN, Keirrter. Ttmbec ftml. Act of Jhhc j, fct. NOTICK FOU PUliMCATION. V.. La ml Ofnec, The all, Oregon, Inly . tvi. ne i, lamia In the ttatetot Valirriii, Oleaon. NMtila and Watliliigtoti Territory.- at extemlnl to all Ihe Public Unit tlatet by atl 1 f Aucutt 4. lo', He liilluwtiig.naHirl pertout have nlid .Iheir tworM ttatciiidila Iu IhltuftitT, ttt-v 1 1 1 Ralph I, Jordan of rtlnevblf. CDMiit) of Crunk, ttate ef Ortgvn. tworn ttalemepl No iji.v,. fllnl May ij, iy4, for the pHrcliaK ollhe nw ft of tec t;, tp it a, r 11 e, w 111. , Jmet K Mewatt of lrinevlttc cminty of Crook, Male ot Oregon, worn ttaletMettt Vn nil. R I e I May U. IA. fat ihe imrehatruf the ne H aw tf.M S te ( and te H te V of tec 1 1. 1, l v r It e. w tu. ItavW I' hteitltt of I'tlnevlltc, ownly ol Crook, ttatr nf Oregon ikh H(Veyt No. . hltd May aj. tys. for the Mtche of Ihe e K t l , tw '; tc !,' ami te H tw 1 of tec It. tp It t, r toe, w in. Mary It Mewatt of I'tlnevllte. etHHtly of Crook, ttate of Oregon wwu Malemettt No w, lletl May jo. iwm, fm r 11 lp 11 ihe imteltate oflhe tw t of tec I r. w hi That thev will offer (wooft In thow that the Undt towght are more valuable for Ihe timber or 4one Ihimw than for agricultural tmrinawt, ami lo iMaMIh Iheir etaimt to taul Uml Wlwt j J tmtih.ctHttity ctetk al I'tlntnllle. tMegoti, on October tr, ii). They name at w It newt Wtlllain A llwrth, al4i l Jorttan. Lucy ft Hooth. Havwl 1' Mew tit ami Jamet It Mewatt, of I'rtnevtlle, Oregon Jatcpn N. Hunter, nl He ml. iiregon Any ami all erowt(Ulmlngadrrrtly any of uk aitive iaB.it ate ri,ini 10 nic ineir cMimt in thit ofhecmt or before the Mkl ijlti day aliuia MICHAIIL T. NOLAN Hrgltter of NMiec i herein- given that In comHHCc with the pruvtHmtorthe Art of Congrett of June 1 iftrk, entitWw "An art tor the tale oftlmUr lanut nthCMatetuf CatifornU. Oregon, Nevada and n'athlnglutt rrrT, at extended to all th JubMc Uml Malea hy act of AugwM 4. lv. Ih. fotlowtHg.naHKtl MrrtHt hate, on May j. iy. aled In thit office their tworn Matemenlt, to-wtt John P. Klley of I-orlUod, eoHMly of MuHnowtah Mate of Ore ion, tworn Ma It men t No. lit, for the pwrehaw jfthe tw l of ec3. P 't. r II e, w m Harry Kubl ofl.retham coooly of Mwllnomah Male office 40a, tworn MatemcHt No mj. for the nircht)t of tbcac K of teM,tpiyt, r lie, w m. That lite will orfer pcooft to thow that the lamlt Mmgnt arc more valuable f m the limber at ttotte llteteoai I nan foragrtcttllnratpurpHttti.aMd tu t-MaUi-h their ctalmi la hM Uml before Ihe Kegltler and Keceivee, at Theltatlea, Ofegoi , oh Octuticr 4, 104 The)- name at witnettc J I'. Klley. J I'. Huxley, of 1-iwtUnd, Oregon, John C. l-crry ol Hend. Oregon, Harry Kuiil ami WttlUm Nagtr jf Greibam, rifegoH. Any andaUjiertontctaiwingadveftelyaHy of the above Umlit are rcquctlet! lo flic their rUlmt in ibitoifieeonor Imkhc the takt iHh day ol October. ' 4II-OIJ MICIIAHf. T NOLAN, KeglMer Kituber liml. Act of Jhhc J l'?, NOTICK FOB I'Ul.I.lCAriOX. I H. Mud Office. The Hallet. Oregon. July v, fi Notice It hereby rlrtn that In comtdUncc with the provtMOHt of the Act of Congtett of June 1 i. eutlllttl ' Ah act for the tale of HmlwT ltn.lt in the Male of CallfornU. OremtH. NevatM ami Wathlngton Teirltorj," at ettendnl In all the mihHe Uml Malm by act of Ancntt 4 i"m. Ihe fMfowlug.tMmetl wttot Hate 6II In I lilt office their twttin Matemcntt, lo-wlt WlllUtn A IK.mi of I'rlHcvlHe. etiuuty of Crook, Malr of Oregon tworn ttatemenl Nw. naj. filetl May it ty-4. for Uk tmrvmitc of the ne H of tec ij. lp it t, r I" r, w m. LueyS llooth of 1-rlnettMe, county of Crook, Male of Oregon, tworn tUlemenl No. Vi. Ill 1 Ma 44. loot, for the potefwx of the a , ne X ami n S e H of tec t. lp lit, r 11 e w m. Wilttan llelknap