NEWS OF THE WEEK I In 'i Condensed Form for Our HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENT A Rosumo of llio Loss Important but Nut Lot Interesting Evontt of tho Past Wak. A heavy voto Ih txwottHt on tliu re ferendum in Norway. Rooaovolt lolls China boycott Ih In vlolntlim of (lio Chinese treaty. Mnny (Iroinon worn terribly burned in n Nuw York soap factory II ru. President Rooaovolt make vigorous wpoech on Monroo doctrine and trusts. Jiiiaiii'ho diilrgnto Kiiyn Jnpflti will not ylold n xilnt from term offurod. Forest II red niir Multau, Idaho, nearly smothered u number of milium in n tunnol. Wltto iKialllvoly rejects two of Jap Mlll'HO conditions. RllKSlAII "iilnloii In united Against terms offered li Japan. Governor Folk, of Missouri, wants to attend tho I.wIh and Cliuk fnlr, Imt fears to lenvo hi state for four gamb ling will Imi revived. A woman wan entombed for two hours In n rruvasso In n Montana gla ier for two hours. Him wan (trinity rescued without serious Injury. Russia tlilukf tlin peace terms lx youd reason. Russia I nltout to remove tint duty on AmerlcAii machinery aihI tool. AIkiiU fifiO deaths from amallox Iiavo occurred In Valparaiso, Chile, during thn last week. President Roosevelt Addressed thn coal wIiiius nt Wilkcsbarre, ml wan !nthula-tlcally received. Nearly .1,000,000 Immigrants Iiavo arrived In thn Untied Hint? from l'uroKi In thn past three yetrs. Frciii'li ml llrlth sailors parade thn fitrrels of l'ortmiioilth, IvtiglAiid, linn-ill-Arm, wlillo admiral dine together. Japan's term of jnuat Incluiln relm liuisciiiuel for tho ontlro cost of tho war, and ceding of thu iland of Hak IiaIIii Jaiiicm II liwl says hn was offered lirllm of 1100,000 if hn would not proscculo Chicago mIooiii for keeping open After hour. Farmer In thn vicinity of Kovillo, Hpaln, Arn forced to rt roots of wild plant to Avoid starvation, And lirrAil riot Aro frequent. Dakota wheat w damaged f 1,000, O00 by a IiaII itorm. A genuine yellow fovor caio Iiam do volopml at CaIIao, l'orti. An extensive bomb fActory has been dlicovercd At Gomel, KiimiIa. Tho Waihlngton Hiiprcmeeourt hold that picketing to enforce hoycotta ia Illegal. Thn message of M. Wltto to hi liomn government Are saIiI to Imi very gloomy. A wind storm doVAitated crop in Wisconsin And destroyed a wakoh bridge 0110 feet long. Bovcral village In Portugese African settlement Iiavu been attacked and vlptsl out by riAtlva trllw. Witt'i'AKi In plnn IaiiiI fraud ctmn in CalflornlA tintlflixl that thoy wero mploytl to commit purjury. An Attempt Iian Ikmiii diacovored to supply vaat uuatitltliwi of nrma und aim tuunltiou to rubola in Hamnr. Imlnlnim atntn board of lumltb thrt'AtotiB to caII for militia to rmtoro nml innlntnln order In thu qimriintlni'd dlatlcU. Thu JapamtM) And Ituaalnn pomo en vnya Iiavo unit lit I'lirtHinoiitli nod Imi roinu iunmlnUHl, ivml poucu ncotin' tloiiN liuvo iictimlly bct,'un. A typlumn oft tho Jnpuui'Ao conat dn atroyed over 100 auutll boitta of n peiirl Iiik llft't, itud It la thought ovor -100 peiirl ilnhurmon Imvu porlahiil. A ntrloiiil of furnlturcu on routo to Hun 1'rniii'lHiH) wiih ant on II ro by u vol irol miiu who wiCa bontiiiK IiIh wuy in thu enr, anil destroyed, thu man porlah inir. In thu Iliu. Mayor I -non hna aummnrlly dlamlaol tho untlru Inuird of houlth of 1'ortlaud. Flro nt Iiwlaton, Idaho, cauaod a tlauiAKU of 170,000 iiuioiik bualuoaa ilrma. Two lineal doacendanta of HacnjAwea linvo boon found In a WyomltiK Indian uuliool, Tho vlaltliiK French Hoot of 18 ahlpa riK'olvvd n hoarty wolooinu In KiikIibIi WAtora, Now Vork Jowlah bakora nro on a utrlko for u roductlou.of houra to ton r jtor day. - HiuihhIuii Komatvolata bollovu tho war Iiiih aorvod ita purpoao, ud now uxpect roforma, Two now coutora of Infection Imvo boon dlacovorod in tliu yellow fever dla trlut oittahlu Now Orlonaa. OltltiiH of Now OrlvaiiR Imvu nub scribed 250,000 to bo need in tnippres. 