The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 07, 1905, Image 6

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mikkik&tkk Hitfc,HviJiiJLU4lkUii.
CHAPTER IV. (Continued.)
Yolande went buck to her father, who,
though closely watching her, wn stand
Ins with tho Grahams; and sho told
them of the mission with which aha hnd
!ccn Intrusted. At lust tho crowd began
to rosolvo Itself Into those who were go
ing nial thoso who were remaining be
hind. Mrs. Grahnm was In despair be
cnuse of the non-nppearaneo of her broth
er. "I'll tell yon what It Is," said Col.
Graham, "I Itellevo that ho has ncrer
heard that .tho ships don't stop at
Southampton now. Never mind, Polly;
ho can go oTcrland If ho wanta to catch
us up at Cairo."
At Tilllinry there was the usual scram
ble of getting tho luggage transferred to
tho noisy Uttlo tender. When, after lone
delays, tho tender was drawing near the
side of the huge steamer, of course all
eyes were turned to tho decks above,
where, the picturesque costumes of the
lascar' crow were tho most conspicuous
points of color.
"There he Is I can make hl out,"
observed Col. Graham, as he regarded
a group of young men who were up on
the hurricane, deck, leaning over the rail,
and watching the approach of the ten
der. There is Jack I Mucins and young
Mackenzie of Sleat oh, there's Ogllvy'a
brothcr-ln-law what do yon call hlra?
tho long fellow who broke his leg at
Bombay there's young Frsxcr, too, eye-1
wo are oft really and truly going away
from England altogether quit from Its
shores V
Hit manner had nhndst Instantly
changed. Ills spirits quickly brightened
up. lie mado himself most agreeable to
Mrs. Graham: ami was humorous In his
ijulet, half-sardonic way, and was alto-
getner pleased with tho appearance and
the appointments of the ship. To fancy
this great mass of metal moving away
like that and the throbbing of the screw
scarcely to bo detected I
And at dinner, too. In the evening It
was a delight to Yolande to sit next him
and listen to his chuckles and his little
Jokes. Care seemed to have left him al
together. The night, when they went on
deck again, was dark; but a dark night
pleased him as much at anything. Yo-
lanue was walking with him.
And then they sat down with their
friends; and Mr. Graham had much to
talk about. Yolande tat silent. Far
away In the darkness a long, thin, dull
lino of gold was visible; she had been
told that these were the lights of Hast
ings. It Is a strange thing to sail past
a country In tho night time and to think
of all the beating human hearts It con
tains of the griefs, and despairs, and
hushed joys, all hidden away there in
the silence. And perhaps Yolande was
thinking most of all of the rtoor mother
whose name she did not know, whom
sne snouid never see again but whose
glass and all a regular gathering of the J heart she knew right well was heavy
" wiui us acning sorrow, it
was her flrst actual contact with human
Ily this time everybody was scram
bling on the paddle boxes of tho tender,
and from thence ascending to the deck of
the steamer. The Master of Lynn was
standing by tho gangway, awaiting his
sister. He was a young man of four or
five and twenty, slim, well built, with
pale, olive complexion and a pefectly
clean-shaven face; and he had the square
forehead, the well-marked eyebrows,
and the pleasant gray eyes with dark
lashes that his sister had.
"How are you, Graham? How are
you. Polly V he said.
"Well, I like your coolness!" his sis
ter said, angrily, "Why were you not
It was the third evening out that she
had to put tho flowers overboard on the
wide and sad and uncertain grave. She
did not wish anyone to see her, some
how; she could not make It a public
ceremony this compliance with the pa
thetic, futile wishes of the poor mother.
She had most carefully kept the flower
sprinkled with water, and. despite of
that, they were sadly faded and shrlr
eled, but she had purchased another bas
ketful at Malta, and these were fresh
enough. What mattered? The time was
too jague; the vessel's course too uncer-
flbHartKiSSaw'TCt'tSriilBaTiT flWi .JlPlVttiKfAS?iLflnik?fl JVU'!
