The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 15, 1905, Image 3

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In a Condensed Form lor Our.
liusy Headers,
A Roiumo of tlio Lois Important but
Not Lett Interesting Events
of tho Past Weak.
Swedish Norwegian relations iiro
iignlii warlike.
Chinn 1 1 ii placed it hlg Hour order In
tho United States.
Municipal ownership In Miu Issue In
tlm Now York campaign.
Moro limit linn been discovered In tho
nrtny supply department.
Shout Iikii lot contract (or housing
ml feeding eaiml employes.
An Imlopunilont ttdnplionn lino In
planned from Now York to Portland.
Disorders nt llnku urn subsiding, hut
mo not yet ntopitl. Troop aro pour
lug Into tho disturbed 'Itrlct(t.
An earthquake In Kouthorn Itnly
killed moro limn 400 persons and de
stroyed many town nml village.
Tho president tin removed Public
J'flntor Palmer nml pHiliitcd Onrnr J.
Klukoltn to III! tho ollico temiorarly.
Tho Grand Army ban elected James
Tanner, o( Now York, commander In
lilef, lln was pension commissioner
onder Harrison.
Japanese rloton at Toklo hivo torn
down n statue o( Ito, roomily oroctol.
Tlio disorders, however, nro growing
less, nml ipilol I oxccted hooii.
Tho various railroads linvo carried
70,0114 passengers from east of tho
Hookies to tho Paclllu coast thl sum
tner. 01 Ihi nttmher 47,113 cnuio
-direct to Portland.
Tho sultan of Morocco ha granted
France's demands,
In tho past yrr 0,ir- ineinlwrs of
tlio (3. A. It. Imvo died.
Tho Norwegian-Swedish conference I
In danger of n disagreement.
Tho Now York hop crop will not bo
-over 00 or 70 por cent of Inst year's.
Japanese disorders mnyj Intorforo
-with n resumption of the Hour trade.
A rotten building In Now York fell,
killing two pooplo nml Injuring SO
A mob near Fort Worth, Toznt,
t burned n negro nt tho stake. Ho had
' jonfoued hi crime,
Aftrr n silence of 1H month Inquir
ies nro Indng sent to tho I'nulflc coajiI
roin Vladivostok for Hour nml wheal.
Cholera continue to spread rnphlly
throughout I'm!, hut tho govern
luent I working hnrd to suppress tho
A Chinese gunliont nt Amoy saluted
the Ammerlcuu ling ns nmoml for nil
Inaiill two weeks ago. Tho boycott is
n thing of (he pant there,
A ment famine In gernrnl In Gor
innny. I.lvo rnttlo mo worth 144
-cent per xiunil nml llvu hog 14 rent.
Tho government lino 1kou Htllloned to
uduill rattle free of iluly.
Ilcteklnh Ilutterwurth, editor of the
Youth' Compniilon, ilnco 1870, I
The jteaco treaty hn been signed by
tho Husslan nml Japanese plenlpotcn
Marshall Field, the Chicago million
nlre, ha Jmt been married. Ho In 70
.yearn old.
Tho president ha demanded the res
Ignatlou of Public Printer l'aluier.
Had management In tho cause.
The Long Inland lUllroad company
liaa discovered a nyntem of robbing It of
many thousand dollarn by Belling tick
cts twice.
A freight train on the Burlington
washed Into n passenger train at Brush,
Oolorsdo, 88 mile east of Denver.
J'our pauiengern were killed nd 20 no
sorely Injured.
Teat nro being mndo with wireless
telegraphy between llrooklyn navy yard
ud Washington that promlio to great
ly Increane Its efllcloucy mid do away
with tho relnyn now uncd.
Turkey haa called out moro troop to
suppress tho rebellion in Macedonia,
Tho flro Ion of tho Unltod States and
Canada for August aggregates $11,4:15,
-(100, an compared with fOJlS.SOO1 for
tho naino mouth last year. Tho total
for tho flrnt eight month- In $117,720,
700. Thoro were 211 lire during Aug
lint whero tho losa reached $10,000 or
Thirty flvo thounnnd people attvnded
tlm fair 1 4 bo r day.
