THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL. Ill HKNI), OKKGON, FRIDAY, SIll'TIiMBUR 15, 1905. NO. 26 I PROFESSIONAL CARD8 U. C. COE, M. D. ,01'J'ICIC OVICU HANK Physician mid Surgeon TKI.Itl'llONIi NO. a I MIND ORI'.ttON N.IUI. MSTATKIUII'Dlir Msua AKiictry rnuimvi j. l. Mcculloch, Abstracter and lixnmlncrof TJttcn. Mint mul Toii-t ijHikril After for Nuu-kealdeiila, rulNltVII.Mt ORKUON J. M. LAWRENCE, V. H. COMMMHIONKH. Notary Public, Insurance, Township Pints for Upper Deschutes Vulley. lll'.NI), OKI'.UON. MOl'AHV I'WIIf.lC INHUKANCK A. H. GR.ANT Audit fur Liverpool, London (c (llolx, nnd l.nucntililrc Fire Insurance Companies. HUM), OKl'.dON II I' lUIKNAf M U ClU H KllWASli M. I, LutiHly riiy.lelan. Drs. Belknap & Edwards, NIVSICIANS AND SUKGLONS. PRINIIVII.LI! - OKIKION. I)IH. tut Kearuf U'lHilek'a Drug Hlttir Miss Grace Jones TCACMCH Or Voice & Piano la hmw ready ft tihlW awl nii In- fimml I her ifU.)Kf Ht Km Avenue and irtli iHrret MKND.Onr. J. W. Bledsoe PMOTOdRAPHUR IIKNII, OHItnON. All NrgallTrs I'lr.fiord ami Iu(tlrmtr ikture l'Mtnl.hrl at Ally Tlmr. Crook County Really Co Heal Lsiate Bought and Sold. Life- and Accident INSURANCE. urritK ix M'iLi fiN kiMUiiPU TRIPLETT BROS. Barber Shop & Baths Bent of accommodations and work promptly done W.M.I. HT. IIKNII. OKKCSON PRINEVl LLE HOTEL' -t 1 Mas. C. A. Mclmwitl. iuitmr Tal .-h mid Kooiiih always clean and well supplicd-Kates reasonable I'KINItVII.I.K OKKRON PRICE OF ICE REDUCED. Frank Gardinier. WHITE & HILL, Agents. TlmUr Mini. Ail of June J, is?S. N'OTICK FOIL PUBLICATION. I' H l.aiul OMe, Tilt Ikillra, Oirsuii. July II. I Null la lirrchy gln that In eumpluurc with llir liluvl.tmit oflhe Ac of Cougriaa of Julie 1. lM, ciitlllnl. " All act fur the aale ofllmlier lamia In the atale of California. HirgOii. Nevada, ami WubIiIiikIiui Territory," a ealelided III nil tilt land atatrahy Act of AUKlial 4, IS, V fiulmvliir immnl rt-twiia have 11 this day hied In IhU ulllic their aworn ataleinrut, to-wll William II. Clulitenaeli, uf Jcffcrauii. county of Mait.ii, atate of diegoi!. aivmu ataleuicut No. J4J. fur llic imrcli of llir nHic( mul nhw)( uf ace ), t N.ri( r. t III. Itdna I,. IMiilah, nf lelfarsnii, county of Mutton, atuteuf IIKK"". kurii .tnlriiirnt No 16u, for the tmitlm.v ul llieiiw'jofaccjl.lpwa, r itc.w in. John T. Jonea, iirjtllnaon. county of JUrloii. Mate of OtcKoii. orn atuteiurnt No J64t. for llir iuiihaavuf llir e of arc jl. Ii 30 a, r M r, w in. Tlint lliey w III offer prootaloahow Dial llic UmU kihikiii nrc iuorvuiiiuiiir iui iiiTiiiiii'vi . .. thncoiisiiuii for iicricultuial tiurioea, and lo ... ...,-!,. l. .! ..ll... ..k .1.1 lainl tt.tfdtmm Ilia r.lHiiii.ii iiirir vinini. in .urn i.ii.i i.i..i . Hritlalrr mid Knelt tr, at The Dallra, Dlfiioii, iinN'm ember l". I95 They nalne na wltiieiat. II A. I'oater. of rriiiesitlf, llteKon. John T. Jonea, IMna I.. Par rlh J W rmti'li ami Wlllliim o ChrMenwii, nil of Jelli-riwii. Mrcicun. iiyanilallieimn clalmlnic iiiUeracly any of the ulxive liimU me recnieatril tu file their clalina In Ihlaoflkcnn or licfurc the aalil lolli Uayof NoveniUr, I'AXS m n.i MICIIAKI. T. NOLAN, Krnlter. Office rooms for rent in the Pilot Hutte Uevelopment Co.'s office iMilldtug. Apply ut the company's office. tf NOTICE TO COME AND SEE US! IF YOU WANT THE BEST ALSO IU3AIJQUAKTI2KS FOR Tllli BEST GROCERIES AT Till LOWI-ST PKICI2. 