The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 04, 1905, Image 7

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    My Hair is
Extra Long
Feed your hair ; nourish It;
give It something to livo on.
Then It will slop falling, and
will grow long and heavy.
Aycr's I lair Vigor Is the only
hair-food you can buy. For
GO years it has been doing
just what wc claim It will do.
It will not disappoint you.
Mf lialr Md l rr ihorl, Hut attar
mini Ajai'i lUIr Vlr .hot! lima II !!
t'l raw. simI nawll li fouitasn luctiti lonn, .illi'1. l.ull inmaallaf bln
alrinxl olllintdan; liir''. M, J. i, Vir,
A MadYbr i, O.YjYr'oo., i.arll, Mm.,
ym Al.o maaufaaiuraf t
JL JLt( O cnttw pectobau
! 0LD
Horry Hir lllm.
Tho young iiimii on tint elevated was
concealing a lighted cigarette In hla Iff t
'band, to the obvious amusement of tha
young woman who waa accompanying
tilin. ICvrry one In a whllo h took
aiirrnpttlloiiM pun.
"Now, Prank," aha protested, "you
I'or answer he snatched her stickpin
with III other tut ikI, mill hrlj It up
tantallxlngly before her eyes,
"(Jlvo that right back." ilia exclaim,
ed. "I'm It right In here."
Hhn ti flil out her oprti shopping bag.
Thn young iiinii became n bit cor
fused, and dropped something Into tlio
lis it. It wm not the pin. Tha girl
hastily closed the bag without noticing
thp thin curl of smoke Issuing froia It
Hcveral pasengcrs rode tttrro stations
beyond whera they Intended to (tot off,
In the hope of further developments,
but nothltiK happened.
"I'm sorry for that young man when
thn flmla nut," murmured on uiau aa
bo departed regretfully.
Jllll llllltlan.
U'nll. mi, I can't It'll wlui' Im lives,
llnciiilsii lu ilim't live, oil hit;
Leastways he's got out of the hiihlt
Of llvlu' like mi mill mi.
Whar' have, you been for tlio lint three,
'I'lint you haven't heard folk toll
Mow Jimmy inli pnasrd In hU check
Thn night of tlm Prairie Illl7
lln weren't no saint them engineer
la prrlty much alike
OMii wife In Natches-under-the hill,
Another oiio hern In Pike.
A kcvrless mriii In hi talk waa Jim,
An awkward hum) In n row,
Hut Im never funked, ami he never lied
I reckon ho never kuowwl Imw,
Ami tilin waa all thn religion ho hail,
To treat hla mikImo well,
Never In? passed on thn river,
To mind tlm pilot' Ml;
And If ever thn Prairie Hollo took fire
A thousand times lip aworit
Iltt'il hnld her tiusslu agin thp hank
Till thu Mat aolll K"t ashore,
All himla ha their day (Hi thn Mlaalaalp,
And Iht day come at laat;
Tint Movaatar wa a better liont,
Hut thn Helle, she wouldn't he passed:
And mi she count tarln' along that night
Tint oldpat craft on tint linn
With n ulk'Ki'r aipint on her aafpty valre,
And Iiit furuaca crauiuird, roalu and
pi no.
Tim tint Im t out aa aha clearnl tha bar,
And burnt a hoi In tha nlk'lit;
And, ijulck a a llaali, aim tnnit'd and
For that hIINt hank on thn rlKht.
TIiito waa ruiiulu' and ciinln', but Jim
yi-llitl out
On-r all thn Itifrrnnl ronr:
'I'll hold litr uoxtln ak'lu tha hank
Till thn laat Kthiot'a aaliore."
ThroilKh thn hot, black breath of thn
biirnlu' iMHit
Jim HludiHi' oIcp wa heard,
And they all had trout In hla ctiMpdmin,
And kiiuMnl hp would kirii hi word;
And. aiirn'a ymi'm Iwrtl. thny all sat off
Afurn l lip mtiokiMtapk IpII
Ami Itlildxi'a icliiwt wnut Up alotlP
In tha amoktt uf the rralrl-p HpIIp.
until llipy aorveil him, If iUey do
iiiiindi'il pny hit would thri'iilm to Imvo
tliciu put fT thu platform.