WMafcaJK.tjJPtjWC6 rJ JW'FM'jJ'sBslsSaVf'J issrJsstsss3sCsMssaWi-aas3ssiM
come chiefly for 'tho voyage Itself, And
UAvnn i life the,; very munll Incidents of
which excited Interest efutply because
people hnd plenty of time to consider
them and each other,
There was no doubt Hint Yolande hnd
become n pretty general favorite) for she
found herself very much at linmoi mid
she put nslde n good deal of thnt reserve
which she assumed In traveling on land,
These people could in tin sense bo con
sidered strangers; they were all loo kind
to her. The ship's oillcers brought her
the charts out of the chart room, to show
her how far the vessel hnd got un her
course. 'Die captain allowed her to go
on the bridge, and gave her his own gins
when n distant sail was to be seen. And
the young soldiers, when they were not In
the smoking room, and when they were
not picking up rope quoits for Mrs. Gra
ham, had nn eye on tho many starved
bints fluttering nbout. and when titer
could they caught one and brought It
to Miss Wlntrrliourue, who was glad to
take the wild-eyed, Muttering wanderer
down into (lie saloon and put Us beak
lor a second or two Into a glass of fresh
water. Once or twice Yolande caught
one of these swallows.
Day after day passes! without change.
The young Master of Lynn very dili
gently, and with a Jacob like modesty
and patience, strove to win Yolnlide'
regard; but although she was always
most friendly toward hint and pleased
to chat with him, or walk the hurricane
deck with him, she seemed to treat him
precisely ns she treated any of tho oth
ers. If there was one whom she espe
cially favored, It was Col. Graham,
whoso curt, sardonic speeches amused
At last they arrived at Port Said, that
curious, rectnngular-strected. shanty-built
place, that looks like Cheyenne painted
pink and whlto; and of course there was
much wonder and Interest lit beholding
land again, and green water, and the
swarming boats with their Greeks and
Maltese and Negroes nnd Arabs, all In
their various costume. Hut It was with
a far greater Interest that they regarded
the picture round them when the vessel
had started again, and was slowly and
silently stealing away Into the wide and
lonely desert laud, by means of this wat
er highway. The Sucx canal had been
rather n commonplace phrase to Yolande;
mixed up with monetary affair mostly;
and suggestive of machinery. Hut all
this was strange nnd new; and the vessel
was going so slowly that the engines
were scarcely heard; she seemed to glide
into this dream-world of silver sky and
far-reaching wastes of yellow sand. It
was so silent, and so wide, and so lone
ly. For the most part the horiton line
was a mirage, and they watched the con
tinual undulations of the silver-white
waves; and even the strange reflections
of what appeared to be Islands; but here
there was not even a paint to break the
monotony of the deicrt swly the little
tamarisk bushes dotting the sand. From
n marsh a red legged flamingo rose, slow
ly winging it way to the south. Then
a string of camels came nlong with forward-stretching
heads and broad, slow-
pacing feet; the Hednulns either perched
on tho backs of the animals or striding
through the sand by their side, their
faces looking black In contrast to their
white wide-flowing garments. Ami so
they gilded through the silent, gray,
silver world.
Tho night saw another scene. They
were anchored in another part of the
canal, where the banks were high and
steep; and the moonlight was surpass
Ingly vivid,
V-ll - H I I I '
: r. tv jt: i ri . - s. i &.
V Hi iir - "
S" 'J .13f T B "sT
I lliliuss S wmmmmmmi mmmrn-
1 such a fro nro without horns, When
the enlf doe hnvo Imrn tlm result or
thu second cross Is utmost mm. to lio a
Polled itnliiml. Tim American Polled
Jersey Cattle Compiiny tins provided it
supplementary howl book (or register
ing tlmse intimitis, If female, its foun
dation slock, the iirodiico of which Is
eligible to record In thu American
Polled Jersey herd hook,
1 "fin ,
Orchid Worth !),OOl).
The Cyprlncdluin Falrrleanum I
ono of tho rarest orchids In the world.
