i l. ii h y in' " ' ', i I I I THE BpND BULLETIN runt.isliitn kvkry prima y jiy LlUDDliMANN'& LAWRUNCIJ. 1 ar.il. .. nm 'For every man a tquara deal, no leii and no more' BUnSCRtrTION RATltSl i One ytar ., .... . ... Ji.J tt)rte month.. ...... , ....,.... .y (lumtUMv In ailtance.) HOW TO UUMIT. Rcmil hy hnnk draft, postal money tinier on Hcuil, express money order, or registered letter. Mnko nil remittances ln) able to The Demi Ihtllcthi. Stngo nnd mall Schedule. Arrivr at Hk.mo. torn Shanlko la lrlnelu 7 p. m. ttatly 1 rom Laketlen nct hltrtr Lake . I a m rtally xil Tiim 1 rom Tunmlo Tiirt., Thiira atul Sat .. :i p in I rom Laldlaw Mon., Wed., Thir. anil Sat. uoon I.havr inixn 1 or Shunlko rl Prinrvtlle a. m. ilall) 1 or takeTlrw ami Silver Lake ..... ..., ..... 7 j p. m dally except Sun 1'or rumalo Tue , Thun. and Sat-. .. S a. iti 1 or Laldlavr lon., Wed., Thura, and Sat .J p. til roar OrrtCR Horaa Week- days; i a. tn. to 8 p n Sunday, from II a m. to u tn., and hall hour oner antral of all mailt Irom lallraad reaching Pend before 8 p. m. TiitnriiONK Orcicc lloiraa Week data, from 'con. m to 9o p. m. Sundaya and holldaja, from Jw a. in. to n noon, and from jkm p. m. to oo p.m. FRIDAY AUGUST 4, 1905 The Willlanison-Gcsncr-B i g g s case was given to tbc jury Wednes day afternoon but today noon no report had come from the jurv room. The Spokane Spokesman-Review of August I, has a picture of the Deschutes desert and a comprehen sive statement of the reclamation enterprise under way here, which will be useful in directing home "cckcrs this way. There has been no marked rail road news in the past two weeks and The Bulletin is in receipt of half a dortn letters asking why this is so. We don't know. The Bul letin doesn't manufacture news; it only prints what it can get. How ever, there is no reason to fret over the railroad situation just now This is the season when most peo ple, including railroad men, aban don business, except that of the most imperative character. People hie themselves to the beaches or to the mountains or go fishing or, if they can do none of these, sit around and sweat and swear. When dog days are over we shall probably have something more definite about railroad, plans. We have received a marked copy of the Lo Angeles Times with an account of a big project to get a water supply to tbc San Fernando valley, chiefly to the city of Los Angeles. By an. investment of about $1,000,000 the private lands along the Owens river in Invo cmnty have been bought, and the government rights along the stream have also been secured. Now it will be diverted from emptying into an obscure salt lake and made to Sow through 30 miles of tunnels to reach the San Fernando valley. A stream about one quarter the size of the Deschutes will thus be carried 240 miles to re lieve the thirst of the desert cities of Los Angeles and its neighbors. They expect to have much of the water for farm irriga tion also, but will probably be dis appointed in that. The estimated total cost of the enterprise is $23,. 000,000 ana it win lane tour years to do the work. Our desert is not so arid as that of the San Fernando and we have vastly more water to apply and at less cost. Some day these aav&utages wiu oe uuiy ap preciated. DISPOSAL OF SCHOOL BONDS. Formerly it was required only that the voters should authorize u bond issue before school districts could isMie bonds. Lately the state board of education added the requirement that the voters should say under what provision cf law the bonds should be disposed of subdivision 0 or sutkiiviston 31 cf section 3389 ot the Oregon statutes. Subdivison 6 reads as follows. When authorized by a majorit) ote 1 f the legal otcr present at any legally . lied school meeting, they may, in the .me and on behalf of