LOCAL BITS Mr. mid Mr.i. TIioiiiuh Hlnnlcy, ofSIstcm, were In Uend Wednesday. John O'Kcllcy mid Jim finrrctt, of Trout Creek, were In Heud Tites day. Mr. mid Mm, O. W. WIiIIhcII drove down to I.itldlnw Monday for it pleasure trip. I'urker McHne mid Tom Heed went up the river Monday for a few duy'H finning. Fanners attention New Hodge inowerH it t nl winner mke.s, "not built by the IriiHt." . M. Co. Mr. mid Mrs. Kuinuel Diugec ind llltle daughter, of I'rinevillc. were lleud visitoiH Tuewlay mid 'ednemluy. Mr. A. M. JJrake, who lum been sKiiiiljiig miiiu time in I'ortlaud mid fit sonslnc, ii exiHiett'd home next Mondijy evening. Dr. HoiwijberK, of JVJncville, ciiiiic fjver to IUmkI NVedneHday evening to coiimiiIi with l)r. Cgc in Mjs, MQrKiiiinten'N cam.. Parties dcMtlng liqiuc grown fiurjKrry Mock ' of coimiicicml va rieties can get name by nccilig W. J. Hockley, lleud, Qreyqu. llrcad for aide every day. Cnkch made to order Jie cream raiuruiiy jiflcrnoon mid .Sunday. STIMI.K'K HlWTAUKANT. Neil Smith arrived Wednesday night from Sjinerior, Wis., and lias goije to IiTh homestead t liarvest fril m)d uiufcu improve incuts, A. M. Drake returned last week from his I'ortlaud trip, well miUk- llecl with what lins Uieu nccom ntishcd for opening the Deschutes country. J5. V. Nicliol was a lleud vi.stor Wednesday from his ranch IxjIow j.aidlaw. He is inquiring into the matter of using a hydraulic ram for Irrigating his ranch. A. A. lltirris, who was in lleud last Kpring, (MiMcd through here iuudiiv with John M. Hdwards, liiiroutc to Silver Ifake, where Mr. Hdwards will locate. J. II. O'Ncll will buikl n new Iioukc in the near future, on one of llis lots in the cuat part of town. It will be 2.X3Q, and hits already been tented for a year by 1. I(. Mutig. Mrs. Frank Stroud bus for n pet u young wild cat, or "bob" cat, which was captured near Mend. It is now about the size of a large tame cat and has become a great Hit. A. C. Lucas this week had a hidcwnlk built iu front of the Pilot Itutte I mi and a stone fence now extends the full length of the lot on each hide of the hotel iu front, adding much to the attractiveness of the place. S. II. IJarrancc wnM iu from his wiwmill Wednesday. He says there was a water spout iu his neighborhood Sunday. Hail to a depth of two inches fell mid cut his garden Nttitt nut ol titiwiuww Hut It didn't hurt the Mtwlogif. Mr. and Mrs. Yates ctiiuc iu from I'ortlaud Sunday, where they have Ixkmi visiting the fair. While there they clotud a deal whereby they get nearly a section of school laud lying out near I'owell Unites, one mile below Hobbs stMtiou. T. W. Triplctt hnssold his house mid lot uttar the D.iptiM church for .Moo to C. I). Ilrowu. I'ohsession will Ik givuu nlKiut Atiicust 30, Mr. Triplctt will go to Denver, Col., where he has a Hsition with the W. W Kimball pinuo concern for several mouths. Mrs Triplctt will visit friends in North Carolina for a time. The Tripletts expect to return to lleud. I 'or ShIo, House nud lot on Uluveuth street and I rou wood avenue. Alia) sowing niiichiue, largu range, and other household goods, Mits. J. W. Hi.Kiwoit. Timber Mini. Act of June J, lW", NOTION KOIl PUBLICATION. V M. I.aml Ollkr, Tine IMIlea, r;n, July ), l. .Notlee la lieteliy Klvrn Hint In ohiiiIIhii with llir irovliloni nfllic ait of Cunilfa nf June 1, i7, entitled "An act for the lulr ur Umber lamia In Hie atate nf California, Oregon. Nevada ami