Thu oiiinlhiiN ilrlvura unci ciilimvn on
Fifth iivi'inii) point out a crock ncroni
tint top iniuo of K'aaa In nun uf hla
piirlor window which, tlicy any, hna
hciiii Micro for 21 ypira, Thu atory
Kiic that Mr. Hiiku uuKothitcil with
u Klnzlur to replace It with n whohi
pane for t'Z. Mr. Hiiku would nut pay
moro than 10, The xlaxlcr would not
yield, ami thu deadlock hna continued
for nlmoNt n ijimrler of n century.
Ilo hna n ulct little country plnco
down on Ixiik lalatid, with n kooi! ileal
of lawn, hut ho iIoch not keep thu turf
aliaved down like Ida nelKlihora. Hit
leta tlio km Krow until It la IiIkIi
eiioiiKh to inak) Kod liny mid then
aclla It for Ct (o a livery atalilckecpcr
In thu vicinity.
Arunnientiillta Voiilli (Invo the In
Mtruclor Komctliliiu toTliliik Altoiit.
'J 'he illKtilty of tho old time clergy
man of a aiiiall town enwrHpptol him
o entirely In the eye of hi people
that Jeata conccriilUK thu follilea of hla
youth went likely to bu frowned upon
rather thnu churlHhed. Hut of thu col
Icku dnya of thu eatluiuhlu and much
reapectisl Nathaniel Nile, of Wat
4 70fc$iC
"la ahn aentlmititnl?" "Vcryl Hho
will oven weep over hor old dlvorco
pnpera," JudKe,
Hewitt How mnny menbi did you
Imvo on thu voynw. Juwctt Oroaa or
net? Hrooklyn Mfe,
"It aeoma Woodhy hna dlaeovcreil
that Im hna n family tree." "Vea, It'a
mi outKtowth of hi aucccaaful bual.
ne plant."
"Ho the lawyer ot m. nil tho
eatnte. Il Ktfitil et nnythlntc?"
"Oh. yea. Hho Kot ono of thu law
yera." Judfju,
Kinployer (to new oince Iwy) Hna
wih cnanier told you what you nru to
do till afternoon. Office hoy -Vea,
air; I'm to wake him when I aeu you
comlnjf. Hcrap.
MaKlatrate Vou any your machine
waa beyond your control. Chauffeur
Hallway Hato LeRlilallon.
At thu liii'uulnl convputlon o( the Or
ilnr ul Hallway Comluctora recently
lield at I'ortlauil, Ori'Kou, rraulutloua
Hero unnnliiHiiuiy iopttHivololnillinlr 'li. ,-. u ,iit.i m tuditmout
acntluipnta aa to thn effect of prooanl niM my cbanrn with Jim
rnllway rate leulalntloil oil thn l.ntK), ,'NMiildp of w iikttta cotitlitfui'tl
1)00 railroad employe, whom they lu
jiart represented. Tlute rraolutlona
"liulorao tho attitude of I'rraldeut
ItiMHHivell In condttinnlnir aecrnt rabatra
ml othrr lllcKallllea, and commrud thn
lea, your honor. If I could have con-
l'alrlee, Vennont, who waa urnduut- !lrol,wt 't the cop wouldn't have cauftht
ed from I'rlncetoii lu 17il, N. N. Willi-,'"" M'w ork Mall.
liiRton lu a recent luteretIiiK nrtlclu
tells ua that tradition mill aurvlvu.
Ho and hla youiiKer brother Ham
net were, both of them able but ox-
Poet I aeit you accented ono of mr
poema imd refused tho other. Kdltor
Vea; I took ono of them out of sym
pathy for you, and rcfuaed thu other
Nothiutf is mora ofTensive than an old (ore DANGEROUS
tliat ref uflca to heal. Patiently, day niter day, It is treated and nursed, every
naive, powder, etc., that Is heard of la tried, but does no good, until the very
nljjhtof It grows offensive to tho sufferer and he becomes disgusted and mor
bid. They arc not only offensive, but dangerous, because the same germ
that produces cancerous ulcers la back of every old sore. The cause la la
the blood and as long as It
remains the soro will be 4. P6 TCflM X m7 b,ood became poisoned, and
there and continue to grow Hi" dV,ftto.diJnfi.1 won,(1 hV "nn''ff1orea fo
worse and more deatnirtlvr i"''.?",'1 th,t.1' ey were cloacd up the remit
vum uS tul tu. i 'J '"'"M fu, Under this iHKouraglng report I
Tile act that thousands of left off their treatment and retorted t5 U?e use. o
old sores have been cut out 8. 8. 0. Its effect were prompt and gratifying,
nnd even the bones scraped, It took only a ahort while for the medicine to en.
