The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 04, 1905, Image 6

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CHAPTEH X. (Continued.)
Thin was nil tlmt was said at the time;
nml It mint be admitted It loft Mr,
Wlntcrbourne pretty much In the ssmo
mood of anxious perturbation. His cart
worn face Instantly nttracteil Yolande'
notice. She became nwnrn that there
was trouble somewhere; there v n kind
of rout nil lit In tho social ntmosphere of
the house; she even found the honest and
hearty John Shortlands siren to moody
Marine Into the lire. So she went to her
own room, and aat down, and wrote the
following note:
"Allt-nam-ba, Friday.
"My Dear Archie We aro all In n
utite of dreadful depression here on ac
count of the bad weather, and the gen
tlemen shut up with nothing to do,
1'lease, please, take pity on us, and come
niong to dinner at seven. Do you know
that Monaglcn li for sale? What a Joy
It will be If Mr. Melrllle should get It
back again, nfter all that will Indeed
be Melville's Welcome Home You will
make us all very happy If you will come
nnd spend the evening with us.
"Yours affectionately,
She sent !hl out to be taken to Lynn
Towers by one of the gillies who was
to wait for an answer; and In mtmethlng
more than an hour, the lad on the sturdy
little black pony brought back this note:
"I.ynn Towers, Friday Afternoon.
"Dear lolaudt I regret very much
that I cannot dine with you to-night!
nnd as for Tuesday, I am afraid that will
be Impossible, as I go to Inverness to
morrow. I hope they will have a good
day. Yours sincerely,
She regaried this answer nt first with
astonishment, then : felt Incllued to
"Look nt this, then, for a love letter!"
he saw to herself.
had not to watch her words, or think
of what he was thinking of what
she wns saying. She apologised for hav
ing brought him down from his electric
works; nnd asked him If he would tnko n
turn In the garden for n minute or two.
as she had something to say to him; nnd
then went out, ho following. She did not
notice that when she inadn this Inst re
mark his face looked rather grave.
"Mr. Iicsllo went to Inverness this
mornlug?" she said, when they were out
In the garden. "Do you know why he
"Well," said he, "I believe they have
been having some dispute about the
marchea of the forest; but I am told tt ls
all amicably settled. I fancy Archie
Is going to have tho matter squared up In
She hesitated then. She took up a
flower; regarded It for a second, and then
looked linn fair In the lacv.
"Mr. Melville." said she, "do you think
It strange that I ask yon this question?
you are Mr. I.esllo's friend; Is ho of
fended with mo?"
"I have not the slightest reason to
suppose that he Is," was the answer, giv
en with Mime earnestness, for he was
gkd to find the question so simple.
"None? I have not done anything
that he could complain ofto yod or
any one?"
"I assure you I never heard him
brenthe a word of the kind. Upsides,"
added he, with n very unusual warmth In
the pale cheeks, "I wouldn't listen. No
man could K such a coward "
"Oh. please don't think that I am
angry," she sold, with earnest entreaty.
"Please don't think that I have to com
plain. Oh, no! Hut every one knows
what mischief is wrought sometimes by
mistake; some on Mug offended and
not giving n chance of explanation; and
and I was only anxious to be assured
In round; (he objects there seemed to nam
no Interest for him. Then he went bnek
, lo the house- Into tho room where ho.
liml found her stniidlug; nnd tlmt hnd
I more of a charm for hint; the ntmosphero '
situ seemed to hear tho perfume of her
i presence, tho music of her voice still
seemed to hang In the nlr. She limt left
on the table she lind forgotten, Indeed
n couple of boards Inclosing specimens
of some Dowers. These ho turned over.
regarding with some attention; but still
his mind wns itbscttt; ho wns following In
Imagination the gtr) herself, going away
nlong the rond there, nlone, to meet tho
revelation that wns to niter her life. And
wns he going to stnnd by, Idle? Wns hn
going to limit himself to the pnrt he hnd
been nsked to piny tlmt of mere mes
sage hearer? Could he not do something?
