The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 07, 1905, Image 7

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The Song
of the Hair
There arc four verses. Verso
1. Aycr's Hair Vigor makes
(ho hair grow. Verse 2. Aycr's
Hair Vigor slops falling hair.
VcrBO 3. Aycr's Hair Vigor
cures, dandruff. Verso 4.
Aycr's Hair Vigor always re
stores color to gray hair. The
chorus Is suns by millions.
In seerr r I '"! "' It off mil on for
the totiun iMii,"tiu. M, Usokmokd,
Newark, N J.
Very I'miicr.
"Now, iiiailiini," mini Ilia pliotou1
rnphcr after I'xpniulliiK about Imlf tin
dour ueltliiK lliw Imly ready to pom-,
"ilmr look nt nir mill smile wretlr."
"Mr, I nut ImllRtinut with roul I
didn't romp here to murine In a flirta
tion, IM have )ou know, but to hart
nonif photos takrn."
Might llavn Bavml Manny.
I) (Jrljipea (Irrat heavcnl There's
foltiK to h t collision and we'll all h
Tlehtwad Just hit luck. I went and
bought a round-trip tlcketl Cleveland'
Halon Kalltr With a Rota.
(1'lcluto In January, 1005 Century.)
Othera may rro the; 1 hcholil lino not;
Yrt iiimI I think lliee, lx-aiiltxiui
hloasom, in Inn:
For I, who walk In ahado, like Pros-
Thine onca too hrlefly looked on, long
Bm-iii by some tender mlraola divine,
When breathing then, nart,
To hold thn rapturous iiiiiincr warm
within my heart.
Wei uudoratatnl rach other, thnti anil II
Thy velvet petals laid against my
Thou ftfolrat all th voiceless thing I
Ami to my yearning makriil mute reply:
Yet ainuroaprclalKOotloMhrc I seek,
For (iot who made oh, kind!
I lean I y for one and all, gave fragrance
for the blind I
Florence Karle Coatt-a In July Century
The W n in n of It.
Uuibanit Hut you mint admit tttat
my tssta I' belter Ikan your.
Wife Yrs. uf cuiirs It Is.
Husband -I'm surprised to besr you
aiy so.
Wife -Oh. there Is nothing aurprUInc
about It. The mere fact that you war
rlrd ma anl I married you prom that
tour taste Is in mli better than mine.
M MeaebrJ.a. arerOo, Lowell, Mass. I
yf Alee aaanuraeWrero ef I
i nar?o "i5jmwuju I
A -( O ciicrhv itxtobal. 1
flKjaiill isJe a VaBajrJSJH
BBsyJseSaaVH -tSSeareSBB
flaSaVHM Mtta' $sjsbbbbji
RllB&&?3QaJBBV ' asLV
Miss Genevlvo Mar, 1317 fl. Meridi
an HI., Indianapolis, Ind., Member
Hecond High School Alumni Aii'n,
wrllest ,
"Peruna U the finest regulator or dis
ordered stomach I have ever found. It
certainly deserve high praise, for U U
UWuUy prepared.
'I was in a terrible condition from a
neglected case of catarrh of the stom
ach. My fowl had long ceased to
, ho of any good u,l 0,,'y lit "-l me
after cntlng. I waa nauseated, luwl
-, liunrtlmrii nnd liondnches, and felt run
down completely. Hut In two weeks
niter I took I'erunn I wna n changed
person, A few bottles of tho medicine
made a Krout clinngo, mul In three
months my stomach was cleared of ett
tnrrh, and my entire system in n better
condition." Oenevlvo May.
Write Dr. Hartmun, rresldont of Tho
Ilartman Snnltartum, Oolumbiis, Ohio,
for freo medical ndvico, All cor re
spondonco held strictly confidential.
Intlnin. Hold br druHl.U.
- .-4.
Mih, Jriika--Yuii nclM nwfully atlly
vheii yon pnipoHvd to mo, Mr. Jenkj
Woll, I wnsl -Clovolnnd Lender.
lie I)o you rend nil the pojmlnr
novels of the dny? Him drachms, nol
1 linvu Just time to sue how they eml.