and yet they returned, is in- tlrely cure up the sores, and I am not dead a tha
disputable evidence that the doctor intimated I would be, neither have tha
blood is diseased and respon- " etf,r broken out again. John W. I'undjs.
sible or the sore or ulcer. Wheeling, VV. Va., Jiy a8, 1903.
Valuable time Is lost In experimenting with external treatments, such as
alves, powders, washes, etc., because the germs nnd poisons in the blood
must be removed before n cure can be effected. 8. S. S, cleanses and puri
fies the circulation so that It carries rich, new blood to the parts and tho
oorc or uicer Heats permanently. 3. S. 3. not only
removes the germs and poisons, but strengthens tho
blood and builds up the entire system by stimulat
ing the organs, increasing the appetite nnd giving?
enerPV to the WC-lb. wantrrl rnnctitiitinn Tf ta n
exhilarating tonic, aids the digestion and puts every part of the body la
joodhealtny condition. Hook on the blood, with any medical advice wished,
without charge. 77r CWIFT SPCSIFIG CO., A71ANTA, GA,
ceaalvely nrKUtuontatlvii youth, 11 ml out of aympathy for thu public ICx.
durliiK their atudent dnya they wcro "OeorRo certnlnly la n man of ac
known n "Hotherntlon Primus" mid tlon." "What baa he done?" "Why,
"Hotheratlou Kecundua." tho very next day after the belreia
Juat bow much of a bother thu first 'acceptiil him be Knvu up hla Job at
botheration could be to an unwary pro-'tin; bank and Joined thu Don't Worry
feor la reveled In tho famoua nn'c- club."
dotu of thu Jack-knfe. It haa been ro
latiil of other men than Nathaniel
Nile; but at leaat If be cannot
proved to be tho ono and only proper
hero of It, hla attested chnrnctcr lenili
atri)ni aupport to hi claim.
Hla Inatructor In pblloaophy wa liv.
turlntr upon "Identity," and bad Juat
nocuiil that part of n whole might bu
auhtracted and other matter "iitntl
tnted, yet thu whole would reninln thu
aatne. InataurliiK the fact that every
I wirt of our hodlea la changed In aevn
yeara, yet w remain thu Mine Individ
ual. Then." aalil Nile. "If I had a knlf
and hut the blade ami bad a new blade !
"Vou'll take a couple of ticket, of
"0'm .,,, ..... I.. I ...l.l.l I ,.
n ,,w'i tiiiiFir 111 mir iiriKiiiforiiwij-
"Xone for me, thank you. I wouldn't
know what to do with a poor crlpplo
If I won him."
ittltudo of thw beads of American rail
way, who, wltii practlral unanimity,
have Jollied with tho president on tills
tiupatlon." They then rrtppctfnlly
point out to coiiKreaa the "Inadrlita
blllty ot legtalatlon vostlng In the
hands of & coiumliuilon ower over rail
way rates, now lower by far In the
United Htatra than in any othor coun
try," because surb regulation would
"iceult In litigation and confusion and
Inevitably tend to an enforced reduc
tion in rates, Irrespective of the ques
tion of thn ability of thn railroads to
stand the reduction, especially In view
of tho Increased cost of their supplloi
and materials." They further pro
tested aKalnst such power Itelug given
to the present Inter-Htatii commission
la-causn "tho ptoposed legislation Is
not In harmony with our Idea of Amer
ican Jurlspiudence, Inasmuch aa it con
templates that a ainitlo laxly shall bavu
tho right to Inveallgatc, Indict, try,
condemn and then enforcu Ita ilecirluus
at the cost of the carriers, pending ap
peal, which la manifestly Inequitable."
