The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 04, 1905, Image 8

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    i I
tfltffl .-,.,,l.,...:A, . ...
If -- ' "
The Townsife of PEND
Oi the 6eschite$ iUver in Western Part of Crook
County, Oregon.
Center of the new IrrlRatlon Development covering
f-y S.
i "
x v s. i-y . ' a. vxx. nn.j x i l .
A VXy - 3, ty ;:- vJ; villi i. ' i ' i ' ''
Theodore Rooterdt
1ce PrciUeot....-
StarUry eTSUte
EecreUry ofTrctBury.. ..
Secretary oCIotcrior
StcrtUry.oCVhr. - ,
Sfcttfeirjr ofXorj........
Scattarjf of Cotntnercc....
.. CharJc V. KilrUnL
... John Hay
Ulle M. Shaw
,. It A. Hitchcock
W. II. Taft
Paul Mortoe
"ktor II. Metemlf
PiMtmaXrr General
....0. D. Certtlyou
Attorney OtBtril
Mcrttarjr of Agdcutturc.
....Wm. II. Mostly
....Jame Wllaoa
Secret ry of State.....
Attorney Cenf rt.....
S6pt rubHc Imtltutlon..
I'riuttr .......
Dairy and Food Com....
Gee. It CJinrilaln
.. I'. U EWubar
C S.SIoore
.... A. 5 Crawford
..... J. II. Acktrman
.J. R. Whitney
J. W. Kalley
C . J. it. MtWhell
V B. Senator.,
f C. W. Fulton
i. Iliuser Heman
J. N. Wllllaroion
S, C. It Wolverton
R. ft. Ilean
in A. Moore
Siprtme Jud(eb.
JuJge ...,
.W. I.. Ura4haw
l'rank Meiiefcc
Joint Sewlor.
.J. A. Layceak
, J. N. Uw(ni
, K. A. Hnimitt
N. vrtualdoB
.. W. A- Dell
fferk.'.! ..
uHerliT.. ..-..
.... J- J. Smith
C tWm Smith
..0: C Gray
-J. . U I'olletle
School Bupt
.a n. Dluwlddie
, C. A. Cravca
..J. II. Crook
tMock Inspector......
. joe llinkle
y M. D. I'i
"' r 6. s. sn
, D. l'owell
, Kt.-iP l'UBClhOT.
JVKlc of Ptace ....w.J. M. Iwrence
CpiiHil)let........ a..-.....-;...I'.. i. Olle
Rad 8upenl9r..-.,fc....4 Chaai J. Cottor Scitooa DlmmcT Mo. i.
iJM. Lawrence
A. I. Goodwlllle
-... - U. Dt- Wleat
i Mifct Ruth L,. Rcid
(Mlia Crace Janca
Cirr or Bekij.
....i.... -A- U Goodwillle
Hi. n uiwiruu;
, V. O. Minor
R. R. Uater
f C. II. JJrUkaoii
(j)uncau McMillan
Treaurer....H' ""'
tc. w. Merrill
: lliioh n'WntlM
J. L Welt
. TaBu,ra fdr liorcc(5 .so cents' a
week, $s afnttmtli, n'tar. ,end.
tf H. W..Morrim
ACabbage plantfl ready tb set Qtit,
?. S, Nichol.
A $ y A
Sy yS. V ' "A(.0 y j' . Y r l I fcl i I I I I I f "1 I I
Timber Land, Act Junej, S;8.
I. S. Laud Oflicc, Tlvc Dalle, Orfjou.
Mayj, in
Notke I hereby siren, that In compliance
with the prurttiont oitbe act of k.onere of Junt
tlr". e title "Au act for the aute ef Umbel
tid in IImt atiite of California, Oregon, Nevada
ami Wavhingion Tcrnlvry ' extemlnl to all
ihcpuUir land Mate t.y act of Attgnkt 4, Ift.