their district, t cntract a debt by borrowing tnom-j, or 1 therwiic. not to cxcecdfttve.pcr centum f the taxable 'property of Ihe. district, t r the purpose hool ulldhigs or repair of school buildings, 6V for the turchaeof loud for school purposes, ad lue negotiable interest-bearing warrant (nd fix tin time of pn incut of J.lic Mine) of their dUtrlct, cllciiclng ouch debt, and they may from to time to time, not oftcner than once a car, levy a tn on the taxable property of the district to pay the luterct thereon, or principal when tine, which taxe shall Iks collected lit the nunc manner as other school laxei. nrc or may xi collected by law: provided, that whenever a school district in thia state shall make n loan, borrow money, or refund any cxMing debt created by a vote of the electors or by the directors in pursuance of itny statute, the bona llde resident citUcus of such district shall have the right to sul scribc for such Kmii, mid it shall !- the duty of the hoard of director to onlcr an advertisement to lc published, setting forth the amount of such loan, the mini lcr of years the snme shall run, and the rate of interct, In a newspaper published hi the district, or by posting notices in three public places, aiuj each ttotia lute resident of such district shall have the right to subscribe once for said loan for the entire amount or any portion of the sunt not less than fitly dollars at par value, and in placing the loan the di lectors shall Issue the same, whether it Ins notes warrants or bonds of the dis trict, to the smallest sulwcrlbcr or sub crilcrs first, one note, warrant, or Iwnd to each such subscriber, upon iwymcnt of the amount subscribed hi lawful money of the United States until the entire loan has !ceu placed. And it is further provided, that in case ench bona fide resident of the district has hail op portunity to sutscril)c for such loan and the same has not all been taken and issued to such suWrilwrs r hi cac the suscribers do not call for the wine with in three days after the time fixed for delivery of the said notes, warrants or bonds of the district, the directors may pcrmit such subscribers to mate further subscriptions iu the same manner ns heretofore provided iu this section, until all the loan has been taken; That part of subdivision 31 per taining to the disposal of school district bonds is ns follows, the whole sectiou being too long to re print here: If a majority of the votes cast read "bonds yes" the board of directors, as soon as practicable, shall issue coupon bonds of the district, not exceeding in par value the amount stated iu the no tice of election, bearing interest not to exceed legal interest per annum, payable semiannually, redeemable at the pleas ure of said district (after ten years), lmt due and payable absolutely twenty years front date; but in no case shall the ag gregate of tainted debt iu any school district exceed five per centum of the value of the taxable proiwrty of any such district. The principal and interest of such bonds shall le payable at the office of the county treasurer in which the dis trict may be situated, or at such place as may lie designated iu the city ami state of New York, at the option of the purchaser thereof. All such bonds so issued shall be signed by the chairman of the board of directors and attested by the district clerk, and countersigned by the county treasurer; and ten coupons attached to slid bonds shall be signed by the chairman of the said I want of di rectors and countersigned by the district by original or facsimile signatures. Whenever any school district shall issue bonds under the provisions of this sec tion, all such lionds shall lx.