The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 11, 1905, Image 7

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    How Many
Birthdays ?
You must have find sixty at
least! What? Only forty?
Then It must bo your gray
linlr. Aycr'sMolrVlKor stops
these frequent birthdays. It
elves all the early, deep, rich
color to Rray hair, and checks
falling hair. And It keeps the
scalp clean and healthy.
- I wm lttr IrouliUit wllli itanitriirf wlilnh
rrniliico'l nintl itlirlil llclilnv si III
fly, I At tr'i Htli Vlnf . i)i tn
dliirt aiMin IImm"ii Mr lilr Un loi'.it
ratline uiit mil nnw I lia a .(l.udl.l Mail
I hall," lUVIVli Kl,illnnld, Colin.
Jklftdt bv Jt V, Aft Co., Lew).!, Nut,
ii tauuiaiurr
encur rr.cTOBAU
lly llm Hour.
In thrae ilny. (Itn rich and the poor
both appreciate the services of the
trained niiriii', hut tintll within n com
pnrotlvcly abort Hunt tint more well-to-do
inrinhir of nocliity Itn not hnil
the oiMirtuiilty to cujoy onn branch of
her profraaloitnl iiilnlstrntlotiN. Now,
however, tho hourly nurse li becoming
an Important member of society.
Among thu poor, nays the Huston Trail
crlpt. tho ilUtrlct nuran comes In by
thn ilny or hour, m tho emit demands;
In tho families of those In mom com
forlnbln circumstance, thn ordinary
trained nune 1 usually riiKitgi-d by
tho week, and iiho rtitely earn to go
for n shorter time
The hourly niirr. who tins hail thn
Mine trnlnltiL', hoItU herielf ready to
iturver cnll at all time, for one, two,
three or twenty-four hours, ns tho ensu
limy be. Klin nsalaln doctors In minor
operntlons, goeu each ilny to change
tho drcaalugs, ami mnkrs It ruder for
thn family to cam for tint patient during-
thn rent of thn ilny.
Again, In thcae days of apartment
hollars, there an tunny home where
It In liirnntriileiit to have a nttrio atny
at thn bullae. Here thn hourly nurse
U thn right pereon In thn right place.
Kim comeii for the necessary time, plan
ning to meet thn phyalclnn wheu he
make. Ida vlalt, tlilta enabling the pa
tient to have, at little rxpeuae, all
rciitllle rare. If not thn luxury of con
stant atteitilnure.
There am uumy need people who nre
too fuehlu to Inko care of theiuselre.
They ilo not need a trained llliran nor
errn nu attendant all thu time, but tho
aalatnttrn that a competent peraon can
glvu them for an hour or two daily
greatly ndda to their comfort. New
venue of uarfulueaa open for the
hourly nunc In all dlrcclloue.
In Italy the raiu ol laud la conild
ered lo t tlnrt) fmir lliuee the annual
Pc-ru-na the Remedy
That Cured.
Mlis Kiln Off, 1127 I.ludon St., In
dlnnnpolla, Inil, writva;
"I itiffrrcd with run down constitution
for acvrrul months and fcurrd that I would
Iiuvh to slve up my work,
"On necking the udvkc of a physician,
tie prcirrlhid u tonic. I found, however,
that It did mc no ood. On M-ckinic the
ivlvlcc of our druguht, lie utked me to try
IVrunu. In u few wrcks I bruun to feci
and net like a different prraon. My nppc
lite Increased, I did not huvc that worn out
frellnir, and I could sleep splendidly, In u
couple of months I wus entirely recovered,
I thunk you for whut your medicine has
done for me." Ella Off.
Wrlto Dr. Ilartnmu, Proililont o! Tho
llnrtinun Sanitarium, Coluinlm, Ohio,
for frvo niodlcnl ndvlco, AU corro
pondunce it held atrlotly conflilontlnl,
ItlMtOoaihSrup. -'ajUowt. IjM H
la Urn. Bold br drurf UU. Wt
J? ft
mmmsm& &mm
Jtv? wMfim a".