Kdmupd It Gametic.
of BeUinfhara. cunty of WmiCcem. aUte ef
WaaMBttefi. haalhhday Bled in tht olhee hit
worn itatemenl No jy. for tMe prchae of
IheeHnw. eH' rfw i, tp 19 , rite,
wm '
And will offer ntffof to ahow tht the land
tough 1 1 more vahwMe ,Vr lu. limber or atom
than for agricultMta? punre, a 6.1 to otaUitk
hi claim to atd land, fclbre J, M IjiwreiKt
I S. ComiditUloiitr, at hi olSce at Hcud. Ore
ion, on Thtiraday, the inh day of October, 1095
He name wltneve Joeuh N'. Hunter,
Krnrst A. Griffin, Una K. Smith and Chauncey I'
Keeker, all of Iiciwi, )rr.on
Anv and all Dervni daimlnc adreraelv the
aliorr-decribcd madarc reiue-tcd to file theit
cUimaln thi office mi or laeforc the uld IJthdaj
of octolier, iaj. N '
a-o6 M1CUAKI, T. NOL.VK, Rcgiiler.
Tucter Land, Act June j, ll;8.
V. S. Ijiml Office, Ttic Dallea, Oregon,
May j?, 190J.
N'Uior la herein' vieea that incomDliance with
he imrtUuttt of the Act of Congrea of June 3,
i7ii, entitled, "An act fur the aalc of Umber land
in the atalc of California, OreKOn, Ncrada, and
Washington Tcrritor)," a extended to all the
public laud alate by Act of August 4, v,
ra W Gile.
of Deacbutea, county of Crook, atate f Oregon,
11a. tin any otei in nil oinrc nia nworn aiaie
menl No. mi. for the purchase oftheeH tw'.i.
anil lota 3 and 6 of d. lp-16, riacrw l
And will offer opoof to Bhuw that the
land aought I more valuable 6rll tlinleror
atone than for agricultural HirpM, aud to e
tabliih hli ctaiiii to aaid laud before J M
Iiwrence, t h. Cnininiioncrr a hiaoruce at
Itend. Oreson. oil Wcducaday the nth day of
October, 19m.
He naraeaaavtltneMeM Jahu BIm, aTSitter.
Oregon Joaeph I. Hunter. of Oeud, Uregou, and
lame w ijrcrioii ana Kicruiru uig, uoin 01
Otkchute, (Jregou,
Auy aud all nerton' elaimine wlrcraely the
abovc-detcribed landaarirreaurated to file Iheir
claim In till oflxc on, orbelotc the &ldiitli
day of Oooltr, 190J.
ayofi JUCHAJ'X T NOCAN, ReglMcr.
Timber Land, Ael Jutte 3, HrH.
XT. B. Land OfDccTlve Dalle, Oregon,
June i, 1903.
Notlie U hereby given tiutt lu compliance with
the provUlou of the act of Ctwgreuof June j,
8;8, entitled "An act for the wle of limber landa
in the notra-of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
WaihiugtMi Territory," aa extended to all the
public land 4tt by act of Augut 4, 189),
Jamcx-A. Milchcll,
ot irincvllle, county of Crook, atalc of Oregon,
haathl day filed In till office III aworn atalc
incut No, 394 for the purchase of the !!,,
Mwf , nwjwj, aecjt, t 13 , r 10 e, w m,
Aud will ofSrr proof to ahow that the land
ooht I more valuable for it timber or atone
than far agricultural purpote, and to ctab1lli
hi dttim to'aukt land before the CouulyClcrk of
Crook county at Prliicvillc, Orcgin, on Thnf aday
the uth day of October 1503-
lie namtm wltnee; II. A l'onter, of l'rif
ville, OtCKMi,K, It. Dorrance, or Ilend, Orcittii.
W.T iL Wllwn and Arthur Triuplttuii, botti of
SUter, Oregou.
