The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 11, 1905, Image 3

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In a Coiiriciisuil Form fur
llnsy Renders,
A Haiiimo of tho Lott Important
Nut Lot Intoraitlnft Events
of tho Pat Wank,
Tint National Lead company Iiiih In
creased tin capital Mock to loU.OOO.OOO.
Sunlit I'd county, New Mexico, in in
tint bauds of a receiver, having Issued
railway aid bonds to tlm amount of
$1,000,01)0, which It cannot ny.
Tint Cuban congress Ih cxH'cted to
iidjnutii without punning tliu lilll open
liiK tho Cnlmn market to Amoili-iiu rlco
it nil encouraging lire fill I urn In Cuba.
Tim rcnniiii given fn no ninny 1 1 n 1 -lium
dying f runt yellow fovnr In tlm (net
Unit tlitty conceal tlm disease an loii( iin
ji ihhIIiId iiml tnku wiong tlli'l until too
New York will ImlM u nw Mnnlint
tun terminal of tint llrooklyu bridge lit
n cost of 1,000, 000 to avert tlm crush
which occurs ilully during tlm rush
Tlm Nutlniml Hoard of l'lm Umlor
wrlters in considering n uiotloii to sus
pend nil htinluesn In Arkansas In ennno
Uime of tint now law itgnlunt tlm 11 to
limuinnce Irunl In tlmt stale.
A f Ultlmor A Ohio passenger tmlu
Jumped tlm truck ni'itr Johnstown, 1'a,
iiml two pasnengoin were fatally Injured
Mini it number of othorn with no badly
Injur! tlmy had to Imi taken to hospi
tal. Ill cdiiscoiiciic" of tlm dispute with
the National hank of Haytl about Jtlm
Attachment of customs nvolptn hy ored-
Horn, tlm llaylliiu government I in w no
iioiinciil tlmt tlm treasury service will
In) confined to Iluytlnn olllolnln.
Thorn In small pionpinit of n now Chi
tienii exclusion treaty.
Jiihhi now linn complete ocnnloii of
tlm Inland of Sakhalin.
l.rgn Russian rcliifAircmcnta arc
imlng rushed to tlm front
Tin krtUct nnil KIiik Kdward may
meet to rccoiicllo Germany and flreal
ljiilnlmm will iirui litn nnil send
tlmm In patrol tlm count to sco that
tlm quarantine In enforced.
Wllto assorts tlmt ho linn full power
to make n jwaco treaty noil tlmt ItunU
Mill I mi hound hy hln action,
It In understood tlmt tlm president In
aiililntiiK nurlonnly tlm name of It.
H. Heaii for Federal judge for Oregon.
District Attorney Heney inyn ho will
try tho Wllliamtnii.UcnncrHllirgn ease
nn ninny tliui-n an thorn In n disagree
ment of tlm jury
Tlm New York Icirlnlatlvo Inquiry In
to tlm nffiilrn of tlm Kqnltiibltt Is hollov
ill Mill rnult In n whitewash, hut Pin
trie'. Attornoy Jurotnu will punlnli tlm
Mnny passongt- for tlm Iiwin nml
(Murk fulr Imvn Ifeeit stranded hy tlm
strike of tlm telegraph operators on tlm
Northern I'aolllc nml (Irnit Northuru
rnilromU. llotli nlilcn clnlin to Imvu
tlm mlvnntnKu.
Tlm draft of a now Frnnco-Humlnn
treaty lia bvon coinplutl.
Arrival of limniurmitn nt New York
In July wiro nlniul 4H,U00I itKnlnil 3U,
000 In July, lUOt.
11 r ilontroyiol tho mill, waruhouiiti
mid iih'vatnr of the launanOlty Milling
twiinpiiny, nt Kaunas City, Iinn, I00,
Jaincn H. Cariiahmu, coiiiinmidrln
hlf of tlm Uulforiii Ituiik, KninlitH of
Cythlan, it uritlenlly ill at hln liotim in
Tlm 1'iik'an Iron Workn, In Jrnoy
Olty, vMirn dcntroyiMl hy Hro, Involvlntt
u lorn of 100,noo nud throwing 'IU0
niun out of vuiploynit'iit,
A oloudhurnt niMir Colroado HprliiKH,
Colorudo, tilled n out on tlm Itouk In
hind rallrniid with mind for n illataucti
i( ii iiillu mid hlovked triilllu on that
Hull Iiiih hciin 'omumui'iil iiitlnnt tho
vllreot uh of tlm J-.ipiltutilu to mnko tlmm
rittiirn tludr ill-Kutton twlnn.
