The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 07, 1905, Image 2

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Russia Fears Army Nay Join In
Revolt of Navy.
Desperate Efforts Made to Stamp Out
Flame of Revolution More
Sailors Have Mutinied.
St. Petersburg, July 1. TheRasslan
government, although It has been al
most paralysed by the terrible events
at Odessa and the news that tho sailors
At.'Llbau have also mutinied, Is making
desperate and even frantic efforts to
stamp out the flames of revolution be
fore they can spread to the army, which
is now the last bulwark of the autoc
racy. With Poland red with the spirit of
revolt, the Caucasus already almost in
a state ot civil war, agrarian uisoruersi,, . , , , ... .
spreading rapidly, the whole country I ""un; monarchy is falling Munder
profoundly stirred and the intelligent
classes arrayed agalust the government,
all conditions seem ripe for the long
predicted revolution.
The first act of the government after
dispatching Admiral Kruger's squadron
from Bebastopol was to summon the
Kniai Potemkine, whose mutineers
have now been Joined by the crews of
the torpedo boats which accompanied
it to Odessa, Jo surrender, under the
threat of firing upon and sinking the
vessel. This was followed by the dec
laration of martial law at Odessa and
Libau and the clothing of the military
commanders with plenary powers.
The newly formed council for imper
ial defense met last night nnder the
presidency of Grand Duke Nicholas,
and was in session long after midnight.
Beyond the fact that the temper ot
the army was 'considered at length,
nothing is known as to what occurred
in the council or regarding the decis
ions at which it arrived.
Great fear is expressed that many
regiments are honeycombed with sedi
tion, and there is grave doubt of their
loyalty should they be Milled upon to
fire on the revolutionists. Indeed the
most startling stories involving the un
reliability of the troops are being re
peated in St. Petersburg, but the truth
of many of them is more than ques
tionable. Dispatches received here from Odes
sa do not make the situation very clear.
Millions of dollars' worth of property,
including ships, has been burned or
otherwise destroyed. The city is ter
ror struck, many, probably hundreds,
having been killed or wounded in the
street fighting.
Great Britain to Blame for the Crisis
with Germany.
St. Petersburg, June 30. At Great
Britain's door tbe Novoe Vie my a lays
much of the responsibility for the
Frano-German crisis, saying she is pur
suing her traditional policy of enoursg
ing a conflict between her competitors
in order to profit thereby.
"Great Britain," the paper adds,
"pushed France Into the Moroccan ad
venture, sustaining M. Delcasse, the
foreign minister, in bis resistance to
Germany's claims.
"For decades Great Britain's hostil
ity has been directed against Ruisia.
At last she has succeeded in having an
other country, accomplish a task from
which she herself shrank. With Rus
sia no longer dangerous for the present,
all Great Britain's machinations were
set in motion against Germany, now
her chief competitor in Europe,"
The Novoe Vremya thinks it quite
conceivable that in case ot a conflict
Great Britain would aid France to the
extent of destroying the German fleet,
and that then, with both France and
Germany weakened, her supremacy
would be assured for another bait cen
tury. The Novoe Vremya, however,
believes that with Premier Rouvier in
charge of the negotiations with France
Great Britain's plans will be defeated,
and the Moroccan affair will be satis
factorily settled.
Fast Train Goes Into Ditch.
Cleveland, July 1. A fast esat bound
passenger train on the Cleveland-Pittsburg
branch of the Pennsylvania road
was derailed and wrecked near Atwa
ter, O., today. At least one passenger
was killed, while a dozen others were
injured. Tbe train is one of the fastest
between Cleveland and Philadelphia,
making the run of 140 miles between
the two cities in three hours and 16
minutes. When the accident oc
curred, the train was probably running
0 miles an hour. ' A section crew was
repairing the track.
Progress is Reported.
Washington, July 1. Diplomats In
Washington are looking to Oyster Bay
for the official announcement within
the next few days of the plenipotenti
aries who will represent Russia and
Japan at the Washington conference.
The president is in communication
with tho Russian embassy and the
Japanese legation by telegraph, and it
is learned tonight that progress is be
ing made, but no definite date for tho
announcement is suggested.