Any a.H an pcraou claiming iumj kic
alKjvcleKriled landa are reqiiealexl 10 fiW their
claiumjn thl office on or before- ld Uh day
of October, ivoj. '
4 MICUAl'.L T.NOLAN, l'.slfr,
Depurlment of The Interior,
0. H. Inrt Oflke, The Dlla, Oregon,
Jnly J. HH
Notice 1 bereby Riven that the Mknvlng-nam-M
Kttlera hire rtletl MMlc ofthtlr intention to
mak" firtal ptwvf oti tLr revpedlrr cUImm. and
that -M prool will N,mH be.'we J 11. Law
rene. I' A Commlwiotv, at Ma MMr In Hcnd
oieon.on ANctut i. i'tj. vlt.'
l'rancia !. George, '
it Clinel'aHa. Oregou on II. It Mo. lu. for I he
iwjfnwj, w!wj4 ec 13 and aiwf hc.
tp 13, rue, w hi
Alfred A, George,
f Chile l'll. Oregon, on II It No. iS4. for
the WwX ec I. and iiHnwtf, aeci3lp 13 a,
rue w in
They name the following wttnetua to prove
their cuuUiihou residence ution and cultivation
Ml aaid hind, to wit.
Calvin ItUIr, Jame Meredith and George
lllntluiw, orcilnc I'alU, Oregon; and JewC
George, of Ildlaw, Oregon.
7-an MICIIAKLT NOLAN. Rrgttlrr.
Timber Land, Act June 3,1878
V. H. Mnd Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
Marc li l, i'.
Notice I hereby given that in compllatKe with
the provision of the Act of Congre of June J,
lt)l. entitled, "An act for the uteoftimhrrUnd
in Inealale of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wathinglon Territory," aa extended lo alt Ihe
public land atalea by act of Anguol 4, ifcyl,
William J. Davl, ,( .
of Sandpolnl, county of Lewi. Utr ofldaho,
ha tills day filed In thl office M wworn tlate
inent No. J4'J, for Ihe purchaic of the nwj, ace
34,tpU,noc. win t'm
And wilt offer proof tq J.ow lliat the land
aought I more valuable for. It limber or atone
than for agricultural purpose, and lu etabtlh
Iheir claim to aaid land Lf fore Ihe KcxMeraud
Receiver of thl office at Te Dalle, Oregon, on
the 34th day of Augual, 170,
He name a wltneura Ifyron Johndon,
Charle I'. Dale aud Arthur If. Allen, all of
Sandiioliit, Idaho, and' Michael O'Connor, of
The Dallea' Oregon.
Auy aud alt pcraonr claiming advcrxHy Ihe
abovcHleacrlbed land arc reuucitcd to file their
claim in thl office on or before aaid 14th
day of Augut, 1993. "
JrjaiS MICllAIJL T. ifOLAtr, I'.eglftcr
Timber I,arU', Act June J, Itf' i
U. 8. Laud Office, Lahevlcw, Oregon,
June 17, l'3.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance with
the provitton flkeiAct of Congren of June 3,
1878, entilled, "An act for the Ml of lluibcrlanda
in thcalateaofCatifomla, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahington Territory," aa extended to all the
public land Matca by Act of AugUnt 4, iBoJ.the
lollowliitf pcrmna have filed In thl office their
wornttatinuent, lo-witf;
KmniaJ. Ground,
01 Jueu via, oguDiy in -uik hrit ri wiccuii ,
worn wateroeut No, if 8( for the iurchc of
inc ucx 11, ip ji , r 11 c, w m,
B.rah V Well, ,
onia&ey, county of Mnu, atalc of OrrgoiC, aworn
ttatemeul No. tn.x(-rr lh,e, vuic)iaM; of lhe3(
, vXhv'X, cc j),f, u,: r.M C, r m. f
Ibat tliey will oflir paoofwi ihotrfultheland
ought, i more vahnkli. fon lbvt(mViM or' atone
Utun for agricultural purpoe, and to ctabllh
Iheir claim to ald Jand lefoie I, ,M Iwrence
U. H. Coinmiioner, h, hi oft(ce'lt'1end, Ore
gon, on Wednesday thctr; dayrfCKtotr i'5,
They nam ai witutM"! WJlLWit". L Well,
andSarah'K. Well, si IfaUev, Ottupn, 1'rank
1'. (lioobd' 04 l'.mma J.' GrrJliildT'of I'arkcr,
Oreguu)and'jr, VI Murphy, of Independence,
Oregom .. ,iJ1( , .. .,
Any aclf all"rroiis lUlralng advcrxiy the
abovoidcKiibcd' land arc requeatcd to file their
claim lii thl riffce on or bVfprc Mld 4th day
of Octtbcx, iflej. ' '
jii-ui J. N, WAftiON, Kegurter,
p" FIR
as rf .e j
l-C I -J 4 Si 'tlj-fsi7. I 1
Timber Land, Act June J, tH.