He -As I ant thers nlone, IIIIiIa
rm nlonjc ntwt offenl me a ponny
for my thoiitfhts, Hhe The oxtrnva
Kant crenttiral -Huston Transcript.
Old dent -My poor chlldl Old not
your pnreuta lenve you anyUiliiK when
tby dlH? I'oor Child Yn! Oey left
ins nn orphan! -Hoston Transcript.
"Oh, pnpn, the duke hns proponl to
iiwl" "Ho hns)" "Yes, pnpn. And
bo snys I en n wear n coronet I Here's
the pnwn tolcko for Itl" 3levelnnd
Duffop I've been flKiirliiK on tho ex
peiise of nu niiloinolillc, nnd I find
Hie k reii I cm t cost Is the opera (Ion. I'uf
fer Mechnnlcnl or aurslenlt Iiidlaii
npolU Htnr.
Jim -Hny, Hill, wot would yer do
If yr hnd n million dollars? Hill
Oh, I s'pote I'd blow nboilt half uv
It mnktii' meself slek an' du other halt
trylu' ter dud out vrot wus de mntter
wld in. Ki.
"What dws thn flrst rtert nyr'
"He anys the prisoner Is guilty." "And
the aeoind expert?" "Not millty."
'Thoro'a a thlnl expert. Isn't Uiera?"
"Yes; ho snya both Urn other experts
are liars." Houston Chronicle.
Olllcer Whnt Is the complaint here?
Orderly (ofTcrlni; iMutn) Tnste that,
sir, omcer (lastliiKl Well, I think It's
excellent aoup. Onlerly Yes, sir;
thnt's Uio trouble; they want to wr
misdn u It's ta. dlnspiw KvenliiK
'11 men.
Fond YwtniK Mother (with her llrst
lMiru)Now, which of ua do you think
ho U like? Friend (Jmllolnlly) Well,
of eourse, liitelllKenco hns not really
dnwned In his countenance yet, but
he's woitderfully llko both of you.
llroad way Too bad about old dott
rocks. Mnnhnttnu Why, whnt's the
matter with him? Hrondway He
atartrd In to mnko eiiotiKh money to
retlro on, nnd made so much that he's
got to work overtime to take enru pf
"Which do you think counts for the
most In life, money or brains?" "Well,"
answered Mlsa Cayenne, "1 see so
mnny people who uinnnKe to Kct on
with so llttlo of either, that 1 inn be
KlunliiK to loo my rexpi'ct for both."
WashluKtou Htar.
(luest This Is the fourth time I've
nitiu for Ice wnterl Hell Hoy I know
It, sir, but the hotel Is full of people,
thst were nt thnt Nnme banquet, nud
every time I started down the halt
to your room somebody renched out
nnd snatched the pitcher) Detroit
Fret Freas.
Tho Actor !ook here, old man, I
wish you'd lend mo II to dollars In nd
vnnce, nnd tnko It out of my first
week's salary. The Manager Hut, my
dear fellow, Just supposing, for the
ako of nncument. thnt I couldn't pay
you your rlrst week'a salary where
would I bet Life.
The managing editor wheeled his
chair around nud puidied a button In
tho wnll. Tim person wanted entered.
Here," snhl the editor, "are a num
ber of direction from outsiders as to
the lnt way to run a newspaper. See
that they are all cnrrled out." And
Uio oltlee, buy, gathering them nil Into
a Inrge wnsle basket, did ho. Wash
ington Life.
"(live you a nickel?" said Mis Do
Hlylej "oh, no, 1 never dispense pro
miscuous alms. Why do you not oh
tain employment?" "Flense, mum,"
wn the timid reply, "1 have u small
bnuy, and people won't lie bothered by
n woman wlUi a child." "Then, you
absurd crenture, why not leavo tho
child nt home with lis nurse?" Fhll
hdelphln Hulletlu.