Stir Up Hawaiian Chinese.
Honolulu, July 1. A Chinese mass
meeting has been called for tonight to
indorse the efforts being made in China
to effect a boycott of American goods,
on account of the operations of the ex
elusion laws.
fc .. ...
Thousands of Russians lire Rising All
Over the Empire.
Chicago, III., Juno 30. Cabling
from St. Petersburg, tho Chicago Daily
News correspondent says :
Nicholas has been decided in favor
of peaco in the Far East on account of
the revolution In Poland. It has been
arranged with tho kaiser that in case
of icvolt in Poland, German troops will
occupy Warsaw, and that thus tho ctai
might continue to dispatch the Russian
gntrlslons in Poland to the front.
Tho Toles, learning of this arrange
ment, made preparations to declare
their independence, with tho support
of tho Prussian Polish provinces of
Posen and Silesia. This has paralysed
to a certain extent tho kaiser's Moroc
co scheme and compelled the ctar
promptly to consent to President Roose
velt's proposals for peace. Count Po
tockl, the head of the famous Polish
house of that name, said to your corre
spondent today:
"Pnlesa immediato measures are
taken, Russia will shrink to its former
dimensions, in Peter the Great's time.
The Nationalists, Socialists, Jews and
Ruthcnians of Poland demand autono
my. They refuse to delay. The mo
ment Is favorable to their wishes. The
Hungary is on the point of separating
from the dual empire, llerr Schnorvr,
the Austrian-German spokemsan, bold
ly proclaims in the reichstag the alle
giance of his party to the German em
peror. "Only the Slavs, Poles and Bohemians
are upholding the shattered empire ot
the Hapsburgs. The emperor's death
will be the signal for the country's en
slavement by Germany. Should the
oar persevere in his despotism, 30,
000,000 cultivated Western Slavs, in
Poland and Bohemia, will found a state
to resist the yoke ot the cxar and
Russia has lost faith in the czar's
promises anil Is disgusted with the du
plicity of the bureaucracy. Every
where the people are rising. Blood
flowed freely yesterday in the streets of
Warsaw, Lodz, Kiev, Riga, Odessa,
Vilna and other centers.
Judge Bennett Declares Prosecution
of Mitchell To Be a Plot
Portland, June 30. Another day
will send to the jury the case of Sena
tor Mitchell, who has been on tnal be
fore Judge De Haven in the United
States court. Yesterday morning when
court was convened Judge Bennett be
gan his argument in behalf ot the de
fense, a pies that was attractive in sen
timent, impressive in delievry, and
undoubtedly one of the greatest efforts
ever attempieu by tuts well-known
For more than three and a bait hours
Judge Bennett held the closest atten
tion of all within hearing. When he
closed at 3 :35 a blur of tears dimmed
the eyes of the senator and many ot his
closest friends were much affected.
Tbe attorney's theme throughout was
that Senator Mitchell was not guilty
of any wrongdoing, and that the de
fendant was the victim of a plot en
gineered by some unnamed persons be
hind tbe prosecution. It was a plot
brought to a culmination by United
States District Attorney Heney, whose
chief aim in the prosecution, according
to Mr. Bennett, was tbe glory of having
convicted a United States senator.
Skilfully counsel for the defense tamed
the construction that the prosecution
had placed upon the letters between
Senator Mitchell and his former law
partner, Judge Tanner He pictured
Tanner a a rat in a trap, who, when
once caught, was a willing tool in the
hand of Mr. Heney in order to save
his own son from proeecution.
Russian Army is Falling Back.
Gunshu Pass, Manchuria, June 30.
The most disquieting feature of the
stragetic situation of the Russian ar
mies is the persistence of the reports
that Japanese cavalry and light infan
try with field and machine guns are
working northward of Kirin and west
ot the Grand Trade route toward Bo
dune. The Japanese cavalry on the
west is under the command of Generals
Tamara and Akiama. General Linie-
vitch is not attempting seriously to
oppose the Japanese advance along tbe
front, but is drawing in his outpost
lines upon pressure.