Wailitnglnn tetilltiry " aa eatentteri In all the imMlclaint atateauv art of Auciut 4. ity!, the IiiIIumIiik'IUukiI ivimiiK have, mi June v. I'M. filnl In tula otfiee their aworn atatetnenta, to-wlt, llrlrim A O'Kanc uflltiiil. county (i Crunl, alnlenfOreiinii, anorn uliitetnent Nu aoj, fur the luiu'liuac of the ne) uf are ij, lp mi, r ne, w m IIiikIi O'Knne of lleud, county ofCrooV, atate of Orrron, aworn ttleiuciil Nu. tbii, for the utuchate of the mv of rc(,li jo a, r Ije, w lit. JUtlJ. Wrlijhl of lleud, county of Crook, atate of Oregon, iworu MHtrnieiil No. 1617, fur the imrchaae of the neji, ; J4, lp wa, r ije, v 111. Juhu W. Knlilaoti MXI - fl&&M(!$ato& mmmmmu in mMKo, one. Hazlowood Ico Cream. Ico Cream Soda. Soda Water. Root Deer. ammoc Camp Stools, Fishing Tackle, Wall Paper FURNITURE, LINOLEUM. OUTFITTING HEADQUARTERS for kevyis & Clark Fair Visitors. Call at) as Pen Passing llifouli loyn. We're at your service. 1 JUST FROM Till! BATH. Nothing like the tub for health and beauty. Ai)d the effcets are greatly cihnuccd by having one of our euanicl iicd bath tubs. Hand some, hygienic, moderately priced there's none better. Wc make a specialty of SANITARY PLUMBING and do lha yotk In a BOIENTIFIO MANNCR. Chargri very rruualte Ordrra roiiitly rteeutrd Sanitation auured W alio maka Water Gonnoctlont I'rlct a raatonabl. Caldwell 11I' llend, counly of Crook, atate uf Oreiiuu. awurn aliileiiieul No.jttib, for the iurclme uf the aw in ic .H,ioi,r ije, w in, Tllllt tllCV will lilfrr liriMifaln aliniv Unit Hie liindt aoiiKlil are more vulunlile fur Hie Umber or alone thereon limn for nurlnilliirul miniic, ami to eilntilUh their eliilma tu anld Inuil fiefore 1 M Lawiencr, V. H. Coiumloloner, at hiaoiuce iu lliiiil, OieKOii, on October 10, inoy rhey naiueiia wltneaawi: llelenu A Adolf I. voudcrWielcn, of I.nid law. came up to Heud the first of the week mid visited the cxcrU incut farm and other gardenii and ficldii iu this vicinity. He has a tract of laud near I.aidlaw and is interested iu ascertaining what crops do ucst iu tins soil and climate, Tim!-' t.nnil. 4M June j, iljl. NOTICB KOIl PUIJMCATION. V. S. Mud Oltir.The IXllc. OtrKWi, Jly , lv. Notlee la hereby flten that IH rvmpHahrr with the iMMvttkfHtulthe Act uf eiHtgit T June 1, l7, eHtlllrd, "All art fur the Mte bt timber la ihU Im the rtilm.f Calldrt nla, lrein, Nevada, and Wa.lllMjIun Tettllury," aa rtrinlrd la all the CMktaHdalateabyAet -( Auirwrt 4, lvl the U.liitainrd xiufi lwe oted III thlaoD.ce their anotn alatenienta, to-wit Ira II. He. I, uf tteud. rwuiity f Crueh, atate efOiegwi, aworu talrme lit Nu ijaj rMnt May M. !. for the HtKhaeif the n!tw)f, Hwt, ,att la'irK, ei a, lp l a, r l e, w ih llaltle rnl.rl, uf Heelitea, teunty ef CltW. atate M ir(Oti, iu alatemenl Xu aua, II lot Mis j, ly.Air the H4Uhf Hie nt( of ae v. If if a. r loe W M llrury W Daniel, uf Iteachulr, euuiity u( Ctuuk Mate wfUiei(m. Mnim atatemenl Nu aaa, fileil Mat t. !'