1"K tho yollow fovor upldomio. Four poraons woro d row nod in tho Wlllnuiottu rlvor nt rortland laat 8uu y ah tho roault of throo nceldonta. QflEAT CHOPS EVERYWHEUE, Condition of Oraln Now Makoi Im momo Hnrvoili Almoit Sura. OlilciiK'i, Aii(, H,- Atiiorlenri farma will produco binder mid bottur urojia nml return runny more iiiIIIIoun In rev onuu to tho farmliiK ItiluroHla tlila year than ever bedim In tho lilatory of thu country. All klndn of oropa wheat, lorn, outn, liny nml nuiallur w and produco ataplim huvo proxroaMud to tho atiiKo whom thin prediction may bo iiiiulo with acarculy thu allht(int oliauco that thu' final olllclal flKuroa will din provo Ita corri'ctucax, Itallroad olllulala nml aliitlMtlclaiia of Aitrlcullural ilfmrtmentH In tho varloua itntra of thu uoveriiinent grain pro duuliiK roxloua kIvu thiilr perrounl and oMolnl Kuarautfo IIiaI tho yoAr 1V05 la to ho tho banner year In farm pronpor Ity. If there la n dlnaontlriK voleo nny where, It ia drowned out by th clamor of optlmlnm that comoa from IIIIiioIh, Iown, Knimftn, NebrnMka, tho fur Houlhwrat, thu I'acUIo coaat and tho woudorful ajiriiiK wheat country of tliu Northwcat. I'oailbly ono whoat crop tliAt of 11)01 will uiccrd tliAt of limn. In 1001 tho crop iiKKri'KatM 7-H,000,000 buahola. It umy hu that ono pruvloua corn crop, thnt of 11)0'.', when 2,ti24, 000,000 btiNhula woro prmluced, will not iiilto ho iMpialod by thu yield of thin year. AvcordiuK to flKtiret omauatlriR from atatu rapltala Haturday ikftuinoon, 1170, 000,000 buahola moro of corn will bo ralmxl thl yi-Ar tlmn laat In tho atAtea of Illinola, ImllatiA, Iowa, Kntiimn, Nehraaka, UIcIiIkum, Miuneauta, Mln nourl, North Dakota, Buuth Dakotn, Ohio and Wlaconalu. WORKMEN 8TAnVINQ. Btrlko At Poutllofr Works neiulllng in Hunger and Dlicato. Ht. ToteraburK, Auk. 8. Aa a rctult of thn fitrlkw nt tho I'outllofT worki, thorn 1 terrible dctitttutlon aiiioiik the workmen, nml huiidnil of cmmi of ncttiAl atnrvatlou Iiavo been rojlortcd. Tliu people arn aufforluK with ncurvy, nml (lane ml Trepoft baa lMwn Applied to for relief. A diapAtch from lUga tntea Hint Krave development are npectcd In thu NaphetA dlatrict, whrro thu atriku ia aprendinit rapidly. ItlotltiK la reitoMcd, nml in revornl cnaea trtopa havu bien called UMin to iiuoll thu dlaturbancea. , Kuuduy mornliiK a man whoao Iden tity haa not been lrarm-l, throw a dy iiamlte bomb Into thn cilice of tho din tlcl treaaurer of IIIka, severely wound hiK thu trraiurur, two Jnultora and a repDrter. Gomez Defiant. IlAVAiin, Auir. H. Joco Mliruol Oo- mrt, Kuvernor of HaiiIa Clara province And MlmrAl cnndldato for too prral lUncy of Cuba, haa nlven out an inter view full of dellnnco to tho I'aIiiia gov ernment. With reference to the Vu eltaa ca aihI the Cuban jfDVcrninrnt'a Aimumptlon of the right to iniKct mtl nlclpniltlea without refencn to the pro vincial AUthoritlea, Governor (lomea aaya: "I will not aIIow Anyone excepting tho provincial Authorities to Inapecl tlo munlclpAllliea of thia province. Hhould a municipality lw Kovcrued by moderate, I would rufuao to coiment to thla proceduru Just tho hauio And would deliver juaticu to them if per mlttcd. "If thn Htipremo court decides nlnt thn coiiteiitioua wo aro now maintain lug, we would not olny ita tuandatea, becauao of ita partiality In favor of ox ccutivo authority. Tho court would Imi certain to bo Against ua In order to In or ease Ita fnvor with the government." Cable Over Qrand Canyon. Bait I.ako. Utah, Aug. 8. Ovor a cable 8,000 foot In tho air paancngora aro to bo cautaJ across tho Grand Canyon of tho Coloiado. Tho Grand Canyon Tranortatlon company, pro moled by Utah men, haa been iucor poratwd with a capital of $10,000 to bridge the chasm In thla unique man nor. Tourlata will bo taken from tho fain oua llright Angel Trail on tho Hanta Fe aide of tho river, acrosa tho Duck akin Plateau, Tho length of tho cable will Imi 600 foot. Tho wlro rope will be nnuhnrcd to tho opposite walla of tho gorge, and a car will bo run back and forth. riiuila to Grant Term. Iloatfin, Aug 8. A Bpeoial to tho Globe from Gloucester aaya that Hussla will grant thu Japaneao doinanda, pay an indemnity and cede Saghalin. Thu contest in tho nogutliitloiiH will btt ovor Maiiuhnrla, hut HuhhIi. will moro than recover ita lossea in tho next war with Japan. Thu apeclal declnroa that tho Indemnity will only bo lout, and will aoino day bo collected witli