Government Gives Up Cases.
Washington, June 30. Upon motion
of District Attorney Beach, the cases
against James T. Metcalf, Harry C.
Hallenbeck and Norma E. Metcalf, in
dicted for conspiracy to defraud tLe
government in connection with the con
tract for money-order blanks, were
nolle proesed In Criminal court today.
Mr. Beach announced that after a care
ful investigation of the evidence he
had decided to take no further steps
looking to the trial of these persons,
and asked that the indictments be dis
missed. Bubonic Plague at La Boca.
New York, June 30. Tho quttran
tine against La Boca, three miles from
Colon, because of a bubonic plague
case there, has temporarily stopped
freight trafiic by one of the steamship
lines between New York and Panama.
Unless other cases appear at La Boca,
where the Panama freight is trans
ferred, the quarantine will be lifted
July 0. The embargo does not affect
direct shipments to Colon, nor hinder
transportation of government supplies.
Opens Cuba to American Rice.
Havana, June 30. The house of rep
resentatives today passed tho rice bill.
The passage of this bill, it is expected,
will open the market to American rice
and ennnnravn the cultivation of rice in
J Cuba.
ii, i . i ii ii
Ono Hundred Thousand Acres In Kla
math Subject to Ruling.
Salem Tho right of Klamath coun
ty to tax 100,000 acres of land owned
by the California A Oregon Land com
pany inside the Klamath Indian reser
vation has been sustained in an opinion
rendered by Attorney General Craw
ford. Tbe land in question was form
erly owned by tho Oregon Central Mil
itary Wagon Road company, having
been acquired by that company through
a Federal grant to the stato of Oregon
for aid in building a military road.
The owners of the land object ed to hav
ing it assessed and taxed, giving as a
reason for their position that the land
Is in the possession ot the Indians and
thereby of the United States, and is
thereby exempt from taxation.
In his opinion Attorney General
Crawford quotes from two decisions of
the United States Supreme court in
cases involving title to this land. In
each case the government was trying to
defeat the company's title, but in Iwth
cases the company won. The Supremo
court held that the company's title is
perfect ami beyond challenge. Author
ities are also cited to show that private
property inside an Indian reservation
is subject to tbe Jurisdiction ot the
state for the serving of process and for
taxation. In view ot these adjudica
tions upon the subject, the attorney
general holds that the conclusion is ir
resistible that the lands ant subject to
taxation the same as any other private
property. The opinion was rendered
in response to a request from County
Judge Baldwin, ot Klamath county.
Shipments Will Reach Between 6,000
and 7,000 Boxes.
Hood River The Hood River cherry
crop, which la now being gathered and
shipped, will amount to between 6,000
and 7,000 boxes. The crop is of good
quality. The greater part of the crop
has been bought up by a lallfornla
buyer, who Is paying 6c a pound for
the fruit. He is putting up a strictly
fancy pack, and is making shipments
for the New York market.
The berry crop is nearing the final
wind-up. Over 100,000 cases were
shipped from Hood River this season,
returning to the growers f 1-10,000.
Tbe yield exceeded the early estimates
by at least -(0 per cent. It is U'lievcd
by the shipping associations that as
much money would have liccri realized
with a crop of only 76,000 cases.
City Filet on Water.
Eugene A committee from the city
council drove to Ylda, -0 miles up the
McKenzie river last week to tile on the
waters of that river for power to oper
ate a municipal electric light plant. At
the city election in April, 1004, the
voters decidedthat the city should own
its electric light and water plants, and
the council is now preparing to secure
a site for the light plant. The Iran
chise of tbe Lane County Electric com
pany, which now supplies the city with
lights, expires in about lour years,
when tbe city will enter the field.
Belmont Group Reported Sold.
Sumpter It is reported that Gllkcy
and Kershaw, owners of the Belmont
group, in the Greenhorn district, hnvo
sold their protterty at a snug sum.
Tbe amount said to be realized is $30,
000, with a holding still in the group
on a share proposition. Neither Mr.