. for the imrehaae uf the e4et ul a u, and in M uf e 1 1. lp iv a. r iu e. w m That they will urtV, H.m4. luthow that the tauda wMight air Htuie valuable fur the tttulrr ur ttaar Iheirwt lhaH tut agricultural pupr4, ami Iu tMaMUh IhelrrUlma Iu Mid UihU before I M l.awtruee. I' H CtHtiwlMUMirr, al hiaotheeat llrwl. Ortim,fl Uetohrr IJIh i( They name wltneaaeai Jwhn K Kyan, Will law II. Ihl, Vui K U'aauer. Kew Writ au4 Charlea II WtiM. all uf lleud. Oregon. Any aiHl all twn. eUlmliiK adveiaety any of the 4toelr.1llN UikU are resumed Iu SlellietreUlui.iti thl uifiee an ur bfre the uhl IMhda) of fM4er, lyoj. ao JIICII.MIt. T. NOLAN. Krgtatrr Tlutlr r.and. Act June i, 171, NOTKM-J KOIl l'UHUCATION. V. H I.and timee. The IMIUa. (Hrnoii. Mi) 11. iyJ Notice la hritliy (lien that In romdlancr wtth Ibr HvlUwnftlir Act of l.uHieM of June 1. (7 vHtllleil. "An aet fbrlhr aaleuf timber lamta III Ike atatra uf CnllferuM, (iv(ti, Nevada, and unatiiMjiian Tnilury,"a ealethieu: iu all lue Aiuihh lanu NOTICK HOR I'UllI.ICATION. UepailhtcHt of the Intertur t. S I,am f)n at The Oallea, Orecon. Julv If, t'fH Kcttoe Ii hereby (Ivep that the fcdlowlng Hamcil aelller ha hlrl ijilIKe of hla IntrHlton la make Cual Hoof In HB(Ht uf hi etann, ami thai aaUl pruuf will Iwmjjitc be fare J M Mw renee, I' li Coojuilolmni, at hit oOeat lleud, Oirjun.ou Seplemtier i, 19s. vir Uriah It Aideriray, of Wlrt. Huron, fur l. 1(. Nu. 1 1 lit. lot j and 4 aid ih(, arc i, ti 14 a, r 14 r. w. m. lie HawM the fullowlnc wlieae In prove hl eNlli4uH reiMeprc upon ainl cultlvallun at uM UhI, vl William K RmqIIi. I'rank lloolh and It K. inntt, all uf SUiera, OreROu, and Jorli N llutilrr uf lleud, tie(u a44 MICIIAKI.T NOI.AN. Keiltter t. IH. atatra liy Act uf Aujuat William Mct.eo.1. of ISHllanil. rtwiuty uf MnlliioHiah, atate of Ore nun, haathla day iiled Iu thlt olfi hit awurn ttateineiil Nu Jijt. for the ncliac oflhe ae) irtc iu, lp it a, r iae, w in And will olfrr pnwf to thow that the land auuuhl la liiiHe valuable fur lla timber ur atone Ihau fur BHf littturul miror, aiul to eatabliali hlarlalm tu4dtnttebre J M I.awtrncc, U S. CwwmlMliHirr, at Ilia udice at Heud. Oregon, on Monday theulllday of (Ictolwr, lvJ lie iiamea a wllueawa: J. N Hunter and ChailraUeUf, of lleud, Utriiou, Hubert Cow and flMMse l'clls.oriHrland, Oregon. Any and all ierviiu claiming: adversely the alHiedeaciiliedUudaare requealed Iu tile their claim In ihla uftiee on or before aahl 9th day uf tklulier. ivoj ac MlCIIAItl. T. NOr.AN. Keslater. Timber Land, Act June j, 1S7S. NOTICK l-'OR 1'UIHJCATION. V. H. I.aml Office, The Pnllri, Oregou July N. lyM. Notice la hereby gUcit that In euiiipllauce with llTd. entitled. "An.net for llir ulenf lltulirr lun iu the atate of California. Oteton. Nevada, ai Wa.lilnulou Titrllory,' a etltuded to all the none lauu aiaiea uy ACI ul Auguit 4, IM1. Hie iiiuwiuKiuaniro iierauna nave uu June ,0. ivjv TlmWr Land, Act of June j, i)l, NOTICK FOR IMJDMCATION. I' K. Ijand Office, The Oallea, Oregon, July9. l. Not lee It hereby given that In compliance with lh rovtniin oflhe Act uf Congrri of June . !;. eulltled "An act fur the aale uf Umber land. In thr .lair, ol California. Otrrou. NeviKla am W'aahluglsii Territory." aa eitended to all thi IwUk land atatea by act uf Auguit 4. IM, tin falluwlug named eraona have, uu June ;, 1915 filed Iu thlt utDce I licit an urn atatruieiila, (o-wil Itmnia II. Steuberg uflleKhulet, tuunly of Crook, atate oT Oregon, worn atatrmeut No itllj. fur the purehaae of the h aelf.iiwl, aeU.4"1' H nrkj ufe It. lp l a, r II e, v in. I,am (landle of OeaehutM. rouutvof Crook, atate of Oregon. .MtHH Maleweut No. ts, foe the purohaae oflhe ca ne). ami eH aeluf are 4. tp la a, r II e, wm That ihry will utter immla to allow that th' Undt aoHght are more valuable foe the tlmlwr or atsue Ikeieoti than for agneullural purpurea, ami t.taWUh llietr dalmt toaabl land Iwfore J. M