Tint conductor baau their demand
for only such Icalslation, If any, aa
Mould "eccuro and Insuro Justlco and
equity and preservo equal rights to all
partita concerned," on the ground that
the low cont of transportation "is tho
reetilt of thn elllolency of American
railway management and operation
which linvu built up tho country
through constant liiiprovemeiit aiul de
velopment of territory, while at tho
nanus time recogn'tlnu has been given
to tho valtiu of lutolllgunco among cm
ployoa In contrast to foreign iniitliials,
whero high freight rate and lonest
wages to employes obtain,"
In pressing their clalma against leg
lalatlon adverse to their Interests, they
point out tho fact that "the frelglit
rates of this country average, only two
per cent nt tho cost of articles to thu
consumer, thus making thu freight ratu
10 Inslgnlllcaut a factor In thu selling
prlcu that numorous standard articles
aro sold at the saino price In all parts
of thu country."
That wouldn't akmtk band with him.
He hla duly, a dead aare thing
Anil wpat for It lhar and then;
And fhri-t ain't a-k'tdna: t- t t hnnl
On a man that died fur 11111.
John JIay.
Incldfiita Which llliiatrnlc the Mean
lira of Ullaaall Huur.
While many of tho stories that nru
told of Jtussell Kage'a miserly habit
and eccentrlcltlea are fictitious, noun of
them aro exaggerations. It would bo
almost Impossible for nnyoriu to
Imagine a man moro economical and
stingy than he, says a writer who has
been looking up facta about the multi-
put lu, It would still be the Identical
"Certainly," waa the reply.
"Then If I should lote thu handle
from the new blade and have another
handle made to lit It. the knife would
still be the anmeV
"That la so." said the nro feasor.
"Then. In that case," triumphantly 'up every blocd ono of them 011 my
rejoined young Hotbemtlon Prlmtw 'hands and kneea.
Olflce boy SI la Keycs, pleaso let
me look at your face? Mis Keyes
What for? OIIIco boy Why, the boss
said some of the paint was scratched
off bis typewriter. I didn't know
whether ho meant you or thu ma
chine, Chicago News.
Tho three-year-old daughter of a
leading minister resents too great
A few evenings ago,
"Well," asked the architect who had
been comrnlMsloned to make a set of
plan for a New York hotel, "bow do
you like themV" "They won't do.
Vou have provided for wily six differ
ent kinds of dining-rooms." Kx.
Kind lady You can get work lnat
lug carptta two doors from here they
are cleaning bou. Homleaa (lolines
Thanks, mum. I ml(chttr bumped
right Inter It If yoiise hadn't warned
me. I'll steer clear of It, mum Cleve
land Leader.
Jouca (to Itrown. who haa been re
lating bis wonderful adventure lu
Itllitalnl Aful I HiiniKMM vmi vlaltjt
the great ateppe. of Husala? Hrown- J SffSJiStStti
I should rather think so. And walkeil
"You know llrndshaw, don't you?"
"Jim I)rndhaw? Yes."
"His father, who died not lone ago,
provided In his will that Jim was to
be cut off with $3.50 unless ue and
bis wife separated. In case they got
divorced Jim wa to Inherit half a
million. I understand that tho lady
has decided to apply for a legal sepa
ration, so that be may get the
"Hy George, the luck of some people
Is marvelous. If that fellow fell Into
a vat of boiling oil I'll bet It would at
once turn into the fountain of youth."
Motlieri wilt find Mn. ntosiow's 800 thin 1
Bjrup tha Lett remedy tout (or Itntr children
during the Uethloffiariod.
Tho Mlllcrcak Philosopher.
Evasion Is tbe tribute cowardice
pays to direct falsehood.
It would be much more easy to con
quer futo if we but knew what fate
was to bo.
Always take the deed for tbe will
and cheat tho lawyers out of a contest
It Is a pity that tho wheat. Instoad
of tho speculator, falls Into the hopper
and Is ground up.