OwliiK to ilivlnioiiH ninoiiK pnrtli'n,
Jliilo Iiiih Iicoii without u K''Vrummit
for two uioiuliri, H'rcnldi'iit Itlunco in
formliiK u proviHloiial K(vurnmuut
iiuikou IiIh purHomil frluuilH.
Tlm lliiytliui KovDrnnmut in having n
llHmtn with ItH crctlltorH iihout imih
toinn riH'vlptH dupoHitiHl in tlm N'utlcnU
liauk, emdi purty claimliiK tlmm, Tlm
"Imnk riifuHcn to Htirruudur tlm monuy
until tlm uourtH douldu tho qtieHtion.
A cholura opldumlo provnllo nt Mud
run, Ilrltlnli India,
Norway anil Hwedun will not favor
making tho llulttu a clooixl hoii.
I'rotldont Doilrai ConK.raii to DoclcJe
What Typo Blmll Uo Uullt.
WnnliliiKton, Auk. 1. II It ho truo,
an rniortil from Oyntnr hay, that tho
pntnldunt Intmidn to cull mi itxlni mm
niun of I'onnri'nH imrly In Novumhor, It
In not ptohiihln any utloiuit will ho
Hindu to forcn tho prompt conil(iriillou
of a railroad rato hill. That would ho
out of llioiiii'Htlt)ii; at liuwit It would
ho ImponnlhUi to nccuro lliuil action on
hiicIi n hill within a montli.
Tho prohnhlllteH arc, nud olmurvltiK
olllclaln Intro hullnvii, that tlm iirenlilmit
IiiIcikIh, at tlm imrly m.mIdii, to havo
coiiKri'nn tnku iii nml notllo onco for all
tlm ipicntlon of wlmthcr tiro l'auamn
canal nluill ho liullt, nn originally
jilntniitl, with lookn, or nlmll ho a ii'a
iiivol canal, an advocated hy mo tunny
prominent onuliiuorn. Thin In a iiunn
lion that coiiKrccH muni dit'ldo, ami tho
nooncr It in out of tlm way tlm hcttcr
tlm men In chargo of tho canal can
Tlm prcnldeut han not taken tlm puh
Ho Into hln confldoncu; ho han not an
nouiicixl what hln oh net may ho In
cnllliiK an extra rennlou, hut it In dllll-
cult to llurn out how nnythliiK could
ho Miklui'd on a railway rate lilll nt a
nennlon convening only three weekn In
advance of tlm regular riwnlou. It tnken
that long for tlm hoiinn to orgalnro,
ehrt a npeaker, nml for tho npwikor ti)
appoint eoiuinlltiMii, ami thonenatocou
numen nJmont an time in lln or
Ono Millionaire In Jail Worth a
Tliousiind Others.
Doei Not Uollevo In Convicting Man
Who Has Deen Bought and
Letting Duyor Go freo.
Japan' Paaca Condition Will ftecelve
Endorioment of Croat LlrlUln.
Wanlifngtoii, Aug. 1. Japan coinen
to the Wanhlugtoii coufereucii anaurcd
that, whatever her peace termn, they
will have the nympathetlc approval of
(Went llrllaln. Keveral niiggcntioun
from Wanhiiigtou to Ioudou that tlm
cauno of peace would ho rerved hy an
explanation to Japan from her ally fa
voring moderation In her demandn up
on Hunnla have not availed to chniige
the llritinli government in itn apparent
ly uiinlti'rhlo determination to ntand hy
Japan, however nevero nhe maken her
eomlltinun of pencil. Nor linn the llrit
inli government neeti Itn way clear to
render annlntauee to Washington in tlm
eflortn which thin gnveiumeiit In mak
ing to ohtaiu an armlntlce.