intoroat from "tho proaumptuoua llttlo brown mou." Thla position la in accordance with ltuealnu policy, but ia not consid ered seriously by tho Japanese. Naval Brigade Return. Now Orh-Ain, Aug. 8, -Two veaaola of tho naval brigade, tho Mario nmUho Wolverine, returned to tho city to night from tho lllgolota, whoro thoy had gone under ordora from tho gover nor to protect tho fishermen In Ixiuiai ana watera from tliu depredations of thu Mississippi putrid bouts, Thu inci dent la closed, except for the case of the Tlpsoy, and that of two olllcora under nrroat in Ht. Ilornard I'arlsh, who woro captured In Lnko llorguo. Boycott on Special Lines. Yokohama, Aug. 8. Tho meeting of CliluoHo, which it was announced would bo hold today, reaolvod to bojeott Amorlcan Imiikora, Hhlppora and inaur unco ugonta, but deferred action with regard to othor Unci of uubIuowj. TANANA IS FLOODED Hundreds Made Homeless Near Fairbanks, Alaska, DRIVEN FROM CABINS AT NIGHT Dnnf-or of an Epidemic from Molding Cellars and Crowded Place of Temporary Refuge. Hnattlo, Waah., Aug. I. A special lettor to tho Heattlu Times from Fair banks, Alaska, under date of July 0, snya that a flood raging In Cheim for luvoral day had rendered homoler 700 to 1 ,000 people. The Howl waa caused by a wind and rain atorm that hitil recently swept tho Tanana valley. Koyea' raw mill had leen swept away aud carried down the stream, being lodged In front of Noyua' mill. A largo log boom broke from ita moor inga at tho Tanana Development com pany's mill aud was carried down stream, entailing a Ions of peroral thousand dollars. Collars wore flooded and In a fow Instances stock drowned. People were compelled to move out of their homes In tho early hours aftor midnight. Homes wero temporarily provided for the ople and thoy woro not allowed to go back to their wet cabins for several days after the flood bad subsided. At the time the letter was written grave fears were entertained for tho safety of tho people, an epidemic being threatened. Tho banks of the river wero badly broken, but pllvdrlvers were at work putting in bulkhead long before the waters bad subtitled. TROUBLE AHEAD. Kalor to Warn King Edward to Calm British Feeling Against Qormany. Ilerlln, Aug. 8. If tho kalwr meets King Kdwnrd next week at Frankfort, hu will, according to authority there, tell his undo that, while Germany does not want war with Kngland neverthe less tho present atmosphere of mutual hatred, Jealousy and suspicion must bo destroyed or Hiiro will remain in danger of an explosion. King Kdward will lm given to understand that Ger many buhls England responsible for tho creation of this situation. The correspondent is informed that tho consequence to which tho present situation may lead aro now causing Gcrmany'a rca-onalb!o state. men the deepest anxiety. Tlieso possible conse quences filled a large place In the kaisers' recent interviews with King Oscar, of Sweden, with King Chris tian, of Denmark, and with the cxar. There Iiavo been official attempts to render lei apparent and to ohscuro tho seriousness of tho situation, but Vil Ham and his advisers aro profoundly concerned over England's constantly Increasing hatred of Germany. It is thought that this hatred is now more virulent than over before. FEVER SPREADS. Two New Centsrt on Plantations Out side New Orleans. New Orleans, Aug. 8. Two Isrgo foci of infection woro discovered today out side of the city by olllcers of the Ma- rlno Hospital service. Dr. Cor put went to the Diamond plantation in St. Charles parish to look into some sus picious cases and found six itoaitive yellow fever cases of secondary infec tion, threo of which wero dead. Thoy sre on a sugar plantation nnd threo of them aro Italians. Ono is a negro. The other point of infection ia thu town of Patterson, In St Mary's parish, whoro Dr. Chi It eras found 10 cases of secondary infection. Most of tlieso aro also Italians. Tho local health boards Iiavo taken charge in both instancea and aro following out tho directions of tho Marino Hospital service. PEACE ENVOYS MEET, Brought Togothor on Naval Yacht and Introduced by Prcsldont. Oyster Hay, Aug. 0. -At 1 :H0 o'clock yesterday