It was Introduced Into England sumo
ilfly years ago.' nml at one time was
comparatively well known, but sub
sequently It died out nnd Is now to all
Intents nnd purposes n thing of tho
past. One tiny scrap Is still known
to exist In England, as well ns four
equally small pieces In Paris, bttt ns
flowering plants all specimens of th
orchid have, disappeared, alike In the
collections of Europe nnd In thu Ho
tnnlc Gardens of Calcutta, where also
they once flowered. For some years a
HKaW vslv JnHT a3B' M t H llV. i
.. ...... I . ,,.. !..... I. ..,1.1,... I..
Keep il Hbeen Uou. " iiniiiniusi iiuri.iuiii -i con.
Kl-nri- fnrimir u-lm I,,.. ,i llneb nf II f. ftT II ICHl llOOtl Oil IllimilUliy 110 slinlllll
ty or more sheep ought to keep n good let lo work lo Improvo thu Mrnwlvry
shepherd dog. lie, Is worth a hl price st the bottom of tho box. Chicago
In tho llrst place, nml will earn his New.
cost every year In mivliiK sheep and it Is cosIIiik Undo Ham n big round
lituths nml In doing the work of a man. 'of ducats for rural free delivery, In
Their Intelligence Is almost human imd 'ri'ttirn, ho Is entitled to the very best
they will take solo care of a flock of highways local effort can kIvo him,
sheep, spending every day nml night liiirlliiKton llawkeye,
with them If allowed to do so, It 111 ,t .,,, )(, ,rr,(,w f t, lllr1
better. Itovvovcr. to put the sheep In nn'()f ,(, eol)(, ,, ltl rlwlTl
Inclosuro nt night, and relieve the do grM n( ,, U, hnW m ()f ltw
front tho cart, of watching them, n .r w, Mr (.ov..nud In
ho morning he may be sent out with h rhtMmt t W1WI'B Club,-Wah.
them, mid ho will henl them on any ,,,,.. ,,.
Held of laud or keep them within anyi" """ ' , , . ,
bound. IndlcatiM. Mexl.v Is extendi.. a hearty we.
The lldellly of the shepherd dog 1- win !) Mormon am Dowlell es. and
remarkable, lit Colorado one night. I'" '',,"',,, Wn,' w'" '1''" """'I '
last winter n herder brought hU flocks t'litiiustasne seutiou- ir limy win only
mlgrnle there en massy. Han Krtui.
cisco Chronicle,
WUcoi.siu has driven out tint clgn-
a $.(X)0 OltC.Itt).
firm of orchid growers In Ht. Albans.
Knglnnd, tins lind a standing offer of
a reward of fl.tHW for a healthy speci
men of tho orchid, and as the plant
originally came from the almost Inac
cessible wtlda of Ilhotnn, among the
lofty Himalayas, these region have
for many years been searched by ad
venturous spirit anxious to gnln the
rownrd. It Is now announced that the
search has been successful, and the
lucky finder, when he lands his plants
In England In good condition, will re
ceive the prlre of 1.000.
Kor Hen unit Clilcka.
While there are several form of
coops for the old hen and her chicks,
say tho ludlannpoll News, the one
built on the well-known lines, n full
pan. Is generally considered the most
desirable, although there arn several
way of Improving this old affair. One
On on of Hi-,,, Imnu. It of the main troubles with tho old coop
seemed a great mountain as It rose to the I that it was not always tfry, a so-
dark-blue vault where the stars were rlou dofect when one consider how
at the station? Why did you not tell
tu? Of course, we thought you had miss
ed tho train! I wish you would take
the trouble to let people know what
you are about. Let me Introduce you
to Miss Wintcrbourne lolande, dear,
this U my brother Archie Mr. Winter-
bourne, my brother, Mr. Leslie. Well,
now, what have you to say for yourself?"
"Not much," he said, smiling good
naturedly, and taking some wrap and
thing from her which her husband had
selfishly allowed her to carry. "I went
down to see some fellow at Chatham
last night; and of course I stayed there
and came over in the morning. Sorry I
vexed you. You sec, MUs WInterbounie,
my sister liken platform parade; she likes
to havo people round her for half nu
hour before the train start; and she liken
to walk up and down, for It shows off
ber figure and her dress; isn't that so,
Polly V
There waa a great bustle and confusion
on board; friend givlu: farewell men
us gen, paasvnger seeking out their cab
Ins; the bare-armed and bare-footed las
cars, with their blue blouses and red
turbans, hoisting luggage on to their
shoulder and carrying it along the pa--eageH.
