r say NEWS OF THE WEEK III a Coii(l(!iisi!(l Form lor llnsy Iieailcrs. Our HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A HosuiiKrbf tho Lost Important but Not Lou Interesting Evonts of llio Pail Woak. Tim statu treasurer i( ousted (roiu iilllco. Kiuimih will In) Htnriuy times urn Moiocco conference. (IXpCUtctl In (ho Tint en i, it I commission Iiiin called (or lililit for supplying labor. A mvro colony from I'liirlrin In to bo vstabllshcd In Houthorn lilnlio. A bomb wiiii thrown nt t lit nultnn ol Turkey, lint lio was not lnjurt'il. Another Imtcli o( Indictments linn been ruturiuil against Milwaukee graft trw. Georgetown, I milium, near the Ken tucky lino, linn, been washed nway liy n cloudburst. Homit Russian ilufntiHcn linvu Iteen captured liy thu Jnpn nose, tnguthur with several guns. A murderer soutcni'fd to hit hanged "INI years ago hint Itoou found nllvu In tint IIIIiioIh peiilcnllitry. A storm Imi tifit nvitr Mlilwity Is. ' 1:11X1, iioMroyiug tint inllllitty cnni innliit.ilnt.il by tlm United Htutett. It ii ntltl that In tlm jKNtcu terms to lio tlomniidcd liy Jnpnii I a provlnlon itgnlrut iloiihlu tracking therHiherlnu railway. Rintnlnu papers tli-clnrit tlint tlm acceptance n( thla would Im cone menial milulilit. Japanese Kitltltuiii In Mniicitihurlii nrti strongly fortified. Chairman Shunts mid Chief Kngliicor Elevens nrti (in their way to thu Isthmus. Tin' Russian gnrrlslon nt Vladivostok nxiMTlH nn titlark liy Imnl nntl nun any tlint). Huron Koittiirn, Japanese peflco en voy, Imit arrived In Foattlu nntl started on mint to Washington. L'liinnwIII litttlnt on Mnnrhtirlit living -returned to hoi whi'ii tlm wnr lit over, no ninttcr.how It ttrniliiiitiit. A clnudhtirit near Jitplln, Mliwourl, CrtiiiHil grt damage to frin. Tint llMH will IIM( 150,000. One limn ,tns dtowiicd. A majority ol tlin naval board of eon- Klrortlon I tun incotiiHHHwIwI tltnt no tour w rk bt thiw om Uh c.ulintr Knit I'miu'looi, and it Itmt Uwm Jaksu out of mMtlAlon. After ImlMK on lrlktt for 10ft tiny, lurlK Mhirlt tliiitt 111 pt-tple wnr killed it ml -UK! Injured, tho Chicago teamsters linvu Ntirrcinlorod nntl will seek employment wlitttu thuy ran. 0 Iff or. I riuahot, United Ktittttt fortit itiiHirliIlcnilcnt, has it tit r ttil went for n tour of fori'it reserves. Ilo will bit joined Intur by Htrrotary Wilson, who will nccoinpitny lit ii on ft part of the Joiirmty. Norway will ask the United Htatea (or recognition. Travel to tho bits In nntl Clark fair tiirprliw Knstoru railroads. Rumor nro think In St. Petersburg of pints to tlttthrttim tlm rr. Newark, N. J., offtirn it Ixtttnty on jkntlii wltltii Infest shade trews Wltle say. other NtwttrH limy be ettllwl Into tlm pMtico conference. Iloth Norway it ml Sweden nrti pre IKirliiK for wnr while trying to kittt ,pmnu. Thf nt In it urtml ItiortHiito ol Iminli;rii lion to tlm Unitml HtitWw from Norwuy -unit Hvttiltin. Itrltlrb cotton innmifrtotnritrH hnvo foiiililtml to promoto tlm growth of t'otton In tlm lilitnil K)nm-HiiIoiia of (iriitt llrltnlu. l'rt'Hldfiit ItooMuvult Hitya hy linn tlono liin part In lirliiKitiK tlm wnrrliiK mi tlonn tot'lhtir uml will not uiitlillu In tlm pfitftt eonft'rmico. Tht fovi'rnor of Alnlmmn hits cullctl nut tlm pntto cnvitlry to priivunt tlm lynchliiK of n iit-Kro contlntsl In tho 'Undiin, MiiroiiKO county, Jul I. IttiMilit Ih iimkliiK nrrniiKuumnta to tlotiblu truck tho Klhurlnn rail way. .Japan linn Hitci'i'iilttd In rnlnliiK tlm ImttlrHlilp lluyan, mink ut l'ort Arthur, 'l'ivo KuhhIhii vtuHido mti huM to bo In 'Miuih Hhiipn (hut tlivy can t'ltttily bo put Into iioiiiiuIhhIoii, Kinf Onciir miyH bo tIoiH4iot