Advicen reaching here nhow that
bnidiiii in opponed to an armlntlce until
Japan han I wen iatlnllel that ltunnia'a
pleulpotentlarlen are prepared to do
more than ilhoun mrann of ending the
war. If Itunnia in ready to conclude
Macn and han no euiKiwerel her plenl-Hit-utlarlen,
(ireat llrllaln, It Is nuld,
might favor an armlntlce, hut even in
thin event nho would, It I aald, not he
willing to offer Japan advice on tho
Oormnny in Biupected of Im.i faith hy
"Franco in tho Morocco matter.
Tho court of Inquiry into tlio Hon
tilngtou dlHimtor Iiiih hcgiiu Its HoealoiiH.
Klro n Swift A Co.'h packing plant
nt South Si, JoHoph Mo., destroyed I
over izdu,uuii worm oi property.
According to reports mndo hy tho
county HBscHHor I'ortlnml lias n pojmlu
tlon of 110,600. Thla la 20,000 moro
than in 1000.
Inventor Says It Will Da Cheaper and
Lighter Than Present Ones.
New York, Aug. 1. Thomas A. Kdl-
non han made tlm declaration that he
han solved the prohlem of providing
clieap and rerviceahle elect rlo traction
for vchlclen.
"Hy October my light hattery will Ih
ready for tlm market, and we will bo
ready to coiilp nutoiuohllen of all de
scriptions," he nalu. "To reach the
goal for which I aimed nud keep down
urn com 10 a trilling portion of what
preient hatterlcn ront to keep alive. I
determined upon a simple comhiuatiou
of Iron runt, Htah and nickel rust.
I' or a time it failed me, hut now I have
accomplished the result with theno In
gredient'', and a new light hattery Is an
accepted fact. It will weigh one-half
of the present butteries in geiierul iise,
and will Im) about the tame slip, al
though it stands somewhat higher in
its proKrtlou than tlm other. A to
its power, there can bo no question. A
new factory where tlm cell batteries are
to be manfactured is being created In
Orange, and automobllca will be built
and equipped there."
Milling Wheat for Mexico.
San Francisco, Aug. 1 Tho Kimiiion
HteamerTlieben, which palled today for
tho Hotitheru count nn her way to Ku
rope, carried 1,000 tons of milling
wheat for (lunyman, Mexico. For sev
eral months pant the .Mexican govern
ment ban abolished the duty on wheat,
owing to tlm short crop In the llermo-
eillo district and steamerH Hailing from
here have received conniuninentH of
wheat Hiilllcleutly largo to warrant
them In calling at OunyiuitH, far up the
Gulf of California. Tho duty will bo
Impoacd again cm August III.
Portland, Aug. 1. Scathing in his
denunciation of graft In public life,
luercilenn in his arraignment of the mo
tives of tho defendants, nevero In hln
charges against tho attorneys for tlm
defenno, dramatic in his enrnestuenn of
speech ami effort, Francis J. Heney
mndo hln nrgument yestorday in pre
punting the case of tho government in
the WlllinuiKoii-Ucsiicr-iliggN trial to
tlm Jury.
Those high in public life who used
their olllcen for private gnin and for the
practice of Illegal husWicm were held
up before the jury an men worse than
thlcvi and robbers.
"It ban Ixeii intimated by the do
fonpo in thin enne," raid Mr. Henry,
"that I have told tlm witmwpes when
umy caum neiore uio grana jury us
witnesses that I was notaftor,tho little
IIhIi, hut nfter the big onoa. It ban
bein insinuated that hack of my move
ments lurked a political motive, hut I
need only to bring thla to mind for you
to know how falno It Is. Though tho
defenno has never been able to get a
witnena to nay that I told him I was
after the big llnh, I will nay it myself.
I am after the big fish, anil an long as
there Is a book and it line or a bit of
tackle In the government box I will
keep 'after them. Graft is ruining
Kunnla today; graft ruined Home, tho, and, mi
les n the jurirn of tho nation sustain the
laws of tlm United States, graft will
iiiln tills country."
Turning to the defendanta and their
motives, the attorney held that when a
guilty man attempts to prove defense
for himself lie always hews as close to
the truth ns ionnihlo. "Hut crime
leaven its ncur upon the conscience nnd
tlm mind," said Mr. Heney, "until if
wu open wide enough the .window s of
tho coul wo can see tho mnrkings left.