Yolande stole away to her own cabin,
and carefully and religiously opened the
little basket that held the flowers, to
see whether they might not be the bet
ter for a sprinkling of water. They
were rather expensive flower for a poor
woman Fo have bought Yolande poured
oiiio water Into the wash-hand basin,
and dipped her fingers Into It; and. very
carefullyand tenderly sprinkled the 'flow
ers over. And then she considered what
was likely to be thu coolest aud safest
place In the cabin for them; and hung
tho basket there; nnd then came out
gain shutting the door, Involuntarily,
with quietness.
She passed through the saloon and
went up on deck. Her father was still
tliero. He went down with her to the
saloon, and took his place in alienee.
'olaudo sat next to Mrs. Graham, who
woe very talkative and merry. Young
Archlo Leslie was opposite; so wan Col.
Graham. They were mostly Idling; but
Yolande we hungry, and they wero all
anxious to help her at once, though the
silent dusky stowards knew their duties
well enough.
IJy and by, when they were talking
about anything or nothlug, It occurred
to the Master of Lynn to say:
"I suppose you don't know thnt we
are off?"
Mr. Wlnterbourne quickly got up and
went to one of tho ports; there, undoubt
edly, were the river banks slowly, slow
ly going astern. He went back to bis
eat, putting his hand on Yolande'
boulder as ha sat down.
"YftUnde," said h, "do yoo ksir that
tain; the trifles of flower would soon
be swallowed up In the solitary sea. Hut
It wa the remembrance of the mother
she was thinking of. .
Sho chose a moment when everyone
wa down below at dinner, and the deck
was quite deserted. She took the two
little baskets to the rail; and there, Tery
slowly aud reverently, she took out hand
ful after handful of the flowers and drop
ped them down on the waves, and watch
ed them go floating and floating out and
out on the swaying water. The tears
were running down her face; and she
hnd forgotten whether there was any
body by or not. Hho was thinking of
tho poor woman In England. Would
she know? Could she see? Va she
sure that her request would not be for
gotten? And Indeed she had not gone so
lar wrong when she bad trusted to the
look of Yolande' face.
the moonlight threw the shadow of the
rigging nf the ship so sharply that every
spar and rope was traced on the silver
clear sand. There was an almost op
pressive silence In this desert solitude;
a dark animal that came along through
the tamarisk bushes ome said It was
a JaCkal disappeared up and over ths
Hand-mountain liko a ghost. And in the
midst of this weird cold moonlight and
silence these people began to get up a
dance alter dinner. I lie piano was
brought on deck from the saloon. The
women folk had put on their prettiest
costumes. There had bes-n perhaps a lit
tle begging and half promising going on
beforehand. The smoking room was dis
serted. From the supports of the nwn
ing a number of large lanterns had
been slung; no that when the ladle he
ir nn to nppenr and when the first notes
of the music was heard, the scene was
a very animated aud pretty one; but so
strange with the moonlit desert around.
Tlie Master of Lynn had gut hold of Yo
lande he had been watching for her ap
pearance. (To le continued.)
Cll A PTKIt V.
"I don't believe In any such simplicity.
Men may; women don't. It seems to me
more thu simplicity of an accomplished
The speaker was Mrs. Graham, and
she spoke with an air of resentment.
"You don't know her," said the Slas
ter of Lynn, with involuntary udmira
tiun. "I supposo you think you do," his sis
ter said, with a "superior" smlie. And
then perhaps she wo tired of heorlng
so much in praise of Yolande, or perhaps
she wished her brother to b cautious; or
perhaps she was merely gratuitously ma
licious he sdld; "I'll tell you what It Is
I should not be at all surprised to hear
that she was engaged, and has been en
gaged for any length of time."
He was struck silent by this fierce
suggestion; It bewildered him for a sec
ond or two. Then he exclaimed:
"Oh, thai Is absurd perfectly absurd!
I know she Is not."