favor n forolhlo union with Norway. A Hcvoro wind Htorui him wiped out tlm town of Aimwa, WIbcoiihIii. A. All tulegraph oporntora on thu North jru 1'itcllic rullwity uru ready to go on Strike. Thu Union pnssiingur depot nt Itttln Villi), Kentucky, has boe;f burnexl. Loss, filQOOO. A HoHton man haa boon arrested In Kiiigatou, Jamaica, for taking photo rnplia of thu fortlllcatlous. Wltto snya that whllo bo favora Veacu with Japan, Im will not agree. to It nt nuv turuiH that may bo offered. UniiHinilly heavy riiliiHtorniB nro ro liojtcd In various parts of Germany. 'Jtumenao (lanmgo has boon tlono to vropa. WANT A LONG CONTRACT. Only Tormi on Which Jnpnnoio Will Work on OnnnL Hcitttlti, July IH, .liipniiciio labor contrntlorH will nut ngrt'o to tlm IhIIi inlitn coiiiiiiIhhIoii'h pronntinino of ox pitilnmntliiK Hlth tlm labor of illffurunl coiuitrlcH, A recent illnpntch from WimhliiKloii mi)'m tlm commlHitloii liux iIitIiIihI to hi-ciiri) 2,000 liiliororti of illf. furi'iil mitlonitlltlt'ri uiulur a noo-thiv c.ont met, with tlm hint In vlow of rn- iiuwIiik tlm conlritcl for ntiuh lahoruiM nn wcto fouuil HittUfmitory. lilt) iUi'itllou bf cinployliiK JapnnuHu Inborn on tint Ihtliinim wiin Urn I titknu up with tint coinnilf'liin uml Hucrutnry Tnfl hy tlm Orit'iitnl . rntllriK compnny, ol Hwiltln. Thin In tlm mont Imporlanl labor oontriivtliiK linn In tlm North went. Vint I'rtiitliliiut (1. T. Takaliiin'il nnlil today thai bU coinpitny would not nuri'n to miuh n projMinal. "Thcro In no iiioiiny in Niiiii a nliort conlrnct," Im coiitlniiiMl. "If wo could uul n four- yen r or ii llvr.ycnr vontritrt, Jajinuenu Inlioterit could Im nupplled. An It In tlii) lalK)ri)rN would linvu to bo brounlit from Jupnu ami retiirncd to thulr lioineH nftor tint work wiih eoiiiiiliitcil. To collect 2.000 men, carry tlifin to tlm lithmtiN nntl thou ruttiru them to their hoinim after n M)0-diiy contract Imd Im-cii coitiplitlotl In not pritctlcnhlii. "Our protomil to ttiipidy Jnpnneiri) labor Iiiih been befortt thu comiiilnniou nntl W'nnhluKton olllcInU for noiiiu tliun. V hnvo not been notlM that n n (iiperimental contrnct iiilbt bit mnibt ami 1 tin not think wu would accept n contrnct II offered ono." Tlm Oriental Trading compnny pio onel to provide ltd own foremen, uh(KxiiiiK men nccuntomed to ill reel Inn rallronil uml itlmilnr roniitructloii work, MINERS IN TERROR. Appeal to Qovornmant for Protection Against Outlawt. Heatlltt, July IH. Miner opomtliiK on tlm creek n near Fulrbutikit, Alnskit, bavo npiMstltil to thu United HtntcN Kcvorniimut for protection from ouU law d who nro terrorising that dlntrlct. (lentirnl Conntnurtt WillUnnt, In corn iiiatul of tlm Di'puilmout of tho Col inn bin, linn Itcvu InatructMl by thu War department to Invention!!', nntl If coiull tlona nro na bad nn tho inlnnrii claim, troopn will I mi ituhetl Into tint Tnnnnn country. Thu telegraph linen Into t-itirlmukM nro ilowu mitt (ieneral v 1 1 -llnui' liiVttitlKittioti ii likely to Imi tie Inyetl for ixtvernt ilayit. In tlm menu Hum n large Abinkn community In ter rorlifd, for tlm Nltuntion In even woritc tb nn timt which exlntol nl Kkngway during tint "Hmpy Hiitith" ilay. TolegnMUili' ntlvlrett from tlm North ttitiimi that bitld-tlt mid the Ixtldtf t of riililiorltit nro lHNHiilng m fnxiuent that nn nttark on Htiim of tho Iwtrikn la ftwred by tlm loiuerit. Tlm miim owneia nro nfmld to either brim; tbeir dtint Into tonn ..r kwp It nt their camp. The oallnw Hie hold i iik up tttroiiK pork irwiUN nmi rtrttlrit( ni enitttn art mi nuitieroiiH that tituy Iuavh IttoxtuiH ex-jM-ctetl. The miner in tho I iiinun country bavo but it fow