13 His. Dry Grnnu (l A A luted SiiKur tpKUU i -lb. Con Kvnpor if tiled Ctctim A" ,5o llrt. Princvillc A l'lottr I.t)U t inl. cnii Koynl Club Syrup Wfi nnPY COMI'OTITION. Bend Mercantile Co. Because wo are selling 'the same and better quality at a closer margin is a very good reason why you will find our store the best place to buy anything in the line of Groceries, Drygoods, Furnish ings, Shoes, Hardware, Sash and Doors, Paints and Oils The PINE TREE STORE I!. A. SATMliH, I'KOPKIUroK PILOT BUTTE INN A. C I.UCAS, Proprietor Tables sujipHetl with nil the deliciicies of the season Pirst'dnss Kquipment Pine Kooius nnd Hods All stages stop nt the hotel door Bend Livery & J. PRANK STROUD, MnnnRer LIVERY, and FEED STABLE IIOH.sits Hoauduu iiv tiik Day, Whhk or Month First-Class Livery Rigs for Rent. Tlione No. 15 lUiml alreel, lietween Mlimeaota anil Orei;on. A. II. Llppman Oco. M. Meyer A. H. Lippman & Co., Furniture Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Cooking Utensils, Doors nnd Windows, Paints nnd Oils, Carpets and Matting, We carry n fine line of Kockvrs ana Couches. We can furnish your house complete OIVK US A CALL TtiRMS CASH THE FAKMER5! Woven Wire Fence and Barbed Wire Wagons, Buggies, Mowers, Rakes, Plows. Harrows. ( Builders' Material, Roofing Maltlioid, Doors and Windows, Paints and Oils, Blacksmiths' Materials, Hardware, Tinware. iK'ilcanTo- d AA iimlo Catsup P rJ 1 1 ill's Pickles l.D 2 cans Tomatoes 2 enns Corn Transfer Co, Itend, Oregon. NEW SCHOOL SITE On Rock Ridge Near Pres ent Building. wmsimvnsrm Adjustment of Particulars and Dis posal of Old Property Left In Hands of Board. Hya vote of 16 to 5 the voters of the district Tuesday afternoon sc lectcd the rock ridge cast of the present schoolhoiisc as the site for the new 5,000 building to be erected. Tins is on the unplatted land. The dcinciistous of the new site, as well as the disposal of the old property, was left in the hands of the board of directors. Author ity to proceed with the building was formally voted to the board. Twenty voters assembled at the promptly at 4 o'clock. Chairman Lawrence, of the board ofdircctors, called the meeting to order and Clerk Wicst read the notice for the meeting. The chair man stated briefly that there was no ideal site for the new school house available in a central location; that all the available sites were more or less to one side of the cen ter of population and it would nec essarily be a choice between these secondary sites. He mentioned all those that had txrcti under consider ntioti and submitted the matter of making choice to the meeting J.I. West moved that m new schoolhouse be located on a site east of the present schoolhouse Hefore voting on this motion the meeting took a recess and examined all thesitcson that ridge and also the suggested site in the Bledsoe block. Upon returning, the motion of Mr. West was ruled out of order be- PlTTlTION POR LIQUOR LICENSE. IN TIIK COUNTV COURT OP Tlin STATU OK ORJIGON VOK CROOK COC.STV. Ill the matter oof the application of I'. C. Kowlcc for a retail liquor license in Montgomery precinct, County of Crook, Slate of Oregon. To the Honorable County Court. We the imtlcrtieheil, Ical voters oi Montgomery precinct No. 4, Crook county, Oregon, to rant a licence to V. 1. Kowlif 10 xll iirmiom. tmi it or vinous liquors or fermented eider in low quantity than one gallon, in tlie precinct of Montgomery No. 4, county 01 Crook, btnte nf Oregon, for the term of six month from the first day of October. ioo.S. C. M. lUilfield C. A. Ilttckwith W. K. Iiwmjii I). Orveiilialgli II. Imey Stone (.rt-cnhulgli J. A. Vinlmrg l'rank Iluiihley John Grunt John JohiiMiti I,. H. Ilauiner AIhjI Wolf V. A. llclchcr P. I.. Kicker I.. C. Whittwt I.011 A. Heed M. J. Kohcrts Thos. C. KoliorU '.. TliautpMin C. K. McUlliu It. I). Immele Will Howell Notice is hereby given that the above ctition will he pivM-iitcil to the Honor able County Court of the state of Oregon for Cnwk county, on the 4th day of OctoU'r, 1905, or a soon thereafter as