Tho bookworm sees but tbe printed
page. All nature's volume Is a stran
ger to blni. Cincinnati Commercial.
riTQ rrnannUjr Cored. ICo Bitot ntrreoaDeta
I 1 10 after Brtl di-'t ytufl)r Klln.'.CIr-at Nrrta
Kcmlnlne Charily,
Ilest They aay Mauds Is going t
marry a msn old enoafh to b her srand
fathtr. Nell Impossible!
Hess Why do you say that?
Nell Uecauae I'm tore there Isa't a
man llrjng who la that old.
You Can Oct Allen's root-Cast FRE0.
Write AUnB.01mited,L Hor. J. Y for a
free lam-la o( Allen's fnoi-Eate. It cares
tweallnr. holtwollen. tchlnt (set. It tasks
sew or llibt shoe euy- A rertalo ears ter
eorpi.lnrrowlnf Dalit and lunlont. Alldrag
(Itutelllt. He. Don't accept any satsUtate.
Kerosene oil and a soft rag will keea
mahogany furniture in Co condition.
Juat t.lkn a Woman.
Lady What will you charge me for
the use of a carriage for a few hours??
Liveryman It will cost you $2 for the
first hour, and fl for each additional
Lady Well, I'll use It for two addi
tional hours. I've got some shopping to
do and will not require It the first hour.
sail tau
HfjicwNTJ rMTroiYt mi
-. . t..Vv.,l
Tllf II II
"If I should find the old blade nnd the
old handle nnd havo the original part
put together, wuat knlfo would that
1'eaoe After the Ilattle.
Tho wife of a well-known Western
Renator Is a Kouthern woman who was
married to tho Henstor lute In llfo.
While still n young girl she left her
nstlvo Htate and came North to live;
but from time to time she would re
visit her old home.
On ono of these occasions shortly be
fore her marriage she happened to
nieot tho old colored "mammy" who
had been hor nurse, and who was vast
I, surprised to Mud that "Miss Mary"
still was uuwedded,
"Lan', Mlsa Ma'yl" alio exclaimed,
"ain't yo' inarrlod ylt?"
"No, not yet, Aunt Bally," was the
"My, my! Who'd a-thought It? An'
ylt," she mused, determined to soften
this disgrace, "aftah all, dey does say the afternoon,
dat ol' inulds has da nappies' life; dut
Is, aftah dey quits struggim,' "
rssKix SAUK,
millionaire. Although hla Income Is
reckoned nt $.l,t)(X 11 day, nt least, and
some people think It la twice that
amount, be has lived at tho rule of
In,!) 11 year or leas, and hla
expenses have not been $1,000 a your.
That la a very liberal estimate. Ho
haa two milts of clothes, unit for week
days and the other for Huuday, mid he
haa worn them aa long as anybody can
remember. Ho haa not bought a now
overcoat for 15 or 150 yours, and Ida bat
ta qulto aa old aa that If not older. A
fow yeara ago ho sent for a gentleman
who bad done him n favor, and In n
confidential way said that bu waa go
ing to roward him with 11 "tip" that he
could work for a profit. Then, to tho
man's aatonlsbiuout, Mr. Hugo gave
lilm tho address of a store on Soventh
nveiitio whero bo could get shoes for f
n pair.
To aavo tlmo tho Western Union
Telegraph Company serves n freo
lunch to Its operators, and Mr, Sago
appeared ovory day at a certain hour,
A scat waa kept for him at a certain
table, up to thn laat day bo came down
town. Ho never paid fnro 011 tho ele
vated railroad, becauao bo was n direc
tor, and tho ticket takers had Instruc
tion to let him go by without paying.
Ho Invariably helped himself to news
papers from tho stand at Fiftieth
street In tho morning when on his way
downtown, and did tho samo at Rec
tor street when bo was going homo lu
Hu has stolen his nows-
Htory of n Woman Ctiisop.
Heglnnlng due west of Point Con
ception on tho California coaat and
continuing at Irregular Intervals aa
far aoutb aa tho Hay of Todoa Santos
lu Lower California He the Channel .familiarity.
Island. In this Ideal region for tho though she seemed n little unwilling,
yachtsman, the fisherman nnd the
hunter one comes to feel like a new
CriiHoo on Ida primitive Isle. And In
very truth Crusoe's semt-mythlca
story waa enacted upon ono of thr-so
samo Inland, though mlnua tbe man
Prlday and the happy ending.
