The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 21, 1905, Image 7

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    Is Your
Hair Sick?
That's loo bad t Wc had no
llccd It was looking pretty
thin and faded of late, but
naturally did not like to speak
of It. By the way, Aycr'a
Hair Vigor Is a regular hair
grower, a perfect hair re
storcr. It keeps the acalp
clean ind healthy,
x am wall irqutlnlM with Arer' Hair
Vlr and I Ilk If Mir iiiueli I weuM
rlallr eiiiiinein II ae mi airellani iliaHlii
for tliehalr, Be4ni infl ami aiuoolli, and
Jrereiitln Hi hair (ruin iiilltitn l the
uili,"-AlN"la Fmitj, Vm.Iuiu, Wlcb,
MadabrJ.O Ar()o, Lowell, Maaa.
All laaaureaturere of
J 1070 MM.
wt O enmity
Ills Hunt l.uuk.
Ilruwn Jlk-iinltU la sulliln- but
irstrfiil to llnlue Purtune.
Urrrn llim's llinti
llruvt ii II (muni a two-csrst dls
nicmil In tlin (iiltrr tlis ollirr ill', ami
what li mi iiimh.u m mill 7
Jren (llrr. it up. What illil lit ss-?
Urowii "Tlili la Inn) luck."
Marketing Potato Crops.
Ill lint with tlio classic carxi of tlin
oystnr slilrs, cltol try I'rt-slil-nt
llmlli'V of Ynln university In lila Ixruk
on lUllroml TranHjrlatlun, la tlin rM
n( tlin AriKwitixik K)tnloKrowoml)rotiilit
Ii- lV-ldimt Tuttlo ot the IUmiIoii A
Mai no rallrnail lt(iira tlin scnato coin-liilltt-n
on lutcrntntii coiniiirrcn. Notli
liiK could Imttur aliuw liuw a rallorail
works (or tlin lnttrt'sl o( tho localltit
which It irvM.
A main ilcmmlriico of the Isrintrs ot
thn Aroostook rrulon la tlin M)tatocrot,
KUrcKatlnx annually oIkIiI to ten mil
lion Imslirls whlrh llml a market larK"
ly In Ilooton ami the siljai-nt thickly
rttliM rrtfloiii of .S'iiw KiikUikI. Tho
couietltltiu of cheap water transporta
tion from Malnn to all Kilnta along the
New HugUm! coast ktvjis railroad
feridht ratra on these (rotator always
t a Very low level.
rotator- ate also a considerable) out
put of the truck farms of Michigan,
their normal market Miik obtained In
and throiiKh Detroit and Chicago and
other roiiimunlttra of that region.
Not many year ago favoring sun ami
rains brought a tremendous yield of
itotatora from the Mlchlagn fields. At
normal rates and prices thcro would
have lrrcn a glut of the customary
markets and the isolators would have
rotted on the farms. To help the pota
to growers thn railroads from Michigan
made unpreoentcdly low rates on pota
toes to every reachable market, von
carrying them In larg quantities to a
place no remote as iloaton. The Aroos
took growers had to reduce tho price on
their isolators and even then could not
t1poe of them tinlrea the Iloaton A
Maine railroad reduce! ita already low
rate, which It did. Ily means of these
low rates, nmkltig rosiblo low prices,
tho potato ornpa ol troth Michigan and
Malnn were finally marketed. Kverr
body rats otnot, and that year every
body had all the (rotators ha wanted.
While the Michigan railroads made
rates that would have Iron ruinous to
the railroads, had they been applied to
tho movement of all potatoes, at all
times, to all places, they helped their
patrons to find markets then. The
llostou A Maine railroad suffered a de
cresso In Its revenue from polatocn, but
it enabled tlio Arcxrstook farincis to
market their crop and theieby to obtain
money which they spent for tho varied
supplies which the railroads brought to
them. If the making of rates wvro
subject to governmental adjustment
such radlutl and prompt action could
never have been taken, because it Is
well established that If a rnto Iw onco
reduced by a railroad company It can
not bo restored through tint red tnxs of
governmental procedure, If tho Mich
igan railroads and thn Iloston A Mnlna
railroad had Ikimi subjected to govern
mental limitation they would havo felt
obliged to keep up their rates nn do tho
railroads of Franco and England and
Gormuny under govornmsntal limita
tion and let tho otntoea rot. -Kx-changi).
