' '"' 1 w .iihi mmmmsmmmammmMiuiit nsiirtareUaMiia Kiilli 1 H.II.IIHIIII M I LOCAL DIT3 , l). A. Klndley, of Koslitud, wart III town Moiulity. John Hldgr him none l I" ',,l,c Tulles for tliu linylng season. C. A. Spulliliour wiiit In town Sjiturdny fiom his 'I'tttmilo kiikIi. J. A. I'ostur, of Kliuulko, wiih in lluml on business the first of the week. Mr. mill Mis. M. J. Morrison dime down ft out their homestead this week. I)r. U. K. Need, of Clinton. Imvn, wiih ill llend several liis this week. Tim KiickMon lodging house ami flleoie a icHimiiuiil iweived a new coal of wini thin week. j i. w. uoiiKiM wiih clown irum IiIn ranch Saturday ami made limit proof on Iiik homestead. C. MTrlnlett tliln week ntx-m-d up n inodorn two-rlmir barber shop in the new llend Hotel. Knapbeiries, atrawU-iric and nil small uutsety stuck foi Mile liy V. J. Iltickley, Hettd, Oregon. I'armew attention New Hodc mower mid Winner nikc "not built by the trust.' I). M. Co. I'rauk lvdwarde returned this week from Misters, and in etnplvvd ns waiter at the Pilot Butte Inn. The l.nilie Aid Society of the Presbyter miii chinch will not hold another inteling until September. V. II. Wilson exjKct to drive over the mouiituiu lli first of Annual, ly way ul Lebanon, to Portland. II. R. Satclmvll returned from SIihiiIHo Sutuiday, briugliiK load Affreight. miMt of which wm for K. A. Satber. Bread for aale every day. Ctfkea made to order It crrom Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Stkki.k's Rkhtai-kant. Mia Janett Coleman, of Chk-af(o, arrived in Bend Tltuwlay eveniitK. ami wilt (K-nd the summer visiting her sister, Mia Mary H. Coleman. Mr. ami Mr. C. K. Uivell are excled to retuni form Portland noon. Mr. Luvell ha Iweii under nutdiVal treatment sluce he left llend. C. A. Kiddle ami Have KiikIc went over to Tumukt Momtuv. Mr. Kiddle remained and will run the eitttiue in tin HiKhtower-Siitilu saw mill. The liuliea of the M. K. church will give an ice cream social on Friday evening- of next week, July as, in tint room next the fiend KWtOlfiCtJ. at C. A. Chapman tbia week had the room over hi store building tMeied ami (tainted, and also having aome improvttmentt made hi the lower raoma. The achool hoard Axed the clerk's bond at pj ooo this year. Clerk Wieat gave a homl with J.I. W'eat and C W. Merrill Manrettrs. If $5,000 bonda are tatted thin bond must be increased. I)r Coe waa called to Prineville last Monday evening to commit with Dr. Ivd wards in the case of the 13- car-old daughter of C. A. (.lover, who has a very actions case of peri lonitea with complications. Mra. 8. 11. Arkley and son ' Henry, of Oshkoah, Win., arrived in llend last Saturday. They have lecu visit inn the Iewis and Clark exKMiliou at lNirtlaml ami will proltably apettd the remainder of the aummer visttiug the Minors. Dr. U. C. Coe and . U. U'ikmt have taken a five-year leaae of the C. II. Krickaon atockfarm on Bear creek in lH-10 ami will atock it with xlieop. There are 300 acre in the ranch ami it in well irrigated and commands an extensive outlying range. Tliey will take poeanaaiou August t. On tlte night of July . a fire was Men cM) the opposite aide of the river ft out Bend and there was wonderment as to how it camu thuie. Persons who happened in Unit locality this week lotinil the remaiiiaofa sky rocket there with' 1111 area about 30 