Ta.i about yr alnipli'ny concerts, with
tlmlr lurli.liiwa and frllla,
An' yer recital an' yer prodliilee, with
their ijtinrara an' their trill
Wlir. fer ri'iil Niiul-atlrrlns; tuualc, I'd
hnre you uiiileralnliil,
Thras uw-fiiKli ditlu'a ain't a patch on
our old .Mnltiurllle allnd. i
That Vr hntu) linn n history. Way back
In alxtjr-two
It itinrelieil nwny with bannera (ay to
rliwr tin Ititye In llltte.
An' when tint war wa over and hack
they'd cuttle to atny
There wnrn't n ninny, lint by half, aa
when they uinrt'hed away.
Ho we allHiat find 'to make Ilia hull tliltiK
over, an to apenk,
An' Knlhi-red In the acltuul home fer
to prni'llrn twliu n week;
An' wo'd pnrnde on Decoration Day,
wlii-u 'twna Imt auottcli to hrlle
II tit illdlt't enrv, when the wuttirii
folk 'ud war tht'lr handa aud
.tnlin Clinton wna the lender (he waa
Mayor of Mnlnatrillo, too),
An' rf you'd a bit of lalvltt, why, he'd
Krt It out o' you;
Alt' tltero wna Tufta an' Hterena, Itaat-
man. (Illky, Ownta, Hhawait,
I.eKa aud ('aln,
Ilwlni-ll and Hlilrld. (tlm tuba player),
D.vrUu., Wltham and McUlnlu.
Of courae there'a Iota of othera, their
eyiit nml thalr Krandaoita
In all tnoro'n three liuudriil but them
are the oldeat "
That did Ilia iirtfHIlUlil's but Death'a de-
raatatln' hnnd
llaa only pared three fellera from that
flrat old Maluevllle Hand.
An' then our araat band waga-ln 'twaa
tli retfiilatlun kind
With the drlrer'a -at hitch up In front
an' thu drummer' up behind,
Au' t'other aeata eloped Krajarly, and
well. I'll explain to you
Mr aayln' they rermblrd Jeat a reat,
hU, aballrr U.
Twaa built right here In Malitevllle. an'
the hlnekauilth Ihh he J tt te
Ilia attriinuie allpa my uiem'ry, but hla
oireti name waa lliil
An' oM "Daddj" Htenrna he mad the
wlirel. au powerful, tron ami 111
That, thou' tlv and forty yeara hare
tinned, they're alrotiK aud atlddy
It line been known for aomc tltuu
Hint plant llfo la ittTiH-tiM favorably by
electric light, nml now It nppenra tlntt
! ncctyliutu Kit light
2 p. 7k ncta In n altnllnr
J "i inniiner. 8ouio In-
tereatlni; rxjiorl
meuta In thla direc
tion hnvo recently
been conducted by
Mr. M. J. Joma of
Contell Aicrlcultur
nl College, with
?:V atrlklnij roa ults
l'lnnt xMiatii ilur-
mo ntKui in mo ii
I u in I ii n 1 1 o u of
tntiii-ij n-iio K'l K'V"
A to twlco tint alio
of tttoao left to tho
uuraliik of tho ami
jonly, unit veice
tnblea nttnlned dl
iiii'iisUiiia doubln thnao which were
uiinaaUtod 111 tho mutter of lllumlnn
ttoti, Tho nccoinpnnyltnj lllustrntloti
hows very clearly tho dlfferenco In
Krowth inndo by plants under tho two
different condition. The plnnt In
bloom was stimulated by acetylene
gas nt night, whlla tho leu timtured
onn depended on aunllKht only,
Tho experiments were cnrrlod on
through threu moiithn In n hothouio.