U. a. Land Office, The IMI, Orrgmt.'
April 18, tyaft.
Notke I herehv olven that In cwuplMiicr wUh
1 MoviaiotM tjftlie Act of Cotttfre of June t
ia;l. extttVrd "AM X for the hr of timber Und
in the Mate of California. Oregon. Nevawa. anr
wiamnatoH Tvtiiiory," a cxieHoeti lu an iim
poblie land illt hy Act of Angott 4, lo.
Chart A. skpalnhodr,
f Hew). tmiMty 01 Crook, niale of Oiveon, baa
thl Jaybird IK lh, oinoe hi aworn Male Htenl
No yii, for the porch of the oImciii
tp 17. 1 11 e, w m.
And will oaVr trif to bow that the land
uught t more valuaMe for II timber of Moor
than for agrtcMllurat MirpM. and lo eMabIKh
hU claim lo Mid land before J. LwrMc
U H Commlttner at hi office In Mend, Oir
goa on AugtKt 13. I9i
He name a wilHe. I'rank HUm, I, Clin
ton Whlttfil, Iwgenia J. Whined and CailyteC
rrlprtll, all of Kend, Oiegon.
Vny ami all ncfMi claiming adcrely the
' ve-le-acribeJUndarereiirtel lo file Ibeti
1 uulnthi otbee on or iKfurcnld 13th da)
' ugul, iov . "
Timber Land, Act June j, ityl.
U. H, Mud Office, The Dalle. Oregon,
April. l3
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with
Ihe provitlonauf the Att nf Cuiigre of June J,
171, cntitleil, "An act fur Ihe aleoriiinbrrlandt
lu the Mate nf Lalllurnla, OrrgMii, Neva, and
Wutiliiginu Territory," a citeiHled lo all the
public laud Male by Act of Augutt 4, ly,
SamueLH. Dotraucc,
of Cllne Kail, county of Crook, Male of Oregon
ha III! day filled in Ihl office III aworn Mate
metit No 1304, for the putchatc of Ihe w!fkc)f.
wXw'f ec 34 IP IS, ri , '-"t 4, ej, aiid
Lota 1, a and j,ec 4, tp l( , r 10 r, w m.
Aud will offer' proof la huw tliat the land
ought I mure valuable for it tlinUr or alone
tlun for agricultural pur r.f, aud to etabllh
hi claim to aaid taiid before J. 31. Lawrcucc
V S, Cominlttitolier, at i f office In Ilend, me
gun, on August 13, rV3 ,
He namra a Wllnrne; llarritou A. 3telvin,
J. W Wright John A. McCall and ltogtue I!
Cttchcll.oll of hllji nfegon.
Any and all perfuuai olaimlng advery the
above-deacrlbed land arc rcuctl to file their
claim in thl office rit or before aaid 13th day of
Augut, p03,
,J,,;..i ,1 i ... , , ,
, Tlmber'J'.ar), Act June , 8;8,
U. H. Laud Office, The DjIIc, Oregon,
in'') o' ' r .'April 7. 1903.