(leu. "Fhll" Bliorldnn wna nt ono
timo naked nt what llttlo Incident did
he UUgh the most. "Well," ho sntd,
"I do not know, but 1 always
Inugli when I think of tho Irish
man nnd the nrmy mule. 1 wna
riding down thu Hue one dny, when I
hiiw an Irishman mounted on n mule,
which was kicking Its leg rather free
ly. The mule llnally got Its hoof
caught In the stirrup, when, lu the ex.
clteiueut, tho Irishman remarked:
'Well, begorrnh, If you're goin to get
on, I'll get ofTC "
"It's mighty ensy to mnke n mlstnko
In n person," remarked John A. Mc
Cnll of tho New York Mfo Insurance
IVimpnny a few dnys ngo to a friond.
"It's llko the ense of u sea captain
1 onco know. Ho got married late In
life and progressed little further tlmn
tio honeymoon when his wife packed
up lior duds and ran off with a hand
nomcr man. 'Well,' remarked the cap
tnln ruefully, ns ho contemplated tho
desorted homo, 'seem llko I got things
wrong. I thought I hnd got a mate,
but It seems I got n skipper Instead.' "
In Doubt,
"la your Invontlon n success "
"I don't know yet," nnswered tha
mechnnlcnl genius. "It Is such a aim
plo nnd effective dovlco Umt I don't
know whether I can develop enough
linngluntlve eloquence concerning It to
mnko peoplo subscribe for stock."
Washington Star.
There Are Others.
Ilhymer I '. old man, nro yon
over troubled with writer's crumps?
RniiKnr Hum tlllllL'. ellCClnlly WltCII
tho expected check falls to arrive
I'lillmlstiililn, llostroycil In Tripoli
lliirlnir, Is I.Dcnlrd. I
(!hnrlcs Wellington Furlong mnd n
lyHteinatlc senrch nt Trlindl of Ilnr-'
linry for tho lost remnlus of the fa
tuous Amvrlenn frlgnto Fhllndolphln,
Jeslroywl In the hnrbor of Tripoli 1W)
I'enrs ngo. He tells In Hnrper'H Mngn
tlnii thu romantic story of how ho
found tho venae) at Inst:
"In les than nn hour my senrch
was rownrded by aeelng the broken
lids of tho grcnt libe of n vessel pro
truding through dull-colored oel-grnss.
I noticed thnt this grns acemed to
follow the lino of tho ribs, nnd care
fully no!! Its chnrneter, further to
aid mo In my senrch. Kxnmlnlng
Uicso closely, no doubt was felt In
my mind but that they belonged to n
large vessel, and ordered Uio boat
man to let fall Uio nuchor.
"Tho lend gave us two nnd n hnlf
snd threo fathoms. Hastily undress
ing, wo dived several times. Mr. Ill
ley first succeeded In buoying the spot
by going down with the Hue nnd slip
plug It over one of the ribs. While
on tho bottom I carefully examined
tho timbers, Tlirso were honey-comb-i-d
lu certain parts In a peculiar way.
The continual sen-wnsh of n century
seemed to hnre mnde IU Inroads Ht
the softest plncen, nud they gnvo every
nppenraiice In form of partially burn
ed stumps. The wood seemed almost
as bant as Iron. Much of It wns In
closed In n fossil cnist, nnd only by
repented efforts I succeeded in break
ing off n small pleco. Tho mnny winds
from thedeaert nnd the shifting shoals
of sand hnd filled In nnd n round the
frigate nnd tier keel must hnvn Inln
buried nearly two fathoms deeper than
tho present sea-bottom. The freshen
ing lireetA mndo further Inrentlgntlon
lmK)sslble; so, nfter taking bearings
and leaving thn spot huoyeil, wo re
turned to tho shore, landing nmld nn
nwnltlng, curious crowd of Turks,
Arabs nnd blncks.