Western Nebraska haa reported Ha
i , ilrnt front of tho bobboh.
t A doctor han boon Imprisoned In nt
How. Orleans for hiding yellow fever
A ninnll ongagoment took placo in
Northern Corou after ponce hud beon
A now volcano is forming which
threatens tho valley nnd city of Ban
Luciis, Mexico, Tho pooplo nro Hoeing,
Huudrods ot Japanoso nro pouring
Into Southern Manchuria and establish.
Jng colonics,
Oregon, Washington and Idaho Pro
duce 00,000,000 Uushals.
Portland, Hopt, 5, Uulcnn there
should ho Homo timxpoctod light ru
turns from tho Into sown grain not yet
hnrvoitod, It now ncemn (pillo probable
Unit tho threu nlutes, Oregon, Wnnhlng
ton mid Idaho, will for the first time
on record harvest u crop of npprozl
mutoly r.0,000,000 hunheln of wlicnt.
Tho flgurra tow submitted do not, of
course, pennons the snmo degree of ac
curacy that would bo otsihla u month
Inter. However, they hnvo been com
piled from Information secured by n
largo number of men In very clone
touch with the situation. Tho totals
ontluiHtod for tho three ntntes nro:
Oregon, 12,400,000) Wellington, !I2,
H00,000; Idaho, 4,800,000.
Tho crop, If these flgurcn nro sub
stnutlntod by the flnnl returns, avail
nble nt the close of tho sensou, will Ixi
more than 11,000,000 bushels greater
than nny'of Its predecessors arid will 1j
uenrly 0,000, bushiln greater than that
of last yenr. l'rnctlcnlly nil of tho In
crenio Is In tho stntn of Washington,
Oregon falling slightly behind Inst
year's figures,
Thin shortage In Oregon Is duo to tho
damage by hot wrather In the river
counties, whero tho crop was exception
ally heavy last year. Tho Willamette
valley, while turning nut n very dis
appointing yield compared with that
which wns expected early In tho sen
son, has n better crop than that of last
year, and thi Grnnd Honda probably
ims twice ns much wheat ns It pro
durod last year.
The hlg gains In Washington were
largely duo to mi Innuendo muoiint of
now Innd t lint Is this year turning off
It flrst crop, mid nlso to excellent
yields where crops were very poor last
year. Tho grrater part of this now
land Is In tho Hlg Heud, but there Is
nlso n largo amount of now acreage In
the Washtucna and Horse Heaven dls
Central American and Mexican Ports
Refute to Hecelvo Qood.
Colon, Bept. 15. The report by the
medical authorities of tho canal that
tho death, August 28, nf employes
working on tho whsrf nt I. Hoca wns
duo to bubonic plague has given rise to
much discussion. Jeromtmo Osxa, the
Kcuadorlan consul at Colon, declares
nlllclally that tho roorl is falsa nnd
that thoro hnvo lioeu no ndditlonul
ernes of bubonic plague on the isthmus.
Tlio direct result of this rrorted
prevalenco of tho plsguo Is that Cen
tral American mid Mexican ports refuse
to receive freight sent by wny of tho
Isthmus. Costa Hlcn mid Nicaragua
have !ecn altogether closed to isthrninn
vorts. Several thousand tons of freight
for Central America nnd Mexico nro
now tied up on the Isthmus nnd this
freight is increasing with the arrival
of every vessel.
Sweeping changes are taking place in
tho management of the Panama rail
road. H. (1. Hlerd, who has Just ar
rived hero from New York, haa as
sun ed the duties of superintendent of
tho road, nnd Wlllinm Hodmnn, who
nccompMuied Mr. Hlerd, has been ap
pointed rondmnster.
Qlves nopsevelt All Credit,
Herlln, Bept. 5. United States Con
grcssman Smith, of Michigan, was one
of Kmpsror William's guests nt dinner
Bnturdny night. During n conversa
tion of about 16 minutes with Mr.