- issued to the county treurer of the count) and be registered by him in a book kept for that purpose iu his ofllce, noting the school district, amount, date, time, and place of payment, rate of interest, and such other facts as may be deemed proper, and all such IkjiuIs shall state 011 the.r face that they were issued under the provisions of this section. The gist of the first p-ovision is that the bonds (or negotiable inter est-bearing warrants) shall be sold in the district, or at least offered in the district. The second provision is for marketing the bonds outside the district. Of course, iu the con ditions prevailing here, where money earns 10 per cent, people would not be willing to take 6 per cent bonds, so it will hardly be practicable to dispose of the dis trict's obligations uuder subdivision 6. This leaves subdivision 31 as the only alternative. But the meeting which authorizes the bond issue must say which subdivision quoted above shall govern the dis posal of them. It may be observed, iu passing, that the quotation from subdivision 31, for an educational statute, is a dandy. It might be a little difficult to tell, for example, in just what part of the county treasurer the Bend school district is situated, or even in what part of his office. Then, too, the bond coupons are required to be signed by the chair man of the board of directors and "countersigned by the district," whatever that may mean. The bondbuyers do not kick, however. and we sha'n't. But we should1 like to have Dr. Kuykendall, the ' scholarly senator from F.tigene who ! devised this school code, explain what is meant by this interesting exhibit of the Arkansavv language. 1 Hend Weather for July. Following is the temperature rec ord for Bend for the month of July, as recorded by Hnrl K. Knight, voluntary olxservcr: lMtr i 4 I::....:v V 10 II II 13. U. . A 16 Max i Mill 3 JT 41 3W 4 J 4 41 i 3 9 Itatc .'. I?- M... IS. VI... J3.. i, Br JO St.. Mrnn,, Max Mill ?! u ll'l 101 St M so M tiw 3 jr w 4 4 Maximum 103 degtecs. Minimum 36 degrees. Prccipation.31' iitchof . No obseryatjon on tlfc ?L Rente tuber that jhis(qflicj tjqes high-grade job printing. Raspberries, strawberries hh) nil small nursery stock' for stile Ijy W. J. Buckley, Bend, Ore'gqn'. Office rooms for rent in the Pilot Uutte Development Co.'s office building. Apply at the company' office. l ' tf Soo acres of fine pine timber iu a body near sawmill and good mar ket. Two large springs on the tract. Forsale at low price. R. G. Smith Bend, Oregon. Dissolution ot Co-partnership. Notice Is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore exslstliig ttmtcr the firm iiiime mill stvlc of MuUig & lleckerls this day dissolved by mutual consent. All moneys due Mulrlg & Pecker will be received by, mid nil claims against that firm will be settled by, U. II, MuUig. J. M. Lawrence Is agent to leceive any money due the lute firm, llend, Oregon, July 35, tons, U. II. .Mlir.H. C. T. llltCKK.ll. "NoflCK h'6l lH?TjKATfdN." DcpMtmcnl of Hie lulrilnr, V. S. band Olllreill l.aUtWcw, OrrKn. June S is Nolle Is lirtrliv nlvril llint tlir olliirtliiu iimH Killer has !dsl nitllrV oflil Intriltluii to nmWr lliial iiliwl In iipihiiI " !U u.mii, mm iiMtandiVtmrwiu 1 made int,i m ruco V S CummlU'iii lit llcnd, mtni llic lit It day vT .ViikiM. !$$, VI II. It No MMforllirsV eKnw)f.'t"i. IP 3. 1 ion w in ' Mr tismM 'the IMtowltns wllnrwra to prmt hercoiilliiiiuiistttMcnrr iiism and rxiltlvtillon bf ald land, vl ' .. tlrutKr lloiiiir, Jhiiim V )lnni WIIILlin (1 MaifirM and MilMrd I' llatlrtni all ol Mix land, Otrn-dH.' ,r " ' ' l3au J N. WATHqP. flrKl!". iMtwsrwlH lx; nisiie iwniif j si i.a S CuiiiuiI"Iimii lit llcnd, OrrKn, ml ! l IkvtW, nrc.l4,tpl a and ... u. .W ... t lrrtt Land, I'lnat 1'inof NOTICK 1011 PliniilCATlON. V. S. Iiitd 6llk'.TIie Jlallta. (jiriioti. July f. lyS Nnlkrls liutliy Klvn that Jiitla It MiCal illtr, uf Stln. OSivKn. Hl' noil J iHlrnllon ti niak priwf on litr tltsril laud .1m1,i, v.. il f)r th U t tttid lut I. ill itc I p it a, r 10 r. 