"Hlx dnys Inter, through the cour
tesy nnd Interest of the oltlcers of the
drcek wnrnhlps Crete nnd Farnlos, n
ship's cutter nnd mnchlne'-bont wlUi
divers were placed nt my dlsposnl,"
About fifty yenrs ngo Justice Wil
liam T. Hpenr was a well-known lnw-
yer In Plymouth, Mnss. He took n
deop Interest In the n (fairs of the
community, and his acquaintance with
parliamentary usage lifted htm nlwve
thoso who simply vote othera Into of
fice. Am nearly ns might le, he was
the 'Town's Mind," to uso the large
pliraso Invented by the forefathers.
In this character Judge KtHnr never
fnlted to nttend town meeting nnd
rarely fnlted to speak with force nud
clear Intention, but on one occasion he
faltered unexpectedly In netting tlte
little state In motion. Ho rose In the
house of freedom with all Ida accus
tomed dignity, and begun with au
thority: "I am not here, Mr. Moderator "
Ho hesitated a moment, then began
"I nm not here, air "
Agnln he pnused, nnd In the silence
n young mnn In the assembly cried
'Tell us where you are, thenl"
Fifty years ago It wm considered
Indecorous for a young man to take
1111 nettvo pnrt In the proceedings ot
tho town meeting. He was there to
vote silently and was exected to
restrain the niieecli of his deep, atten
tive mind. No wonder, then, that
Judge Hpetir turned upon tho auda
cious speaker with a mighty frown.
"I nm not here, sir," lu thundered,
"to be harked at by every puppy that
crawls into tho town hoiiHet"
Then, turning to the moderator.
Judgo 8pear proceeded ns usunl to
regulntc tha cnleudar of tho town
A Tnnlallslnji Illver.
Tho suit of Kalians ngnlnnt the
ditch owners of Colorado, to proven)
Uiom taking water out of Uio tippet
Arkansas river, hnd a round In Hutch'
luson when doponUions were taken bo
lore tho United States commissioner.
Thu State of Colorado conducted the
sldo of the ditch owners, nud was rep
resented by four lawyers, while Kan
snn had but two, Tho Arkansas rivet
i hard to depend on when It comes tc
giving uvldoncu on its own hook. Just
ns tho stream almost disappears nnd
tho cattish have to go ashore to get a
drink nnd tho Knnsaa attorneys think
Lhclr sldo U proven, along cornea a
flood nud Uio Colorado folks rejoice
And then when Uio torrent Is raging,
knocking out bridge nnd filling Uie
hearts of Uio Denver attorney with
Joy, Uio bottom drops out mid It re
quires a pump to prove Uiat there li
such a stream an Uio Arkansas nt all.
A year ago tho Kaunas sldo of tho enst
was given by wlUionsea along Uio riv
er. Now tho Colorado people nro hnv
lug their Inning. Hut Uio ovldcucs
thus fnr given by tho witness? at
durdcu City, dretit Ilend, taruod nnd
hero, subpoenaed in twhalf of Uio Col
orado contention, is ngalnst Colorado
nnd lu favor of tho view of tho cas
takon by tho Jnyhnwkcrs.
Mrs. Jnwbnck James, you're a per.
foct fool I
Mr. Jawbnck I know something
llko thnt would happen when marrlnga
mndo you nnd mo ono. Clovolnnd
Lender, .
Amontr tho hard things in this
world to understand nro mules, wom
en, gnaollno ouglnos, automobiles nud
-nireUss telegraphy. '
been ouedlicovercd that is the equal of S. S. S. It is especially adapted for
a systemic remedy, because it contains no strong minerals to derange the
otoinach and digestion, and affect the liver and bowels. It in made entirely
of roots, herbs and barks selected for their purifying and healing qualities,
and possesses just the properties that are needed to- restore to the body
otrong robust health, when the blood becomes impure and clogged with
waste mntters and poisons .....
the body does not receive suf- X nave used your 8. B. a and found it to be an
fielent nourlahtnent and suf- excellent tonic to build up Uie general health and
f rn JilifllV Xlu Bw tone and strength to the system. I have used
fcrs from debility, weakness, J Ui bjly recommended, but 8. 8. 8. did
Sleeplessness, nervousness, ffle more BOCKi Uian ererythlng else comWned As
loss of appetite, bad dices- toju tonic properties It gives a splendid appetite,
lion and many other dlsa- refreshing sleep, and tun system undergoes a. gen
grecable symptoms of adit- eral building up under Its invigorating influence,
ordered blood circulation, 548 Woodland Ave., Warren, O. MKS.KATX8sac
and if it is not corrected some
form of malignant fever or other dangerous disorder will follow. S. fl. 8.