the said Court can hear the Mine, and I will then mul tin: if nek that such netitioi be grauteil and a license lie ioaueii to tin said I'. C. Kowlcc to ell ipirituou. limit mul viiuitit, liquom und fermentei' cider in 1cm qnatititiM tluin one gallon at the Precinct of Montgomery, in Crook county, Oregon, for a term of sis. mouths. Dated this 1st day of September, 195 V. C. Rowlee. SUMMONS IN Tlllt CIKCL'ITCOUKTOVTIIHSTATItOh OKUCON J'OR CROOK COUNTV. The lleiul Mercantile Company,) rwiiuin, VS. Samuel M. Jaiiiiry, Mareai Marnret Km Ikiiiuy, anil Itlua I'. Ra aw- mii a cu-witiier iluligi limi ne under name 01 . M. lauiicy. anil hjmutl M. Jnu uey, .Ma ariiaret Km Jminry mul I Kllia I', KKHIIOII, leftiuljiita. J To Samuel M Jaimey, Marjiarvt Km Janney unit Itllia F. Rhhsoii, a co-iurtuer itolu. limine umler iiiiuc of 8. M. Janney: am Miiiuel il laiiuey. Maricarel Km jaimey. ami Itllia I lUwwn, IKfeiuliiUuloe uameil; IN Tilt. NAM I. lf Till. KT.VTi: Uf OHION: Vou ate liereliy reiiltrJ la apeai r tlie etiiiinlatiil rileu nealiiKt uu li ami iiuancr the complaint til the alioeeutiticl Court and route on or be lure the 4lal iloy uflKtolicr, lynj, ami aiear ami Milan er tlie iilaintirr will take jii'lli lueiit usnlnat )im fur the um of 11,117 ijuou eoulrnit fur the illicit imtmeiit ofmouev. to-wll fur L'ou la, warea ami uicrthaiiUUe, told to lie remlaiit hy iilalulliriii the niuoun of (6,i 99; ureoiiiit iurcliaetl fruivfliflie Cenlru Oil Oreguu IUuLIub .V Truil Com Winy on overdraft vfcaah lo the amount of $19 S.! 011 account purchaaed from W 11. t iimjii iur iHiN,r laltor in iierfuruied for de- femlauU and money mlvaucnl III amount fjgi 14, on aeeuunt mitchaed ut tlielr requeat Ubi 4a on aeeuunt mitchaaed from for hay Airiiithed ileleudaut at their umoiiut 1M.6S; ou aecuuut nurehaaril 1. a. Kai lor nay iiirtiuiiea rettur.t, in umoiiut IJI-tSj ou avcuuut urthaaed from Thclllot Untie leelumeiit Caimvany for koo1. wurea ami luervliaiuline fvlrnl iiiriinvneu ,ac E tu In? u cfeu ilautant tlulr reiiucat, hiiiouiiiIii lir to Im u ta..i. -I. .... . I- w- I ma Kiimiiioua in iiiinuaneti ur omer . by orvler.of the uuorame w. A lieu. jiuii;e ! lle. Vouuty County for Crook county, Otcitoti, made aud enteral 1111 the Jlh day or Heicmlnr. 1905, In and hy which order li la in.tVUd; thai tliia aiiinmoiia be iiiililUhed.Kir si consecutive weeka In The lleud llullctlit. aiMtekl ntvtaiVliter liub llahed in Crook coiiulr, orexou The date of the Ural luilitlcutlou ol ihli SiunniOn I Septem ber , IWS- M, R. Klllolt, S w Attorney for VUiutuT cause of indcfilcncsrt. This defect was cured by specifying the site nearest the old schoolhouse. Then this motion was replaced by a sub stitute by Dr. Nichol, that the site in the West tnotioti be designated No. 1 aud the site in the Bledsoe block No. 2 and a ballot be taken upon the two. This carried and the ballot was taken, resulting as above recited. On motion of II W. Reed the board of directors was empowered to erect a new schoolhouse upon the site selected. On motion of 12. V. Batten the board of directors was instructed to dispose of the present school prop crty to the best advantage possible in its judgment. The chairman outlined the plan of the board for the new school house 0 two-story frame structure with three rooms on each floor, only those on the ground floor to be finished at once, leaving those on the upper floor to be finished inside when there should be need to use the rooms. This statement was submitted in order that the voters might make suggestions or give in structions if they chose, but none were offered and the meeting adjourned. The new schoolhouse site is off the platted part of Bend and wil need be survtyed