afternoon tho formal recep tion of tho representatives of tho bel ligerent powers by President Itoosovolt on behalf of tho United States govern merit took placo on tho cruiser May flower. It was a notable demonstration In honor of the distinguished gucsth, envoys of their countries to tho pcaco conference. Tho Mayflower, the finest vessel of her class In the navy, was tastefully decorated for tho occasion. Tho beau tiful interior finishings wero ornament ed with cut flowurs arid smllax, Inter twined witli tho national colors of Rus sia and Japan. Tho colors of tho two nations also fluttered from tho vessel's masts. Tho Jspaneso and Itussisn plenipo tentiaries left Now York In tho morn ing on two cruisers for Oyster Hay, where they met tho president. Tho Japanese made tho trip on the cruiser Taooma and the Russian envoys were convoyixi to their destination aboard the Chattanooga. Constantino Nakskoff, of tho Russian foreign olllee, when asked whether Russia would agree to a cession of ter ritory or payment of Indemnity, two K)iutn on which it is believed that Japan will insist, replied: "I don't think so." Sato, tho Japaneso spokesman, asked how prospects looked, said: "Not vory bright, but wo aro hopo M." Karly In tho morning tho president's naval yacht Sylph and invited guests arrived, and at 1 o'clock President Roosevelt boarded tho Mayflower. He was greeted with tho presidential salute of 21 guns as ho went on board. Karon Komura and Minister Takablra and their suites left tho Chattanooga In a launch and proceeded to the May flower. Aa they boarded tho vessel a aalute of 21 guns was given. The en voys woro received on deck by Com mander Wlnslow and escorted to the main cabin, where they wero presented to the president by Assistant Secretary Pierce. Tho samo coromony waa then enacted for tho Russian plenipoten tiaries, Bcrgiua Witto and Ambassador Rosen. The envoya of the two powera wero then presented formally to one another by President Roosevelt, after which all partook of a luncheon. Tho Japaneso envoya wero thtn con veyed to tho dispatch boat Dolphin, on which they sailed for Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Witto and his party remained on tho Mayflowor, which weighed anchor at tho samo timo as tho Dolphin and started on ita cruise, con voyed by tho crusler Galveston. PUZZLE PICTURE. AUCTIONS OFF LOVERS' GIFTS. Haytlan Steamer Suspected. Philadelphia, Aug. 8. Tho llritisli bteamahip ltarntton, which arrived nt thu Dolawaro breakwater on Saturday from Porto do Palox, Hayti, with 15 of tho crow ill with fever, docked nt thla port today. Tho llarnoton waa held by tho government quarantine, oillclala pending an investigation na to tho character of tho (over, but after careful observation tho steamer will bo permitted to come to port, the physi cians finding tho seamen suffering from malaria. French Fleet Welcomed. Cowes, lalo of Wight, Aug. 8. The French Hoot, consisting of 18 battle ships, truisura nnd torpedo boat do atroyora under coinnud of Vlco Admiral Caillnrd, reached thu Solent today to spoud u week. Thu olllcers nnd sailors nru guesta of King Kdward nnd tho Urltlah navy. Heavy downpours of rain throughout tho morning drenched thu decorations nnd shrouded in n heavy mlat tho yachts nnd llritish war ahlpn collected to welcome tho visitors. Yellow Fever In Mexico. HHv nt Mnrloiv A iic. H.Tlui minor. lor board of health reports flvo cases of yollow fovor In tho republic, four nt Vera Gnu ani ono nt Ooatzachoalcos. Remembrances from Alice Roosevelt's Admirers Sold at Church Fair. Washlntgon, Aug 7. There are things doing in tho St. Hilda society connected with Christ church in Oyster Hay. This httlo guild Is Mrs. Itooso veil's pet charity, and this (act being spread broadcait, treasures and trophies for its fairs are not lacking. Indeed some remarkable objects And their way to tho baura, and there ia a faint suggestion that tho first lady of the land, with the practical senso for which she is noted, utilizes many of the use less gifts which como her way to raise money for her church. "Princess" Alice also receives cart loads of dainty perfumes, photographs and such trifles