wcoka In which to inuke thulr annual cleanup mid tho depreda tions of tlmoutlnWN threaten the yeitr'it buslueitit. Tho dlntrlct about FnirbaukH has bail n reuiarknbU winter and thu cleanup would be thu lienvlent In tho ciiinp'ii hlatory If tlm uilnera nro able to work. Kenrof lonlng everything by robin? ry la holding back thu Mprlnu clean-up. Independence for Corea, Honolulu, July IH. Coremts bent bavo rntsod n fund to rend Hov. 1'. T. You, n Oirwtn MethiMlist minister, to WHuhlugtou to seo President Koosevolt for tlm purHisii of asking tlint efforts Im maiht by tlm I'nlted Htntrs In tlm fortbcoiniug imgotiittious to bring nboul nn HKreeiiieut by wbieb thu Corcou na tion will btHtium liitlepouiltiut within SO ytwrs if it shows lltnetm (or solf- goveriiumnt. Ituv. Mr. ton will so licit tlm H"od ollh'tts of President Kintce volt to nsk .la pun to grant imlepouil- unco as thu United Htn'.vs did Culm. Off Tor the North Pole. Now York, July 18, Thu I loose veil, In which Captain Hubert It. l'miry hopes to reach tlm north polo, started on her long voyagu today. Captain I'eary anil n patty of guests wero on lxmnl nt tlm start, nntl remained with the ship on her trip down thu bay, but they luit her at thu narrows, returning to thu city on u navy tug. Captain l'enry slnrted tonight by rail for 8yd nuy, Capu Hrvtou, where ho will Join thu ship. Captain King In Olackmar't Place lliiltlmori), July IH. Hy tlm death of (Ieneral lllnckmar, Captain John It, King, of thla city, senior vice com mander In chief, becomes, under tho laws of tho (1, A. it., acting command- ur-iu-chluf, and will oontiuuo huuIi un til thu next National uncaiuiunont. Captain King In pension agent for Maryland, Dlntrlct of Co umbla. Vlr- glnla mnl West Virginia, mid has mi oilli'o In Washington. Rlpa Fruit Can Do Carried, Hncraiuento, Cnl., July IH. Harold Powell, of tho United Htatea Depart ment of Agriculture, says ho baa demonstrated coiiulusivoly Hint rlito fruit, well refrigerated before, shipment will nrrlvo sound under ordinary rail road refrigeration, oven after bulng from 10 to IH daya on thu way. Packing Plant Is Destroyod, Columbus, 0 July 18, Tho plant of thu Columbus Packing company on thu South Hide, wiih destroyed by tiro today. lxRd, 185,000. The lira la boliovod to hnvo boon of incendiary origin. INNOCENCE Williamson Dunlcs Enlorliiij Plot to Suborn Perjury. KNEW GESNER LOANED MONEY Oron Exnmlnillon by District Atlor- (toy Henoy Orlnpi Out Tlili Fact from Wltnoii. I'ortlnml, July 18. After tint conn imi for tho defend!) plncea Htvoral wlt neiteN on tho ntitnd tbltt niornlng to mIiow that tlm timber claim of Marlon It. Hlgg", ono of tlm (lufentliiutN in tlm trial of ItuprcKuutativo Wlllinmtiou and Dr. (Ii-Mimr, whn vnluabli) for tlinlxT, all of tlm ovldenco will hnvo been laid lmforo tlm Jury, liy ruftiHlrig to permit tlm ile fen ho to placo on the Mtmul a long list of wituefNCN to iirovo thu good char acter of tltu three dufendau(N,Jiidgj Do lliiven Nliortenixl thu trial nntl for tho next few diiyN thu couitrooiu will Imi ringing with tlm voIccn of thu attorneys making their argument to thu Jury. Veatcrtlay morning Ituprcaciilatlvo Williamson took tlm stnntlju bis own behalf mnl declared to thu jury that ho wna Innocent of tho charge of conspir ing to cnusit curtain npplicauti for gov ernment tlmlM.tr lainl to commit perjury, lie was Inclined to bo combntivu under crons-oiamiiiHtlon but District Attorney iieney, apparently liml no iltftiro to prectt thu witness to thu )lnt where lit would lorn his tcmMjr. During tlm di rect anil redirect uxamlnntion, Itvitrv- dilative Williamson frequently turned lull upon