Wns he to Ih dominated- by the cownrd
fear of being called nn Ititermeddler?
He snatched up hi tint nnd went
quickly out nnd through tho little front
gnnlen Into tho rond: there ho pnttsed.
Of course, ho could not follow her; she
must needs seo him coming up the wldo
strain; ami in tlmt ease what excuse
could he gire? Hut what If the shooting
party had not yet come down from th
hill? Might he not Intercept them some
where? lie held along by tho hilltop,
until, far below him, he came In sight of
I.ynn Towers, nnd tlie bridge, and tho
stream, and the loch; and onward still
he kept his way, until the strnth came
In view, with Allt-nam-ba, nnd n palo
bin smoke rising from the chimneys Into
the still evening nlr. I'mhnlity Yotando
hnd got homo by tlmt time. rV he kept
rattier back from the edge of the hilltop
" T3
Hot Cor l'liiiiluulluu.
Cortnlu kinds of plniitit grown lit
pot nr often subject to the attack
of Insects even In tho summer, ul
though tho trouble Is greater durius,
tho mouths of winter, when Out plants
are grown In tho heitt of tho limig
room, without much moisture. To thor
oughly cleanse iilnntM of Insects they
must bo fumigated, tobacco burned
being the mentis generally employed.
Of course. In this work tho initio Idea
Is to keep the nlr front tho phints dur
ing the process of ftimlgntlon.
The fumigating box tuny bo of nuy
size desired, neeordlng to tho ntuuhor
of plntits to bo demised, although n
box which tuny be conveniently dir
tied nliont Is preferred to nny tiling
larger. After selecting the box, uuue
it frtimo three Inches wide nnd null
Hut by and by she began to attach ' that I had done nothing to vex him. Ills
'I , y .' ,-,1
s, . -
nrottud tho edge of tho box. Then
so that he should not ho descried: nnd hi I l,,,r ' '- ""l' " '"' end Of the
duo time nrrlTed nt n point overlooking l,os- T"' Mink n frnnie to fit snug
tho Junction of the three glens, down one b' over tho box (sen the upper llltis
of which tho shooting pcoplo were almost trutlon In the cut) nml fasten hoops
certain to come. m It. Uoer this hooped frame with
lie looked nnd waited, however, In unbleached muslin, tacking the untallu
vain; mm tie was comtug to the conclusion
that they must have nlready Hied mid
gone on to the lodge, when he fnueled
ho saw something move IxJiInd some
birch bushes on the hlllsldo beyond the
glen, l'resently he made out n pony
grating, and gradually coming more nnd
more Into view. Then he rellcctod tlmt
probably the nttendnnt gillie nnd tho
pnnnters were hidden from sight behind
these birches; nnd that. If It were so,
tho shooting party had not returned,
and were louiid to come back that way.
A very few minutes of further waiting
proved his conjectures to be right; n scat
tered group of people, with dogs In to
heel, appearing on the crest of the hill
opposite. Then he had no further doubt.
Down this slope ho went nt headlong
speed; crossed the nulling burn by
springing from IxiiiUler to boulder, nnd
very soon encountered the returning par
ty, who were now watching tho panniers
Being put on the ixvtiy's back.
Now that he had Intercepted Mr. Win
terbourne. there was no need for hurry,
lie could take time to recover his breath;
and also to tothink himself as to bow
he should approach this dltllcult matter,
The cunversathm was all about the day's ' frame ami gathering It In at the
snort, end a Indicated. The frame covered
Then they set out for home; Duncan with the muslin wilt not break the top
and the gillies making away for n sort of soft plntits. nnd It Is readily eon-
cf ford by which they could get the pony struct!. This framed cover rests up-
nenms the Dum Water: while the three , tut. throw-Inch frame which wns first
others took a nearer way to the lodge by ,mt , , 1h)X ,, w ,ol rw,jP
getting down through a gulllo, where ... - tia m awlnL- tirl.l,-. ai.m,a tin, '
burn. When they had gut to the bridge.
