BULLETIN. i VOI. Ill JWN1), OKKGON, I'KIDAY, SIJI'TKMIJKR 8, 1905. T"- $Q 25 THE BEND iVfOPIISSIONAI CARDS U. C. COR, M. D. i'1'l'ICH n 1 f HANK Physician and Surgeon Tltl.ltl'IIUNK NO i morn - ouitr.n.M a Ml. IWMfl. HHXtlll . Mil tll I'MMa ANIlCltV I'MIIII'HTV. J. L. AlcCULLOCII, Abstracter 11 nil Ittiiinluer of I Itfon. M Hi T l.uianl After lm Mwll-Kral'lMta. I'KINKVII.UI OKIMION .1. M. LAWRI2NCI5, V. .. COMVtIHNIoMKK. Notaty Public, lustiruiice. Township Pint for IJpiwr Deadlines Valley. . HKNII OHKOON, NoTAKV I'ttMI.IC INl'KANi'M A. H. C1ANT RVHl lof Liverpool, London & 1IiiIh mid Ltinenslilrc I'lrc liiMininco Companies. MINI), OltPtlON II I' MaLkNar M t 110 I l.x I.. M ) t ,11111 r I Ii, riiliH Drs. Belknap &. Edwards, PHYSICIANS AM) SUKUIMS. PNIMA'II.I.F. OWKION Ifttr 1 Hf At uf V k IIN ( Miss Grace Jones TCACHLH or Voice & Piano now ira,, !' ,uiiL a, l an tar foyftl.l 1 lirr iraulU H Km rrm. stMi H Mircl HKNII. OaK J. W. Bledsoe imiotoukapiiur hi N. OHIIOON. All Mraall I'rrarrml an. Ihtktleate IVlHIra I'wtitlinl An Time Crook County Really Co Real listntc Bought .uid Sold. I. He nml Aciklont INSURANCI:. urmmiMii min "' !" artm u www TRIPLI5TT I5ROS. Barber Shop & Baths Ikst of aivnmilio'ldlioiis and work promptly done W.I. NT MKNIi. CiKKOntf PRINEVI LLE H.-v -l r I Maa. C A MtlHiHui. U 1 El L r-iotlUK Tal..s ami Room always clean and well supplied--Rates reiikOtiabk- PUIKItVll.t K OHHfiON PRICE OF I v ti REDUCED. Frank Gardinl WIIITIJ.A HILL,1 NOTICE TO THE FARMERS! COME AND SEE US! IF YOU WANT THE BEST Woven Wire Fence and Barbed Wire Wagons, Huggles, Alowers, Rakes, Plows. Harrow?;. ( liulklers' Material, KuoiinK itiuiLiioiu, Doors and Windows, Paints and Oils, Hiacksmilhs' Materials, Hardware, Tinware. AI.SO IIKADQUAKTI.KS FOR TMIi BEST GROCERIES AT TIIII I.OWI.ST PKICH. 12 lb Drv Grnnu- d A A iHttnl Hugur tPl.UU 1 -Hi Cnn Kvaor- 1 A Mtwl Cream .11 50 11. Pritteville J A 1'totir JadU 1 rhI con Royal A j Club Syrup .JO Wl! l)l:.:Y COMPETITION. Bend Mercantile Co 1 i 1 ? 1 ; 1 j i ncz Hill's I'kklcs i.JxJ S t s 2 can O C ! s Tomatoes .wO I ( .25 1 i ! 0 I M 1 x1 nn To- r V iimtoCtiUiiiP ,VU 3 8l- kcR 2 rails Com Because we are selling the same and better quality at a closer margin is a very good reason why you will find our store the best place to buy anything in the line of Groceries, Drygoods, Furnish ings, Shoes, Hardware, Sash and Doors, Paints and Oils TbTe PINE TREE STORE I:. A. SAIIH.k, lUOIRli:iOR PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCAS, ProprleW Tauten Mippltal with all the ileliciicieft of the season iMtst-clnsn ICcttiiuciit lfie Rooms and Iletls All stages stop at the hotel door z: v) TnnUi I..M.I, Art ( Jmiu . '" XOTUi: KOK PI'IILICATION L. Uml olkrt. Th lllf. oim.'H Jul) 11, f Nolle l hily lvH lhl IH r.iWIUiir ltli .: M.IIIU-.I. "Ah iuI fur ll Mir oil nilwrUlHU lHlbrmiilmri'lllfilU. OIi!li. 