Natural Detluotlirn.
"You should stable your cons In wet
weather," reuisrked the customer who
nevtr overlooked an upiHirtuully to regis
tt r a kick.
"How do you know but what I do 7"
queried tho owner of tho villa; dairy.
"llucauie your mlllc has a rain flavor,"
siplalned tho party of ths first part.
Nerer ipoa the eyes needlessly U
4uit or flying partlcls of aur kind.
7ri l4U l'honnHlrl InallluU in.t arbool for
BUmiiKran of Ixirvll, Hlrlilju r.ul.ll.lixl lrn
Z1n. U ruitil HhiumiuU OoU MnUI iUJ
Wi.rl.ra l-lr, HI juU, UKll. l(MniiulnK-.l ijj l.lijralo
Un. lurat4ir, eltri(yiiin inilirnuliiirTrjilir.
Thla liuilluiloii lia tt Miarn liraiick al IVrlUnd wlili
a. tarx lrva rlaaa uf In allauitanc man and
iugii,iilrlaaiiilUi-a allura.lanUirlil Naujrbat
Uan email In Ihrt aa7kul na loili aaalt Ida
Jlniau.ui jivqulriJ WlllclOMlnrorllanaouOclgbar
;:.;;';T.'L,r':"'.' i". y,'-A,' .u..a
imvJtiU J
WMtaru llai'naauUUvo AanxiUU VrluclraJ
H.W.Oor. lath and lUlalsh Utnats
Mat-Npuplla fteaafWd at 1-urtUod altar Bapl, lit.
emit HHim aii ui, ii..
I llaal Ouud
In lima. Bold br drueilal.
Vrllaloiicaror.rtlourrtu,u.rBii Uf uuiuanllua
thU iawr snd aaud Scanlaln alaiuna, to corar iwaiaira,
I lll aandiou uur rluln bound, sou iiaaa U'uk. hi
ungiu ana irwmuani ai nuunianus." fraa vlch
JiiiiiIii'h Mm ill I ilea.
Jiimle riiiiui Into Dim Iiiiuhm crying
lllio ii gill .Mother MgliHl, for her lit
(It non unri nut showing Hid mnnly
(mils Unit nliould coiiiu with u boy's
mil birthday
"What In the mutter, Jamie?"
"'I'lin boys Is pleliln' on mo, iniiiiiiiin.
They'ro nlwiiys pleliln' on mo, an'
niiiklu' fun. I loo boot"
"There, then-, son. You'll never bo
it Hum If ion cry llko Unit."
I "Hut, iimiiiina dearie, Unit's Just the
matter of me. Kverybody thinks I'm
it girl with these horrid old curl- mid
ilrrssi's, too 'I'lio boys laugh lit Hie
I mid villi my hair mid tell me to go
play with the glrln, mi' they run nwiy
fioiu iiio mi' won't let nn play with
them lloolnm! An' yestlddy when
Hint lady culled, she mild 'Mow do do,
little girl.' mi' slut klssr-il me, mi' I
wanted to Jes' ship her, nn' 1 bate her,
nn' I want to he n boy! I lino hoo boo!"
Mother sighed. Those beautiful
golden curls had been her pride, mil
when they were gone her Imby would
b" gone. Hut she could not havo her
baby and u muiily boy, too, that was
"Well. If I must I must. .Vow.
Jamie, If you'll stop crying this very
minute I'll have the curls cut off this
Hiiubeiims broke nut nil over Jamie's
face nnd dried up the team.
"Oh, mniiiiiml Au' pouts, tool Can
I bnve pants)"
"We'll see."
That night when papa came home
there wns it atrnuge troy at the gnle
to meet him. A Imy with n crop of
jellow bristle, nnd troiiscra with
pockets, nud a faco ss Jolly as Imp
vest moon.