Melville stopped them
more Importance to it The coldness of
It seemed studied; yet she had done
nothing that she knew of to offend him.
What was amiss? Could he be dissatis
fied with her conduct in any direction?
She had tried to be more kind to him,
as was her duty; and until quite recently
they had been on most friendly terms.
What had the done?
Then she began to form the suspicion
that her father and John Shortlands
were concealing something from her. Had
It anything to do with the Master? Had
It anything to do with the singular cir
cumstance that not even tho most formal
visiting relationship had been established
between Lynn Towers and the lodge?
Why had her father seemed disturbed
when she proposed to send a banncb of
venison to the Towers the most com
mon act of civility?
Next morning had an evil and threat
ening look about It; but fortunately them
was a brisk breeze; and toward noon
that had so effectually swept the cloud
orer that the long, wide valley was filled
With bright, warm sunshine. Yolande
resolved to drive in to dress. On arriv
ing, however, she found that Mr. Mel
ville had gone off to his electric store
bouse away up In the hills; and so she
sent on the dog-cart to Whltebrldge, and
was content to wait awhile with Mrs.
"I'll Just send him a message, and he'll
come down presently."
"Ob, no, please don't; it Is a long way
to send any one," Yolande protested.
"It's no a long way to send a wee bit
flash o' fire, or whatever It Is, that sets
a bell ringing up there," said the old
dame. "It's wonderful, his devices.
Bonn-times I think it's malr than nalt
ural. Orer there, In the laboratory, be
has got a kind o' ear trumpet!; and If
you take out the stopper, and listen In
quateness, you'll hear erery word that's
going on In the school."
"That Is what they call a telephone, I
"The very thing!" said Mrs. Hell, as
she left the room to send a tncssago to
When she came back she was Jubllunt.
"My dear young leddy, I am glad to
seo ye! I've sent the letter to the law
yers. 1 just telied tlicni mat 1 aiu not
want Monaglcn for mysel', but that they
happened to hear what was the lowest
price that would be taken, they might
eend me word, In case I should come
across a customer for them. It doesna
do to be too eager about a bargain, es-
Jiecially wl' they lawyers; It's Just In
vltlng them to commit a highway robbery
on ye."
"If Mr. Melville," said Yolande, quick
ly, "were to have Monaglen, ho would
atill remain in this neighborhood?"
They kept on talking with much in
terest, until a step outside on the gravel
caused the color to rush to the girl's face.
Bho did not know that,, when she rose
ou his entrance. She did not know that
he looked embarrassed, because she did
not feel embarrassed. Always she had
a Mac of itfety In his presence. She
going away without seeing us seemed so
strange yes; and also hU not coming
of late to the lodge and and my papa
seems to be troubled about something;
so that I became anxious, nnd I knew
you would tell me tho truth, If no one
else would."
He was disturbed, at all events: nnd
sorely perplexed. He darod not meet
her eyes; they seemed to rend him
throngh and through when ho ventured
to look up.
"Don't Imagine for n moment that
you have anything to reproach yourself
with not for a moment," ne said.
"Has any one. then?"
"Why, no. Hut but well, I will be
honest with you, Yolande; there has been
a little trouble nt the Towers. The old
people are not easy to please; and Ar
chie has too much spirit to allow you to
be dragged Into a controversy, you see;
nnd as they don't get on very well to
gether, I suppose he is glad to get off
for a few days to Inverness."
"Ah, I understand," she said, slowly.
"That is something to know. Hut why
did he not tell me? Do he think I nin
afraid of a little trouble like that? Dom
he think I should be frightened? Oh,
no! When I make a promise It Is not to
brenk It. He should lure trusted me
more than that. Ah, I am sorry he has
to go away on my account. Whq did he
not speak? It Is strange."
And then she regarded him with those
clear, beautiful, contemplative cye of
"Hove you told me erery thing?"
He did not answer,
"No. There is more. There is more to
nccouut fur my papa's trouble for his
going away this morning. And why do I
come to you? Hecause I know that what
you know you will tell to inc. You hare
been my friend since erer wo came to
this place."