Till hottao wan dlvldcsl Into two pnrta
by n curtain. Thla curtain wna hung
In euch n way Mint each half of tho
house received tho anmo Illumination
from tho sun, Tho beds on each aldo
wore exactly nllko, not only In slro,
but In location und contents. If a Illy
was planted In n certain part of n bod
on ono sldo, another of the snmo a pe
des and nuu was sot out In tho anmo
part of tho corresponding bed on Uie
othor. An equipment conslstlnj; of
twolvo 83-enndlo power acotylouo
lamps was orocted on ono sldo of tho
curtain. Onltnury tin rofloctoni over
each light threw their rays downward
upon tho soil. The Hunts were run
whenovor It was dark, tho length of
time ranging from nhio to fourtoon
hours, according to tho period of day
light Tho soil, temperature and
amount of mlzturo .voro at uoarly the
: m
tT V ""'S
XetM rH
runnln' ear wn yallcr,
wnituln It wa red,
feather plume, red, white and blue,
adorned each horae'a head,
with them alx horaea praucln' with
nil their inlxlit nttd main,
Hlch au luaplrln' apectacle I'll nerer e
They atibacrlhed alx hundred dollar fer
to fix U" that old band,
Hut the hulldln' didn't coat much, fer
th hull town took a hand,
An the Hittlro an' the Mnyor'd come In
wheuerer work waa alack,
An' the mlulater 'ud often doff hla coat
an' take a whack.
We played our flrat etiKnuement In the
year of flfty-nlne,
Down to Mneou, on July the Fourth, the
weather It wna fine.
An' a we Marled plnyln', with the drum
n train' thr-r-np!
That 'ere part of Warren county wn a
credit to the map.
Onc't a week we arn a concert ao the
Malnerllle folk could hear,
An' we made a hap ' money nt engage
ment fur an' near.
Hut at nlxht when homo returnln' we'd
wake our kith an' kin,
An' rottae the aleeplu' echoe with the
train of "Home Agin."
Well, th hand got ao fainoue they waa
wanted everywhere.
To play nt celehrntlotia, air, nn' at the
County Fair.
An' nt Lebanon an' Wilmington, nn' n
fur aa Morrowtown,
In fact from aereral countlra did glowln'
pralae reauuti'.
Hut nnw the organltntlon that waa once
th clty'a pride
I buated up, nn' all the boya are acat-
tered fur and wide.
On' In thn I.egtalatur, and one'a nu
actor grtat.
An' one In Cougreaa rrpreaenta this deea
trlct of th Ktate.
An' now the old band waggln, with all It
glry ahed,
I.Ike a faded anecter of the paat It atanda
In Ktephen'a ahed.
An' aoutetlinea wheu children piny In It,
It hearea a creaky alxh,
A If longln' for Ita crwnlea, and the daya
that haru gone by.
Hut. like the old hnnd waggln', I am
ehnky now end old,
An' I cal'late anon to take a trip where
II the atreeta are gold.
Hut I fel aure that anmu old comrade
will grap me by the hand
An' aay. "'Member how w ued to play
In that Old Malnerllle Handr
Ht. louli Chronicle.
anmo on each aide of the ctirtnln as It
wna poNtlblu to mnke them.
The pltiut on the neetyleito sldo In
many Ittntnticea inntureit twlco nn fnat
na thoao on the other aldo of the parti
tion, HadlahoH, onions mid aovorul
othor kinds of plants which develop
their edible parts below the surface of
thu ground went found to have pur
nod their usual course, except that
they grew twlco as fast nn those not
plnccd under tho Influence of the
acetyleno light.
Teiuila wild HprlntliiR Apt to Induce
Wcuknoa of llio llrurt.
Prof, James, of the University of Il
linois, says that nu Investigation of
aome yenra has convinced him that
mucli evil litis re
sulted from college
athletics, according
to tho Hostou
0 lobe.
College athletes,
he fluda, bring on
by overexertion n
number of Ills, of
which the worst
and most common
Is weakness of tho
lietirt, that, devel-
I'lioic. jauks. onnK wl(h ,nntur.
Ity, uuflts the victim for continued ctll
dent effort In business, mid eventually
carries him off before his time,
Sprinting and tenuis bo bollevos to
be tho two spurts which work tho most
havoc with the heart.