builds up the broken down constitution, clears the blood of all poisons and
impurities and makes it strong and healthy. The nerves arc restored to a
calm restful state, refreshing sleep ia had again, theappctitc returns and tho
whole system is toned up by this great remedy, ' 8. 8. 8. is a blood puri
fier and tonic and acts promptly in this run-down depleted condition of Ute
system. Book on. the blood and medical advice furnished by our physicians,
without charge ru SWiFr SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA,
Flylieaf Mnmoraniliu
livery now nnd then you will find In
some periodical nn Item relating to tho
subject of a book In which you nro In
terested. It Is n good plan to enter on
tho fly-leaf a reference to Uils passage,
so that you may find It again when
needed. Kuch note, neatly written In
pencil, do no barm, and will often save
you much time. You may In the same
way mnke note of the numbers of
pagen lu which you have been special
ly Interested. A correspondent writes
to us osfflng whether we recommend
"marking books." To this extent we
certainly do, provided the book Is not
so flue an edition thnt It should be kept
an spotless as csn be. He!des, very
light pencil notes can be removed In a
momrut without harm to any page.
Hut the marking of books thnt extends
to disfiguring them will never be done
by any one who realize how long a
good book may conUuuc to delight new
readers, and to bring them help In
right living and thinking. St, Nich
olas, MnlnUert Ilobbema.
Very HtUe Is known of Hobbemn'a
life. He appears to have been born at
Amsterdam In 1G3S, but, a we have
seen, other towns claimed to be Ids
birthplace. It I probable that he was
the pupil of Jacob van Iluysdael, and
certain that he lived In Amsterdam. He
died poor, his last lodging being In the
HooAegrnft, Uio street In which Item
brandt, also poor, had died forty yean
before. Ills works were little appreci
ated In Holland unUl nearly a hundred
years after his death, and most of
them found tlMdr way to England.
fit, Nicholas.
From nnd to Worse.
Tha Lsdy Well, Marie, have yon
"ounil the ornament for my hair yet?
The Maid Yes. ma'am. Hut I've rah
laid your hair, and now I can't find that.
Oulto Prondenb
Jack Your friend Miss uuiherly Is
Jlways ailng slang phrases. Isn't she?
Udyth Yes, indeed. She Is quite fa
miliar with the Kngllah slanguage.
If a bride should by chance see a coffln
st she starts off on her wedding tour she
.bs.uld order the driver of the carriage to
tarn back and start over again.
.AM'gclaulc PrcpntattortrorAs
slmUatlng the Food nndRctf da
ting thcStooachs and Bowels of
Promotes Dtgcalion.Checrfur
ncss nnd llcst.Contalns neillicr
Onium.MorplUnc norIiiuorflL
jo tfcujo-SiKVXtmvas
riiiTfi Mir
Mfcnrsjjt ftwnfi
Apcrfecl Ilcmedy forConsUpji
Tlon , Sour Stomach.Diarrftoca
nndXoss of Sleep.
FocSimilo Signature or
CURE Horses of
rfraiiTfif3fc ilsSifa
STKT ..'V ' -T-
ft"C?K'""SaiS M
nuttmtver, l'lnk Uje or Indigestion, A great BIOOD MUrlEI AND CON
DITIONER and a sure cure for all ailments from whlcli hearts urlsc.