"Yolande," said he, and he took her
hand to emphasize his words, "there Is
more; but It U not I who must tell you.
What I can tell you, and what I hope
you will bellere. Is that you are In no
way the cause of anything that may hare
happened. You have nothing to reproach
yourself with. And any little trouble
there may be will be removed In time,
no doubt. When you have doue your
best, what more can you do?"
It is Just possible that she might hare
begged him to mnko a candid confession
of all that he knew, but at this moment
the cart drove up to the front gate, nnd
she had to go. Him bade hi in, and also
Mrs. Hell, good-by almost In silence; she
went away thoughtfully. And as he
watched her disappear along the high
road the warm westering light touch
ing the gold of her hair ho was thought
ful, too; and his heart yearned toward
her with a great pity; and there was
not much that this man would not hare
dune to save her from tho shadow that
was about to fall on her young life.
Churn I Mir with the Wind.
To buttermnkiirs who linvn in do
. , ' .".m not Km?n , h y" n their own churning with n dnsh churn
odge. said he. Mr. Interbourne. I , ,,,., ,,., 1t ,, nWHy
Ihimht IM v,m. ln n,l I,.,. . ! UllllOSt .'XpInlllS Itself. A IhII1CC
with rou. I horn, rou will forgive me for whctl ,u' ' nrrnnged nt nun end of
thrusting myself In whvre I may not be . "'" n fur or nlx-fmi wheel,
wanted; but but It Is not always the to catch tho wind, at tho other end. In
right thing to 'pass by on the other the center the rod must be bent In tho
side.' I couldn't In this case." shnpo of the letter U. Aa tho nxlo re-
1 am sure wo are most thankful to
ificii itnl tho cost of tho htlior nnd
feed tlmt Imvo gone Into hint, This
ooiiilltlon litiH grown upon us till wu
liml otiritclviN fiiolnjr tho necessity of
working out of It by prixltii-lnu mil
inula tlmt will sell for moro thiin they
do at present or discovering hoiiio com
blmttlon of feed nnd euro Hint will
lesson the cost of production. It la
well to work along, both linos. Ex
change. Wnterlnu Trees,
Unless the owner of trees under
stands sumo of tho more Important
principles of growth, thero Is ilntmor
tlmt he wilt, when applying wntir, do
nitiro linrm (linn good. To apply wa
ter In small Humilities through the
droughty season Is to cause the roots
In tho ground m turn townnl tuo sur
face ami grow In that direction. Then
when watering Is discontinued for nuy
reason tin. roots dry out much more
quickly than If they had not been wa
tered at all. When wnter l applied
to tree it should be In sillllcltlit
abundance to sunk tho ground to n
depth of several feet. The roots will
then not turn up to get mnlstuto. If
It Is necessary to apply but little wit
tr at a time It nIioiiIii not be put (ill
the surface of the ground. Dig n holo
mid put In n large pleco of drain plpo
so (hat tho water being thrown Into
this plpo or pleeo of tile will simk
deep into tin, ground. In enso of not
having a drain pipe or pleco of tile, n
hole can bo iiiailo Hitlllelently deep to
act as a reservoir. Let the water sonk
Into tlu. ground from this hole. Tho
Men Is to get the water to the roots
from some other direction rather than
from tlm sttrfaco of tho ground.