Oliver Wendell Holmes said that a
condition which often promoted long
llfo was prudently poor health at an
early ago. lie meant by this that a
mnti, llko President Roosevelt wo
might say In our own time, who hi h)
youth had to husband his strength,
and by slow nnd careful process de
velop tho good health that ho lacked,
would bo more likely to escape tho
dangers of overexertion, in which the
careloss giant was tempted to Indulge.
BUII, given strength and good health
In tho begtuuliig, moderate exercise of
ono's powers cannot full to bo u source
of ronowod strength an well ai of
healthful enjoyment.
Kiilcker-Wlir ,1o toii call your min.VAt'XX
'1'nii.iVi ti, .!,,.- ti .. i u i
It r v,,w v,li ?, Mk ,W,K'
"Ilow tntieli hnvc you
got, limy j" "Kourponce." "I've got
twopence. Let's put It together and
go halve!" Punch.
"They any there's no chnnco for tho
rich In tho next world." "That's nrob
ably tho reason they're getting moat
everything hurol" Kutrolt I'reo Press.
Mr. Ooodley Her ngo renlly sur
prised me. Hho doesn't look 28, does
sit7 Mrs. Himppe Not now; but I
suppose she did at ono time. Philadel
phia Ledger,
Noll Homebody told me today Utnt
i wn iiiiKitwiiie. Hell When was
that? Nell-Todny. liclle No; I
menu when with you handsome. Phil
adelphia Ledger.
An unknown commodity: Hnchcl
Voder! Cohen Yah. Itnehel I vnnt
soiiiij spoiiillug money. Cohen Hpend
Inir money? Vat kind of money I
dot? Town Topics.
Teacher H'hnt great dlfllculty was
Demosthenes compelled to surmount
before ho been me hii orntor? Koffmoro
II Imd to learn how to talk Greek.
riilladelphla Press.
Hhe When should a young widow
discard her weeds? He Oh. I don't
know, hut I supposo alto should cut
them Just n noon a she wants to
rnlno a second crop of orange blos
som. Ititltlmoro Herald.
Mother Oh, you bad boyl Dirty
hands ngnlnl I'm nfrnld you're a
hopeless case. Tommy (eagerly) Ob,
mnl does "hopeless" moiii you're go
ing to giro up talkln' about It? Phil
adelphia Press.
An absent-minded butcher was ask
ed by a young mother to wulgh her
bn by. He put the little onu on the
scnlos, nnd. glancing nt tho dial, re
marked: "Just nlno pounds, bone nnd
all. Hhnll I remove the bones?" Ux.
An Oklnhomn man has discovered
that tbere were department stores In
ancient Hebrew days. He quotes the
fourteenth verso In the fourteenth
clinptcr of Job: "All my appointed
lime will I wait, till my change come."
"Oh, doctor," exclaimed n rheumatic
patient, "I suffer dreadfully with ray
hands and feet." "Hut. my dear sir,"
rejoined the physician, "Just try to
think how much inconvenience you
would suffer without them." Loudou
"I understand." began tho large,
scrappy-looking ward politician, "dat
youso had a piece In your paper callln'
mo ii thief." "You haro been misin
formed, sir," said thu editor, calmly;
"this paper publishes ouly news."
Cleveland Lender.
"What's tho matter?" naked the on-
tlmlst; "I thought your uncle had left
you 1100,000?" "He did." replied the
pessimist, "but confound It, ho pro
vides In his will that I've got to uso
lluO of It to buy him a tombstone."
Chicago Itecord-Heruld.
"Why do so many nctors Insist on
playing Shakespeare?" "I suspect,"
answered Mr. Stormliigton Hnrues,
"that It's because they can take all the
credit If they suece!, ami blame the
public's lack of literary tnsto If they
fall." Washington Star.