1 hsvt bea stlnff rruulan IImvs Itowden the put ly hi luoutlu and In thtl Urns hats
rurfcl II hoiMa of lleavea. 14 uC DILnr and o ot I'hroulo Coutfh. Ilia lriMlaA
lttuMlea hats gained a great reputation in tlata wloa. Lrneil Putin ka, Kawaik, N. "
IrfaVamnr'a Hand
1'UUXI.J MU KICU CO VosUand, UrM Coast Aovs
the nvntcm ccla debilitated and In a
run-down condition it needs a tonic and there lino never
At "About no"
When ono knows the nge of a woman
ono knows tho woman. The very fact
that she permit you to know her ago
expose her character. Hhe no longer
masquerades. 8bo hna lost a certain
uncertainty, an evanescent delicacy,
that wna an Irresistible charm. Wom
en, like philosophy, are divided Into
two classes, tho knowable and the un
knowable. Also, like philosophy, It Is
tho unknowable woman who Is the
specutable. Therefore to get her at her
highest capacity abe must be unmar
ried and about 30.
The married woman presents certain
Inescapable telltale data. Hhe hns
children, and those children have ap
parent ages, two fact which go far In
determining her annals. If she Is un
married and Is not "about 30" she I
under SO, agnln a definite fact. Uclng
"about 30" 1 Indefinite. She may be
more or tcsa. No one hazards a guess.
There Is a delightful vagueness In be
ing "about 30." It has nothing to do
with dates, and many of us who from
our youth up have felt no attachment
for date can forgive tho unattached
their confessed Indifference.
Exact Definitions.
Young Hopeful Fsther, what 1 a
"traitor In politics?" This paper says
Congressmsn Jawwesry Is one.
Veteran Folltlclan A traitor Is a man
who. leaves our party and goes ovt r .to
th other one.
Young Hopeful Well, then, wbat Is a
man who leaves the other party and
comes over to ours?
Veteran Folltlclan A convert, my son.
Boston Transcript.
Natural Heqnence.
Mrs. Jolllboy (to sick husband) Th
Hrwtnr hss arrlred.
Jolllboy Then you had better tele
phone for the undertaker, my dear.
1 Sir. Jolllboy Why, Tom, what do
you mean?
) Jolllboy Well, coming events csst
their shadows before tbetn, you know.
I A sunny temper gilds the edges of
life's blackest cloud. Guthrie.
I Good humor Is th health of th soul;
sadness Is its poison. Stanislaus.
Tho first step to knowledge Is to know
thnt ws are Ignnraut.- C'cciL
For Infants nnd Children.
SjBasSaTssjsasasMMsaassm immmmmmmmmmmmimm
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
TxsoiNTaunaoHMNT. NntToaseirr.
DEALERS, 80ci BY MAIL, 004
Hook. PnuaaltH HampT Oo., St. IVnt Ulnn.
f Yj iJ
An Off Day,
Miss Nswage What was don at tfc
New Woman International Frogresalr
Club to-day 7
Hachelor Girl Nothing. Yon see, Mrs.
Bweetle happened to com In with her
baby, and before we all got through kiss
ing th llttlo cherub, It was tltno to ad
journ. Fixing Railroad Hates.
Making railroad rates is liko playing
a gnrno of checker or chess. Commun
ities to bo benefited, producers, mnnu
faclurers or shippers to bo aided, repre
sent the pieces used. Every possible
move I studied lor its etlect on the
general result by skilled truffle man
agers. A false move in the making ot
freight rates may mean the rnin 01 a
city, of a great manufacturing Interest,
of an agricultural community. Bail-
road strive to build up all these to
that each may have an equal chance in
the sharp competition of business. 80
eensitive to this rivalry are the rail
roads that in order to build up buiiness
along their lines they frequently allow
the shipper to practically dictiate
rates. Kate making hss been n matter
of development; of mutual concession
for mutual benefit. That is why the
railroads of the United Htatc have vol
untarily mado freight rates so much
lower in this country than they aro on
tho government-owned and operated
railways of Kurope and Australia that
they aro now tho lowest transportation
rates in the world.
Female, Enthusiast.
Each evening now my good wlf
Fondly greet tne at the door;
And this query she proponndetb:
"Say, John, what's the scors?"
For bronchial tronwe try Flso's Cars)
for Consumption. It Is a good cjugh
medicine. At druggets, price 23 cents.