Ciilkey nor Mr. Kershaw could Ins seen,
therefore the report could not be veri
fied by them. This is the same prop
erty for which such phenomenal clean
up have been made during the past
three months.
Columbia Timber Purchase.
St. Helens Kills Jennings, who re
sides near St. Helens, has sold to n
company of capitalists of Alabama, -80
acres of choice timber lands located
alout three and one-lialf miles from
St. Helens, on Milton creek, for $8,
600, the highest price ever paid for
timber lands in this vicinity. The
timber is mostly yellow fir and cedar.
The purchasers exct to erect a large
sawmill on the property. Other large
deals are now being negotiated for.
Cut Fir When Line is Finished.
Dallas Tho Dallas Oak mills are
now pinning on full time. The mills
will continue to cut oak lumber nntil
the extension on the Dallas & Falls
City railroad Is finished, when it is
understood the mill will be enlarged
and will cut fir on a large scale. This
mill is on the Falls City road and Is
already supplied with switching facil
ities and yard accommodations for a
60,000-foot mill.
Susanville's Good Crop Prospect.
Susanvllle Prospects lor a good
harvest this year in tho immediate vi
cinity were never better and farmers
are all making preparations for an un
usually big yield of hay and grain.
All the stock on the ranges is doir.g
finely and from present outlook there
will be enough grass to last till far in
the winter. It has rained constantly
here since early in March.
Coal Find Near Cottage Grove.
Cottage Grove Cottage Grove men
have discovered a good vein of coal
somewhere near town, but are very
backward about telling the location.
Tho specimens they brought in will
burn with the best, and Jiavo the ap
pearance of coking coal. A small per
cent of the specimens brought in are
slate, but not enough to cnuao much
Jury List Has Been Drawn, Composed
Mostly of Farmers.
Salem Tho Jurymen who will servo
at the July term of tho Circuit court
In this county, when tho land fraud
cases will probably bo tried, linvo been
drawn from the Jury list by Sheriff
Culver, and Clerk Rowland. Tho
panel Is composed chielly ot (annum,
comparatively few business men being
on the list.
No arrests have yet been made in the
land fraud cases, nor have tho names
of the Indicted men been mode public.
It Is understood, however, that tho men
charged with complicity In tho stato
land fronds are well known ocralora
residing in Oregon and In the Kast, nud
that they can bo easily taken into cus
tody when wanted. Some of them
have indicated their willingness to
come to Oregon whenever called upon
to do so, but it may bo necessary to
1 mi ue requisition pajers In order to
bring others to tho Jurisdiction ot tho
Oregon courts.
TI.e Jury at this term will also try
Wtight and Monte on tho charge of
pawing rllles over the prison walls In
1002 for the aid of Tracy and Merrill
in making their rscae.
Crop Both Heavy and Early, Reports
Arthur Hutiey.
Grants Pass Arthur Hussey, of
Merlin, reports the eaeh crop in tltat
vicinity as heavier than it has been for
a numlwr of years pat, and says seve
ral of the larger growers have had turn
employed tot several days thinning out
the crop. The Merlin district is n very
favored locality for jeacherf, frost sel
dom catching them, and the soil being
of a very productive nature. Die larg
est peach growers of tiiat district are
A. C. Ford and Charles Doier, although
Henry E. Booth has a splendid orchard
coming into Waring this year. Tho
early spring all through the Southern
Uiegon country makes the crop an ex
ceedingly early one this year, and Mr.
Hussey reports that the Karly Craw
fords will be ready for market about
August 1 this year.
Cottage Grove Crops.
Cottage Grove Tho crops around
town are in fine condition and some of
the grain will outclass most yields
heretofore made. Much of the fruit
was damaged by the late frosts, how
ever, and in sorno cases entirely ruined.
I hemes are scarce, btraw berries are
three boxes for 25c, and about off tho
market. There will be a good crop of
pears and apples on the uplands, but
the valley fruit hero is almost ruined.
The warm weather has brought garden
stuff to a fine growth. Some of the
corn in town is three feet high.
Sawmill and Electric Drills.