l.awrenee. II M Commtuiouer. at hla ulTiee at lund. Olicuu. on October II, 194 Thry uauieaa wuee l.aura Handle, limma II Steuberg. William II Waata mid Chartea II Wrt.f.ol lleaehutra, Oregon. Jnteph N lluuter of Herul, Oregon, ami Jamei K. lleulMiu of Laid' Uw, Oregon Any awl all peraoua claiming advcracl) any oflhe alxive lamU are re-iur.trd to file their claiuii Iu till" oiher on ur before the aald lllh day of October, io ao4 MICIIAIEI. T. NOLAN. Kegitter. pree land in Oregon, A t'uder the ''Carey Irrigation Art " Oeet! k. . -.." ..... Oh.. .... ... .. Hit IV 1'K lAl.l III iltrccl from ttale DAY Ihioklcl! and map free II Co , HI Alder atreel, I'ottUud, Or Oeetl 1 Cook & 1 1 null O'Kune, Hurl J. Wright, John W. Koklaou mm johcpii n. ituiiicr. in iiciiii. on William V Vandevett of I.iivh, Oregou O'Kane, lleud, Oregon, .tint Any mill ull perMiuacluliiiliignilvrracly nuy of Ihv nliove I a mlii urc rriiieted to file their clithua In thla office 1111 ur before the anld lullt day of tktobcri IVMJ. . Mo4 UCIIA1U, T. NOLAN, ReyL'tar. the piovUlonanf the Art uf Cuugrraa ol June J, limner lamia Nevada, aud nubile laud Male by Act of Auguit followluiriuanied txrMjua liavr mi In filed iu ihl otfice their aworn atateiucuta, to-wlt Julia C. Stewart, of he ml. cmtnty of Crook, atate of Oregon, arvoru alateutcul No. 3617, for the imrchaae of the nnU of ace 11, li joa, r 1.1 e, w in. l)itld W. Morehouae, of llend, county of Crook atate of Oregon, aworu aiuiciiicni riu wm. lor nr purcuaac ci ine euj uw),' ami lot 1 nud a uf ace jn. tp 10 a, r 14 e. 111 That thrv ulll uftcr proof to ahow that the lamia aouKliturt' more valuable for the timber ur alone thereon than lor agricultural purpoaea, and tn evtabllah their ctulma to anld laud before J. M. Lawrence, U S. CumiiiUalouer, at hlaorticefu lleud, Oregon, on October vth, I9"S. They name aattllaeft.eai John llliw, Joaeph N. lluuter, Julia C Stcwutl, Kirn W. Olte and Ibivld W. Morelioue,-ll of llcml, Oregon, Any and all prraoua claiming adveraelyanyuf the above deat,vavd lauda are reiuetted lo file their claim In Ihla office on or before Ibe aald ylh day uf October, lyoy avv6 MKWAKLT.NOkAN. Kcglitcr.. The Deschtiies Telephone Company TclcKrams For'ardcd to uny pnrt of tho World. Direct Telephone Communication PORTLAND, l'UINEVIU,K aud nil Pacific Coast cities Public PAY Station HANK nUILOINU Bend - Oregon THE DESCHUTES TELEPHONE CO. Now l8T,WB Buy Town Lots - IN- Laidlaw, Or. and Make" Money I'or particulars write or call on J. W. .Rutherford, Laldlnw, , - , Oregon! rmmmmmmmmmmmn i ' wwrwMiwW'tMa-ww,ijiiiigT4 Fresji Fruit (ii)d Vegetfles li I TKe City Market i UIJNI) UVUSrOCK ANt) PRODUCfJ CO. 1 Fresh and Cured Meats and Fish livcrytliliiK I'ertolnlnj; to n 1'lrBt-Clanfi Atnrket 1 WHST HUI1.DIN0, Wall St., I1BND, ORROON aaaWiMBBawaJMMWIaaaurMMIM MajaaaaaM-,aMgaJaaaMMfaJ-BM Bend Livery & Transfer Co. J. PRANK STROUD, Alnnogcr LIVERY, and FEED STABLE IIOKBItH HOAKDISD JIV THIt DAV, WltKK Oil MONTH First-class Livery Rigs for Rent. 'Plione Hit. 15 Hwnlitreet.tlweeii Mlnneaota and Oregon, Bend Oregon 1 ' Soali."""" M bound I n. l orr.v K raa. tr.j.vr. c,m. ji i tt . i. it . IK 4 M Columbia Swrifcra RAILWAY. fjtntlre July 3,9. STATIONS. boil ml no 1 tiMtv TCAaa, AMttH 1 A f . . SHELDON & WKJNNON General Blacksmithing nad Wagon Repairvng HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY W Qtir sjiop is located opposite Uaptist Church. "VP V ' IU'-" 1 tmm1p --.. IlKWH . ..... .nibanna , ..