from her lovelorn ad mirers, who would doubtless bo over come if thoy could see some of their votive ofToricgn displayed oil tho bazar tables. Restrains Pool Selling. Portland, Aug. 7. Presiding Circuit Judge Frazer has granted a preliminary order restraining tiie Multnomah Fair association from selling pools on races at tho Irvington track in this city. Immediately tho olliclals of the track announced that for one week there would bo no races. Within that time tho permanent injunction proceedings will be disposed of and the Multnomah Fair association will know ita legal status toward pool soiling. Judge Fra zer declared that it ovidenco had been introduced convincing him that tho suit waa merely n quarrel between iramb lors, as was intimated, ho would have thrown it out of court. Moody Inquires Into Strike. Washington, Aug 7. Attorney Gen eral Moody has addressed a letter to tho United States district nttornoya along the lines of tho Great Northern and Northern Pacific roadB requesting information regarding tho telegraphers' striko nnd Its poe.iblo effect upon tho transmission of government messages. Moody says ho has been informed that for several daya message have been Interrupted, Ho Bays it is tho govern ment's duty to keep such channels open to protect Its own communication and ho is much concerned. Confessed to 330 Robberies. Chicago, Aug. 7. -Kdward llurthar ott, aged 18 years, who waa arrested with a gang of threo men and two women, charged with having commit ted wholesale robberies in thia city, haa confessed to Chief Desmond that tho gang robbod 830 housea. Ho re fused to toll whoro thoy wore, but declared that ho would turn state's ovi denco nnd turn up moat of tho booty if guaranteed that hu would not bo prosecuted. Oregon Mutton for Chicago. Pendleton, Aug. 7. Ten carloads of mutton sheep have just boon shipped from Meacham by a North Yakima buyer to tho Chicago market, A gov- ornmont Inspector passed upon tho shipment. rind the "Richest Man In tho World." St fouls Olobe-Dsmocrat )&mA4&&M& A Little Lesson In Patriotism &?$$& ---w''. f ZEBt'LO.t PIKE. Altar the purchase of Louisiana much (peculation was rife throughout ttis country as to the actual extent and character of the nowly acquired territory. Tht Tagueness that en shrouded tho west made tbo value of the purchase un certain. An expe dition Into the un known country wai planned In or der to ascertain the points concerning which there was doubt Lieutenant Zbulon Montgom ery Pike was ap pointed to conduct this expedition to trace th Mlsslislppl to It sou re. Leaving St Louis on Aug. 0, 1808, ht returnsd after nearly nine months of constant hardship and exposure, of continual danger, having satisfactorily completed his work. In 1800-7 ho was engaged In a geo graphical exploration to tht western part of the Louisiana territory, In the course of which he discovered that mountain In tht Rockies that is namod after him, "Pike's Teak." His work carried him to the Rio Grands Elver, and having been found In Spanish -territory, he waa captured and Impris oned. In the war of 1812 Pike was select ed to command an expedition against York (now Toronto). Ills own cour age and the admirable plans that he had formed led to tho capture of the first redoubt The advancing column was baited until preparation could b made for an attack upon tht next redoubt The magazine of the fort exploded, killing General Flkt and tome of the soldiers, and closing his career In a moment of victory. THE LATE J. F. X. O'BRIEN. f lllil Perhaps no name was more feared In csrtaln districts of tho United States during the time of the Civil War than that of John Sin gleton Moiby. Guerrilla and raid er, ho spread de struction where ha rode, ills band of men accomplished ns much good for tho "cause they fought for nnd as much ovll to the cause they fought against as an army of a hundred times Its size could have done. (OtN. uosnv. Mosby had been a student In tho University of Vlrgtuta, where he shot nnd seriously wouuded n fellow-student who had Insulted him. For this bo was Imprisoned aud lined. The Legislature remitted his fine and tho Governor released him. Mosby's grat itude