thu jury and ilulivured his evidence nt vnrlons times directly at tlm 12 men who will later pnsi judg ment iiiMin him. Naturnlly bis testi mony wna tlm frnturo of tint day, mid whllo bu maili) n gtKid wltnefs for him jrnlf, Mr. Iieney nevertheless got nil missions from lilm Hint tended to show Hint bu knew that (ivrniur was making loans to entryinen. TO TAKE VLADIVOSTOK. Japanese Hope to Capture Fortress Before Envoys Reach America. Toklo, July IH. Judging from tho activity nt present licing displayed nt tlm Nnvy department, it renins certain thu Investment of Vladivostok can Imj tupi-ctcd Itcforo tlm end of this week. All nrrmtgemeuts nru known to linvu leeu complt'ted, nntl It is reported, evi dently tiHin thu best authority, that Adinlrnl Togo's entire llea will sail from H.iwImi lmforo nightfall. In addi tion, an army ol Invasion, which was landed from traiistortN In Peter tlm Orwtt Iwy very nMitly, Is already movinic to romploltf thu investment by Intnl. KiiireJiine , IM) octMii-Koing foreign fteMinerN Imvo U'cn placml mi- tier tlm JnMHies(t ling, bid fit with run munition mid stipplius, mid will arcom p.iny Togo's llect. It Is tint hope of tho Jnpnnese gov ernment that Vladivostok will be taken before the pence envoys bind on United Htntca soil. Witli this object in view, nothing Is to lo left undone to umko tho cnmpaigu, as planned, brief mid eminently successful. HEAT IS KILLING. Temperature In Metropolis of United States Causes Prostration!. Now York, July IH. After a resplto of one (lay. thu hot wave tlint swept over New York Inst week, causing scoics of deaths mnl hundreds of casus of pros trations, returned today with renewed intensity, tlm temperature luting by fur tlm highest of the tHNittun. The highest M)lnt reached was nt 4 o'clock in tlm afternoon, when tlm woAtlmr bureau thermometer touched US degree. In the streets, however, the bent was much greater, snmo thur mnmotunt recording us high ns 10H. Whllo the heat was intense, tho nit was stirred by light breeze, and thu general suffering was somewhat miti gated by tlm ahsouro of thu excessive humidity that prevailed last week. It was largely owing to this that only two cases of death directly resulting from hunt weru reported. Nothing to Investigate. Caracas, July 18. Vuiitzue!una were very much surprised on receiving tlm iiowh Hint riesitieni uoosuvult nail ap pointed Judge Calhoun n special com missioner to Venezuela to Investigate thu claims of America. Tlm Constitu tion, tlm government organ, says: "If tlm claims of Americana or others ux luted, they would bavo been already heard before competent authorities. It may bo tlm president icintires Infor mation regarding the case of tlm New York A llitrinudez Asbpalt company, which Ih still pending." Rapid Transit for London, London, July 18. A bulky blueliook tonight contains tlm report of thu royal commission on locomotlvo transport in London. Thu advisory board of engin eers recommends thu construction of two main avenues through Loudon, 110 feet wide mid between four mid tlVo nillea long, carrying four lines of twin ways on tlm surface and four lines of railways below tho aurfneu. It la rati mated that tho cost of construction will bu X12,U00,O00. Assistant Engineer of Oanal, Ban Antonio, Tex., July 18, Jackson Smith, formurly itasseugur agent of tho National railroad of Mexico, baa been npi'ointeil assletunt to Chief Ktiglneer Btcvons, of thu Panama canal, accord ing to a telegram received hero tonight. NEW TRIAL DENIED. Judge Do Haven Donloi Motion In Mitchell Gate. Portland, July 10. "Tho motion In arrcsl of Judgment will bo denied. "Tho motion for n new