A Bona; of tho He,
lie never bought a gold brick
Nor tried the bunko game.
But he played at steamboat poker,
Which Js rtrj much the sam.
Washington Star.
Wotitriwlll Sod ilrs. WlnsloWs Boothlns
Bjrap tha let remedy toose (or their cMldrea
durlnr th teething ported.
Small farms are the rule In Japan,
and every foot of land Is put to us. The
farmer who has more than ten seres I
considered a monopolist.
You Can act Allen's Foot-Case FREO.
Write Allen a Olmsted, Le Hoy. 2'. T., (or
(re samtloot Allen's root-Kase. It curt
twetllnr. Kotswollen, aching teet. It mssei
sw or tlfbt shoes easy. A certain eurj (oi
coma. InrrowlnrnalU and bunions. Alldrup
jUUMllit. 2Sc Don't accspt any subsUtut
Gray Torpedo Craft.
The Ilrltlsh admiralty has decided
that gray la the best all-around color
tor torpedo craft, and a cbango to II
U to be made from black.
riTP PennanenUy CoraO. Jfofluof n.rroomnM
r 1 1 0 anr tint dsjr's at of Dr-KIInc"! Urt Kerrs
llaxorrr. H-nd for FroU3 trial bmiltandtrratlMk
Vt. It. 1L. Kilo, Ltd., Ml Arch ht.. VblUdolpbla, Fa.
The Invisible Supply.
Mr. Astorbllt I wish a genuine Im
ported cigar.
Boy Very sorry, sir, but th bosa 1
"I don't want the boss; I want an Im
ported cigar. Haven't you any?"
"Ye, sir; wo're got two, but they're
In th safe."
CLAM corps ot Uactit.s, location, build
Inir equipment lbs bast, bend lor eat.
Term Opans HcntomlMP in. I90-
TIIK DAIRY I'l.Y KII I.FIt duroyt all tlia
nira ana aixonjA
homtt-m dlnkiis:
room, slrtplntf
rm and all
places vrher
Bin an troubl
aooi. Clean,
nrat and will
anyililnr. Try
turm ones and
yon will nevr be w ih-"ji tlirm ir uol kept by
dralrra, ant pntf n.d fcr 3k llarolil Huuiers.
14 l)Kalb Ave l.rookyu, N Y.
AnolitsrKTAlt UlfallrcthswjwWIiid
ml I burns to lay. U'sarllnt Walling
bTAIt; a Wiudailll that far komI, old- a U
lui.d eiiunum Mrnae and .Ujrlna qua Ilea
lati tnfin alL Mado alum Ibao, some or
tUf Milla road theu are atlll runuing, doing
good work.
Portland. Oregon
IfeacUe and fcpo " wa'b ngton, and
buUt, Idaho
Dr. C. Bee Wo
WoiairfHl Him
This wondarrul Ohl
Btaa doctor Is called
graat btcaua bs cur
paopl wllbout opra
lion that ars gWaa up
todla. Ho curra with
llio.a wondarrul Cbl
naa harba, ronla, buda,
barks and vtgatablta
tbal ara antlrcly un
known la medical acl-
no In tula oouotry. TUrough the um or thoas
barmlcas reinadles tbla Unioui doctor know)
tli action oroisrMOdlffvrsiitTsmadlca which
bs auocrsarully uaes lu different dUtcaaca. 11
guarauleea to cur catarrh, aalhrn a, lunf.lbroal,
rbeumatlsm, nervousness, atoniaib, llr, kid
n.a. sto.1 baa bundrvda or trallmonlala,
Charges moderate. Call and sea bliu, 1'atlenta
out oj tbs city write for blanka and circulars,
Bend tamp. CONSULTATION VllUtt.
The C. Gbs Wo Chlnssa Msdklm Cs.
40r Veatlon paper
P. N.U
N. 26-1905
I. I IIIMI " " t
ITTTJIIKN wvUIuk to aJesrtlsar please J
t YY mautluu tUls iMpsr. I
I win )L,7iV7.s,sAs.7ys7.Jss. in ussy