Food for Work Horses,
A number of writers In agricultural
import aro urging tho abandonment of
oats nnd timothy hay for horses that
work on the farm, Imhmuiso of the high
price, of these foods. An a substitute,
theso writers suggest clover hny mid
com. It Is host to be it little careful
alxiut making such h change. It may
work out nil right provided It Is not
curried to nil excess that Is, try It
for it mouth, then go Iwck to iwta nml
timothy, nnd then bark to corn and
eloer. Hy the em I of the thin! month
one will know pretty well If (he plan
was n good one. There chii be no
V YBv,'sW
Reitnr Jnnnulu ! Onsnsus, tho norr
Mexican mnhiiNNiidor to tho United
States, has for tunny yearn occupied n
leading position nt
thn Moxlcmi bar,
and has been dur
ing n cnualdomhto
portion of this
time tho chief le
gal advisor to
('resident Dlax. Hit
has given a good
deal of his tlmo to
literary study and
work mid Is one of
(bo irrenlest Hn-
(ruilM lANAHt n KI,laM ,, ,,trp
republic, being n master of l.ntlu,
(Ireek, French, Spanish, Itallnn ami
Kugllsli, Ho has itiado mi excellent
translation of Longfellow's "Kvnngn
lino" Into Spanish mid has also trans
lated extensively from tho classic l.nt
lu. In 1KSH he entered tho Mexican
Congress as n deputy mid has been
successively re eliii'ted ever since. In
Mexico City ho and his wife occupied
tho highest position In mh-IiI affair
and their home, one of tin finest In
that city, was (ho sceuo of iiinuy clab
nrato functions. It Is in peeled they
will Im initially prominent in the diplo
matic mK-la I circles of Washington.
They have sot en children mid aro
Prince .Michael Chllkofr. Imperial
minister of railways for Itussin, hint
had n varfed experience In life Ho
was born heir to mi
Immense estate mid
ns n youth was
reared In the lux
il ry which Is so
characteristic of
tho Itiisslmi tiobl'
tly. Ilo had n taste
for uicvhniilcHl en
Kineerltig, nnd In
I.V7 ho cmuo to
America and spent
n yinr In (he Mudy ,.,... , . ,, Wll..
or railroad rtoon
after his return home the Cssr Usiieil
tho proclamation freeing lint rf.
This resulted in great MiinnrlHl Iimm to
(he prince's father, nnd the old man
btM-nitiM very bitter sgalnst the reform.
.Micnaoi was enthusiastic In Us sup
doubt that onls are by far Iho best Nr(. nnd the upshot of tm matter was
grain to feed horm-s. nnd It Is at Irani L quarrel. The toting man renounced
doubtful If one ran safely change to his title mid ram to America. Ho
any other grain as n regular ration
and make It iy In the long run.
There may bo little difference mitod
for n long time With some horses, mid
the saving will amount to consider
able, but the experiment Is a doubtful
one. Iti-membcr there Is such a thing
ns false economy, and this tuny come
under that held.
volves, this plays the pltiimn up nnd
down. Tho chum stands In Iho box.
The rod should be so arranged (hat It
you for what you havo done nlready,1
lolandes father said, promptly; nnd
then he nddd, with n weary look In his
face, "and what Is to be done now, I
don't know. I cannot bring myslf to
this that Ielle demands. It Is too terri
ble. I look at tin' girl well, It does net
bear speaking of."
"I.ook here, WlnterlcMirno," John
Shortlands said, "I am going to Ioavh you
two together, I will wait for you at the
other side. Hut I would adrlMt rou to
listen well to anything that Mr. Melrllle
has tn say; I hare my own guess."
With that he proceeded to make his
way across the narrow and swaying
bridge, tearing thwe two alone.
(To be continued.)
AVorlt Fitolnir West.
To test tho truth of tho assertions of
many tientomi that they sloop better
with tholr liraiU pointing to the north,
work better facing the oust, mid o on,
Dr. Olmrlon Fere, who is well known can be quickly detached when It Is
lit France for hln Htudlea In physio- iiecossnry to look at tho butter,
logical jwyehology, hns constructed n Handle nro provided nt tho Imttom of
dellcato mnchlno which he cnlls nn tho box for turning In tho right dlrec
crgograph.wlth which ho linn achieved Hon of tho wind. When not In use,
ho mo lntcreatlu results. This mnchlno the fnns can bo taken off nnd tho re
registers tho number, rapidity nml mnlnder of tho crude mnchlno enn ha
quality of tho movements of the index ,cft- Anyono enn mnko one, nnd ho
finger when writing or performing nr.y 'e'P tho work of tho women who hnvo
accustomed work. He announces that lo cnurn ny nnnu. wiemeni urorcr.
his experiment with It provo that
lj? STiS" J $
Can Control Hnarms.