Smith nfter dinner, Kmporor William
referred to tho peace conference nt
Portsmouth, saylfig: "President Ilooso
volt nlona deserves credit for bringing
about pence. He wan tho only man in
the world who could havo done it. Ho
did his part splendidly." Mr. Smith,
after tho dinner, was presented to
Crown Prlnco Frederick William mid
Prince von Iluolow, the Imperial clisn
cellor. Novel Sort of Justice.
Now Westminster, H. O., Bept, 5.
A iocullar kind of Justice has como, to
light in tho ruling of tho Chief Msgls
trato of Ijulnor, who yesterday fined a
man $5 nnd costn for not proving n
charge ho had laid against n fisherman
for stealing n flshnot (rom hin boat.
John Grlechen, who laid tho charge,
wan unnblo to got proof enough that
Hlchord Harding had stolcn'tho net,
mid received tho nbovo lino, muck to
hla surprise. Tho magistrate explained
his notion by stating that o( Into ho has
had many groundless capes boforo him.
Oscar's Fooling Hurt.
Stockholm. Bent. 6. Tim unml.nlll.
clal Dagbladt, in strong terms, says tho
Swedish emnoror has changed Ills mind
nnd declares that hu Is still In oppnsl
lion to any prlnco of tho houso of Her
nndotto ascending the Norwegian
throng. King Oscar, tha paper says,
ban expressed himself an being deeply
wounueu ni mo roports mat no la in
favor of tho candidacy of a Bwcodlsh
prlnco, despite hla ropcatod statements
to tho contrary,
Sailors To Do Put tn Army.
Bt, Petersburg, Bopt, 5, Ono thous
and sailors who participated In tho mu
tinous disorders at Llbau and in tho
lllack sea will bo transferred to tho
army and bo sent to tho Far East to
serve In tho army of occupation,
Tiilt Tells Chinese That Boycott
Violates Treaty.
Visit of American Statesmen to Can
ton Expected to End Antl
Amerlcan Movement.
Hongkong, Bopt. 5,--Tho Tnlt party
arrived nt Canton this morning mid
proceeded to tho American consulate,
where its members wore mot by n bat
talion of tho viceroy's guards. After n
reception nt tho consulate tho party bo
(ntuo guests of tho now Canton railway,
covering Its entire distance.
At 1 o'clock tho visitors were enter
tained nt ltinchooii by Invltntion of the
viceroy, who, however, wns 111 nml un
nblo to Ims present. His representative
mndo n speech referring to tho friendly
relations lotwecn China nnd America.
Secretary Taft In hin rcsjorine said
that, by direction of tho president, ha
was pleased to note the friendly rota
tions of tho two countries. The United
States did not want ono foot or one
acre of the soil of China. Tha secre
tary said ho thought the boycott of
American goods was an unreasonable
violation of treaty rights nnd condition
Mweeu tho two countries, nnd de
clared that ho was glad tho viceroy had
ordered tho Iwycott stopped.
Tho party's trip to Canton ban had
on Immense effect, nnd It Is !ol!eved
that within two weeks tho boycott will
end. The viceroy on Monday morning
gave uoticu that ho had ordered tha
boycott to bo declared off nnd nil of Its
lendern to bo nrrcsted nnd punished.
Old residents of Canton say they
ImjIIvo tho agitators are using the Iwy
cott ns an excuse for a demonstration
against all foreigners.
During thw stay in Canton a few
members of the Taft party visited the
old city. They made many purchases
and wore treated with great respect,
thero being no evidence of 111 feeling.
Tho entire party returned to Hongkong
lato tonight.
Three Vessels Wrecked by Furious
Hurricane on Lake Superior.
Duluth, Minn.. Sept. 6. Eighteen
or 20 lives were lost nnd property val
ued nt $600,000 sacrificed In the furi
ous storm lliat swept over Ijsko Super
lor Sunday and Sunday night. Tho
gain was the most destructive to lake
shipping that ban been experienced in
many yearn, lieslde the wreck of tho
steel steamer Sovoula, which broke in
two on Band Island reef, seven of the
crew losing their lives, It is now be
lieved that two moro ships wero lost
with their entire crews.