Bumpier A crew ot men Is now en
gaged at the Standard mine on the
erection of a sawmill recently shipped
there. The installation of the electric
drills will also be mado Immediately.
The Standard expects to be a heavy
shipper of smelting ore to tho smelter
here during the present summer.
Roads are now. In pretty good shao
again, and the result is that shipments
are constantly being made to this
place from the outlying initios.
Tabo Trade Stamps.
Eugene Eighty-two business firms
havn signed an agreement not to adopt
the trading stamp system, which is at
present offered by a stamp firm which
lias located here. In a resolution
adopted by tho Merchants' Protective
association, It declares the system det
rimental to good business methods.
Five firms have already contracted for
tho stamps, but It is said that some of
these are trying to have their contracts
Motorists Need Licenses.
Salem A number of owners of mo
tor cycles and. probably several owners
of automobile are liable to a fine of
$'.'6 for failure to take out stato li
censes, as required by the act of 1005
for the regulation of the use of automo
biles, etc. Thus far licenses have been
issued by becretary of State Dunbar to
144 owners of automboiles and 11 mo
tor cycles. Of the 11 motor cycles five
are owned in Salem and five in Rose
burg. Open New Timber Tract.
Rainier Georgo Rockey has built a
railroad to his camp, about one and a
half miles from Rainier, and his en
gine has arrived. Mr. Rockey will
open about 300 acres of choice tliiilxtr
Wheat Club, 8283o per bushel
bliiestem, 80000c; vnlloy, B5c.
Oats No. 1 white, feed, $30 per
ton; gray, $30.
Hay Timothy, $14010 por ton;
clover, $11012; grain, $11012; cheat,
Eggs Oregon ranch, 20021c dozen.
Iluttor Fancy creamery, 17Jtf0
HlHo per pound.
Strawberries $2 0002.50 per ernto,
App'cs Table, $1.6002,60 pur box.
Potatoes Oregon fancy, old, $10
1.20; Oregon, now, $1(31,25,
Hops Choice, 1004, 1002 Jo por
Wool Eastern Oregon, best, 100
23c; valley, 2fl027o per pound; mo
hair, cliolco, 31032c por pound,
Testimony In Mitchell Onto Has All
Been Tnkon.
Portland, Juim 28. With n sudden
ness nliiiosl Hliirttlnu counsel fur do-
feu no ot Beimlor Mitchell, who Is mi
trial before Jmtgo Do Haven, yesterday
morning rested Its case. Tho determ
ination on tho part of the defcnuo to
rest wan so abrupt that It was nkln al
most to n collapse, and for the space of
half a minute, when Judge Bennett an
nounced his determination, surprise
hold all present. It was nut until late
Monday evening that the defense con
cluded it would not place Senator
Mltholl on the witness stand.
Even before the trial began, It was
expected that Senator Mitchell would
testify In bis own behalf. The United
States courtroom was crowded to Its
limits dining the morning session In
anticipation of hearing from the sen
ator's own lips an absolute and nil
phatlc denial of all that Judgn A. II.
Tanner and Harry C. Robertson liml
told to the lurv. II was believed by
all who knuw tho Oregon senator that
his presence on tho witness stand
would have had a tremendous h fleet
upon the Jury. Homo of Ihcm Imllevo
a denial In toto might offset all that
bad lxn testified to by Tanner and
Robertson. It is understood that It
was Senator MllchoU's drs'ro to appear
on the stand, Why ho did not do so
Is known only to his coutuel and him
self. Judge Do Haven then called for tho
arguments on Instructions, and ex
Senator Thurston, who hail prevlousl)
Informed thociurt that he wished to
be heard on this point, presented Ills
argument Ho soke for over an hour.
He was answered by Mr. Honey, and
he in turn was answered by Judge Bur
nett. Judge, Do Haven then announred
that it was not Ills custom to limit tho
arguments, but ho wished to know tho
desires of tho attorneys on this xHnt.
It wss quickly divided that there
should be no limit plsced upon the
tlino that should m taken up in argu
ment and his honor Informed counsel
that he would wi ready to hear tho ar
guments at '.' o'clock, and excused tho
Jurors until that time.