Notice J.,rcbyct well that In compliance with
,lhe provitmnrOI tlidactof CfHigreanof June J,
1878. entitled "Ao act M the aale of timber land
In the State ofCalifornia; fltrgon, Nevada and
Wellington TCrrrloty," a extended l ll the
public land stale by act- ol Augul4, 1H71,
of Ilend, county 6f CrW, (atc of Oregon, Ma
till day filed' In iMtidlfioc hi iworn tttUmeut
No, J4yi, for the vrttXMt of 1Ji,MwJ, ec 11
aud m'A wK kc IT, W 17 , ril e. w 111
And verif off jiMl ' ti adoiv that the laud
ought I more valuable for II limber or Moiie
thnii foragrlcidlunjl jiiii,WMrfc and to ctubllli
hi claim U iMbt Uud liefiire J II. Lawrence,
V H. CcfifiirtMionVr, at hi lit Ileud, Ore
gon, on llifl Mtlf. day, oAuIt, 1113,
Iliiauikntfi(iipei; i;uk lat. Millard
T TrlplellTTIioiiia W. Trlplett and L Clinton
Whltted, all of Ilend, Oicgou.
Anyaudioll 'iwraotft claiming adversely the
aboveleerlbed laud are rcijuetled lo file their
claim In thl office an or before mid 14th day ul
Auguil, lyoj, ,
ja4 miciiakl t. Nolan, AttfM.
' AVE.
i j y j (
; ' o t S f
A V E .
' " ' f 7
F TiTo
' L J S 4
-i ' V 7
h AV E.
a v r
DpitMMMt of the iHlerfor
V Land OftVvc, The ImIIt. IVfegt
Jnne K. !'
A uffxent almUvft bovine been fikil Ih Ihu
oAice by Jam it Psiioh, rtMleMant. ajramM
komcM-M entry No iMTV, mwlr April rT twl.
forwhoeV, hwIm-M HeHw, arc 14, tp ' .
r ne, w Lee Paiket, cuoleMe In whk-h
it waltet.d lhat Mid l, Parker ha wholly
atMHdaM Hid tract, that he ha changed hi
eaideoec therefrom for more than ! month
lM paM, lht Mid tract M Mot Milled utwn ami
-ulllvalnt by Mid porly a tesnlf rd by law that
aid aliened absence 11111 Hot doe to hi emptor
mrnt In the aimy navy or maitne cotp ul ihr
t'lillM Male in lb time of war, mo! prtieai.rc
hereby not I lied lo appear, refond and nft-r
(vidrHc tooehlug MM alteaalloH at i rlKk
a m OH AuinlM 17 iys befotc J, 31. Lawrence.
V H CommiatfoHer, atlil ornce In Ilend Oirgtm,
ami that Anal heallnK will I he d at lu o'clock
a m on AH cul 14 194, Iwfofe the RrrMer and
Kecvtver at Ih I' H Laud Oilier In The Dalle,
The Mid enntettaiit having. In a operm
davit, filed June 11. ivd. et forth fttcUwhHh
how that uTler dueilllirgence iohiI nervUr of
in notice can not he mane, 11 1 herein orewreal
and directed that mwIi notice be glim by ilae
and proer tmhUcatlon
Jll-ail MICIIAHI. T. NOLAN. KrgtMer
Timber l.anrt, Act June J, 1874.
V. S. Mud Office. The IMlle. Oregon,
Aptll r. IV.
Notice I liervbv given that In onnpltanre wild
the piovlliniifllir Act of Cuugroa of June j.