'J7,1"i ft W.hluglMTfriiUK)," rlriHlr.t In ll llir intlillc Uwl Main ! A I " Ahh. ffJ'fl l fi.lluwlnr naronl lirrMti liavc u Hilt wy ! Ill ilit ohif Ihrlr uru alalrmr ! ! WllllaiHO ChnHni. irjeirriin-minlyl Marlnii, llr afoirifiii. .M.HII MalriMflit N. IV ' l'' lH''l,, ' IlirliSwl, nmlliKant, f ' . I r M ' H III. ItUim I.. luirUli. riflU-rwiii-iiNiiilynr MaHnji. nUlcgfOtrnuii, .H." aUlriliaill Nil H. fr llir 'Ulfli l llinwKiirvj. lo. ' H" '" J11I111 T Jiiii. .,r Liri.oii,ouiilyir Mutl'iii. ajolf iiroicismi. ..vJk.lMfii.ciil Wo J-4I, for Hie iuKliaur l,t?l "I c Jl, tp u it. r U r, wr m. fl!!iUlieyllloirrirnolliialiowtlialllieliM mmirIiI nrc inure vuIiiaI.U- fvrdir.llmlicr or ntunr llicirtiii tUnii fur iiviUiilluinl imriHBifii, ami lo itlnliluli llirlr claim to lil ImiJ licfnrc llic k.KlIT inxl Kcvclvrr. ul Tlie ll.illr, Orrk'oii, nil Novfliibrr l. IV"4 Tlity nntiic o wHnre II. A. I'mler, f I'llnolllr. orriion, JwlniT. Joiir. ltilini I. I'ar llVli, J I W liilUli alt WIHlam O. eiirUtcnwii. Hllcirjillcroii,Oicisiii Any mid all inwn claliiiliia rrly any or IliriUr UuJa m IciurMu I (u Mr Ihrlr rt.(iii. liilliUnnirviiiiiirlwriirc llir' M will "ayi'l Vnriiilri IV"' , .M MICIIAKl. T sui.rt.i, iiiiti- - Bend Livery & Transfer Co. J. PRANK SIROUD, AlminKer LIVERY, and FEED STABLE Ilousiot HoAuniti) iiv tuk Day, Wkkk ou Month First-Class Livery Rigs for Rent. TIiohc No. 15 lluitiUttrrt.lirlMrmi Mliiuriuln ami OrrKu'' Item), Oregon. Ofliee rooms for rent In the Pilot Uuttc Development Co.'s ofliee bulldlug. Apily nt the company s office. w A. II. l.l''"" Ooo. M. Meyer A. H. Lippman &. Co., Furniture Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Cooking Utensils, Doors nlul Windows, Paints and Oils, Carpets and Mutting. We carry u fine line of Rockers and Conches. We can furnish your housd complete GIVK US A CAUy TERMS CASH TO GET INTO COURT Matter of Collection Smith & Cleek Fee. of COUNTY I.ICIiNSIi IN Till: CITY Weymouth Wetted Mnnilial -- Mogc lloiiftc to he liullt for the Fire Department. At the regular meeting of the common council Tiicwlay evening Mayor Ooodwillic wns instructed to eilHsiK conn.sel and proceed to collect of Smith & Clcek the license fee fur running a hhIooii in the city. This firm lat NovmLer took a county liteiiwr for one ywir, ting oo thetefor. In January Rend set up a municipal government and fixed the saloon license fee at f.6oo I per year. All the other .saloons 1 met the city's demands, hut Smith & Cleek .stand on their county li cense and wi the city cannot dis turb them during its life. This is the isMte that is to be settled by the courts. C. M. Weymouth was formally elected citv marshal to fill the tin- : expired term of K. R. I.cster, re moved from office. Mr Weymouth , was paid $155 93 for salary as n Sicemau fromjune loto September 1 I Rills agregating $52.28 for pre- j paring the new cemetery were pre sentiMl. .V aool which were refer wl to the finance committee. The remainder wan ordered paid. Ralph Sheldon and a committee from the fir department was pres ent and asked the official recogni tion of the council and help in defraying the ex petite of nrganiza lion. The council voted $12 50 to each of the two companies and agreed to pay the cost of printing bylaws of the department. The fire committee was instructed to recommend a site and plan for tba touotrtut on of a hot hotue that shall shelter both carts. This re port is to Iw presented at another meeting of the council to be held ut the recorder's ollice next Tues day evening. Reduction in Lewis and CItirk llxpost tlou Rnto. On and after September, t.st, 1006. until October 15th, 1905, 30 day excursion rata to Portland and return will be: Wasco .