Tho preparedness with which Francis
J. Heney entered the Mitchell trial wss
even more apiwrent yesterday man n
has been shire tho enso began. U lib-
out attempts at oratory, ho legMi his
plea in Mialf of tho government, and
from 2 o'clock until 4:30, when Judgo
Dollavon adjourned tho court until 10
o'clock this ruroning, bo held the olos
t attention of all within reach oi his
Resignation of Chief Englnssr
lace Cams at Bad Tim.
Washington, Juno 28. Tho precipi
tate action ot John F. Wallace, duel
engineer ot tho Panama canal, In re
signing his iMHiitluU in a huff, has rum.
plicated the -plans of President Rooso
veil and Secretary Tnft for tho main
work on tho Isthmian canal, and when
thn president and secretary meet at
Harvard tomorrow they are expected to
hold a hurried conference and formu
late plans for tho future, as well a to
issue an olllclal announcement ol tho
resignation ol Wallace.
It Is now lonecdcd In olllclal circles
that the prrsldmit ami secretary will
have to do some quick work In select
ing a new chief engineer. Secretary
Tnft has planned to leave for the Phil
ippines by way of tho Pacific coast runt
Saturday. It is an Important mission,
and tho party Includes senators, repre
sentatives and distinguished friends,
and the date of starting cannot very
woll be (ot (toned.
What olllclal Washington Is most
anxious to loam Is whuthvr the olllclal
announcement of tho resignation will
express tho rcsoulmcnt tho administra
tion feels against Mr. Wullacu. Ills
retirement ends what tins bom as warm
a row as has occurred in olllclal circles
in a long time. One olllclal who Is In
close touch with tho ollloers of the
commission says that the whole trouble
was brought about by Mr. Wallace de
siring to be tho "whole thing" In tho
work of canal construction. He Is a
man of Independent means, and the
salary of $30,000 presented no great
Germany Scores a Victory,
St. Petersburg, Juno 28. Private
a ivlces from Paris say that Gurmai y
has achieved u diplomatic victory over
France by reaching un agreement with
Premier Rouvier for a settlement cov
ering not only Morocco, but other ques
tions, by which It Is presumed that
Germany, like Great Britain, will se
cure coinonsatlo!i for quit claiming
her interests in Morocco. Germany's
quid pro quo, according to rejtorl, will
be obtained in the Near East, In recog
nition of her Inlliienio and hold in
Yaqul Massacre Is Denied,
Nogulos, N. M., Juno 28, Tho stor
ies sent out from this place regarding
tho attack by Yaqul Indians on the
Buenos Arycs ranch, In Sonora, last
Thursday, In which over 20 Yao.u In
and sivoral settlors and their families
were said to have lieon slain, were the
grossest uxagurattons. Tho only foun
dation for tho roporta wits a light oc
curring at tho ranch, in which two In
dians were killed, and Ebuis Curuuzii
was wounded.
Forest Fires in Colorado.
Denver, Juno 28. Forest fires are
burning fiercely on government lauds
In tho mountains southwest of Denver,
Sinco Sunday morning n lire lias boon
raging ten miles northwest ot Pine
Grove, In Platto canyon. Government
range riders havo Ihmi sunt out from
different points to chuck the progress
of the Damns, Tho loss thus far will
roach $50,000,
Crew ol Riissliin Ilaltloslili Huliul
anil Kill Their ..(Icon.
Qrnat Armlss of Striking Workman.
Inflamsd by Revolt of Sailors
Tumult and Disorder Melgn.
Odessa, Juno 20. Tho red lg of
involution is hoisted at the masthead
of the Kiilas Potemkine, Russia's most
powerful battleship In tho Black sea,
which now lies In tho harUir In tho
bauds of mutineers.
Tho captain and most ol the olllccr
were murdered ami thrown ovorlHmrd
In tho open sett, and tho ship Is com
pletely In the possession of I ho now
and a few ollleir who have thrown In
their lot with tho mutineers,
Tho guns u( tho KuUt Potemklim
are trained on tho city, and in tho
streets masses of striking workmen who
lied More tho volleys f tho troop am
now lullauiod by tho spectacle of oen
revolt on board an Imperial warshl
aml are making a Wild front against
the military.