171. entitled, "Au act for Ihr Mleof llmlH-r UiiiU
in incHateaui cauiornia, iiiegon, Nevaila, ami
Waahingtiiii Territory," a extended lo all the
public land Matt by Act of Auguit 4, ly,
John I'ergutou.
of Demi, cntlnly of Crook, ttate of Oirgtm, ho
un thl day filed In thl oilier hl o(H Male
iiirnt No 4V7, for the tmrchakc of Ihrawlter
Jl, l 10 , I I J, W III
And will offer proof to huw that thrlaud
ought la more valuable fur II limber or Mone
than for agricultural puriiow, and to eelaMIMi
hi claim to Mhl laud Ufoie J M. l.aMlrncr,
U H. Commltibiuer, at hi nflice In Ilend, Oie
gon, on the 14th day of AuguM, P13
llciiameaa wlluette. IMaid I.. Keimoii,
I'rank Ola, William Arnold and John L. Kevcr,
all of Ilend, Oirgtiii,
Any and all iieraou clalmlux aiUeracly Ihe
alMive-lracTibrdlaudNtr rrqucMeil tn lite their
claim In thl office on or before the aaid Mill day
r.r Aiioiitl tibia
I'I ,HO Ifljl
MICUAl'.L T. NOLAN, Regl.ler,
Tltulier Laud, Alt June 3, 1878,
0, h. Laud OIllic, Lakevlew, Oregon.
July 4. IVOJ
Notice I lierehy given that In compliance with
l'y,'J"'u "Mlie Act .f Congre. of June 1.
lj. entitled, "Au act for the aalcof limber luiiot
In Inr atalc iiT California, Oregon, Nciada, ami
Wa.hliigtoii Terrllory," aa exlemled lo all the
public laud tlhte by Alt or Augutt 4, iK-yj,
Jennie M Well,
Pr.l'Vkf J'.t""1",y '"". ltc or Oregtm, tin
'n! day filed 11 thl ofllce her aworn atatrmrnt
No, 1 6m, for the purchatc of the awttwV, vc
ll.wHnwJf MiiduifXawK, cc l, tp at , r 11 e,
And will offer proof lu how that the laud
ought l more valuable for it Umber or alone
than fur agricultural purtKe, and to elabllh
her claim lu wild land before J.J. Hmllli, Clerk
olCroukcuuiily,ilregon,al hi office lu I'riuevlllc
..,Kv.(,w(, uimuy tii; 4IIII nay 01 uciuoer, il3.
SlK uauteia wlliieaie: I'rank P. rimiimt r
puena VIMa, Oregon, llcndcrtou W. Murphy, of
ludcpeudeiice, Oregon, Commodore P, Well of
...,, Luxuiif Hi,,, ritiiti,, miiiicii, 01 1'ori
Und, Oregon.
At a til ntl ua-. I.l.l.... - .1 a .a
.lU.i.u.n" :::, r?.,.7:"".:i " .. "."?." e
... ,..,,..,s,iul, , nir intir
clania In ,thl offie 011 or before Ihe '.J id
111 V flf eflilftluap iiml
1i-U J N. WATSON, Mcgl.tcr,
i Z 3 4 6
I I IjqJ I
I I I " r I I
n ii r t t
At Gateway to
the Great
1 1 mod
Town has Grown
vtitiiely in Uie iit year, the osl office
tiiitiiij: only from April 8. lyivj.
Doubled in Value
III nix tnontlis is what Ikiiiil
KchI Kstatc lias done
The Pilot Butte I
Development Co.
Proprietor Townsite
Timber Mwl, AH Jane 1. 17.
V. A. LftMd Omce, The Dallea. (HeaoM.
April 14.
Notke I befebr gtvti that la rotapliaMcv wnM
Ihe povWmto( Ihf Art of Cemafra of J one 1,
7, eIMtd, "An art foe Ihe mi ,MlimberUnl
Ih the Mate of CaMfoenla. Oteitm. Nevada, aod
H'athtoaloo Tertllof) , 'a ealemted lu all the
public land Male by Art ef Aaat 4. io'
llmlly J rVMHiHtjim
f t4Mt ewooty of Ceook Malvof iwrgoM, ha
oh Ihu 4y filed In Ihl orhre her mm Male
meot No Itvi. for the puriha ol Ihe hw of x
34, tp 13 r we, w m
Ami will offer wroof lo ahow that lb land
Miogbt I mm taluohie for It timber or M'o
lhH for agltrultoral uoipuae. and lo rMabti.H
her claim lo Mid UihI Ik-I, J M Mwremi
l' h Cawwkiaain at hW otrkr Ih Html
Oregon, on AwgoM 14, n3
the name a wttnar lUniaoH A Vlrliln.