'win, tit: llir county clrtW of .'tv.il. ro'int), t I'llnrvtllc, OfvHvm on iiiriiiu la) uf hrilriHlr. 195 Slir namrs tlir follow In wltiifsar lo ptavr hrc.mipltlivlKill and intaiuatloii ulald ami lukit O IWnrll!,!. 1'rmicM C IK nrfirld. Wilt ini T KdunriU. ami CnHKC II I'trUns. alt of IM(ri, otrifuii. ,4M MICIIAHI.T NtltAN. Krsl.ttr Authorized Capital $25,000 Incorporated 1901 The Central Oregon Banking & Trust Company pf BEND, CROOK COUNTY, OR. Transacts a general banking nnd trust business. Issues Letters of Credit good throughout the vvoild. Acts as Administrator. Kxeculor or Trustee of Ivstntes. Transfers money by Mail or Telegraph. Collections made promptly nnd ujo!i favorable terms. Interest on Deposits The Central Oregon Banking & Trust Co several new features to its rapidly growing business has added It will now i;tvc lime icruncaies 01 ueposu. jHijuig iuujium iuwicuu ollows: l For 6 Months, 3 per cent M For 1 Year, 4 per cent SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT at Reasonable Rates AM. TUP. ADVAXTAGKS OF A CITY BANK DIRKCTORS: V.. OUKKIN, Jk.. Tn. A. I.. liOUlMVii.i.u:, vki: I'him. jyjEAT ARKET WAJ.I, HTKICIIT Opimalle II M Cu HE finest ptock of FRESH MEATS in Crook County. Cured Meats and Lard and all the Accessories of a First-Class Market. Everything new and of the best, WH ITE H I hU T YOU AMU INVIII-I) 10 Jte Wjjite House f.OH OKKf.ON ft 1IONI) HT8. , 3S, JliOtCbCUCt, UM'Op, The Best Ljquors and Wines DOMESTIC and IMPORTED CIGARS A. II. I.ppmnii !?. AJ. Meyer A. H, Lippman fy. Co., Furniture Stoves, Ranges, Healers, Cooking Uiensils, Doors and Windows, Faints and Oilg, Cnriiets and Matting. We carry a fine line of Knckertl and Couches. y carj furbish yqir house complete GIN'H ITS .V CAM. TI5HMS CASH J. M. UWVItKNCi:, Sk'v F. O. MINOK, CAI.HIKK BEND OREGON mmmmmmmmmmmvBaspmmaQtmQmmmm Z, F, MOQDY Connnissioii nnd forwarding AIERCIIAINT, SMAMKO, T OMIHIOV Large, Commodious Warchnuc. ConslKomcuts Solicitci rnunjil mtciitinn iMld to llntH who for me nlth 1 1 1 c I r 4ttunuKr At Bend, Oregon. A Complete Stock of DRY Rough, Surfaced and Moulded -LUMBER- At Bend, Oregon, All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses INCH COMMON DIMENSION SHI VLA I Rl'STIC T. &C. FLOORING : Reasonable BKADHD ClilUNG Lumber WINDOW JAMBS Delivered at Prices WINDOW CASING '1 ff Good HKAD BLOCKS An vh here on O. G. BASKBOARD , V r Grades STAIR TRKADS J?e, , 1 , )rv WATUU TABU- he J ' & ' 3 O. G. BATTINS C0'i,r Stock MOULDINGS rbe C S- ' Co' P. B. t). I'ATF.NT ROOFING FKNCH PICKETS SIIINGLKS ETC., ETC. L CUSTOM FEED MILL IN CONNECTION, The Pilot Butte Development Company BEND, OREGON PO TtlKOUdll FROM IIHND TO S!IANIKO IN ONE DAY SIIANIKO-PRINEVILLE QTAfiR I IMP PRINEVILLE-BEND 3AUE U1XC SCHEDULE JOl'THIK)l'Nll Leave Shaniko dp. in. Arrive I'rineville 7 b. in. Leave I'rinwille 13:0 p. in. Arrive Bend 7:00 p. ii. .N(iKTIIK)UNn : Lodve Bond 6:00 a. tn. . Arrive I'riwvilU ia:oo in. ! I,unvu l'rinuvilW t p. 111. Arrive Slmuiko 1 a. in. PIRSr-CLVSS EQUIPMENTS FOR THAVELLING PUBLIC PASSIvNGER AND FREIGHT RATES REASONALE H5 Both Papers One Venr SUBSCRIBE FOU THE, Weekly Oregonian AND THE Bend Bulletin Doth Paper m One Yenr O.rh.rSl.op -. 13 OorntrUqnJ X:r riOTEL DEND, -nJ8;r;:r; llUnil O'KANU, Prop MOfcT CHNTHAI.I.Y I.OCATKI) MOTKI, IN IIHNH. SAMPLE ROOM IN CONNECTION. New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Rates. Good Rooms Always Reserved for Transient Trade. G. W. Whitsett's Saloon. Best Imported ami Domestic WINES, LIQJUOR.S CIGARS. Excellciit Bar Service. High Class Gentleman's Re sort. Oiily first class godds kept In stock, Call on us. ' i 1