An expert beekeeper can mntinge
two or threo hundred colonies without
help when he hns them In hives where
ho can seo what Ihey nro doing
whereas f they wero In lox hires he
would be nimble to do anything with
such a iiumhvr. A very little reading
and study will glvu tho farmer nil
necessary knoivlodgo for tho manage
went of a few hives, mt Hint ho can
Iwvh his swarming (the bugbear of
the farmer-bestkeepor) when It Is most
convenient for him or not nt nil If he
doesn't wont any Increase. With Imix
hlvtM there ran be no control of
nwarmlng the Iicm Imvo It entirely
In their own hands (or wings), and
worked for a dollar n day In a Phila
delphia maehlmt shop until he had
Iranied the business ami then went lo
South America. Thence he return!
to Ittissla under tho name of John Ma-Kltl.
Iter Dr Frauds J.andny Pntton,
who says one can do Just ns much good
with tainted money ns with nuy other
kind, but who ar
llriilnrly objects to
the "cold IiI.hm1.i1,
right living rascal
wlm grinds tho
fates of the poor
under the cloak of
the law," Is famous
ns mi educator nnd
l!ie!glan. Hr has
been I 'resident of
I'rlm-eton Tbwologl-
ml Ki-mliwry slueo
for fourteen
MsMndntf'' rsBisW
i r
nnd previously.
years, bad been nt the brail of Prince
ton University Among other pasto
rate that Dr. Paiton has h.-hl wn
come out when ther are ntadr. n.,
gnrdlew of tho fact that tholr owner, ,llflt "f "'" J'ffr"! Park Pre.byte
may bo half n mile away tit n liny-"1"" ( "'" Chicago, and he also
Held, hustling to get nhefld of ait-' ,,"w n lr't,nihli In the McCormlck
jweoiogirai HHiiinary. Ho wh Imini
pnmcliliig rain.
work done by n person facing tiio
wrat or ent I better by 25 per cent
Tli e Ores t Country of the North.
The resource of Canada are hnrdly
yet appreciated by her nearest neigh-
! lesnlla. At .! l.w . -. sv
facing the enRt. HCo 1600 hnro Increased from 21(7,-
'IliI matter or orlonmllsm ecm to 7(W ocr0i t0 o'iK) ncre. "If fifty
hnvo nn Influence tiiwn Iho nwrotu thotuand fanner could raise .evenly
nystem, duo Inrgely, It I believed, to uM0U bushel of whent In looa'lii
tho fact that tho earth I n jrlBantle Manitoba, then 2B0.000 could raise
magnet. Many learned men Imvo no nno.000,000 bushels, enough lo supply
ticed tlmt they aleon bet with tho tho total Import requirement of Orent
head U the nortii, nnd wor.k better fnc- Hrltaln, beside feeding the people of
Ing tho went, whllo at lenat ono fa- Canada." Tho peakor assorted that
inoti plnnlHt nnd he play with' tho tho freight on wheat Hhlppod from Ft.
greatest ease vlien tho piano fnco William, Canada, to London, England,
tho ent. It may be that tho great wa le than that on shipment from
migration of the human rnco, nil of English midland, only ono hundred
which have hwn from ent to wont, mile from !oiidon, Ho concludwl that
nnd the observed tendency of tree to tho possibilities of Canada n a grower
develop In the game general direction, and exportor of fnilt product wore
are In omo way related to thco pho- Rreater than thoso of cither Ittissla or
nomenn. Nonr York World.