"It would Ik a Joke," continued his
sister, with a sardonic smile, "if that
were the explanation of tho wonderful
friendliness that puzzles you so much. If
she Is engaged, of course she has no fur
ther care or embarrassment. Everything
Is settled. She is as frank with Dick as
with Tom and Harry. Ob, Archie, that
would be a Joke I"
They were away from the land per
haps even forgetful that such a thing ex
isted. It seemed quite natural to get
up morning after morning to find around
them the same bright, brilliant monotony
of white-crested blue seas and sunlit
deck and fair skies; and each day pass
ed with the usual amusements; and then
came the still moonlight night, with all
Its mysterious charm and loneliness. It
was a delightful lifeespecially for the
Grahams and Wlnterbournes, who were
going nowktra In particular, but .had
Too AtlviwiCbil for Jliio.
In ChlcnKO tliero Is n principal of
ono of the public schools who In his
college days was considered something
of a "shark" nt Intlu, and at innny
other studies besides. What ho did
not know about physiology was hnnlly
worth knowing. Ho was n "grind,"
nnd a scholarship mail.
His little girl, nged (1, Is now a pupil
at the experimental school nt thu uni
versity, when she loanw ninny things
out of thu order of public school edu
cation. Heccntly sho fell nnd hurt her
self. Her father found hercrjing.
"What's Jin; matter, Noreeii?" ho
"I fell nnd bumped my patella," she
replied. Itcmember, this was In Chi
cago, and not In Hoston.
"Pnpn was sympathetic. "Poor llttio
girl!" ho said, and proceeded with tho
best Intentions, to examine her elbow.
Noreen broke away In disgust.
"Huh!" she snorted, "Haven't you
never learned anything? I H.ild my pa
tella! That Isn't my elbow. My elbow
Is tny great sesamoid
Papa went for a Iatlu dictionary.
harmful dampness Is to young chicks.
This tuny x prevented ns well as pre
venting the warping of the hoards If
tho two strips placed ncros the top
nro lapped, as shown at Fig. C In the
Then ventilation may lm supplied
by placing a number of small hole
In tho peak of the roof nt the back
nnd In front, covering n similar place
with flno wire netting, doubled ns
shown o tho Illustration and nt tho
point H. This wire will keep out ver
min ns well. The lower part of tho
coop I so arranged thnt a sinnll door
may bo readily opened when It Is nec
essary to let tho old hen out. and yet
sho cannot get It loose herself; tho
slats ant placet! far enough apart so
that tho chicks ran go In nnd out nt
" i,P wygiNr if
will and they should bo placed wldo
npnrt so that no change will need to
be mado as the chicks grow, A llttio
ittoru lumber aud bruins put In ths
making of coops for chickens would
make tho old hen more con.fortnblo
and prevent many of tho chickens
from dying of roup.
and hurried to tils cabin to cook him
self soino supper, for he was inoro than
usually hungry. Hut he missed the
dog, which usually followed him to the relte, and now proposes to tax tint
cabin of an evening to have her sup- bachelor. There Is nothing left for
per. Tho herder thought It rntnei tint bachelor but to come to Oregon,
trail go, but made no search for the where he can smoke himself to death,
dog thnt night. Hut when ho went Portland Oregoulnu.
down to the corral tho next morning I Tn (,, Uunun mhM ( h(,r
he found the gate ok-i. ami the faith ,W1I.4., n,,, ,.nt,.rprls, successfully
ful dog standing guard over the Hock. ,ek , H,nlMri, U Company. Tliey
Tho herder In his hnste the night be- ,, , mmpyi ,, , unH ,,
foro hnd forgotlen to close the gate, r(w)y rrllltl- and the market.
nnd the dog. more faithful than her Oklahoma Tlnie-Jotmial.
master, had remained nt her post nit ,, , , , , ,,,,,. ,
night, though suffering from hunger1, T'' ' " "' ! Khld's
and thirst '" r "rl ,n" ,,t'"'r t,njr """f'l
On another occasion Ihli same dog "? willm. When It come, to ge...