feet square well burnt nrottiid it. Irvin J. Shearer was in Ileud thifi week and made final proof 011 hit; homestead near Sisters. Milsutt tuul IHwood Kolwrts were hi1 wit hewius. Their ncighlKir, Sam Wiehl, entile with them to gel a View of this pint of our glorious Country. The Ilohcrtscs have cleared more than .10 acres of laud this season and have it in crops and , Irrigated nui all iloing well. , The Tutitalo trrltrntioii Cotnnanv was this week ii'itorporatcd by Mmil Anderson, Itiinif Johnson, l''red Andursou arid .Rolmrt A. i'uutt for the purpose of trrlguthiK )iiu(1koh tliu. divjde(;'WOtio,f1tbe Tumnlo. They propose to ta.U' U I 1 'i I Hammocks I uniin Smnls. hslniif I .".ckle. . j. .j ......0 - 7 . I k r& I kJ O 11 d K l PURNITUW2, LlNOUiUAl. V 1 r M OTTory.Tg.?rsrrr?rrvJn;&,jci,xjwiuy3ij,u. 'kMMdMMWW. IIHiMililitaUil "" Cs 1 it - 11 a . . GHAMKO, One. Hnzlowootl Ico Cream. Soda Water. Ice Cream Soda, Root Beer. OUTFITTING HEADQUARTERS for Lewis & Clark Fair Visitors. Call on us When Passing through linwi. We're at jour scrucc. .-USfflB r- - vwmy i JUST FROM THE BATH. Nothing like the tub for health nud beauty. And the effects arc greatly enhanced by having one of our eiiHttiel lined bulb tuln. Hand some, hygienic, moderately priced there's none better. We make a sjwciHlty of SANITARY PLUMBING and da Ih. wurk In a 80ICIITIFIQ MANNCIt. Chafft. tiy frawmlilt Oi.lrt. trimHly rirriilnl Halifittuii Mutrl W Alio make Wtr Oonn.cllon. I'ricct rcatecMlilr Caldwell & Satchwcll. water from the Tunmlo alxmt a mile above the county road crmt iux. The coriMiratiou has an auth orised CMjHtal of 5.000 and it uiMmiiarier.s will be iveuu. Dr. Nichol has a field of oats that he will match against the woild. The main now stamU mi tall th.it it hides him from view and it is Mill growing; and the doctor in a 6 footer. A large number of the Imrrv vines ami IiiinIim lit ti mit Inst fall are now bearing, though of coium; this is not a jwying crop. It was not exertc! they would produce at all thin sehswn. Kverv thing 011 the Xkliol farm is doing well. Miss Mary Riley has a field of rye that she is mute prnlld of and she went out under the shadow of u pine tree, where there had been no fire just the place that is popu larly Miptxmd to be worthies for agriculture and got rye n" J feet long and brought to The Iliilletiii the other day. She took a tdioto- grh of the grain ami Tor the pur pose of coniwriiM)ii had her mother ko oiTt into the fiekl a I'ttle way. Hut Mrs. Riley was wholly hidden by the grain until she stretched up her hmids, and ahe is 110 midget cither. Quite a number of Louisiana lauager have 'been gracing the lJesciMite country with their pres ence this- kCHfcon probably in honor of the I.ewih ami Clark fair. Tlteac are 'showy birds, a trifle smaller than the blackbird or rusty grackle, head and neck red, wings and tail black, rump and lower part bright yellow. Their long is somewhat-like that of the robin. Several of these birds have been found dead in lieud, but it cannot lw believed that any person, youug or old, could be so wantonly ciuel as to slay them and the cause of their death is a mystery. I'liu Library Association. At the annual meeting of the lteiul Library Association held last Tuesday night albthe trustees weie re-tdccied 5- H. Overtutf. Mrs. H. If. Ihitten, Mrs. J. V. Circle. l