It In this consciousness of scar that has
led the defendants in this case to plan
tho defence they have. I am after the
big llsh I do not want the ixKtr devils
who have been seduced through the In
fluence o' power nud wealth. I want
(ho big fish. Ono millionaire in the
jieriitentlary Is worth ono thousand of
tlm oor devils ho bought, aa an exam
pie to tlm world."
Claim of Indemnity Cauiat Vigorous
Action In War Officii.
St. I'otorsburg, July ,11. Tho Inti
mation of Mr. Sato, Ilaron Komura's
secretary, that Japan will claim full
indemnification for tho cont of tho wnr
beside tho Island of Sakhalin, has
gained recruit for tlm war party from
among the cIiism which had hoped Hub
mIii would bo able to offer tho railroads
to I'ort Arthur nnd Dalny, tho Island
of Sakhalin, and other valuable consid
erations in lieu of a direct cash Indem
nity. The war oillco Is not slackening pre
parations for continuing tho war in
case the peace negotiations nro unsuc
cessful. The gap in general Llnlo
vltoli'M army caused by the lossca at
Mukden has been filled and tho railroad
Is working to Its full capacity, carrying
reinforcements to form fresh corps.
A dlspntch from Irkutsk announced
the completion of work on tho trans
llalkal line. In order to roliovo tho
tralllc on tho railroad, Trinco Hllkoff,
minister of railroad communications.,
lion sent three steamers loaded with
rails and n flotilla of river steamers hy
way ol tho Arctic ocean to tho mouth
of the Yenisei river, wbe.ico they will
bo transported by that river to Kras
noyarsk, which is within 400 miles of
Lake liiilknl.
s?.Vtt'JJ.'ff''l'?-rtf ' " iHW ' Tr riiftfriir" Mavaiols
,l$rl rlr 3n0 -K.S-
Ruoila Mutt Pay for Illegal Occupa
tion of Manchuria.
Herliri, July 31. Tho Lokal Anxclger
prints an interview with n prominent
Chinese diplomatist, evidently tho
Chinese minister nt Berlin, who says
that the dowager empress and the em
peror havo cent a circular letter to all
viceroys and governors and to Chinese
ministers abroad, asking them to state
fully their views as to what attitude
China should tnko in tho settlement of
tho Manchurlan question.
Tho diplomatist further stated that
China, in determining what indemnity
to demand from Itussia, will Include
not only the reduction in public reve
nues during tho war, but a sum suffi
cient to cover damages suffered through
years of illegal occupation of that coun
try, no afcwjmes that Japan will keep
her word and hand over Manchuria to
Chinn, but thinks it will bo imposslblo
for China to install tho old form of
government there, since tho Improve
ments tho Russians nnd Japanese havo
Introduced make a modern system of
administration necessary. Tho diplo
mat concludes:
"China will not longer nlav tho role
of n moro spectator, but will assert her
claims with energy In tho Portsmuth
negotiations and interesting develop
ments will certainly follow."
I'ructlcnl Cow HUH.
Tho great jirlnclplo that make this
stall a practical success Is the fencing
of tho cow hack to the ditch, saya K.
(-'. Kckert, In I'ncltlc Homestead. The
fence A A A in put on either side of
the pont to unit tho length of tho cow,
or for a short cow can he moved V
ward the cow'b head several Inches by
nailing on a four hy four stud on the
post next to the cow, then putting on
the bars A. Tho feed box 1 olghtcen
Inches wide and tliu flange board In
front of the cow seven Inches high,
which, on to tho three hy thrco stud
ding underneath, maken the top edge
ten Inches high from platform. The
ix Air or cow stall.
German Paper Say German Navy I
Ready for Action.
Merlin, Aug. 1. A very considerable
sensation has Ix-tm caused by tho pub
lication in the Tegel Zoitung of n state
ment that a war between (lot tunny and
Great llrllaln Is Imminent. Tho paper
"According to the most reliable In
formation furnished to tlm editor, war
between thin nation and hngland may
not lie averted. All German warships
have Iwen fully prepared for prompt
action, having received secret instruc
tions that war is considered Inevitable."