8ho I'm glnd we went. It was nn
excellent performance and for such n
charitable purpose. Her Husband
Yea, lildccdl We all feel a thrill of
satisfaction when wo do somethliig
for charity and get the worth of our
money at tho same time. Loudon Tlt
HIts. Patient (irent Scott! Doctor, that's
nn awful bill for one week's treatmentl
Physician My dear fellow, If you
know what nu Interesting case yours
was, nnd how strongly I was tempted
to let It go to n K9t-mortem, you
wouldn't grumble nt n bill three times
as big as this, Chicago Tribune.
"If yoli hUabiiti' beats you, mebba
you kin Itnb him sent to de whlppln
posy' said Mrs. Potomac Jackson. "If
my husbtin ever bents me," said Mrs.
Tolllver Grapevine, "dey kin send him
to do whlppln'-pos' If dey wants to.
Hut dey'll have to wait till ho gits
out'n de hospital." Washington Star.
A Southern planter was asking oue
of his colored servants about hor wed
ding. "Yes, suh," she suld, "It was
Jes' the llnost weddln' you ever see
six bridesmaids, flowers everywhere,
hundreds of guests, music, tin' er heap
er pruyln'." "Indeed," commented her
master. "And I suppose Sambo look
ed as hnndsoute as any of them." An
ombtirrussed pause. "Well, no not
xuctly, suh. Would yer bellevo It, dut
fool nigger ueber shower up!"
A farm laborer wus working In a
Hold by tho roadsldo one cold day,
when u clergyman eiimu along tho
road nnd stopped to spent; to him.
"Plenty of work for you this weather,
John?" ho culled out. "Ah!" said John,
"I don't know when I don't have work,
no matter what weather comes."
"That's hard, John," said the clergy
man: "but wait till you get to tho phico
of rest, then you will have no work to
do." "Humph!" grumbled John, "you
needn't tell mo! They'll And it Job for
John, never fenrl It will bo: 'Now,
Jo.tin, polish up tho sunt' 'John, you
might bang out tho stars!' 'John, bo
quick, now and light up tho 11100111
No no, parson, there ain't no place of
rest for John."
Wit, wheu wo amateurs engage In It,
In Bomotlmos pretty ghastly.
It la na iuinosaible to conquer
dlscaaca Contaeioua Blood Poison with Mer
cury and Potash an it would be to conquer tho
u uiuUDanuo wiiu iiuvc jiuu utcit iicuuu milieu
I Hm WiRhtcd through the tute of these rain-
fully, onlv to find when it waa left
case returned with more power, combined with
the awful eflccta of these minerals,
01 trie bones, salivation, inflammation 01 the stomach and bowels, etc.
When the virus of Contagious Blood Poison enters the blood it quickly con
taminates every drop of that vital fluid, and every muscle, nerve, tissue and
bone Incomes affected, and soon the foul symptoms of sore mouth and throat,
copper-colored blotches, falling hair and eyebrows, swollen glands, sores,
etc., make their appearance. Mercury and Potash can only cover up thesa
evidences for awhile; they cannot cure the disease. S. S. S, has for many
years been recognized as a specific for Contagious Blood Poison a perfect
antidote for the deadly virus that is so far-reaching In ita effects on the sys
tem. 8. 8. 8. docs not hide or mask the disease, but so thoroughly and
kind. Treatise with instructions for home treatment and any advice wished,
I'llfcrlnia to Slecon.
Last year about 200,000 pilgrims
went to Micca, representing a Moslem
population of about 200,000,000 In Tur
key, Arabia, Kgypt, Houdan, Zanzi
bar, llarbary states, South Africa, Af
ghanistan, Persia, tialuchlstan, India,
the Kast Indian and Philippine Islands,
China, and Russia In Asia. The gov
ernments of Turkey and Kgypt pay
toll (blackmail) to tho Ucdouln tribes,
through whose territory tho pilgrim
ages pass, but the system Is not en
tirely effective. Last year some 20
per cent of the pilgrims were reported
Ill-treated, wounded or killed, nnd It
Is estimated that during the pilgrim
age season travelers to Mecca were
robbed of more than $1,000,000. Cara
vans of 3,000 to 0,000 camels are no
rare occurrence.