One of these in tho schooner Preto
ria, of Hay City, Mich., tho largest
sailing ship on fresh water, carrying n
crew of eight men. Tho other Is be
lieved to bo the schooner Olive Jean
ctto, which carried a crow of seven
Tho storm nt times reached the pro
portions of n hurricane ami tho
stnunchest now steel vessels wero forced
to run for shelter in a more or less bat
tered condition. Tho new steel steam
er Stncxhouso arrived nt the Boo on her
first trip with her hatch covers so bad
ly sprung that water poured continual
ly into tlio hold. Ono of tho crew was
n ashed overboard. Tho steamer Sam
uel Mather nlso lost (ono of her crew
Tho terrific battering the steel steam
era received In tho storm gives rise to
the gravest fears for the safety ot many
wooden ships which have not yet re
ported, and tho record of deaths and
destruction may reach much greater
proportions than tho present estimates.
Tho monetary loss on the Sevonta is
placed nt $170,000, while that on the
Pretoria in estimated at $160,000.
Many Wltnenset Called.
New York, Sept. 6. Sixty witnesses
have been called to attend tho first ses
sion of tho legislative insurance inves
tigation committee, which will bo held
hero Wednesday. Unusual efforts
havo beon Hindu by tho committeo and
its counsel to keep secret tho plans for
tho opening session. All that any of
tho committeemen would say today was
that it wns probnblo witnesses would
bo examined tho first day nnd that they
would bo representatives of not one,
but several insurance companies.
Disease Slowly Spreading,
llerlin, Bopt, 6. It wns onlcially
bulletined today that 00 cholera cases
nnd 23 deaths lmvo occurred in Prussia.
Of thin number, ten now cases and
three deaths wore reported up to noon
today. Tho number of ciibcs reported
by private sources slnco tho olllclal bul
letin was made up Indicates n total of
fully 70. While anxiety is not yet tho
word to describo tho feeling of tho im
perial health otlkors, concern over tho
cholera situation does exist.
May Rebel Against Treaty.
Now York, Bopt. 6. It is reported
in Tientsin, snya a Loudon disputch to
tho Herald, that tho dissent in Japan
over tho concessions granted to Itussla
in tho proposed poaco treaty is so deep
that it la feared that n revolution will
break out throughout tho empire. This
movement, it la doolared, haa manifest
ed Itself In Toklo. All cables are cut.
Decision of Interstate Commission on
Corn ana Corn Products.
Washington, Sept. 2. Tho Inter
state Commerce commission today do
cldod that tho present freight charges
on corn products nnd corn from Mis
souri river olnts to Pacific coast ter
minals, In ho far as tho rate on corn
products In more than 6 cents nbovo tho
rate on corn, constitute a discrimina
tion Bgalnnt mm products and produc
ers thereof nt places on tho Missouri
It was shown by tho decision that
tha differential rates on corn and corn
products from Missouri river points to
California terminals wns for about one
year after January 1, 1800, a differen
tial of 1) cents against corn products.
Then for about ono and one-half years
It was U contn in favor of corn product.
Tho rates wore tho name iMitween July,
1802, and March, 1806, when a differ
ential of 5 cents against corn product
was established. In December, 1807,
the differential wns Increased to 10
cents, and in July, 1002. It was made
20 cent. During March, 1004, tho
differential was fixed nt 17 cents,
and In Octolier of that year it was re
duced to 10 cents and has alnce re
mained at that figure.
Changes In tho rotations of rates on
corn nnd corn products from Missouri
river olnls to North Pacific terminals
were not generally different from
those mentioned, except that in Do
cemler, 1807. the rato wns mndo the
samu on corn nnd corn products, and
there is now no difference unless the
minimum carload for corn Is the
marked capacity of the car, in which
case tho rato shown a differential of
10 cents against corn products.
Government Confident or Keeping the
Disease Under Control.
Herlln, Bept. 4. -Forty-three cases
of cholera in all havo been rciorted.
Nine persons havo died of the disease,
and many suspicious cases aro under
observation. The legal and medical
machinery for dealing with this Inva
sion of the Asiatic bacillus is now
working at full pressure. Professor
Edward Bonnenburg said to tho Asso
ciated Press tonight that no one need
fear an epidemic such ns that of 1802
03, because tho health authorities since
that time had built up nn organitation
quite adequate to grasp the beginnings
of such cholera and to put down the
disease with precision and firmness.