to tho Statu of Virginia for this was almost fantnstlc. It was cbarac lstlo of htm that he never forgot a favor. Mosby nldod General Joseph Johns ton upou the Manassas operations In tho Shenandoah. At the expiration of the twelve months' enlistment Mosby was ono of tho two men, the only men In the army, who were willing to ro eullst without a furlough. At tho closo of tho war Grant ex tended n pnrdon to Mosby's men. When Grant ran for the presidency his most ardent partisan was Mosby. Ho Incurred tho dislike, of tho South bocnuso of his attempts to nld Grant In his nioasures toward tho South. Rut Mosby would accept no favors from tho Northorn government. Ho fought for what ho had thought right, and not for toward. iHvE Mf&rJ J. r. x. o'nRir-t. Aa IrUh M. P., Who Waa One Ba tnc4 to IJ tlaasc- Tht death of Mr. J. F. X. O'Brien. member of the British Uoust of Com mons for County Cork, Ireland, recalls the drcumstanco that ht was onco sentenced by tho British courts to be banged, drawn and quartered. James Stephen bad started that v a s t conspiracy known as Fenian lim, one of the moat formidable movements against tht British connection which bad been put on foot since tht great rebellion In the end of th previous century. An insurrection broke out In several counties In the south of Ixoland on tht night of March S, 1607. Mr. O'Brien at thla period was engaged In business In Cork. IIo was already ap proaching his fortieth year, and seemed the last man In tht world to bt called upon to bead a body oC armed men. But wbtn the forces that were callod out to meet at th tryst lng place there was no leader of thost who had betn expected to takt com mand, and O'Brien spontaneously and promptly took up the racant place, and put himself nt the head of the headless force. Then they started out on their expedition, and first made f6r some police barracks In the neighbor hood. There was a brisk skirmish at one of these barracks, and ultimately the police agreed to surrender, and O'Brion himself brought tht ladder to tho wall of the barrack for the pris oners to come forth. The humanity with which h treated the connuereA policemen 'M rometobored IjT O'Brien's faTOr afterwards. Hla tri umbp was short-lived! the aoldlera came up, and O'Urien was arretted, and transmitted to gaol. In due timer came a series of Btate trials, and O'Brien was convicted of treason and sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered. The aentenct was, how erer, commuted to one of penal servi tude for ltfo, and he spent several years In the convict gaols of England. When an amnesty camo he waa re leased and returnod to business, and likewise to revolutionary propaganda. He was a member of tht governing body of tbo Fenian organization. Sub sequently, when Parnell started the Iaud League, Mr. O'Brien's views un dcrwent somo modification, and In 18S5, when the reduction of the fran chlso In Ireland gave Mr. Parnell bU first chanco of electing a large party, O'Brien stood for a division of Mayo nnd was elected. At a later date ho became a bitter opponent of the Par nell faction of tho Irish party. J low to Foot Them. Yassar girls tell a good one on an ancient and veuerablo Instructor of paleontology at that Institution ot learning. From tlmo Immemorial It had been his custom at rocltatlon to call on tho young ladles In alphabetical order, beginning at tho beginning ot the alphabet each new term, aud call lng on three pupils oach day. It did not take tho girls very long to figuro out Just when their turn would come, aud neglect or prepare the lesson ac cordingly. After many years of this system tho professor was shocked and grieved to find out how the young Por tias wero taking advantage of him, Ho spoko to tno girls soverely of tho wickedness and folly ot such conduct as had come to hla ears, "Since you nro not to bo trusted," he added solomly, "I shall fool you by abolishing tho old method. Hereaftec I shall begin at tho end of the alpha, bet aud go backward." Philadelphia Ledger. In Coolldgo, two girls In tho aamo family married two doctors, and now thero Is n terrible tlmo In that family deciding who la tho greatest doctor lu tho world.