Motheri will find Art. Wlnalow'i Eoethtnc
Pjrup lb beit remedy tout for Uielr children
during- th Utthlne irloL
Prosn va. I'otry.
The poet raves of the beautiful balr
that crowna hla fair Idol's bead and calli
th man s proay old bear who Ignorea Its
splendors Instead. Yea, the pott of It
makes a fad, Its (lories In verae be will
group; but, like other men, be gets xnd
If s strand of it gets in his soup.
Por Infants and Children.
Ttie Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Blgnaturo of
nhjmfd All Hlcht.
A school teacher was trying to Im
press upon a scholar's mind that Co
lumbus discovered America In 1402.
"Now, John," be saldi "I will tell you
the date In rhyme so that you won't
forget It 'In fourteen hundred and
ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean
blue.' Now, can you remember that,
"Yes, sir," replied John. I
Next day the teacher said, "John, !
when did Columbus discover Ameri
ca?" "In fourteen hundred and ninety-
three Columbus sailed tho dark-blue I
A New Kipling Story,
It is nearly a yiar elnco nny Amerl
can inapiiliio has been fortunate enough
paring Kipling with the old, three vol
ii.. i. ..t.i ... i.-.-i
uinu iiuiuimi, una iwi unit uc ;nn ua
"the LiebiK extract of thwe cattle low-
tng on a iiiousanu inns,-- eo nere,
whi'ro two Americans,' a nervously'
broken millionaire and his wife, take
up an entered habitation in nn enchant
ed corner ol England, he contrives to
give a qulntr'scnce of American and
ltritish civilization a commentary, in
brief, with vistas such as only a Kip
ling can open up. A delightful vein of
satire crops out wherever tho ltritish
way and the American way meet, a
vein which will charm renders on both
sides tho Atlantic. Moet readers, too,
will mid in this latest story ol thu
greatest of living Kngllsh story writers
tho spiritual touch which was so
strongly manileet in 'They" seemingly
marking a new and higher phnio of de
velopment In man and writer.
No Venatnit Yet.
"Well, to be honest with you," said
the tramp, "I can't exuctly say that
I'm a veteran and have witnessed tho
horrors of war, but I tbluk I deserve
a pension, though."
"For what?"
"Well, I was once locked In a freight
car for a week, with the weather at
rero nnd nothing but a f roreu turnip '
to eat, and nothing but blocks of build
ing Btones to keep mo wtiriu, and If I
am not entitled to a pension nobody '
el.o ought to have one. Tho horrors '
of that old turnip bent me horrors of
a battlefield all to pieces." I
- - WS w
to secure n story from KiplinK; but tho Xfc'lEll'aSl
Aiu-nat Century prints a tale, "An tJnSSiSSi
Habitation fcnforeed," which g vea us K!U$XSS!&
Kiplilli: at Ills best. Someone, ill com- Origin aBdliaaHoant of SaiuiHrl.g'-(rM(cbArsa.
aKpSa VvY rffsaaHls-sYni i ' "l3 a alTir'-awSU 1
sIMplE. strong, swirls SOyTHWGK pjESS
10 Inch Feed Oteutng. 4 Keet 8troka, Autotnatlo l'luuirer Draw. Puts Full Weight Into
Ordinary llox Can.
ri 1 -Pl
tho klntr of
off. the dis-
such as mercurial rheumatism, necrosis
completely cures it mat no signs are ever seen again.
8. S. S. while eradicating the poison of the disease
will drive out any effects of harmful mineral treat
ment. A reward of $1,000.00 is offered for proof
that S; S. 8. Contains a mineral In treed lent nf nnt
Nut Dcalrntilo.
He They aay a gboit appenrs at lbs
parlor window of that old bouse at 13
o'clock trtry nlcht.
She Well, 1 don't think I should fan
cy that style of window ahail.