trial will bo denied. "Is tlm defendant In court?" Honator John II. Mitchell was not In court when JudgelJiilInvon pronounced tho words iuoled from bis decision in answer to tho motions mndo last week by hla nttonmya. Honator Mitchell was represented by Judge Uonnett and ex-Heiiator Thurston, and whllo Judge Da Haven did not say tlint ho would hnvo rendered Judgment um tlm senator, had bo been in court, it in" be lieved from thu fact that ho asked If "the defendant was In court," that Im would have tlono so. Hcnator Thurs ton, when Judgo Do Haven put his uuery, rose and stated that bo wished further time in which to draw up a bill of exceptions, and ho was given until a week from Monday morning to present tb cm. This means another ten days before Honator Mitchell will have Judgment pronounced upon him, Tho senator's counse' informed thu court that by to morrow they would bavo their bill of exceptions ready and in the hands of United States District Attorney Hency, so that Im might In turn have bis answer ready by the tlmo tlint tho casu will agnlu bu taken up by tho court. Juilgo Du Haven seemed willing to gram mo delay, mm ns theru wna no objection from Mr. Iieney, His Honor set Monday, July 31, as tlm day for re ceiving tlm exceptions. BIOQ8 TESTIFIES FOR DEFENSE. Vigorously Denies Any Thought Perpetrating Fraud. of Portland, July 10. Thla coming week, unices ttomo unforeseen accident should occur, will seo thu end of the ltepresentatlvo Williamson, Dr. Van (leaner and Marion It. Weirs trial. Yesterday Marlon lllggs, who la the United Htatea land commissioner, took the stand in his own behalf, and when Judge Do Haven adjourned court until Monday morning, ho had passed through tho bands of thu district attorney. On thu whole, he made a fair witness for himself, and tho two defendants charg ed jointly with him In tho alleged con spiracy. Under tho skillful bamla of Attorney Wilson, lliggs told a plausible story, but District Attorney Henev, during the course of nn extremely rigid cross exnminntion, tangled thu witnessa up several times. Prom the ttegiuningof his testimony to the end, Itigga contended that ho was Innocent of any wrongdoing, and bo denied Imving any part in the alien ed conspiracy of suborning entryinen to commit rjury. DIES AT BOISE. Commander-in-Chief of Q. A. R. Was Touring Northwest. llolse, Idaho, July 10. General W. W. lllnckmar, commander-lii chief of tlm Grand Army of thu Kepublic, died nt 6 o'clock thla evening of intestinal nephfltiB. His wife wna with him during bis illness. Tho body will be embalmed and taken to tho homo of the family In Poston. Tho general arrived hero on tho 10th on n tour, during which ho intended to visit Grand Army posts throughout tho Northwest. Ho was III when lie arriv ed mid gradually failed. Tho serious item of Ills condition was kept from the public at tho request of his wife. General lllarkmar was horn July 25, 18-U, at llrlfto, Pn. Ho enlisted in tlm Fifteenth Pennsylvania cAvnlry and sultseiiueutly Joined the First West Virginia. Iloeurved with distinction throughout thu war and at Five Forks was promoted on thu fluid by General Custer to the rank of captain. Through the three administrations of Governors Img, Talbott and Itico lio wna judge advocate general of Massachusetts. At the lust National encampment of tint Grand Army of tho Republic ho was elected commandor-ln-oliiuf. Costly Dirt In New York. New York, July 17. From tho ex empt tux list, as published today in the City Record, some idea of the value of eaith in that part of tlm globo cov er in t by Now York City may be gath ered. Tlm totul estimated value of real