L. Tompkins hiuI J. M. Lawrence. The trusteea will meet next Tues day night to ( boose their officers and decide on matters- pertaining to the comiug year's work It is practically decided that a second storyi reading room is not sufficiently patrouied to warrant paying' ?it. n month reutal-i-that n grouml floor room must le had or the exponsoB reduced, or both. This qucstion'thc board Is expected to deal with 'Tuesday night. The care of the llbrarywilso figuroK in it, tlte valunteei'work being not alto gether regular. ' The annual membership fee of S2 is now dueWronvWl. .John Hlder was the 'first member to pay up for lli'e viisiiitig-jyeur. The annual sub scijption' to ' periodical. must be niaijc within the euihidg two weeks, it atty momhoimfr any 'preference as to pe'ifiwllcajs, iml will make, it known i.t y.jll, receive, couaiderntiott in couipiliug Ib'e newjlist Ikn Niuoto, the Japanese who has been in the employ of Mr. Omriu for some time, ha, taken tbejKMiitioti of cook at the new llend Hotel. . v . Notice. I have taken up a .small gray horse 011 my homestead in section I, 10-12. Owner may have same b catling on me at my homestead and laying for this advertisement. L. II. McCaxn. llend. Or. ! tl KImI ltf. XOTIOK KOIt I'llMLICATION. lMHmtil of Ux iHlrrtoc. I. S Ijind tHav Tkr Hallo. OtrKOM Jttw IJ. . Hittf l kwtrby irlww lhl Caw A CIN. o) Frtiwvtlto, IHti, Sm Slmt nolkc orialmtioti 10 malrf- twoofun hi dortt UmA claim No. i Jotllw.ttK. Mtl, hShwH. w' rKw ir lp 14 . r 11 . wm, hrt'ttr J J. Smith cmm (irrk. l l"rlmnrillr.otaM,oH AukucK w l'V lie umr lb (bUowIng oHhmm la prove thr mtillr lifigalleH awl rwiamalton of wM lau.l William MatU. Khoa Hmtnn. joha lluwarv tM Kuhrrl I lUitlmilow, l of Itlnnill. thr JllJW MICIUKI.T MOLAM RrMrf NOTICIS KOR PUBLICATION. ItrpMtawttt of itM lalrrlar, l. S t.awi OSWr at Itrvicw, OfgoM jam? 6, la.,). MallM harrhv thm Ihal Ih fellfMlui aaaiad Mtllct hulUaa hoOct afkH iMralloH U Ijiw- IfCUOM. OH Ihr iMhaayaTAticiMI. laa), vtt OratwxT Stjr, II V. No tuadir lbSwl. wr.u,la , and ('linlf, m y ip ji , r tor, m. II aanir thr Mtuwtag wllwrw. lo iwovi hrt ontintuHM frMtm upon aJ mlllvalHW ul hUI land, U Ororar liiwtir, Jamra V. Hoaur William (i na arm iiii Miiura r nawir aawra mim mu amp aoiicr m aw ihivmik makr Saal lawoT Ih attupotl of hla claim, lha Mid nraofwIU tat mmit brtor J. M. I tear I' S CommtiSmin. at SrHd, Oleum lauil luniw I jo 11 1 1 awthufH. all ufKi J N WATSON, KrRl.trr pree land in Oregon, A I n.lrr Ihr 'Carry Irriaaliiin Art " Orrtl ilnr.t Irum ltr WKITh K C Vl.l. 'IO ll H.Hklrlk aiHl map frcr U a luok . 1.11 ;n Mlcr ttirrt iMrtlaad. tr. Now "rsr" Buy Totoh Lots IN Laididw; Or. and Make Money I'Hr jvitrttctil.u writ, ,v call on J. W. Rutherford, l.nlJIaw, - Oregon . .r. PRIdE OF I jQa 'rV AT1 Deduced. t v Frank, fiardiidr. WHITH t IIILL, Agents. wMnM. r (iwiwwWjfyi Fresh Fruit and Vegetables ...I3UITEK AND EUUb... The City Market IJI!NI) LIVHSTOCKANI) I'KODUCI! CO. Fresh and Cured Meats and Fish Ocrytlilng I'erlnlnliic to a l-lrtClii? Atnrkct WI2ST HUILIJING, Wall St., UEND, OKEQON a J Bend livery & Transfer Co, J. FRANK STROUD, Manager LIVERY, and FEED STABLE I IIciKSI'.S liDAKDKI) IIV THIt I)AV, Wp.KK OR MoNTII First-Class Livery Rigs for Rchti '1'hone No. 15 aondatmt.briwrrri Mimirawta and Jrri;ort. Itend, Oregon. SHELDON & M'KINNON General Blacksmithingj nad Wagon Repairing HOKSKSMOEINO A SPECIALTY H&" (Jur shop is located opposite Ildptist Church. CGIanibia Southern RAILWAY. l'RSIl-TOliK TRAIM TIMU CARD. JllTcttlvc July j, 150). 