before it can be accurately defined. This will bt done at once. IMPROVEMENTS AT LAIDLAW. Organization of a LeagueNew School house--Oencral News. I.nnr.AW, Or., Sep. 13, Last Ssitur ilny evening the citizens and rancher in and around Laidlaw held a tnectinr at I. K. Dayton's store for the purpoe 01 discussing tue auvisalnlity of organlr Ine a mutual improvement Jcague Prof. C. V. Allen was appointed chair man and A. V. Donahue secretary of the meeting. The people were vcrv cnthusi astiennd it wax decided to hold another meeting Saturday September 33. at 3 p nt., in the corner store of the Ruther ford block to perfect the organization of tlie league. A committee was appointer to draft a constitution and by-laws anr1 oresent same at tlie nest meeting. The nrlmary object of the league is to pro mote the interest of the settler by gel line together and discussing the 1 nlans and methods of irrigation am' treating the diffeent kinds of croiv adaptable to this toil and climate. Thfr Is a big step in the right direction anr ue should do all wc can to make tli organization a success. We can at lea' how ruir interest aud appreciation bt ittending the meetings. Kvery one ir crested is cordially invited to atteni' the meetings. C. M, Mudd and rostmastcr Stiles lef Monday for a two weeks visit to Portlam' nnd the exposition. While in Portlaati' I'rvstmastcr Sitles expects to purchaw additional slock for his a to re. Theschool board is considering plan for a fwo-tory. four-room school build 'ig. The lint taken last 1'cbniary showc' Sj children of tchool age. Mrs. 1'. V mlth ami Miss Nellie Jautcs hac lice engaurd to teach school the coming year School will open Monday niomin'1 epteuilior 18. in the comer store of the Rutherford block. CM Mttdd, water superintendent rf he C. S. I. Co., has lcen for some littl time collecting samples of grains, gra , vegetables, etc. to show what thi "otintryciin produce. The varictv on' innlity when exhibited was a bfg sur nriM: to cvervone. Mr. Mudd tool some of each' kind to Portland where thev will lie put ou exhibition. J. N. II. Oirkiug, who has land under 'he C. S. I. Co's ditch, raised and cu ier So tons of first class hay this year he greater part of which he will have to ell. Mrs. Mary A. name has just mover into her new residence 011 Cook avenue George R. Long and futility have jtts moved into their new residence on th corner ol hecoml street und Wooil iventic. Frank Murk is errectim n two-storv reidence on "Wood avenue. Rev. J. C. Oeorge has let the contract for his new residence to Messrs. Hall o Updike aud they began work on the ame Wednesday. William Diuuer traded his new hou and lot on Wood avenue to J. C. Thor for some property in Waitsburg, Wash Mr. Girkiug purchased a business lot in Cook avenue of the Laidlaw Townsite Co. last week. Mr. Ramsey purchased a residence lot on Ilriice avcutio this week. Mr. Ram sey exccts to move into town in the near future in order to send his children to school. The Laidlaw Hanking & Trust Co. have jtiht received und installed u new Iron grille 011 tlreirliauk counter, J. O. Mttntinga, of Walla Walla, Wash,, it in tljis week looking after his ranch under the C. S. I. Co. ditch. Mr. Girkiug left last week for a short visit to his family at Athena, Oregon. He expects also to the exposition at Portland and return here aliout November 1. J. W. Rutherford is yisitiug relatives aud friends in New York city aud vicinity. I,itt Sunday the church and Sunday nchool held their firt services in their sew qiiitrteni in the Rutherford block. John Circle started on the 5th to return to Bend from Byron, Cal., where he nnd Mrs. Circle went for a visit. He came by way of Klamath Falls, arriving here