property which pays no taxes is morn that $1 000 000,000, and it Is safe to say that tho real worth of tho property is more than 2,000,000,000. Adding to this more than $ 5,000,000, 000 of real estate which wna taxed, tho actual value of thu city la morotban (7,000,000,000. Rain Ruins Indiana Whoat. Indianapolis, Intl., July 17. Itoports to the News from all counties of Indi ana bIiow that continuous rains have prevented almost entirely the threshing of wheat in this statu so far. Two weeks ago Indianiana apparently bad tho greatest yield of wheat in many years, but since harvest thoru has been rain practically all tho time,, ItetuniB so far indicate n yield of SO bushels to tho acre, Thu Indiana corn crop will bu tremendous. Canal Laborers Leaving, Panama, July 17. Owing to dila tory methods of paying laborers, a gen eral exodus of workmen Is taking placo nmong employes of tho canal. Reports from Unlebm iniilcatu that, becuuso they cannot got paid, laborers nro jiult- ting In scores, and have taken to tho woods of bananas and other tropical . fruit to ward off starvation. COLLEGE HONORS Can you guess who will get It? GREAT RU88IAN WATERWAY. Cxar'm Government Planning for Jlal-tlc-lllnck Hea Hlilp Cunnl. The recent appointment of a com mission to examine tho question of constructing a canal to unlto tho Ilal- tlc and Itlack Kens revives Interest In this tremendous project, which Is no less than digging a canal equal In length to most of tho so-called canals on Mara. It la by nil odds the greatest canal scheme of modern times, and while It presents illlllcultles, such as passing Urn Cataracts of the Dnieper Itivcr, which hnvo a total fall of 107 feet. It Is not considered by any means Impracticable, Whllo tho canal Is primarily a strate gic work, for Itussla has a large fleet In tho Itlack Ken which Is rusting from Inertia, It Is Just as important commercially, for, as no other agency UOITK OF l'llOl-Oatlt CANAL. could, It will open up trade In the in terior of the Taar's Kuropean domains, mid by Its tolls bo not only self-supporting but a source of rerenue to the government. I.onutit Canal In World. From Itiga, on the Baltic, to Kher son, at the entrance to tho lilaclc Sea, Is only S00 miles In a straight line, but tho canal, as mapped by Mr. Huckteschell, who, It is said, will pos sibly bo Intrusted with Its building, will bo almost twice as long, or be tween 1.410 and 1,-lUS miles, according to the route selected. When completed It will Iks the longest canal In the world, but lu M'lte of these supcrla- AUJTJUA 1 aV -. , v -.... -.sonx; ' N. X'KOOJUK 1 'T.IBwrxzri t-fc?s. y X 1 .mv-m a. a MClUlin - - -" . . JigA MdJl srwm'j L 0m lITi i. 1W rW itl5,UK ?stBX3t r Tc,J2k K NtW W"trsSRB "" vtvfc c 1U.ACK SUA AND SURROUNDING TKRR1TORY. tlves, Its cost will, comparatively speaking, not bo groat. An American syndicate lias offered to construct the work for $o 15.000,000, or for about three-tlfths the bid mndo by a Russian syndicate. Those bids wotj made n year ngo on tho favorite route mentioned. Since then, however, a scheme has been pro parad by a llolglnn engineer, Coiutc Gustavo Dofosse, in which J. King & Co., of liontlon, nro Interested. The details of this proposal hnvo not yet been innde public, but they nru said to apply to a waterway about 400 miles shorter nnd having n uniform depth of '.!S fcot mid n breadth on tho surface of '-'OS feet, nnd at bottom of 11-i feet. It this plan is followed, the engineer states the canal can bo com pleted In nbout six years. With a speed of eight knots, tho passage would occupy nbout flvo days. Tho original plan, which, In view of tho