$4.00 Moro 4.80 drash Valley 5.30 Shauiko 6.65 , C. R. I.YTI.U, General Passenger Agent. ACTIVITY AT TU.UALO. flood Crops on New l.nnd--'o Merit Route to (tiid. Tt'MAM), Or., J5ep. 5. V. J. Hig) Iwer retarnetl tmm Ahmuko rentenl liriiiglng twin- (hh! fur the liighu Jk Mtiiith ttfire nt till plnre. John II. inl A1U111 WiiMcr Iwvc x ' U (Uikeown, aflrr a Ihiik-H vims ' calca tlwt ihv U'lineni iMKight at th ti place. . Ira I'.. Winitr ia at Tumnlo IwhKii hunlxr fnmi t)i MivhtoHur ft hmit mill up to tlie licud oith Vlmr-Jfner Avery ditch. Thy arc M"i"K t' init Jr. quite a lot of Hunting at the ImmhI oV tha ditch thla fall. .Mr. .Sjmiigh and family are expected home from Dmiglaa county kkwi. Mr. Ocrl ina, m-ar Tunialo, liaa jw' complctnl (iitthig and pulling up attou Sr tona of IIim- urain ha the firat rrot IU'liiier White will mmhi hare then in-w ateel hay Imlcr here ami at work. They cut to Atlanta, Oa., for it. The have quite a lot of hay to hale for thetri I ftelte ami for other. I J. K. Oanlinivr waautTumatolaat -A-et-k making arrannfitii'iita nith Wlnt-rr & While to lail- h large kit of hay for hiw ! on ln rai.cll eat of L'lllie I'alla. W. II. MihM, the aoiR'Hiitrinhlnt c I the CiilamlMa Southern ilitch, was at iHtimlo )ftutiay. He report every thing runiiliiK akiiig nicely 111 the valley ent of thia dare. Thouiaa Arnold, of Siatvrt, wat ai Tunialo In t eek. He rcixiru grain! crop in the S-piaw creek country. II, raix-d fine corn thia Miiunivr. A. J. Winter, deimty road auperviwrof thin road iliitrict,lia Mint in a pctitioi aakingtlie n m it ty court to nwke u nn ap tirouriatiou auffif lent to cliaritc the Krailc and materially im-irove tlte hilla hetween Tunialo and Iknd. ThU ia a good ntoe. for the nal need a much work in order to accommodate the increased trave. over it. The Columbia Southern Irrigation Co. hat, IhiiIi a ikhmI hrklae acrrtaa the lari.f canal on the roatl hetween tliU place and ivenn, which hmkw 11 more cofneiileir for travel. Hiiihtovrer ft Stnitn are tawing much IuimIkt and are crowilcil with onler. The ieople art expecting a ihreahitiif machine in tlieae twrt oon. There wil, be quite a lot of grain to lhrnh this fait Rend Weather for August. Hollowing is the temperature rec ord for Iwud for the month of August, as recorded by Karl K Knight, voluntary observer: Date Max I Mlti I Dale I Max I Min 1... ....-.-J" r r I yi I 4) 'a J i i - - 'J. 1 14 ....... yt 41 Wl. .. .... 4 l fc.. I if Jl m. .... 91 44 fAL I ii Jl 11 ..-.. -at 4 3 ... t - 7 4 - K M T " . 1 JJ 4a 14. Jl. -tf 7J J , I Mean.... ' Wii'i; $ SUMMONS in Tim ciKct'tTcocaTor'THKar.vn'.ot' DKKOOK VUK CHOOK COt'.VTY. Th HwiI MrrcaHlUrCamiMiM)',' r1ali.ll V. Hamiwl M. Jaaarv. Mrairt llm Jkiint), awl ICII14 V. Han son aarvpariiMr dulag Imal ntM un4rr ' Haitw of K. M laHitry. ami Mmuvl M )au uc , Maigaret Km lauucy aaJ I'.lltJt I Rwau. t4Vl44MU. J In MdHiuct M Jaanrr. Margaret Km JaaHry t1 l.liu. I-' Hawaii!!, co-part urn. twnit Iw.mrM umlrt uamt; of s M laaitr) . ani taiiiul M lnHur). MaraarH Hm JaHary, aiul hlUa I' KaHaua. IXfrudaUta aK ve laainiil IN IHk N (MK O I Ilk hTATK uruHkulk Yuh are hrby iMUiirl tu apfwar audauaMrrthr cwin4aiMI fclril ayamat uu i i tbvaiMvrrNtittalCuuilaiMlcauiranurhriuri llir oat U ofiiciubrl, ii. uwl if yoil tail m to aiwar aiHlauaHYt tlir ulaliitin will takr JuJi. incut alut ou fur ihr um ofji.nr n uv.n oimraU f III. dl'rvl Miucut ut luuiict lu-vil Htr uo'lal warra awl uuichautllae aoKI tvi ite