iwmwl II DutroHrr, John II iMfroHcc ami
Kwgen II Gttchrtt. ailofatMer, Otegam
Any and all iKtwu ialmiMf a4tl) Ike
abovetleftbd UmU ale Itoeatitl to fit Ihtlf
clalma In Ihla ntli oh or rWfot mM ith day
f AHgHM, yH(.
oj4 MICIIAHI. T. WIUX, Ktrlttr.
Timber Mmt, Ad June j, 1I7I
II. H. Land Office, The DlUa, Oivgon,
April if, iys
Notke I hMeby irlvru that In rompllanre with
lheproIMowoflhr Act uf Ctmgreo of June J.
i7, eiilllle.1 "Ah act for lb MM-of limber land
tnlheMatraofCallfolHMi, (Hrgou. Nevada, ami
WathiHgloM Terrllory. aa rulnwlnl lu all Ihr
public laml Male by Act of AMgoM 4, I,
Sarah I'rrgiMou.
of Ilend county of lrmk, ttalr of Oregon, ha
IhlaiU) filed In Ihi nlfir Iter aworn atalemeHl
No 3. for the pHichmwol the wHaehj. !,
K c MaiidnwriHe of see , tp it , r 11 e
w m.
And will offer pinof loahnw llwl the lml
ought I Hour valuablr for It timber or Muite
than fm agiicutliiral puipimn, aud to nlaMUh
her fUlni In Mid land before J. 31 Mnrrura
I' h, CumnilHhiuer, at hi oldie In tlrttd
orrgon, on Augoal 14, 1043.
Hhr name a wltHvo IMwin I,. Krimon
William Arnold, I'rank libit and I'rank Hardin
kr, all ul llciul, Oregon.
Any and all (veraou tlalinlng adversely the
.ovcdcwcrlbeillaud arvrniiirtlnl til file llwli
claim in thla office uu or before the Mid Mill
day ef Augutt , 190a,
Wat MICAIII, T- NOLAN, Kcgrittr,
Timber I.uml, Ait June ), 1I7I.
V. S, Laud Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
Aptll j, 1903
Notice I hereby ghen that lu compllaiiie wltll
Ihe pTovlaliiinoflhe Art of CoiigrrM ol June 3
l?S, entitled, ''An act for Ihe aalcof limber lulul.,
ii therHalranrCallfurula, Oregou, Nciada, ubfl
WaMilugloii Teirllory." n cxtemlnl to all Ihe
public land Mates by act of August 4, il;,.
Jacktou C. Tullar,
ofLaidluw, cuuiily of Crook, alatr r Olegiiu,
ha on Ihl day tiled In Ihl nlllcc hi swum
alatemeut No. i';4,fiirlht iurrliaeiifllice'f id
Hie , ccj, tp 17s, r 11 c, w 111.
And will offer proof to ahow tliul the laud
(ought la more vuluable for II limber or alone
haulm agricultural purpoca,aud lu cMabllah
hi claim lo aaid laud before J, M. Lawienir
U.H.Ceiiniiilsaloiier.ut hi office in Ilend. Oreuuli,
vii avium 13, twos
Hriismeaa llurae Chauncey P. Ilecker,
and llrnprll II. Multiu, of Ilend, Orrguu, mid
liioibv Thorp, uud Koscoc I'lsiidcr, of I.ulil
law, Oictfou.
Auy and all person claiming adversely the
abiicdcrtlbed lauds are requested to file their
claim In till ofilix uu or before the said 13th
day uTAuguM, 1903