Tor bronchial trouMr try Dso's Cur
for Consumption. It is a jtixhI caught
medicine. At driiE(lt, price 25 cents,
A common screw with a stout string
tied around the top makes a fair substi
tute for a corkscrew.
riTR r rmannlljr Cori. afluornerrotuneu
D lu aftrflrti1r'siiofIr.KHnt'aUrrt;crTt)
imtorrr. anil for Yrrr 83 trial tyrttleandtrrailM. If. KUnt, Ltd., Ml AxchBt.. I'tlUu.lphl, pa.
The secret of success is constancy of
purpose. DlsraclL.
fMliil, llfbtrtt nd ilronctt mump foliar
M UM inarktl. Ill lion pnwar on tin iwaap
wllb iwe bona. Writ lor drellpU nti4o
and prlc. . -
r4t el Alorrlton Street fortlanJ, OretM
CLAM corp ot Utcbar. location, build
insaqulptneot th teau Band (or cat
aJoru. Term Opon Hoptonthor IB, IOO-4
tvtirrw?irjtt-2Np tbui w
mtrcumtj rwnara auk.
PM tuM t3mt miJlivmHU
tbkk iii!AvH. CoLuI
OIUratr, all trootAt tb.1 com
baaaaa. Sold un fwajalaa o-ar
uwn. ogocifcDjnjigeiN,
TV put I mootm I baa esrad
II bcao(baT, 4etdlJWo-
rar .Da.M enroni eo
and O of chronl eooife.1
nca. ncvara. n. t.
wnia bow naajr baadivvtr ra
baa. ad atork bcok FRBTS
TrB'ilaB"".a'Ca .SI.r.ol.Hhij
Uoaal AitaU.
I To ll ITiono MlH !.ll iM Kkort fef
p..i,iuarTrB 01 I. n'i
I .lAhli.lia.1 .1a.n
aara. Ha. awird lb lui O.IJ v.. .a aaanlaj
rui lair St. liaia iiaa. kM.m.biHi k. .b.u.
laaa. adK-alvra, rlrrs) ma d K rmilualra a.ara.hara.
HM Inalllullon baa a i.trra bran, n at 1'ortUM llb
a tarjr lnr rU.i or i anasdaaco- man ami
o, nri.aivd Uja allavaa.tanlo.lllr M.njhata
bran ruiad la Ikrra rw IhiI ra aat. I. tba
JlddrM. Wn.T.TAM -r T TMtrro. am It.iir...iii.iii.. . .ajn. ....,
vr.' "-.- . r-rr" '".
" J5,r au DuiuuriDBirau
Not.-NoiS,' KSd.r,., s,p. ,a
Formerly located at
363 Aider St. (or the
pail 3 years
tho lir Bull.ltnr t the R E
Ifiu.-r ol Knat and Vorrlmn btieeta. En.
iraiice .So. Ii .', Hr.l fcticat.
Successful Home Treatment
HH V (IKE WO likunwn throughout the
rintnl btatvi, and u called the Ureal Chi
ii we Potior on accouut ot hla vronderlul
cum. without tho aid of a knlle, without
u.Uig TH'l'On or drug ol any kind, ite
treaia any and all dtavaiea nlih powerlul
Oriantal Koola, llcrU, lluda, liark and
Vegetable that ate unknown to medical
ictence lu thla country, and through the
ue ol tbrae harmleia runnllr. lie guar
antee to cure Catarrh, Ailhrea, Lung
Trouble, Kheumatlim, .NerroutucM, Etom
aeb, l.lver. Kidney, temale veakneta
and Alt Chronic M.eaaei. Call or witte.
eucluilng 4 2 c. tamia for mailing Hook
and Circular. Addrei
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
No. 162', Tint St.. S. t. Cor. Morrlaon
PlaiA nan(fal IhU S1(S. Pa-aJ-tljlful. OraiVAH
p. n. a
No, 31-1903
HKN wrltlnc to ad vert! i era leu
uiemiuu tun i.iir
ssssV LIHP7jW l
Sure but Not Slow
No eimaU Weak Parts,