Tegel is n lterlin suburb, where nro
located the oxtcuslvo works ol Messrs.
ltorsig, the well known machino and
gun manufacturers. This firm controls
tho newspapers and the assumption Is
that tho "reliable Information" eman
ated from that linn.
the tho
Dlttrets Among Italian.
New Orleans, Aug. 1. Much
trcnti Is beginning to appear among
Italian imputation growing out of
practical suppression of tho fruit bust
iiess from Louisiana on account of tho
quarantines, and relief work is ono of
the tasks which tho Itnllan societies
and citizens' committcvH will now havo
to address themselven to. While tho
six-day detention order of the board of
health lasts, all tho lined which havo
been oporatod from the steamer Into
New Orleaiid will divert their ships to
Change In Land Laws.
Washington, Aug. 1. Tho pnbllo
IiiuiIh commission, appointed nearly
two years ago to Investigate nud re
port upon tho operation and needed
modlllcatlona in tho public land laws,
hoped to submit n II mil mid comprehen
sive report to President Itoosovolt prior
to tho assembling of congresa next fall.
Tho commhisloii Iiiih about completed
Kh Investigations ns regards tho liomu
Blend, tho desert laud unit timber laws,
but not ot tho mineral land laws,
War Party Has Upper Hand.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 1, Nowaof tliu
utmost importance is dally expected
from the army in Manchuria. At army
i headquarters there nro evidenced of
great activity, mul tlioro no iloulil
that word fo a general eugageiuout is
looked (or. Tho wnr party etlll Ima
tho upper band and tlioro is etlll Utile
talk of peace-,
Many Quarantined nt Havana.
Havana, Aug. 1. Sovouty-ulght ar
rivals today from Mexican and South
ern state ports again increased tliu num
ber of passengers detained at the Trig-
coruia station. Of 10 patwougora on
tlm Kxcelslor from New Orleans, 14
were detained as well aa weroall tho 28
passengers on tho Martinique, from
Miami, Fin. Tho Yucatan, bound from
Vera Crux to New York, brought ono
feverish passenger, who was isloaled
nnd taken to tlm fever hospital,
Rojestvontky Is Recovering.
Toklo, Aug. 1. Hear Admiral Ho
JcBtvouaky'a condition had made satis
factory progress since tlm operation that
was performed on his forehead. Ho
was able to leave bid bed and sit in a
chair yesterday. Pains in ono foot,
however, prevent his walking freely,
but no catiBo for uneasinesa oxiets,
The admiral has oxpremjed hla slncoro
malefaction with tho treatment accord
ed him.
Taft Party nt Nagasaki.
Nagasaki, Aug. 1, Tho Btcamor
Manchuria an 'veil horo nt 7 o'clock
this morning. Tho governor, ntayor
nnd other ollloinls went aboard and ex
tended ofllclal welcome to Secretary of
War Taft and Mlaa Itoosovclt.
Propoted That Chinese Be Scrutin
ized Before They Start.
Washington, July 31. A new way
out of tho perplexing diflicullies sur
rounding tho enforcement of tho Chin
ceo exclusion law Is being considered
by tho department of Commerce nnd
Labor. It is projwscd to put tho regu
lations into more practicable form nnd
nt the ramo titno throw a sop to Chin
ese susceptibilities by having tho in
specting and regulating dono on tho
other side.
This can bo managed by establlshinc
representatives of tho stato and immi
gration serviced at porta In China with
a view to examining tho claims of
Chinese desiring to como to America,
and if tho examination proves that
they aro exempt, to isauo credentials to
them, which will bo accepted without
question at American ports. Hy this
plan tho investigation will bo much
moro simple and satisfactory.
Defente of Columbia River.
Washington, July 31. A board of
army others, including, Lieutenant
Colonel Arthur Murray, Artillerv
corps; Major Langfltt,of tho engineers,
and the district artillery ofllcer on tho
Columbia river, will meet and collect
data for tho Bubmarino defense of tho
fortit!catloim at the mouth of tho Co
lumbia river, nnd also report on exist
ing mines, buildings nnd structures in
connection with harbor defense and re
commend new works deemed necessary
to complete submarine work at tho en
trance to the river.
July Deficit Is Smaller.