Tho health machinery to which Pro
fessor Bonneburg alluded is working in
co-operation with tho police and other
public servants. With the exception
of one death at Hamburg, the cholera
Is confined to West Prussian districts,
and every caso of illness in these dis
tricts must bo immediately reported to
the authorities. An experienced phy
sician and bacteriologist at onco takes
the case under observation, nnd, if tho
symptoms nro auspicious, the person Is
promptly Isolated.
Chinese Emperor Orders Suppression
of Boycott.
Oyster Hay, eep.. i. Chinn has
placed tho boycott of American pro
ducts under the Imperial ban. An
edict has been Issued by tho govern
ment commanding viceroys and govern
ors of provinces to take measures for
the suppression of tho boycott, and
holding them strictly responsible.
Tho State department at Washington
has received a cablegram from Minister
Itockhill giving a nummary nf tho
edict. Tho cablegram was forwarded
Immediately to tho president. Tho
text of tho cablegram follows:
"Imperial edict published yesterday
says that long and deep friendship be
tween the United States and China has
nevor been tried as now. Tho United
States government haa promised to re
vise the treaty, and therefore people
should peacefully await action of both
governments. Hoycott wrong and harm
ing friendly relations. It (edict) com
mands viceroys and governors to take
Rective action, making them strictly
responsible. Undoubtedly will have
good effect."
Treaty for Mutual Defense.
London, Sept. 4. Diplomatic circles
here are taking deep interest in tho
now Anglo-Japanese treaty, but as yet
they aro not in possession of anything
beyond the brief outlines. Thoy aro
satisfied that it provides a defensive
alliance, on ono hand guaranteeing
Japan tho fruits of her victories in the
Far East, nnd on tho other hand In
suring Great llrltain against aggression
In Iruli ..o diplomats express them
sell - well satisfied that it guaran
tees peace. In Gorman circles the
treaty is looked upon favorably.
Great Storm In Chicago,
Chicago, Bopt. 4. -The most eevero
storm of tho year raged for two hours
this evening. Tho wind at times blew
40 miles an hour, and nearly two inches
of rain fell. In tho business sections
of tho city a number ol signs and awn
ings wero torn loose. The thundqr and
lightning wero terrific, and several of
tho largo ollico buildings were struck.
Several fires wero started in tho out
skirts of tho city. In tho parka and
suburbs much damage waa dono.
Fair Booms Yellowstone Park.
Salt Lnke City, Bept. 4. More
Americana have visited the Yellowstone
National park this summer than ever
boforo, according to M, II. Albln, man
ager of tho Montda-Yollowstono atago
lino, who ia now In this city. Fully
20,000 persona havo visited tlio park
since tho season opened. Tho record
for last yoar waa 13,000. Mr. Albln
attributed tho largo increase to the
Protland fair.
Avery 0. Mooro, editor of tho Welser
(Idaho) World, delivered tho principal
address at tho Portland Labor Day ex
orcises, September 4. The address in
part follows:
"Each American, whether he works
with his head or his hands; whether ho
is an employer or a wago earner; no
matter where he was born or what creed
he profiiies, is ontitled to bo Judged by
his fellows on his worth as a man. In
return he Is bound In honor to do his
lest to givo to every man a fair deil,
for no man deservts more and no man
should receive lees."
Mr. Chairman, and friends; I have
chosen thoso words from a recent public
address of a prominent member of the
Hrotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
Theodore Itoosevelt. In their spirit It
will bo my endeavor to speak to yon
It is in the nature of man to follow
example when he wijl not give heed to
precept, and it rejoices me today to
know that the American citizen has
continually before him a pillar of
cloud by day and a pillar of fire by
night - the life and character of the
noblest among living men the presi
dent of the United States. Ho it ia
who says, "Kach American is entitled
to bo Judged on his worth as a man."
He it is who says, "Every man de
serves a fair deal neither more nor
tern." These aro tho truths that power
Is denying in practice, but which over
a million American workingmen are
banded together to defend.