rapidly increasing slzo of ves sels, Is moro nccoimnodntlng, was for n waterway U1W feet deep, HO feot wide nt bottom and 200 feot wldo at surface, inciuuea in tuts pian is a broad, well-paved roadway, built nt the side of tho canal for Its whole longth. As Russia Is not famed for Its food roads, this Improvement will b THE FINAL AWARD. Chicago Tribune. of almost as much importance ns tho canal lUelf. Apart from the extensive works to be built at the cafjtrncts and tho actual digging of only twelve mllca through a country presenting no great dlfllculty to the operation, tho canal building will very largely bo tho simple work of dredging a deep channel In the rivers nnd the existing canal and tho widening of the latter. No one familiar with Russia's hu miliating position on the Illnck Sea need be told that the subject Is an old ono and a recognized necessity, for while the Tsar has been permitted to build a powerful fleet of warships on the Itlack Ba, treaties and conven tions extending bsclc almost a cen tury, or slnco 1S09, have closed tho gates of thd Dardanelles upon them. Tho Itlack Hen fleet, which consist of about IM ships, has been "locked" in tho Itlack Sea principally through lirltlsh action, although Russia la a. party tb most of the treaties, recognis ing the fact that It la somo consolation to know that no other force, not even a lirltlsh fleet, may pass through tho stralta, "tho key to tho Tsar's home," as Napoleon described It. During tho last year, however, Rus sia haa felt the need of her caged fleet, which, If It could have been dispatched to the Far Kast at an op portune time, might have changed tho history of th war. At present tho Itlack Sea fleet can only he used to menace the "sick man of tho KasL" whom most of the powers do not de sire disturbed, for fear of the awful contention for th "remains" If the Turk were driven out of Europe. While Great Itrltaln Is distributing her fleets baa always made duo allow ance for the Ineffective character of the Itlack Sea fleet, and consequently has been ablo to curtail the size ot her Mediterranean squadron, there la a general Impression that Russia would by means characteristic be ablo to send her Itlack Sea fleet past tho Dardanelles If n European war were forced upon her and made such a coup desirable. Tho canal from the Haltlc to tho Itlack Sea would bring St. Petersburg 3,000 miles nearer the Far Kast, anil what la more to tho point, would bring It so much nearer Egypt and India. It Is no secret that notwlth- RUSSIA. JJATVM, standing thu disastrous outcome of tho war In tho Par Hast, Russia will strike for an outlet on tho Indian Ocean. Tho lirltlsh have beon guarding thd northorn boundary of India for years. In anticipation of any Russian move mont on tho frontier. A quarter of a century ago the Russians were at tho "gate of India," within a few mile of Herat. There they still are, but It Is beyond belief to think they ura content to stay there. Norfolk Habbtt Wnrrcm. Tho great headquarters of tho nat ural warren of Kuglaud Is In Norfolk, and moro especially In tho neighbor hood of Thetford. There for mllo after mile rabbits nro tho main "crop" of tho country, nnd a paying one, for tho only labor Involved Is that of catch lug them. You can walk for miles and seo nothing but rabbit warrens on or cry sldo. Tho woods and parks nro warrens, and so aro tho heaths. Tho only houses In sight aro warreners' cottages, and Instead of plowmon at work, or men sowing corn, or shep herds and their collies, tho only work men vislblo nro all wurreuera. Lon don Country Gentleman. For overy menu man least tw moro are born. who dies at