of Prlnevllle, ctmwty of Crook, Male of (Megmt wan MatettieHl No. Mil. Met) Ma 14 i'l. for the prebae of Ibc tw of tec . tp it a. r II e, w m. Tbatlber wilt offer pTtwtk to thow thai the Umlt tamght art- mere valoable for the Umber or Monc theft n than for agrlcwUHfal pHtnotct.ami lotMaMlth Iheir ctalmt to tatd Uml l-fore J J wHh eonnty clefL, al l-rtnevllle tuegon. on ilctober i iyi$. The)-name at wHncttea luvi.1 I' Mewatt. Kalph I. JofiUn. William A Ikartb IMgar Men ait and Jamet It Mewait.of l-rtnevttle, Oregon Joteph X llHiiter.of Hcltd.lltcieou. Any ami alt teftmteUlmlHK advertely any ef Ihe alwvc lamlt ate reiptctled to Ale their cUlmt lalhttofftccim or l-fore the takt IMli day of 1 KtolKr, IV4-atl-oij MICHAKLT. NOLAN. Hrgltter Authorized Capital $25,000 Incorporated 1904 The Central Oregon Banking & Trust Company of BEND, CROOK COUNTY, OR. Transacts a general banking aud trust business. Issues Letters of Credit good throughout the world. Acts as Administrator, Kxecutor or Trustee of ICstates. Transfers money by Mail or Telegraph. Collections made promptly aud upon favorable terms. Interest on Deposits BEND'S NEW MEAT yiARKBT WALL HTHIUIT, Oppoiltc II, M Co, HE finest Stock of FRESH MEATS in Crook County. 'GUred Meats and Lard and all tire At6SbrHs of .a First-Clast? Market. Evtvthing hbW .fahcl dflhebesh WhlTESHILb. T hW 'X l INVIIUU TO Jhe White osa- tun. okiwon a noS'i) sth a. b. 6tcbtlc., 6W. The Best LidUors and Wines DOMESTIC and IM?8RfED C.GARS Z: F. MOODY w.wm,. omniissioil ihili forwarding A1E.RCMANT. SlIANIKO, OrtlUIU.N Large, CommoJious Wnfchouic. ConsiRnmciits iitMlcJ I'rtitupt nttriltlntl )atlil tn l!l'M- t fnxor ine vltll tlu-it kittiinnr c TMKOUUtl PROM liliNl) TO SMANIKO IN ONI! DAY SIIANIKO-PRINEVILLE PRINIiViLLIi-llIiNU SCti 13 I) U Lis STAGE LINE SOUTH ilOUNll I.etuc Slmniko 6 p. in. Arrive Prineville 7 it, in. I,envc Prineville 12:30 p. in. Arrive IScud 7:00 p. 111. MOKTIIHOirK" I.enve llttitl noon, Arrive I'riticv.llc '12:00 tWv t'rlncvlllc 1 p. ivrrive Klinuiko 1 1 m. 111. m. 1 a. 111, win r j r, ass kquipmhnts v'6 tkavkij.i.vo public PASSI-NG1-R AND FKKIflJlT KATliS KHASONAI.lv Both Papers $2 .25 One Year SrilSCKIHK FOR Till, 0h Weekly l,nKn Oregonian ?r AND THIS Wtj Bend Bulletin Pirb.r Bhott andllatht In Hot. I. Hotel Bendi Onrn.r Uonil anil Or.aan Mr. .It MUdll O'K'ANU, Prop MO.HT CHXTMAI.I.Y I.OC'ATK!) JlOTJJI. IN IIKN1). SAMPLE ROOM ifl CONNECTION'. New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Rates. Good Alway.s Reserved for Transient Tnide. K OOIIIS tl-nj MlCilAUf. T. NOLAN, tttal.ttr The Central Oregon Hanking & trust Co. several new features to its rapidly growjug business. give Time Certificates of Deposit, paying interest, follows: , - . Jrcfr x Months, 3 per cent For 1 Ye-r1, 4 per cent SAtfE tvEPolRrMiafes FOR RENT at Red knable Katel AU f HK AhvATAOa x6 A dTV HANK hnn adtlcd It will now thereon as G. W, Whitsett's Saloon. Hest Iuijiortcd and Domestic WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS; Excellent Bar Service, liltfl. Cln Qentleman's Rc- tri, uqry urst ciiish goods ept In Btocftjtiill on us. sort k IS Tllll TlAllI ... TO' .1 ' H I' f ' 1 ,. D . RBC.T.O.Rfti ,, V, 1-v uWllIX, Ju, Phm-MS- i-;.:r (J(J01)VII,iIK, 1-. 0. MI.VOU, 'Camiiikh VlCK I'HllH, BEND OREbttN !Now ! Buy Town Lots -IN Laidkw, Or. and Make Money I'or iMrtlctilr write or cull on J. W. -Kwtherford, l.ahllaW, - OrcKOli ' Jl' ---j- 222 Tlt.D(Jcliiife1fefc'p!ione ; . , . ,iu l . ' I elcjtraniij f'prfvarqed no turret yy P- '." W'W .Dlrctrwuone 1 ' J'L Ppniunlcntlon i'okt:J(id Vki nhvi U.K mul all Pacific Coast cities tiiR.LTPAy station SANK lUII.I)N(l , Oregon TUB DESCHUTES TEUrliONE CO. 1 4 i. y.Mf: ;f -i-l-.-aW'-ai-k-at-t W5r -t .. k