All day long firing has been beard In
many quarters of tho city. A number
of lrrlcadei havn been erected, and
tumult and disorder reign,
Tho main squadron of the Illsek sen
licet, consisting of tho battleships
(lecirgo I'ohlodonostscU, (George thn
Victorious), Tri Hvlatella, Kootlilav,.
and Kkalorltia II, with two cruisers,
are expected to arrive hero tonight, and
a regular naval battle Is n pron t
Tho rioters are in a most defiant
mood, and are not Inclined to surrender
without lighting.
Iteirts of the mutiny, which -currcd
while tho battleship was at sea,
are dllllcult to obtain, a the lulitlnerfs
return to allow communication with
tho shore, but it I ascertained that It
arose from the shutting ol a railor who
wss priwntlng mi In-half of tho crew
a complaint against bd food.
Government Is Heard and Defense
Presents Its Ca.
Portland. Juno 20. District Attar
riey Heney riMiko for thre hours In tho
I'nlted State eouit yesterday, WlUi
hardly a change, of murlo, Senator
Mitchell sal through this verbal lash
ing. Once, while bidding a whis
pered roniullatlon with Judge Bennett,
ho slHKik his linger. Ill hand was
(minted towards Mr. Heney. Whether
lie was protesting at something that tho
sjH-oler was saying Is not known, but
his counsel shook his head, and thn
senator settled bark In hi chair. Dur
ing tho long years ol hi public carter
Senator Mitchell must havo 1-een thn
storm-renter of more than ono stormy
verlwl outburst. Perhap during most
of these controversies ho was so placed
that he could fight Uck by word of
mouth. l'crh during his career as
a lawyer, ho has given client before
tho bar, Just such another denuncia
tion, as he received yesterday, but in
all of his varied career ho has never
been Imiind ami gagged a ha wo dur
ing all tho hours that ho was forced to
listen to what Mr. Ilenoy wo paying
Ills dignity as a senator was brushed
aside with a single breath. Mr- Henry
was MHindlng into the eais of tin jury
tho fact that It was John II. Mil bell
who was not above tho law, and ii"t
Senator Mitchell, who was on trial
It had been oxprctcd that Mr. Heney
would finish hi argument by noon
When tho court convened he announced
that hu would try to aloso at that time,
but when tho noon hour came ho was
still an hour away from tho end.
It Is believed that Judge llennell
will take up the entire day in his argu
ment. Kx-8omtlor Thurston will I
heard after this, and Mr. Honey will
close for the government, so tho Indi
cation aro that the case will not go to
tho Jury until lato Friday afternoon,
mid perhaps not until some time Satur
day. Kept Gold in Stateroom.
Seattle, Juno 20. James B. Wool
Wat the express and steamship com
panies on their elevated bullion
charges. Ho brought his gold from
Nome to Seattle In his stateroom.
When Mr. Wood left Nome, ho says
tbe only boat then In port and not in
In tho combination to raise rates from
) of 1 er cent to ii ol 1 per cent was
the Kcalandla, which was to sail for
San Francisco. Woods confirms the
statement that unless the rates aro
changed tbe bullion from Nome will go
to Salt Francisco Instead of to Seattle.
Big Order of Cartridges. i
Wusblngtou, Juno 20. A contract
for 0,000,000 rounds of bull cartridges ,
of caliber .1)0 was awarded today uy
Acting Secretary Oliver, of tho War
department, tho contracVbcIng divided
equally between the Winchester Re
peating Arms company, the Union
Motalllo Cartridge company and the
United Slates Cartridge company. The
bids of tho thrco companies was Iden
tical In every particular, tho jirico of
each being $42.50 per 1,000 rounds.
China Desires Representation.
Pekln, Juiiu 20. Tho correspondent
of tho Associated Press horti Is informed
on good authority that China desires
to bo represented In tlioJRiisso-JapaiicBO
peaco conference,