"Hello, iropl Ken me. I'm a real boy
Jamie's mnnly trnlts began to de
velop rapidly. lie stamped heavily
when he mum Into the house nnd
drew bis lint at tho bnll rack Instead
of hnuglin; It up as he had been
taught, lie grow n whistle nnd git
chummy with the Iroys.
Mother wns Mart led oun evening to
see her baby of two weeks ngo stand
ing In front of the long mirror and
thrusting his lists at bis own likeness
It it milliner most ferocious, frowning
meanwhile hs If upon n tinted foe.
"Why. Jamie, whnt nre you dolngJ"
Her last fears for her sou's mnnll-
tiess vanished its he looked up mid
topped In the midst of n terrlilc up-
pi rent, nnd answered:
"I'm Jet' practlslu', mamma. I got
to lick n feller to-morrow. It's about
a girl."
The Wilful Kangaroo.
The little Kntik'aroo
(If this story U quite true)
Could not hu made to bath him In the
He ssld he never yet
Haw water quite so wet
The mere sintKestlon mndo him shake
snd ahlverl
Ills mother nM, "Ahiiirdl
You're a ninny, on my word I
What well-bred Jungle creature would
act so?
The llltlu Itlcphants
Are glnd to have the chance
Their hath Is Just a frolic, as you know.
"The little Hnrbnry Ape
Does not try to escape
When threatened with cold water and
tho anp;
Tho HIppo-potauuiKscs
Don't inn.e such awful ftiues,
Nor the Jaguar, nor tin lit t to Antelope.
"The mlhl, obedient Yak
Would nover answer back,
Nor does tho llhluo-clno-rosrer-horse;
And tho baby Orocodlle
Why, tho water makes hhn smile;
And he takes his dally plunges as of
St. Nicholas.
Good lieason,
A little girl of llvo summers went
out to n tea party, nnd during tho
evening her Hindi buenmo untied,
"Tin my Hindi, pleaBo," she until to
her hostess,
"Can't J on tlo It yourself)" naked
that Indy.
"Of coiirao I can't,"
'(Why not)"
"llcciuiHo I'm In front," said tho
child, surprised nt her elder's stupid
ity. The Wren's Funny Neat,
Tho mother wren, with her saucy
tall tilted nt a saucy anglo, loved to
coino around tho Inttlceu nnd porches
ot Uio houso to muko her home.
A grny-hnlreil gontloman Bitting
qutotly roadlng on his front porch ono
uionUuir watchod her wlUi o inlxturo
--cBy wfcj... . pl
of niniiseiiicnt nud iiiTfctlon till she
flitted out of IiIm view,
ProMontly he felt thu llutterof wlugii
nroiiiid his hem!, mid then n pair of
hiiiiiII feci rested there. It was the
A most vigorous pulling mul'tugglug
at his hnlr betrayed Hid purposn of lit
enterprising Utile bird, When she had
secured what she could carry of thu
soft while hnlr shu Hew a way, return
ing now and then for another supply
After (ho leaves bad fallen and all
was brown mid bare, the nest was
found, with Us lining of whlto hnlr,
swinging among thu brunches of some
dead hop vines on thu orch.
An IriterestlMir ICitrerlrneiit.
A pretty mid simple experiment Is to
change the color of flowers. Immersu
the llowers-lu ammonia, and you will
be surprised to seu w,ilte lilies change
to yellow; plnlc roses turn a lovely
light green; dark red sweet peas as
sume blue and rich purple tints. I'he
changi) Is so rapid as to suggest the
pieseiicit of a magician.
hlrliirilriv nil I!uk,
Did you ever try to spin mi egg? All
you have to do Is to boll thu egg hard
mid twirl It In your lingers. Then try
to spin It on Its side. In this you will
fall, as the egg will stand nud spin on
Its large end.
r.strriTSKNlit llntrlts Hob Hull I'lujrern
of llcnclll u IIIk H.ilirrl-.
The worst fault of the baseball bus!
ness Is that It tenches young turn the
habit of extra vngnucu nnd high living,
writes Jimmy Itynn, once one of tho
best. Naturally the players on ench
great team are lauded ns heroes by
their admirers; tho nuwspapers are full
of accounts of their doings; they meet
hundreds of "girod fellows" who want
them to drink, smoke or cnroiise will!
them. They meet "sports" of wealth
and they try to Imitate these "sports."