The castaway In this caso waa n
woman, n Danish emigrant, loft ashore
through some mischance by tho crew
of a veasel that had sought shelter
behind Kan Nlcholaa during n storm In
tbe early 'SO's. I'or over aeventeon
years the lone creature bad 1 1 vis I un
sought and forgotten, though the time
at length enme when, on the days tho
mlt-clonrlng north winds blew, alio
could climb to tho Inland's highest
point and view the ranch em' herds
grazing umui the mainland.
And nt last, when hope nnd reason
had both long died, tbe poor, wild,
glhticrihg creature waa found In her
wolf'a burrow among tho Idlla by tho
ndvaiico guard of the otter hunters'
fraternity, who bad long wondered at
tho mysterious footprints they found
marked Uvon thu lonely aiiuda. For
est and Stream.
N'mur'fi Armored Cruiser.
Rome of the papers aro poking fun
at tho atory which comes from the Hay
of Hlscay of crabs weighing sixteen
pounds nnd possessing claws eighteen
Inches lu circumference. Tho Joko
would Imvo seemed tho funnier, per
haps, bad tho crabs been described as
opening and eating oyster. As n mat
ter of fact, there la n species which
doea crack cocoauuta. As students of
Darwin will remember, this extraordi
nary creaturo grows to an enormous
a caller took her Umu hi lap, where
upon she said with groat gravity: "I
want to sit In my own lap."
Mabel (not In her first youth) Plrst
of all he held my hand and told my
fortune; and then, Kvle, be gates! Into
my face ever so long ami said he could
read my thoughts! Wasn't that clever
of him, dear? Kvle Oh, I fcUpMe ho
read between thu Hues, darling
"What did you dlwuss at your li
brary club this afternoon, dear"
asked the husband in the evening.
"Let mo see," murmured his wife;
"oh, yea, I remember now. Why, wo
discussed that woman who recently
moved Into the bouse across the street,
and Ixingfellow." Kx.
Pausing uncertainly before a desk
lu tho big Insurance otllce, the Hiber
nian visitor said to the clerk; "01
want to tek out n rwwllcy." "Life,
tiro or mnrlne?" drawled the dapper
clerk with Infinite sarcasm. "Al three,
O'lm tlilnkln'," retorted the applicant;
"Ol'm golu' for a stoker In tb' navy."
Mrs. Younglove Our cook says
those eggs you Mnt yesterday were
anelont. Grocer Very sorry, ma'ain
They wore tho best we could get You
see, all the young chickens were killed
off for tho holiday trade, so the old
hens aro the only ones left to do the
Inytn'. Mra. Younglove Oh, to bo
sure, or course. 1 muni 1 inougui or
that. Chicago Hecord-Herald.
Grltlna at the Pacta.
He (at the show) How I aavy that
mm who Just -sung the solo.
She Indeed! I tboufat he had a very
poor voice.
He It isn't his voice I envy; It's bis
Plso's Cure U a food con-th .nedlclne.
It has cured cousin and colds for forty
years. At drugsitu, 23 cants.
TVortla ofWIedom.
It is a pretty good indication that
you are all right when you think oth
ers are.
It requires tsct to convince a man
you are right In an argument when
you owo him money.
Kvery woman who reaches the age
limit modestly admits that she might
have become a good singer If she only
bad commenced In time.
You can't expect to cut much Ice
with cold-storage sympathy.
Tho re's no use In trying to fight tbe
devil on bis own ground. He owns
too much of If- Milwaukee Sentinel.
1 H V Kit I I
It d a-rer' alt tha
sir a 14 arroriia
knHn dlolcf
room, alplDf
rwm and all
Sic wbtra
1 are troabta
sotna. Cletn,
na sod -Ui
n-ihlnc. Trr
lhm catf and
oa w 11 nrrrr b t theat lhm If not kepi tf
drl-r.-ntrrtrid "orSOc Harold Sutaart,
U LWlJt ATa llruokln, N. Y.
Summarara of ltrlt, Mwtlru tUlaUlabml ,!.