In HormiiilA In IN.1, mid Is a grHilunlo
The Poultry Vurd. or "" University of Toronto nnd of
ir wore are nny hollow In your Princeton 'Ideological Hemlnary In
poultry run that nro liable to hold WK he was ordained to the ministry,
water after heavy showers, nil them He " written wversl volunira, most
up or drain o Hint the blnl will not "r "' ttlMjc of a religious character,
be compelled to wade through mud- "' 8 served ns iiHHlorator of (ho
dy water half way up to their knees, Presbyterian (leiieml Amtembly.
w .u -,.,-r,.., mnj V Wllllllt-iriHI I'OUl
try. Otherwise miiiin of those valu
able nnd highly prized enrly hatched
blnl will likely Ho down nnd die.
And you will wonder what I the mat
ter with them. They will bo dead, of
cottrne, hut you might havo saved
s :
John W. Hutchinson, 85 ,-,.r old,
solo survivor of tho famous fnmlly of
dinger of slavery days, dlspntchc
a y, n a boon
threatened with a
ult for breach of
promise of mnr
rlngo by Mis El
Wrong- Place.
"I want something that will utop my
the Uulted States.
Averouo Htock l'rlces.
Thero was a time when tho
linlr from falling out," said tho caller, that received tin nvcrago price for tho
"I am no divorce lawyer," replied cattle, horse, or sheep ho oent lo mnr-
the doctor. Houston Post. , ket mado money on It, hut tlmt tlmo
1 1 not now. Then laud was clieati.
Charity and nemonnl forcn nro tha labor was chean. nnd irraln tvns elm,,.,
II could not rest oraehow. n went only Investment worth anrtblnir- Now all of thoso nro high, and Uiu
Into th laboratory, and looked vacantly Walt Whitman. " " avenga prlr of an animal doe not they will not catch cold.
For Dry Hoofs.
A aonklng tub inoy be inndo by cut.
ting off nlwut ono foot from tho end leu F. Wothorell
of n ntout, tight bnrrol. Tho short end 70 jenr old, of
I filled with water nnd placed In tho !yun, Mnss, Dur
Htnll so Hint the forefeet will cotno In mg tho nntl-slnvery
no nin. u noiir or two of soaking movomont before
dally I good for dry, hnrd hoof, the war they np
. u i"I 7.. . i pea red on tin
T'T ',l" U"A '". Minn n I n t f n r ...
. .'" wi 'rm uw .talilo., Veritl- when .!, L... " ,j. w
into mo building, " ,'" ""
Clean the hnnf. n i i. ., "" f0,,,l""l the slaves mid ho snug.
grow Pu finer .."" ," V',r- lh,rlUK M UMime "u ""' ''
grow Hi. lut lighter shoes on (ho sung at 11,1157 public meeting null-
,,, ' , , shivery, religion mid leinperauro.
Curry the horse while they nro Hutchinson I well known In tho
shedding their winter coat nnd wnh Northwest. Part of the tlmo ho make
mem often. j,! headquarter In Hutchinson,
Cut down tho grain allowance of tho Mlim" w,,l'" lrlved It iiiiuin from
horse In pasture and seo thnt nil tho ,,,,H 0,lt-' 'amo family of singer,
nnltiml get plenty of fresh wn(or .;;.
Tho colt enn mifely bo allowed In the c"'' "'" Hnpp. n leading Kama
pnttiro with the other nnlinnl. nn.. .. Democrat, Is n descemlniil of a royal
n very early ngo should he broken to ,'renc'' '" One of hi ancestor
gentle habit. n tencher of thu grcnt Napoleon at
Tun. tho cow out to vun grndu- '""""' Bca,lt",,,r' . ,
Hiiro Jl'LffS'f m'0 KrMl"- fico ' K"k" Tho.nnsson, desccmMnt ?f
hero 1 shade for tho cows-cither nnt- John Is soon to start lHf
urnl or nrtlflclal. impcr to ho enllml tho Tribune la Un-
When tho horse nro hot and sweaty ''"" ,0 ri'liroiu',,t "' Liberal party,
oftor a long drive or a day's work '!""!' .. m
spongo them with cold water so that ,Jt w- Htephen of Oolunihl. Mo., will
i. ...,,. . . . """ mat ..,.,, , ,.,. i,...,.,.,. k.,,1, America
t Hi Congress lu London In July.