was left to watch a flock of sheep near P' " tJioiiMmU of
the herder's cabin while the herder " ! who have him beaten to
got his supper. After he had imIoii. '"--w "mlngton Journal,
his supper he went out to where the Once on a Hum a man stopped tsk
sheep wero and told the dog to put lug a very giod newsiwper derail lint
the sheep In the corral. This she re pacr printed something he didn't like,
fused to do, and, nllhough she hnd The paper survived, but In Him rotiri
no supper, she started off over the of time tho man went .the way of all
prairie a fast a she could go. The flesh and was forgotten. Augusta
herder put tho sheep In the corral and Chronicle.
went to bod. About midnight be was) Missouri has n new gau.n law that
awakened by the loud bnrklng of a dog W pri,vent the ladles from trimming
down by the corral, He got up, their hats with tho pinning" of birds,
dressed himself aud went down to the The legislators who voted for this
corral, nnd there found tho dog with tr lmy , wrt MVo useless ex
n baud of fifty sheep which had ,,,,, ,, ,1,-iiiiu ro election.-Pitts-strayed
off tho previous day without )UrK Gnrette.
tho herder's knowledge; but the imkhI , . ' , , ., ,
dog kuew It. and al... knew that hey I l'" " anU '''' '
ought to Ik) eorralcd. nml she did It. . H"" w ft "'"";- '
A well bred shepherd dog - the ' "T. "' ." ,,r-"", 'm" " ""',
Scotch collie. If bred from working ? ,r m" ?"??' 11'. ,','h,M "",'"
mi 1,11-u ijir in nip lunnvs iiii-iu in
dependent of the ilrcsscsl-hcef ronhl
nation. Pittsburg Dispatch.
A Chicago woman shot ami killed
her husband In keep him nt hourv.
Aud yet, unless she look the prfviiu
lion to provide herself with a cold
storage plant, her plans may slightly J1
Interfere with the rules of tho Chlcngu
Health Department. Augusta Chron
icle. Heretofore "Hlljnh III" Dowle hn
been nblo to satisfy his followers by
giving them a "revelation" whenever
they became Importunate. Hut now
soma of the heaviest Investor nmouu
them ro calling for a statement of no
counts Instead of a revelation. Savan
nah News,
Mr. Hoch announces thnt he will ills
like a Christian, a statement which
stock, is the Im'sI will cost from fil
to $.V), but they nro worth it any
Hlnclc-I'roof Open llnte.
The drawing will give you an Idea
how much time nnd worry can be
saved If you have rattle or horses In
tho pasture and through which mnuy
walker pas dally It lakes only our
extra panel of fence. Simply place a
panel (Q ono and one-half feet pnsl
first DO it In naiiel II ntul nnnnt IS l)i
same distance, but letting C be on ontjtuggests the reflection thnt If Mr. Hoch
side, while It I on the other, nnd al had lived liko a Chrlsdnu he could
tho same time leave room enough still have died like one, though the
inrniign wnicn ono person may past data of Ills demise might -ave 1m
with ease. As panel I) fits In between' iKtstnoucd i'hii
C nnd K, It becomes luiotslblo for n
horse or cow to pns. A shows thu en
trance nml It tho outlet. The mnln
... .1... t t . t
"r. "7,.,i " ' .7.7. "" I "ru. under another,
h'uu iiiv luuwnn. it in llinn.l
August W. Miiehei., already In pri
son, lias been sentenced to an nihil-
Wuiited the Whole Tlilntr.
Mr. Hnyrlx (In restaurant) HI, thar,
mister! Fetch me a dozen uv them ulr
raw oysters.
Walter Yes, sir; on tho half shell,
Mr. Hayrlx Naw; bring 'om on tb'
whole shell. I'm out fer.n good time,
by grass, an' I reckon I don't keer for
Illessed Is tho Influence of ono true,
loving human soul on anothor, Georgo
We cannot be Just unless wo are
klndbeartod- Vanvennrguei.
Veadlnu Hllu to Cows.
Many cows will like sllugo tho first
tlmo they tistu It; a few will mince
at It for a few feeds, but for a few
feeds only. It Is best not to feed too
Heavily to a cow Just learning to cat
It. I havo had cows eat greedily of it
the flrst few feeds nnd then become
turned against It, but a llttio bit In
their trough for n few feeds and thoy
are all right again. For a cow, though,
which Is used to It, nothing undor
eighteen or twenty pounds to a food
will gorge her. Cor. Farmers' Guide.