Washington. July 31. Tho monthly
statement of tho government receipt!)
and expenditures, which will bo issued
by tho treasury department on August
1, will show tho receipts for July, 1005,
to havo been approximately UK. 180.-
000, and the expenditures about 102,.
000,000, leaving a deficit for tho month
of f 13,080,000. Tho deficit last July
wad 117,300,000. There waa no extra
ordinary receipts or exponiMturoa, and
none will appear in July, 1005.
Yaquls Will Surrender.
Nogalea, Arix., July 31. After six
yeara of continuous fighting, tho Yaqul
Indians In Mexico aro suing for peace.
A peace conference is being arranged
for, and if there ia no hitch in tho pres
ent plans, Yaqul leaders will meet rep
resentatives of tho Mexican povernmont
at Urez, Solano, Mexico, No datu for
meeting haa been mado public, but the
Indians aro already reported to bo
gathering In tho vicinity of Urez.
latter Is six feet six Inches from the
ditch to the front end of Dvc foot
Tho slanting manger Is three feet
from tho floor of the feed alley and
leaves an opening nt tho top of eight
een inches, where all the feed Is placed
in tho feed trough, thero being sutll
dent room at A (say six Inches) for
grain, ensilage or cut fodder to pass
down, but hay, whole fodder or straw
will not pans down, but will remain so
that tho cow can cat them through tho
bars (A).
Tho partitions between tho cows are
threo feet six Inched apart, four feet
high and thrco feet six Inches long.
There arc no partitions In front of the
bars (A) except twelve Inches nbovo
tho bottom of the feed box, so that tho
cut feed and grain ration remain In
Its own cow's manger. Hut tho whole
length of the hay manger Is clear from
end to end, nnd, If wanted, any long
fodder can be distributed In It In good
shape. The platform nhotilil drop from
manger to ditch not lets than two
particular customer who havo partlcu
lar nnd ponnlhly peculiar whim and
notions about what they want. Wo
must try to conform to such notions no
matter If we think that they nre pe
culiar nnd that wn hnvo much better
thing than such a notional customer
calls for, Kxchnngo.
"t.nrttie llj" the Corn.
It 1 n common practice among corn
grower to "lay com by." When tiro
season I an exceptionally good ono
and when tho noil I free from weeds
seed com may bo laid hy with no evil
results. In a dry season or a wet sea
son or where weeds and vines grovr
rapidly and In untold numbers, laying
com hy I entirely out of tho question.
To lay com by too often mean to let
tho weed alone, or It may mean to
let the surface crust cake, crack open
and through tho maturing season al
low tho much needed moisture to lenvo
through surfaco evaporation. If pos
sible get tho cornfield free of weed
nnd Wies, and after tho hard rains of
Juno and early July nro over and tho
aummcr drought sets in ran through
ti.8 com onco or twlco with a shallow
working tool. It leaves tho surface
level, prevent surface washing and
conserve the moisture. Weeds re
quire moisture When they grow In
com they feed upon tho same nlant
food, take the same moisture that tho
com plant fettl upon. Should thero
be a shortago of cither plant food or
moisture, the weed gets Its part nnd
lets tho com plant go hungry nnd
This fs a very critical period In tho
life of the com plant If it is tended
well, If It I to moke Its largest yields
the work must bo done at once. De
lay means loss. He ready for tho ruin
when tho rain cease. W. D. Ander
son, In Indianapolis News.
Valuable for Dairymen.
Much more space Is necessary prop
erly and understanding to dcscrlbf
the necessary combinations of food to
make a properly balanced ration, than
tho average paper can give to tho sub
ject. The Department of Agriculture
at Washington has Issued some- very
good bulletins and some very poor
ones. Decidedly ono of the best Is
farmers' bullotln No. 22, which covers
tho subject of feeding farm animals
quite exhaustively. It not only gives
tables of balanced rations, but tho
analyses of different combinations nnd
their digestibility. Write to tho Sec
retary of Agriculture, Washington, D.
(.'., for a copy of this bulletin. It will
save you money If you will follow Its
teachings. Hotter send for It now so
as to try and raise so nip of tho crops
which will furnish the valunblo protein
so necessary In a balanced ration.
Type of btlver I.uced Wyandotte.