fcnUant by pUluliirtu Ihr auKHiiil of ' w. m aceuMHt tHtrdtaaml from Tlw Cruiral uirgou Hauklug X Truat Cuii wli I'll uvinlrafl ufcavh lu llir amount ut n uu aewuiit iwrvliawu fiotu W. II. Wlltau lur talwr rrfni mtil fur Ur frmUnla anil wnry atliu--l at tlr rruiirat In aaiiHtut Ki 14. mi aivoiml muhM-.l In. in J. A N)lfor li fiiriulirl .UIviiUiik at Uicii lrHvt, 111 amount 6h, iu nvvouut purv lii. l fluw Tin Itlot llutlc OrvtUiiiiiuul Cauiiuiuy I r H00.U, traraa ami Nitrcbamliac furuUlirtl ilcfru Oaiita ut tlirlr rnjurai. amouiitlnu tu $t,y 14. Tina miuiuioii l tmlilUhrtt liy ortlrr r llir lluuuralilr W A llrll. Ju1k f the Cualiu Cumil) ftM" Ciool. iiHinly, iirrttuii, made am! iiitimlitii llir T'li ilay of Septcmlier, io 111 ami by lilcli urtrr it I iireiKtUivU Dial Una aiiiimiuna be illialin fur aix inciilhr utrUa in 1 li iwn.l lliillrlhi. A urrklv nrMaiutlrr lllil ll.hnl III CtiKiW nmiity. Drruoii. The ilatc if I lit' lira! ihiUUCiUuii in till aiiiiiniuiu I riiriil lr. iv-!j M ," K'llutt aaajo Allurnty for I'lulutiff Maximum 98 degreus. .Minimum aQdegrsug. Prectpatiou.oo inches. Xo olaKrtion. We have for service at our home stead, three miles south of Rend, a Hereford bull, tf Fkancis vt Oarratt. XEbe JBenb Bulletin N0T1CK FOU lHJlllilCATION. Hrpartiurnt of ttir Interior. I. H. I.nml Ollice, The I.1U, OrcKOh. AiiKil II, lV Nollcv ia liercby iilvcu that Die fullimlui: liaiuril acliU'r linaliltil notice ofliia lutriitluii tu iiinLc rlnivl proof In anpport of 1)1 claim, ami Unit Willi proof will be maile before .llu- Couiily ClcrV.. at the court boune In rrinvville, Orrtou, nn iK-tober It, i'J. l Jnaper Jubiiauii. offiUtcra. Oickiiii, II. Ii Mo, ii.i l"r illc il aicto, li 14 a, r 11 e, m, lie nniiica Ibe folloitliiK w llnUac a tirme liU coiillniioiia rcaliHnve iikiii mill cutllvatluii of aid luml, vl: C. It rearaon. tlccrge tl. Taylot aliit Juhri ,ll. Taylor, alt of Malcra, Oteton, anil Aleiamlcr Tliouipaou, of Pflnewllc, Oreiou, .5-uj AtlCHAUt, T. NOI.AN, KeKltf. BOTH PAPERS One Year TWO DOLLARS (iIRL BADLY BURNED .Saved Baby Which was in Her Charge. rKOUBLEWITHALCOHOLLAAtP lames Covered the Two and Prompt Drenching Prevented a Fatal liurnlng. Grace Kever, who works a; uurs girl for Mrs. Rowlee, lit an .licohol lamp yesterday afternoon while holding the baby on the other arm. The lamp flamed up jud ignited the uncorked bottle of alcohol which the girl held in her iMtid. The bottle burst and the dames spread over the baby. Tin rlat once drenched the child, while her own clothing caught fire Then she ran out of the room and put the child in Mrs. Rowlee's arms, and herself started for the river. A tub of water stood on the norch and the girl pulled that over er.e!f, quenching the flames and living her own life The girl suffered severe burns ..bout her left arm, shoulder, back 4itd side, there were some blisters n her neck and her hair is singed. The burns are not deep but are painful and quite serious. .Her own quick action and the prompt response of Dr. Coe reduced the re sults 0 the ai.cident to the mini mum. Grace Kever Is but 15 years dd Her protection of the child in er charge set herself afire but she gave no heed to herself until the safety of the child was assured. The baby was uninjured, though its clothing was considerably scorched. IT Girls Oo aRouzhing It. Miss Reid und Miss Jones, the