It was the "Hard of Avon" whosald:
"Oh, it is excellent to have a giant's
strength, but it is tyrannous to use it
like a giant." The power which gold
confers does not possess 'the character
of bencvolenco. True, thero have been
Instances wherein men have acquired
power and used it gently, but they are
rare and ns refreshing as the showers
that coma In summer. The abuse of
power is tho rule, and it is the abuse
of power which is giving the people
Tho quarrel is not so much with the
man who haa power as with the condi
tions which bestow it. The system
which makes the happiness and well
being of thousands subject to the ca
price of an individual, or an association
of individuals, is wrong, and to diffuse
this power among the people should be
the ambition of every man, whether in
private or In public life.
My brothers, I havo not come to yon
with a message of pessimism. One
cannot breathe tho free air of Idaho's
glorious valleys and not catch the sun
shine in his life; so when I say to you
that there are great wrongs to be right
ed in this land we love so well, I would
havo you know that I believe they can
bo and will be righted righted by the
genius, and in the wrath if need be of
him who is greater than all the crowned
sovereigns that have been or are your
brother and mine the American clti
rcn. Ours is a government designed to es
tablish man In the fulness of liberty,
and its people will not be shackled in
mind or in industry, because shackles
strong enough for that purpose have
never yot been forged.
But they are a patient nation, the
American people. Conscious of the
strength of a race of giants, they have
elected to remain gentle under provoca
tion to strike, and strike hard. Hut ho
who says they aro afraid does not read
their history aright.
There aro flvo men in this country
today who, acting in concert, could
stop tho wheels of industry and bring
about the desolation that follows panic.
True, they don't do it it wouldn't pay
in dollars and cents Just now; but the
power is theirs the power that the
people must regain. It does not alter
the condition any to say that ono of
these men is a prominent member of
the Baptist church; the church long
ago found him a burden. It does not
subtract anything from the danger to
say that another of, these power en
throned men Is erecting free libraries
of marble and granite. In the eyes of
labor these are but the monuments
offered by a stricken conscience to the
martyred tollers ot Homestead and Lat
timer - martyrs to the despotism of
From servile courts they have wrung
the brutal injunction, and with the
frultn ot labor's toll purchased legisla
tion to keep themselves in power then
asked applause for erecting schools that
the children of the poor are not permit
ted the leisure to attend, and for tilling
libraries with books that they do not
know how to read.
I rejoice that the despotistn of power
does not rest so heavily upon the men
and women of the ralden west as upon
the toilers of tho eastern states. Life
in this Eden-land gives an interpreta
tion to liberty that they have not ex
perienced and therefore cannot uudor
Bland; but in the great struggle that
engages them thoy have the right to
expect help from you.
And tho tliuo will come, and como
quickly, whou you will need their help
to preserve America for the American
pooplo. It has long beon ono of the
unholy ambitions of the despotism of
JlxtraTagance. Nature Is economi
cal and allows no waste. Jesus gath
ers up the scraps ot bread from feed
ing th thousands, though from the
loaves and flsnss all had received
enough to satisfy their hunger. We
ars stswards of God's bounty; God is
keeping books, and we hare no more
tight to us His part In extravagance
than we bar. to use the money thus
which belongs to th grocery man. i
Ber. W. W. Hamilton, Baptist, Louis-'
TlUt, Ky.
powor to throw open tho portals of tlm
republic to tho pagan hordes of tho
Chlncno empire.
You all have reason to khnow what
that would mean to Amorican labor"
and to Amorican institutions. Yot
undor tho hypocritical protext that to
continue to oxclndo Chinese from thin
country will bo to forfeit our trado
with Chinn, tho despotism of powor de
clares that the bars mutt como down.
It spoke through a national gathering
hero the other day spoko cowardly ami
to tho shame of the states represented.
But tho tlmo will soon beat hand for
American labor to speak and when it
comes it will say in thunder tones that
will reverberate through every corridor
of tho nation's capltol, that tho repub
lic's sacred soil shall never become a
haven for a race of men who do not
want to call it "homo;" that because
manhood, and not tho dollar, is tho
standard of valuo in measuring great
ness we do not want, and will not
have, the trade of China, if it must
bring tho labor of China with It.