4mlh- boitnit IMILT raw KAVI P.M. H l 4 11 Anmnw STATIONS. .... tlHUM. . . .....OlbSm. -rtWa. -....WaMB . , JHimmlt . Hay Caajroti lunrtion ciatnaKi4 Mcf M.r . . Kr.ktHiritU , rjr Vl rjr Iloiiihen.. .. . Knl Wllraw. nlfAMIKO Notllt tiOtllill NO I DAUV I'AAS ARKIll! A l It W II It II I II (W a 4t lu 4' 4 Htr. I, If I flWIyaUMOnnriii'in at Khamk'i r ,r Ati mi, Prtuerme fn I iiufna, wi-m r ,k- I rlaw, MHclwll, llayvtllc. Aalrnir Aiii',.-i i ro CHx. John Imy City, and rbninl K. I Woiililil KkV C. V. I.YTI.H, Suiirrini. rulrn' F and r A. Shan ko ' 'rr JOB PRINTING j 1 oo Are you particular about your stationery? Do you like neat, clean, up-to-date btUMtieafi printing on the very best atock made? Don't you think it a good idea to make . these things a part of your bushiest? 00000 The supplying of this class of work is a part of our busineae that re ceive particular attention. The materials we use and the type faces and workmanship we put into the jobs we turn out kvc you a product that cannot fail to give satisfaction. 00000 Our equipment is second to none in the interior of Uregon. When you bring us 11 piece of work you may know first of all that every line in it will be in the latest type styles we haven't an old tyjie face in the shop. Done Promptly There is no delay in getting your tvork. It is a point with us to get the finished job in the hnuds of the customer with reasonable dispatch. Reasonable Prices Another satisfactory feature in our job business is that we do not in any instance ask a liold-up price. All we ask is a profit compatible with successful business. Your printing will not look as if a black smith had done it when done by The Bend Bulletin o 00 OREGON Shoit Line and union Pacific TO Salt Lake Denver Kansas City Chicago St. Louis New York 1 Octiu Steamers between Portland and San Francisco every five days. Tickets to and. from all parts of the United States, Canada and IU1I0K. For particulars, call on or address JAS. IRELAND, Agt., The Dalles, Oregon. 60 YEArts EXPERIENCE iisniiB Tim dc Mark8 DESIGNS CopvmoHTS Ac Arrnn n 'Inn a ikt Irh and dKrtpt Ion mT nit ktf r.-'-c 'i nr c pinion fraa wbtthrr au i,t . ait arlr pmatithi. C n-manira t i.n UV" , irt.tiAl HaNOBOOK on I'atrot ., t irr. 1 ic.s atanrT f r.turnnrpaj;zn, i'lin ( 'sun iur. uh lluou Jt t racaiTt tjt'nu nolle., mttmutct.rae. In tha Scientific Jlmericatu A han,1...mlr inn.tralad wcaklr rulati- " t antiwwMB." J-'dniai jiaar. I.. or nxxutu, tu tsoljl I ntvatt fir Tirn 1 111 brail nwlM(r. MUNN&Co.30'8"'' New York ) uraucli omo, cat r du a.oiosi u, 1. We carry only the finest Hues of WINES, LIQUORS nntl CIGARS DON'T FORGET TO DROP INTO TIIK MINNESOTA BUFFET SMITH & CIJtRK, Props 11HND, ORKGON An Come In take a look at a M beautiful display oC ,A JEWELRY KLaTlllLTaA. I 1 tGwticiiME 1 irBflaX y ii .MILLARD TRIPLETT PLACKSAHTIIING AND HORSESHOEING All kinds of wagon Work doue in first'dass shape. Short notfee jobs a specialty. orrqsiTK aeUooLituUsit , ..,., r,. r nuNt). orhoon 1 .On the cuhteryou will also unu catalog lllu- tratlnrf thousands of useful and practical tiems 1 you want" the vary .best values for yur money THAT' ALL.