-'rm. li rami uniudi o14 M1 aaardad
WarMa Talr. St. LMla, ll4. KrroranMd br tbj.t.
Un.. Jiw.u.r. cl.rvjm.a and (nOu.lrat.rrji.ti.ra.
Tfcli lattltauen .lrn Bra h al rortlaad wltn
a -try Urra e!M of iidm. la ia u4
onin,,lrUndU)- alii.-., Vaarta.
tB rrt la lint , Uitflo .ta
'"''"."."rM'ialrail Wi.lcluMlDr-artlandoatetslr
!il".Wn tmvt MUI. aalll 1.1 A
W1aaorafurrrtiaIaraulrM If ;.u m.utloa
i.i Taa
Waatara IUOTmlUUt. AaaocUU Principal
W gor ieu and TUlaUh Btxatta
Nota Xepaiau impM al l-rtUM attar Serf 1.1.
P. N. U Ne. 30-1 90S
IbH u.r ami MMInnU In aiawi, Uct.,.,
I lll amd t..i . .r cU'h w ,J jun ft bvv aad TraaiBtal of SumiMrtarf. fnaati
WUEJf wrltlnc to ad vertlsars pl& I
mantloo this paper. I
mm 9. . V MS'.S,iWTaa
Urtrr'Zjm3Bi&vZ Hyj
uuu u . ja ..- a ' . -J
- .-.- .l... a. jtMj.A.Mi-'K.aj. i. -
Of 9
From Appoaranoee.
When tho six-year-old son was
taken In to sco the new baby, says tho
size; so largo la It that In tho larger Philadelphia Public Ledger, ho ex-
oiiiw tlioro Is sufTlclont fat to yield a claimed:
quart of palm-oil. dcrlvwl from their I "0 mamma, It hasn't any teeth! 0
tint nt inrna itftf Hltnoia nntd .
BflMt Cough Sjrup, TtuL TiLod.
In lima. Sold br UmauUt.
i:ht iiii i ;, i tv j Mj-Taii
papors for a generation In tho
samo way, of tho same men, and thoy
never dared say a word about It. He
has always compelled (ho bootblacks
I on tho elovatcd stations to shlno his
shoos for nothing, At first, years ago,
j thoy used to remonstrate. Ilo would
climb Into ono of tho chairs and wait
diet on cocoanut. These nuts
tlrst denudo of their tough fibrous cov
erlug, then with their hammer-llko
claws beat upon tho shell until an
opening Is made, nnd the rest Is sim
ple, Theso giants live on laud, but
bntho each night In tho sen,
1 mamma, It nasn't any uairr
Then clasping bis bauds In distress,
bo cried, "Somebody has cheated usl
It's an old bnby."
Ambition Griulllctl.
First Ilookwdrm Well, I'm worklug
on a tllu of newspapers now and am
entirely satisfied. Second Ditto You
always did havo a sneaking ambition that nuthln' but college students wus
to got Into tho papers. Now Orleans employed on tho farm. Philadelphia
Geoliaw and Jld(tnj
fanner Geebnw Sim Walton has
got forty gals couiln' to board with
him thts summer.
Farmer Qlddnp Dew tell! How did
bo mauago to git so many?
Fanner Geebnw Ho advertised
Wo lately met n large, lino looking,
assortlvo sort of woman, "My mother
lives with us," sho suld. Wo sort of
expected It
Invlstlgnto It closely, ami you will
find that tho successful men do not
tako many chances.
The people down In their hearts ad
mlro tho father who refuses to sit on
tbe back porch for any daughter's
When a young man nsks for tho
hand ot an holrea bo means the ono
lu which she curries her purso.
ANtffelablc PrcpnralionforAs -
siiiuiaiing inctoodnntiHCB
ling Uic Stomachs and Bowel
Promotes Di6cslion.Chccrrur
ness a tvl Rest. Contains neither
Onium.Morpliinc norIincraL
jvv afoujysiMJznrciox
stain Jmmt
Apcrfect Remedy forConsUrM
non.SourStomach.Dlarrhocn Worms .Convulsions .Fcs-ens h
neas nmlLoss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants nnd Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
fv ft ttv
fT At
For Over
Thirty Years