Do you ask me how the despotism of
power must be overthrown? Brothers,
I believe in tho ballot tha easiest
weapon to use, and the one weapon of
which power stands in deadly fear.
Use it, workers of Oregon, but flrst Join
And I believe that the ballot should
bo in tho hands of every American wo
man. There is no phase of existence
that woman has not brightened, and
the Amorican political system will be
come free from tarnish and take on lus
tre whenever woman is established in
the elective franchise. Years ago we
struck tho word "man" from the con
stitution of my state, and every election
day since then has seen tho husbands
and wives, the fathers and mothers ol
Idaho traveling hand in hand in the
steadfast ways of Citizenship, And wo
would not return these wlvej and
mothers of Idaho to subjection any
more than we would take the other
steps backward into barbarism. Tho
happy experience of the past few years
has rendered us proof against ridicule
and the false doctrine of the superi
ority of man. When men say to ua
that that the ballot degrades woman
hood but they don't say that to the
men of Idaho; it wouldn't be well with
them if they did.
Yea, the workers of this country will
come into their own through tho ballot
box, and through the ballot box alone.
They will obey the laws as they And
them but change them when they aro
wrong Power prefers to obey the lawa
it pleases to obey - and break the
others at will. But examples set by
power will not remain very long. Each,
day is developing strong men in tho
public service men so strong that they
are demanding obedienco to the law
alike from the hovel and the palace.
The proper employment of tho ballot
will develop moro of them. Then
tho despotism of power will pass for
ever. This is the last word of counsel
that I would leave with you today: Do
not let the superficial things of life
blind your eyes to the things substan
tial, Men with tho reins of power in
their bands will try It, cither directly
or through their minions in congress.
Don't be deceived. When your con
gressman talks to you about a larger
navy or the dual tariff, remind him
that a national employer's liability will
be on the calendar as "unfinished busi
ness" tho coming session and ask him
what ho intends to do about It. He
may be endeavoring to keep a sinking
bark afloat on the comfortless ocean of
pollctlcal eminence by stopping the
leaks with the doctrine of class hatred.
When he lies to you about your homo
being in danger of Mormon Invasion,
tell him that you are quite willing to
take care oi your own homes and re
mind him that he will find a national
8-hour, measure pending in congress
which ia designed to givo yoa two hours
more each day in which to do it. Then
if he falls to perform your will, replace
him with some one else. There aro
men among your citizens who are bravo
enough and eloquent enough to stand
up on the floors of congress and tight
the Dattlea of the people; send them to
represent you.
Shall I add a word of testimony re
garding tho institution of labor union
ism? During the years that I have
held membership in organized labor I
have always found patriotism to be its
invigorating principle. It delights me
to contemplate the splendid. work for
human society that it has done and is
continually s'rivlng to do. In ovoty
strugglo to place the race ot man upon
higher ground labor unionism haa been
in the vanguard, battling with courage
and devotion as honor shows the way.
It has not always won but all of Its
victories have been for civilization and
for peace, and the good that it is doing
today we can neither measure nor com
prehend. We do know that it ia speed
ing the coming day when the despotism
ot power shall be "as a tale that la
told" and tho rights ot man forever
more established.
This is the wholo of the -mission of
man and the only excuse for govern
ment. It may not bo in our genera
tion, but we will live in tho faith that
the time will come when the citizen
shall bo Judged, not by hia goods, or
his lands, or his dollars, but "on his
worth as a man." And when that day
comes, a review of the ages that have
gone, or a forecast of thoso that are to
b-J, shall not tell ot a people so righte
ous in their practice of Justice so hap
py in their homes.
Lire tlm I Joy Urns!
Whsn xrUf ilvsa a warning.
Just shout. "HalUulal
Good hsath and jood mornlnf P
Atlanta Constitution.
Ton often hear women say how an
noying It la to have a sick man around
the houss, but It you should talk to a
trained nurse, she will tell you, nine
times out of teu, that she would prefer
to wait on a man, as men are much
more eoasUsrata than woman.