They spend their money for rich
clothes, wines, costly cigars and dia
monds, and usually when they are sud
denly confronted with u ten days' no
tiro of release the diamonds are nboitt
all that they hate left to show for the
earnings of years. The old-timers were
more reckless In this regnrd than the
new generation of ball players, but
then nru enough youngsters now
wanting money.
To me It Is n snd commentary on the
game to see the great stars of other
(lays tolling ns day Inborers. The
greatest pitcher of them nil Is digging
ditches In Indianapolis; perhaps the
greatest luflcldcr the world has known
Is clerking In a cigar itore at $1- n
week. I hnvr seen him spend (.100 In
oun night. I find them In cheap sa
loons, on police forces, In city Jobs,
but few In nuy rstnbllshed business
nnd still fewer accumulating wealth.
They wasted their years of time on
the bnll field nnd wasted the money
thnt they enmetl.
At the end of a bnsebnll career tho
player Is usually left stranded In the
business world. He gains a false (den
of his own Importance from the cheers
of the crowd nnd the crowd forgets
hint almost ns soon ns ho gets out of
his uniform. Ho depends upon some
of his powerful "friends" to get him a
irosltlnu when he gets through. The
end usually comes with startling sud
denness. The friends that ho relied
upon are not so friendly to n bnck
number its to n brilliant player. He
drifts to the minors, drops out of sight,
and seldom rises again.
Couldn't Ilo Hotti.
"During the tnklng of n religious
census of the District of Columbia tho
pant winter," relates a representative
from Tennessee, "n couple, of young
ladles who were engaged In tho work
stopptd nt my home on Capitol Hill,
nud when thu bell mug It was an
swered by the negro boy I brought
from Tennessee with me. Tho indies
usked him:
" 'Will you please tell mo who live s
"'Yessum; Mtstah Johuslng,' wns
the answer.
"'Is ho n Christian)'
'"No, ma'am. He's cr congressman
from Tcnnersec.' "
Governor Douglas of Massachusetts
tells this of the Southern darky:
"There wns a darky In southern
Tennessee, named Knh Friday, who
died it short time u;o. Kph wns
neither n member of a church nor of
a lodge nud thus had no ono to deliver
an nddrcsa or a prayer nt bin burial.
At last au old undo consented to say
a few remarks for the departed soul.
As tho cotlln was being lowered Into
thn grave the old undo said to the as
sembled mourners:
" 'Kph Friday, wo trusts you hub
gono to do placo whar wo 'spect you
ain't.' " rhllndelpliln Ledger,
Hhowlitv It to Hint,
Scout (from tho city) Where Is the
beautiful view you advertise)
Farmer Tukeinin Why, yo Jest walk
over ter I'okevlllo an' tnko th' stage
to Hen I,nke, an' tn' steamer ter Moose
Landing, nn' then climb up Skcoter
mountain ter what they call "Lover's
Leap" and thnr ye git th' vlow, nn'
It's u dnndy, Puck.
GlituAgo Heqiionoo,
llio Maid What Is lovo)
Tho llaehelor Lovo Is tho prelude
to matrimony.
Thu Muld And what Is matrimony)
Tho llaehelor Tho preludo to all
uiony, Any man who works around a mill
can toll you what ho weighs to-dny
and what ho weighed yesterday. Moa
working around a mill do all Uielr
loafing on tho scales.
Plenty used to mean enough beforo
trusts got to hogi'lng things.
Hax Your new nuto Is sixteen horsrj
power, Isn't It) Fox Urn I Hlxtesn
bnlky horso power, lirooklyn Life,
Diner I've been waiting hnlf sn
hour for that chicken I ordered. Walt
r You have nn uncommon amount of
patience, sir. Judge,
Hhe Is skin grafting n very Into
discovery? He No, It Is only a new
branch of n very old art; all grafting Is
n skin profess. Detroit Free Press.