Although standing in a rather un
natural position, this Sliver Laced Wy
andotte Is as good a bird as ono often
meets. lie has tno large open lacing
so much desired In tiio breast and body
feathers, but is rather light In neck
nnd saddlo for a high scoring show
bird. This fowl, bred nnd owned by
British Ship Is Seized.
Seattle, July 31. Tho llrltlsh shin
Joiophino, Captain J. P. Ileillor, from
Vancouver, H. U., has boon seized by
tho United States maralml at Ketchi
kan, Alaska. Tho captain nnd crow
are In lull. Tho vessel landod a carao
from a Canadian port at an American
port without a permit.
Btraw Hats for Jtont:
Thoso who are familiar with city
life have noticed tho straw bats with
which horses doing heavy work aro
adorned during
tho summon
Thoso hats ore ar
ranged so a
sponge kept moist
with water will
lay on top of tho
bead of the borjo,
held In place by
tho crown of the
linf. If farmnri
HOME'S HAT. wouM buy ,.
hats and put them on to the horses tno
animals would bo much more comfort
able during the summer.
If It Is not possible to boy ono of
theso bats, the old-stylo straw ball
may be readily fashioned to fit the
hone. Aa tho crowns are shaped some
what different from the bought hats,
a spongo would not stay In position,
but in Ha place a number of largo
leaves leaves from a grapovlno would
do moistened with water, would as
sist In keeping the head of the borso
cool. This appliance could bo readi
ly attached to the brldio with tapes.
The illustration shows how an ordi
nary straw bat may bo fashioned for
the horse.
John O. Jodrey, of Massachusetts, was
n prlzo winner at tho last Hoston
show. This Is a popular breed among
Western poultry fanciers, who, how
V''fcir, do not fully Indorso tho typo fol
lowed bv Eastern hreeders.
b'f '
-7- iiiiui oi tua innrnci.
tf la 1-a1I tn IrnAUi n imnil
Care of Poultry Yard.
Where fowls aro confined In rather
close quarters during tho summer It
1 a good plan to arrango so that the
poultry yard can be cleaned or elsa
divided In two or more sections so
that ono can be renovated while tho
othor Is being usod. If the yard la of
the ordinary garden soil It should be
spaded under to tho depth of tho spade
after first cleaning out tho worst of
tho filth. Thon sow this space to oats
or rye and allow It to grow for two
weeks; then turn the poultry Into this
yard and treat tho othor yard in tho
nn in o manner.
Calves In Qronp.
It is desirable to have calves corns
In groups whoro a largo number ot
cattlo aro being kept nnd tho calves
are to bo raised for beeves. It is only
In this way that uniformity In size.
weight and finish can bo obtained for
the car loads of cattle that aro to bo
sent to market. If thero aro but few
cattlo It Is better to havo only two
groups of calves, one In the spring and
ouo In the fall. It will bo caster to
care for thorn if they aro in groups of
about tho same size than If they como
at all months of the year. Farmers'
It In u-tfilt niinm-li tn Irnnii n
TvegoTafcTo" "when you sco It, and to try
to have tho best of everything. It Is
well to havo high ideals. Hut they do
not always pay. What tho market
gardener wants Is cash for his prod
ucts, and to got that he must fur
nish what the customer wants and Is
willing to pay for. Almost each mar
ket has its particular whims and va-
Igarlea, Or at times wo meet with
Garden llliitn.
Keep tho soli well stirred.
Sow winter beets and rutabaga tur
nips. Keep tho weeds out of tho straw
berry patch.
Hoo tho lima beans and train the-n
on tho poles if necessary.
Layer tho squash vines, covering tho
Joints with fresh earth to prevent the
borers killing them out.
Tor early ripening of tho tomatoes
keep tho sldo branches trimmed off,
and to prevent rot support the plant
by tying to a stako or trellis,
Ho ou the looklut for bugs on tho
melon plants. Keep tho ground well
stirred and sift tobacco dust on tho
vines or cover thorn wjth mosquito net
ting. It is of no use to think that contin
uous crops can bo produced without
continuous effort. When one crop is
taken off tho soil must bo dug as deep
ly as In the first Instance and fertilizer
used as for tho first crop.