- -lnk ...........V-'UK-O Klondyke.. , , , . ...Htiinmll .... Ilay OaiiyotL'Iiiilctlfin - M0nall .- J!)!Mo ..., iMMoro Krahtavllle. . .....OraaVaLey . . . -BonHrtn.. . . Kent i 11 UVIttrtic,... IU I filfAtelKO AKHiVKI II SO II lo II 10 II on to 4 10 4'J U 4 10 JJ 10 oa. 9 9 J7 9 for , 40 8 00 tKAVH IUy tareeflirneitlflnaat flbanlko for Antel otit, rrlneVlMe, llend, Iliirna, Mlver fike f,ake Tlew, Mllahetl, I)a7llle, Antone, Aahreood, tojv yonCity, John Uy City, and I'oaalt v.. n. wooimKKRV, C. r. 1MTt.ll.. Superintendent V hI1' A. Shaniko. Ore ! JOB PRINTING i i -i ;' I 0 Are you particular about ywtr I ft. .1 UU OREGON Shojt Line- AMD uwion Pacific TO Arc you particular about yo4.tr stationery? Do you like neat, clean, up-to-date business printing on the very best stock made? Don't you think it a good idea to make these things a part of your business? o o o o o The supplying of this class of work, is a part of our business that re ceives particular attention. The materials we use and the type faces and workmanship we put into the jobs we turn out give you n product that cannot fail to give satisfaction. o o o o o Our equipment is second to none iu the interior of Oregon. When you bring us a piece of work you may know first of all that every line in it will be in the latest type styles we haven't an old type face in the shop. Done Promptly There is no delay in getting your work. It is a point with us to get the finished job in the hands of the customer with reasonable dispatch. Reasonable Prices Another satisfactory feature in our job business is that we do not in any instance ask a hold-up price. All wc ask is :i profit compatible with successful business. Your printing will not look as if a black smith had done it when done by The Bend Bulletin t Salt Lake Denver Kansas City Chicago St Louis New York Ocean Steamers between Portland and San Francisco every five days. Tickets to and from all parts of the United States, Canada and Europe. For particulars, call on or address JAS. IRELAND, Agt., The Dalles, Oregon. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ijjffirra Traoc Marks Deaicr Copyright Ac Anrone undlnf a aketeh and deaertptkin mar qnleklr aaearialn our opinion fra waaltiar an Invenllon la probably paianiablai Comrouulc. tionaalrtctlreoufldantlaL HANDBOOK oal'atenta nl rrea. (Meat anney fur aaeunaf patanta. 1'atanta taken tbronah Ilium A Co. rtcalTf ryeelot notUt, wnhool chanra, Im ta Scientific Jlmcrkam A handaomely Illustrated waklr. I-araeat elr. Terma. II a eulaikm uf anr aeUnUDe iMirnat. reaei four rnoutu, Iu BoMbyaJI ntvadealera. MUNH&Co.38'-'' New York Ilrascb usee. CS V Bt Wublngioa. V. C We carry only the finest lines of WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS DONT FORGET TO DROP INTO THK MINNESOTA BUFFET SMITH & CIJKK, Props I1KND, ORKGOW MILLARD TRIPLETT BLACKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEINQ All kinds of wagon work done in first-class shape. Short notice jobs a specialty. orrosrri! ncnooi.uousii iiknu, okkhox .tY.Ti.Ni'witf ' ' :ixxxitju)'iu.tfMWiirx wt w ij -MVif VQii f5Jr ji -yafe. u. ' i M And every article is Come In take a look at a beautiful display of JEWELRY On the counter you wi! also una trttalna illu:.- tratinat thousands of useful and practical Gems If you vant the very bcstvnluea for your money BIJV HERB THAT'8 ALL Merrill Drug, Go. BEND.OREOOMs