Bend schoolma'aras, returned Mon day from a ten days jaunt across the Cascade range. They were .ittired in cowboy costume, wore six-shooters and belts of cartridges, had their rolls of blankets strapped ou behind their saddles and looked as businesslike as veteran cavalry men. Thr- journeyed 100 miles to 1 point six miles bevond Cawailin and within 20 miles of Lebanon and back, sleeping and eating where they could and viewing the sights of the countrv. Thm- cam one fierce black bear but it had been slain by hunters 10 minutes berore. They will write a book recitiug the thrilline ntlventur, nf this 200-mile journey in the mottu- luitiB fastnesses ot uregon. IPortlnnt 5cmisMceftlv Journal The hvdraulic mm nf tii ...- WOrkS Was nilt Ollt nf onmm.'cutm. last week through the interference of outsiders. IJngineer Hesse Came up irom I'ortianct to inspect the plant and locate the difficulty and he found the injury to be quite ex tensive. It will take six weeks to repair it. Iti the mentitim tt.u steam pump has been connected up and is now sunnlvinc ttir- vuc, . --If".!-", -... .,.4..,l satisfactorily. It pumps esilv 1 00,000 gallons n day. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1 T.'S'JTH iaaai laaaaff M I I H t I aaaw bSN BHiH&aaHHaHaaaaaflB3 A3mQWt Thaoc Manna DCBIdNB PnavnioiiTB Ac. Artrnnaarniltiit aakctrh and rtearrlptlnn niar quirklf lurcrlaiu our opinion fr wlitthar au iitrciiiiini ia pruiiaDiy raianuiiiiv. iMiiniuiiira Unlit airlfllrftintlilaiiUal. KaNOBOQK uut'aleuu ai"il Iron. Illiltut aiienrr fur arrurlua iwirina. I'lti'ina laiim tiiroiiuli allinii & Co. rerelre il'flill natter, ullliinit tliaruc, hi tba Sckniific Hmericati. A bamJiomcly IlluitraleJ wrtklr. iJtraait elr- rulailon of any ulantlfio tnurntl, Tamil. i a trari rmirnioiithi.ll. Aaiabyall (lawidaalera. UriuA Omctj. " Bt, Wa.blDjttin, I). X Pl-TITION FOR LIQUOR UCUNSU. IN THK COIKTV COfKT OK THU .STATK HI OKKCO.V KOK CKOOK COU.NTV. In the matter oof the application of I . C. Kowlee for a retail liquor Heewm. in Montgomery precinct, County m" Lrook. Siati.nfnn.inii To tlie Honorable County Ctmrt. newie uiiiierkiKite!, legal vatcr .f MoutKomery precinct N'o. j. Cmai i-oimiy. ureyoii, to Kram llreiir ti I. C. Row lee to tll kHrituotk limit or vinous liquor or fermented chlur in Ict quauttty than one kHou. in the precinct of MiintKnmery No. 4, county of Cnxik. state of OrcKoti, for the term of i nioutlb. from the first lay of Outotmr, V".V C. A. ltcckwitlt W. K. Iwmiii I). Crcimh.tleh II. I.ancv Stone (frcciilinlli J. A. Yoabun; Prank Heiinloy John Grant John Johnson I.. II. Ilatnuur AIhjI Wolf Notice 11. hereby kIvoii that theabmc IK'tition will lie ptvseutud to the Honor able County Court "f the utiite of Qrceou for Crook county, on the 4th ilny of October, 1905. or as mxih thereafter n the Mid Court can hear the wine, and f will then and there ask that bueh petition lie Kninted mid 11 licen.e U Uned to the iiu -. v. ifinvice 10 sen xnirittwii-, mult and vinous, liqtuin. mid fermented cider in lew quuiititich than one eallon nt the Precinct of Montgomery, In Crtwk county, On-Kou, for a term of U mouths. Dated this n,t day of September. 19m P. C. How Ice C. M. Kedfield W. A. IWIcher V I.. Kicker I. C. Whitted I.nu A. Keetl M. J. Rolierts Thim. C. Kolierts V '.. Thompson C K. .McLalfin K. I). Immele Will Howell