Kometlmes n man Is despised for
twenty or thirty yenrn bccnuie he Is so
stingy, nnd then envied nil thu rest
of his life became ho Is so rich. Horn
ervllle Journal.
"You hnten't been here long," re
marked tho Ink-well. "No," replied the
now blotter. "How do you like your
work?" "Well. Its certainly absorb
ing." Philadelphia ledger.
Husband You ought to know mor
than to order n pearl necklace when
you know how I'm fixed! Wife Why,
John, do you think I want everybody
to know how you're fixed? Puck.
"Well, Doctors Ilrown nnd Kinltb are
f-olng to operate upon old l.olrox." "Is
the operation necessary)" "Why, yes;
Ilrown tins a note coming due, nnd
Hmlth wants an automobile." Puck.
Mistress (to applicant for cook's po
sition) Why did you leave your Inst
plncc) Applicant You nro wry 'In
quisitive, inarm. I didn't ax ycr what
for yer !st cook left you. Plck-Me-Up.
Miss Innlt You seemed bored at tho
theater last night, Mr. Knott. Don't
you like Shakespeare? .Mr. Wyso
Knott Oh, Hhakesponro's nil right. I
a'pose, but I wlsht ho'd turn out some
thing new. Hx.
"Albert, dear, while looking through
some of your old clothes, I made such
a lucky find that I ordered a new drei
on the strength of It." "What was It,
dear?" ' Half a dozen checks that had
never been written on."
Itastus (to druggist) Look hyab,
mlsteb. Yo' all sole me some stuff to
make Eatteh algs yestuddy. Drug
gistWell) Itastus Well, I feed hit
to dein hens, an' dey sin' lay no algs
dey lay down en die.
Mrs. Kmlth Had your daughter a
pleasant voyage) Mrs, Nowrlch Yes,
but they must have bad an accident
Sht wrote she landed on Terra Firms,
and I know the boat was bound for
Liverpool. New York Mall.
Orowell (In cheap restsurant) Here,
walterl Ars these mutton or pork
chops) Walter Can't you tell by tbt
taste) Orowell No. Walter Then
what difference does It make what
they are) Illustrated lilts.
Mamma I thought there was an ap
ple on the sideboard and I was going
to give It to you, but I find tt Isn't
there! Freddy Well, will you give
me something else, mummy, 'cos It
wasn't n very good one) Punch.
"One-half of the world's happiness fs
solved when a person learns to mind
his own business." "Yes. but It's the
other half that causes tho most trou
ble " "What's that?" "Oettlng other
people to mind theirs." Detroit Free
Press. ,
Mrs. Gadabout People are saying
you called on Mrs. Verdigris the other
day and got a setback. Mrs. Upjohn
What a wilful perversion of truth! I
called on her, and got back n set of
Dickens that I'd loaned her two years
Mrs. Nuwad Here's the bread I
started to make today. Is'nt It too
annoying) Mr. Nuwed Why, It Isn't
baked at all. Mrs. Nuwed I know It
Isn't: that's Just It. I put pleuty of
baking powder In It, but It doesn't
seem to have worked.
La Montt Children are so miuh
worse than they used to be. What
do you attribute it to) La Moyne--Improved
Ideas In building. I.n Montt
What has that to do with It) La
Moyne Much, Shingles aro sivtrce.
and you can't spank a boy with a tin
A Process Kovcrsed: "You regard
campaign calculations as a distinct
branch of mathematics)" "Yes," an
swered the crudlto personage. "Tho
method differs from all others. You
start with the answer, nnd then work
backward and evolve n problem to
demonstrate It."
Cold Minn 11,1)00 Foot Deep-
The deepest gold mine In tho world
Is said to bo at llcndlgo, Australia. It
Is called the New Chum mine, and Its
main shaft Is sunk to a depth of thrto
quarters of a mile. The most dlfilcult
problem of working a mine of such
depth Is how to keep tho tunnels and
general workings cool enough for tho
miners to work. Tho tempornturo Is
usually about 10S dtgrees, and this Is,
of course, greatly enervntlng. To mako
It possible for the men to work at all a
spray of cold water la let down from
above and kept continually playing on
their bodies. They are naked from tho
waist up.