The Polled Jersey,
Polled Jerseys nro simply Jorseys
without horns. Thoy havo tho snmo
characteristics nnd practically tho
snmo blood ns tho homed .Tersoys, Tho
destrablo feature nbout thern Is that
they aro hornless, writes W, II. Forhos.
of Ohio, In American Agriculturist.
A majority of thoso exhibited by us
at tho Ohio and New York Statu fairs
last season wero by a Polled Jersey
sire, but out of honied A J 0 0 cows,
A large majority of the calves from
open to people and I shut to hnrset
and cows. '2. If you had a gain tu Itt
plnco It would so often be left open
by careless, Indifferent, thoughtlesi
people, n. It I much ensler to mnk
or keep In good shape than n gate
Some may say that there Is no need
of either, but If you did not have
some handy opening through which
wnlkers could easily pns they would
climb over your fence nnd then you
would soon hnve two or threo planki
off, and probably broken. Farm Jour
nal. Poultry ricklnus.
It Is not always the fat hen that be
comes broody,
Thu scratching hen gives her chicks
much exercise.
Nowhere do souls sour qulckor that.
In an Ice box church.
Pullets hatched now will come in for
late summer layers.
Give tho whole wheat to tho hen am
soft feed to tho chicks.
Drive tho young under shelter dur
ing sudden showers of rain.
Try n camphor ball for lice. Place
ono In each nest as you set tho hoi.
Wholo corn, grit nnd fresh water are
the best fare for tho sitting hen.
Tho.fuct thnt the hen Is laying Is no
sign that she wants to leave her young.
Keep food constantly before thu sit
ting hen so sho can help herself at
Thirteen eggs In early spring aud lif
ted during luto spring nnd summer
aro largo enough sittings.
The best friend Is not tho ono who
gives us most cold cash, but tho one
who Imparts most warm cheer,
Covered run aro a protection from
hawks, cats or dogs. They should be
moved to fresh plots of grass each
Whljowash'tho Interior of your coops
and sprlnkio carbolated llmo on tho
floor. This disinfection drives away
Doubtless be deserve all ho Is gelling
but I bo to shoulder tint punish-
i meiit for the wholo crew of scoundrels
concerned In the postotllcu department
frauds? Htiffnlo Courier.
Itov. Aium Shaw declares that wo
men will never get tint ballot until
they adopt the slogan, "No ballots, no
babies!" It Is thu fool suffragists of
litis typo that have delayed thu grant
ing of woman st.rfrngu so long. What
do you think of thu Itov. Anna ami her
slogan, anyway? Topeka Herald,
It Is rcMrlcd that there is a wide
spread aud growing desire among the
young men of this, country to rush
away to Ponnmn for the purposn of
helping to dig thu canal. We regard
It as our duty to publicly auuotiuco
Hint tho walking on tho way back from
Panama Is very twtor In soino places.
Pino Hluff (Ark.) Press-Eagle.
Fltrhugh I'o had the haughty hear
ing of tlio Old Dominion aristocrats,
but under that exterior of conscious
prido bent the heart of one of God's
noblemen. When the war broke nut
ho cast his fortunes with his native
State. When It was over, ho uiilned
down thu bitterness ami humiliation
like a trim soldier and sworo alleglauca
to tho flag of our common country.
Now ho has gone to his eternal rest,
with this tho Judgment of his follow
men that thorn throbbed within tint
bosom of Fllzhugh Leo tho heart of a
patriot and a tn.o man. NoAtskn
State Journal,
Grover Clovoland pronounces Ujo
women's clubs to bo thu enemies of
civilization, tho dcHtroyent of-domes-lie
tranquillity and the foo of orderly
government. Evidently Mr. Cleveland .
has mislaid his copy of Ct.shlng's Man
mil. St, Iiils Globo-Dcniocrnt.
Soveral neurological authorities havo '
contended that mental troubles aro duo
principally to "wine, women and wor- t
y." It Is strange, though, that hazard
otia speculation never hurts tho mind
of reckless trustees of money till thoy '
ro caught. St. Louis Itenublln.