Thursday night. HOPS ON THE DESERT New Crop for the Des chutes Country. IN EVERY WAV SUITED Vines Will bo Planted on Many Acre, Next Year-It Is a Crop that Will Pay. Henry Hedges is preparing a dozen acres of his homestead for a crop of hops next year. A man from the Yakima country wan iu last week to buy a tract of ditch land near Bend for hops. He said, there was no reason why this region should not be as famous a hop pro, duccr as the Yakima valley. A. M. Drake has a very thrifty spcci man of hops in his yard this season, as has also Mr. Hedges, and he, too, will probably put out a con. siderablc acreage in hops. The Deschutes climate is said to be ideal for hop production. It ia dry and there will be no vermin to xDther and no mould to injure tho erop. Kvcn at this date there has iccii no frost to injure the hop vines now growing here. The soil s. according to all experience, just uitcd to hop culture. The product will stand transportation to market. An expert hop man who was in Bend this week examined the vines hi Mr. Drake's yard and pronounc ed them in every way healthy and successful. The vines arc well rown and the hops well developed ind strong in lupine, which makes, them valuable. Frank M. Booth, of the Sisters outitry, was in Bend this week as a vitness in Mrs. Audcrway's home- tend proof. He went up to see Dr. Nichol's garden and was amaz- d with what he found there hundreds of bushels of vegetables hat beat the world. He took some .peri mens home with him to show he Sisters people what is actually cing done in the Bend "worthi ess Bend" country. Landlord O'Kane was not able o get a'l the onions he wanted for ome time. Finally an outsider ame along and the hotel man took ill he had, three sacks. Then he ailed Dr. Nichol in and showed he fine purchase! The doctor took he biggest onion in the lot home vith him. It weighed a pound and wo ounces. Yesterday the doctor rought to the hotel an onion pro luced on his place a mile above own, which weighed two pounds nd six ounces and made O'Kane s ig onion look like a midget. Now )' Katie admits that the Bend outitry can beat the world with mions, too. Dr. Nichol has a vagon load of onions bigger than he one O'Kane was braggiagj ibout. SO TRACE OF THE FIREBUQ. Warrant out for His ArrestMay be Made U. S. Case. On complaint of D. A Findlcy a .varraut was Issued by Justice Lnw reuce for the man who set fires that destroyed a lot of property near ftoslaud last month, but the man wanted has not yet been found. It was said that he was working at the ditch camp east of lleud but investigation proved that to be an error. Oliver Thorbjorn son, who returned last week from The Dalles, says that on his way out a month previously he ran across a man exactly answering the description of the firebug, who was then making for the harvest fields. Inquiry is being made to locate him, but it is a difficult matter be cause his name is not known, Ileis a Polack and there is only his per sonal description to lead to his identification, and that may change. Several thousand dollars' worth of property was consumed by the fires set by this firebug. Findlev lost five miles of fence and a barn William G. Mayfield, the brothers, Masten, the Bogues nnd others also lost much fencing Findley's loss was more than $500. In the black pine the fire was hot nnd ran fast. In the yellow pine it did no considerable damage. But for a timely change of wind the en tire Bogue plant would have been swept away. All this came from the firebug recklessly firing the anthills along the road through the forest. Since many of these fires were upon government land a United States case may be made of it and Uncle Sam sent to find the bad man,