Moro Troulilo,
Patience What Is that tho choir It
Patrice Oh, that's called "Tho Hat
tlo Song."
"Gracious! Is the choir going to
havo another fight?" Yonkcrs States
man. Thu youni: man who sets a uoodl
start In lire doesn't always make a sat '
Isfactory finish.
A pretty girl can teach u mtin auy
Uilug but common sense.
And tells It eloquently In the bright eye, the supple,
elastic movement, the smooth, eoft okln. glowing wlth
Lealth, a body sound an? well, an active brain, good
appetite nnd digestion, refreshing sleep, energy to per
form the duties and capacity to enjoy the pleasures of
llr 11 t.r..t f- ii. & r,t -a ,. m
c. a iic uiwu ib tuc most vjuii pan oi tue ooav;
every organ, muscle, tissue, nerve, sinew and bone is dependent on it for
nourishment and strength, and as it circulates through the system, pure and
strong, it furnishes to these different parts nil the healthful qualities nature
intended. When, from any cause, the blood becomes Impure or diseased, it
tells a different story, quite ns forceful in its way. Itching, burning skirt
diseases, muddy, sallow complexions, disfiguring oorcs, boils, carbuncles,
etc., show the presence, in the blood, of some foreign matter or poison.
Rheumatism, Catarrh, Contagious Blood .Poison and Scrofula, are effects of
a deeply poisoned blood circulation. These may cither be inherited or ac
jm Mh .atMto luired but the scat of trouble is the same tho
l,! l l blood. S. S. 8., njpurely vegetable blood remedy,
ts ,- ik c,can8e8 fln(1 purifies the circulation and makes it
(asV aWaW IhftP "trong and clean. Under ita purifying and tonic ef
., "", . 7 . . 'cclfl aI1 P'ns nnd impurities arc expelled from
the blood, the general health is built up, all disfiguring eruptions and blem
ishes disappear, the skin becomes soft and smooth and robust health blesses
life. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood .Poison and all dis
eases of the blood are cured by S. S. S. Book on the blood and any medical
advice, free of charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,, ATLANTA. GA.
Ilotort Conrlroua.
He Olrls are queer creatures they
msrrr the first fool who ssks thm, as a
rule. I suppose jou woulJ do the same,
woiihln t you 7
She Suppoia you ask in and find
CI7C rartntnantlf Corad. ."oflUDriurrwniHi
f 0 r.r"rilJar,auaifl)r.Klln'alrrat;ra
llaaiorar. Hnitnt KrHZ trial tollla rM irralla.
Vl. K. J I. Kllna, LC4..MI A rati St.. Ittllarfalpbla, I'a.
Tim Proper Word.
Clara I was tempted to give her a
piece of my mind, only I didn't want to
make a scene.
Minnie You mean, dear, you didn't
want to make a production. That's tho
proper word nowadays. Boston Tran
script. To Ureak In New Shoes.
Alwsji aba!. In Allen's Foot-Eve, a powdtr.
Itcurca hoi, tartttlnr, ar-hlng. iwollcn fret
Curra corna, Inrrowlnf nalli and bunions. At
all dru'gliM snd aboe ttorrf, 2.V Don't arci-pt
ar.Trubatll.ite Psmple tntllrd FREE. Addreaa
Alfan8.0lniitd, bailor, K Y.
Lucky, Indeed.
"This Is what I get for marrying a
poet," pouted the tall brunette. "Wc
are too poor to hire a girl, so I have
to cook the beefsteak and onions."
"Mr dear girl," said the matron,
whoso husband Is an editor, "you
should be very proud."
"Proud of whatr
"That you should have found a poet
who can really afford beefsteak and
For forty year's riao's Cure for Con
sumption bas'cured coughs and colds. At
druj-glita. Price 25 cents.
The Last Perry Expedition 8urvlvor.
The newspapers chronicle the death,
June 22d, of two members of the Perry
expedition to Japan, 1853-54. The
July Century contains the personal re
collections of this expedition of John
8. Sewall, who was a member ot Com
modore Perry's party, and who is prob
ably the last survivor of the famous
UoUcriwIII find r. Winnows BootMn
Brrnp lbs beat rttnedr torn for their clUldrtn
durtoi tb tatthlnx period.
Yellow Arc
Tommy Flgjara Paw, whose picture
Is that feller there where you're read
In' r
Paw Flgjam Why, that's a half
tone of a second cousin of the step
brother of nn aunt by second marriage
of the foster sister of the chap who
Is suspected of being In possession of
Information as to who was an accom
plice of the mysterious unknown who
assisted In kidnaping Sloppy Sadie the
Sad-Kyed Shop Girl." Baltimore
1)11 J lava Alwnvs
turo of Clms. II. Fletcher, mid has been jiintlo under his
iernonal tuinervlxloii for over ao yenrs. Allow no ono
to dccclro you in this. Counterfeits, IniltntloiiH nnd
"Just-as-r-ood" nro ImtKvperlnients. and cntlaiiKer tho
health of Children Uxpcrlunco ngnlnst Kxneriineut.
What is CASTOR I A
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro
Rorle, Drops mid Soothing Syrups. It la lMcaMint. It;
contains neither Oplutu, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Bubstanco. Its aero hi its guarantee It destroys "Worms
nnd allays Fovcrlshncss. it cures DInrrhojn and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teothlnpr Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, reiulntcs tho
Stomaeh and IJowels, Ivlitp; healthy and natural ideep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend,
The Kind You HaYe Always Bought
Bears tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
CUKE Horses of
niatcmrvtr. 1'lnk llje or lmllKeatlon. A Krent BL009 fUliriEK AND CON
DITIONEI and a sur cure for nil ailment from wlilch bcarcs arise.
1 he been aelna hiiultn llee I'owUera U iut eUbl tuontb and In that time have
eared M horeee of lleavee. 14 of liuteinper and O of Ihrxuite Cough. The r-ruaalaa
ltew-v hate salard a great r!Uon in thla aecllon, Ij-ueat betuuka, Jlearuk, M. V.
tpaea "arraer'a Hand
efOMaXAMU MCiCtl 0OM AorUaud, OrM AaanU
Answered the Purpose.
The woman whistled at a car,
It slopped with sadden jerk;
II rr whistle was a failure bat
Her face cot In Its work.
TIIK DAISf KI.Y KII.I.HIt dnlroja all tb
ni ana unora
hom-ln dining
room. alapto;
room snd all
filter wbara
nt and will
anjrlhlrlr. TtY
thtm tmtm ajkd
you will never b wlthont them tr ivtt kept try
d,alra, aM prepaid fur JOc Harold Hoinajrs.
Mt Kaiti AT a., IJrookijrn, X T
Iowa Improved
Walat High
Skims Cold
or Warm
50 Per Cent
Dr. G. Gee Wo
Wciisrfal Roci
m wonderful Cbt
eM doctor I tailed
graal becsua be cure
people without opera
tion Ukat are flian up
to die. He cure with
Uioae woaderfsl Cbl
neee berbe, roote, boJt,
bark a aad eecelablea
tbat are eaUrrlj un
known to medical act-
eoce In lata country. Tbrouib Um see of thoae
barmlree remedies tbt ramou doctor know
Ibe action of oeereOUdlirereat remedies wnlcb
be aucreaarour nan lu different dlaeaaee. He
saarantre locarcalarrb,aibma,ttin,tbrot,
rheumatism, nerrouaaeaa, atemacb. lifer, kid
n.iL !-. haj hnmireda or leallmaalala.
'Cbari moderate. faU and ate him. Patient
oul or loeciir write ror wanii aim cirrviara.
I T.8 G. Ess wo Chlnasa ne.icin. co.
I jr VaoUoo paper
p.m. a
No. 28-1 90S
W11EM wrltlnc todTertlrrlow.
mention tills iMtpor. I
ltntltrht !mt ltnrtin fltn Hli'tin-
Signrtturo of
Book. Ill-ail tn HaaiOT Cv, Bt, faol Mtnn.
Err1 4sa45iZ5Eroin
nm r I
UsK r aM